
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362087 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2375 on: May 30, 2010, 11:19:01 PM »
Aftergame is endless AFAIK.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2376 on: May 31, 2010, 12:03:16 AM »
XS3 -

First dungeon:

<Miyuki> Woohoo I suck!
<Canaan> I aged seven hundred and a half years in six months.
<Doctoris> -And- your name sucks.
<Canaan> :(
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> lol *smash.*


* Japan faps over Shion in a spiderwoman bikini.

<Miyuki> I still suck?
<Shion> You still suck. Now go away while I exhibit my dangerously anorexic body in a swimsuit that still manages to be less slutty than Jeane's dresses so the otakus have something to fap over.


<Allen> Hi, I'm emailing you to tell that the military took KOS-MOS to open a new niche stripclub and they're putting a strap-on dildo on her forehead. Also I miss you and I want to see you naked and OHGOD WHY AM I FORCED TO BE IN LOVE WITH THE WORST JERKASS SUE EVER JUST LET ME SEE YOUR BARE TITS
<Shion> Yeah right. Welp, time for a conspicuously placed flashback where I get one-upped by someone more irritatingly beloved than I am for no discernible reason other than the script saying so!

<Game> *LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGA-* Wait a minute, that would be awesome. Nonono we just get a dry cut to the scene without any mention of it being a flashback! Hooray, saved pennies for longer discretion pantyshots on hookerbot!

<Shion> oooooh it's so hard to be a jerk sue
<Shion> On the other hand, he probably does the jerk sue schtick better than I do.

<Shion> Kevin, are you trying to be like Jesus and save everyone with KOS-MOS?
<Kevin> No, not just that. I -want- to be Jesus, but I actually just wanted to know how sleazy sex with a biblical prostitute was like.
<Shion> ... god now I know how Allen feels.


<Red Testament> This scene is supposed to be totally cryptic and enigmatic, but it's actually just a very extended your mom joke. It's fun and easy just like your mom!
<Wilhelm> You were right, your mom emits good wavelength. Twice. From behind.
<NotMiki> You guys suck.

EDIT: Editor's digest notes: seriously, try putting "your mom" somewhere in every line said by the Red Testament and Wilhelm that scene. It -eerily- fits.

Sooooooooooo yeah. One hour in and it's up to a stellar start. Seriously, gratuitous bikini segment fifteen minutes into the game?


EDIT2: Good to know you still want Jin naked in your bed, preferrably on top of you, Margulis. How does your religion feel about that, though?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 04:31:46 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2377 on: May 31, 2010, 01:02:36 AM »
Back from the Pokemon VGCs.  First my team:

THE TEAM THAT ONLY GOD COULD DEFEAT (more on that in a minute)

Rayquaza @ Focus Sash
Dragon Dance
Draco Meteor

Lucario @ Black Belt
Follow Me
Low Kick

Empoleon @ Expert Belt
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon (changed this from Aqua Jet at the last minute, probably a bad decision but meh)

Giratina @ Leftovers
Shadow Force
Dragon Claw

The idea behind this team is for Rayquaza to rape things while Lucario covers for him.  Even though Lucario has sub-par defensive stats, his resistances complement Rayquaza perfectly.  Empoleon and Giratina are great cleanup hitters.  And if you're going "?" at Spite, keep in mind that most moves being spammed in these tourneys like Blizzard have only 5 base PP.

Round 1:  Against a girl, Tabitha (Tabby).  She didn't have any ubers, but her team was EV'd and move-tutored properly so it was a good fight.  She had Scizor, Charizard, Kingdra, and Crobat.  I saved the video of this match, id number 58-31729-95232.

Round 2:  Against a guy, think his name was Adam.  He had Torterra, Dialga, and two other non-ubers.  Not good at all.  He gets a Roar of Time off against Ray, but Focus Sash covers it while Lucario OHKOs him with Low Kick.  Ray sweeps the rest of his team, only Lucario dies.  Also, he thought using Leaf Storm against Empoleon was better than Earthquake.  LOL.

