
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362559 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3525 on: August 24, 2010, 01:39:18 PM »
I've been meaning to get LO for a while since Dhyer's always talking about it and it only costs like around a fiver here so why not? I can't think of any other 360 RPGs to get >.>

FFXII Revenant Wings-Replaying this because I missed a couple of missions the last time through so I did not get the perfect ending. Currently on C8 again. I don't know if I want to beat the rest of the game with the same team I used last time (Llyud, Penelo, Kites, Ashe, Basch) or put different characters in. Llyud and Penelo are probably the games MVPs for the most part and are invaluable as the only two with revival. Kites is surprisingly useful as well with his powerful AoE spells to exploit elemental weaknesses with. Basch is an amazing tank, I've somehow managed to scrape wins against overpowered enemies with him the only one left alive at the end of the battle before (on my other file) I really want to try Balthier though so I might switch Ashe out. Also Vaan with max powered up Anastasia might be interesting.

FFXIII-Replaying this because I want to use a different team and weapons from last time. I'm enjoying it more because now I have a better idea of what weapons and accessories for equipment builds I want to use. I farmed shrouds with Hope and Vanille near the start of the game which was something I didn't know could be exploited before. As well as using them before boss fights I have been selling some of them so I've been able to buy more stuff to upgrade my weapons more early on this playthrough. Mostly I've been using the stuff that drops from enemies to upgrade them though because I've fought a lot more battles this run, using a training spot against Gremlins in C4 with Sazh/Vanille and Frag Leeches in C5 with Hope/Lightning. By the end of C5 I had a maxed out Blazefire Sabre for Light and a L18 Hawkeye for Hope. I also have a maxed out Magician's Mark and Power Wristband. I am going to use Hope's house to farm Credit and Incentive Chips to sell and make lots of monies so I can max out a weapon for Vanille and Sazh as well =-) Or maybe just Vanille, I used Spica Defenders for Sazh last run so I might use Rigels or something this time instead. I wanted to use Hope's Siphon Boost weapon but turns out he doesn't get that until Eden or something =/ I used Belladonna as Vanille's main on my last run and though that's probably her best I want to see what I can do with Healing Staff w/th the High HP:Power Surge synth group this time. I'll probably build up the Pearlwing series for her later on for turtles because I want to see if I can beat my best win time with her - 1.35 (without summons and instant death) with Vanille/Snow/Sazh. Vanille was using Mistilteinn as the basis for her Nirvana and Snow had Umbra as his basis for Save the Queen (since that was the series he had been working with throughout the game for uber SEN tanking) but I know they can do better offensively. Though I might be using Fang instead of Snow this run. Probably Light or maybe Hope instead of Sazh too.

I'm using Power Circle for Snow just now but if I do decide to use him later on I might try the Rebel Heart or the Sacrificial Circle series. Snow is probably the only one I'd consider using a Paper Tiger weapon with anyway.

I'm also enjoying the game more this time because I already have the Platinum so I don't have to worry about it now. I've also just been stopping to look around and enjoy the areas more. They really outdid themselves with the waterworks in this game, Sunleth Waterscape and even the Carbuncle plant are very pretty to the eye there. Also the flowers, from Sunleth to the red flowers outside Palumporum to Hope's garden *^_^*
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 02:05:02 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3526 on: August 24, 2010, 06:54:47 PM »
Not only do I sometimes play games, I even occasionally beat them.

So, Shadow Hearts 2, beaten.  Final party was Yuri, Karin, Anastasia, Kurando, with the only optional thing completed being getting the six soul drops.  Not a huge effect, just means that between that and my imperfect control of the judgement ring, the final boss was pretty dang hard, lasting long enough to eat up all of my Pure Extracts.  Granted, one of the harder parts of this fight hinged around the combo attack, which reminded me that a defend command exists after the first time I got hit by the thing and only Kurando/Yuri survived it, barely.

Ishimura I kinda felt sorry for since he was just doing his best for his people.  While the final boss fell flat, because it felt like the game was expecting you to have sympathy for him, and I just didn't.  I mean, his motivations were believable, but the moment he felt he needed to take the steps he did, sympathy was impossible.  As for Nicolai, he worked well for what he was, which was basically scumbag to move the plot forward and also to act as a reason for Yuri to get involved in the second half of the game.

Godhand, reached the final fight.  Starting with stage 7 the game starts to get fairly brutal, but Stage 8 takes the cake with it's boss rush followed by the two stage final battle which is where I currently am.  This is gonna take some time to really just lay into, so will take a few days before really tackling it again.

Meeple Fantasy 6 - finally got past Kefka.  Ended up using a four person party which makes a huge difference when you're in a durable fight that requires two-three people to play defense.  Granted, this means that Fayt was beyond useless, and the Terra/Yuri party had to be allowed to die a few times and then scramble to catch up in order to preserve my stockpile of 3 Phoenix Downs.

Swapped people around for a bit after this point and reached Filgaia.

Terra, has been good since she has the unique Dark Sword for MP drainage.  Means that after she starts learning level 2 spells she can start just spamming those with the occasional swing to restore her mojo.

Yuri, is Godlike.  Dunno, could be the fact that I gave him the Imperial Seal and Ramza's Ring, and that his best weapon right now also boosts Magic, and that they were going through a chunk of the game where Phys Defense was stupidly high, but he's been pretty consistantly matching the rest of the party for damage with Demon Rays.  And it's only around Filgaia where this has started tapering off.

Lenneth, is mostly Crossbow spam.  I notice that Meeple assumes that people are going to be getting the Chain Saw as the Misteltine is a reasonable upgrade on the Bolt Crossbow (which was really needing it now).  And let's be fair, it's a nice upgrade.  But this means that she's just a decent support character at this point with ST damage that isn't notable.

Ike, drops a lot in usability after the Sheldar Snowfields.  His weapon edge falling isn't as huge a deal, as compared to the fact that this portion of the game is mean to physical types.  Despite getting the Ettard in the research facility, bringing him along is still a huge mistake as his physical against the human enemies is still pathetic, without even getting into the non-human enemies.  And Hand Axes do not beging to compare to some of the other options you have for free.  Floating Continent might be nicer to him, but I won't be finding out as I doubt I'll be able to justify his use over legitimately good characters.

Fayt, really does start to pick up in the midgame.  His jumping isn't as big a deal as it could be thanks to the physical imperviousness of the arcs.  However, the addition of Materia is huge for him.  Pity I didn't realize just how many things I'd want to blast that immune fire and ice, but Tandle and Heal are both fairly potent.

Rolf, is hurt a lot by the fact that you can't use his skillset out of battle.  I'm also likely to drop him because Blue Magic.  Never have liked it all that much.  That said, he does make a good second for almost any role, but not the primary.

Laharl, slots are disturbingly good, though he doesn't quite have the HP for a PoL heal monkey type status.  Typically been two weaponing with him thanks to there being lot of unique weapons that are plenty good, but only he can use for whatever reason (one reason for Ike in the party is that Laharl cannot use his weapons).  All in all, a good defensive support character.

Vyse, has only seen use in one battle.  It was a hell of a battle, but his role was pretty much limited to Item Boy which tells me little about him.

McDohl, also incredably limited use.  Sadly, was around for nothing important in recent play.  This will change when I hit the floating continent at least.

Ryu, cannot have an accurate opinion yet as he's just starting to learn his skillset.  That said, D-Dive...  kudos to Meeple for getting anything this close to resembling the original "It's awesome, but I really don't want to use it" move.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3527 on: August 24, 2010, 07:46:00 PM »
I've been meaning to get LO for a while since Dhyer's always talking about it and it only costs like around a fiver here so why not? I can't think of any other 360 RPGs to get >.>

I've been thinking of who else might get a lot out of the game, and I think you would.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3528 on: August 24, 2010, 10:14:48 PM »
Darksiders Abridged: Episode 3: Horsemen Ride No Trains!

Narrator: When we last left our hero protagonist, he...
War: *Stabs Narrator in the face*
War: I'm fucking War, does it LOOK like I need an excuse for arbitrary violence for the sake of it?
Narrator: YOU'RE A PRICK!
War: Thank you.

Watcher: So, why aren't we taking that heart to Samael again?
War: Huh? *said while currently ripping out the spine of a zombie*
Watcher: You know, to advance the plot so you can achieve...whatever it is you set out to do?
War: Oh, right, that!  Lets try that underground thing Vulgrim taught us about.
*Warps to some area which is all surreal and nonsense*
War: ...ok, no, I was definitely NOT in this place before, what gives?
Watcher: I think we have to walk from one side to the other to actually warp to our destination.  You know, needless reason to drag out gameplay only so the artists have more of a job?
War: That just means less fodder to slice in half, doesn't it?
Watcher: Yes, yes it does.
*War reaches the other side*
Samael: Ah, you made it!
War: How'd you know I'd come out here?
Samael: Huh? Me? Oh, I'm just good at second guessing *hides the game's script*
War: Here's what you need, the heart of Tiamat...and its still beating.
Samael: Ah, good! Now, next off is THE GRIEVER
War: And where do I find "Griever"
Samael: NO! Its "THE" Griever!
War: OK, how do I find that prick?
Samael: You he's in the subway.  But first you must do me a favor and kick Ulthane's ass.
Samael: Listen! By doing so you'll gain super strength and be able to actually reach the Griever.
War: Why didn't you say that in the first place?
Samael: Cause I don't like doing you any favors.
War:'re an ass?
Samael: Strong words from someone whose about to hit a defenseless crow with a car for no particular reason.
War:  *War is doing exactly that* Did you say something?
Watcher: Look, he's not gonna do things cause you tell him to! He's got a job to do!
War: Hm, what was that? *is about to hit another crow with a parking meter*
Samael: You have far greater power than the Council lets you know! But this little freak here is helping them restrict it! CUT THOSE BONDS NOW!
War: Well, no shit; the game kind of started with me losing these powers and last I checked, Amnesia was not part of my character...
Samael: DO IT! And you'll become a threat to the Destroyer!!!
War: Do what?
Samael: Get rid of him! WITH FULL ANGER!
War: Something related to violence? I'm game! *Attacks the Watcher in FULL RAGE!!! and gains super powers, the Watcher is fine*
Samael: THERE we go! Now that you have this, go find Ulthane and get THE BLACK HAMMER!
War: Gotcha.
Watcher: Wait, I'm still alive?
Samael: Depends on your definition of alive.  Some might say you were never alive to begin with since you are part...
Watcher: Look, if this is gonna be a philosophical discussion, then we're taking our leave.
Samael: Fine, be that way!

*War proceeds onward through absolutely nothing special until...*
War: A green area with waterfall, blue skies, and...filled with life? What madness is this in a post apocalyptic utopia?!?!
Watcher: You do realize everything you just said contradicted itself, right.
War: Either way, this place is all green, THERE MUST BE A WAY TO FIX THIS!
Watcher: Why not just find Ulthane and kick his ass?
War: But I want to set this place on fire!
Watcher: Look, why not get this Griever nonsense out of the way first, then if we have time afterwords, you can set this area on fire.
War: Yay!
*They come across another Gate Guardian*
War: ...WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!!
Gate Guardian: I'm cursed too, you know.
War: ...*sigh* Does that mean...
Gate Guardian: Yes, yes it does.
Watcher: Oh fun! We get to do 4 more rooms of uselessness.
War: The only good thing about this is it means I get to kill more stuff, I suppose.
*Room #1*
War: Wait, you mean I can't kill anything unless I'm in super form? What kind of bullshit is-...
Random Female Voice Totally Not In This Game: May The Rage Of the Council Fill Your Blades, War!
War: Wow, that was a lot faster than I expected, take that Kratos!
*beats the shit out of the room*
Watcher: That was quite amusing! Lets do it again!
War: No.  And I'd appreciate it if you didn't comment after every single room!
Watcher: Bah, you're no fun.
*Room #2*
War: So I have to block and attack? *sigh* Whatever happened to good old "Slice things til they die"?
Watcher: No one ever said this would be fun.
*Room #3*
War: Now THAT'S more like it! *Throws cars at everything in the room*
*Room #4*
War: ...oh, that explains why nothing is happening to the 5 Skeletons I DON'T want to protect when I slice them...
Watcher: Well, at least the rooms are done.
Gate Guardian: Good, now this useless gameplay stalling is over, you can continue with the plot.
War: ...plot?
Watcher: You know, where you beat up huge demons for their hearts?
War: ...I thought that was just business...

*War comes across a big hammer stuck in the ground, tries to pull it out, fails*
Big Scottish Ogre Thing: I believe you are trespassing on my turf.
War: Ulthane...
Ulthane: Ah, so ye've heard of me.
War: Give me the Black Hammer and I'll kick your ass.
Ulthane: DOn't ye mean "or".
War: No, I don't.
Ulthane: Well, there are two.  One is that in the ground there, and the me! I assure ye, the one in the ground is the easier.
War: IOWs, this is a prelude to a boss fight.
Ulthane: Ye're catching on!
*Boss fight ensues*
War: Take this! *Sword tinks on Ulthane*
Ulthane: Ye're throwing glass at stone, my boy!
War: Throw? Try this! *picks up an out of place car and throws it at Ulthane, nothing happens*
Ulthane: It'll take more than a car to harm me! ...and no, don't take that to mean "Multiple will work".
War: *holding two cars* ...well, there goes THAT plan *puts cars down*
Angel Red Shirt: Um, why?
Uriel: Cause...umm...we can't get back into the White City until he's dead?
Angel Red Shirt: Oh, cool! DIE WAR *gets hit by Ulthane's hammer and dies horribly*
Ulthane: Me and the boy were having a talk here, how dare ye interrupt us!
War: We could still beat the stuffing out of each other you know.
Ulthane: How about this, we have a little challenge.  Lets see who kills more of these pigeons by the time we reach The Griever's lair, and we'll decide whose better.  I'll even open doors for ye!
War: ...fine.
*The two form an alliance, and beat the shit out of angels for a while, aiding each other with puzzles, door openings, what have you*
War: Ok, Angels, stop being so bor-*giant laser comes out of nowhere*
Angel with a Cannon: HA! BEHOLD OUR LATEST WEAPON: THE ANGEL PARTICLE BE-*Gets his arm sliced off by War* HOLY MOTHER OF BOB!
War: Thanks for your gun.  I shall call this...REDEMPTION!
Watcher: You do realize you're going to lose that gun when this sequence is over, and this is just a gimmick section for the most part like that Griffon one...
War: ...shut up! *says this while frying angels with said weapon*
Ulthane: Good, looks like ye have the pigeons believing who ye are...BUT I STILL DON'T!
War: I am who I say I am!
Ulthane: BUt ye didn't say who you were!
War: Irrelevant!
Ulthane: Well, now ye know what I have to deal with.  God damn tourist angels won't stay out of my garden! Go beat up the Griever, and I'll believe who ye are.
War: Did you just totally change what you were talking about in the middle of your own line?
Ulthane: Ye got a problem with that? Now get going to the subway, "hoseman"
War: Fine!

*in the subway*
War: You know, it occurred to me.  Everyone keeps calling me a "Horseman" but why the fuck do I NOT have a horse?  That thing would be useful for traveling around and killing things faster.
Watcher: Is all you can do when you're not needlessly killing something is whine about it?
War: Hey, I can totally do...uhh...
*The Griever appears*
Watcher: How convenient, the Boss appears at the beginning of the dungeon.
War: This will be over in a *The Griever runs away after being blasted by a Redemption a few times* ...nuts...
Watcher: Well, get to it!  We got a long oversized dungeon to go through.
War: I know, I know.
*Several rooms of annoying Bomb Puzzles, enemies spawning, swimming, what have you later*
War: Ok, this weird face thing better give me something cool...
*War gains Falcon Punch Tremor Fist*
War: Sweet! My 3rd Melee weapon! Now, where's an enemy to punch in the face.
*War Punches him in the face a few times*
Random Demon: Blarghle! *it dies*
War: Oh look, I can break crystals now with my fist!  Finally, those damned things were getting annoying.  Mock me with their shininess will they! WELL, WHOSE SHINY NOW!?
Watcher: ...they are...
*a few rooms later*
War: Ok, so I've been fighting a lot of the same nonsense here, there better be something new in this...wait, THIS IS THE FIRST ROOM OF THE DUNGEON! God damn circular dungeon-...
*Room locks itself*
War: ...ok, that definitely didn't happen before.
War: Are you an Angel or a Demon?
Angelic Demon: What!?
War: Its exactly what I said! I mean, it doesn't really matter, but I like to keep track of how many of what I've killed.
Angelic Demon: DIE!!!!!!!
*War rips the illogical being in half with his fists*
War: how do I tally that one up?
Watcher: Just put a Question mark and move on.
*Next room*
War: You know, for a subway, there's a distinct lack of trains here.
*War comes across a train related puzzle*
War: ...don't say a freaking word, Watcher.
Watcher: What made you think I was?
War: Cause you have a comment on EVERYTHING provided there's not another person for me to talk too.
Watcher: Oh just finish the puzzle already.
*The Griever attempts to stab War in the middle of a random tunnel*
War: ...seriously, Devs, is that your idea of a puzzle?  I mean, I get it you're trying to selling the setting or something, but come on, this is just trivial.  Anyone with half a brain would know "Don't walk to fast, wait for the stab, stay out of the shining light cause he'll probably strike again there."
Watcher: You put too much thought into that complaint.
War: This dungeon has given me plenty of time and inspiration to complain.

*A bunch of more stupid puzzles later that are not worth mentioning*
War: A big ominous corridor with two trains...well, there's nothing that can go-...
*The Griever grabs one of those trains completely out of nowhere*
War: ...I see how it is.  *Throws the other train, the Griever does the exact same thing*  Like you'd shove a block pushing style puzzle here and pretend I'd have to ignore it.
*next room*
War: Another Ominous room with a train and crystals...this one is wide and open...welp, I guess I hit a dead-...
*The Griever appears down and starts firing lasers at War*
War: Damn it, where's my Redemption? Also, what ever happened to a plot confrontation scene like Tiamat had?
Watcher: I don't think she can talk...
War: ...personalitiless bitch, HAVE AT *gets blasted by a laser* OW!
Watcher: Why not throw that train at him.
War: There's crystals in the way and...wait, right, I CAN SMASH THOSE NOW! *does that, but the Griever fries crystals turning them red, War punches a red crystal, burning his hand* OW! Bitch, what am I suppose to do now?
Watcher: Wait for the Crystal to cool down, then punch it while she's NOT firing lasers?
War: ...I knew that...
*Crystal smashing done*
War: EAT TRAIN BITCH! *Hits Griever in the foot with a train, she goes ballistic smacking into the tunnel dropping spikse on him*
War: How...ouch...the...ICK...hell...ARGH! know...BLARGH...where these things...OW...will FALL!?
Watcher: Why not try BLOCKING them next time?
War: Why the fuck will that work?
Watcher: You haven't tried it have you?
War: Pfft, fine!
*War throws the Train back at The Griever, smashes her crystal guarding her heart, then more stuff falling*
War: Ok, so you want me to block? FINE I'LL BLOCK! *War blocks all the hits successfully by just standing there and guarding* ...I hate it when you're right...
Watcher: SEe!? YOU DO NEED ME!
*repeat strategy over again for a while, replacing Crystal Smashing with Sword Slashing the heart*
*War slices Griever's arm off, slams the train into her face 5 times...then once more just for good luck, takes heart out*
Watcher: TWo down! Well, it seems...WAIT! I haven't finished talking! Don't go into that tele-*War does exactly that* ...porter...

*Outside, Ulthane is busy making something, HUGE HAMMER COMES FLYING AT HIM*
Ulthane: Ah, so ye've returned, with The Griever beaten, Horseman.
War: What are you doing here?
Ulthane: That's a pretty odd thing for YE to ask since I LIVE HERE.
War: Irrelevant! Answer my question.
Ulthane: How about I give ye this nice handy gun instead.  I made it, but its too small for me, thus useless.
War: ANSWER ME! *holds Gun to Ulthane's face*
Ulthane: Ye really think a little gun like that is going to hurt me, despite how I kind took a car head on and LAUGHED?
War: ...
Ulthane: I helped ye, that's all there is too it.  Now, my backstory is irrelevant and ye can get on with the story.
War: Fine, but I'll be wanting answers eventually!

New Narrator: Will War get the answers he needs?  Will Samael get the heart of The Griever?  Will I be able to finish this without War notic...
*New Narrator is hit with a car*
War: I hate people who talk too much.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3529 on: August 25, 2010, 01:42:45 AM »
Iji: Beat this, pacifist run because it seemed more fun. Fun game, though would have been more fun if I could get it to work with my controller instead of having to use the keyboard.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3530 on: August 25, 2010, 02:59:07 AM »
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair: No, I'm not playing it. Because I can't download shit on my XboX360 in Japan. I hate life. Someone else please play this and tell me about it.

PuzzleQuest: Addictive and cute. I may have to put it down soon or I'll attempt to stat topic it.

Half-Minute Hero: The best game ever. Tongue-in-cheek humor and a very endearing homage to the essence of RPGness.

You really do have to Save the World(TM) in 30 seconds. Luckily you have a Time Goddess on your side (well, more like your bankroll, the greedy whore), so you can stretch it out to almost 2 minutes!

I particularly like how each mission is presented as a 'new game' of sorts. Like, after you beat the first mission, the credits roll (skippable), and when the next thing starts, the title appears with the grandiose "sequel" feel.

I should probably stop playing this one soon too, or else I'll try to stat-topic it.

Resonance of Fate: I was going to jump right into Wizard of Oz, but I decided I needed to make sure all the 360 games I bought actually work on my Japanese 360. It turns out that all of them are region-free except for Enchanted Arms, which was only like $5 bucks anyway, so who cares? Anyway, after turning on RoF, I immediately decided to play -that- instead.

It feels a lot like SO3, only more streamlined, prettier, and a better cast. Tri-Ace does good things with ARPGs, and RoF makes up for how much apathy Infinite Undiscovery induced.

Gameplay aside, RoF's cast feels a lot like Wild Arms 1's cast, except that Jack is the main character and everyone is far better-written and actually humorous. And everyone uses guns. RoF's setting is WAo's, but with more Djinn-bait.

I dig the map setup too, though I wish there was a little more free-roaming the player could do earlier.

Also, I keep dying. I need to figure out how to break this game faster. At least the only penalty for dying is some gold for a retry. Though sometimes you get screwed even with that system. Protip: Save before fighting optional monsters 5x your level.

Currently playing 100% DL-legal style because Tide's stat topic is amusing. It makes levelling much harder... >.>;;


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3531 on: August 25, 2010, 11:14:31 AM »
I'd like to say I'm playing something but...

Well, I have.

Been working on trying to get the Extra route on GFW but so far I have only 1cc'd A-1.

However, I've been hard at work doing some translations for Touhou Souzinengi - GENIUS OF SAPPHEIROS, for the Western Touhou Community, so.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3532 on: August 25, 2010, 11:23:53 AM »
I've been playing Sengoku BASARA 3.
Magoichi Saika on hard mode = Super easy mode. (´ー`*)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3533 on: August 25, 2010, 05:31:05 PM »
FF13-Chapter 4ish or so.

The okay now I guess. It really took way too long to get started, far too much of the introductory shit is "mash A button, find cutscene, run through completely linear path". You don't get Paradigms or different abilities or any progress from level ups or...anything besides shiny cutscenes. Now that I do have all that, and some randoms actually require forethought, things have improved. Story may or may not be good, Sazh is awesome, don't have much of an opinion on Snow or Lightning, Vanille and Hope get on my nerves and I wish they were dead.

Question: Is there anything I should know about Components and crafting them with weapons before I get started? Any gamebreaking things I could do?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3534 on: August 25, 2010, 05:49:21 PM »
FF13-Chapter 4ish or so.

The okay now I guess. It really took way too long to get started, far too much of the introductory shit is "mash A button, find cutscene, run through completely linear path". You don't get Paradigms or different abilities or any progress from level ups or...anything besides shiny cutscenes. Now that I do have all that, and some randoms actually require forethought, things have improved. Story may or may not be good, Sazh is awesome, don't have much of an opinion on Snow or Lightning, Vanille and Hope get on my nerves and I wish they were dead.

Question: Is there anything I should know about Components and crafting them with weapons before I get started? Any gamebreaking things I could do?

The basic idea is to use the cheap components to build up the bonus exp, then use as many of the most expensive component you have at once to get the most exp.  Nothing gets to gamebreaking with limited money and components early on.  Building up your default weapons will serve you until chapter 11-12

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3535 on: August 25, 2010, 07:15:16 PM »
Alpha Protocol- I think I'm going to try "Karate moves only!!!" or as close to it as I can get. First few missions shouldn't be hard, at least. Defending the trace at the ruins in Rome will be a goddamn nightmare, though.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3536 on: August 25, 2010, 09:34:45 PM »
FF13 item customisation works like this, organic things build up your multiplier, they tend to have low exp gains and usually are fairly obvious.  Mechanical parts will destroy your multiplier but give the most experience. 

So you can build up the multiplier to as high as it gets (3x from memory?) off of cheap junk organic crap (60 of the cheaper store trash will do it I think, by FAR the most cost efficient way to get it up), then dump as much of the one kind of material you can into the item.  You can easilly get through the game until about chapter 10 without crafting anything, this works fairly well as it lets you build up a good stash of crap to dump all at the same time and it is also the point where you will have most of the stores unlocked as well.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3537 on: August 25, 2010, 10:08:49 PM »
There are specific materials that you should purchase to minimize the costs. I remember you buy them in increments of 32, Barbed Tails was one of those. There's others. Like some sort of ooze?

But Eph and Gref have the basic gist of it anyway. Its obviously more advantageous to hold off upgrades over the long term since you spend less materials and therefore, will get bigger gains once you actually do have the money to buy things to repeat your multiplier and so on. There's a more detailed guide on it at GFAQs - I recommend reading Arth's if you actually care. It pretty much details the process and then gives you a layman's version if you don't care (AND it has other shinies without game spoilage)
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3538 on: August 26, 2010, 03:16:24 AM »
Nier: I have just been erased.

Four prompts for ending D. Well, you can't say they didn't warn you. And yeah, C & D were much more what I was expecting from this game's endings. Alternate final fight was actually somewhat threatening...comparatively speaking, as in the opener actually forced me to heal. Goes back to being ground underfoot after Ultimate Danmaku Barrage, but that's still more than could be said for anything else on second cycle. Hell, even the second half of the first cycle is pretty sad just due to the existence of spears.

Was that Lunar Tear always on the title screen, or only after getting ending D? I don't remember seeing it before, but the title screen in a game is one of those things I just tune out after a while.

Anyway, okay game is okay. Some signs of working on a budget are apparent, principally in that the game suffers from chronic dungeon recycling. There are a billion and one random item types that exist for I don't know what reason and I don't even know what to say about the plot. Hack 'n' slash is moderately entertaining before the game breaks in half though. Music is also solid and the central cast is fun to watch bicker (well, three out of four--I never got much of a read on Emil). Overall fairly average but it has its moments and I don't regret playing it or anything. I have to give it a few points just for that one town where the residents were stricken with compulsive narration syndrome.


Will probably start KotOR2 next because it's been eyeing me reproachfully for a couple weeks now. My assumption is that I should run a consular to get the most dialogue options out of skills and force abilities. Is this accurate?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3539 on: August 26, 2010, 03:36:15 AM »
It will do the job yeah.  Sentinel isn't quite as bad in KotOR 2 as it was in KotOR 1 though.  Generally speaking I would just go with whatever seems the most fun.  I know I did a play through as Consular that didn't equip any weapons.  Not to punch thigns, but to block blaster bolts with his bare hands and to kill the world with lightning.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3540 on: August 26, 2010, 04:12:44 AM »
ToP Narikiri Dungeon X- This is the case when ToD team needs to be dipped into the lava.... no, why is ToD team making a ToP team game anyway!!??


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3541 on: August 26, 2010, 04:13:48 AM »
Ys 7: Beaten. If I had to sum it up in one sentence... "Definition generic hack&slash RPG that does a few things extremely well."

When I say Ys 7 is a generic RPG, I mean it completely. The game does very little that isn't by the book. Silent protagonist? Check. Pretty flower girl? Check. Bishie silver-haired guy? Check. Collecting the 5 ancient elemental artifacts? Check. Princess incognito who is laughably obvious right from the get-go? Check. Plot twist that is pretty heavily foreshadowed? Check. Honestly the game stuck to the recipe pretty close. Very few of the characters even have distinctive personalities outside of their roles in the plot, even (Aisha and Dogi being notable exceptions).

But who cares? You don't play this game for anything like plot or characters. You play it for the combat, the music, and the character designs. The game's combat is fast paced and fun, with almost no letup in the action. You are constantly dashing around like a madman and unleashing a variety of attacks upon enemies as you balance moves that build energy, moves that deplete energy but deal lots of damage, moves that require a special gauge to use, and moves that have typing that nails a weakness. The combination of fast pacing with strategy for avoiding damage and managing your attacks makes for a memorable and enjoyable playing experience.

Ys is a series that is known for the music even to folks who don't play the games themselves, so it isn't surprising that one of the game's biggest draws is the music. Whether it is an overworld theme, a village didley, or a penultimate boss fight's leimotif, you are pretty much assured to be listening to something at least 'good' and almost surely "very good".  A pretty good collection of stuff ranging from heart-pounding action (CROSSING RAGE!) to hauntingly eerie (The Sacred Wind). While little may stand out on it's own, the usage and overall quality if hard to argue with.

Despite being pretty generic in plot and characters, I would highly recommend this game to those willing to play a new (and relatively cheap at $30) ARPG styled game on the PSP.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3542 on: August 26, 2010, 05:01:24 AM »
Parasite Eve 2 - Got this 2 or so weeks ago and have played it on and off over that time. Not that I don't like the game its just juggling other games and generally being busy means I couldn't play it much. Pretty far though as it is a pretty short game and phew the fricking villains. The mega corp (and their staff) developing this shit makes Umbrella look pretty damn sane. I mean shit theres a guy (Bowman) who sees the remains of a monkeys face after it exploded and loudly proclaims that truely this is the next step in human evolution (lolwut!?!). Then the fuck is crazy enough to put himself forward to be mutated so he can be one of the first to experiance the next step in "human evolution", thereby turning him into a 9ft tall random enemy. Yeah suck on that Bowman, you're just random generic garbage not even worthy of boss status.

In terms of the other characters I'm surprised Number 9 hasn't appeared yet as due to his body disapearing I assumed he was still alive. Kyle has turned from random shady nice guy to a right bastard saying shit like I shouldn't go into the dark as I'm likely to be eaten by a Grue. Fuck off man, I'll fuck up anybody with my bombastic science defying mitochondria powers.

Yakuza 3 - I've really been playing to many rpgs lately so I got this as I'd heard it was pretty good and I have to say it is. I'm loving the story and main (Kazuma) is so damn good. I'm finding myself really looking forward to see whats going to happen next which is something very few games do for me these days.
Currently in chapter 5 right after beating the mystery American in black. Stupidly he had a gun the whole time but only draws it after getting served in an ally and even then he only uses the gun so he can escape instead of capping Kazuma there and then. Its implied he doesn't just shoot Kazuma because of the huge amount of police in the area but its still shaky as the japanese police is downright pathetic and he could easily escape after killing you.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3543 on: August 26, 2010, 07:43:32 AM »
BlazBlue: Online play has taught me I suck. And here I thought I was making progress.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3544 on: August 26, 2010, 05:28:53 PM »
I think FFXIII is anti gamebreaking for most of the game. Even with all the stuff I have on the replay I've only been able to do so much with it. CP and equipment costs get more and more expensive as time goes by so even grinding can only be so profitable. I've just finished farming at Hope's house and am back with Sazh/Vanille. Despite racking up over 40'000 CP from the previous chapter to carry over for them I still wasn't able to max out all of their roles as far as they would go. I still have some of Vanille's MED and Sazh's RAV left to do.  I also have 150'000+ in monies as a result of my farming though I haven't picked up the Healing Rod for Vanille yet. I suscept though that by the time I max that, buy and max new accessories for the duo and perhaps upgrade a weapon for Sazh that money will be seriously dented >.>


I've been thinking of who else might get a lot out of the game, and I think you would.

Any particular reason why? >.> I think I'll try and pick it up this weekend then. Of course now that I've decided to do that I probably won't be able to find it!~
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 05:31:13 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3545 on: August 26, 2010, 07:55:02 PM »
BlazBlue: Online play has taught me I suck. And here I thought I was making progress.

We should create a club.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3546 on: August 26, 2010, 08:38:55 PM »
I think FFXIII is anti gamebreaking for most of the game.

The notion that FF13 would attempt to restrict your options in something just blew my mind.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3547 on: August 26, 2010, 09:56:35 PM »
Urgh ranting about how FF13 is chock full of fake choices again, do not want, I am done with that.

City of Heroes - New expansion is out, kind of fun to piss about with.

DQ9 - About to get boat.  Trying to unlock Gladiator and was thinking about doing Armamentalist as well.  I get everyone naked, have half my party in level 1 jobs and slimes still run away.  Fuck that is retarded.  It makes me dread trying to do Armamentalist.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3548 on: August 26, 2010, 10:39:28 PM »
Eh, Armamentalist wasn't that bad for me.  Just be patient.  I had my Hero use Wizard Ward the first turn while the other chars did normal attacks, hoping for 2-3 points of damage to put the slime just shy of dying, then have Hero attack the next turn hopefully for the kill.  Probably got it in about 15 minutes of trying.  Note that it's easy to find metal slimes by exiting and reentering Quarantomb and watching what spawns by the entrance.

DQ9:  Stuff.  Grinding grottos to find some good ones with lots of S-rank chests (or one with an all Metal King Slime floor).  Best I've gotten so far is one with 4 S ranks, but they're in annoying spots to get to.

LoZ Spirit Tracks:  Got this free with my second copy of DQ9, so what the hell.  Ew, 100% stylus-controlled gameplay.  No, I do not want Link to jump off that ledge because I didn't tap exactly right.  Other than that, pretty standard Zelda fare.  In the fire mountain place now, about 75% done.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3549 on: August 27, 2010, 12:01:44 PM »

Finished. Generally very nice, although there were a number of points where it was overly hard to make out vital features of the area that were somewhat aggravating.

Timed jumping puzzle in the waterwheel shed can go jump also. There were additionally a couple of times when I brought failure on myself due to only having skimmed the controls section of the instructions, although I lay part of the blame of the introduction of bombs on the fact that they were not remotely recognisable as bombs in that lighting.

End of the ending doesn't really make sense either.

Anyway, I mostly thoroughly enjoyed it. Good times. Unfortunately the place I bought it from no longer has Colossus in stock so I will have to expand my horizons.

Anyone know if there are any good overhead images of the castle complex?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 12:11:33 PM by Twilkitri »