Pokemon - Uber Elite Four beaten up. Meh, think they really didn't do this as well as they did in FRLG; the problem is that the first four are all around Level 60-64, whereas Lance is 72-75. So either the first four (especially first three) will be too easy or Lance will be too tough. In FRLG, Gary was definitely the best, and a nasty bastard, but the others certainly weren't pushovers. Anyway, I had my two Level 70 ubers so they definitely helped make things easier; first three were total jokes, but Karen was actually competent enough to fell a few pokemon (not getting raped in the face by Mewtwo helps). Lance was pretty fun. Ice Beaming Mewtwo was not kind to his pokemon, and I'd probably have found him easy except I foolishly allowed him to get paralysed by a Thunder Wave from a Gyarados I already knew had it. Still one-shotted the Dragonite and Altaria so that was cool. Charizard still sucked, Gyarados was annoying for the aforementioned Thunder Wave but still isn't going to rival Wallace's for scariest Gyarados in the series. Salamence... well. He gave me a damn good scare. I sent Jumpluff out against him, only to watch Sleep Powder get cancelled by a Lum Berry. Flamethrower fortunately left Jumpluff with 5 HP, so I switched out into Ho-oh who scared 'mence into switching out, and later finished the job.
Garchomp was the real problem. If Mewtwo hadn't been paralysed it'd be another story, but as is he could waste the already injured, paralysed Mewtwo with Outrage, and outrace Ho-oh's attempts to Recover easily while laughing at what passed for damage. I was about to give up (I'd already lost Crobat by this point, who valiantly did most of the work against Gyar but got paralysed and eventually grounded) but sent in Jumpluff, figuring that surely he'd be outsped and one-shotted. More fool me, Jumpluff went first (despite going second against 'mence, weird EV/IV/natures at work) and Sleep Powder + Leech Seed + flashflashflashflashflash with Choice Scarf Togekiss to tie him up with flinching and I win. Twenty level disadvantage? What's that? God Jumpluff is awesome.
Not as tough as Uber Gary but eh, that's fine, since he's not the FRUE FINAL CHALLENGE in this game.
So yeah, final(?) team:
Mewtwo - Psychic, Ice Beam, Barrier, Amnesia - It's Mewtwo. Wish I could buff his offence or heal, but defensive buffing is cool too.
Ho-oh - Fly, Sacred Fire, Recover, Safeguard. I'll probably toss Safeguard for Sunny Day or something like that, since I have two fires and it messes up Hail.
Jumpluff - Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Flash, Giga Drain. It says something that I consider deleting his only attack from time to time. So good at what he does. Arguably the overall MVP of this playthrough.
Crobat - Fly, Poison Fang, Confuse Ray, Roost. The other arguably MVP. My main problem has been deciding what the hell to do with that second attack slot; Poison Fang isn't really great, but eh, the rando-Toxic is cool. Fly dominates his game anyway, especially now that he has Black Sludge for regen. Roost is so good, it means that the only thing he's actually weak to is pyschic since he can heal and avoid any other weaknesses (nobody ever uses ground on him since enemies can't predict Roost). Hax speed + Confuse Ray + Black Sludge + Fly dominates otherwise.
Ninetales - Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Confuse Ray. More fast confusion is good, buffing is great. Mostly overcomes my inherent dislike of fires, best fire type I've used... um... ever? Probably ever. Says so much.
Togekiss - Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Flamethrower, Extrasensory. Choice Scarf against fights I expect to mostly outspeed him (which is most of them), Choice Scarf otherwise for savage beatdowns. Works pretty effectively, 60% flinch did save me a few times.
Girafarig (BP Agility is cool, but it's about all he has now that his so-so stats (mine has about 0 SA IVs to boot) have definitely caught up with him) and Feraligatr (demoted to HM slave, he is good at that!) are the two I benched for the ubers.
Oh yeah I also beat the Clair/Lance double battle, didn't find it too hard since I got twice as many pokemon as anyone else.
Just Ash left!
Devil May Cry - Up to Mundus.