Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 356756 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #575 on: February 02, 2010, 02:58:00 PM »
Awesme dog ended up the last one standing on the Poison Swamp Level for me <3 Tony's climb/move is very useful early on =-)

Wild Arms XF- Final stretch I do believe. Dithering on whether or not to twink equipment and set ups before undertaking it. The fights just before and upon entering the capital were fun, one in particular was quite epic. Blade Pulsar! Felius ended up finishing it with counter attacks of all things, Ragnar was also left standing thanks to evasion hax with Extremist. I paid a visit to Ragu before entering the capital and had my ass horribly owned to me despite the best of intentions with what I had to work with. I don't know whether or not to bother about winning the fight but I might try again if I do bothering with twinking before defeating the game.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 03:13:28 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #576 on: February 02, 2010, 03:15:06 PM »
Okami: Beaten! Time for a MEEPLE RANT! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FOR THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU NOW! mean...uh...yeah, to the rant!

Where to start...well, I might as well start with the thing that really got me best about the game.  Very few games these days...or heck, much in the way of modern media...really show signs that the creator(s) put their Heart and Soul into their creation.  I mean, I've seen plenty of examples of games with a lot of effort, but they felt more like "Lets try to impress people, and not fail at it, so lets take intelligent approaches" rather than just making a game for the sake of the art, the idea of making just a good game, a product you can be proud of, regardless of how well it sells, a product made out of care and love, for lack of a better word, rather than the idea of making money. definitely that game.  The game just gives this sense that the creators really wanted to make this, and they put a lot of effort in capturing their own selves, what have you.  It was a game made for the art, much like how movies in the 30s were made for the art, not the money.  I don't mean the unique art style, I mean art in the loose sense.  It felt like they wanted the players to experience the adventure for what it is, and just sort of appreciate the hard work.  It really stands out cause I can't think of the last game that really gave off this feel.  I mean, fanboy side of me would say "FF6!" or something, but even if I convinced myself I wasn't lying to myself, I still have doubts that would come to the level of Heart/Soul Okami gave off.

So yeah, that's what impresses me about Okami the most; that a game in this day and age can still manage to be made for the art of making a good game, and one you can be proud of, not just to please the fanbase and make lots of cash.  Granted, they obviously WANTED Okami to sell, but then, who doesn't want their game to sell well?  Shame the game was a commercial failure...

Anyway, onto other aspects!

Okami is...what a 3D Zelda should be.  I don't know about 3D Zelda's after the N64 era much, but Okami felt like it gave off a better scope and feel of adventure than OoT or MM, if only cause Japan Nippon is much bigger than Hyrule, though, I might be underselling Termina in MM, but the whole "everything revolves around one town" thing didn't really help if you ask me!  The dungeons were more interesting, and they all lacked the puzzle design I probably hate most in games like these:

Block Pushing puzzles are major wastes of time, cause a character moves at a snails pace until you move the block into the right spot, and some cases, its possible to perma-fuck the puzzle, making you have to either press the "Start Over" button these games conveniently have, or"Leave room, re-enter, puzzle resets"...either way, its a waste of time.  It was a pain in Wild ARMs 3, God of War, all Zelda games with it (well, LttP and LA weren't as bad about the slow moving part, especially since LA let you drag diagonally?)  Seriously devs, STOP MAKING THESE THEY ARE NOT FUN OR INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING.  They're just a waste of time, space, and gameplay!!!
...and Okami rocks for more or less completely avoiding these.  Yeah, it has BALL pushing puzzles, but they were far more simplistic, far lesser in number, and furthermore, BALLS DON'T SLOW AMATERATSU DOWN.  it did involve some physicsing, but beyond one section, you could often just shove the ball against a wall, and use that to avoid screwing yourself over, and again, the puzzles were small in number, so it was more a fresh change of pace from constant Art puzzles, rather than "ugh, another block pushing puzzle."

Also, I give props for the game's platforming.  It wasn't there a lot, but that's a good thing, and the good controls, and lenience on Ammy's jumps made them not hard...outside of that one FIRE WHEEL section in the big Ice Tower where you have some time nonsense, but hush.  Honestly, the 2nd half of that Ice Tower needed to not exist;  the tower was already complete enough as is, adding in generic Ice related puzzles just made the thing feel like its dragging.

