Onto Koenigsdorf today prior to putting furniture on lay-a-way.
Decided to do my base battles clockwise. Was originally going to tackle them in ascending numerical order, but do to the auguries of Pyro and Richard, I felt like being a bad bitch and taking on the most difficult base second.
Base 6 - Not particularly difficult at all. Just plenty of times where troops would reinforce - the battle took perhaps. . . 30-40 minutes total. Worse aspects about Base 6's troops were the mage troops. Now, I'm not that much of a bad bitch - poison bombs are my weakness and generally do fuck up troops for at least two rounds unless they dodge (which they didn't). So. I proceeded to kill all the mages first at the sacrifice of being flanked. I was flanked . . once or twice during the whole non-boss battle and their physical attacks only take out 1-55 +/no + 255 at max HP. So when my troops have 3200HP . . . Yeah, nothing to worry about. Boss battle - took out the mage troops first. Was pretty difficult, because the troops had more members and for SOME reason, attacked before my troops when I deadlocked. Even if I interfered, one of mine would attack and then a mage would. Gr. Boss wasn't particularly hard until he started giving me a run for my money after doing his ZEOMG MIRACLE. Thankfully Rush used his Remnant for NULL LOL, and our morale was so high since I defeated all the troops that I was able to Parry/Counter Attack/Deflect the majority of his attacks. Emmy Hundred Flowers and David Ex Machina's for the win.
Base Battle 5 - same as 6 for outside. Boss, not hard at all. His ranged phys attack was annoying, but that's nothing better than an analgesia like Refresh III or a Restorative Tincture II.
Base Battle 4 - unmemorable. Twins, fail. Even their attack fails. Even Hinnah's miracle fails - bitch was only taking out 300 each hit. No need to fret. ENTHRALLED two times, but all my troops alive + the ability to CURE THEM IF IT KILLS THEM? Yeah.
Base Battle 3 - Meh. See Base Battle 4. Boss unmemorable.
Base Battle 2 - See Base Battle 3, minus the fact that the boss had way too much HP.
SURPRISE FIGHT AFTER BASE BATTLES - I thought Gae Bolg was going to fuck me up, but at most, it brought my troops down to 2,000-1500 HP. What *DID* hurt was the friggin arm swing as it hits every troop member in the unit! I still survived though.
Saw that I'm oh so close to making the Sword of Seven despite my lack of money. Rush finally has a decent sword, despite the fact it's two handed and I've always had him on midsize. Koenigsdorf it is in a few.