
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362767 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3025 on: July 14, 2010, 02:52:30 AM »
Resident Evil 4: Got a different copy of the game so I can finally complete the last I did!

Game was fun, and better than I expected.  Well, no, let me rephrase it:

I never expected the game to be bad.  I always said to myself that it looked like it was good for what it was.  However, at the same time, I also said "What it is just isn't for me."  I felt like the game had its merits, but it just wouldn't appeal to me, so I kept pushing it away.  Ultimately, I decided to crack down and try the game myself cause hey, as someone who likes Capcom games, why not at least try ONE game in the series, and probably play the game that was apparently geared more towards general audience rather than the hardcore series fans, let alone regarded as the best in the series, right?
(I can already tell you that I would not like RE0-3; I played some of RE2, and found it atrocious and kept asking "WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS GAME!?"  RE4 I played the demo of a bit, and went "Well, at least it feels playable" but was overall not impressed, but hey, improvement!)

I ended up having more fun than I expected, in the end.  Game manages to just to do well as a "Kill Things with Guns" game while not being a generic shooter at the same time.  Its fun shooting a guy in the head, running over, kicking them in the face, knifing them while they're down!  Ammo felt limited, but not scarce at the same time.  Felt like you had actual control over Ammo, which from what I remember of RE2, is different than those games cause they were like "If you don't headshot, YOU MAY BE IN TROUBLE LATER!"  Here it was more "Try to be conservative; your resources are limited."  Game gave you plenty of tools to help you conserve ammo too.  The Roundhouse Kick, barrels to explode, random little booby traps like shoving ladders on enemies...yeah, fun little things!

One thing the game didn't do well was boss fights though.  Well, the last few were fine ("It", Krauser and Saddler) but most of the others were boring.  Salazar especially was annoying, and if I ever replay this game, he's getting a Rocket Launcher TO THE FACE.  Mostly cause bosses lack health gauges (partially cause some are gimmicky), too many QTE related dodges that come out of nowhere, and they were slow paced.  The game just isn't well suited for long drawn out fights.
"It" worked cause it was more a "Stay alive" first half followed by a quick straight up combat 2nd half that didn't last too long.  Krauser was mostly survival until the end, and just getting around with a looming threat.  Saddler was pretty straight forward "Shoot the weak points til you get the Auto Win Button!" complete with terrain hazard fun happy times! (Nothing like slamming a large "I RAPE YOU" Spider with a bunch of STEEL BEAMS out of nowhere)

Inventory...well, I'm not a major fan of limited inventories, but RE4 handled it eloquently.  You had enough room to hold things, it encouraged using items instead of hording them, and you could manipulate your items to have more room.  Making it "realistic" for once actually helped out, instead of felt like being a limiting factor.

I do wish this game had a Mini-map in the corner though; just been a nice convenience instead of having to repeatedly cross reference the map.  This is a general complaint about games that lack this though.  I remember having the same thoughts about Crisis Core for example, asking myself "Why isn't there a minimap?"  

And of course, the writing.  Capcom clearly was satirizing the Resident Evil games with this one, and recognizing "Hey, we do good when we're not being serious, so lets apply it there!" and well, it worked.  Albeit, RE4 was more subtle about its humor and silliness, so the game sort of PRETENDS its not being silly, but honestly, I look at the game and go "there's no way the writers weren't chuckling as they wrote this."  If nothing else, Salazar pretty much proves that.  Capcom knows they do silliness good, so why not exploit it!?  Nice to see they can pull it off while being subtle too, contrast to, say, God Hand or Devil May Cry 3, games where "Subtle" does not all.

So yeah, 8/10 game or something.  I have to admit, it was more fun than I expected, and generally a well done game, one I can understand where the hype comes from.  I'm actually kind of interested in RE5 now, though, it sounds like they only put half of what made RE4 good in the game, shoving the other half of the series stuff back in, which sounds like a bad thing, so I dunno.  Maybe when the price goes down or something.  

I'll get to Ada mode soon or something though!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3026 on: July 14, 2010, 05:17:01 AM »
Xenogears:  Pseudo-Speedrun.  That is to say, I am not optimizing my times, nor am I, say, running from every battle until I calculate I need the money or anything like that.  I'm just blowing the game apart while skipping anything that I think would cost more than a few seconds.  Some notes on various things.

Pregame plan- I decide I want to nab one Ether Doubler ASAP.  This involves having the 38,000 G to spend on the thing when you first visit Nisan after rescuing Margie.  The moment you leave Nisan to advance the plot, you can't access this shop again until you get the second Yggdrasil.  I figure going in that, as long as I conserve money and buy only essential gear/upgrades, I can pick one up here and save myself sailing halfway across the world later.

Lahan- I immedately manage to fuck something up, and go up to Citan's house before triggering the plot to advance (I talk to Dan but forget to talk to Alice).  Otherwise, not much to say.  Checking Fei's bed nabs you 200 G, and the last tree on the mountain path, if you jump into it a few times, nabs you a spider.  The spider you give to Chu-Chu during her introduction scene for an Ether Veil, a fairly useless accessory that sells for 5000G.  So yeah, this is by a wide margin the biggest payout you get in the entire first arc of the game and is a must have.  Otherwise little to say, battle here last seconds and are utterly non-threatening.

Blackmoon- I always remember this as a very long dungeon.  Instead it takes about 15 minutes, just running straight through and ignoring the treasures.

Dazil/Desert/Aveh Transport- Nothing to report.

Stalagmite Cave- I pick up the Iron GWhip because it's about a 5 second detour, but sell it.  YOu do, however, have to spring for Balthazar's engine upgrades; you fail to break Calamity's defense without them, and grinding up to sufficiently damaging deathblows is obviously out.  It costs 2800 to get both Weltall and Brigandier new engines.   New frames and armor are a waste, thanks to Wild Smile, however.

Bart's Base- Biggest note here is not to upgrade any gears.  Straightforward fights otherwise, Heimdall is never more useful~

Bledevik- I lose some time here trying to remember the correct order to talk to the people by the water grate, the hide and seek kid, the nun, and signing up for the tournament.  I also opt to win the tournament (you can lose safely, and the first opponent is pretty capable of killing you if you don't pick up on his counter gimmick), thinking that the wedding dress would boost my funds... turns out it's only worth 1000 G and is a waste.  Ah well.  at this point, when you go back to the yggdrasil, you can cash in your spider for the Ether Veil, making it a good time to hit the shops and sell off stuff in general.

Nisan- Except, of course, even after that I end up with just under 30,000 G.  Shit.  I opt to say fuck it and grind.  This ends up taking over 45 minutes, more time than sailing to Nisan from Aquvy would have taken assuming a little luck on randoms and a lot of running.  Even allowing that I sped up a few battles with it, it's not a big gain because Fei just doesn't have the Ether stat to get Guided Shot out damaging his physicals assuming upgrades.  It probably helped the most on...

Desert Despair-  Dora's head cover makes it a prime target for Guided Shot since I did get the Ether Doubler.  It's got better than average Mdef, but I'm still breaking it better than I would the defense.  Rewinding a bit, I opt to fully upgrade Weltall at the random gear shop here, before the Elly's squad series.  This is probably wise, since I don't have teh Rosesols to spam Guided Shot and Sword/Claw Knight can add up offense very, very fast.  I also nab the Magnetic Coat on the way up.  In general twinking for Response is a money saver, because Response is added to HIt, and Response/2 is added to Evade.  3x Magnetic Coat is a great defensive setup we'll see at least once more here.

D-Block- No point to winning these fights, so don't.  After that, the game decides to mimic spending days in prison by not telling you what to do.  So; talk to hammer at the bar, try to leave town, return to the bar, go back to the dorm.  At that point, you hook back up with Citan and things get linear again.  First time in the game you should really upgrade character equips, be sure to pick up 3x metal jacket and metal helm.  Anyway, the battling tournament is pretty easy.  Once Rico shows up for the sewers, you'll want a map (GFAQs has one with all the murder sites marked.)  I save some time not examining a murder site, then promptly lose it because I missed the keys and had to backtrack for them.  Dungeon goes pretty quick, but Redrum is a longer fight than I remember (it is, however, very controllable, so low risk of loss as long as you have 2 zetasols for revival purposes.)

Kislev- first stop is the central government district.  Before heading up to see the Kaiser, I detour to pick up the Power Magic in the basement.  I manage to fuck up the crane about 10 times before getting it right, but supposing you were optimizing the time doing it once should be worth it; even sans Ether Doubler, this thing lets Vierge put out around 1000 damage a turn, letting Elly match L1 deathblows every turn.  In other words, it'll kill enemies in one hit and speeds up FIS-6 by a good two turns.  Anyway, I nab the Memento Chain because hey why not.  Once Rico's capture, head to the residential district to meet up with hammer, then back to D-block.  I break out a guide book for directions through the air vents.
Once you get Weltall back, you can access a gear shop before starting the next boss series.  I ended up upgrading Weltall's frame and engine, while leaving it with an Ether setup.  This turned out to be stupid; Guided Shot does about the same damage as an X attack to Elly's crew here, and without multiple Magnetic Coats I don't dodge them enough to say so.  I also rather dumbly don't refuel Weltall after the upgrades, and end up beating Claw Knight with about 150 HP.  After this it's trivial; rico could solo the remaining stuff, and tossing the beam coat on Stier means that he doesn't even take damage against Domina.

Goliath- I upgrade Viege's frame, which I proooobably didn't need but I also didn't have to upgrade it in the next arc, so either way.  As mentioned previously, just the Power Magic sends Elly's basic spells into the 1000 damage range, which is more than anything here can withstand. 