Lastly, the game's hints were rather good too.  I never really felt lost in dungeons cause either Issun would pretty much spell out what you need to do (through attempts to be cryptic) or simply observing the scenario works well.  None of this Water Temple bullshit, that's for sure!  Well, one part that did get me confused was the search for the dogs, but I think that was more me not knowing how to Drag someone (I didn't realize when you bite someone, you can hold onto them and drag them.) So really, never felt like I was getting too stuck; I did have to do some extra exploring at times when I was at a loss, but never did I have to check a FAQ and go "oh, dur", and it was more like "find answer 5 minutes later" instead of immediately, contrast to "Run around dungeon for half an hour doing nothing."

The game's battles were fun enough, if a secondary feature of the gameplay.  Again, Okami is really what I feel 3D Zeldas should be.  3D Zelda fights were pretty much either "use x tool on y enemy, profit!", outside of the occasional sword wielding freak where its just "Block -> Counter."  Okami fights are more straight up, and your options are a lot more interesting.  I mean, in a 3D Zelda, I often WANT to bomb things, but it just won't work for the gimmick nature.  In Okami, I can draw a bomb and watch it explode on the enemy...IN GLORIOUS FIREWORKS FASHION! Also, the way battles and non-battles were separated RPG style was nice, since you can try to solve one puzzle without worrying about a legion of enemies trying to kill you.  Boss fights were gimmicky, but they kind of need to be or less they're just SUPER LARGE RANDOMS which would get lame.

...I have to question why "Bomb Drawing" is something used by heavenly gods.  All other spells made sense, since it was basically controlling nature in some way.  Want the sun to rise? Draw it!  Need wind? You can do it!  Slice something in half using DIVINE RETRIBUTION? Ok, I can buy that.  Repair something that was lost with rejuvenation?  You're a Goddess, so that's fair.  Talk to plants so that they spit out long vines pulling you to specific flowers? ...ok, this one is just weird, I'll grant you that.
but BOMBS?  They're just random!  Its like "Amateratsu doesn't have explosions anywhere, and she's a freaking SUN GODDESS, how can we implement this?" and they just said "Fuck it, SHE CAN DRAW BOMBS NOW!"

This isn't a complaint so much as just being silly...
Which actually plays into my next section, the game's tone and style.  Its very playful and lighthearted.  Again, one person implied its a very serious and dark game, and I want to punch them for it.  No, Okami is an elaborate Fairy Tale based very loosely on Japanese Folklore and such.  Seriously, you play as a Wolf who paints things to get stuff done, and her only consistent ally is an immature wood sprite, who does nothing but complain, try to act smart and tough, or gawk at hot chicks.  Unlike Zelda fairies, Issun was actually funny at times.  The creators KNEW a character like this would be annoying, but its also a necessary evil when your main is a Silent Protagonist, as other wise you're just dealing with loads of Monologues, not to mention that Ammy is GENUINELY silent, not "Hey, she's got implied dialog"; she's a wolf, she CAN'T speak, so you need this medium to talk to people...
So they basically made Issun have no real redeeming qualities other than clearly being a good person at heart, and they even played it up such that Ammy did get annoyed at him at times, and played it more for comedy rather than pretending the character is really this perfect avatar of intelligence.
Ammy being a wolf actually helped her character, not hurt gave a realistic means to make a character NOT TALK for once.  Yeah, Link, we know you're a tight wearing pansy who doesn't have the guts to ask Zelda out, but what's your excuse to talking to EVERYONE ELSE?  Oh, right, fanboys will scream and rave and go on a killing frenzy if Link so much as says the word "Hi" outside of CD-I or the Animated Series.  Anyway, the thing that's nice about Ammy is...the game treats her like a Wolf first, Goddess second, cause to the public eye, that's what she is.  They even call the option "Listen" and not "Talk."  Furthermore, it makes a little more sense when people say their DARKEST SECRETS to a Wolf than to a human.  I mean, thinking outloud to a wolf, the logic is "You're not going to tell anyone, so hey, I can use you to get this off my chest!"  TO a human, its kind of weird and...uh, yeah.  Though, there were moments that the people talked to Ammy like she was a person, but those felt kind of intentionally silly, and often Issun would try to help make the scene make sense by conversing with the guys in Ammy's stead.
The NPCs all ranged from Fun and Playful like Susano, to...well, token Emos like Oki, who just suck regardless of median.  I'll grant Oki gets style points in the fight against the two owls at least...for all that the OTHER Dog ally in the previous fight was infinitely cooler for obvious reasons.

The game, basically, knew not to take itself seriously, but at the same time, didn't try to make a complete joke of itself.  God Hand, for example, did the latter, but that was its thing; its a parody.  Okami was not trying to be silly or ridiculous, just kind of cute and makes you smile.  I guess its most comparable to an Animated Disney Movie like The Lion King or Beauty and the in, the GOOD ones.  Its light hearted and fun, though has its serious moments, and it has an occasional moment where it just gets you to chuckle, and it was good at invoking emotions when they were appropriate.  Yes, the game has its serious moments, but the overall game is not serious, that's why I equate it to one of those GOOD Disney Animated Films; its writing is something all ages can enjoy, and heck, its gameplay too.  If she wasn't already playing about 5 different games which get her easily confused, I may have actually let Mandy play this game some, cause she seemed interested in it when watching me.

THough, this is where I snipe at a genuine flaw the game has.  Lack of scene skip when it'd be useful; it has scene skip...for points that are not wholly useful, but if you want to replay the game, you have to sit through a lot of dialog over again, even filler stuff and ugh.  Really kills the experience of replaying the game.  
Furthermore, narrative sequences.   The one beginning of the game was boring as shit, just going "blah blah blah OROCHI blah blah blah SHIRANUI blah blah blah NAGI blah blah blah NOW THE STORY BEGINS!"  though, kind of needed in order to build backstory and setting.  I was letting that pass if it was the only one...but then we got other scenes where its like "And so, Amateratsu and Issun defeated the monster, but MORE DARKNESS APPEARED!" and so on, and...these just weren't very fun.  They hurt the quick pacing, we were treated with stills (though they were well drawn, so it fit Okami in that sense), and then the fact that the dialog scrolls kind of slowly...yeah.  These parts of the game stood out also cause they were against Okami's general light hearted and playful mood; they were serious bland narratives in a game that thrives on being colorful.

Leading into the next part...the setting.  Okami is one of the best handled in this regard, mostly cause the art just really paints it well (no pun intended), and it actually felt like you were in feudal Japan.  The music really helped too; I don't remember a lot of individual songs until near the end, but the style being pretty much entirely Classical Japanese really made it feel that way.   Proof Capcom went that extra step and tried to make things that worked rather than "Ok, lets just throw J-pop here cause that sounds japanese and EVERYONE LOVES J-pop!"  Dear god, Okami with j-Pop, that'd be a nightmare.   It doesn't hurt that I find the Classical Japanese style music genuinely pleasing and soothing, so Okami using that had a nice feel to it.  Its really quite relaxing when you're just running through fields at ludicrous speeds to hear a nice tranquil song.  Some of the more upbeat stuff fit the tones well, as did the coloring used for "EVIL IS COMING!" sections know, I'm just basically saying an obvious fact here, going on about Okami being really good at Artistic yeah, lets just leave it at that.
Oh, and Okami's usage of Japanese names actually worked and felt appropriate here.  Contrast to Persona 4, where it honestly just sort of clashed, though, the lack of using Honoraries certainly plays a role.  I guess the difference is that Persona 4 didn't really feel like Japan, despite the whole DATING SIM aspect, and it felt more like "yeah, literal translation!" where as Okami it more flowed with the dialog, and even were trying to keep the whole "This game likes its Japanese Myth allusions."  Apparently, the localization team specifically shortened a few names to keep the Japanese feel, but make them easier to pronounce for Western Audiences, which...doesn't surprise me (it explains names like "Nagi" and "Susano" instead of "Izanagi" and "Susano-o")

As far as individual themes go...again, I don't remember many, for all that they more or less all fit the game well enough (which is what's important, I guess,)  Though, both versions of Reset and "The Rising Sun" were both songs I was fond of, so I guess the game basically went out with a bang in that regard.  Interestingly, the Rising Sun I heard a day before beating Okami in TvC, cause they actually have that exact song when fighting Yami's 3rd form.  When I heard the song in TvC, I basically went "...that's gotta be Okami's final boss theme; it sounds way too much like Okami's style" and even thought it had a nice feel to it.
Its also the kind of Final Boss theme that's good for a game like this.  Its overpowering and inspiring, giving you that upbeat drama effect.  I've seen too many games go "HEY LOOK EVIL GUY LETS PLAY EVIL MUSIC!"  Okami avoided this for the final form, going more for music that fit Amateratsu's mood rather than the boss itself, a really great way to capture the scenario.  The fact that the song in and of itself is good doesn't hurt!

Okami really did feel like a genuine adventure and I know I sound like a sappy reviewer, but really, the game is as advertised, and it really shows the amount of effort and soul they put into the game.  I was honestly skeptical at the hype the game was getting, going "its probably alright, but nothing special", but wow, the game is genuinely impressive.  It probably could have been shorter, cause I felt the game didn't quite need to be 40 hours, but eh, at the same time, I'm still shocked the game actually took that long, so...I dunno what I'm saying anymore.  Damn good game in any event, and more proof that "Modern Capcom kicks ass."

Furthermore, Amateratsu is more proof that Capcom can make awesome Main Characters when they're not trying to be deep or serious...yes, I say this mostly cause she's just a divine wolf, but hush!  She rightfully earns her spot next to characters like Dante, Frank West, and Gene.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 12:02:56 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #577 on: February 02, 2010, 04:11:30 PM »
Errrr the 2 piece to make one of the stronger AoE threat talents in the game 20% stronger or 4 piece the 12% damage reduction for 10 seconds once per minute on a free an ability that gives you 10 runic power off the GCD?

Sure I would rather a cooldown reduction on D&D, but that is just because I run heroics.  Given much more damage and you could almost push D&D into a single target tanking rotation as unholy.

Eh, my mistake.  I meant the DPS set bonuses.

As DW Frost though, AoE threat really isn't a problem due to HB.  Well, granted all I ever get are ass DPS so there might be a problem I just haven't seen.  Blood Tap gives runic power?  Huh, well I've never had a use for it so I didn't know.

Actually all this talk of set bonuses is kinda pointless.  I'm only getting th T10 piece from random and weekly raid badges.  Guild still can't get enough to do Marrowgar or even trash consistently.

See now I am even more confused.  7%/10% boost to your most damaging attacks or what should be effectively a flat 3% damage boost after the first cycle of your runes are both pretty rocking set bonuses >_> (admittedly harder to get as Frost running on Priority system, but Frost DPS is in the shitter at the moment and you should only go it for Improved Icey Talons really).  They both beat the shit out of DK T7 and 8 (Both T9 and T10 are pretty freaking sweet though).

Certainly beats the pants off the healing Priest tier bonus.  33% chance to make Flash Heal heal 33% of the amount healed over 9 seconds (It seems to be kind a rolling hot sort of like the Deep Wounds or Ignite dots are) which is alright, 4 piece is 20% chance to make your Penance or Circle of heal make the next Flash heal cast within 6 seconds to reset the CD on Penance and Circle of Healing.  Such a huge mouth full to get out and spikey all over the place proc.  Just yuck.  Rogue 2 piece is great, but the 4 piece is entirely missable, I am better getting some more Armor Penetration off set pieces than the 4 piece.

I love the warrior one though.  You have a 20% chance for your Bloodsurge and Sudden Death talents to grant 2 charges of their effect instead of 1, reduce the global cooldown on Execute or Slam by 0.5 sec, and for the duration of the effect to be increased by 100%.  Cause you know what Arms needed?  More spikey out of control burst threat.  Good bonus overall, but damn makes that proc watching even more key.

Edit - Oh and never had to use Blood Tap while tanking?  I use a one disease rotation when I am tanking heroics, but not sure if this is optimal for you or should even be done anymore, but anyway prefer it off the pull anyway, Tap and you can get 2 Obliterates in your first set of abilities which is more snap threat than Plague Strike and 2 Blood Strikes.  Bonus points for more Rime Proc chances.  It is a DPS loss, but not sure if it is a TPS loss to do it, but it certainly gives you more threat to work with in the opening few seconds.

Both DPS bonuses are inferior to the T9.  Getting the SS 10% means losing the T9 PS crits, which is big.  Granted once I do get 2p T10 I'll have a Reaping build so it'll even out.  The 4P bonus is just a different version of the T9 2p.  I roughly get a 3% damage boost with it.  But once again, Reaping build will screw that up.  Mainly this is bitching because I'm so used to the T9 bonuses that I know I'm gonna start messing up once I switch my rotation out.

I honestly never needed to BT while tanking.  Rime just procs so much naturally I never need to worry about Rune converting that isn't done by BS Pest.

WOW: T10 helm get.  Also got Darkmoon Card: Greatness.  Procs a lot less than I thought it would.  Never seems to refresh either.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #578 on: February 02, 2010, 04:29:46 PM »
SRWK - ahahahahahahaha dann of thursday is such a monster
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #579 on: February 02, 2010, 04:31:53 PM »
Dragon Warrior III: After having been crowned queen and then abdicated in less than five minutes, it's time for Lia to go do something useful. Or at least it's supposedly useful. Anyway, it turns out there is a second village in this kingdom, one I forgot about while recovering the crown. Up north is a village where everyone is asleep due to supernatural means. The party heads up there.

One villager is apparently awake for some reason. He mumbles something about an elf queen and a Dream Ruby. Basically, Lia have to get the latter and give it to the former. She heads of towards the elven village.

Now, this could mean there's a third village in this kingdom, but there's not chance the elves are in any way or shape actually part of it other than merely being in it's geographical location. In fact, having elves in you kingdom just makes part of it less "your's". Now there's a large forest from which you cannot chop down a single tree without them going apeshit. Also, Elves-Tolkien=assholes, so you also have some bad neighbors in them.

The elf queen informs Lia that her daughter ran off with the dream ruby and a human man and also adds that the human must have tricked her or something. Since the whole affair has "forbidden love" over it, there's no chance the lovers are still alive. Lia therefore doesn't have to persuade them to give the ruby back, finding where they died is enough. Her's adventurer instincts tells her that they died in a cave located nearby.

The cave turns out to be the hardest dungeon for a long time forward. The enemies hits rather hard and there's fast enemies spamming stopspell as well as other enemies exhaling sleeping gas (or "a sweet breath"). Still, the party makes it trough soon enough. The actual corpses cannot be found, but the Dream Ruby can as well as a letter explaining what's going on. Basically, since the elf queen didn't approve of their relationship they went and drowned themselves so they can be together in heaven.
Doesn't religions in general disapprove of suicide (unless you take a lot of enemies with you) and doesn't religions also in general claim that earthly bonds are broken upon death? 2) Why not just keep running away and live together in life instead of going trough with the whole drowning business? 3) Where does stealing the Dream Ruby enter the picture?

Lia however quickly asks herself "I have the Dream Ruby now, so why care?" and brings the Dream Ruby to the queen. The queen decides that the humans in the sleeping village may awake now, but she won't stop being an asshole. She hands over Wake Dust which will get the awakening job done.

The party heads back to the sleeping village and wakes everyone up. A few things are then revealed. It was the son of the man who escaped the sleep spell who stole the Dram Ruby together with the elven princess. Also, Lia's father stayed in the inn just a day before the village went to sleep. Had the lovers made their move just one day earlier things would have been much different. It's not revealed why waking up the villagers was necessary though assuming it even is. The arms shop does sell Cloaks of Evasion though and I get one for the wizard.

Now it's finally time to leave the kingdom. The party heads easts, an action that wouldn't have been a good idea prior to getting some levels in the dungeon. They locate a new village.

The theme of the village is dishonest merchants. Lia gets the advice that she shouldn't show she's interested in a ware, else she will be ripped off. She follows the advice, but despite that the merchants won't ever sell for less than twice the actual price and therefore ends up not selling at all. Worse, there's some honest merchants too who sells several of the wares the dishonest merchants sells. This makes one wonder what they are thinking. It's probably something in line of "shit, I'm not selling anything, I better jack up the prices to 16x so that I only have to sell a single armor in order to live in comfort for years!"

To the east is a cave which you can't get trough without a letter from a king which you can't reach without the magic key. To the south is the desert kingdom Isis in which the magic key is located. Time to get there.

Isis is annoying to get to. There's an oasis in the world map and entering the various tree tiles takes you to a magnified map of the oasis where a town and a castle is visible. The town and the castle are however blocked off by trees. It's not until Lia casts return and selects Isis, which has now been flagged as available, that the game allows the party to enter a tile which takes them to a place where the town and the castle is accessible.

The theme of this town is that everyone fawns over how beautiful the queen is. The queen herself is more sensible and realizes that her beauty is not something to get to carried away for. Other than that, the magic key is in a pyramid to the north of the oasis. There's a place where magic doesn't work in the pyramid, so the party gets a crapload of herbs.

The pyramid has pitfalls that can be avoided by not stepping in the middle of rooms and a puzzle that can be solved by trial and error or by memorizing a children's song in Isis. All things considered, the Magic Key is easy to get. There's however another treasure available with the magic key. You can find a Golden Claw for fighters in the basement. It's also in the basement that magic doesn't work and getting the golden claw ups the random encounter rate to about one for every two steps. Fun times.

With the magic key in hand Lia goes on a heroic castle treasury raiding spree. She locates some nice loot including an accessory which doubles agility, although it turns out she didn't need the magic key for that one. Oh well. The accessory goes to Seth the Wizard so that he can get his spells of before the enemies already pounded on the party.

Next destination is Portega, the kingdom who's king Lia has to talk to get trough a cave which she assumes she has to get trough. As the name implies, the theme of Portega is being a big port. In Portega a lot of townspeople talk about how much the king likes a certain spice. Lia suspects getting the cave opening letter will take some errand running. This turns out not the be the case. The king justs gives her a letter. The spice will get Lia a ship, something far more worthy of an errand quest than the passage trough a cave.

Anyway, go trough the cave. Give letter to a hobbit who in turn lets the party trough. Locate a new town.

This town doesn't have much of a theme other than possessing the needed spice. Only one man sells the spice, but his daughter got herself kidnapped by bandits. Who would have guessed? Anyway, her fiancé/husband decides to go off rescuing her. Hopefully they will both be kept nearby so that Lia can fetch them both in one go. That will have to wait a bit though. There's resting and exploring other locations to be done first.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #580 on: February 02, 2010, 09:51:20 PM »

WOW: T10 helm get.  Also got Darkmoon Card: Greatness.  Procs a lot less than I thought it would.  Never seems to refresh either.

15 second buff with 45 second ICD from memory.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #581 on: February 02, 2010, 11:45:55 PM »
SRWK - ahahahahahahaha dann of thursday is such a monster

Oh you mean the machine that gets like four upgrades when it really didn't need any?

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #582 on: February 02, 2010, 11:48:50 PM »
SRWK - ahahahahahahaha dann of thursday is such a monster

Oh you mean the machine that gets like four upgrades when it really didn't need any?

The S rank+flight upgrade even makes sense to round it up, although it's um kinda awesome as hell! On the other hand, Van is such a fucking batshit pilot that he'd float base Dann of Thursday well into endgame anyway.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #583 on: February 03, 2010, 12:04:46 AM »
I take it you haven't gotten Overflow yet, then.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #584 on: February 03, 2010, 12:05:54 AM »
It's not like he's wrong. Post-Overflow Dann just goes past "awesome as hell" and into "seriously, Banpresto, what the fuck."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #585 on: February 03, 2010, 12:26:35 AM »
I take it you haven't gotten Overflow yet, then.

How much dumber does it get.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #586 on: February 03, 2010, 12:29:08 AM »
 Overflow     オーバーフロウ     Damage Dealt +25%, Damage Received -25% and Critical Rate +10% when Will reaches 130


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #587 on: February 03, 2010, 01:22:47 AM »
Just want to note that I'm digging the Crystalgate DW3 Play-by-play writeups. They are humorous and make work that little bit more entertaining. It -almost- makes me want to play DW3. Almost.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #588 on: February 03, 2010, 01:54:30 AM »
ME2- Yeah, that Batarian dude on Omega? I am like 99% sure that is Starscream.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #589 on: February 03, 2010, 05:16:26 AM »
Oh fuck more ME2-


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #590 on: February 03, 2010, 05:21:13 AM »
Overflow     オーバーフロウ     Damage Dealt +25%, Damage Received -25% and Critical Rate +10% when Will reaches 130

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #591 on: February 03, 2010, 05:30:16 AM »
Sands of Destruction - Finished.  Final boss had overkill and triple turned me and I didn't care.

Overall, decent game.  However, it is possibly the most unbalanced game I've ever played, and full of terrible design decisions.  Despite this, the core gameplay is decent, and the cast is somewhat entertaining despite the non-stellar writing.  Kind of weird.  6/10 seemed right, I guess.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #592 on: February 03, 2010, 07:52:28 AM »
ME2 - Garrus is Batman.  This is late and way after it first comes up, but I just did his Loyalty quest and he is still Batman.  HE IS THE GODDAMN BATMAN at that point, but Paragon Shephard cools him down to more Michael Keaton Batman levels.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #593 on: February 03, 2010, 07:55:55 AM »
Dragon Quest V: Finished.

The game is neat, I'll give it that. I'm sure it was very good when it first came out for the SNES, but by today's standards I can only call it a cute setup. Granted, it is a good game all in all, and I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.

The game's polish level is in line with 4DS, if somewhat better. The bosses are challenging without being brutally so, the randoms are enough of a roadbump to make you notice them usually, and the character diversity is decent by virtue of monster recruitment. For all that I barely used recruited monsters. Towards endgame things just stopped joining. Equipment setups were very typical DQ, with new stuff costing an arm and a leg and very limited twinking available (who gets the shiny accessory that doubles speed).


Main- is a silent main with no personality to speak of. In battle he is good. I fed all my stat-up items to him because I (correctly) assumed he would always be in the party. He came out with fantastic physical damage, lots of tanking, and full healing that proved invaluable. I gave him the Meteorite Armband to double his speed because I liked his high strength boomerang attacks for randoms and his ability to heal quickly for bosses.

Bianca- Of course I took her the game expects you to do so and beats you over the head with this fact. She served as a decent carrier of the Oomph spell, which she was kind enough to pass onto Madchen. Other than that she had bad defense and HP and everything. Found her very useful when she was a kid and could envelope the ghost boss in an illusion!

Saber- Hits things. Tends to go before other stuff. Gets Roar way too late for it to be of use (early on stuff is susceptible to roar, even bosses. Later on things being hit becomes an exception rather than the rule). Still speedy damage isn't too bad, and if he was faster than Oomph he could just store power the first turn.

Yeti- He was the guy who let me see that Roar > earlygame. After that started being less useful so did he. To the point where I dumped him.

Goodian (Slime Knight): Hell yeah. Good durability to physicals, resists fire and thunder by a fair bit, and heals as you need it to. Can toss in damage as well off of speed that is good early (but becomes less so later). Just a very easily gotten and good, worthwhile monster.

Parry: LEGENDARY HERO! Parry is physically tanky and has lots and lots of good skills (Insulate = required for boss fights). It is a pity about his poor speed. I was also kind of ticked when he stopped getting HP on level-ups. Generally just a PC you use thanks to the skillset. Only PC with reliable revival.

Madchen: Fastest PC (they may have  upped her speed in the DS version?). Also thanks to the Princess Robes she was my highest Defense PC at endgame. HP was growing nicely for a while and then like Parry's just stopped. Frustrating. Official Oompher since Bianca rejoined underlevelled and late. Also got theSalvation Staff, Sage Stone, and other items because of her speed. Wish she got better MT offense earlier. EVERYTHING ENDGAME IMMUNES ICE ARGH. Still, Oomph, and her Princess Saber let her Buff herself for bosses.

A giant kudos to the party talk system, which livens up the game and contains a metric assload of lines.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #594 on: February 03, 2010, 05:32:21 PM »
DA:O -

Maybe some minor spoilers? I feel like everyone else who's going to play the game has done so, at this point.

Yeah, somehow I never actually beat this back when I was first playing through it. What the hell, right? Well, I ended up moving and doing a show and having super-extra-zero free time, and plus I was having to slog through the post-four-main-quests but pre-actual-Landsmeet in Denerim section and it really killed my buzz on the game somehow. I finally did muddle through the Arl Howe/Fort Drakon/fucking kill me this Alien Elvenage shit bores me events, and am about to do the Landsmeet proper. From there I presume it'll be just a hop, skip, and a jump to the THRILLING CONCLUSION.

Yeah, despite real life getting in the way of my completing it, Dragon Age is a pretty rad game. I've really enjoyed the amount of C&C in the game, particularly in that your choices often have an effect both on the world and on unlocking new abilities and class specializations. Not to mention that the unpleasantness of some of the decisions you have to make is just some dang compelling storytelling. I've also enjoyed, as a Dwarf Commoner, both my initial origin story and the ways it resonated when I went back to Orzammar. If there's a DA2, and I hope there is, even more ought to be done with that framework. Is there a way as a Dwarf Commoner not to have to kill Leske, by the by? That kind of broke my heart a little.

One thing I wish there had been more of is meaningful quests related to your party members. Alistair's is... you go to his sister's house and they talk. Not all that exciting. Same with Oghren, except it's an old girlfriend. And those, especially the latter, were great scenes, but they had me pining for BG2 and things like Jan's sister's abusive husband, Edwin's Edwina curse, oh my god the amazing mini-quest with Keldorn and his wife, etc. Just a little more texture as far as your companions' lives outside of the camp went. And it would have been nice if Morrigan hadn't been so obnoxious. Oy.

My PC is a goddamn fleshreaper, but controlling a Rogue got old along the way and at some point I'll probably play through it again with a lady mage and do the whole Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage business that's so powerful and eeeevil. I actually stopped using Morrigan after a while and switched to Wynne, since I was always just controlling the former and felt like I was sort of gameplay-spoiling myself for an eventual mage playthrough. Is Wynne supposed to be useful? I dunno, man, the magical healing in this game seems pretty unimpressive. I noticed a significant spike in difficulty when I kicked Morrigan out.

ME1 -

Also started this, as I mentioned. Finally managed to make a female Shepard that didn't look like some horrifying duck/human hybrid, thankfully. Jennifer Hale's just so much better at the VA than whoever that guy is. Just became a Spectre, got the rad alien dudes to join me and don't expect to use anyone but them if possible. Oh, and I'm a Paragon-focused Infiltrator. I though about going Renegade, but something about sci-fi makes me want to act like Captain Picard whenever I'm not being forced to shoot people. Well, except with Kirk-esque levels of sexing things up.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #595 on: February 03, 2010, 06:33:02 PM »
Street Fighter 4. Unlocked Cammy and Sakura. I changed arcade mode to 1 round so I can get through it faster. Am not good with charging characters, but when a certain someone couldn't beat Seth with M. Bison to get Rose on their profile, I dutifully picked up the controller and tried 6 times - after halfway through, I looked at his moves and decided that teleportation, his. . .  firery thingy and the slidey legs is all I need. Killed him. I feel good. I really do suck with charging characters though because I always hit the lower buttons.

Been practicing w/ Viper. I remember Sakura completely. Will beat it with characters after writing a paper, and composing a presentation today. Playing on a 360 controller is weird. . .  I feel like I don't fully hit the bottom button sometimes. Also. I need a manual because I want to understand the blue squares, shield breaks and etc, fully.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #596 on: February 03, 2010, 08:33:49 PM »
ME1 -

Also started this, as I mentioned. Finally managed to make a female Shepard that didn't look like some horrifying duck/human hybrid, thankfully. Jennifer Hale's just so much better at the VA than whoever that guy is. Just became a Spectre, got the rad alien dudes to join me and don't expect to use anyone but them if possible. Oh, and I'm a Paragon-focused Infiltrator. I though about going Renegade, but something about sci-fi makes me want to act like Captain Picard whenever I'm not being forced to shoot people. Well, except with Kirk-esque levels of sexing things up.

I always preferred Mark Meer. Jennifer Hale's voice just doesn't sound jaded enough to me, and no matter what origin you picked, you should be so jaded that everything should be at best, slightly surprising.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #597 on: February 03, 2010, 08:55:21 PM »
ME1 -

Also started this, as I mentioned. Finally managed to make a female Shepard that didn't look like some horrifying duck/human hybrid, thankfully. Jennifer Hale's just so much better at the VA than whoever that guy is. Just became a Spectre, got the rad alien dudes to join me and don't expect to use anyone but them if possible. Oh, and I'm a Paragon-focused Infiltrator. I though about going Renegade, but something about sci-fi makes me want to act like Captain Picard whenever I'm not being forced to shoot people. Well, except with Kirk-esque levels of sexing things up.

I always preferred Mark Meer. Jennifer Hale's voice just doesn't sound jaded enough to me, and no matter what origin you picked, you should be so jaded that everything should be at best, slightly surprising.

That's funny, I actually think that Hale sounds a fair bit more purposefully detached and guarded. Meer's voicing is just flat and boring, to my ears. Plus, it's not like it's a game about Shepard's PTSD. Well, not Paragon Shepard's, at least. Also it occurs to me that I hardly ever pick Human Male when given an option. Point taken, though.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #598 on: February 03, 2010, 09:13:23 PM »
ME1 -

Also started this, as I mentioned. Finally managed to make a female Shepard that didn't look like some horrifying duck/human hybrid, thankfully. Jennifer Hale's just so much better at the VA than whoever that guy is. Just became a Spectre, got the rad alien dudes to join me and don't expect to use anyone but them if possible. Oh, and I'm a Paragon-focused Infiltrator. I though about going Renegade, but something about sci-fi makes me want to act like Captain Picard whenever I'm not being forced to shoot people. Well, except with Kirk-esque levels of sexing things up.

I always preferred Mark Meer. Jennifer Hale's voice just doesn't sound jaded enough to me, and no matter what origin you picked, you should be so jaded that everything should be at best, slightly surprising.

That's funny, I actually think that Hale sounds a fair bit more purposefully detached and guarded. