
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 355979 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2975 on: July 10, 2010, 02:52:50 AM »
Thanks for the feedback about Thief/Ranger Meeple and NEB =-) I ran around with Luneth as a Dragoon for a while after defeating Garuda (actually I used three Dragoons to defeat Garuda at L25 >.>) then switched him to Thief. I actually had him in that a bit earlier too but wasn't impressed at the time and wasn't aware of the long term benefits =/ He's currently having to play catch up in job levels but oh well. Pretty much been my project PC, the one to try out a variety of different jobs with <.<

I have the Invincible and all Four Fangs now. Returned to Doga's Manor only to be plunged right into another dungeon after doing the Ancient Ruins and Cave of Shadows so decided to quit for the night. I got the feeling that things were heading into end game though is that correct?

* Clear Tranquil nods @ Yoshi

Have fun with that FF6 team. Sounds good (two brothers and a pair of ass kicking chibis :D)

Yeah didn't know Gau couldn't get it till later Meeple. Who can get Wind God on FC again then?

« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 02:59:14 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2976 on: July 10, 2010, 03:25:12 AM »
No one can get Wind God set up on the FC.  The lack of Offering and Merit Award mean at best, you acn have Genji Glove + Cyan for 75% chance of Wind Slash (25% chance of Double Wind Slash), which...isn't really anything to write home about, given his Magic Power is low enough that Mog/Gau's lower rates are still better, and requires Front Row (which doesn't apply to the IAF sequence), and requires you actually steal the 2nd Tempest anyway.

The Wind God Gau (and Gogo) set up is, specifically:

Merit Award + Offering + Stray Cat Rage.  This allows Tempest's Wind slash to hit at 4x damage whenever it kicks in on a Catscratch, in addition to when used by Gau, its Tempest going off Gau's massively inflated battle power (he has 99 base, which is like 4x that of Sabin's whose otherwise game best; obviously, this was meant to balance out the fact that he can't use weapons.)  Ok, technically, Offering was not part of the ORIGINAL set up, it was just Catscratch + Tempest, just Offering was something discovered later which could be used to augment the effect dramatically (Offering also does NOT halve Wind SLashes damage to boot.)  I say this cause Master Zed haunts me with those statements <_< >_>
It also has other, less obvious applications.  Numblade from Primordite Rage, for example, if used with Tempest can randomly use an MT Unblockable Stop that has wind slash's animation.

I have the Invincible and all Four Fangs now. Returned to Doga's Manor only to be plunged right into another dungeon after doing the Ancient Ruins and Cave of Shadows so decided to quit for the night. I got the feeling that things were heading into end game though is that correct?

Yeah, but its advised you do Side Quests first, since with the Invincible a bunch open up.  Fargabaad, Leviathan, and Bahamut all come to mind (the latter two are on the Floating Continent, and the more significant side quests, Fargabad is mostly just some extra equips lying around that may or may not be useful depending on your team.)  However, I suggest doing these (at very least the latter two) *AFTER* you get your 4th set of jobs, only to give any of those you may be using some extra JLevel time.  Those 4th jobs are basically gotten in like the first room of the next plot dungeon (which KIND OF chains into the Final Dungeon; you have one last Overworld moment before going into the real final dungeon.)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 03:28:59 AM by Meeplelard »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2977 on: July 10, 2010, 07:36:15 AM »
For 2-2, use more Elementalist OC on your Sentinels.

Yeah, there's a puzzle map in C4 that requires more than 3 people, obviously I will use more for that.

First off, does Sentinel have the worst Magic score in the game?  I'm not sure but it's bad.  Secondly, I'm pretty sure the vertical tolerance on Elementalist is too low to work on that map?  I'm pretty sure I examined to see if that would work and I don't think it did - there's a 10+ panel difference or so there.  I guess you'll find out when you get to that map.  Well, if you beat the "onrushing troops trying to sneak into town" map which quite possibly might be more annoying, since cheesing the AI would be rather more difficult there.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2978 on: July 10, 2010, 07:50:31 AM »
Factor all this in with FF7's Materia system giving a Floor to how bad someone can be

I have a hard time giving Yuffie or anyone else in the cast credit for anything due to this. No differentiation means I can use anyone for anything and it doesn't matter at all.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 07:53:42 AM by Rob the Stampede »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2979 on: July 10, 2010, 08:12:40 AM »
First off, does Sentinel have the worst Magic score in the game?  I'm not sure but it's bad.

It's fairly poor (not worst, that honour goes to Secutor), but Elementalist EQ does exist and I expect I'll have it by then; Elementalist is a class I expect to get a lot of use out of since it just hits so hard.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure the vertical tolerance on Elementalist is too low to work on that map? 

It's too large from anywhere except the switches themselves, so whoever stands on them can lob elementalist spells at the area above.

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Glen Veil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2980 on: July 10, 2010, 08:58:05 AM »
For 2-2, use more Elementalist OC on your Sentinels.