Thames- When controlling Bart on the yggdrasil, Citan is in the Gear shop and Rico examining Steir.  Since you're right here, this is a good time to buy some needed accessories; 5 E Circuits.  We'll be putting three of these on Vierge, while taking the Power Magic she had and the remaining two for Renmazuo.  Otherwise we don't need to do any shopping here; Vierge blows the fuck out of both Haishao fights.  I could be wrong though; sans Ether Doubler, you might need some extra defense on Weltall and Vierge to get through the fight.  In general, now that it's available, always buy the armor that boosts both defensive stats.  ALmost every enemy has SOME ether attack to drop on you, and you can't dodge those.  Anyway, I also nab the Lunar Rod on a whim, and I think it paid off overall.

Wels Ship/Ethos HQ-  Hurray, party choices matter!  I decide to go with Citan/Billy/Elly for the entire time Fei's gone.  This is also when you should go back to Nisan and get the Ether Doubler (and, in fact, could probably afford two.  If so, do it, both Elly and Billy benefit greatly.)  Anyway, both these dungeons are short and straightforward.  You'll need to buy some new armor, and should pick up the Silver Beret (between it and the Dervish Dress, Elly has the highest defense in this arc.  Seriously.)  Anyway, Citan's empty equip slot should probably get a Speed Ring.  It turns out that once you break 13 speed, the system goes a little crazy and spawns infinite turns~

Zeboim Ruins- You'll want a guide for this thing.  Anyway, nothing of note except, of course, the bosses.  Keeping Elly's Lunar Rod ends up trivializing the Elements fight because Seraphita?  Not immune to sleep.  As long as you survive turn 1 and get Elly a turn, you've won.  Id meanwhile was a long slog involving a great deal of Zetasol use.  I'm not sure if there's a surefire way to speed this fight up because ultimately what's slowing it down is Id's ability to kill people whenever he wants.  I suspect room for improvement at any rate.

Babel- Okay, so, in preparation for this, you'll want to upgrade everyone's armor (I mean, everyone you use).  I badly want to bring Citan to use in the upcoming Shevat tunnels (in turn because I want to beef up his deathblows for Solaris), but ultimately opt for the optimal team of Fei/Billy/Elly.  Billy and Elly OHKO every enemy in this section with Ether Gun/Spells respectively, and the bosses are one and two hit KOed by Aerods.  None of the treasure here is vital, so it's just matter of the jumps which.. well, honestly it's hard to describe the right way to do them in words.  Makes me which I could upload video of me doing it.

Shevat- and we're caught up.  I've bought a full upgrade set for Steir, and three power magics for Seibzehn (to experiment with Controls twinking more than anything).  My plan for the generators is Elly vs 1, Fei vs 2, Billy vs 3 and Rico vs 4, leaning on Magnetic Coats to provide Fei's defense, OHKOing with Jessie Cannon, and just using my standard game tactics for the other two.  We'll see.

I'm currently hovering just over 16 hours.  I figure I can probably squeak in under 21 for disc 1.  After that I'm less sure; I've heard times like 5 hours for the meat of Disc 2, then another hour for the final dungeon and 45 minutes for the ending, so I'm looking at between 27 and 28 hours at the current rate.  We'll see I guess.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3027 on: July 14, 2010, 05:40:44 AM »
I already said this in chat, but I wholeheartedly support almost any speedrunning endeavor. Props to you, CK.  Also, I hope you don't mind, but I saved the little chat we had regarding E.Doublers and DBs on the DL wiki. In other news, I also got my tuner seemingly to work after the reformatting. We shall see what happens. The sound is kinda low, but still existent, thankfully.

Also also other news: I got up to the last chapter in FF13. Hurray. Currently building some Tier 2 weapons that don't suck because my weapons have severely horrible boosts. Arth's guide on GFAQs is pretty much the only resource you ever need.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
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<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3028 on: July 14, 2010, 02:17:28 PM »
Congratulations Yoshi :)

Also yaay speedruns - I'd comment more but I haven't played Xenogears!

FFIII- Final dungeonz. So far lost once to hey look where does this warp pad in the middle go to, three times to Cereberus, twice to a Green Dragon and once to Cloud of Darkness proper.  Also had to reset once due to my DS crashing. That makes what nine runs through the tower including the one where I eventually decided that I might as well exit and save all the treasure that I had to recollect every time :P During my last attempt where I got all the way to 'weakened' Cloud of Darkness I spent a while on the world map before hand to raise my Thief's JL so I could steal Protect Rings from King Behemoths but I got bored and left it. They might have helped I dunno.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3029 on: July 14, 2010, 04:19:41 PM »
Wait,you lost to Green Dragons *TWICE*?  Ouch, talk about shit luck, the 3 Dragons in Syrcus are pretty rare encounters and running into them once and dying is bad enough; having it happen twice is fate playing games with you!

The 3 Dragons (Red, Green and Yellow) are all exceptionally hard by random encounter standards and beating them is far from trivial; they do have a low chance of dropping Onion Gear though!   Either way, dying to them is nothing to be ashamed of, I'm more just shocked you ran into one twice without looking for it!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3030 on: July 14, 2010, 05:08:03 PM »
Got Breath of Death at Doma's suggestion. Not regretting it at all. The little game is quite enjoyable.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3031 on: July 14, 2010, 05:13:31 PM »
Devil May Cry 3 - Beat this. CHESS BATTLE is epic, also pretty tough! Better than most bosses even, I loved all the gimmicks even if they were mostly ones I'd seen before... lots of stuff to keep track of. I had a decent amount of difficulty with Arkham too mostly because I'm reliant on Trickster and the game took it away from me for the second form. Found the blood missiles pretty challenging/unintuitive to dodge too but mostly had the hang of that by the end. Mostly. Vergil I got soundly raped by but then found him quite easy as soon as I realised that his purple orb attack leaves him horribly open so I could hit his horrible melee defence. Regen gave that battle an interesting spice, at least.

Game got less stylish towards the end mostly because Vergil is a terrible wanker. Arkham is too, really, but at least the game has the courtesy to realise this. DMC3 without style = :(

I think the only boss I had more than three resets on was Nevan. Game had a few other kinda competent bosses like Agni/Rudra, Leviathan, Vergil 2, Quicksilver, and Arkham, but nothing even remotely approached the crafty challenge I was hoping to see. Oh yeah, I enjoyed that shadow Dante as a boss fight, but it was sadly a joke once I figured out what to do.

Overall pretty fun, but it's no DMC1. It's easier, didn't really get me to use different weapons in the same way, and most of the bosses felt much less well-designed to the point where it was mostly finding one gimmicky weakness to beat them with. Also never really found myself enjoying mooks (Mission 19 and its MORE DURABLE SINS kinda drove the point home; no that's not what they needed, game), and the start of the game is annoyingly slow (all the pre-DT bosses except Agni and Rudra are especially dull). I've been told it's much better on harder difficulties, but eh, not going to find out any time soon.

And when I do pick the game up again, no, I won't be playing Vergil mode, because, as I said, Vergil is a wanker. Dante for life, yo.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3032 on: July 14, 2010, 05:54:06 PM »
Got Breath of Death at Doma's suggestion. Not regretting it at all. The little game is quite enjoyable.

Saw the trailer on youtube. Looks really fun, but damn they need an artist who can draw at least Toriyama-level.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3033 on: July 14, 2010, 06:10:16 PM »
And when I do pick the game up again, no, I won't be playing Vergil mode, because, as I said, Vergil is a wanker. Dante for life, yo.

Vergil mode has exactly one cutscene and he doesn't talk during it. There is no wankery, only gameplay (pretty darn good gameplay, too - although some of the jumping segments are a total pain in the ass).
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3034 on: July 14, 2010, 06:13:51 PM »
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Rounding out unlocks and story mode before Continuum Shift releases, because BlazBlue plot is seriousness business. 100% completion on everyone but Noel, Jin and Ragna at this point. Because I like to do plot relevant PCs last, apparently. Not actually taking too much time to practice or get the mechanics back down, since CS is changing a fair amount. Anyhow...

Honestly, aside from being utterly batshit, BB plot is actually pretty fun, as long as you have a high tolerance for random quantum physics butchering and HOLY SHIT TIME LOOPS. The characters are well defined, the story modes know to mince serious with humor and the characters are all played to their individual stereotypes. The game DOES revel in each character's general stereotype (seriously, every single BB character is pretty much an anime archetype directly) but they're well written and, at least on the English side, wonderfully voiced. The game definitely could have done a little better at making certain facts a little more clear, but overall, just playing through the story modes and getting full completion will spell out most important factors.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3035 on: July 14, 2010, 07:45:08 PM »
I've been told it's much better on harder difficulties, but eh, not going to find out any time soon.

Just remember, it's not much better on DMD.

DMD is more fun for bosses, but mooks go from "Hey these guys are great fun." on Very Hard to "FUCKING DIE ALREADY". If you're having annoyance at enemy durability on Normal, at any point, ever, never play DMD ever.

*Hypes Very Hard some more.*
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3036 on: July 14, 2010, 08:13:57 PM »
From what I've seen and heard of regarding DMD, it sounds like "Never play DMD ever!" is generally a good idea regardless what game you're playing, unless you really hate yourself.

Makes me wonder why they even invented Hell and Hell mode in DMC4...well, I guess its cause DMD wasn't HARDCORE!!! enough for some people, they decided to make a mode that's as bullshit as humanly possible, just to show the usual "Be careful what you wish for!" thing.

More games need a Very Hard mode though; having something between DMD and Hard is cool stuff, and I need to get to trying that.  Or heck, even if they just made Very Hard basically "Dante Must Die without enemies Devil Triggering", that'd be enough for me (the increased damage, AI, etc. would be enough for interest; basically, its Dante Must Die mode without the "Enemies can randomly go into Fuck You mode")
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3037 on: July 14, 2010, 08:23:35 PM »
The main draw of higher difficulties for me isn't that they're harder so much as that you get all your tricks from the start of the game, against enemies scaled up enough that you need those tricks. It's the only way to play the entire game with a complete set of options, and I can't think of a game in the genre that doesn't benefit from that.

