FFV Advance: Cleared out World 3. Got all the summons, weapons and bonus spells, just picked up the three new jobs and will play around with them a bit before jumping Voidward. Builds are:
Bartz: Mastered Ranger, Blue Mage, Monk, Bard (I was out of things to master, sue me), got 2-Hand from Knight. As Freelancer, uses double-handed Excalibur to Rapid Fire things to death, with blue magic for backup.
Lenna: Mastered White Mage, Thief, Blue Mage, Samurai. Probably using White and Blue magic for the last fights.
Krile: Mastered Red Mage (finally!), Time Mage, Summoner, White Mage. Mime with Doublecast, Summon and White Magic FTW.
Faris: Mastered Ninja, Mystic Knight, White Mage. Double-sworded Flare Sword with a white magic backup sounds good to me.