Round 3:  Against cute Asian girl Christine (aka Tine female symbol).  She leads with Feraligatr and Kyogre.  Not a problem, since Ray laughs at Water Spout and Lucario laughs at anything else Ky might be using.  Anyway, I get my Dragon Dance set up, Ky appears to be using Choice Scarf along with Water Spout, even better for me.

And then things start going wrong.  Feraligatr survives Dragon Danced Outrage.  W.  T.  F.  Things go downhill from there, and I'm soon left with only Giratina versus a healthy Garchomp and Gengar.  I can get off a Shadow Force here and kill Gengar, but if it has a Focus Sash I will lose since I can't take multiple hits from both heavy hitters.  But I don't feel comfortable with the odds of me killing Garchomp in one hit either.  So I go after Gengar.  Luckily it is not Sashed, so it dies.  Giratina has no problem handling Garchomp one on one after that.

Round 4:  Against guy named Rodolfo.  He's using Metagross, Garchomp, Palkia, and some other uber that I can't remember.  Starts off well, he's not equipped to deal with Lucario's Follow Me, so he eventually explodes his Metagross (which Lucario survives and activates Ray's Sash).  He manages to finish off Lucario who soaks another hit for Ray while it rapes the rest of his team.  Empoleon comes out and does 90% to his Garchomp with Ice Beam (Yache berry), while Ray does the same to Palkia (Haban berry).  Ray gets killed finally, Giratina comes out and Shadow Forces, and Empoleon dies before it gets to move again.

So I am in a fantastic situation.  Giratina's already up in the air targetting Palkia, both his Palkia and Garchomp have a sliver of health so will die in 1 hit, and Gar cannot kill Giratina even with a critical hit.  I have this match won.

And then God said NO.

The power shuts out at our whole table (both us and the match next to us).

We have to start the match over.

I am understandably worried at this point, because my team relies on the initial element of surprise in order to get Rayquaza setup properly.  I go with my standard setup, since I don't have a backup plan.  He swaps his other uber for a Giratina, which he leads along with Metagross.  I am almost certain he's going to explode with his Metagross, since it doesn't seem to be good for anything else.  So I swap both Ray and Lucario for Emp and Gira.  This was probably a partial mistake, as I should have let Lucario take the hit instead of the more useful Empoleon.  But at the moment I'm feeling pretty good because he's down a poke already and I only have a damaged Empoleon.

But things don't go well.  His Giratina turns out to be faster than mine, which becomes a *huge* advantage.  He can dodge everything I throw at him with Shadow Force, and also has Shadow Sneak as a priority move (which lets him nuke 1 hp Ray after Ray Draco Meteor's his Garchomp).  In the end, I only have my Giratina left against his Giratina and Palkia, and I can't handle two enemies hitting weakness on me at once.  I lose.

But I'm not bitter about the experience.  I wasn't planning on going to Nationals anyway this year, and I don't need another DSI, so the remaining rounds would just be bragging rights.  I know my team worked and (for all intents and purposes) I was in the top 32, so I'm content.

My kid also competed and went 1-1.  I made his team better than mine, but he's not very experienced so he still managed to muck it up.  :)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 05:44:51 AM by Captain K. »

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2378 on: May 31, 2010, 03:03:16 AM »
Wait. They let him SWAP when the match had to be restarted? Thats grounds for appeal, honestly. While the power loss sucks, it surprises me the judges would allow him to switch up his team.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2379 on: May 31, 2010, 03:17:03 AM »
XS3 - Three hours of game and like fifteen minutes spent on anything resembling gameplay. This is a XS alright.

Also, T-ELOS introduction: where they manage to give us three crotch shots and four brazilian bikini butt shots in less than thirty seconds.

ALSO ALSO, KOS-MOS' new cleavage is where all the development budget went after Shion left.


<Juli> Hi, I'm trying to give this sad show some shred of dignity.
<Shion> Yeah whatever, how's it been? Still having to pretend you like MOMO so you keep your job?
<Juli> I make more money babysitting MOMO than you do by turning tricks at that 7-11 at Ursa Minor, you know.
<Shion> You hush your mouth.

* LoligothAutisticFei wanders into the room and gets a pen.

