I liked it. Formula opacity isn't really that terrible sin, particularly for the vast majority of more or less casual gamers.
Not that SF wasn't rough around the edges. It was rough around the middle, really, to say nothing of the edges. But it was fun and quirky and difficult and huge in scope, so, yeah. Worked for me.
Yeah, more or less agree with this. The DL has too much of this mindset of "MATH DAMAGE OUT!!!" whcih SaGa Frontier is completely against in that regard; when everything is internal and it leads to something that you don't care about, just "use move that does more damage" and figuring that out is easy in game (which is in SaGa Frontier for the most part), then its fine. At the same time, SaGa Frontier plays like a Beta cause...well...there's a lot of things that feel unfinished; heck, the fact that they ripped out an entire story arc (Fuse was suppose to have his own, apparently, and one that ties all the quests together, which I guess would be opened after you finished all the others, and makes SaGa Frontier almost pretend its one story instead of 7 like it actually is), and completely cut down on another (Asellus; there's a lot of dummied text from it which...makes the whole Mystic vs. Human ending style thing a bit more appropriate, considering her story barely touches up on that at all), what have you...yeah, its fun and all that, but the game definitely felt unfinished.
Worse - pictures of them approving Final Fantasy II.
Umm...this is a really thing to imagine.
The year is 1988. They just had a smashing success with Final Fantasy 1.
Square Guy #1: Hey, I got an idea! Lets make another game in the series, using the same graphics engine and what not! However, we won't make it a sequel, just an entirely new story!
Square Guy #2: Hey, brilliant idea! We'll make lots of money off that! So what made the original game so successful?
Square Guy #3: It was unique compared to stuff like Dragon Quest! So lets try to be unique again!
Square Guy #1: I got it! Instead of leveling up like in other games, you get stats based on what you do! But also, you build up weapons and magic! It'll be like no other game before it!
Square Guy #2: Cool idea!
You can see what I'm getting at. FF2 is really not such a bad thing on paper, and you have to consider the standards of which the game was made. You're blatant "lol FF2 sucks" statement is really falling short for this reason, and is really not witty. Its just a cheap shot that doesn't even make sense, cause FF2 is not a conceptually bad idea, ESPECIALLY for its time. Yes, the game has issues and didn't turn out the way people wanted it...but back then that was more forgivable.
There are ideas I just facepalm at. Dirge of Cerberus comes to mind; they made a 3rd person Shooting Game after a minor character that completely fucks with EVERYTHING FF7 had...and saw nothing wrong with it?