Bayonetta: Beaten Normal mode! I sucked a lot so I mostly got Bronze statues (aka D Ranks.)
I finally discovered what Bayonetta is! Its basically Interactive Shonen Anime at its most ridiculous. Think of a Shonen Anime Cliche, the game has it, just instead of WATCHING ridiculous fight sequences, you PLAY THEM.
Anyway, game is pretty much what I said before; it emulates DMC appropriately while keeping some unique niches to keep the game from feeling like just a knock off. The game's only flaws that stand out to me are:
A. Cutscenes. Some of them are uninspired in the still film strip style that I mentioned, which feels like it was done to save space so the game didn't go to multiple discs. That wouldn't have been a problem if the game didn't have so many and so long. Thankfully, this factor is completely negligible on replays where you can just scene skip most of them, but yeah, definitely some Metal Gear SOlid Custcene Syndrome kicking in here (something DMC games were good at avoiding.)
B. Quick Time Events. QTEs are meh to begin with, but Bayonetta fails them up in another, somewhat annoying way; they give you almost no warning when the event is coming (well, you can induce when it happens), and its arbitrary what buttons to push, but worst of all, you have an incredibly brief period of success. Its really unforgiving, and cause there's a variety of buttons you CAN push, and no way to know WHAT to push, its likely you'll do them twice.
Thankfully, the game is lenient on check points, so often dying in a QTE is just "Redo the animation sequence over again!"
Otherwise? Yeah, not gonna repeat myself. Damn fine game, pretty much lives up to its hype.
...ok, and if the Shonen aspect didn't make it clear, yes, the game just stops trying to keep itself together and just COMPLETELY TRAIN WRECKS in the end, for the sake of more explosions, fights, what have you. Its fun to watch, but you really need to remember to just completely turn your brain off at that point.
In any event, anyone whose a fan of DMC3/4 should give this game a try. Actually, seems like something fans of God of War would like too, cause it definitely has some things God of War had that DMC games don't (platforming, QTE, etc...just unlike God Of War, platforming =/= death, it just yields damage loss)