<Juli> We're not committing copyright infringement, nope, not at all!
<Shion> Have you -seen- how Jin's dressing right now?
<Shion> sheesh whatever.

* LoligothAutisticFei draws a fucking butt-ugly drawing of Elly.

<Juli> Actually, it's just Toriyama Elly NOT ELLY AT ALL, no beatings involved. Did I mention Android-18 hates gears or fighting?
<Shion> Who the heck is Android-18?
<Juli> I have no idea, I just call the kid that way to avoid a lawsuit.
<Shion> Man, you're not even trying right now.
<Juli> You're saying that now? Just you wait 'til disc 2.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 04:23:10 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Captain K.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2380 on: May 31, 2010, 05:44:15 AM »
Wait. They let him SWAP when the match had to be restarted? Thats grounds for appeal, honestly. While the power loss sucks, it surprises me the judges would allow him to switch up his team.

Eh, considering there aren't really any rules at all about such a situation, I didn't really have anything to appeal.  Same deal with me not having a backup strategy - there shouldn't have been a situation where I faced the same player twice, so never considered needing one...

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2381 on: May 31, 2010, 07:03:38 AM »

*Elfboy grabs an extra large bucket of popcorn*

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2382 on: May 31, 2010, 07:18:33 AM »
I already said this in chat, but Snow deserves cookies.

*grabs a seat beside NEB, opens a bag of chips*
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2383 on: May 31, 2010, 07:21:44 AM »
Snow you are making the correct, balanced decision here.
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2384 on: May 31, 2010, 07:24:05 AM »
Snow always deserves cookies.
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2385 on: May 31, 2010, 01:54:20 PM »
Alpha Protocol - Finished, Last level is rush of bosses, which is fairly meh, but the plot is fun enough.  I guess it is to the late 90s and conspiracy theories to what 2004 to nowish (on going?) spy films are.  A big mish mash of everything that is sort of in them at the moment.  It is fun enough and when you aren't in boss fights the game is way fun.  Just don't pick Shotguns.  They are kind of bad.  I couldn't have beaten bosses without excessive kiting and stunlock spam at all, they just do no damage at all.  Apparently Pistols just kind of destroys shit.  The last boss I couldn't even stunlock without using the auto stun skill, so if I hadn't killed him with the one I had come up (after I shot him out a window uh okay) I am really not sure how I would have handled that fight.  Still went way better than the Helicopter gauntlet and Conrad Marburg fight (the one I was swearing about incessantly previously). 

Short and sweet review, if you like Deus Ex and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines along with modern Bond Films/Jason Bourne films then this is worth checking out.  If you don't like any of those then uh I don't know.  It might help if I had played more MGS, but if you like stealth games with retarded boss fights?  Well you might be disappointed because while the boss fights are retarded they aren't off the scale retarded and the controls aren't amazingly shit during them or anything.  If you want Thief though you will be massively disappointed, you can specalise in stealth just fine and get through most of the game, but come the end of an area you will want some skill in weaponry, if you are focussing on stealth at the expense of everything else (Stealth and Technical Aptitude) you will need to get up to the last boss of an area and then move on to somewhere else tempoarilly as all of the bosses have more armour and enough things that you will have trouble handling them without some kind of combat skill (and you have to uh fuck up pretty badly to not have one by the time you have cleared out almost 2 whole areas worth of missions since there is only 3 areas).

Fun game for me, fairly up and down with angry and really happy with it, but some of that was brought on myself.  I might play again on an easier difficulty just playing an angry dude who shoots people in the mouth with his pistol, but hey I still have Dragon Age replay to do and the expansion to get through first.  Not to mention there is stuff I need to revisit in Mass Effect 2.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2386 on: May 31, 2010, 09:16:26 PM »
So much FE10 talk has made me want to play it!

...too bad I have no Wii at the moment >_>  So, in place of that, I figured I'd do a challenge run of FE7!

Females only.  I could use Matthew to steal, and that's it.  Lyn mode went perfectly fine (maxed out Nils/Ninian!).  Then...Hector Hard Mode.  When I have Serra and Rebecca as the only characters to challenge 13x...things do not go well.  So...I've given up on that for the moment to play...

