Fire Emblem 7 - Decided to replay this a while back, recently got around to beating it. Final team was Kent/Lucius/Rebecca/Oswin/Raven/Fiora/Nino, though Sain, Erk, Priscilla, Canas, Legault, and Pent got a lot of use, though Erk/Canas were largely filler. Started the final chapter around 20/10-13 for non-filler people, with Hector and Priscilla being the underleveled ones (Hector at 20/8, Priscilla at 20/6).
Eliwood - Think he ended up with slightly below average strength, but made up for that with good speed. Ended up a little below average on concrete durability too, I thought, but again, good speed/luck to the rescue there.
Lyn - Lyn, meanwhile, decided to act like she had Hector's Str growth while keeping the good speed. MVP of the playthrough, most likely.
Hector - Had a somewhat rocky start but bounced back into average Hector territory.
Kent - Actually decided to gain strength this playthrough. That and the HP edge he had over Sain (helped in part by the Angelic Robe that was given to him in accordinance with the wishes of the bot) made me take him over Sain for Light.
Sain - Turned out largely as expected. Offensive powerhouse, not so great on at durability.
Erk - Turned out decidedly mediocre. Mostly used him for filler.
Lucius - Not a whole lot to say about Lucius, other than he felt like capping Mgc early. That and he got the Afa's Drop, for all the difference that made (probably none).
Rebecca - Rebecca decided to be a Res tank this playthrough. Little stronger than average, too, but got a little shafted on speed.
Oswin - Not a whole lot to say, aside from the fact that he decided on picking up the slack offensively lategame.
Priscilla - Turned out slightly below average until late.
Raven - It's Raven. What's there to say, really?
Canas - Also turned out average.
Fiora - First time I've had a peg knight turn out awesomely (or hell, even decently) in FE7. Wound up capping strength and I don't think she turned out below average in a single area.
Legault - Used him for stealing stuff, mostly. Was pretty lame as a combat unit due to 8 Str but then again I don't expect much from FE7 thieves in that regard.
Pent - Was pretty awesome (shock), though wasn't used for Light on the grounds that I used him for Light last time I played.
Nino - Turned out awesome after being fed a shitload of kills in Night of Farewells. blahblahreducingaveragelevelbecauseofthat well I probably would've used the filler more if I didn't use her anyways because that's how I roll so it wouldn't have made a huge difference for me.
Not much else to say, really, other than the playthrough reminded me of just how badly regular FE7 NM enemies suck, but eh.
At any rate, other stuff!
Strange Journey - Been playing this off and on for the last few weeks. Currently in Bootes, trying to kill Mitra.
Etrian Odyssey 3 - Cleared the 2nd stratum, got subclasses. Main team is currently Princess/Pirate/Monk/Zodiac/Balista.