Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362943 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3150 on: July 23, 2010, 03:38:43 AM »

Quote from: yanked from GameFAQs board user Pparrotx
Actually, I got the info mostly from a chinese guide. And there is couple correction

50% VP under is+ .1
50-75% VP is +.2
75% VP and up is +.3
CSP+ skill equiped is +.4
Potential Egg used is +1.0
Special skill activation +.1 (as for the included list, I can't be sure since it is in japanese. But from one of them I think it said catch thrown weapon)

Ah, that would explain why Labby and Felius are getting skills so much faster than Clarissa and Levin. The slowpokes don't even get enough -turns- waste through their VP.

Random Consonant

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3151 on: July 23, 2010, 05:33:08 AM »
FE3DS - Beaten.  Final was pretty cool because dragons don't completely fail as enemies, for all that Medeus was kinda lol himself.  Game itself could've used a few extra things like having units be able to rescue again, but all up it was a pretty enjoyable run and certainly better at keeping my attention than Shadow Dragon.  Team for the final was Marth, Mage!FemChris, Cecile, Catria, Linde, Julian, Sirius, Caeda, Feena, Minerva, Merric, and Maris.

Marth: Well, his growths got a kick up from SD, so he's at least better at holding his own.  Having a forced item that gives him +2 to all non-HP stats for endgame helps too.

Mage!FemChris: Mages are pretty good in this, due to tomes being about as silly in this as FE6 Anima was, so Chris the Customizeable Character (because alliteration is fun) did pretty well for herself, for all that I'd hesitate to call her the MVP of the run.  Couldn't really take physical hits, but hey.

Cecile: Cecile is... pretty much Lyn on a horse as far as the stat spread goes, I think.  Granted mine was an absolute freak this run and went and capped strength, but still.  The durability is pretty uninspiring for a frontliner, but it's alright enough for the lower difficulties and her growths allow her a few cute options.

Catria: Possibly MVP?  Maybe.  Pretty nuts from start to finish.

Linde: Pretty awesome.  Not only did they have her join early, they gave her a silly-ass speed growth and Nosferatu on top of Aura.  Durability on both fronts was pretty disappointing, but hey, Nosferatu.

Julian: Filler.  His growths are pretty awesome so if you can get past the fact that he starts with an E in Swords he makes for a fairly competent combat unit.  Still, starting with an E rank is pretty ew, since it's pretty hard to be effective with just iron weapons.

Sirius: Is basically Seth who joins in C4 and has better growths.  Starting off with A Lances/B Swords is pretty sexy too, since weapon rank takes a while to build up.

Caeda: Well Wing Spear hax isn't as good since there aren't as many armored/mounted units running about but she's still pretty awesome.  Not quite as good as Catria but still.

Feena: Dancer.  What is there to say, really?

Minerva: Token axe user.  Pretty awesome at it, too.  Overall, improved from her SD appearance, which was already pretty nice.

Merric: Well Excalibur's still badass.  Too bad about joining midgame with unimpressive bases.  He can play catchup, but man, talk about getting hit with the nerfbat.

Maris: 10 base defense on a Lv10 Myrmidon what the heck.  Pretty solid option for a Myrm, at any rate, and SMs can actually dodge stuff due to getting +10 evade now.  Navarre's probably better but hey.

People who got used but didn't make the final cut:

Luke: Was pretty badass and I kinda feel sorry about dumping him.  Still, that speed wasn't really going anywhere after a point and double-attacking is kinda not trivial in this game.  Still turned out to be a badass tank, though.

Rody: Got dumped early on.  He's not *bad*, just he's the middle option of the starting three cavs and doesn't really have much to show for it aside from a superior LUCK growth.  I imagine he'd pull ahead on the harder difficulties due to durability mattering more but as is, eh.

Gordin: Oh hey Gaggles still sucks.

Ryan: Uh he owns Gaggles.

Mallesia: Can Hammerne stuff.  Too bad Hammerne got nerfed back to 3 uses.  Looking at her growths she'd do alright as a mage, which is cool since E rank in tomes is less hideous a start than E rank in other weapons.

Palla: Used for a bit early on.  Kinda sad how the game restricts you to 11-12 units per chapter (fewer for the gaidens), including Marth.  So many good options just fall by the wayside.

Ogma: Like him!  Still pretty good.

Yumina: And her!  Staff whore.  Of course pretty much the only staff that matters after C rank is the Fortify staff, but hey, she comes with a Rescue staff and I got some pretty good milage out of that.

Nagi: Used her to oneshot dragons on her joining chapter.  Better than FE6/8 Manaketes at any rate.

So yeah.  Minor issues aside (such as why does the game even bother throwing Earth Dragons at you in the final chapter when you have an item that gets rid of them at the start of your turn, that you literally cannot have progressed this far without, and enemy reinforcements show up at the end of the enemy phase, for instance, also the lack of rescuing and only Marth being able to visit villages) it was a pretty enjoyable ride.  Wouldn't mind replaying it sometime in the future.

Also, for the Elfboys: Rankings are back.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 05:38:04 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3152 on: July 23, 2010, 07:29:01 AM »
Odin Sphere: Finished Gwendolyn's story, started Cornelius'. He seems much friendlier to play than the Valkyrie - better coverage on his attacks, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay shorter windup and cooldown (especially for his guard-breaker).
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3153 on: July 23, 2010, 11:01:19 AM »
Also, spin~


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3154 on: July 23, 2010, 12:19:36 PM »
But he can't gracefully glide~

Ace Attorney Investigtions: Near the end of 5-5 I guess. I will just say that Yew is probably my favorite villain in the series besides maybe the villain from the last case in 2.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3155 on: July 23, 2010, 03:40:38 PM »
Pyro has good taste.

Random: Yesssss.

Doma: Awesome, I'd been curious about that. *yoinks*

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3156 on: July 23, 2010, 06:29:12 PM »
FE7: Finished this, don't want to touch another GBA FE ever again.

As far as things went on this playthrough, I ended up doing a lot better with growths, doubly so since I attempted to at least work with the non-Hector characters.

Chapter 23 (or whichever one had the snow) was a bitch and a half.  Whoever decided snow on an already -long- map was a good idea should be dragged out into the nearest parking lot and shot.  Repeatedly.  In the head.  And then burned.  With fire.

This aside, it's okay.  Still not a big fan of it in the DL on the basis that FE duellers tend to be rather plain compared to others, but what can I say?

Anyway, character overview, starting with my endgame party (Lords, Nils, Athos, Lucius, Guy, Raven, Pent, Rath, Fiora, Canas)

Eliwood/Eliwuss: He actually turned out respectable on this runthrough, though his stat gains felt like they started to fall off around the end.  Doesn't help that the last fight feels like it's meant for a smaller party.

Hector:  Holy.  Shit.  And I thought he was a nightmare on my last playthrough.  Once again, he pretty much steamrolled everything I aimed him at, and then some.  His stats all-around were nothing short of insane (Even with -very- good RES), and he singlehandedly annihilated the Reed brothers in the final battle without even a scratch, with a little help from Nils and a Swordslayer to start.  From what I've heard of them, that says a lot.  MVP by far.

Lyndis: She took off this time as well, basically playing the role of a Myrmidon on crack.  By the time she promoted, she was ripping through enemy forces with a mere Iron Sword.  By the second to last chapter, though, she had a full complement of Silver weaponry and Killing Edges.  Her stats lend very well to bow use as well, which adds a -lot- to her usefulness once she promotes.  Was pretty much necessary for the unenviable task of taking out Morph Uhai in the final chapter.

Nils/Ninian: Always useful.  Adds extra moves or buffs people.  Very useful when you know when to use the buffs.

Athos: His stats are solid.  But honestly, he didn't need to jump in on the action except once to heal the party after dealing with Morph Uhai.  So I'm still not sure on how well off he is.

Lucius: Next best in the party for raw magic power.  He's supposedly unstable, but turned out well.  Very much a blitzing mage whose only problem is his absolute inability to take physical damage whatsoever.

Guy: For most of the game, I had to admittedly babysit him.  He's unimpressive as a myrmidon, and between the seeming damage problems and his apparent issue with dodging compared to others, he was a headache.  The second he promoted, though, he never failed to amaze.  Especially with 65% Killing Edge critical rates.  Took out Brendan, never got the chance to fight Nergal since his  RES was bad enough that he'd get oneshotted exactly.

Raven: For all that he really did nothing in the final battle, he was generally reliable.  Guy with less crit but more durability, power, and weapon variety.  I say that's a decent enough trade

Pent: Uh...damn.  This is a prepromo done right, really.  Neglect/Get RNG-Screwed/get killed with Erk or Nino?  He's still more than adequate for the job if you want an anima user.  Doesn't hurt that he -also gets staves-, just in case you didn't feel like leveling up one of the healers (god knows it's a despised task).  Invaluable against Wyvern knights whenever they showed up, oddly enough.

Rath: Yeah, I used him over Wil or Rebecca.  My opinion, Rath's probable the best archer in the game once promoted due to his mobility and presence of a melee option.  As a sign of me being way too used to D&D and its stat-split, turns out said melee option hurts like hell too.  Became even more of a terror once he got Rienfleche.  Because the S-rank non-spell weapons were still amazing.

Fiora: Yeah, I used her over Florina.  Solid damage, amazing mobility and evasion, and a magic tank like no other.  Okay, there is the problem of being weak to arrows (and the Delphi Shield or whatever got irrevocably lost in the chapter where it appeared.  Fuck that map.)  Pretty much took out Morph Kenneth and the nameless gespenst druid on her own with the Spear.  Probably the only one I can see who -doesn't- benefit from the alternate weapon option gained, just because she's that good with lances.

Canas: Only dark mage in the game.  And he turned out well for me.  Good thing, too, because Luna use was a way around some of the less friendly bosses of the game (Ursula, Limstella, helped with the Dragon).  With aid from Lyn, took out Morph Ursula pretty handily.  Really, Luna's the big reason why he's useful.  Flux has decent base power, and Nosferatu has some use, but...yeah.  Also, feels like I ended up getting some decent stats with him altogether, since he didn't seem to ever have trouble dying once he got past the early phases.

Honorable mention goes to those who were regular party members but didn't participate in the final battle.

Matthew: Well, what can I say?  The real problem with him is that he's a late promo no matter what you do, because there's only one Fell Contract and you get it via the goddamned Sonia map.  More than pulled his weight once he hit Assassin, literally activating his instakill on the order of 5-6 times in the second to last fight.  If it worked against bosses, I'd have brought him in the final chapter.

Louise: She's got an automatic A support with Pent, which mitigates her own issues.  She also appeared when Wyvern knights started popping up like crazy, and finally gave me a use for those damned Ballistas.  Still not as good of a bow user as Rath, but she's not bad.

Jaffar: I probably could have taken him into the final battle, really.  Low HP, but it seems like no matter what, things had trouble actually doing anything to him.  And that was with WTA.  His critrate was better than Matthew's as well.

And now, the fail of FE7.  Bosses.

Lundgren: ...he's nothing special as a villain, but at least seems to be doing enough evil shit on the basis that he's more of a villain than Nergal.  That aside, he's got really good defensive stats for the time, and his Silver Lance isn't helping anyone any.  I remember him not having too much in the ways of magic defense, but he simply doesn't -care- what with the fact that he'd probably oneshot the likes of Erk in-game.  Immobile, but gate.  Still has the most ineffective poison ever.

Uhai: Is there.

Aion: Is there, just to get made into someone completely mockable by the likes of Kishuna.

Kishuna: Appears to make half of Aion's group into free experience before disappearing, never to show up again.  With no lines.  Best villain ever.

Darin: Manipulated into megalomania by means of Ephidel.  He's just a pathetic bastard who thinks he can rule the entire place.  Lundgren did the ubertank thing a hell of a lot better than he did, though.

Ephidel: ...For someone who, I presume, was on the same level of power as Sonia, you'd expect him to at least bother doing -something- other than standing there, looking evil, having Jaffar kill people, and getting annihilated as Nergal leaves.  Then again, looks like he was yet another Sage, so I don't think much would have really been lost there.

Linus:  Clearly rose to the status of one of the Four Fangs by means of nepotism, because he -SUCKS-.  Barely memorable.

Jerme: Fails forever.

Ursula: Okay, I do have to give her credit for her range bullshit.  She's respectable enough on that end, with enough magic power to take people out.  Magic defense was also insane for the time, but she fell to a single Luna crit.  ...okay, so that's more just demonstrating the usefulness of Luna.  No real plot presence, as is usual.

Sonia: Okay, I have to give her massive credit for the fact that she chooses to be in the most annoying level of the game, and pulls Ursula's game off better than Ursula.  Complete with more respectable defenses.  Also has the argument for being the most villainous character in the game.

Lloyd: Oh hey I'm going to try to take on the people that killed my brother, and either get killed or kill myself afterward.  Yeah.  He'd have an argument (on top of much better positioning, since he actually has a gate) for being at least decently competent.

Denning: Uh, okay.  I don't get the joke here.

Limstella: Most competent human boss in the game?  She definitely has an argument for it, what with her solid defenses on both fronts, strong magic, and assload of HP.  Can't evade too well, but she doesn't need to, arguably.  Plotwise, just a direct minion of Nergal.  She rates 'most competent boss' to me, though.

Nergal's Robot Master Refight Morph Collective: These guys...varied all to hell, really.  I guess Nergal really was trying to be Dr. Wily here, though, since you even get their weapons when you kill them.  In short, though...
* Morph Uhai: Holy SHIT.  They pretty much fixed everything that was wrong with him, and he's scary as hell.  Rienfleche is insane, as is his speed and power.  Move wrong and he slaughters a party member with two hits of 35 damage.
* Morph Brendan: He likewise hits hard.  But unlike Uhai, he lacks the speed, instead depending on the fact that he's likely to 2HKO people who have WTA on him, and OHKO anyone else.
* Morph Darin:  He moves now.  He still fails completely at life.  Is pretty much the game's way of saying "here, have a free S-rank spear".
* Morph Ursula:  Excalibur hits hard, and her RES is still respectable, though not as good as it used to be.  DEF's rather bad, though, and her weapon's heavy.
* Morph Jerme:  Amazingly, he sucks even MORE.  Doesn't even drop anything.
* Morph Lloyd/Linus: These two deserve special mention on the basis that they have solid stats...before factoring in the A Support.  Lloyd's the real terror here, what with having an actual critical rate off of Regal Blade, and I -really- lucked out with what I used on Hector there.  Swordslayer crit took him out, and then Linus was rather helpless as he got subsequently killed with a Brave Axe crit.  Had I not been so lucky, the fight would have gone a lot worse.
* Morph Kenneth: ...I don't ever remember running into this guy.  Needless to say, the fact that he was still doing damage to Fiora after she got RES-buffed says something in his favor.

Nergal: ...he's there, he supposedly got turned evil by using evil magic, he wants to become god.  He fails as a villain, and fails pretty spectacularly as a boss, too, given that he's been handing out S-ranks like candy and still can't OHKO anyone other than Guy.  Mind, Hector can two-round him with either Armads or Basilikos, but the point stands that his stats fail to keep up with the awesome weapons you got earlier in the fight.  Also, you'd think he'd take advantage of his S-ranks in magic a bit more.

Dragon:  Lolwut.  Plotless final that...almost does better than Nergal at being a boss.  he's got something on the order of 120 HP, and monstrous defenses.  If it weren't for the fact that those legendary weapons suddenly become way more useful than the S-ranks, I'd argue that he'd be a lot more competent.  In practice, he was about equal, being taken out in four actions.  Then again, bias due to generally good stats on all of my Lords (Especially Hector who was doing in excess of 50 damage on both the dragon and Nergal), and Luna hax.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 06:33:22 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3157 on: July 23, 2010, 07:42:45 PM »
Odin Sphere: Finished Gwendolyn's story, started Cornelius'. He seems much friendlier to play than the Valkyrie - better coverage on his attacks, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay shorter windup and cooldown (especially for his guard-breaker).

I said it before and I'll say it again:
Cornelius should have been the first character you play as, not Gwen.  He's more user friendly, and generally more lenient on mistakes.

Now, if it was for storyline reasons, I could understand the logic.  But Cornelius and Gwendolyn don't really have much in common for story (actually, the one part where they cross paths is BEFORE Gwendolyn's Story, and she's more or less a cameo there just for shits), so there really wasn't much of an excuse here.

Hell, Cornelius being first makes more sense story-line wise if only cause it makes for a more logical introduction to the Pooka Town.  I mean, its completely arbitrary and out of nowhere and you're like "What is this and why does it exist?" for Gwen's, where as Cornelius' story it plays an actual role!  Also makes you remember that Ariel Coins and such are things you wanna spend last rather than trying to remember which is used for what.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3158 on: July 23, 2010, 08:25:34 PM »
Kishuna: Appears to make half of Aion's group into free experience before disappearing, never to show up again.  With no lines.  Best villain ever.

* Morph Kenneth: ...I don't ever remember running into this guy.  Needless to say, the fact that he was still doing damage to Fiora after she got RES-buffed says something in his favor.

Kishuna plot requires getting his Gaiden chapters, the third of which you only get in Hector's story. Using Renault also gets you some pre-game plot stuff. Not worth it though.

Remember Pale Flower of Darkness where you fight Jerme? If the sum of your magic users' levels is higher than your weapons users (ahahahaha) then you get a different chapter where you fight a fuckload of magic users and Kenneth as the boss. The only time I've gotten this was my Harem run, and that's partly because I counted Lucius as a girl.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3159 on: July 23, 2010, 08:31:26 PM »
Actually, it's not all your weapon users, it's just Erk/Lucius/Priscilla/Serra vs. Guy/Raven/Dorcas/Bartre, i.e. there's four people on each side, so it should be fairly balanced. Since Nama used both Guy and Raven from the Hero Crest side but only Lucius from the Guiding Ring side, though, it makes sense that he saw Jerme. I usually see Kenneth myself.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3160 on: July 23, 2010, 08:57:05 PM »
I somehow got Kenneth despite not using any magic users besides Healers.

FE8 Ephraim side: Beat this yesterday (I think).  Path was harder(mainly because of Phantom Ship bullshit) and story less-bad.

Who cares, character listing woooooo!

Ephraim: 20/11 HP: 55(Angel Robe?) Str: 26 Skill: 26(CAP) Spd: 24(CAP) Luck: 21 Def: 20 Res 13
Jeez, Ephraim's praise is well-deserved.  Despite getting multiple single-stat level-ups before promotion he still became a beast.

Eirika: 20/5 HP: 35 Str: 16 Skill: 21 Spd: 22 Luck: 18 Def: 11 Res 11
Inferior in all ways.  Because I actually knew I'd be forced to use her I actually bothered to level her up.

Natasha: 20/4 HP: 35 Mag: 18 Skill: 14 Spd: 17 Luck: 19 Def: 6 Res 17
Wasn't gaining any magic early on but in her last levels she started.  Actually managed to make it to 20 before promotion!

Artur: 20/9 HP: 34 Str: 22 Skill: 15 Spd: 19 Luck: 12 Def: 11 Res 22
He's so weenie-looking but dammit can he magic-tank.  Not that it was really needed.

Franz: 20/9 HP: 43 Str: 19 Skill: 21Spd: 23 Luck: 11 Def: 18 Res 9
Most of his stats were decent, but he just couldn't get the 1RKO out most of the time.

Gilliam: 20/6 HP: 46 Str: 15 Skill: 11 Spd: 15 Luck: 7 Def: 26 Res 10
Tank blah blah blah.  Not nearly as impressive as the Gilliam before.  Yet he still would have ended above-average for his Speed.

Vanessa: 20/12 HP: 43 Str: 18 Skill: 25 Spd: 28 Luck: 15 Def: 15 Res 14
On Vanessa how awesome you were.  Sending her out flying with Tana and the two of them took out half of the second-to-last map with ease.

Moulder: 20/9 HP: 39 Str: 21 Skill: 17 Spd: 18 Luck: 4 Def: 14 Res 13
Healer.  What can be said?  Nothing.

Amelia: 1020/1 (Armor/General) HP: 46 Str: 27(CAP) Skill: 26 Spd: 22 Luck: 26 Def: 17 Res 14 BOOTS
Managed to get her out of trainee levels in the two earliest plot maps she can be used in.  Then turned into the usual trainee death-machine.

Colm: 20/5 HP: 36 Str: 11 Skill: 14 Spd: 23 Luck: 18 Def: 12 Res 8
Utter trash compared to my previous game.

Tana: 20/10 HP: 41 Str: 21 Skill: 13 Spd: 29(CAP) Luck: 27 Def: 14 Res 15
Despite the godawful Skill, she still rocked house.  When she wasn't busy being a liability early-on.

Seth */8 HP: 36 Str: 16 Skill: 17 Spd: 15 Luck: 11 Def: 11 Res 10
????? Hey, I like Seth.  Even if he also turned out fantastically bad compared to before.

Now the only thing left is FE7 Hector mode and I can stop playing these games.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3161 on: July 23, 2010, 09:01:45 PM »
Odin Sphere: Finished Gwendolyn's story, started Cornelius'. He seems much friendlier to play than the Valkyrie - better coverage on his attacks, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay shorter windup and cooldown (especially for his guard-breaker).

Oh, incidentally, save as much napalm as possible for Cornelius's last chapter. I'm not certain he has any other means of killing a specific enemy there.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3162 on: July 23, 2010, 09:18:33 PM »
You can use the Curse potion but that is much less efficient.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3163 on: July 23, 2010, 09:21:16 PM »
He has a few ways actually, but none that are inherit to his skill set linked like Mercedes.

Napalm is the obvious and suggested means of course.  Goo Potions work too, but those aren't exactly the most common of things.

Deflecting Wizard's Swords into them works too, but this requires a Wizard to be alive.  This wouldn't be so bad except that, IIRC, Wizards can SUMMON MORE OF THOSE ENEMIES which is *@(^U(@^.

well, you COULD kill them 1 HP at a time! Nevermind how long this will take, ITS THERE!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3164 on: July 23, 2010, 09:22:23 PM »
That sounds unpleasant. Luckily Napalm is easy to make?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3165 on: July 23, 2010, 09:33:05 PM »
IIRC, that stage is a dick and doesn't give you easy access to the Mandrogora that lets you create Napalm.  So...basically make a lot in advance
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3166 on: July 23, 2010, 09:35:42 PM »
Storta like how Gwendolyn's story decided to take me to a stage with no materials for Healing Tonics for its final battles. Duly noted.

Edit: Also, I totally agree on Cornelius coming first. That or just rejigger the format into a Suikoden III sort of thing, where you can put down one story and pick up another midway through, with restrictions like having to finish a chapter in Gwendolyn's story before you play the corresponding one in Oswald's, to keep the overall story in line.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 09:37:54 PM by Shale »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3167 on: July 23, 2010, 10:50:55 PM »
Alternatively, they could have just done one of those ranking systems, where you have all 5 stories open from the get go, but the difficulty is indicative of which order you should go in.

Given Difficulty is generally hypothetical and not actual, even if Gwen were a 1 Star and Cornelius were a 2 star, it would be an improvement over the current format that forces you into Gwen first, who is not necessarily easier than Cornelius.

Really, just the option makes sense.  I mean, Dissidia's a game that has a similar story telling style and it allowed you to do things in whatever damn order you please.  Granted, order made some stories make more sense (Onion Knight -> Terra being the obvious one), and Difficulty rating was a good indicator of this, but just the option to do things in whatever order was certainly nice!

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3168 on: July 23, 2010, 10:58:24 PM »
I need something to play now that I've finished Dragon Age. Shale and Gref, suggest me something that's not shitty.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3169 on: July 24, 2010, 12:11:50 AM »
Shale, you can probably just save yourself some heartache and stop playing now.  OS only gets worse as it goes along.

DQ9:  Yeah, Greygnarl died in 1 attack.  Granted it was a Double-upped, 100 tension Crushed Ice.  But yeah, this game is easy to break.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3170 on: July 24, 2010, 01:38:05 AM »
Based on the recent conversations here, I get the sense that Vanillaware made Muramasa a lot easier than Odin Sphere.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3171 on: July 24, 2010, 01:52:34 AM »
Muramasa's a lot more actually -fun-. >_>

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<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3172 on: July 24, 2010, 01:53:44 AM »
Muramasa's a lot more actually -fun-. >_>

I disagree.  Muramasa gets old a lot quicker because 2 characters, and they operate exactly the same.  Odin Sphere's item system needed to be far less clunky and there were some balance issues, but I enjoyed it a great deal more on raw gameplay.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3173 on: July 24, 2010, 02:16:25 AM »
Pokemon Platinum Wally Playthrough: Up through Candice and now the entire team has been caught and everybody is fully evolved. There is no clear MVP as of right now, but Delcatty definately looks like it's going to be the LVP. Last time I checked Gardevoir had it beat in every stat which was definately surprising. It still has acceptable offense with STAB Return, but the defenses and speed suck so I'm not sure that it's going to be much use for the rest of the game. 

Cyrus 1 is the next big fight after Wake and he was a surprising challenge. His pokemon just have a surprising amount of offense. Sneasal 2HKOed Gallade with Ice Punch and Murkrow OHKOed everyone except for Skitty and Swablu due to weakness hitting. I ended up losing the first time and on the second attempt I taught Skitty Toxic and just swapped pokemon until it died. 

The Canalave Rival battle was easy. I had a pokemon who matched up well against against all of his pokemon. I thought Infernape might be dangerous but Gardevoir just OHKOed it with Psychic.

Byron was fairly simple up until his Steelix. He used a Full Restore after I had it weak and paralyzed and I didn't have enough Pokemon to wear it down again. Earthquake and 2HKOed all of my Pokemon except Altaria who was easily dispatced with Ice Fang. I ended up just item spamming until it ran out of Earthquakes and killed it with Gallade or something.

Candice was really easy. Gallade OHKOed Sneasal, Roserade OHKOed Piloswine, Gardevoir and Altaria wore down Abomasnow, and Magnezone 2HKOed Froslass and wasn't threatened by anything it could do.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3174 on: July 24, 2010, 02:28:22 AM »
Muramasa is a lot harder than Odin Sphere on the harder difficulties.  Mostly because it ignores your RPG statistics, enemies take much less damage and you always die in 3 hits.  Of course, dying has no penalty Muramasa but some of the bosses become really :/.

Persona 3 Portable:  Finish around the 70 hour mark.  Even with more streamline menu navagation, long game is long.

Overall, P3P take most of Persona 4's gameplay enhancements like downattacks, allies taking mortal blows for the main character, co-op attacks etc. while speeding up the pace of the game with point and click menus during daytime at the cost of animated cutscenes.  Female main prospective doesn't add anything extra to the plot, and the pink menus became an eyesore after just 3 hours.  I do like the new S. Links, fleshing out some of the more bland PCs like Akihiko and Ken.  For the two people at the DL that refuse to play Persona (I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE), it's still probably not enough to get them to play one and Persona 4 is probably still a better choice.