Yeah, there's a puzzle map in C4 that requires more than 3 people, obviously I will use more for that.

First off, does Sentinel have the worst Magic score in the game?  I'm not sure but it's bad.  Secondly, I'm pretty sure the vertical tolerance on Elementalist is too low to work on that map?  I'm pretty sure I examined to see if that would work and I don't think it did - there's a 10+ panel difference or so there.  I guess you'll find out when you get to that map.  Well, if you beat the "onrushing troops trying to sneak into town" map which quite possibly might be more annoying, since cheesing the AI would be rather more difficult there.

Ragnar is actually really good on the Sentinel switch map.  In Sentinel he can actually reach up to the top with his boomerang when standing on a switch.  I imagine giving him attack high/low and penetrator should allow him to reach all the units up top if memory serves me right. Right, almost forgot that Berserker isn't until after that level, without that I think Ragnar can only hit the archers, nevermind on that.  Labby can also reach up there with lightning, though the horizontal range limits what she can actually hit.  Once you kill the weak archers there's not much the other five units can actually do to you. if you do kill them from below.  The biggest roadblock I can think of is killing the sacred slayer up top, it has rather good durability and if you end up killing the archers and the lower level reinforcements before touching it then you're dealing with a durable unit with full healing that gets like a 180% bonus to it's speed.  The best bet for that level is probably using a Gadgeteer with devastate gems to just blitz rape the top after you take care of the crappy archers from below, the main trick making sure you don't place the Gadgeteer in the mist of the enemies until they can double after their speed boost.

XF level speculation Aside, right, I play games too.

Recently acquired and played through the SH series.  Found the games to be thoroughly enjoyable, though I'm not quite done with three yet, just need to finish the final dungeon.  I think I would rate two and three equally, for different reasons, with one being below them both by a rather large margin. Three, felt like the best polished version of the battle system, while two pretty much had better everything else.  I seriously could not stand the early half of three, first with the New York music that made me want to strangle kittens,  to Frank idiocy.  That said, that battle system is fun, and I generally enjoyed the targeting mechanics of attacks/spells, and also plotting the deaths of bosses before they could get turns.

Played P4 between SH 2 and 3 to give myself a break from the Judgement ring, had a blast with that, found the game an overall improvement over P3, my negative thoughts about the game can pretty much be summed up as "Go die in a fire Teddie/Yosuke."  Other then those two, the game was really enjoyable.

Started BoF4 about two weeks ago, despite my general loathing of the first two games in the series, mostly because I wanted to be able to vote on more Chelle battles, though I ended up only getting halfway through the game so far due to ARGHKFDLJSLFKJJDS:KFJSDFjLleljel camera.  The camera in this game seriously drives me insane, I don't know what the developers were thinking with it.  Monster skills are also turning out to be annoying to learn and generally being faq bait to learn for half of them, which makes me go ugh because none of the BoF faqs are organized well at all.  I do find it amusing at least how Nina is turning out to be the tankiest character that I've used so far, and at the same time also the best damage dealer and healer >.>.  Ryu so far is surprisingly average.  Hopefully I can urge myself to finish the game soon enough, but this series is turning out to just not be my cup of tea <.<.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2981 on: July 10, 2010, 09:06:17 AM »
I've got some issues with FF3ds. I feel like the game suffers from a severe lack of documentation (equipment/class/etc.), something expected in older games but expected to be fixed in remakes. FF1psp did for the most part, for example.

I also don't like how much the game punishes you for class-changing. The only times I feel the need to grind (at about halfway through the game) is when circumstances force me into unfamiliar class combinations. I've a predeliction for physical classes, I suppose, which probably doesn't help.

Stalled out anyhow for now for Pokemon SoulSilver. 16 badges, some decent challenge. Ditched my starter and a flock of peewees roundabout badge 6 for pokemon I actually liked (rather than monomaniacally retiring anything fully evolved). Challenge spiked for a bit since everything I had was desperately underleveled and I made some bad type choices (kinda on purpose).

Team's pretty stable now. Ninetails/Ampharos/Lapras kinda sorta provide coverage of the elemental types, Honchkrow/Mismagius/Yanmega kinda sorta cover the rest. If I'm still playing the game when the safari zone brings trapinch->Flygon online that'll probably bump... someone. Strongly considering Lucario over Yanmega, too, again if the Safari Zone provides. Mamoswine sometimes moonlights to deal with electric, but levels are a problem and I can't be assed to bring it up to speed.

Since I still compusively Exp-Share train, levels're sitting relatively low, I think, in the mid-40s. We'll see if Blue's doable right now or if I need to do more sidequests (not that there's many left... Got Mewtwo and Suicune, so birds, groudon, probably the odd dungeon I've missed).

Accidentally killed the Snorlax and then realized it'd been hours since I saved, which made me grumpy.