FE8 Hard Mode Females Only!  Same restrictions above - can use Colm to steal (REPLACED WITH RENNAC LATER, HOWEVER) and open things, Ephraim only for 5x...everything else is kind of straightforward.  Oh, and, for once, no RNG abusing >_>  

Currently finished Chapter 10.  The game...well, it's a bit more challenging than normal?  First few maps were basically Eirika soloing the game.  Then Vanessa joined...and it took forever to level her up to the point where she didn't die to everything.  Too many axes early >_>  Still desperately in need of someone who can not only take a hit, but also deal damage >_>  Missed recruiting Amelia the first time (too many enemies...couldn't kill them all), which means she's going to be a bit behind later.  Oh well.  

Current Stats:

Lvl 18, 25 HP, 8 STR, 17 SKL, 16 SPD, 13 LUK, 8 DEF, 7 RES

*Probably the Eirika I've had the best STR growth with ever - usually they're hovering around 6 by level 20 >_>

Lvl 12, 22 HP, 9 STR, 11 SKL, 18 SPD, 13 LUK, 7 DEF, 8 RES

*...STR and defenses are far lower than I'm used to..she also has some trouble hitting things, oddly.

Lvl 15, 26 HP, 12 MAG, 6 SKL, 14 SPD, 19 LUK, 7 DEF, 14 RES

*  I never used Natasha much, but she's turning out good this first time I'm really using her.

Lvl 15, 26 HP, 11 STR, 14 SKL, 15 SPD, 10 LUK, 7 DEF, 10 RES

* on par with Tana

Lvl 16, 28 HP, 9 STR, 10 SKL, 17 SPD, 12 LUK, 5 DEF, 11 RES

*...;_; usually her STR and SKL are far better than this

Lvl 18, 26 HP, 15 MAG, 8 SKL, 14 SPD, 15 LUK, 5 DEF, 13 RES

*Accuracy needs a little work, but is still valuable for the damage alone

Lvl 3, 20 HP, 1 STR, 2 SKL, 14 SPD, 12 LUK, 5 DEF, 6 RES


Lvl 8, 26 HP, 9 STR, 15 SKL, 15 SPD, 12 LUK, 4 DEF, 3 RES

*Decent - I have good luck with female swordmasters, so hopefully she'll be able to gain some more STR and smash things

I blew Eirika's Rapier fast - it was the only way I could damage some bosses.  Missed a few items in the towns (Haven't used any stat boosters yet!) due to not having the manpower to get to them in time.  No one has promoted yet - Lute's really been the MVP thus far, as she can actually damage things!  Marisa has gained awesome stats so far, so it appears my usual luck with female swordmasters is kicking in.  Thank god >_>  Lute's SKL looks awful, but she has SPD, though the MAG is a bit lower than I am used to.  Rest of the stats speak for themselves - really fast, but damage kind of lacking >_>
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 09:24:49 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2387 on: May 31, 2010, 10:58:19 PM »
Cross Edge - Finished up synthing everything and getting the best composite materials I could (for now).  Went to fight the first boss of 5-3... and lost.  I got 2% away from killing the thing and then it healed a bit and then I screwed up and failed to kill it on later turns and just got killed.

Tried it again a second time, managed to one-round him (well, two if you count storing up AP).  The support was a joke on offense, but it took awhile to kill them because I did less damage than I thought with EX moves and wasted them (they have perfect evasion at low HP so you have to use EX moves to hit them).  Oh well, just made the fight longer.  Got 5.5m EXP for them (5.5 levels, basically), but that's kind of weak considering the boss was level 500 and my people were hovering around 250...

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2388 on: May 31, 2010, 11:47:22 PM »
FF4- Just discovered ROSA'S CURSE!! Hooray, time to save her~
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2389 on: June 01, 2010, 05:07:46 AM »
So much FE10 talk has made me want to play it!

...too bad I have no Wii at the moment >_>  So, in place of that, I figured I'd do a challenge run of FE7!

