You know for some reason they bothered me less.
Maybe it was because rar I eat babies was so much more acceptable than I AM A WISHY WASHY PANSY NANCY BOY WHO IS TURNING EVIL SINCE A FEW STAGES IN as far as the game rubbing it in went. In the end, evil Arthas is basically Luca Blight with a much more girly origin and not as stylish. That's not good, but it beats "I WILL DO WHAT MY KING SAYS EVEN IF IT IS RETARDED AND WRONG".
Also, "Your pain shall be legendary!" I actually liked. I don't claim to understand what I like in short VA clips, though.
This all reminds me strongly that I never did beat that expansion. Wonder where the discs are. >_>
And now I remember "Illidan is out there somewhere.".