Pretty impressed with the game, overall, though. Good challenge, lots and lots of stuff to do, generally pleased with interface and so on. I'm such a whore for novelty that I expected to be easily bored by a remake, but that hasn't happened. Think I prefered my sketchy emulated Platinum, overall, so I might pick up a real copy of that one of these days. But more likely when I'm done with this I'll be good for pokemon 'till Black/White come out in September.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2982 on: July 10, 2010, 12:32:21 PM »
Glen: Monster skills are the most irrelevant thing ever, seriously. I only got, like, 5 on my playthrough, and still beat the game with ease. (In fact, if you're doing this for DL voting rights, you've a good argument not to use them anyway, and they're really not needed.) Honestly, the best thing to do is just grab them when you know you can, but not bother otherwise.

JAD: D'you mean the, uhh, Job Adjustment Phase? Really becomes nothing at certain points in the game - fly back to Canaan, fight weak randoms there, problem solved. That said, lack of documentation is :head-desk:, yeah.

Friday 9th July:
 - FF3: Healed up and went to fight Garuda - he killed Arc before he could even jump and took out Ingus after the first one, but the second jumps from Luneth and Refia finished him. <3 Went to Doga's Palace and cleared the Cave of the Circle to get underwater Nautilus! Using that, went to Doga's Village and got every damn White Magic spell possible - sold pretty much any weapon I didn't plan on using, so I now have everything but 1 Lv 1 and the Lv 8s for Refia. Current party is Thief/Dragoon/White Mage/Knight. Entered the Temple of Time, played the Song of Time and-- *shot*
Entered the Temple of Time and... got killed by the first set of randoms. Wait, what? Okay, sidequests then. Underwater Cave is easy, grabbed treasures. Got bored here, so went towards the Crystal Tower because WHY NOT? ...Oh. Because it apparently results in a Game Over. Welp, off to do the Underwater Cave again, I really need to save more often. >_>
Cleared the cavern again, went off to the Saronia Catacombs to fight Odin. Got there with absolute ease, OHKOing most of the randoms, grabbed Gungnir first try and then... got hit with Zantetsuken. DAMMIT! ;_; Second time, Gungnir took 3 tries, but I survived longer thanks to some Jump h4x. Still didn't win. :(

As a quick question, is Zantetsuken ITD or something? I've already seen that it apparently ignores row, which makes Odin pretty brutal in and of itself, and I'm wondering if Protect will save me.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2983 on: July 10, 2010, 02:29:19 PM »
For BoF 4 FAQs you either want to use Billy Lee's or Dalez' at Gamefaqs, they both have pretty much all the info you could want in the game.  Billy Lee's is more concisely put together (About half the file size) at the cost of some usability.  Dalez' is a lot more user friendly with providing information but has a lot of excess in there (level comparisons and stuff).    They aren't the greatest for usability though and definitely lack the more recent trends of integrating search phrases into your index that has taken off between the 9 years ago they were written and now.  That does mean they have avoided the stupid shit like naming the version after female characters at least.

Learnable skills aren't as bad as they seem.  The most obscure good ones are all locatable somewhere else.  The most obscure to learn first thing is Shadowwalk which you can learn from Knight form when Ryu gets it.

Oh and you can learn skills from Ryu when he is in Dragon Form .  It isn't overly useful, but it gets you a few skills with minimal effort.  You can also learn ... 2 skills I want to say from Confused party members but that is mostly for obscure knowledge and uh early game free casts of Phoenix with Nina.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2984 on: July 10, 2010, 04:05:48 PM »
Strange Journey

Started this bad boy up while I was flying to Puerto Rico.

Has all the SMT goodness I  love in a handheld which is awesome and the script seems adult oriented to boot! Yayness~

I just finished the first dungeon/area. All I have to say is Jimenez is awesome. I just hope he doesn't go where I think they are taking his character. I need to collect moar demons!

Gotta catch em all or something!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2985 on: July 10, 2010, 04:16:39 PM »
I've got some issues with FF3ds. I feel like the game suffers from a severe lack of documentation (equipment/class/etc.), something expected in older games but expected to be fixed in remakes. FF1psp did for the most part, for example.

Yeah, I don't get this one either, frankly.  In FF6 and on, the games have been really good about in game documentation, labeling the essentials or letting you have access to them.  FF1 and FF2 remakes eventually started labeling things, I forget if FF4a and FF5a fixed this too (FF5a had middling documentation at least; it told you a few things but not enough.  Like you'd learn that the Ribbon resists Status IIRC, but it didn't tell you that Diamond Gear halves Ligthning.)