Females only.  I could use Matthew to steal, and that's it.  Lyn mode went perfectly fine (maxed out Nils/Ninian!).  Then...Hector Hard Mode.  When I have Serra and Rebecca as the only characters to challenge 13x...things do not go well.  So...I've given up on that for the moment to play...

FE8 Hard Mode Females Only!  Same restrictions above - can use Colm to steal (REPLACED WITH RENNAC LATER, HOWEVER) and open things, Ephraim only for 5x...everything else is kind of straightforward.  Oh, and, for once, no RNG abusing >_>  

Sounds like a fun challenge, I might have to join you in that... hardcore style of course!  (No resets, something tells me this is going to end in failure.)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2390 on: June 01, 2010, 05:33:21 AM »
I'm doing the same thing, only calling it Harem Mode because I allow male lords.

...Lute needs to stop being slow, but everyone's kicking ass. Except L'Arachel, who may need an early promotion.

Trying to get Great Knight Amelia to level S in axes so I have a Garm user, because Tellius is the only land where women are awesome enough to regularly use axes.

...I also kinda uh CHEATED JUST A LITTLE. Mostly because I'm sick of Myyrh's shitty 50 use weapon. I should've just given her Wretched Breath or whatever, but, well, one thing lead to another and now she has Demon Light. So there's that.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2391 on: June 01, 2010, 06:50:37 AM »
Super Mario Galaxy 2
About 60-70 stars in.  Generally impressed.  It's more like Mario Galaxy and less like Mario 64, which...overall is good (for all that I love Mario 64, I like my games to be focused on what they do well).  They seem to be making more of an effort at making each star really stand out in some way (although...they're doing a worse and worse job of that later in the game--running out of new mechanics to introduce, I guess).

Upgrade Complete...Nuzlocke run.  I did an easier version first, and then came up with these rules:

1. If you fail to beat a wave, restart the game.
2. You may spend money on only one thing between each wave.  (i.e. one ship-part or one upgrade, not both).

So...remember how I kinda stat topiced this game a little while ago?  From this I figured out the following strategies.  First, get up to 12 ship parts before doing anything else--two ship parts do more damage than one level 2 ship part.  Next, level 1 guns deal more damage than level 1 anything else, and from a few attempts, the 12th wave is one of the hardest (when basically all your stuff is level 1) so...use lots of level 1 guns.  (Though don't use exclusively guns--they don't have homing, and stack badly due to hit detection).  Next...Missiles get slightly more damage out of an upgrade (compared to guns) so...when possible upgrade missiles.

After...four or five failed runs (many of which were experimenting with more missiles and fewer guns) I eventually cracked it with an 8-4 ratio.  Final ship looked like....

8 level1 guns
3 level3 missiles
1 level4 missile


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2392 on: June 01, 2010, 08:37:27 AM »
LoE- Beaten a few days ago, doubt I'll do a second cycle. But I guess we are having two more OG games nefore OG3.

Senko no Ronde Duo-

Finally beaten, god, I hate danmaku.
What the fuck is wrong with the Changpo vs. Hadro fight? Yes, it is such a good idea to pit a boss with 360 degree danamku who can even shoot from the behind or teleport right on top of you against some one with so little armor and totally lacks wide range rapid fire and a stupidly weak bomb. Yeah, how many fucking time I got totally overwhelmed by the form 3???

Oh, and death to "drop them to 1 hp but don't kill them mission". FUCK, FUUUUUCK those. This is not SRW!!

Gaaahhh, thank god I can lower the difficulty or else the hell I can finish this game.

At least it is worth it when Pitote shows up. G.Rev, you still can't get over with your obsession with Boarder Down, do you?

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2393 on: June 01, 2010, 11:18:53 AM »
Pretty psyched to play Alpha Protocol.

I will not use shotguns, since they apparently suck. Besides, Alvis only used pistols. Everyone knows that.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2394 on: June 01, 2010, 11:23:08 AM »
They really really are.

I don't know how you manage to make shotguns with Phosophorous shells that let you kill people with fire bad, but they managed.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2395 on: June 01, 2010, 06:40:04 PM »
MF6- Just finished Ike's soul. Magus was an awesome(ly whorish) boss. Kudos, devilish Meeple. Next is Sheldar ! WILL I GET FOOMY??!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2396 on: June 01, 2010, 08:38:56 PM »
They really really are.

I don't know how you manage to make shotguns with Phosophorous shells that let you kill people with fire bad, but they managed.

Maybe it's intentional, because when you level them up enough you become unstoppable. It's like uncursing the Cursed Shield.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2397 on: June 01, 2010, 11:32:19 PM »
Pokemon Soul Silver - Defeated BUGSY. Both he and Falkner are real bosses now, although there wasn't much Bugsy could really do about def-buffed Onix. Still, they improved him as much as was possible given they only gave him 2 levels and still saddled him with Metapod and Kakuna. Current levels are 10-13.

Current team, which is subject to some change (at the very least, I'm set on using Vulpix) is...

Totodile: Haven't been using him much as I've been raising others, but he's solid enough without being outstanding in any way. Has the always handy side-bonus of murdering otherwise tanky rocks. Just got Bite, which should up his offence a fair deal and round out his weakness-hitting some more.
Onix: Aw yeah competent Onix. 150% exp gain of course helps. His offence isn't amazing but he can tank like little else, Screech to lower Def, and hits a bunch of handy weaknesses, all off good speed.
Spearow: Filler flier to murder bugs and grasses. Definitely not planning to use him long-term, but he's quite effective for now.
Hoppip: Bullet Seed TM makes him much more usable than he was in Crystal, I feel, since he no longer waits forever for an attack better than non-STAB Tackle. Anyway, still waiting for the real payoff here since he hasn't learned status moves (besides Flash which I taught him) but Bullet Seed is nice enough when it nails its weaknesses.
Zubat: Still a couple levels short of him getting damage, so he's... bad at first, though his typing lets him wall stuff and confuse it with his low-odds Supersonic.
Togepi: Level 1 Extrasensory is a hell of an improvement, so he works as a kind of weird earlygame psychic + project. The speed is depressing but Charm is a handy move.

Eviltype - Uh, not sure what I did and didn't mention since last time.

Phoenix Cave: Mentioned this in chat already, but I don't like Trixters the way they are now; they just bounce Fire 3 off themselves for unimpressive, easily wallable damage once they cast Reflect, and they take too long to kill with Reflect + high MDef + no real status holes. Other enemies here are cool though.
Red Dragon: Runic can stop Flare from ripping you apart. Yay Runic hype!

Storm Dragon: Think I fought him around here. Anyway, I had a fairly poor party for him (no Minerva and too many light armour users so it was very nasty, I got wiped badly once, came back and immediately cast ZoneSeek + Fenrir + Haste 2, later added in Safe, and made it through, though when people did eventually die I got in a pretty nasty scare. One of my PCs (Sabin, who didn't have a good shield) was just too fragile to stay up so I let him die and tried my hold on, lots of reviving towards the end before I finally landed the last few attacks.

Triangle Island: Zombite scary if not blocked, nothing new there. Karkasses are dirty whores until you MP drain them. The fights against the Coverts and Tap Dancers are fairly scary but Stop and MP damage keeps them under control.

Ancient Castle: The dungeon of X-Zone spam. Quite frankly I'm fine with this, the move is inaccurate enough to make me consider other options often enough, especially once down to one or two enemies. Otherwise they wall magic very effectively, although I'm sure if I'd had Quake or Meteor it'd be a different story.
Master Pug: MP drained him.
KatanaSoul: Forget exactly what he did besides making me dispel him and buff up and ow the ID special but eh, manageable.
Blue Dragon: I hate Slow+Ripper. Except when the Rippler misses! Good times.

Cyan's Soul: Second notable complaint here: Allosaurs. They just have way too much HP. I got wiped by one and was pretty disgusted because I'd done like 20k damage. Granted, I came back with a Relic Ring + 255 def (Mog was my starter) which totally owns him in the face but still, he does feel too durable for someone who can reasonably fight a solo PC? Especially since everyone else in the dungeon (rightly) only has 4 digit HP. I guess if you're willing to just run from them they're not a problem but bleh, Eviltype feels better than that.
Stooges - Probably took me almost half an hour, three fairly durable bosses with lots of healing against only 3 PCs. My fault for not having any Ribbons eqiupped since they're status whores to the max, but so it goes. MP killed Curley eventually, and then the rest became quite manageable. Randomly discovered Larry could be confused which made things easier towards the end. Also dispel got a lot of use! Yay dispel! Very fun fight overall though.
Train and cave: Train enemies are competent enough, Sneeze is the ultimate annoyer even though it ensures you won't game over, the Samurai MDef I found amusing. Cave... I only fought an Io, who did almost nothing before going down. Unlike Allosaur he could probably stand to have more HP! Fights 3 PCs and weak to a common element.
Wrexsoul: Is a dirty cheating whore but that's entirely true to FF6. I have nothing more to say here.

Doom Gaze: Got owned by him badly earlier in the WoR, but with Shadow throwing Flame Sabres, one PC with Fire 3, and one PC with Illumina, he wasn't too bad. Lots of healing controls his constant Bane Claws, I imagine Fenrir would work even better.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2398 on: June 02, 2010, 01:41:58 AM »
Cross Edge - Woo more postgame bosses~

First eight bosses weren't that bad.  Managed to overkill them all on round 2 (and then finish off the support in the next 4 turns...).  Then Vermillion shows up being a massive whore.  He has ridiculous defense (6*88 damage Fanatic Rave wtf), Deep Breath (not like I CAN DO PHYSICAL DAMAGE ANYWAY YOU JERK), and Perfect Barrier (perfect magic evasion at <25% HP).  Manage to beat him with good old magic EX attacks (ignore evade), but seriously that guy is a whore.  I only got about 50% of the way to overkilling him.

Next up was Astral or something I don't know.  Also ridiculously physically tanky (8*88 Fanatic Rave!) but can also take magic better.  Managed to kill him on turn 2 as usual, but just barely.

Finally, Shen Long.  What the hell man.  Starts out with good physical defense (not as much as the previous two) and not special magic defense.  But once he gets to low HP he basically starts tinking out most normal attacks and only combos do anything resembling damage.  Oh, and his support freaking heals him.

So I use turn 2 to rack up some SP on him, and knock him down to low health.  Turn 4 I nuke one of the support guys, then the other on turn 6.  Now I can handle the offense better and also he can't heal.  Combo the hell out of him on turn 8.  Then turn 10.  Then finally kill him on turn 12.  WHAT THE HELL.  And I only get 4m EXP because it took so long.

So now I'm sitting at the next boss.  Level is around 310 or something now.  Probably supposed to be higher (Shen Long was level 800), but whatever.  Level grinding is boring.  Going to see how far I can get without doing it.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2399 on: June 02, 2010, 03:45:10 AM »
Allosaurs. They just have way too much HP. I got wiped by one and was pretty disgusted because I'd done like 20k damage. Granted, I came back with a Relic Ring + 255 def (Mog was my starter) which totally owns him in the face but still, he does feel too durable for someone who can reasonably fight a solo PC? Especially since everyone else in the dungeon (rightly) only has 4 digit HP. I guess if you're willing to just run from them they're not a problem but bleh, Eviltype feels better than that.

Cyan's Soul was done with the idea in mind that it would probably be the last or nearly the last thing done before WoR was completed. Not because the rewards are necessarily *worth* it...but because the game scaled it that way, Wrexsoul without cheese is, one of the best bosses in the WoR overall(sadly).

So there were some interesting hiccups in the area of "Do I scale this to three competent, powerful PCs and assume they get their other characters back fast and run/Charm Bangle/Moogle Charm from fights until they do? Or assume someone will get lost a while and not have or be willing to do that?". The entire subarea's challenge pretty much relies on what assumption you peg it to, which is why you end up with one annoyingly strong monster and some others that can be handled solo, because I'm really good at dissatisfying compromises when I get indecisive about design.

Having said all that the 30k they have is probably too much and isn't too necessary for their design. Probably I just flat rate doubled or tripled what was there without thinking about it. >_> This is the sort of thing that is why I need to do one last revision of Eviltype.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter