
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362853 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3125 on: July 20, 2010, 02:05:34 PM »
FF-RW- All is forgiven Filo! Wow it's possible to have the two enemy groups duke it out in that battle, leaving the left overs severely worn down for you. Easy pickings to finish off. Took a few attempts for it to work and at first I tried sending Filo around the corner by Ba'Gamnan's group until I realised that sending her flying over the hole in the ground was a better idea.  On the winning attempt it was Ba'Gamnan left for me to finish off, ignored the non leader enemies remaining and did so. Again Kytes, Penelo and the Espers were my stronghold. Things were a different story when it was the other two leaders left though - those two have some teamwork going for them, especially considering one of them can heal >.> So yeah I'm glad I had a run where it was Ba'Gamnan left.

Chapter 7 wasn't too tough. Had retries on the first mission due to Kytes/Filo going down but once I decided to just solo most of the enemies with Vaan things were mostly easy from there, when I figured out the best way to get to all the treasure chests that is (had Llyud and Filo collect the ones near them too) =-) Once my party was all back together again the rest of the first half of the chapter was relatively easy especially considering the previous chapter. End of C7 was easy too. Yaay new party members!

Chapter 8 now. I has a Balthier, a Fran, an Ashe and a Basch~  


Final Fantasy III DS- Oh yeah I completed this some time last week.  Can't remember posting about it so yeah. Ended up with L57 Ingus (Warrior), L56 Arc (Devout), L56 Refia (Evoker) and L54 Luneth (Thief) I didn't want to have to go through Crystal Tower/World of Darkness countless more times and/or grind myself out of the situation so I ended up putting everyone in the back row for Cloud of Darkness. Kind of wussy but oh well =/ Bahamut/Aura meant that Ingus was hitting for high damage even from the back row and he still had a the Blood Sword on for a health boost (it seems that every drop helps in this game) At the start of the battle I also had him help out by using Defender to cast Protect on peeps as well. Luneth and Refia also helped out with Bacchus's Ciders/Turtle Shells during this stage while Arc was casting Haste on others. Healing Light/Heatra from Refia also saw use during the earlier stages of the battle as well. Then once Aura and all the other buffs were up I started guarding while Ingus attacked. Unfortunately CoD still managed to kill Luneth at one point (Lightning was still doing heavy damage to him despite having a Ribbon and a Diamond equip on) and he never recoved from there, immediately going down again every time Refia used a Phoenix Down on him. CoD became trigger happy with Plasma Beam during the latter half of the fight so Arc had to use Curaga every round.  He along with Refia was taking very little damage from Lightning which I was glad for. So it basically went Ingus - Advance, Arc - Curaga, Refia - Phoenix Down , CoD - Lightning/Plasma Cannon - Luneth *dies* until the witch could take no more pain from Ingus. She never even used her Haste until the very end (whereas she used it near the start the last time) and Ingus took her out immediately after that so yeah ;o

Might post more thoughts on the game later including what I thought of the different classes. The game had some issues but I'm glad I managed to stick with it until the end. Jobs are fun at least and I kind of want to use my clear game data to experiment with more of them now. Also my Thief is now at JL95 thanks to Crystal Tower/World of Darkness (meaning I should be able to get more Protect Rings very soon) *^_^*
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 03:04:28 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3126 on: July 20, 2010, 06:11:22 PM »
Emmy sidequest showed up after I finished a random lady's quest in Nagapur. Despite wanting to finish the sidequest, it is in Aveclyff and I've spent days on Quests. I just happen to hate Aveclyff and turned off the console. But once I am done with it some time tonight after work (unless I get out late), I shall go on with the storyline finally.

Also. Apparently I had already finished Fornstrand. I just never talked to Irina or continued any story in Athlum because I believe I would get caught in battles. Either way, I am sorely debating on removing Irina from my group. Boosted AP is great, support when others are attacking is great, bu~ut nothing particularly special.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3127 on: July 20, 2010, 09:07:59 PM »
Let's finish up Chapter 2.

2-11 (Zortroa on the narrow ledge)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; DS/Elem OC, Elem EQ
Elayne: Enigmancer; Elem/SS OC, Elem/Gadg EQ
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Sent/Bers OC

Pretty standard setup here, though the map itself is a bit tricky, and I don't play it exactly properly. This is one of the few XF maps where enemies start entirely up in your face, so no preparation time here. The Fairylights, which make up half the initial 12 enemies (8 more spawn when they're down to 4, same proportions), have high speed and against my party just go first, ganging up and inflicting Magic Down. Annoying, since my plan was of course to blow them all up with Devastate. I attempt to dispel it away but die in the process, it's okay. Vin and Clarissa retreat to where I can make a two-unit chokepoint with the help of a tree and revive Elayne behind them, where she doesn't have to fear Magic Down and can Devastate with impunity. This one-shots the Fairylights (as does Vin's Heavy Strike). Hooray for equipment upgrades!