FF4DS at least didn't completely fail it up; told you attack powers of spells, hit rates, and elemental weaknesses.  It did not however tell you Status Resistances (or if they even existed.  FF3DS at least said "Resists status" albeit wouldn't say which.  FF4DS didn't even have THAT much, you just had to see the "Guard" thing appear and you wouldn't know what was protecting you), and even more stupidly, it told you one of Resistance or Absorption but would NOT tell you the other for enemies.  I mean, if the game just grouped the two together, that'd have been enough, since ultimately it'd equate to "use a different element"

Honestly, you'd think those two games would at least have FF6 Level In-game documentation, where it told you the basics needed, like Elemental resistances across the board, status resistance on equips, what stats are getting boosted, etc. 

FF3DS I guess feels like they were trying too much to capture the ORIGINAL GAME!!! at times, which defeats the purpose of making a full fledged remake, and thus is retarded.  What's especially stupid is FF3o went out of its way to tell you "Strength Up!" at least when you equip something like Excalibur.  Sure, it didn't say how much (I think they were always +5 though), but at least you KNEW a stat was being raised due to an equip.  FF3DS...well, it does highlight a stat in green indicating "This stat is being augmented through equips!", but you wouldn't know what's doing it unless you checked your stats EVERYTIME you equipped something which is tedious.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2986 on: July 10, 2010, 04:21:21 PM »
JAD: D'you mean the, uhh, Job Adjustment Phase? Really becomes nothing at certain points in the game - fly back to Canaan, fight weak randoms there, problem solved. That said, lack of documentation is :head-desk:, yeah.

Well, it exacerbates things, and I'm not sure good game design should encourage you to waste time fighting meaninglessly easy enemies... But what I really mean is how the game's attack formula (number of hits, specifically) is constituted in part by job level, so every time you switch to a new class (like, for the first time) you take a substantial hit to your attack command, and you'll almost always be behind those who stay the course in a single class (another point in thieves' favour, by the by). I'll believe that this becomes less of an issue as the game progresses (job level affects magic too, but not as strongly), but right after the second batch, especially, the penalties are pretty heinous.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2987 on: July 10, 2010, 04:44:47 PM »
Arc the Lad 3: I've been replaying this and it's been really fun. The dialogue is easily the best part of the game. It's lighthearted and consistently funny and the cast really starts to build chemistry once you get Cheryl because the back and forth between her and Lutz is really good. I just finished the first Academy base to get the water orb back to Testa. Apparently the boss there has a skill called "Whupass Beam: Annihilate all moving things in range. Canned." It's too bad that most people who played the series got burnt out on 2. More people need to play this game.     


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2988 on: July 10, 2010, 05:09:24 PM »
JAD: D'you mean the, uhh, Job Adjustment Phase? Really becomes nothing at certain points in the game - fly back to Canaan, fight weak randoms there, problem solved. That said, lack of documentation is :head-desk:, yeah.

Well, it exacerbates things, and I'm not sure good game design should encourage you to waste time fighting meaninglessly easy enemies... But what I really mean is how the game's attack formula (number of hits, specifically) is constituted in part by job level, so every time you switch to a new class (like, for the first time) you take a substantial hit to your attack command, and you'll almost always be behind those who stay the course in a single class (another point in thieves' favour, by the by). I'll believe that this becomes less of an issue as the game progresses (job level affects magic too, but not as strongly), but right after the second batch, especially, the penalties are pretty heinous.

Regarding the 2nd JObs, in fairness, Knight is a pretty meager Job in terms of damage.  Its slow and for a good part of the game relies on weak weapons.  Doesn't upgrade between Blood Sword and the Ancient Sword, which is like 3 dungeons worth of equips where most other jobs get some form of equip upgrade, and after you get Defender, which is good for a while, it doesn't upgrade until the final stretch of the game from that and its notable.
Warrior side steps this issue thanks to Axes, and Dark Knight, once you care about them, gets Dark Swords to keep its weapons good.  Knight's the only real physical job that is stuck with meager weapons for such a long period of time, to compound its other offensive issues.

The other physical Jobs...well, you get the Water set shortly after the Fire set, so the JLevel difference isn't major between those two, if still notable compared to Wind Jobs, but those will work themselves away.  The Earth Jobs are hurt some, but not that much; Mages don't rely on JLevels as much, and 3 of the jobs are Mages, Ninja has such an awesome speed stat combined with its strength and strong weapons that it can actually do good damage in spite of the lack of JLevels, and Black Belt...ok, that one has issues, and makes me go "What the fuck were they thinking? A Job that's ESPECIALLY JLevel intensive gotten THAT LATE!?"
Ranger I wanna say is the only other physical job from Fire?  If so, we've more or less covered that earlier.

JLevels are 14 per extra hit, so while yes, its important, its not major unless the difference is staggering, albeit, more prevalent early on where 1 hit is far bigger a factor due to your lack of hits to begin with.

