Monsterworld IV: I was rather stressed when I played it the last time and didn't get to enjoy it as much as I could have, so I decided to play it again.
I already found out something I didn't realize before, the very first enemy type you encounter can't hurt you at all. In this game, most enemies will not hurt you by touch, they have to attack you to cause damage. The first enemy you encounter is never considered to be attacking.
I beat the first dungeon and then got a papelongo. To raise a papelongo: put a papelongo egg into water. Once it hatched, feel free to use it as a steppingstone on lava, to clog up a high pressure geyser, to freeze it into a block of ice and whatever you want to. In return, the papelongo will help you get to places you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach. No wonder everyone in town wants one. Fortunately, there's a guy selling yellow papelongos like they were balloons. Asha of course didn't buy one and instead raided the castle treasury for an extra unique blue one.
Anyway, in most games, buying something for 500 gold early in the game will have a negligible effect later on when things cost over ten times as much. This game however managed to figure out a way to make early purchases impact the economy later on. You find gold bars that you can sell to a rich fat woman. However, if you wait until later, she will pay you more for them. She pays 1,000 after the first dungeon and will eventually go up to 10,000. Therefore, it's better to wait a bit and not sell every gold bar immediately. It doesn't pay to overdo that strategy though, you do have quite a margin. I think that saving the gold bar in the castle treasury until you get 10,000 gold for them and holding off selling gold bars in dungeons until you beat them (as opposed to exiting them and immediately selling) is enough to get all the legendary equipment. Do not however save the gold bar you can loot in the rich woman's house for later though as that chest will eventually disappear.