From there on the battle gets increasingly controllable. Zortroa themselves are much better at annoying than they are actually winning fights.

2-12-A (Edna's forces in the desert)

Secutor EQ at last!

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; DS/Elem OC, Elem EQ
Elayne: Enigmancer; Elem/SS OC, Elem/Gadg EQ
Vin: Grappler; Fant/Sent OC, Sec EQ, Weapon Block

A pretty straightforward battle. There's a bit of a rush of enemies at the start but they all have elemental weaknesses and none of them are overly deadly. The last three just hide in the back like wusses. Not really enough foes to strain my resources, either.

2-12-B (Pale Ogres and traps) (1 reset)

Clarissa: Enigmancer; SS/Elem OC, Elem EQ
Elayne: Enigmancer; Elem/SS OC, Elem/Gadg EQ
Vin: Strider; Fant/Grap OC, Sec EQ, Weapon Block

Okay, now things get serious. I choose this battle to snag Strider OC for Vin mostly because of Strider's ability to detect and remove traps; the field is full of them and they can be quite deadly.

Pale Ogres themselves are menacing foes for two reasons: they have a sleep-inducing attack, which can pretty much wreck a party just like rhinos' petrify, and for some reason they have 800 attack, which gives them outstanding (often one-shotting) damage. I lose first time because of sleep, mostly; note the two Enigmancers thereafter to have a better handle on dispelling. Even with this setup there's a risk I die from sleep, but it's less likely.

Strider has a second thing going for it in this battle, besides the very obvious fact that it's an awesome physical OC with Drop Kick and Swift Shock, and that's the Mesmerise ability. -50% accuracy = Pale Ogres can't hit, lasts 3 turns, massively GT and can be used after moving so easy to nail all four ogres with. Mmm, doughnuts. It nails nearby allies to, but notice how both of Vin's allies are mages? You should.

The Zortroa themselves in this fight aren't nearly aggressive enough, if more of them ran forward to quicken the ogres things would get noticeably harder. But they aren't that bright and are easily picked off by Devastate once the ogres are handled.

2-13 (damnations)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; DS/Enig OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Enigmancer; Gadg/SS OC, Elem/Gadg EQ
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Sent/Stri OC

Every so often XF has fights which make you wonder what the game designers were thinking. The game is (rightfully) regarded as fairly tough, but then it throws out a battle like this one. I guess it's kinda decent if you're adverse to using Sanctify for some reason. Maybe.

As I am not, I should point out that I was actually able to win this fight without taking damage. No, that's a lie. I took damage once, from my own Widespread Sanctify. Kinda pathetic! Sanctify one-shots most of the enemies here, and it outranges them even before considering Rush (at which point my offensive potential just becomes gross). A few are only two-shotted but whatever. They'll mainly inflict disease, which would be an extremely deadly affliction if the damnations were paired with something that could actually, y'know, deal damage with something besides a 1-range physical off a 3-move monster with a crippling weakness.

Oh yeah, aside from Rush, Vin Heavy Strikes a couple of the damnations into pits. Hooray! Looks like Sentinel and Grappler will get to compete for "situational backup physical OC which moves enemies". Grappler's movement is more powerful, but Heavy Strike can send dudes into pits, and Forcefield is a hell of a lot better than Transport, as far as utility goes.

2-14 (paigoels and lava)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Grappler; Elem/SS OC, Elem/Gadg EQ
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Sent/Stri OC

Two pathetic battles in a row. This is 1-12 all over again, except that this time the paigoels don't get to leypoints. And they have worse stats for the time and face the tricks of tier 3 classes. This uh makes the battle quite a lot easier. I guess the 5% damage from lava tiles is supposed to be scary or something?

2-15 (Strahl Gewehr puzzle)

Fortunately this one is actually real. Nothing new to say here, it of course behaves exactly as a regular battle; setup is pointless besides "have Strahl Gewehr and Dandelion Shot OC", even a 3 move class can handle this. Clarissa gets 17 turns, but I only need 14, and I could shave one off by skipping the treasure box, but why would I? +3 sword is cool.

2-16-A (enter Alexia)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Alexia: Strider; Royal Fencer OC, Royal Fencer EQ, Leader's Duty, Strong Heart

With only two PCs, this battle is pretty much the same as a normal playthrough. Alexia goes Strider because Drop Kick is perfect for making use of her high weight and attack, and giving her much-needed range. Clarissa just takes the time to build up yet more CSP in Sacred Slayer. The elementalists can do quite a bit of damage to Alexia if they pick the right elements, but there's more than enough healing to handle the job.

2-16-B ("saving" Clarissa and Alexia)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Alexia: Secutor; Royal Fencer/Strider OC, Royal Fencer EQ, Strong Heart
Vin: Gadgeteer; Fant/Stri OC, Secutor EQ, Weapon Block

Now this on the other hand is quite tricky. Vin needs to run over and "save" the others, which really just means joining up with them because there's only so much she can handle alone. I have her go Gadgeteer because the extra healing resources are going to be welcome on such a long map, plus she's overdue to pick up a healing OC anyway. And long this map certainly is... 17 enemies? None of whom are overly frail? Yikes. I possibly should have packed some nectars because this battle is a large VP drain, as well as MP drain. Oh well. Plus side, VP drain makes Alexia quite speedy which is nice; there was never any doubt that I'd keep Strong Heart over Leader's Duty here.

The initial rush of High Cavaliers is quite dangerous, but Mesmerise once again comes to the rescue, as it leaves them totally harmless. Unlike Zortroa, they can't heal, so I'm free to off them with my elementalist tactics. Vin kills the Secutor on the eastern path to reach and join up. From here on I proceed carefully, taking on all the different enemies in turn. I do lose Vin at one point but that's all right, she hadn't built up massive kill bonuses anyway, and Revive Fruits exist. Also saves her some VP trouble late in the fight I imagine. I need to watch MP, but eh, that's okay, can always fall back on formation and combination arts to get some damge aaginst the last few enemies, and I do.

Chapter 3 time!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3128 on: July 20, 2010, 09:16:15 PM »
Nier: How can he go down a flight of stairs on the left side of his house and come down on the right side of the first floor? I don't understand.

Anyway, game seems okay. Currently in some town where I have to fish to advance the plot or something. Also probably there was a better way of killing the boar than letting him stun himself constantly and plinking away with magic, but eh, worked. I kept thinking I was supposed to make him run off the railroad tracks, but I died trying to make it there.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3129 on: July 20, 2010, 09:20:32 PM »
Cid: The boar is meant to be take on a bit later, since when first fought it has overkill durability and damage.

When fishing, just tilt the stick in the same direction as Nier. The key is that you HAVE to fish on the little cove past the cave in that town (where the massive number of seals are)... anywhere else and you won't be able to pull anything up. Fishing is near impossible if you don't do the sidequests in the right order (FAQ if you want to do that).


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3130 on: July 21, 2010, 03:49:07 AM »
It's beatable at level 5! Just...incredibly tedious to kill. But now I can mow down enemies with a giant boar, so it was clearly worth it.

Anyway, recruited ally #2. I knew this already, but Kaine's fashion sense is just lolwhat.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3131 on: July 21, 2010, 05:15:25 AM »
lolwhat is being kind there


Trinity Universe - Finished Kanata's path a few days ago.  Final boss was a jerk.  Actually killed me the first time so I went out to grind some levels.  Came back and apparently I lost the first time due to RNG hate since he never used the move that killed me again.

Chapter 9 of Rizelea's path now.  I got the ultimate weapons and penultimate armors before starting so it's been a breeze.  Put it on Mega-Hard so maybe stuff will start fighting back sometime soon.  Afterall, I've been skipping randoms so I should be somewhat lower levelled too...

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3132 on: July 22, 2010, 01:28:22 AM »

* Jo'ou Ranbu is speechless.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3133 on: July 22, 2010, 02:52:27 AM »
Dead Rising: Ok, had to reset once or twice, and now I'm back just before the 2nd day!  Killed Adam, got those two Japanese bastards successfully there and I hate them forever cause egads are those such morons!

I was doing fine saving Daniel...until I somehow fell into the big fountain WITH him and its impossible to get him out near as I can tell since you can't jump so...yeah, just said screw it, and turned game off there.  At least I know exactly what to do with him.

Also, yay! Got my first speed boost upgrade.  Really makes a huge difference for traveling.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3134 on: July 22, 2010, 03:03:03 AM »
Pokemon Platinum: Decided to do a replay and to make it a bit more challenging I'm using Wally's team from R/S/E with the evolved forms of his pokemon if they gained them. So basically, my final team will be Gardevoir, Gallade, Magnezone, Roserade, Delcatty and Altaria. All of these pokemon are can be gotten reasonably early with the exception of Skitty who has to be transferred over. I decided to wait to really start the challenge at Hearthome because that's where Ralts are first catchable and fighting through the first couple of gyms with just a Skitty and Budew would be overly tedious.

I was really worried with how I was going to beat Phantina. Kirlia has really bad stats for a second evolution which when combined with the ghost weakness turns them into OHKO bait. To make things worse Skitty had no moves that could damage ghost types with Levitate (pretty much all of them). The trainer battles in the gym all went really poorly and I had to retreat to the pokemon center after almost every one. Fortunately, Phantina's first pokemon is Duskull who is buff bait. I decided that my best option would be to have Roselia buff it's special attack to max with buff and try to sweep from there. I also had a special defense up item which ended up making the difference because it prevented Mismagius from 2HKOing with Psybeam.   

The rival battle on the way out of Hearthome was also somewhat difficult and required a reset. His Roselia and Buizel were no problem, but the Double Team/Endeavor/Quick Attack Staravia and Monferno were problems. My two Kirlias were able to take out Staravia by tracing its Intimidate back at it repeatedly and trying to hit with Confusion. The one reset came from Monferno pretty much sweeping my team since it OHKOed Roselia and 2HKOed everyone else. The second time I gave Roselia a defense up item which allowed it to survive a Flame Wheel. Roselia then Stun Spored it and the two Kirlias took it out. The playthrough is certainly very challenging right now. My next step is probably to rush up to route 210 to get Swablu and we'll see if the challenge stacks up once the Kirlias start evolving.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3135 on: July 22, 2010, 04:44:58 AM »
Odin Sphere: On the one hand, this is one of the prettiest games I've ever seen. On the other hand, there's exactly one attack combo and it takes roughly three years to execute, there's no such thing as canceling after you hit the button, only the last hit causes any kind of stun (taking any kind of damage stuns the PC) and now that I'm in chapter 6 I'm fighting enemies that can kill me pretty much just by deciding to attack during that windup and cooldown. And god forbid you whiff, because then it's even more unsafe. Aaaaargh.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 04:46:44 AM by Shale »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3136 on: July 22, 2010, 06:38:18 AM »
Dragon Quest 9:

Completed. Around 40 hours.

When did I start this, a week ago? Huh. Fast turnaround for me.

Anyways, the good:

-Overhauled basic DQ mechanics. I cannot hype this enough, despite the impacts not being huge. Magic stats exist for healing and damage, but don't do a spectacular amount(it's a X points=Y damage boost equation that varies on the spell, I believe. Like, 200 or so Mending Might is enough to double Heal's base.). Guard rates(documented in-game), evade rates(documented for how much equipment adds). Deftness as a crit/evade/hit rate/pre-emptive stat, all with small impacts but notable. Defense being it's own stat(Resilience, which might work against magic? SOMETHING is working as an MDef stat but not sure what.). CHARM DOING SOMETHING IN BATTLE holy shit(randomly takes enemies turns the more of it you have. Get more of it, it randomly statuses enemies too. I don't think bosses even can null this effect, although I have never seen them get statused.).

Somewhat redone spells and spell tiering, although it mostly ends up in the same spots(With a few exceptions. Moreheal for instance may as well be HealAll for the maingame, it heals far too much to ever fail to full heal at endgame.). Totally redone %-based elemental system instead of the retarded full-66-33-0-what you want elemental weaknesses haahahaahaha system DQ had been using for ages. I'm not sure how much actually functions the same as the older games.

Hell of it is, it mostly ends in similar places. It's a lot of small polishes, as it's used now. It just makes me wonder if they're setting up for more extreme changes(there is a DQX coming around moderately soon.). Based on this, I have absolutely no objections. They know what they're doing on the core.

-Job system. Job system is DQ3's(complete with Dharma-er excuse me Alltrades-being about a third of the game in.). Goof-Off is replaced with Minstrel. Tier 2 jobs exist and you do an annoying quest once to unlock them for everyone(which, is a vast improvement on DQ6/7. And really it's sometimes quite easy. Paladin's like "Use the Cover clone skill ten times on someone in an area with fairly normal randoms. Complete!".).

The punch line is that they balanced the jobs well.

Martial Artist/Warrior have advantages on each other, thanks to the weird combo system earlier and due to Warrior's large defensive edge later.

Mage is mostly support-y but the offense doesn't suck thanks to signifigant elemental weaknesses and better overall damage(Still not great, but I didn't go very dedicated towards magical offense, which would have given my Mage a huge boost. No, I got TDL instead. >_>).

Minstrel is like a toned down version of the standard DQ main, and it turns out to work pretty well(Some low end healing, Zing, wind magic, etc, on decent stats. MP is a decently big deal for physical fighters, as many skills eat some, and Minstrel's the only tier 1 job that really gets MP and has a more physical orientation as a class.).

Thief worked very well early, although it's not...that great later. Oddly it's class skills(the ones you get with Skill Points) are pretty good for the aftergame(Randodungeons make knowing how many chests are on a floor more useful for instance.), but not much maingame. It's still a lot like Minstrel with a speed/deftness focus in the end, it just has crap for natural magic. But if you don't care about that the speed could easily be worth it. (Also it's one of the two classes with claws, so it ends up seeing use if you want to master Claws this year without grinding.)

Cleric is unbalanced. Only class I'd really say that off, but it's the only MT healing class(There's a couple of skills but they're not great subs.) and it's physical stats are competent enough. Whack is still good. It gets Insulatle eventually(I don't think it has Kabuff YET.).  And MP fuels a lot of strong offense skills on weapons, so...

Tier 2 stuff on the other hand levels slower but is generally better classes, except...most of them aren't focused classes.

Gladiator is. It focuses on being Warrior+, although it's skillset is weirdly frontended while Warrior's is weirdly backended. But it takes hits about as well despite lacking shields and hurts like hell. Even slower but overall, if you ignore the fact that you can't start in it and have to level it up, it's just better.

The others though?

Armamentalist...makes Mages unecessary, although not entirely obsolete. Physical fighter with balanced stats and like every status/stat-debuff/Oomph eventually. yessssss. Good class. Pain in the *ass* to get however(Requires casting a Mage self-target buff skill on yourself, then killing a Metal Slime with that character. Twice. It's quite possible but annoying.). Also since it's a mage type, you have to get it rolling on levels before it can do much of anything useful, equipment doesn't get you by as well for the lower levels.

Ranger is kinda a weird Deftness oriented higher power lower magic Cleric alternate. It's pretty good but weird as hell. It also has the best class-skillset skill ever(Vanish. 3 MP, lasts like three or four minutes or until you're in a non-combat area, or until you get into a battle. Enemies can't see you on the world map. All non-boat randoms are visible. Shiny.).

Paladin meanwhile is a total slow-ass tank that can't die ever but is kinda middling at everything else. Decent healing but not special. The buffs are badass, though(this is where Kabuff went. Even better? It has Kabuff for magic. Yesssss.).

Sage is pretty awesome but it's gained far too late to be useful for the maingame(I haven't messed with it tooooo much but it seems like a Cleric, except instead of having physical stats it has a fuckton of MP, and instead of having status it more has EXPLOSION SPELLS. Which is a worthwhile trade.), and Superstar is surprisingly far into the aftergame, so no dice on really good explanations there.

-Puns. Punspunspunspunspuns~

-Lots of little polish things(like fifteen million Alchemy recipes being dumped on you at convenient locations, namely bookshelves which may as well be treasure chests for recipes now.).


-The game is easy. I respect why-it's an easy game to fuck up. The final dungeon is pretty hard, some of the penultimate bosses are solid enough so that there's a curve thankfully, a warning to tell you if your team is really way the fuck too bad so go grind or class change or whatever(And, incidentally, EXP is better done in this in the sense that your endgame randoms give like a fifth to a sixth of what a Liquid Metal Slime does. You don't have to just Metal hunt to get EXP if you screw up that badly.). Difficulty was clearly thought out a lot. But it's still kinda easy, and I'm not sure what they were going for with ramping it up late. It was clearly a concious decision too. Maybe they were encouraging you to use Treasure Maps if things went wrong? They do seem to like that system.

-Treasure Maps. Okay, this is the aftergame: Randodungeons. (There's fixed quests too, and a fixed dungeon that I have not puzzled out the point of the thing sleeping on top of it yet-I'm probably not quite done with the game for actually mucking with it. But, randodungeons are the bigger part.)

Are they well done? Actually yes, you go through a lot of smaller dungeons rather than HUGE HOLY SHIT ones, they have a curve, good constant rewards from the sounds of the higher ones(the early ones do admittedly suck), they're actually nicely done in many ways...except that *accessing* the highest end ones...requires grinding, as it's based on your level, from the sounds of it, if you can get a higher level dungeon. Not getting through them. Just accessing them. why. Oh well, at least it's never required.

The bad:

-Boat. *Sets boat on fire.* Why yes I do want the slowest water travel since Pokemon Gen 4 non-Platinum, non-avoidable randoms when every other random in the game is avoidable, *and* an unintuitive way to *get off the boat*(Ram a coastline for about half a second, straight on, until you get the "Disembark?" question. The fuck? Why not make a bloody button?).

Fortunately you have to use it like three times and you get a train for the aftergame, vastly superior.

Probably a high 7/10 or low 8/10 game overall? Very well done for what it is, a mass of DQ plot cliches, entertaining puns and better than usual, but rather throwback in concept, DQ combat. I liked it, but if you're not into DQ enough to at least like DQ8, don't bother.

Oh, and seriously, that 40 hours was with decent sidequesting and a ton of grinding. Give the game credit, it's short for once. Nice.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3137 on: July 22, 2010, 07:39:22 AM »

* Jo'ou Ranbu is speechless.


Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3138 on: July 22, 2010, 09:10:55 AM »
Dead Rising:

Dead Rising is really designed to restart when you screw up, just saying.  When you finish the first few days and unlock the last part of the game you will probably want to be level 50 unless you are really good at the game.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3139 on: July 22, 2010, 05:09:42 PM »
Early part 3 update.

3-1-A (Zortroa on the river)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Elementalist; Enig/SS OC, IFF, Accelerate
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Stri/Grap OC

The section of the game from late part 2 to early part 3 is generally one of the easiest arcs of the game, and I'm in full abuse of this, homing in on Class Level 7 for a few PCs, but particularly Clarissa (and Levin, not that you see him here; he's also sitting in Sacred Slayer).

This map itself has one new threat to deal with, and that's the vicious canine, an improved gremalkin, who has 50% resistance to all elements and a brutally powerful melee counter (which has a vertical range of at least 4, something I discover to my displeasure). Other than those two, who dislike Devastate and Drop Kick a good deal, the map is mainly Zortroa and Fairylights, nothing too bad now that Magic Down can be dispelled. There's also a tarrasque, hence Grappler OC getting some time to play; Ground Slam ignores the Hard attribute.

3-1-B (Forsaken Mutants)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Elementalist; Enig/SS OC, IFF, Accelerate
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Gadg/Grap OC

Much dicier than the last map, since mutants pretty much combine the best attributes of monsters and their Zortroa masters in one package, with the exception that they still have elemental weaknesses. Still, 9 of the 12 enemies here have some sort of annoying physical resistance, and half of them have one of the three deadly statuses in the game: petrify and misery, in this case.

I take out the enemies up to first, since they're less dangerous; three tarrasque mutants and three gremalkin mutants. Ground Slam again sees use to deal with the tarrasque types, but mostly it's Elayne doing the heavy lifting blasting and Devastating everything in sight. Once they're all dead, I clean off the statuses.

Second stage of the battle is trickier, despite the Zortroa's tendency to move towards me. Misery is a pain, so I keep my dispeller in the back (reaaally should have brought multiple dispellers, Gadgeteer OC doesn't really let me carry enough status healers). Petrify is similarly a pain, usual problems with it apply. Fortunately I have excellent luck with the 50% accurate statuses missing. This helps a lot. What also helps is the fact that they don't have too much MP. Widespread Feeble Mind would actually likely be an excellent tactic here, since they're quite happy to speed the process along with their expensive spells.

Regardless, no resets, although they certainly seemed possible..

3-2-A (Clarissa and Alexia in town)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Alexia: Secutor; Royal Fencer/Strider OC, Royal Fencer EQ, Strong Heart

Normal playthrough, see 2-16-A more or less. Same general strategies apply. Alexia has enough oomph to one-shot everything here with Revolver Sweep, Clarissa just continues mosying along and damnit Widespread will be MINE.

3-2-B (Myconids and Chelle 2)

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Elementalist; Enig/SS OC, IFF, Accelerate
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Stri/Grap OC

Myconids kinda suck, so even though this battle has me face off against eight of them (and eight of their zortroa trainers), it's really not too bad. Sure, confusion is pretty dangerous when they decide to use that and not their FOUR-TURN COUNTDOWN ON FRAGILE ENEMY OH NO, but I get lucky with its duration/effects. Only real note is this battle is of course a resource drag.

And then at the end there's the two bosses, who actually -are- competent. I screw up and don't realise Chelle is about to doubleturn me, she walks down twice and overkills Elayne. Lame, loss of Exp bonuses. :( Mesmerise stops her from doing that again, and also controls Tarrasque. Slow Down helps too, but even more significant is the fact that Chelle just doesn't have amazing durability - 600-odd HP is getting less and less impressive for a boss. Her speed and power are excellent but yeah, if she can't hit that goes away and she's easy enough to kill. Tarrasque as always is more durable, but far more easily controlled, and he doesn't have his regen in this fight. Devastations for all.

3-3-A (Chelle 3 and HOLY CRAP I GET HOW MUCH CSP?)

Condition for victory here is defeat Chelle. Labby suggests ignoring the enemies to get to her. Labby is a foolish fool.

Clarissa: Sacred Slayer; Elem/DS OC, Elem/DS EQ
Elayne: Elementalist; Enig/SS OC, IFF, Accelerate
Vin: Secutor; Fant/Stri/Gadg OC

Standard setup applies here. There are three Zortroa trainers, three Mystic Kappas, and one Chelle, and as mentioned, Chelle is the only one who must be killed. But with each kappa death popping as much CSP into my hands as 15 surly Martial Guardsmen, there's no way I'm ignoring them. Sure, they've got good defences (Fragile nukes everything but the evade, which magic gets around) and resistances (50 or better to everything) but we have Devastate and Sacrifice, don't we? Yes we do. They have around 550 HP which is competent but not really slowing me down much, especially with only 7 enemies to spread the resources around. I do lose a PC because their damage/speed isn't bad, but even that would have been easily avoidable if I'd been more careful.

Chelle herself is the same as before. Actually she's a bit worse because she gives up her Atk+25% support, but Predator Barrage probably still one-shots most anyway. Not that I'm going to find out! Mesmerise and Slow Down and Devastate to death. I make sure to Mystic a Potential Egg. This proves mostly unnecessary as both Clarissa and Vin proceed to overkill the requirements for Sacred Slayer and Secutor L7, giving me my first L7 skills! Hooray! And Elayne's close on Elementalist now. She's also hit Level 40, yay for how this challenge focusses Exp.

3-3-B (Sinspawn Ammes Augst Weisheit 1)

Hey guys I use nothing but gravity attacks and give you 1 CSP. I'd complain but the battle music is frickin' sweet.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3140 on: July 22, 2010, 05:17:45 PM »
Odin Sphere: On the one hand, this is one of the prettiest games I've ever seen. On the other hand, there's exactly one attack combo and it takes roughly three years to execute, there's no such thing as canceling after you hit the button, only the last hit causes any kind of stun (taking any kind of damage stuns the PC) and now that I'm in chapter 6 I'm fighting enemies that can kill me pretty much just by deciding to attack during that windup and cooldown. And god forbid you whiff, because then it's even more unsafe. Aaaaargh.

Just wail til Cornelius' Final Chapter.  That will make you hate life...a lot.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3141 on: July 22, 2010, 05:49:47 PM »
Odin Sphere: On the one hand, this is one of the prettiest games I've ever seen. On the other hand, there's exactly one attack combo and it takes roughly three years to execute, there's no such thing as canceling after you hit the button, only the last hit causes any kind of stun (taking any kind of damage stuns the PC) and now that I'm in chapter 6 I'm fighting enemies that can kill me pretty much just by deciding  to attack during that windup and cooldown. And god forbid you whiff, because then it's even more unsafe. Aaaaargh.

Don't forget ground attacks exist, as they are useful for a variety of reasons.

Gwen can Guard.

Avoid 4-star and greater rooms when possible.

Use skills. Photon Burst does a LOT of MT damage (about twice as much as a full combo). Once you get Overload you should be able to smash through pretty much anything.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3142 on: July 22, 2010, 06:18:51 PM »
I have Overload. It's quite strong, just doesn't do anything for my defense or add that oh-so-helpful hitstun to attacks other than ground strikes and combo finishers. Guarding does nothing against being surrounded or boss attacks, which are the big problems. ($#!*#$^%& Unicorn Knights)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3143 on: July 22, 2010, 10:36:23 PM »
Poklemon Platinum Wally Playthrough: Just beat Wake so I'm up to 5 badges. Both the Kirlias have evolved now. The Gardevoir one evolved around Veilstone and Route 212 has a Dawn Stone hidden in the marsh which was used to evolve Gallade. Maylene was pretty easy. Gardevoir had just evolved and was able to 2HKO her Machoke and Meditite. Lucario was a bit tougher but Gardevoir was able to outslug it with some support from Roselia.   

Wake however, was a terror. I went into the battle a bit overconfident because between Roselia, Gardevoir, and Gallade my team had a ton of Grass offence. Things started off poorly as I sent out Gardevoir first against his Gyarados. Shockwave left it's health in red and it used Bite and got a critical hit which OHKOed Gardevoir. I sent in Skitty to take a hit while I revived Gardevoir and Gardevoir finished it off. Floatzel was his next pokemon and after going over its moveset in my head I realized what a massive problem it would be for my team. I sent out Roselia first to hopefully paralyze it and it was quickly OHKOed with Ice Fang. I tried Gardevoir next and it was OHKOed with Crunch. I sent in Gallade hoping that the Drain Punch TM I gave it might let it win a slugfest, but Floatzel killed it with a critical Aqua Jet. At this point the only pokemon I had left was my injured Skitty so I sent it in and used a Super Potion on it hoping for a miss or something. It uses Aqua Jet and gets attracted by Skitty's Cute Charm ability. From here I slowly alternated between healing and hitting it with Return when it was infatuated and I was able to defeat it. Finally, I revived Gallade and used it to take down Wake's Quagsire. Unbelievably, a Skitty saved my ass againgst Wake.

My next step now that I have Surf will be to pick up the Moon Stone outside of Eterna for Skitty and then go catch a Swablu now that I can get rid of the Psyducks. 


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3144 on: July 22, 2010, 11:15:21 PM »
Batman: Arkham Asylum-Beat this a few days ago. Really fun game, easily the best Batman related game ever. Fighting was fun, story was fine, good exploration, just well-polished all around. My only real complaint is that the jumping controls are damn awkward sometimes, the camera gets weird occasionally, and the final boss fight was retarded. Ended up with like 60% or so Riddler puzzles figured out, not going to bother with anything else.

Bayonetta-Just beat this a few minutes ago! Borrows heavily from DMC, of course, but it manages to find its own style and combat so it doesn't feel hugely derivative. The game goes ridiculously over the top all the time, and the pacing rules, it never feels like the game slows down or starts trying to pad game length. The constant checkpoints are a relief, considering how long some of the bosses take. I really like the boss battles, even if the Cardinal Virtues are pretty easy. The cutscenes seem to be roughly half awesome and half cringe-inducing fanservice. The striptease shit made me very glad nobody else was watching me play. Also, the camera is really, really shitty at certain points and sometimes it felt like I was fighting it instead of the enemies. Other than that it was a lot of fun.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3145 on: July 23, 2010, 12:12:59 AM »
I have Overload. It's quite strong, just doesn't do anything for my defense or add that oh-so-helpful hitstun to attacks other than ground strikes and combo finishers. Guarding does nothing against being surrounded or boss attacks, which are the big problems. ($#!*#$^%& Unicorn Knights)

There actually is an item that superarmors you for like a full minute, IIRC. (Painkillers. Which, advertise as damage reducers. And do that too.)

Granted, there's sorta a question when the game's answer to "I can't fucking dodge crap" is "Here have one of those DMC invincibility items except nerfed.". But, details. They helped with all the stuff that made me want to stab things.

I recall thinking that Cornelius' defensive abilities are miles better than Gwen's overall and that Gwen made a terrible starting character due to this too. I should finish that game up, it is fun.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:16:27 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3146 on: July 23, 2010, 01:01:02 AM »
Wild Arms XF: Restarted this since I'd basically had the worst class setups possible in my previous file and I needed to make -good- PCs this time through so that I would actually finish the game without  wanting to stab myself.

Taking some pointers from the XF masters here, I've got some decently powerful Elementalist/Fantastica-focused mages, with a Felius physical/Gadgeteer build.

Progressing quickly enough, I just picked up the second set of jobs and I'm debating which classes to focus on now.

Clarissa has mostly Elementalist/Dandelion Shot stuff mastered, with the Fant. and Gadg. OCs for when those are useful.
Labby is a Fantastica with Elem and Arcanist OC/EQs mastered.
Felius picked up the Fantastica OC, and has mostly been alternating between Halberdier and Gadgeteer.
Levin is just a Martial Mage, and just picked up Fantastica OC.

I imagine that Sacred Slayer is a good choice for any of the mages, but I don't want to have them all in SS at once. Also, Felius, despite being my only physicaller is still dead weight most of the time. Need a better physical class to focus on, and Secutor just seemed pointless for him, since it required one-handed weapons for the only useful skills it had. I think I may make a beeline for Widespread with Labby, especially since I managed to pick up the CSP Up skill for her in Fantastica (took some grinding, but not nearly as much as I expected).

Not sure what to do with Levin, but I imagine that Clarissa will just start alternating SS into her rotation of DS->Elem->Gadg->DS, depending on the map. I'm dreading the upcoming maps because I remember them being such a pain in the ass last time.

Any class suggestions? Also, does anyone know exactly what determines how much CSP you get? The multipliers always seem weird, and the CSP amounts seem to vary between random encounters, too.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3147 on: July 23, 2010, 01:57:34 AM »
CSP multipliers depend on your remaining VP, IIRC.  The amount of CSP you get is 1 per enemy or something.


Trinity Universe - Chapter 11 of Rizelea route.  Everything is still easy.  Summon Carrot is awesome.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3148 on: July 23, 2010, 02:14:45 AM »
I imagine that Sacred Slayer is a good choice for any of the mages, but I don't want to have them all in SS at once. Also, Felius, despite being my only physicaller is still dead weight most of the time. Need a better physical class to focus on, and Secutor just seemed pointless for him, since it required one-handed weapons for the only useful skills it had. I think I may make a beeline for Widespread with Labby, especially since I managed to pick up the CSP Up skill for her in Fantastica (took some grinding, but not nearly as much as I expected).

Honestly, Secutor Felius with Halberdier OC is a better bet than Halberdier in practice (Upper Hand is probably the best skill in that set, his slugfesting skill isn't that great and polearms aren't very awesome weapons due to two-handed also getting to interfere with shields - Upper Hand nicely benefits from Attack +25%). But, truth be told, you're better off just making a generic for a physical class until -at least- Ragnar, and Ragnar has his issues too. Felius is just underwhelming.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3149 on: July 23, 2010, 02:23:28 AM »

Quote from: yanked from GameFAQs board user Pparrotx
Actually, I got the info mostly from a chinese guide. And there is couple correction

50% VP under is+ .1
50-75% VP is +.2
75% VP and up is +.3
CSP+ skill equiped is +.4
Potential Egg used is +1.0
Special skill activation +.1 (as for the included list, I can't be sure since it is in japanese. But from one of them I think it said catch thrown weapon)

As for what I've been playing today, it's frustrating adventures in the world of Trials HD - basicaly stunt bike driving. I was able to get to the Hard level courses without much difficulty, but I couldn't even clear the Hard tutorial. I've been lucky enough to unlock Extreme through rampant pushing forward (~150 bails per course), but I think that's where I'm going to end up stuck.