Yeah, the Fire Jobs aren't worth much for physical damage.  Geomancer's cool, but not physical damage, Scholar has the awesome boss fighting Item Throwing capabilities and gains JLevels at an absurd rate.  Knight is mostly a defensive Job, Ranger is more a gimmicky physical job.  The new real physical jobs for Offensive worth are the next set with Dark Knight (can use actual equips now, albeit, the armor lags a lot since it doesn't upgrade from FC stuff until Fargabad; it can still go back row and spam Soul Eaters though), and Dragoon (Thunder Lances are storebought immediately.)  Viking is like a Knight-alternative, so that's more "You use this for a tank, not for damage" thing kicking in.

That, and Warrior is like the best damage for physical jobs in the game; ignoring all its other benefits, Advance Alone pretty much sells it.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2989 on: July 10, 2010, 05:52:27 PM »
Just want to say that Cave of Darkness aside, Ranger is better at physical damage than Dark Knight! Bleh Dark Knights.

As a quick question, is Zantetsuken ITD or something? I've already seen that it apparently ignores row, which makes Odin pretty brutal in and of itself, and I'm wondering if Protect will save me.

It's magical, so use people with good MDef to survive. Reflect Mail on anyone who can use it (you get one in Odin's dungeon, and there was also one in the Underwater Cave), Red Mage with shields, mages in general, etc. Alternatively you can just try to blitz past it, since once he's using it he's near death... which approach you take will probably depend on your party.

Also, did FF3o actually tell you an equip raised stats when you equipped it? That's... um... ahead of any FF until at least 5, if so, and baffling that 3DS got rid of that.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2990 on: July 10, 2010, 06:02:58 PM »
Yeah, FF3, when you equipped something, it'd state Strength/Agility/Vit up!  It wouldn't tell you by how much, just that it happened.  It would also tell you about the Elemental Strengthening for that matter, though I can't seem to tell if that actually DID anything in FF3 (either its bugged and doesn't do anything *OR* the effect is so minor, you just fail to care), so whatever to that.

FF4 obviously doesn't tell you; you can see its effects sure (for Strength and Vit anyway), but FF3 did that anyway, so its still clearly a step back.  FF5 finally said "Hey, here's an equipment menu that tells you stuff!" which FF6 had as well!

...then FF7 decided to take it off for god knows what reason, going back to requiring cross referencing.  Especially obnoxious in FF7 cause just about every equip has a hidden stat boost (usually to magic) so it was such a psyduck moment.  FFT and FF9 thankfully went up to (and in general, surpassed thanks to In Game Help Menus being easily accessible) FF6's standards again, FF12 got a little worse, but was still better than FF5 about it.

So yeah, the fact that FF3DS didn't have it is exceptionally weird.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2991 on: July 11, 2010, 02:59:19 AM »
XF challenge log~

1-4-B (prison)

Not really part of the challenge per se, but since a lot of people have trouble with it, here goes. Replica and Rob Turn are both used to distract the boss as the main force of villagers move past her. Levin kills the two Fantasticas nearest him, while Tony and Felius distract the enemies near the back, making sure they don't advance forward. I do actually heal the old man once but it turns out to be quite unneeded.

Also worth noting at this point is that Clarissa has spent some time in both Elementalist and Dandelion Shot, enough to have both OCs mastered.

1-5 (jelly blobs)

So yeah, I can recruit people now! After some experimenting I discover that yes, it's quite possible to get generics with much better total stats than the plot PCs, and despite the elemental weaknesses they carry this is just too good to ignore. Felius just isn't good enough to be competitive, and Labby's stats are just game-worst overall. Clarissa draws into the main party because 20% resistance to all is cool, Sacrifice is awesome, and Encourage is really handy (and unlike Turn Shift, actually cost-efficient). In general I'm speculating that MP is going to be a potential problem in this challenge, managing it will kinda be key. This screws over a few moves which have high costs which don't lead directly to victory, namely Turn Shift and Cancel Strike. ... I still expect to use Turn Shift quite a lot, but yeah.

Anyway, I hire two generics, named Elayne (better HP/Mag/Eva than any plot PC, better Atk/Def/MP than all but one plot PC respectively, average Rfx, below average only in Res and Aim) and Vin (better HP than any plot PC, better Atk/Res/MP than all but one respectively, above average Aim/Eva/Rfx, below average Def/Mag). Maybe I shouldn't have settled for a below average magic stat but I wanted at least one PC to be strong in all of Atk/Aim/HP/MP, and with those qualifications you can't be too picky.

So yeah, not too much to say about the jelly blob fight as it's mostly prep for the swamp battle. Everyone is Elementalist so that they can learn the OC for the battle that comes after this. Light all torches, nuke blobs with fire as they come out, simple stuff. The gremalkins are a little more ostensibly troublesome because they have 30% resistance to all elements, but not only does this still leave them open to 3-4HKOs from my Elementalists, they get one-shotted by Sacrifice, and there are only three of them. One of them does hit me with HP Down which means I do have to watch for damage a little but uh not really, the blobs only attack if you're adjacent to one after it has run as far from the swamp as it can on its turn.

For some reason this battle gives 17 CSP instead of the 9 I'd expect it to yield, I guess maybe lighting torches is worth 2 apiece?

Elayne and Vin snag Elementalist OC, Clarissa learns Elementalist EQ.

1-6 (swamp)

Definitely the first tricky battle of the challenge. A large number of the enemies are on a 4h plateau towards the end of the map, so magic is the only way to kill them besides Labyrinthia (who might as well only be good at magic) and Tony (who is a decent option here, though I don't actually use him). I guess Felius can too but Upper Hand strikes me as too MP-inefficient, not to mention its range is problematic. I decide to give it a go with my main party, anyway.

Clarissa: Dandelion Shot; Elementalist OC, Elementalist EQ (book + brooch)
Elayne: Gadgeteer; Elementalist OC
Vin: Fantastica; Elementalist OC

I avoid Elementalist itself because it would mean needing to trek through the swamp, which aside from taking ages causes annoying poison.

Anyway, hit weaknesses, profit. Simple enough, although most of the enemies here have Magic Blocker which can muck things up a bit. First real problem is Samille, who as a geomancer is highly elementally resistance. Sacrifice is used to take him out, combined with Slow Down to make sure he doesn't go too heal-happy with his berries. Berries are definitely used to patch up damage from Samille and the elementalists, not to mention Sacrifice; Gadgeteer pays off here of course.

The plateau is the real problem. I do pay for using generics here some as the elemental weaknesses aren't too pleasant, although they aren't always hit so I guess it's not as bad as it could be. I nuke and heal well enough (cursing Magic Blocker whenever it kicks in). At one point I do lose Vin, but I toss a Revive Fruit so it's all good. Moving away from the pillar to safely heal is of course an option, and one I use with Clarissa to make sure Sacrifice stays at full power. More problematic is that my MP reserves start to run low. El Jackson himself is a pest since he actually resists all elements and has loads of Res, so he doesn't take more than 20-30 damage from anything. Except Sacrifice! So yeah, Slow Down + Sacrifice is again needed here. I end up killing him with the very last Sacrifice Clarissa has; if it had hit magic blocker, it'd have meant a reset, especially since Elayne was also out of MP by this point and Vin would not be capable of dealing with the rest herself with her few remaining shots.

Elayne and Vin master their respective current OCs.

1-7-A (collapsing guardian shrine)

99 turn limit on this battle; it's actually one which is helpful to use less PCs in anyway, since you burn fewer turns that way. So yeah, not an especially hard battle, even though it's a little nerve-racking at first since by turn 40 I'm not sure I had killed any enemies yet!

Clarissa: Dandelion Shot; Elementalist OC, Elementalist EQ (book + brooch)
Elayne: Elementalist; Gadgeteer OC
Vin: Secutor; Fantastica OC, Elementalist OC

I decide to rout all enemies to maximise my Exp/CSP gains. Clarissa goes left to deal with the four Elementalists, because she resists their stuff. She also turns out to be quite capable of OHKOing any of them when she hits a weakness, just needs to worry about Magic Blocker (which she hits twice). Vin goes right because Secutor is the most physically durable thing my party has (yeah, earlygame options who aren't Felius aren't very good at this), and she has enough oomph to one-shot all but one of the enemy secutors in that direction, two-shotting the other. It's still a little scary since the secutors are pretty damaging (3-shotting with Hard Smash), but they miss sometimes and they're strangely bad at swarming (I think the PC on the central path acts as a weird sort of distraction), plus I do have healing, so yeah. Elayne just goes to grab the treasure then kill the Sentinel in the middle, who is a death tank with over 500 HP. He's so tanky that, between his use of his own healing berries, I'm not able to finish him off until Vin comes around from the back and helps out. Over in 70-something turns.

No resets yet! We'll see how long this lasts.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2992 on: July 11, 2010, 07:15:13 AM »
FF6 Eviltype - Quasar is satan.

Y'know, I've seen a few people on the FF6 board say that Eviltype gets easier late in the game. Generally I suspect these people just level up a whole bunch, which intrinsically makes all versions of FF6 not too tough, just the nature of the game and Eviltype didn't seek to change this. Still, wandering through the final dungeon, which, while nasty at points (Outsider/Madams gutted me once or twice, but hell, they're capable of this in vanilla if you get unlucky/aren't prepared), didn't seem like the hardest part of Eviltype, and the first three bosses kinda folded without too much trouble (Atma got his Ultima runic'd, Inferno and Skull Dragon didn't make much of an impression this time). I was thinking "hmm, maybe those people have a point?"

Then Gold Dragon happened. Killed me once, came back and made sure everyone blocked lightning, still tough. Man those physicals are something else. Then Guardian, who was fairly easy (as I've said before, I actually approve of this - he's too far from a save point and sandwiched between other nasty bosses).

Then Goddess who just kept ruining my party with Overcast (I only had one Safety Bit, Relm/Shadow were foolishly on other teams), Quasar (aw yeah strong MT 2HKO that hits both sides), and all sorts of random pressure moves off multi-acting. Very tricky battle to stay on top of in general. At least Overcast is only used once! Think I had four resets here. Poltrgeist I think was good for one, and again Quasar was a big part of it! Just wasn't expecting it, good overall fight otherwise, though I had probably my strongest team here (Terra and Offering/Black Belt berserked Setzer). On the other hand that team did have Mog who somehow turned into my party megascrub (just too far behind on spell learning), so maybe not. Doom was the easiest but still very tough overall. Beat me once using Dark Hood! Repatched the game and won for reals. Just Kefka left! Uh oh.

Oh yeah and somehow I ended up with Strago in the one party that didn't even see Quasar. Go me!

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2993 on: July 11, 2010, 07:27:50 AM »

MF6- Finished! Had two resets on Kefka, one reset on Altima out of the final dungeon bosses. I think Terra may be a little too overpowered with Doublecast Ultima (especially once you get Nirvana allowing you to spam it) but meh, whatever. Ghaleon seems like the scrub of the trio, I beat him down pretty easily with my scrub party (to be fair, it did have Doublecasting Lina and Ryu with Terra Break). Kefka is pretty difficult especially at low HP when he starts using Meteo and you are scared to damage him or else get Holy'd. Final team against him was Tir (unable to do damage to him but had the Onion Armor), Lenneth, Ginny, and Yuri. I would complain about Tir's utter awful against the final boss except I savestated before it started so I wouldn't have to waste time with the rather scrubby tower people before him. I overall think the Kefka sequence takes too goddamn long considering that he's a limit boss, but using savestates made it tolerable~

Fun game, I really liked that a lot of the characters had their own niches and all of them felt good at various points in the game. I'd say... well, if you assume that, say, you use Rolf in the first half of the game, I'd say Shady is the only PC who doesn't ever have a niche (except for stupid Arena BS but the Arena is so bloody annoying that it's hard for me to swallow doing it, and Meeple told me I had to give the Father's Coat! ;_;). Terra is the Endgame MVP, Tir is great at a lot of points but terrible against the final boss, Yuri is MVP for a while, Fayt is really awesome as soon as you get Double Jump, Ginny is OMG HAX as soon as you get the eight hits with her, but she starts getting pretty bad toward the end of the game aside from hax healing. Lenneth trails off hardcore in the second half of the game until basically NV3 (she's a good healbot though). Vyse is never really the best but there are a few fights when you are soooo happy for MT Image and I really like his techs in general. I think Vyse was handled really well. I used the Level 7 a lot! I think Elfboy questioned my genius plans but fufufufu. (*runs away*). Ike is never really that good, but he’s quite decent when you get Short Axes. Kinda strug lategame though. Laharl is a Jeigan and well I’m not good at Slots so he was especially not great for me! Didn’t really use the wankiest Ryu of them all much, nor did I use Lina aside from ALMOST SOLOING GHALEON~ Didn’t recruit the Foomy. And Rolf, well, he was dumped pretty early and I felt like he was a lost cause to get spells for.

This was a pretty fun romp, for all that.. it can't help but share FF6's problems, like the entire second half of the game being kinda dull and the final dungeon being suck. Arena (or uh… MORRIE’S MONSTROUS PIT!) is psyduck. >_> But being the silly that I am a got a lot of the crap anyway because I wanted to see the shinies.

THE WRITING IS AMAZING! I would think someone wrote the game while drunk but no it’s just Meeple.

I love the spriting. Just really freaking awesome, kudos to both Djinn and Meeple!

*whips Meeple* Playtest your own game, fool! I had several times of encountering borderline unwinnable fight due to laziness~
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 07:32:34 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2994 on: July 11, 2010, 01:17:03 PM »
Saturday 10th July:
 - FF3: OH FUCK YOU ODIN. Had everyone at full before fighting him this time, decided to try Protecting Knight Ingus for survivability. A turn after I Protect him, Odin starts spamming attacks against him and the rando-turn order means that Refia can't heal him in time, so that was completely wasted. He then takes out Luneth, followed by Arc post-jump, leaving me spamming items with Refia to try and kill him. Strangely enough, didn't work.
 - FF6: Decided to train for a bit, since the FUCKING TENTACLES ARGHLEEAFDGFDSHd. Finally reached them and... this time, RunningShoes actually seemed to prevent Seize, so Celes just set up Safe and Regen and spammed Bolt2, using Antdot where needed. Once we were down to just the lightning Tentacle, revived Sabin and Edgar and spammed Fire2 - Edgar got Seized and killed right before the Tentacle died, but whatever, I won. :) Over to Kohlingen, where I get Setzer and head over to Daryl's Darril's Darill's Darryl's Daryll's Da~rr~il~'s Tomb. Randoms here used Zombie a lot, but also dropped Revivifys so that's mostly okay. Presenter is an easy but annoyingly long fight. Dullahan started by applying a LOT of pressure, until I realised DERP RUNICKS and kinda owned him hard. Falcon get! Went straight to Jidoor and grabbed Golem and ZoneSeek, then off to Duncan's House for BUM RUSH. Off to Mobliz after that, where Phunbaba gets owned repeatedly, despite getting rid of Sabin and Edgar for the final fight. Went through Mt. Zozo after that, running from Borras occasionally to get to Cyan, before going to grab Gau from the Veldt. Grabbed a couple of Rages while here before going off to Jidoor, not for Relm but for the NightShade encounter. :) After getting that, and one or two other Rages, back to Jidoor to get the last member of my final party... tomorrow. >.>