Ninja Gaiden: Up to the last three bosses. To reiterate what I said in chat yesterday, this game is awesome at mook combat but completely drops the ball on bosses. Where the stages are about fast, reflex-intensive action and are really well-designed, bosses are about standing in one place and dodging every so often while waiting for an arbitrarily chosen move to make the boss drop its guard. Attacking without waiting for that move, no matter how wide-open the boss seems to be, just buys you an automatic dodge. Alternately boring and frustrating, which is not a fun combination. Sadly, all I have left at this point is bosses.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3038 on: July 15, 2010, 12:04:11 AM »
FE3DS - Started this, got up to C5.  So far, so acceptable.  Biggest change so far is probably the arena, which is now a fairly cheap (120-130g right now, cost probably goes up with level) means of training accessable from the battle prep menu starting on C5.  There's no money in it and it wears down weapons, but it strikes me as an overall improvement, seeing as how you can see the stats of the guy you're fighting against before you fight and the fact that the standard FE arena would probably be abuseable as fuck with the existance of Casual mode.  The other changes I've noticed seem relatively minor, all things considered.

DQ9 - Got up to Alltrades Abbey.  Class changing should follow soon~


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3039 on: July 15, 2010, 02:58:36 AM »
ToI - More fun with mining! Been grinding quests for Grade. Not even sure why!

DQ9 - Distracted me from ToI. Up to Dour Bridge. Current team:

Yuusha - Level 15 Gladiator. Went to level 17 as Minstrel. Currently trained in Swords to level 2 skills (Dragon Slash, Atk+10 with Swords), Warrior lvl 2 skills (Whistle Boy, some other forgettable skill) and Gladiator to 3. Can't wait until Paladin. After all I am on a righteous crusade to eradicate all evil. Or something. Plan to grab some speed perks from Ranger and Thief classes when I can.

Pino - Level 8 Ranger. Terrible class. Boomerang does crap damage and it's the best weapon I can get for it. Skills are also unimpressive. So far he's trained in Monk skills and Thief agility for first-turn War Crying. Was my best damage-dealer for a while until Yuusha caught up - Venom Knife is ridiculously good until he swapped to Monk. Gonna change him back to Thief at level 11 Ranger, then stay in it until I've enough agility to make him a Warrior.

Simba - Level 18 Priest. Pretty much the mainstay of the group right now. Does solid damage due to spear training, has the Str to make it matter, and enough resilience and MP to carry me through dungeons. Lacks good damage options beside stabbing, but he's usually casting Buff, Heal, or using his Coup de Grace, probably the best in the game: Multiheal + Status Curing. Not sure if healing is full, so far it's been!

Niode - Level 19 Mage. Debuffer. Sap still works wonders on bosses. Crackle's good damage (on par with the Gladiator, and it's Group), Bang is handy in a bind and Acceleratle is never a bad thing to have against speedy bosses. Doesn't run out of MP, thanks to Staff of sentencing having innate Woosh. Only trained in Wand and Spellcraft. Considered unlocking Mage Knight and having a gander at it, but seems to be Final Fantasy Mage Knight who infuses weapons with elements, and I'm not really signed up for that. Definitely will go Sage later.

Sooo fun little game so far, curious if it'll hold my interest until I finish it.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3040 on: July 15, 2010, 04:49:00 AM »
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Rounding out unlocks and story mode before Continuum Shift releases, because BlazBlue plot is seriousness business. 100% completion on everyone but Noel, Jin and Ragna at this point. Because I like to do plot relevant PCs last, apparently. Not actually taking too much time to practice or get the mechanics back down, since CS is changing a fair amount. Anyhow....

They seriously needs to make that Taokaka movie, I most certainly is going to prep order one if it ever come true.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3041 on: July 15, 2010, 06:03:13 AM »
RICHARD and I managed to set up FBA with Street Fighter 2 - KOHRYU edition. It was the best thing ever. Final score? I think I won around 20-25 matches, the great vice president won the rest (I think we had 36 matches in total). The part about this game is counterpicking mid battle. Although you can only do in neutral stance! Tentative character thoughts:

Ryu: Has the dreaded KOHRYUKEN. What is it? It's basically a Shoryuken, but it also shoots a Hadouken at the same time. This move is so broken. But only the LP version. He also has air Hadoukens, anti-air hadoukens and homing hadoukens. Has the better tatsu, but worse KOHRYUKEN. But a KOHRYUKEN is a KOHRYUKEN. Which is to say it is broken.

E.Honda: No recovery time means you can actually stun lock people with the headbutt. Has a blind spot inside his 100 hand slap that is somehow in front of him. Oh it somehow manages to hit from behind *psyduck*

Blanka: Electricity seems to suck people in. Meaning once you knock down, you can keep doing it for infinite damage?

Guile: HAS AN ANTI GROUND SONIC BOOM. Also has pringle booms.

Ken: The best KOHRYUKEN. Probably the best character in the game because of it

Chun Li: Has INVISIBLE AIR THROWS where her hit box doesn't have to touch yours.

Dhalsim: INVISIBLE YOGA FIRE? Dunno :(

Zangief: I couldn't do anything with him :( Damn 360 motions.

Balrog: Kills people up close if they do not have a close range melee special move. This is surprisingly few. Also, doesn't seem to have his trip or the headbutt

Vega: Can climb off screen! and...uh...comedy option?

Sagat: Pringle Tigers as well as TIGER FLAME OHKO but requires extreme close range. Also raped by KOHRYUKENs due to his size.

Bison: DIVING BISON into DANCING BISON. Pretty much the only thing you need to know. His kneestomp seems like its useless :(
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 06:13:02 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3042 on: July 15, 2010, 04:22:40 PM »
Saw the trailer on youtube. Looks really fun, but damn they need an artist who can draw at least Toriyama-level.

Setting your sights a little low there, huh Djinn?

Don't worry, though: the next game will have better graphics. And Cthulu as the main character. Supposed to come out in August.

Now, speaking of games that are actually out now, DeathSpank! Played through and completed it earlier today. Can be summed up as a semi-funny short Diablo clone with very limited equipment, but full of charm. The combat is good, though I was entirely melee only until I got the final bow, at which point I became ranged only. I like the food items being a gradual healing - it forces you out of battle in order to restore your life or relying on potions. Money is next to useless (so, like Diablo), the sidequests are simple but rewarding (so, like Diablo), and there are Sabertooth Donkeys (so, like... wait, what?). It's decent, but nothing mindblowing.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3043 on: July 15, 2010, 04:36:41 PM »
I played the trial game, the writing was entertaining enough. That's pretty damn short for a $15 XBLA game, though.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3044 on: July 15, 2010, 05:11:21 PM »
At the request of Richard, I shall get Rush a better sword. And I shall cheat.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3045 on: July 15, 2010, 08:47:42 PM »
Pokemon Heart Gold - Y'know, during my vacation, I'd thought I'd get to play more and build up my team some.  Not so.  Nephew managed to forget his DS, bogarted mine, and whined and complained an unbearable amount whenever he didn't get it to the point where my sister would yell at me about not letting him have his way.  Well, whatever.

Got all the way to the point just after Bugsy to defeating Whitney.  Kangaskhan with a Shell Bell and Alakazam with Choice Specs destroy worlds.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3046 on: July 16, 2010, 12:18:56 AM »
Saw the trailer on youtube. Looks really fun, but damn they need an artist who can draw at least Toriyama-level.

Setting your sights a little low there, huh Djinn?

Don't worry, though: the next game will have better graphics.

I'm 100% fine with 8-bit retro graphics.

My point was that whoever these guys got to draw their promotional art is sub-Toriyama-level.

It's not even so-badly-drawn-it's-cute-like-a-little-kid's, it's just badly badly drawn.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3047 on: July 16, 2010, 02:18:47 AM »
Trinity Universe - Chapter 12, Kanata story.  Almost at the end, I think.

Game's amusing, and somewhat fun, but is hurt more by lack of polish than any IF game I've played so far, which says something.

Battle gameplay goes like this.  It's similar to the Legaia series where you input a series of buttons to execute skill which you can chain together.  There are some differences though.

1) AP storing (up to 3x base) is actually a lot more useful.
2) Characters only get up to three unique button sequences.  All of the others are universal.  However, the actual skills executed by the universal ones differ.
3) Each skill can only be used once per turn.  There's a good reason for this: there are skills that are as simple as XXXXX.  If a skill could be used multiple times in a turn, then XXXXXX would execute that skill twice (on the last two X presses).  That would be stupid.
4) Buttons are input in real-time rather than on a menu.  After the first button is pressed, AP starts dropping so you need to be quick on doing the next one.  Unfortunately this leads to mashing buttons to minimize AP loss which leads to accidentally inputting buttons more than wanted which leads to death.
5) Hit count increases damage as well as the IM gauge (used for EX attacks).  This is why (1) is true.
6) EX attacks (supers) take no AP.  At all.  They just take up 2 gems on the IM gauge.  They don't do all that much damage on base but they rack up a lot of hits, which increases the damage of everything else after it.
7) Characters can chain their turns together.  This keeps the hit count which leads to higher damage for the later characters.  In addition, each time you chain, the party gets some bonuses as well as the character you chain to.  The party bonuses are usually stuff like increasing EXP, money, and drop rate, but sometimes you get boost to the IM gauge which helps a lot.  Characters generally just get a stat boost and it's not even that useful half the time (woo more evade oh wait I killed everything).  You can even chain "wait" together on turns to store up AP and get those bonuses, which helps quite a bit.

It's a pretty neat system in theory but in practice it doesn't work so well (mostly because of (4)).  The game also doesn't let you view what the button sequences for your skills are once you start a person's turn (you can see them BEFORE that, at least).  So either you need to check everything before and memorize your chain (...for all four characters...) or use a text document.  Hint: Use the latter.  It's not easy to memorize the sequences since different weapons have different universal skills on them (e.g. one weapon might let you use XXXXX but another one may not).  Fortunately all of the universal skills are really easy to remember.

There's some cool customization things you can do though.  Characters can equip up to four abilities, which are all universal.  They come in tiers, and characters can only equip skills in a slot greater than or equal to the skill's tier (so a tier 3 skill can be equipped in slots 3 and 4, but not 1 and 2).  This is actually the only way to heal, but healing and Mana Release are about the only things it's good for.

Mana Release is an ability that requires special mention.  Each character can equip a managraphic to their weapon.  Managraphics are designs on the weapon, but they actually do matter outside of aesthetics.  When attacking with a managraphic, you'll get mana of that type after battle, which is then used for synthesizing other managraphics or meteorites.  When using Mana Release with a managraphic, it will release the field effect attached to it.  For example, the one I've been using most of the game is the Love managraphic, which regenerates 500 HP to everyone (ally and enemy) per turn.  A lot of them do elemental damage, though there's some more interesting ones like making all magical attacks miss.

I just unlocked meteorites, so I haven't been able to do much with them, but they seem pretty neat once you get more.  Each character has up to three rings that can hold a bunch of meteorites (3 for the first, 5 for the second, 7 for the third, and a core, I think?).  Meteorites have special boosts (such as stat boosts or even stuff like adding status to attacks) that depend on how close to the center they are.  Equipping a meteorite on the core slot gives a much larger boost than equipping it on ring three.  What's really cool is that certain combinations of types of meteorites can grant extra bonuses.  For example, equipping a blue (defense) to core and then two more blues to a ring reduces all damage taken by an extra amount.  The core is considered to be on ALL rings, and all of the combos depend on the core, so what you put on the core is very important.  Fortunately all of these combos are documented in-game, though you have to buy certain items to unlock them (not like that's hard).

For game flow, it's a straight up dungeon crawler.  You go see some events in town, then you go into a dungeon, then you repeat.  The main goal for (most) dungeons is to get to the gravity core, destroy it, and then get out within the time limit, or you drift.  After destroying the gravity core (or sometimes if you wait too long the dungeon will drift anyway), rare items randomly show up in the dungeon, so it's actually worthwhile to go look around for a bit afterwards, just as long as you make it out in time.  If you drift, you have to wait for a UFO or something to come by to rescue you.  I've only done that once just to see what happens.  I think you lose a bunch of money for that too.

There's also another "time limit" for dungeons: lurkers.  If you spend too much time in a dungeon, this black aura thing will spawn in a random spot and chase you.  If it catches you, you fight a lurker.  And probably get your ass kicked, because that's how lurkers roll.  Usually the best way to deal with lurkers is to run the fuck away, whether outside of battle or inside battle.  If you run away long enough outside of battle, the lurker will just vanish, but it'll come back later.  I once had a lurker vanish like that and then spawn right next to me immediately after.  So not as planned.  If you run away in battle it'll also vanish, but you risk wiping that way.

Difficulty's pretty solid.  Kind of easy at first, but after a few chapters it takes off the gloves.  Once you get used to the system more, it starts becoming a bit easier but enemies can still wipe you out if you don't take them seriously.  Especially bosses.  Healing is kind of hard to come by early on, and even later when you have more healing, you'll do much less damage on turns you need to heal due to the hits system.

Plot's kind of whatever.  Who cares.  Crossover game plot.  The dialogue can be pretty amusing though, since the game doesn't take itself seriously at all.  I mean, I already saw a Phoenix Wright reference, a few Disgaea references, a Yu-Gi-Oh reference, a few memes, and Final Fantasy 4 plot mocking.  SRS FKN BSNS this game is not.

Music's decent.  The vocal's played on the world universe map, so it's heard a LOT, but it's so happy and catchy I don't care.  Dungeon themes range from meh to somewhat good.  Battle themes are generally solid but totally owned by Grand Design from Cross Edge.  But then again so is like everything ever.

So yeah, despite its flaws, I'm somewhat enjoying the game.  It's not really something I recommend unless you actually have tolerance for this kind of stuff, though.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3048 on: July 16, 2010, 02:30:13 AM »
The system sounds so cool in theory, but I've already been burned by IF fail with GoC... and you say this is -worse- when it comes to buggy programming?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3049 on: July 16, 2010, 02:48:19 AM »
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn:

Completed. Final time, around 70 hours(I left the game on too much. And take way the fuck too much time at intermissions.).

General thoughts;

The only real bad point on FE9 is the one I commented on before; There are a few really irritating, very hard stages. However, they are entirely frontended, leading to hard but much more controllable and fun maps. 2-F is really awesome, despite being very hard.

Sadly, I couldn't keep my resolve not to save abuse much. Oh well, save abusing in this case tended to be saving every couple of turns in case I made a really stupid, really obvious mistake, which I constantly made. I don't do checking enemies well. sigh.

The good points are all still across the board good. It's a prettier game, it's a better game, the balance of characters is generally great, the scenario system encourages using the entire cast(In an FE game! With a few exceptions.). So many good ideas. It's not perfect, but it's great, high 8/10 game probably to FE9's 7/10. Which in turn both rank higher than any other FE for me. Good stuff.

Plotwise the game is better than any other FE I've played, but this says rather little. I'd have appreciated 3-F more if it wasn't a ripoff of a SRW@3 stage(No, really. Ideon bad ending does very close to the same kind of foreshadowing, in a very similar way, for very similar reasons. It is just as creepy/awesome there too.), but it's still stylish as hell. Some of the plot points are decent enough twists so that I actually care instead of snoring through the plot. It's too bad that some of the more interesting plot points are marred and the game goes "lol play it again". No screw you I'll just find spoilers thanks(Actually to be honest, for all BoF5's flaws, it did not have a horrible idea no-win  choice that could be avoided on NG+. You guys screwed it up worse than BoF5. Have a cookie.). But otherwise, relatively good stuff, humorous at points, decently stylish at points, tried at least, in other words.

Incidentally I started writing this part(that is, the non-character stuff) during the ending's character info roll, glancing back occasionally to see people's text boxes, and *finished the whole thing*. And the credits are still rolling now. The ENDING DOES NOT SAY ANYTHING SPECIAL. IT IS JUST EVERYONE LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER FLUFF. This is the most unecessarily slow ending ever created. What the hell?


All stats are taken as of either Final-5 before dealing the final hit or from the pre-F-1 save depending on if they were final team or not. Skill sets aren't going to be available for anyone but the final team since I stole every single skill off everyone else(of course).

Final team stats, in order of the character's appearances:

Micaiah: L20/20/18. 50(Cap)/19/40(cap)/30/31/40(cap)/21/40(cap). I don't think she actually got any stat boosters, oddly, BEXP just shored up her bad stats very, very well. Shade/Paragon for added skills. Physic and Fortify Rexaura for final weapon(dur). SS on both weapons, used Arms Scrolls to boost Light to SS because I had five from the 4 stages. (Every 4 stage but 4-5 and the 4-Fs has an Arms Scroll hidden on it. Go figure.)

MAGE LOOOOOOOOORD okay more of a priest in the end. Micaiah's kinda awesome and kinda disappointing at the same time. There's no point in the game where she's not at least somewhat useful, and depending on her unstable speed growth(as you can see I got that working pretty well) is iffy but if you get good speed you are in business for her early game damage, as she cracks people like eggs when she doubles. After Part 1, longer is impressive on damage but has staves. And for Part 4 she has staves harder! Because you see Physic storeboughts for 4-F. Yaaaay.

Downside is that she really is not impressive on damage late(although, due to Res being sooooo important for 4-F later stages-White Dragons and Spirits namely-she can take hits pretty well for a bit there.). Oh, her raw stats support the damage okay, but her speed just isn't high enough. Even capped, it's 33, I believe? Awww. Still, she's really neat.

Meg: L20/19/18(tee hee~). 60/36/11/33/32/30/35/32. All stats were capped but Magic. SS Swords/B Lances/D Axes. Don't believe she got stat boosters. Chosen weapon of Alondite, Celerity/Parity for skills.

Meg's...very interesting. I recall a quote from the Serenes forums often when I see her: She sucks when she starts and is not special lategame.

Granted, my Meg here is misleading-she doesn't gain that kind of crazy stats without a lot of BEXP(10k I put into her in the Tier 2 range before promoting her at L19. I needed another Sword user and she was the most practical person that wasn't Stefan. Stefan is awesome but kinda boring to have alongside Mia.). However...her stats pretty much crush this notion entirely. She compares decently at L3 to an L10 Edward. Having a much higher level Edward than that when you get to 1-5 is...unlikely? Edward is often hyped. Edward...has a ton more Swordmaster competition, whereas Meg's caps are simply completely different. I just can't feel it.

And in the end, you get someone that on average hits 32 Res. 32 Res is awesome and completely fucks with 4-F-3 when added to her defense(My vote for hardest stage in the lategame overall, although the nature of the next two punish certain kinds of teams brutally. I love 4-F as an overall series of stages, by the by.). 40 Defense(her defense while equipped with Alondite, if it caps, which admittedly is not a guarantee) is gamebest non-Laguz I believe, but this is crushingly academic.

So...yeah that statement is full of shit. Ahem.

Jill: 20/20/18. 55/35/10/37/35/35/35/22. All stats but Defense and Skill were capped. SS Axes, never touched her lances. Don't think she got stat boosters-I had a hard time keeping track of these, for the record, as I just tossed a bunch around during 4-F and never used them beforehand. Yes, this is stupid, shush. Anyways. Skills were Parity and Adept. Urvan for weapon, naturally.

Kill leader at 117 kills. Second best overall character in Part 1. Had a ridiculous four stat carryover. And why yes her caps are batshit so she's still nuts in Part 4. And she's great in Part 3. And what the hell it's almost like she dominates everything! Well, with the carryover I got. Maybe not so much without.

I don't really know what to say, she doesn't stand out in any given stat hugely. She just dominates as far above average(But not extremely high) across the board and is good at the start and...yeah. Flying but the only weakness is Thunder...yeah. Canto...yeah... Were it not for Nolan existing and being in the hardest chapters of the game, and ditto Sothe, she might get hype for being the best character in the game. Then again if they didn't exist I wouldn't have played the game to the end. Or past 1-3. So that's academic.

Elincia: */*/20. 50(cap)/30(cap)/29/34/35(cap)/40(cap)/22/35. I think she got a Dragonshield, and I know she got two Magic Dusts or whatever the Magic booster is. No Angelic Robes though. Amiti/B on Swords/S on Staves/Imbue and Disarm(Look I was running low on 10 cost skills) for equipped skills.

Elincia's interesting. She's dominate in a very weird way throughout the game. Initially, her stats are quite crap for Tier 3...but she's...Tier Part 2...she is in fact probably the first Tier 3 you will see...well, maybe you can get Geoffrey to it, but otherwise it's Part 3 and at least three or four stages into it. She's 2-P. She's around for multiple decently hard stages. She's a flying healer with Canto. She has a 15 Might Brave Sword that is unbreakable...oddly the last isn't that special, defenses simply get too high to really abuse this later, and early she just vacuums EXP if you try to abuse it. Considering she can heal and usually there's someone that wants a heal, there's just not enough reason to. Her growth is great(385 total). She got some carryover in Skill/Magic for me and still didn't cap either, go figure.

Nothing really negative to say about her in general-she's clearly awesome. But the way she's awesome vastly changes throughout the game. Early on her stats suck relative to her level, but she still can beat the hell out of things thanks to her stats being awesome for the time, giving you a solid get out of death free card. Later, when they're good, she's better off healing. Pretty interesting.

Marcia: L20/20/18(huh, lots of people ended on 18.). 50/32/18/36/36/35/28/34. All stats but Magic capped. SS Lances/C Swords/Wishblade. Nullify/Miracle for skills. Retrospectively Nullify isn't good for 4-F in general. Oh well, was killer until then. Don't think she got stat boosters but I'm not certain as usual.

Marcia's...well, she got a very good carryover, which helped her out hugely during 2. Standard badass pegknight build, really? More concrete durability than usual but FE10 requires that to keep a good Pegknight afloat. Otherwise, dodgy, doesn't hit very hard but does it twice period and has huge mobility. Huge help on 2-F, ended up doing a lot of the work during 3-9 so she got a lot of EXP there, and in the end she just did very well with BEXP levels for Strength, so she made it on the final team. That and the Res. That Res is great for 4-F. Strength doesn't matter as much when you have the second best weapon in the game to sling around. Not a huge amount to say, she's very traditional, very well placed(I have very little good to say about people out of 2 that aren't named Marcia, Elincia or Haar.) and just does very well.

Ike: L*/20/20. 65/37/12/40/37/30/32/19. All stats but Magic and Res capped. SS Swords/whatever Axes who the fuck uses his axes?/Ragnell/Nihil/Miracle. I forget if he got any stat boosters, don't think so though.

Ike got a six stat carryover. Ike on Tier 2 is almost(not quite) good enough to be used at endgame. Ike is fucking nuts. Look at those stats. LUCK AND RES ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT REALLY STAND OUT AS CRUSHINGLY HIGH. Well, speed's highish too...but...who cares really. I mean seriously what the hell. He has his downsides(Aether, suckass Res) but these serve to make him feel...only okay during the last few stages of the game. That's...all. And with the competition that late that says so little.

Ike kicks ass. Nothing new. The most you can say is that BEXPing and transferring stats for him is unfair. And that's kinda a duh. Oh and seriously game, you had no fucking reason for him to use Ragnell all game and you give it to him with two stages left in FE9.

In 10 you have a great reason for him not to have it and you give it to him like two stages before he really meets up with Sanaki at a logical time. You give it to him earlier than you needed to. What the fuck?

Mia: L*/20/19. 50/31/13/40/40/35/25/21. All stats but Res and Magic capped. SS Swords/Vague Katti/Pavise. (I just realized I never equipped the other Pavise. Oh well.) Can't recall if she got any stat boosters, don't think so.

Mia's insane. She may well be much more insane early on-where she has, what, 28 speed *starting*?-than later, where her Res and support type don't make her stand out as much as Zihark, but who gives a damn? She crushes things with ridiculous speed at overkill levels at all times, and that's good! And she's a Swordmaster after Steel Blades have shown up, that's better! And what the hell am I supposed to say bad about her? I mean really, not much exists. She's a very standard girl Swordmaster build on industrial strength crack. That's all there is to it, she does what she does insanely well. #3 on total kills. Yeah.

Shinon: L*/20/20. 60/36/15/40/34/27/32/24. All stats but Luck and Res capped(but MAGIC WAS CAPPED YAY~). SS Bows/Double Bow/Adept/Daunt. No stat boosters.

#4 on kills. Shinon is...damn. So insanely good at everything. Tanking? Yeah he does that. It's not necessary for an archer. He does anyways. Huge damage, yeah he does that once bows start really rolling(Silver), but he's never bad at it at all. Fast, yeah. but that is a theme with some of the more dominate characters oddly. Luck hurts his evade but his concrete is so good that it doesn't matter.

Then he gets the best weapon in the game. I mean...that wasn't necessary, was it? Oh and Marksman gets 3 range on bows. That's not necessary either! Cripes. So damn good.

Reyson: L25. 48/8/18/16/22/38/12/34(Transformed. May as well use those stats.). Ended up getting Paragon, because no one else needs it and what do you give a Heron? Provoke?

Reyson's very good. Kinda boring but very good. Really gets huge milage out of the Laguz Stones/Olivi Grass(I did not abuse these enough throughout the game on anyone. I admit this. Laguz were still good. This is because they are a massive mass of prepromos that don't entirely suck on levelup, by and large.), then has Canto/good move/four person Galdr when he's transformed. Not special if you don't abuse those. At all. But hey, that's dumb and you should do it! Ignore me being dumb.

Also he has HP, HP are cool. Just um don't let anyone get a swing at him untransformed. HP won't help then. (At least, unlike the other Herons, he can indeed sorta kinda sorta take a hit then sometimes. That's better than nothing.)

Naesala: L34. 69/40/14/44/50/30/32/38. All stats but HP, Magic and Defense capped. Angelic Robes was used. SS Strike. Adept/Cancel for skills.

Naesala is awesome. Hey look guys it's someone that shows up at Tier 3 L7 equivalent and can completely curbstomp everything in early 4 chapters. While gaining EXP and Strike levels! It's no guilt smash! It's like cookies that don't make you fat! It's not fair!

Well, then someone hits him with a crossbow and you come back to reality. But hey, he probably lived. Exceptionally good character, the "effort" it takes to make him good(and indeed you really do want that SS Strike, his damage was clearly waning during 4-F-1 which is where he finally got it.) is not effort at all but instead just having a very good character smash people up during a stage that is badly suited to many other characters. Well and having him smash up 4-P but that has suck-ass EXP for a 4 stage and he still gets 5~ a kill so whatever. Feels dumb not to use...except that Giffca exists, so there is that as an option to swap him out for. But he's more fun. The evade is hilarious, it's too bad it's not rewarded more, but his concrete is still fine enough.

Sanaki: L*/*/19. 45/14/40(cap)/33(cap)/31/40(cap)/16/39. Rexflame/does anyone really care, she could swing Rexflame/Paragon/Shade. Got two Strength boosters and an Angelic Robes. Hi Tal.

Kinda funny. If you bother to boost her up, she's useful for...4-F-4. Otherwise she never really stands out much except as behind the lines sniping, not that she's horrid at that. Cymbeline makes her stand out a bit more than she would otherwise during the earlier 4 chapters, but unfortunately her strength cripples her ability to use Rexflame(notice the two Strength boosters that barely make it no slowdown to swing), and her Speed isn't likely to cap either. They needed to look a little more closely at her good/bad stats. Or just not try to make a character that was oriented towards project that late, when the ultimate gains would have been useless if the character hadn't been forced...

Oh and that stone of her's is so useless. :( *Hypes it in the DL anyways, IT ALMOST MAKES average instead of horrible at taking hits.*

Nailah: L39. 70/40/12/48/40/40/40/28. Got a Talisman. All stats are capped besides Res and Magic. She may have had other stat boosters, but I can't recall. Pass/Nihil for skills.

Okay, Part 1 Nailah is not really Nailah. It is this huge force of nature, much like the other temp you get of similar power during that time, that sweeps the area of enemies and gives you a difficulty slider for the last few Part 1 stages at the cost of boosting later Part 3 DB stages. This makes her no less awesome during that time, but it's important not to overuse her.

When she finally permanently joins? She's...interesting. Balanced at everything with hugeass...Skill. I really should have given her the other Pavise. Oh well, no use worrying about that now. There's nothing she really stands out as bad at at any point during 4, she hurts, she, interestingly, has an EXP gaining option even if you're worried about her vacuuming up EXP(one that makes it easy for low level people to pick up kills, which is the more important part of it. Too bad it sucks for anything but EXP purposes and should be forgotten if you're playing for time efficiency and not EXP efficiency.). It's hard to really speak strongly on her because she's so damn good at being so damn high end balanced. She has the might of Ike(and a weapon that is as good if you ignore the 1 vs 1-2 Range thing), the speed of Mia and better defense than most people. What do you want?

