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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2925 on: July 06, 2010, 11:37:40 PM »
Chrodechild is the best recruit ever.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2926 on: July 07, 2010, 02:50:31 AM »
Up to The Cardinal Virtue of Justice in Bayonetta. PAradiso levels were fun stuff. Brutal toward the end of C11, but fun. Also got my 360 hard drive set up, and now I can play XBox Originals. Yay!

Ninja Gaiden Black - BREAKING NEWS YOU HAVE CERTAINLY NEVER HEARD BEFORE: This game is hard. Up to stage 4, and keep dying to Black Spider Ninja before I get to the checkpoint. Aaaargh exploding shurikens.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2927 on: July 07, 2010, 03:58:26 AM »
Final Fantasy 7: Ultimate Nerf War Crisis HardCore or something

Hardest boss in the game defeated?

So.  FF7CC on Hard.  It starts off insanely difficult (learning the system + not very many save points in the first fight-Wutai mission), but then becomes basically doable and fun by the middle.  This is thanks to the ruthless defensive setup Zack can use - for the middle of the game, I pretty much always had 2 HP+ materias, Barrier, MBarrier, a Cure(ga/raga), and some attack spell for range purposes / phy. resistant enemies.  Those are your 6 slots, so no room for anything too fancy, but Zack's physicals seem better than the fancier other options anyway.  However.  The game becomes deliriously hard again in the final dungeon - OHKOing randoms if you don't have Barrier up, and minibosses that like to toss out 8,000 damage Flares, etc.  But most importantly, the problem is that Zack has been stuck at 9999 HP for some time now.  It's nice that I only need 1 HP+ materia now which frees up a materia slot, but without the ability to uber Zack's HP, there's just no margin for error, and huge HP enemies means you need to stay perfect for awhile.  Plus (M)Barrier can't be refreshed before it runs out; it's fine if I just have to notice that Zack is taking more damage, better recast, but in the final dungeon it becomes "watch for when the array of rotating statuses starts skipping the two since a slip can be deadly."

So.  Before this I'd have said that Sephiroth was the toughest boss, and he was pretty good.  2 Game Overs on him, and that fight was suitably awesome.  His Draw Slash if unevaded / not blocked does 7500 damage or so pre-Barrier, and you can get mobbed by the crystals easily enough - especially if you're foolish enough not to equip a Dragon Armlet.  He'll also resummon the crystals if you dawdle after killing them, and Heartless Angel->quick slash was death the first time he pulled that on me.  Still, he's doable enough.  Hollander was annoying, but much like the Shinra grunts, he can be handled via massive Death spam on his worms and chugging Ethers like a druggy.

So.  What is the actual toughest boss?  Well, to make the final dungeon easier, I started farming Missions, but I was hitting something of a wall there too - the same "the damage is too high" problem.  There was only one solution: Find myself the accessory that removes the HP cap, and make all these other fights doable again.  There's a set of missions that hand out various "break X limit" items, and it was clear that the last of them would be the HP limit one.  Here's the boss fight:

1 G Paladin
2 Belzecues

The G Paladin is actually fairly wussy alone - good HP but he's EASILY stun-locked and can be slaughtered one-on-one no problem.  If you ignore him, he will Wall himself (good taste), has a Combo Attack if you somehow get stuck next to him and let him hit you, and will shoot his Gunblade at you (requires that you either be close to him and strafing to dodge, or else use an actual roll-dodge).  Energy is a ranged shot similar to Gunblade but more damage, but also more setup time to disrupt him.  And oh yes.  He has DISPEL.  So no more Barrier / MBarrier for Zack in a game which basically revolves around getting a good defensive setup going.

The Belzecues are doggies.  Fast doggies - they zoom around the field - but fairly frail.   It only takes about ~8 castings of Hell Thundaga to kill them, or 3 full Zack physical combos from behind with auto-crits to off 'em.  Theoretically they can be ID'd as well - when I tried equipping Death, I got "Miss" rather than "Guarded" on them, but we're talking 0/40 batting average here.  However they *bring the pain*.  3200 damage a hit, and they generally have a two-hit combo (though if you roll early, what'll often times happen is the first will miss but the second hits).   And they have a HIGH CRITICAL RATE.  Not sure what exactly but it's at least 20%.  So yeah, a crit will do ~6500 damage (if Barrier is not up) when Zack's HP is capped at 9999.  And a two-hit combo with one a crit will do 9500 damage.  Lastly, they've got Disenchanting Tentacle, which is two hits of extreme overkill MP damage - like 1500 MP damage when Zack has ~300-350 max MP.  Like the normal physical it's two hit and the last hit has a wide swath, so once again mistiming a dodge means that you might evade hit #1, but kiss your MP goodbye on the second hit.  And oh yes, if you're thinking about, say, trying to free up some Accessory slots by getting rid of your Headband for say +60 Vit on Defense (not that Vit seems to do a whole lot in this game) their attacks Stun Zack as well, and needless to say Stun is still pretty much Zack's death warrant.

You can see how this goes.  Zack gets chased by evil doggies around the field while the G Paladin dispels Zack's defensive buffs and snipes him.  Pretty much any kind of hit tends to require healing to be safe, and you can only recast Wall so fast, and you can't safely stand still to cast a spell if doggies are currently chasing you.  And oh yes random criticals of doom, often hitting right after a Dispel.  If you aren't having enough fun running around trying to keep up you also get to toss an Ether if you let Zack get hit by a Disenchanting Tentacle.

Well.  My new apartment does not have a washer / dryer, so it was laundromat time yesterday.  It was also time to beat this damn fight so that all the other fights can become doable.  It took about 12 deaths, but it's finaaaaaaally over.  Think I might have gotten lucky on a Hell Thundaga ID somewhere? The Belzecue presence definitely seemed less than it should have, and I stayed as far away as possible while zapping with Hell Thundaga.  The G Paladin got a zap if I could target him and saw him prepping Dispel, but was otherwise ignored.  Eventually I took advantage of the Dogs bad durability, and once they were dead the fight's cake.  But man.  So much slow loading of mission, Zack hugging walls, then Zack taking a nap like 30-45 seconds into the fight.  I even went to the trouble of buying the Healing Wave materia by the end and equipping it, since Aeris would also make the fight cake thanks to cheaty invincibility, but alas it didn't kick in even with the materia equipped.

Final setup for that fight:
HP++ (+520%)
Healing Wave (boost DMW chance of Aeris)
Hell Thundaga
Status Ward

Now the game will cry as Zack's HP has now jumped from 9999 to 20,000 (swapped Healing Wave for another HP++), AND Zack's HP can get even better than that again thanks to overhealing limits.  Woo.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 05:47:02 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2928 on: July 07, 2010, 11:24:24 AM »
Beat the Momohime [Jinkuro] side of Muramasa: The Demon Blade, working on Kisuke's story now.

Visually, the game is fantastic. Beautiful animations, absolutely fantastic background art, lush colors, lots of variety, and very attractive character designs (well, on the female side; Kisuke is eh).

Soundtrack is a mixed bag. I really enjoyed one of the earliest BGMs used in Momohime's route (can't find official names anywhere but some guy on Youtube uploaded it as [Dusky A]) and figured I might be in for a classic OST. Then it turns out that I would find almost every other track in the game to be bland and forgettable. <_< Oh well.

Plot is light for an RPG but okay for an action game. Game definately feels more like an action game with RPG elements rather than a full-fledged action RPG ala Star Ocean/Seiken Densetsu/Tales/etc., so that's alright. I was thrown for a bit of a loop by the absence of an introduction cutscene, though, since even Mario games have those nowadays.

Gameplay is... mmm, trying to express my thoughts on this at least semi-coherently. There's I believe at least 7 different basic attack motions, all of which consist of pressing A + maybe a direction, even parrying projectile attacks; this is the first game I've ever seen where you can and will parry attacks accidentally in the process of beating up other unrelated enemies. This creates a very fast-paced battle system where you can slash your way through foes effectively while playing casually and not worrying about what exactly you are inputting for every single move. On the other hand the game does feel it is genuinely harder to play at a super precise technical level than an action game with a slower pacing and a more Street Fighter-style control scheme. It's still fun either way, and I'm glad that the game is lenient enough that you don't have to master the combat system and pull off completely flawless boss fights to progress. I do wonder to what extent it's a matter of gameplay being harder to master than something like Mario vs me just not being good at this particular genre.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2929 on: July 07, 2010, 01:41:34 PM »
w00t! Final Dungeon of SuikoTierkreis! The last leg of the game isn't quite a masterpiece of storytelling, but the world-building remains strong all the way up to last dungeon. There's some subtle reveals to some of the questions posed throughout the game right at the end here and you have to make sure to make a big once-over of your castle to get all the scenes. Still, nicely told without coming out and stating the obvious about some of the more sensitive questions raised.

The main villains' motivations are kinda hit-or-miss, but at least the game recognizes that people who do bad things aren't just terrible people, and the player can at least understand where the villain is coming from (and he doesn't have any stupid Freudian excuses like an abusive mother or what-have-you).

Final parties! SPOILERS and such.

Team "Citro: Represent!" - Hero (I named him "Tier"), Liu, Jale, Luo-Tao

Team "Magedom Prettyboys! (And Manaril)" - Asad, Shams, Manaril, Roberto

Team "Swordchicks and Librarychicks" - Chrodechild, Fredegund, Sophia, Diadora

Team... Furry? - Diulf, Nimni, Ordovoc, Marica(?)

And I didn't even have to use any non-plot-important people!

Not the most efficient setups, but I managed to get fighters/healers/mages in each group and who cares? It's SuikoTierkreis, the game is already rolling over and dying simply because I managed to get this many people over level 30 (Hero is at L52).

Should be fun, looking forward to the ending.

Also, 108 Stars of Destiny GET! Fuck you, Namna! I shouldn't have to get 107 stars just to finally activate a scene that will trigger your final recruitment scene, you fail dolphin-faced freak!

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2930 on: July 07, 2010, 03:12:18 PM »
Thanks Yoshi, thanks Meeple~

FFIII- Saved outside Goldor Manor. Already had two resets in there >.> Recap -

*Tower of Owen - Had to run through it three times due to turd randoms hating on Luneth.

*Salamander - Took like five or six attempts attempts to defeat, don't remember for sure because after having to redo the dungeon over and over I kinda blanked out >.> At any rate the darn thing didn't use Fire Breath at all on the attempt I finally defeated it. Ended that section of the game at L16.

*Hein - Thankfully only one reset here due to Blizzara. Second attempt he didn't use it at all despite the battle dragging up and eventually ending with only Warrior Ingus and Refia using L1/L2 spells ;o

*Kraken - One reset from randoms in the dungeon but Kraken itself was easy especially since I tried out Blizzaga on a whim which did niice damage (I thought Kraken might be immune/resistant to it) Also have to mention Ingus with Blood Sword here which made most things in the dungeon a joke.

*Sewers - Yaay Blood Sword! *^_^*

Party is L21 AVG now. What seems to be working best is dual wielding Ingus with Blood Sword and the next strongest sword I have so I've mostly just been having the others defend.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2931 on: July 07, 2010, 03:28:34 PM »
Ooh, if you're struggling with Goldor Manor, do what I did and have a Thief with two Boomerangs. Helps out a LOT - my Thief Luneth is getting a borderline OHKO on pretty much everything in there.

Tuesday 6th July:
 - FF1: Got the last Lv 4 spell for my White Mage and entered the Marsh Cave! Oh god the paralysis spamming it burns. ;_; Had to leave again after grabbing the treasures from the top route because I was low on health and Cure/Cur2s. =/
 - FF6: Tried the Floating Continent again, died to Chupon's Fire Ball. Tried again, died to AirForce again. Tried AGAIN after some more exploring/stocking up on items, managed to beat AirForce only by having Sabin tank a Wave Cannon. Very nearly died on the Floating Continent! Went to grab Shadow and use a Tent, ran into a Dragon before I even reached the Save Point - Sabin only survived because it missed while I was running! Anyways, some tough fights around here, but mostly blitzed through (literally), with some fun with Gau's Rages and Shadow using Cure on Misfits. Saved near the Airship jump point, ready to lose to AtmaWeapon!

Currently losing to AtmaWeapon now - just lost for the first time, mostly thanks to that evil evil evil Mind Blast -> Flare Star -> Meteo section.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2932 on: July 07, 2010, 03:43:09 PM »
Well done to SnowFire. Now have fun with the rest of the missions, especially the ones with enemies that OHKO you HP limit or no HP limit.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2933 on: July 07, 2010, 04:01:29 PM »
Tales of Innocence:
Just beat the Japan place. Story-telling is still Tales story-telling at its finest. My current dungeon entrance went something like this: (SPOILERS)

Gatekeeper: "This place is dangerous, there's a violent killer inside."
Hermana: "We're strong!"
Gatekeeper: "Sorry little girls aren't strong. Denied."
Luca: "But we fought him before and didn't lose!"
Gatekeeper: "You're still kids."
Ricardo: "But I'm an adult and I fought the violent killer before!"
Gatekeeper: "Oh, I see. K then, good luck."

Lol Tales. They're pretty gullible, too.

Still, fun little game. Battles are still interesting without just spamming the same thing over and over (even if Iria just spams Successive Bullet over and over and over because the damage output is RIDICULOUS) and I guess I still like the characters. Need more Ricardo skits, too much focus on Iria/Spada/Luca.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2934 on: July 07, 2010, 09:37:47 PM »
Strange Journey - Cleared Sector F, doo de doo~


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2935 on: July 07, 2010, 09:51:08 PM »
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones: Beat it. I once beat the final battle with a character loss and decided to do the last two stages over again. The strategy for defeating final boss without a character loss was following: Eirika or Erpraim attack, the other one attacks and finally Myrrh attacks finishing the boss off. It was over the very first turn. I don't think I was overleveled, so I'd say the final boss was lacking in durability.

I choose mostly fast characters and I was rather lucky with their defense growth, so I never needed any of the high defense characters. This hurt my healers since I often ended up taking no damage at all from enemy attacks and the healers didn't have enough to heal to level up fast enough. Once my mages promoted and could use rods, I ditched my original healers.

The story of the game started out rather interesting, but became less and less interesting as the game went on. I didn't expect much though.

The two main character weren't very interesting. Mostly they were just dull with some occasional irritation sprinkled in. Eirika twice tried to give away a plot critical item to the enemy and once actually succeeded. Ephraim didn't do anything irritating by himself, but other characters just couldn't shut up about how awesome he is.

The enemies weren't much more interesting either. Valter was set up as a powerful and dangerous adversary, but came of as just a fool. Lyon had potential, but I think he needed more screentime in the present and less in flashbacks. Ephraim's route maybe improves that. Still, this is an improvement over the GBA Fire Emblem only called "Fire Emblem".

The game was fun to play though, so overall I enjoyed it. I didn't like the random stat growth though, even if that's done on purpose.

Edit: Medibot's voice acting for Valter is spot on:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 10:00:15 PM by Crystalgate »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2936 on: July 08, 2010, 01:24:01 AM »
Fe7: Yeah, normally I wouldn't talk about this before I beat the game, but it's hot and I feel like being a whiny bitch.

So I was in Lyn's tutorial and up to the balista introduction map.  Three enemies make a beeline to Lyn and kill her, despite having a sub30 chance each.  Normally I wouldn't care, but she had gotten a six stat level-up and when I reloaded she only got two.  God, this isn't even a good bitch but man...


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2937 on: July 08, 2010, 06:20:57 AM »
Wild ARMS 2:

I was on the verge of beating I just decided to get it done and over with today. So I finished around 3-4 dungeons in one sitting, including the final one, which for those of you who forgot, is actually quite long. And tedious. Stupid monster doors.

General thoughts...well I played the game in bits and pieces, so some of this might not be totally accurate. For the most part, the game at its time is quite good. However, I would say it didn't really age well at all, especially compared to other games that were published within that age (like FFT for example). Some of the reasons for that would include pretty much the lack of any challenge at all, some really bad puzzle levels and the ENC system not being fully wired out like it has in WA3 and onwards.

I'll give the game some credit in that I was following a guide for most of it to get through it quickly (Final time was around 28-29 hours), but even still, randoms don't do anything because you easily outspeed and OHKO and bosses have damage that can't get past Lilka's healing. I think this is why the FP conversion rates in WA3 went way down because the gain rates in WA2 are just insane. Then when you have maxed out HP Regen PS skill, most bosses don't even come close to 3HKOing. The only part I ever died at was at the end with the Roots. I didn't really bother using anyone sans Ashley, Brad and Lilka, so I had to send the next best person who I believe was Kanon. Long story short, boss got lucky on a string of status hits. Oh and that's the other thing. When Lilka isn't there, you have Tim. And his MT healing skill that heals off the 3HKO or worse damage. So uh...yeah.

