Final Fight 3: Beat the game using Guy w/ a Lucia AI partner on Easy Mode. Why?
I was curious to see what at least one of the "Generic 90s Characters Nobody Cares About" looked like in battle, but didn't care enough to play as them! Also, was curious about how the AI worked...
All I can say is, when I replay this game as Haggar (how can I NOT?), I am totally doing it solo, unless I have a HUMAN partner.
Why didn't I use Haggar initially? Cause Guy's easier to use, and wanted to get through the game once with more familiarity, where as Haggar...well, getting my ass kicked a bit in STAGE 1 IN FINAL FIGHT 1 (the demo) with him really showed I'm off my game. Also, he's not Dean <_<
Anyway, good classic beat em up that I missed when it was on the SNES, nice to finally play it. Not much else to say.