Tibarn: L37. 72/44(Cap)/4/48/42/34/36/26. Nihil and Renewal for skills. Oddly stopped a bit short of a lot of stat caps I think.

Tibarn...well, he's the best one of the set out of the box, I believe. Which is pretty good, as it's a set that is very much defined by it's out of the box potential. He also has the potential to get insane amounts of EXP on 4-5, also good. And in the end...he...smashes things to bits anyways just as well as any of the less stable or more tweaky Royals do, with the worst thing I can say about him being that his Res is meh(and he evades enough so okay.). Oh and I can't recall him having to deal with crossbows. That's good. (If there were any it was on 4-2 and I still can't recall it. 4-5 surely had none.)

He smashes things. It's just that he tends to stand out less than Nailah(who had the earlygame), Naesala(who takes a little time to get rolling) and Caineghis(more on him in a second), for me. Now does that make him worse than those? Helllll no. I just got very comfortable with his utterly nasty stats and as such thought less about him. He's cool though.

Caineghis: L40. 80/48/8/46/40/35/46/20. All stats but Res and Magic were capped. Nullify/Nihil for skills. (Goes well with Fortune. >_>) I think he got two Speedwings.

Okay Caineghis with the kind of speed I gave him is fucked up. Caineghis with one Speedwings is fucked up. Actually Caineghis without help is fucked up, you just need to abuse White Pool. 75 frigging Attack. 75! (I think he starts out in the high 60s? Or was it low 70s?) Huge durability to physicals! Magical durability tends to get balanced out by the huge HP! Good out of the box or with speed boosting! HE DID 80 DAMAGE TOTAL TO THE FINAL BOSS. I mean, I'm impressed here is what I'm trying to get across. Sure, you don't have him early, but he stands out late if you can get him speed. And if not, he still probably stands out late. I just don't know because I got him speed.

Honestly he in the end impresses me the most of the Royals. Downside, he doesn't show up as much, no earlier time around. Oh well.

Kurthnaga: L35. 69/46(cap)/16/30/32(cap)/29/44/38(cap). S Strike. Ire/Resolve/Provoke. He got three Secret Books. No really. Also a Speedwings.

Innnnteresting character, very interesting. On base he doesn't seem that valuable, except for a part that gets underrated easily and reasonably.

You see, he is a character that you get forced on you with a 1-2 weapon with infinite charges, 30 in both defenses and 55 HP.

Now, Meg up there is better than that at everything, but that's not at L20 Tier 2. There's a lot of room for growth here is what I'm saying. And it grows up to 40ish defenses. Which...nothing else in the game matches. Now granted he's an unstable little bastard(HE GAINED ONE SKILL NATURALLY), but that's kinda cool. And he swings for...well, Attack there is 69. On a 1-2 weapon.

How do you make that practical though? Simple, give him Resolve, Provoke and Paragon, and have him walk up to the front line on 4-F-1 and use a Laguz Gem. Why, yes, everyone on the stage *is* attacking him no matter who else you had assault the line, and...he lives through it as it turns out, thanks to Resolve(won't otherwise), and gains huge WEXP/EXP.

He gained nine and a half levels doing that. This is how you make Kurthnaga useful enough so that you can ditch Sothe instead! (Notice the lack of Sothe for final team.) He gained the S Strike on 4-F-3, and I completed the first three stages in 10/7/9 turns. Kinda slow, but not ridiculously.

Downside is that he's only so-so for 4-F-4(He won't double spirits ever. They won't deal damage to him though. So, it's not that bad. And he does do a pretty decent chunk, he just can never one-shot them.) and the only way to make him deal good damage on 4-F-5 is to get him hurt enough to kick on Resolve. And of course it takes three skills that you may value enough to have on other people. Personally...I don't. But, milage variance.

He's pretty cool even if you don't level him, as support, but I respect ditching him. He's just so easy to make very solid, if not spectacular. And to be honest just having him draw that much fire was good on 4-F-1. >_>

Ena: L30. 64/28/40(cap)/30(cap)/26(cap, sigh)/22/26/40(cap). A Strike. Resolve/Imbue/Ire(ripped off Miracle and Renewal to fit it all). Got the last strength booster. Just for laughs.

Sigh. Good support, Blood Tide is great, with Imbue she's mindless and dies only in extreme circumstances so just toss her wherever for the most part.

Sigh. Terrible power.

Sigh, why the fuck doesn't she get a high Speed cap, her growth there is fine and with high speed she could have been at least genuinely good at poking at White Dragons and stuff. I guess.

I dunno, she works as she is, I just wonder why they went to such effort to make her offense unsalvagable. She makes endgame Soren look good.

Nasir: Was at his base stats/level. Never got a kill. L34/74/14/48/26/16/19/24/42/S Strike for the record. I did give him Ire! I also stole his Nihil~

Um if Nasir kills something in the last two stages it's because Ire kicked in on a Spirit.

On the other hand he dies the first day of never and has the best of the support abilities, both in theory and in practice, thanks to a bunch of speedy bastard enemies late.

So I respect him! He's awesome! He just doesn't hurt things. Situational awesome too, if he'd been available from the start of 4-F he might be relatively overall *worse*. ...but probably not, White Pool is too awesome.

Incidentally. 10 Speed Cap? Really? You're going with that game? ._.


Sothe: L20/20/8. 47/28(cap)/14/35/33/34/19/22. Cancel/Vantage for skills, SS on Knives and Baselard for his final weapon.

Got ditched for Nasir. I regret nothing. Sothe's 4-F performance neither gives him the durability, the evasion, nor the damage to really deal with it, thanks to his late promotion, stupid issues on 4-3 about actually doing damage(and you probably end up making him find items anyways) and his MAXIMUM 46 ATTACK. When Micaiah's outdamaging and outtanking you...there's...quite likely something wrong there, and that's exactly what can happen if you stick with him after Nasir shows up! ow.

Now, before that? Oh, man, Sothe's 4 showing is ENTIRELY NON-REPRESENTITIVE. He's awesome during Part 1. In fact he is a godsend and  if he gained actual EXP he would be the best character in the game thanks to how frigging hard Part 1 is. Part 3? Oh he still does fine, just make sure you keep him in Beast Killers(his may as well be Prf weapon of doooooooom. I figure it's not Prf just so Heather is better than she would be otherwise. That and so they can sell you a bunch of them without it looking odd.).

Sothe is bloody awesome. Just, not for 4. Before that he's great, he holds his own fine during 3 and is so, so, so much of a lifesaver during 1.

Gareth: Never used. For the record: 82/44/10/20/14/20/42/18/S Strike.

Who is this person and why is he the worst character in the game in practice while potentially having been good if he'd shown up earlier?


*shrugs, moves on.*

Edward: L9 unpromoted. 24/9/0/15/14/9/6/3.

Sacrifice of the DB #1. You need to ditch a few DBers. Edward pissed me off and got the axe.

You see, Edward is an evade tank. He can't dodge ever during Part 1. And...while he dodges well late enough so do people named Mia, Zihark, and Stefan. Stefan takes no effort, Zihark is during the DB chapters and is prepromoted and great and Mia is...see above.

So his main selling point was "Does not die in one hit." during the early chapters. Good stuff for that part of the game, frighteningly enough, but...he didn't double stuff anywhere near enough and his damage took forever to kill anything. blech. Meg got used instead of him because her starting concrete durability had a notable edge on his L9 durability you see there, and her speed on Tier 1 is just as good as his, and she was six levels lower and hence leveled faster. I regret nothing, again.

Leonardo: L5 unpromoted. 18/8/0/13/10/7/5/4.

Hahahaha Skill/Luck/Res oriented Archer in a game with two unbelievably good Archer options. He runs off that damn bow and guess what that still does nothing for him in the end because Double Bow. OH BUT BUT HE'S AVAILABLE EARLY yeah 18 HP and 5 defense and they don't gain reliably enough in those few levels for me to feel secure using him? Screw that. If Marksman had really killer Luck/Res/Skill caps he might be worth considering...well one out of three isn't bad but Marksman doesn't do much with it's Skill anyways. And Shinon can hit the cap anyways. So screw it. Sacrifice #2(and last, not counting the person no one sane uses.).

Nolan: L20/20/1. 53/28/9/28/29/26/20/14.

Oh god, Nolan. Nolan might very well be the best character in the game overall, despite not making it to endgame. This is because he is a godsend during a majority of the hardest stages in the game during Part 1, and Part 3 he's excellent in as well. There's nothing wrong with him long term, even, he could have easily made it to the finale. He just didn't. Starts out being able to take multiple hits and doing solid damage and still gains EXP, and in Part 3 gets a nice unique axe that makes him tankier and has the power of forged Silver(and more hit than even forged Silver can reach, which is an interesting advantage and actually sorta notable.).

He or Sothe one is basically a requirement for Part 1, in my books. In that sense he just kicks ass, period.

Laura: L16 unpromoted. 24/5/19/13/15(cap)/18/8/14.

Is a walking Heal Staff for the DB Part 1 chapters(and can be used for this in Part 3, I fielded her still even then). Don't let it get hit~ oh you did it broke. :(

You could probably get by without her, but why?

Incidentally I should have saved a Master Seal for her. Would have helped. Cleric's Speed cap is something.

Ilyana: L13 unpromoted. 23/7/13/13/14/7/3/9.

Barely used her. Might be her starting stats in fact, I dunno.

She's bad. She is however really available. Load her with stat boosters! Watch her be average! But ON EVERY STAGE. THAT IS..........not worth it?