ENC system definitely wasn't as good in these early games. Yeah, they give you the ability to cancel as many times as you want. But Red !s exist, and the only way to really avoid them is by power levelling, which...doesn't really exist thanks to WA2s EXP curve. As for the puzzles, some of them weren't too bad. However, some others were quite cryptic and I doubt I would've gotten it in one shot without the guide. The map layouts on some of those dungeons are also terrible (hi Trapezohedron), which is compounded by random encounters in puzzle rooms. Thankfully, all future generation WAs avoid this problem! Guess Media Vision learned from their mistakes quite well.

Overall, game is around a 6/10 to me. There are some additional issues with the pacing and the game didn't really grab me. But I primarily blame this on the fact that it just didn't age as well as other PSX games. MVP of the game is either Brad or Lilka. Lilka keeps the entire team healthy at nearly all points before regeneration. Brad has loads of HP and thus was the most durable person and could dish out the damage. The others ranged on various shades of meh, but were at least servicable to some degree. The best characters though, were Meeple and Sage Liz and Ard. I don't think I laughed as much as seeing these two on screen when playing a PSX game nowadays.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 06:23:52 AM by Tide »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2938 on: July 08, 2010, 08:26:55 AM »
Interestingly, using Lucky Cards (that is, using them at the start of every boss fight) keeps your levels consistently high enough to avoid 90% of randoms.  I think this was honestly an oversight; the ENC system in thsi game seems more meant to make getting through old areas easy if you want, rather than a resource conservation tool like it is in later games (I mean, WA2 doesn't use any resources at any time for anything, so the only reason to skip randoms is because you don't care if you fight them).

Not that it invalidates your point, having randoms in puzzle rooms is fundamentally retarded and should never happen in any game ever >.>
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2939 on: July 08, 2010, 03:18:15 PM »
Thanks Yoshi. I'm currently using Luneth as a Ranger with two Boomerangs - is Thief better?

For FF6 methinks there's not enough Terra/Relm twink hax MAG abuse there  ;-) Though since you're using Gau there's also the Wind God Gau thing.

FFIII DS- Saronia. Alus has joined as a guest. Game just hit me over the head with hints about dragoons, equipment in the tower and an NPC handing me a Wind Spear >.> Ironically I had been using a Dragoon for a bit earlier.

Goldor's Manor- Defeated Goldor on the fourth attempt. Bosses in this game are weird, he didn't use Thundara at all on the winning run. I'd even went back to Amur and bought a harp for a Bard because I thought since Goldor's Protect seemed to reduce magical damage from my Black Mage that Minne might do the same thing and protect my party from his Thundara =P Switched Refia to Bard but yeah he ended up not using it at all after all.

The randoms were OHKO bait to Ingus with Royal Sword/Blood Sword so the journey through the manor was usually painless except for back attacks on my poor mages.

Before Saronia I explored the world a bit, bought three new harps for Refia and a couple of summon spells in case I decide to use an Evoker. I'm finding this game quite fun now, I've already seen Ingus hit for over 3000 on a random and now that I have the ATK boosting skill for my Bard CT's in her element *^_^*~

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 03:35:27 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2940 on: July 08, 2010, 04:02:43 PM »
Thief is notably better than Ranger for 3 main reasons, two of which are relevant RIGHT NOW:
-Gains Job Levels faster than any class with exceptions of Scholar (I don't expect first time players to use this) and Freelancer (pretty much pointless outside of some ultra end game set up that requires Mognet related things); Job Levels are important since every 14 is another hit, and I think it might be a slight increase to damage too?
-Much better speed.  Thief pretty much always goes first, and the high speed = lots of hits, which does well to offset the lowish power of its weapons.
-Just better on long term.  Thief's best armor at this moment is Ranger's best armor PERIOD, for example.  There are other points I can note about why Thief is a better long term investment, but that gets into the nitty gritty.

The whole "Thieves make Magic Keys pointless" is a nice bonus too, since having one as the Party Leader (person running outside) means you can just open doors outright.  Handy in Goldor's Mansion and Temple of Time.

Thief is a slight project job, basically.  Its pretty unimpressive on the Floating Continent, but once you get to Amur, its worth spikes tremendously.  The advantage of using Thief on the FC is getting those early JLevels to capitalize its use in the 2nd half of the game where Thief doesn't suck.
It reminds me of Locke in FF6, only even worse in the first half of the game which superior pay offs in the 2nd half, and the option is not forced down your throat in the first half only for him to be the hardest recruit to get back in the 2nd half.

And yeah, frankly, I think FF3's better part is its 2nd half, mostly cause you now have options to work with so the Job System is much better, and there's some degree of freedom in what you can do, etc.  THis is ignoring the Final Dungeon which was STUPID cause of "WE CAN'T HAVE SAVE POINTS! THE ORIGINAL WAS PERFECT!" type whiners.

For FF6 methinks there's not enough Terra/Relm twink hax MAG abuse there  Wink Though since you're using Gau there's also the Wind God Gau thing.

Wing God Gau is a pure WoR Set Up, given it requires the Merit Award, so not usable on the FC.  Wind God Gau is also unusable in several versions of the game outright due to Merit Award inconsistency (FF6a even removed Wind God Gogo set up.)
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2941 on: July 08, 2010, 04:15:56 PM »
WKC: I have gone insane because I plan to plat this game. Currently at 22%.

SO2: Beat the crap out of Cynne in the tower as he lost his plot armor, I...really have no idea why he had it as they never give any explaination why he is unbeatable but whatever. Faced Metatron at the top of the tower who gave me a game over! I assumed it was another unwinnable bullshit fight and let him kill me resulting in a gameover.
It seems they are using the wisemen's actual names now and I'm not too pleased with it. Throwing around random angel names isn't fun or exotic, just lame.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2942 on: July 08, 2010, 05:11:28 PM »
Much better speed

Ranger isn't as fast as Thief, but it's almost as fast (ties Ninja for second best), and certanly outspeeds most enemies rather reilably.

Otherwise, Thief is better overall, but Ranger has some points in its favour, namely that it is always back-row compatible, so it actually ends up ahead of Thief on practical durability despite no Fuma Garb (EDIT: on pdur anyway, not mdur though), and that it can make enemies with elemental weaknesses hurt real bad. Thief still wins, though, because it does have the better damage otherwise (due to JLs) and costs less money to keep going. It's just not as lopsided as you (or I used to) think.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 05:13:22 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2943 on: July 08, 2010, 06:16:18 PM »
FFXII- Reached the Phon Coast yesterday, contented myself to doing all the Rank 4 and 5 hunts I could into today. Accidentally ran into Valera, got wiped. Oh well.

Pulled out a squeaker against Antlion too. Managed to keep him to eating just two minions, but one spawned late in the battle and he nabbed it, then started railing on me. Tried pulling out a Hail Mary Mist Chain and was probably the most successful I'd ever been, but it didn't kill him. As I'm about to wipe, Basch wanders over and hits him one last time and kills him. Whee. Also, on the way back, a Vampyr dropped a Zwill Crossblade, which is the second best dagger in the game. Woo.

Now that I'm fully geared with better stuff than what's storebought thanks to the Bazaar (and all the Monographs sans the Jar), I'm ready to move on! Have I mentioned I hate how quickly the equipment progression is in this game? I left Bur-Omistace with the best I could buy at the time, then arriving at Rabinastre after an easy trek there's new stuff. Fair enough. Then another easy trek to the Nalbina Fortress, more new stuff... uhhh... then getting along to the Phon Coast, brand new equipment there too! The hell? I learned my lesson, but it's probably a bit late in the game. >.>


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2944 on: July 08, 2010, 08:08:01 PM »
ToV- Just beat Heracles. First dungeon without Estelle was pretty rough, but Raven learning his healing move in the second dungeon actually took away so much of the sting of losing Estelle. Functions incredibly well as a back-up healer (Trying to fully learn Guardian Field didn't hurt too much either).
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2945 on: July 08, 2010, 11:25:50 PM »
Wednesday 7th July:
 - FF1: Tried Marsh Cave again. Managed to get pretty far, lost my Black Belt a few fights before the Wizards. The Wizards fell to two Lit2s, but not before they killed off my Warrior. As I was leaving, some Scorpions managed to poison both of my mages, and they later failed to run from two Scorpions. :( Try that one again tomorrow. ><;
 - FF6: Beat AtmaWeapon on the second try - first, I ran into Mind Blast -> Flare Star -> Meteo and couldn't recover from that. Second time, didn't even see Mind Blast OR Flare Star, which was nice. World of Ruin, and I still fail at catching fish. Seriously, I think it's actually just an urban myth that you can keep Cid alive. >.> Got to Albrook, and then on to Tzen, where I fail at the collapsing building three times and get bored. =/ Tried it again a little later, had to ignore a few treasures but managed to get through second try this time round. Finally, a character I hadn't completely abandoned in the WoB! Got to Nikeah, ship to South Figaro, and then into the cave. Had a brilliant fight (that panicked me a bit at first) in this part where a Humpty confused Sabin, who proceeded to use Mantra on it, hitting it for 9999 damage. >.> Got up to the Tentacles, who.. tore me to shreds. And, apparently, I hadn't saved since Tzen. :| Got back to the cave to Figaro Castle, saved just outside this time. >.>

Thursday 8th July:
Was out all day today so minimal progress. :(
 - FF3: Entered Goldor's Manor and BLITZED THROUGH. Seriously, he was stupidly easy. Then managed to NOT SAVE and went and didn't buy Spears but changed everyone to Dragoon ANYWAY and forgot about the Gold Knight fight before getting Alus and died. DERP. After beating Goldor again, I bought EVERYONE Thunder Spears and got rid of the downtime from changing jobs before going to Saronia. Grabbed the Dragon Mail/Helms from the Dragon Tower and bought myself a few extra Wind Spears - yes, I freaking hate Garuda and want him to suffer. Think that's all the preparation I need, I can actually fight him tomorrow and should blitz through, hopefully. Will probably keep a Dragoon towards the endgame, although might ditch it if I decide I don't like the low speed combined with how much they seem to hate magic.

Oh, and CT? My endgame team is gonna be Sabin/Edgar/Relm/Gau. Sabin and Edgar are old favourites of mine and have Blitz/Tools, Relm has MAGIIIIIIC h4x and Gau has NightShade as soon as I get an airship. >.> So yeah, I will have some magic hax. ;)
And Meeple: PS1 version of FF6 (not Anthology, mind - stupid PAL/NTSC differences!) so no Merit Award, methinks, but still able to abuse it with Gogo.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2946 on: July 08, 2010, 11:31:40 PM »
Dragon Age- On to Awakening. I'm not sure which main story branch to tackle first. I don't have a tank, though... haven't needed one so far, but should I head after the one Warrior recruit first?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2947 on: July 09, 2010, 12:22:53 AM »
Ranger isn't as fast as Thief, but it's almost as fast (ties Ninja for second best), and certanly outspeeds most enemies rather reilably.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a few of the Daggers boost speed as well, making the difference greater than it looks on paper?

The back row thing is a point I'll grant, and for some reason was never thinking "When Thief doesn't use Boomerangs, Ranger has Back Row"; not sure why.

Yoshi: I was responding to CT there and noting that regardless of version, the point of the game you were in was kind of impossible to use it anyway!
That said, congrats on seeing the Mantra "Bug".

That being where a Confused Sabin hitting a low enemy will heal it for 9999 Health, due to the wonkiness of its targetting.  Mantra is suppose to target everyone, then divides the amount of healing by the caster's full HP/# of targets-1.  It then has its effect fail on the caster itself (while still technically targeting the caster.)  This of course means that on the PC end, its perfectly fine but when confused?  The Caster is suddenly *NOT* targetted, so the "-1" thing means its healing more efficient than it should.  Not a big deal if there's 2+ enemies, but when there's only 1, suddenly that value is "Healing/0" which...well...<.<;

This has been your useless fact of the day!

Also, Tools sucks late game, use Jump <_< >_>
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2948 on: July 09, 2010, 12:54:16 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a few of the Daggers boost speed as well, making the difference greater than it looks on paper?

You're half-right. A couple daggers do boost speed, but so do a couple bows. Granted, thief can snag a larger boost, but yeah, ranger is still well clear of anyone else who isn't thief or ninja.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2949 on: July 09, 2010, 01:19:34 AM »
Dragon Age- On to Awakening. I'm not sure which main story branch to tackle first. I don't have a tank, though... haven't needed one so far, but should I head after the one Warrior recruit first?

The other 2 branches give you companions that are pretty weak, so go for it