Idly, yes, the FF3 attempt was before I knew Zantetsuken was magical, and I'm currently fighting Chadarnook on FF6. NightShade spam to the rescue again?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2995 on: July 11, 2010, 03:58:25 PM »
Monkey Island Special Edition: Finished. Hilarious game for a few sections of the game, although the titular Monkey Island kinda sucked. I didn't like how much empty moving around you had to do devoid of good humor (except for the three-headed monkey. That was awesome). But then you got back to Melee island and it was glorious. I can see why the game is considered a classic.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2996 on: July 11, 2010, 09:11:40 PM »
Yugioh: I come once again 3rd. Am I doomed to forever claim bronze?

Captain K.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2997 on: July 11, 2010, 10:08:57 PM »
MMZ4:  Beaten on Normal difficulty.  O_O at the Mod cards unlocked for MMZ3 now.  Free double defense that doesn't penalize you?  Yes please.

DQ9:  Gotten.  Heading to Stornway.  Specializing in whips and sex appeal fans and litheness at the moment.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2998 on: July 11, 2010, 11:28:28 PM »
Playing DQ9. The third boss was a complete pushover compared to the second, though this was probably because the generics didn't have a dungeon to go through to catch up to MC until just now.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #2999 on: July 12, 2010, 04:31:37 AM »
The Lost and Damned-First GTA4 expansion pack! Honestly not that great. Felt like more of the same. The racing was fun, it was really satisfying to bat someone off the bike and roll into first place. The gang wars thing took way too long to complete and was really repetitive. The new weapons didn't really add a whole lot. The sawed-off sucks and I replaced it ASAP, the grenade launcher is a poor man's rocket launcher, but the Assault Shotgun destroys worlds and completely bent over and raped the last part of the game. There's nothing else really different besides the motorcycle gang aspect, but all that ended up being was a few crappy minigames and being forced to wait on some bad AI units to stop running into things. Story was the usual GTA4 brand of depressing.

The Ballad of Gay Tony-GTA4 Expansion number 2. Much better than Lost and Damned. They actually put some damn effort in it! The story missions are funny, fun to do, and a big step up. The new weapons are all useful and fun to use. Auto-shotgun with explosive shells rocks face. The characters were actually funny and entertaining, and it has Brucie in it! On the down side they basically copy/pasted Gang Wars and they still suck, most side missions are so bad I eventually gave up and just blasted through the story. <3 Golden Helicopter. All in all this one was actually worth paying money for.

Assassin's Creed 2-Assassin's Creed 1 was enjoyable but extremely repetitive and simplistic. They fixed a lot of this in the sequel. No more cookie-cutter investigations before assassinations or obvious game padding. I mean there's still collectathon objects but you don't have to do anything with those. The parkour is still "hold down a couple buttons" but they added a few twists and to be honest any attempt at making it more complicated would probably ruin the sense of zen you get from flawlessly running from rooftop to rooftop. The combat is still heavily based on counter attacking with hidden blades, but I guess there's weapon variety if you're into that???? It's pretty fucking brutal leaping down from a rooftop and spiking two dudes through the neck. Also they added in the headquarters thing from Suikoden for some reason. Something to sperg out about!

Sidequests were actually pretty enjoyable. Beat Up is basically the same thing over and over again but at least it's over with quickly, courier is kinda lame, but the racing owns and the assassination contracts were excellent. There are a ton of them but they never feel repetitive and they keep throwing new things in so it doesn't become routine. My favorite is the "Kill 10 Heavy Weapon Guys in 2 minutes" because when pulled off perfectly it rocks so hard.

Story's utter conspiracy nonsense and I love it. Because you see Thomas Edison set up Nikola Tesla, and then became friends with Henry Ford, and then THEY CAUSED HITLER!!!!! Also they assassinated JFK so they could pull off the moon landing or some shit, I dunno. Aliens or something. Also every single famous leader in history had magical guffins so basically every human achievement in history doesn't count. It's fantastic. Spoilers I guess if you care:

The final boss is a fistfight against The Pope. Seriously. 10/10 goty
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.