She's kinda useful when you first get her in the DB, but stages are starting to slack off enough so that ditching someone for their lack of potential is pretty readily doable within a couple of stages, so that's what happened to her.

Aran: L20/17. 45/26(cap)/6/26(cap)/19/13/25(cap)/10.

You see those stats? He had those for like ten levels. He just had like five less HP and one less speed or something.

He's pretty funny. Traditional Armor Knight but in...Soldier/Halberdier progression. Why? Well they do tank pretty well, so why not I guess. Or something?

He's damn useful during the DB stuff, and...stunningly good filler during Part 3 and 4, where his durability holds up even as late as 4-5(he doesn't take hits well on 4-5 but he does in fact take them.). He amuses me greatly due to this. Using him during 4-F makes you ridiculous though. I'm just saying. He's cool for what he is.

Volug: L18. 52/24/6/26/30/15/20/10. S Strike.

Interesting guy. Halfshifted he is a L20/15 prepromo with lousy stats for that. So he's FE7 Marcus. On chapters that desperately need this. And who gains a better weapon for using him a lot. why no I have no problem with this WHATSOEVER. God damn, he's not as standout as Sothe or Nolan but he sure as hell helps, and is a decent part of why the later parts of Part 1 are just not as hard as the early. He's your bailout until 1-9 or so. (Where you get better bailouts anyhow.)

During Part 3-and even 4-he does fine as long as you take off Wildheart. TAKE THAT DAMN SKILL OFF. Ahem. He really needs S Strike to be much there, but that's not too hard to get(I got it boss abusing, though, so I'm not certain how hard it is to get. You know that one prison escape map where you only get the good BEXP by the soldiers slowly puttering off the map? Yeah he ate all the Vulneraries off the boss while they puttered out.).

Tauroneo: L*/20/3. 47/30/16/29/27/18/27/25.

Part 1? Well you de-equip his weapon and watch him draw so much fire that he glows red. He is so damn good at doing this it's hilarious.

Later? Oh well later he's clearly outclassed by Gat-*Looks at Res.*-er well his other stats wait he's pretty good isn't he?

I mean, there's too many badass spear users, but I guess if you somehow didn't have one he could be a considerable option. He's funny like that. I expected him to not be useful during Part 4 and was very pleasantly surprised. Nifty.

Zihark: L*/11. 34/23/6/28/27/15/17/12.

I really respect Zihark. I just somehow never got EXP on him. Him starting prepromoted(and hence not getting EXP very well in Part 1 in general) is part of it but I don't understand how he never got kills during Part 3. Oh well. He's clearly damn good, clearly the main reason why you should not bother long term with Edward(as you get a higher Res lower Luck version of him that's prepromoted during the same chapter set) and clearly has an awesome support(Earth~). What can I say? I kinda regret that level there. :|

Fiona: L9. Never used. 25/8/6/8/10/7/8/6.

See those stats?

You get those stats when people are promoting if you are ditching people.

I...what the hell.

I respect her more than the other people I violently avoid using. That's something?

Tormod: L*/6. 34/13/18/17/21/15/12/14.

You know if he stuck around he'd be pretty cool.

He instead shows up for a bit as a prepromo that won't gain EXP. He's useful there, ish.

Then he shows up in the middle of a huge firefight 4 stage as L6 Tier 2 Mage.

um. Tormod that's not how you do it. yeah no not much respect for him. He could have been good. As it is he gives me Celerity. YAY!

Muarim: L19. 58/36/6/28/22/12/30/18.

Hey. He's like Tormod! Except he shows up later and has 30 defense and 36 Strength instead of nothing whatsoever! Cool!

You're still not using him after the stage he pops up on, but at least he scratches paint while he's there instead of being a horrible liability.

Vika: L13. 38/18/10/26/30/14/14/14.

Hey, it's Muarim! Except speed oriented! And with a bad weapon! So...still can't scratch paint!

Waste of 400 total stat growth I tells ya. I respect her more than Lyre, at least if you somehow got her rolling she'd be notable.

Also notable for being a non-Heron Laguz that starts below L15! I think she's the only one.

Rafiel: L16. 34/2/16/2/12/33/6/28.

Hey it's a Heron that can't fly, doesn't get Canto, has bad movement no matter what, and can...always Galdr four people, even without transforming.


Nope, that's still not worth it.

To boot, his availability is the worst and his durability is special. And I don't recall any stage where I felt like he was necessary, or even that useful, thanks to stage designs. Woo~


Don't have his stats handy. They don't matter. He is a badass temp and will be missed.

Godspeed, you magnificent bastard, you ate everything that annoyed me on 1-F. EVERYTHING.

Nealuchi: L23. 54/22/8/18/36/25/22/20.

Nealuchi is the best character no one ever thinks about. He's there at times he's useful. He has Canto and flies. He almost got S Strike for me. But he doesn't do a lot of damage or take hits that get through well, and a lot of enemies while he's around in the earlier parts punish him pretty well. So he doesn't stand out.

He's a cool bird though.

Leanne: L12. 30/0/12/4/18/34/6/24.

Best Heron in the game.

Okay, not on base. On base she's better than Rafiel, thanks to the better move, Canto and ability to chant up two people no matter what, transformed or not.

However...I really find 2-P a stage that would be far harder to deal with without people dying(Nealuchi or Marcia) from back luck without the ability to Canto two people constantly(and if you fuck up they tend to just swipe Leanne. You then chase them around. Yakety Sax, sadly, does not play.). And 2-F is my candidate for hardest overall stage that gives you a wide range of options to work with and some actual EXP. (As opposed to 1-3 which does none of the latter.).

I...just never had Reyson for anything that felt that hard. So, I respect Leanne a ton due to positioning. She's cool.

Haar: L*/20/8. 55/35/6/31/28/20/34/14.


Haar is the best character in the game during 2-F. 2-F is hard. He is the best despite EVERY SINGLE MAGE HAVING THUNDER(and there are a lot of mages!). He then shows up a lot more than you'd figure and pulps things with huge raw Attack and huge mobility.

Downside, well, he's not as fast as Jill, and the Res is awful. So ultimately Jill won out over him. But without carryover that may well have been him in the final team. He's awesome. Linear, but that line tends to go through everyone in his way.

Brom: L*/8. 40/21/4/18/21/19/26/9.

Hey it's Aran. Except he has axes. And has more speed. But less power and skill.

Why didn't I use him as lategame filler again? Is mystery to me now. Oh well.

He's pretty good during the C2 chapters he's around for, nice wall. Using him late is a sign of mental illness, much like Aran.

Nephenee: L*/20/12. 55/29/14/35(cap)/34(cap)/30(cap)/31/27.

Well she kicks ass. Start's merely okay but she has the same thing going for her as FE9-Swordmaster type with lances-and while Lancer(I forget the name in the US version. PAL version actually changed a few class names. Don't ask me why. Tier 3 Halberdier is what I mean.) caps don't reward this as much, they do reward her tanky defenses.

Allllmost made it on the final team, but Marcia's higher speed and mobility made her more appealing. Neph is awesome though, during 2-F she held off the bottom left contingent by herself, with the aid of a batch of Vulneraries. Towards the end she started doubling and ate her way down the stairs. So much fun.

Heather: L*/12. 33/16/9/24/28/21/13/14.

Hey, she steals things when you have no one else that can! And she finds items easily when you have no one else that can! And she opens chests when you have no one else that can! Well, except late, when you have someone else that can.

Oh, combat? meh.

Actually she's pretty good in a fight during Part 2(hard to hit and damage isn't hideously horrible), which explains the fact that she's actually gained levels. She's pretty decent, but why anyone would use her long term for more than item gaining is beyond me.

Lucia: L*/20/2. 45/25/16/33/32/20/18/21.

Awesome during Part 2!

Um. Then she shows up in Part 4 and is forced and a liability until you can get her promoted.

And then she's bland.

I gave her a dratted Silver Blade and she...could kill things but not unless they were damaged first. Oh well, unlike Tauroneo she's pure prepromo and cleanly the worst Swordmaster type overall at endgame.

But no, really, awesome during Part 2.

She got those 50 kills she had somehow and it wasn't mostly in Part 4, I know that.

Lethe: L21. 51/18/12/26/24/18/18/20.

Tier 3 L1 equivalent. With those stats?

meh. All things said and done I do not respect Lethe as anything but filler in this game, despite her having solid growths. However, she is around for some decent Part 2 stages.

At least she's decent filler, in other words, at a decent time. See the Brom/Aran comments about using her long term as much else besides backup placefiller.

Mordecai: L17. 58/28/2/18/18/16/34/8.

Much more unbalanced filler than Lethe, but...32 base defense(he gained some for me)?

Sure okay. Honestly he works better during Part 2 than Lethe does. Nothing really doubles him, the mages don't hit weakness on him by and large and 32 defense. Also, not a Cat. Worse long term, but I'm not using either long term, so who cares?

Also, why would you use Lethe long term with Ranulf existing, anyways?

Geoffrey: L*/18. 40/25(cap)/8/24(cap)/24(cap)/21/20/16(cap).

Carryover of Speed/Defense helped him out mucho. He was really useful during Part 2 thanks to that.


What, you want me to comment on him after Part 2? Hahahaha I didn't even use him once.

Also, "Lance Pal" sounds kinda wrong as a class name. I'm just saying.

Kieran: L*/12. 42/22/6/20/20/17/18/12.

Fillerfillerfiller. Good filler! Required filler!

Still filler! Why would use use him late?

He sure as hell owns a lot of the Crimean Knights at least.

Astrid: L*/2. 33/15/8/18/17/17/10/14.



Which you're better off not killing people on for the BEXP that you get for not killing people.

Makalov: L*/7. Starting stats, so...37/18/5/17/18/20/17/9.

Elfboy's probably right about him being not as bad as Astrid.

I'm still not sure he's much better than Carryover!Astrid though. Five levels on her gave him...negligably more offense and comparable hit rate and speed, and while the durability is better(Good!) he does not attack from range.

Oh well, who cares. Both suck. Someone give me two more Kierans.

Danved: L*/10. 40/17/9/23/21/19/16/13.

Oh, they gave me another one. Except he uses spears and isn't mounted.

...well not quite as good, but close enough. Useful filler, out of the box. I do not care about much else with him. Sure didn't use him long term and it's hard to figure why you would. Male Halberdiers in this game are all temporary for usefulness. Pretty good for that temporary though?

Calill: L*/7. 33/9/20/18/18/17/11/17.

Best fire mage? Yeah probably. Enough better than Sanaki for me to care?...not really? I have enough healers for Endgame 4 already, and one Strength booster is probably worth 13 levels of EXP.

Although you can reasonably prepromote her.

The point is she's fighting with the person that is the second worst forced person in 4-F. Sigh.

Titania: L*/20/12. 51/34(cap)/14/34/31/24/28(cap)/26(cap).

Why do Gold Knights have such bad defense caps.

Well, never mind that.

Anyways, as you can see, Titania is a badass still. Just because her caps suck and she didn't make it to endgame in large part because of them(and because Jill's are sickening and wrong) does not change this. She kicks ass during...a lot of stages you don't really need more kickass in, but what's some more kickass more or less?

And of course she's absurdly useful during the 4 pathsplit. Yeah, nothing wrong here. Well, a lot wrong here, but in the good way!

Soren: L*/10(yes!)/7.  38/17/34/29/25/13/13/27.

Interesting choice here. Initially I was going to ignore him. Then I noticed that he could be promoted without much damage if I BEXPed him up four levels and capped off his speed. Then I decided that was a waste and just promoted him. On net...he actually was pretty useful. He got Discipline, so he could swing Rexwind(not that I ever had him do so), got C in Staves, and did quite well at picking off people, softening up people, and healing.

In short, by this game's standards he's a glowing mage success story. In that he was useful for more than a stage or two.

Mist: L*/20/4. 39/17/27/25/28/35(cap)/17/29.

Best healer for a subset of people!

Useful during pathsplit as an extra healer!

Only a lunatic would use her during 4-F! Well or someone that likes three healers.

The total lack of offense is pretty offensive, honestly. 17 Strength is depressing, and there's no way to do anything with her Magic stat at all. (Well maybe cards. I never checked.) Why? The same reason they made Ena's offense suck. Because they could. ._. She even had carryover and it couldn't salvage the offense, nor could her silly Prf sword. Even at cap she has under 40 Attack I think(Although she can use Alondite, for...still sub-Sothe damage. She slightly breaks his damage with Vague Katti~). Oh well.

Rolf: L*/4. 35/19/3/23/19/15/14/11.

Well he's better than Leonardo. If you wanted two Snipers, either for short term reasons or because you're weird and don't mind one of them lacking Double Bow, he'd be fine enough. I just can't really say he outclasses Shinon, the level gap alone(considering Shinon's stats are excellent) is enough to make me frown at that.

But no, he's quite good in his own right, I just was not interested. Nothing personal.

Boyd: L*/20/7. 60/37/7/31/25/20/29/15.


Yeah not a character that can afford that. He still made good filler, though, for the 4 pathsplit(Note 29 defense.), but no *way* was I using him for 4-F. Ever. Even if his speed hadn't gotten raped though...he's really meh and in a team full of people who are good. Oh well.

Oscar: L*/20/8. 50/27/15/30/30/30(cap)/22/19.

Wow he's boring.

He's not bad, he stabs things fine.

He's so boring.

Good filler for the 4 pathsplit. Kinda outclassed during Ike chapters though. he's boring.

Gatrie: L*/20/7. 52/34/11/31/27/18/35/23.

Initially I was mostly going to ignore Gatrie.

Then I realized that was stupid and I was being stupid and used him to huge effect as 4 filler. He's definitely fine. He kinda bores me, but he's fine.  I don't even know why he bores me. Oh well.

Rhys: L5. 27/8/24/16/14/22/7/25.


He's one point from capping Magic there, I think. I don't know what they were thinking with that whole line's caps, but "Useful attacker" was not part of it, I'm sure, despite getting big Magic growth. "Person who can take hits" wasn't it either. I initially didn't think he looked too bad, but the more I've examined him...

Ranulf: L30. 59/30/12/36/32/27/30/20. S Strike. Got a Satori Sign.

Participated in my "Hey Laguz with Blossom is a neat combo also hey they can really abuse Flourish!" experiement.

If Cat transformations didn't SUCK ASS he'd have been a real force! As it was he was good filler and really nasty when you know he only had to fight a few things. Oh well.

Kysha(this is what my copy of the game calls him and I go with it~): Never used. L18/55/20/6/20/22/14/20/10.


okay then what was his point supposed to be?

someone help me out here. In some ways, as a design decision, I respect him far less than the next, much worse, character, just because he has no real conceivable point. He is, however, less offensively bad.

Lyre: Never used. I still had to put up with her as a temp though! 47/14/12/22/22/16/14/16.

Okay, she:

A: Has 22 Attack. Mist outdamages this on base thanks to Florete.

B: Below average defenses.


D: Is a cat, having gameworst transformations as such and usually running out of meter within a few battles.

E: Is project. Now assume you kill some things with her, her 3.85 or so growth kicks in!...and it's mostly on speed and skill! she still does no damage!

F: Ignore her and move on.

G: Give her a rating equal to the letter above this one.

Janaff: L30. 57/32/4/38/34/31/26/16. Got a Satori Sign.

Ulki: L30. 60/32/8/34/36/25/22/22. Got a Satori Sign.

The two best characters to be largely irrelevant.

Seriously, let's review. You have, during the part of Part 3 they're around for:

A huge amount of badass Tier 2 people who desperately need EXP for the Part 3 split.

And then you have two people who are Tier 3 L10. Yeah they crush everything in the way in 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, and 3-11.

For those that forget, these are the stages where

A: They're neutrals(IIRC, in 3-7) and you are curbstomping the DB.
B: There are lava rocks pelting stupid enemies constantly for 10 in one of the easiest stages ever, albiet a hard one to do fast.
C: The threat is bows killing Elincia. Well, they can save her there. By being bow targets. Um. This is also the only threat in the entire stage and Elincia has a small army, so it's mostly academic as long as you move at a moderate pace.
D: RETARDED BRIDGE PLOT. Well, they are useful for this just to get the stupid map over with. stage in practice that they're good on.

Now they're badass on the split and are the best filler ever, but so is Skrimir and this doesn't keep me from calling *him* badass but pointless. So eh.

Sigrun: L*/20/1. 38/21/17/25/26/28/23/26.

Good filler for the split, good for the bridge chapter, nothing more.

:| I wanted her to be good, she's cute.


Tanith: L*/19. 36/22/10/23/24/23/19/21.

Meh. Better than Sigrun but does not come in as close to promotion so in practice a bit worse.

They're both split filler. Fine at that but not much more.

Man she crashed almost as extremely as Shinon blasted upwards.

Skrimir: Did not gain a level(somehow, I used him a fair deal, he just never got kills.). For reference: 66/38/6/28/26/24/32/18.

Yeah he's like the hawks except he has one less useful notable level and can't get a Satori Sign without extensive use(or wasteful amounts of BEXP).

On the upside he is better if you were to actually use him. But why? Even if you wanted to there's a good argument against it later.

Stefan: L*/*/8. 53/27/7/37/36/20/21/16 for reference, as he never gained any EXP.

Really solid(albiet boring) if you need a second sword user for 4-F.

If you don't just swipe his sword. He's not as good as a build up swordmaster but he's not supposed to be, he's supposed to be dirt easy instead. He's cool.

Oliver: L*/*/8. Never used. 48/22/31/22/20/28/18/32.


Otherwise um.

Also is it just me or is having him be alive the most random thing *ever*? Let alone his recruitment?

Bastian: L*/*/10. Never used. 45/21/35/27/24/21/20/32.

Uh...he's...not bad...not bad, for a mage.

It's a much worse insult than not bad for a girl. I mean, look at Mia.

Also he came in with SS Wind(dunno if this is due to carryover WEXP or if it's normal, but.). That's neat!

Otherwise...not much to say here.

Volke: L*/*/15. 53/31/5/38/36/19/27/22.

Er okay I guess you could use him.

Objectively he's fine, but the issue is that Sothe gets forced on you and he competes for the(singular) SS Knife.

So one of them gets offense hosed. Now, Sothe sucks in 4-F anyways, but Volke isn't much better at it either...

I dunno, he's kinda pointless considering people like Stefan and Giffca exist? *shrug* Too bad.

Giffca: Never used. L36, 73/46/8/44/36/28/40/22. Got Strength carryover from FE9.

You know....after seeing how much hell Caineghis raised I can't help but regret not using Giffca a little. He is seriously badass, with the only downside being that you can't just gemspam mindlessly on your Dragons/Heron but instead have to...make Ena use Olivi Grass, oh no LOSS OF ENA OFFENSE no.

I kinda wonder why they gave you two Caineghis and one doesn't get Formshift and that's the only big difference though. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's just kinda silly.

Renning: Never used. L*/*/16. 56/31/18/32/29/14/27/23.

Almost as random as Oliver!

Much better than Oliver!

Still not really notable. Swordsman...meh use Stefan. Now if he'd been a lategame Axe/Lance user we'd have been in buisiness for useful lategame pinch-hitters. As it is no.

Annnnnnnnnd that's it. This took me three hours to write. I blame Meeple.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter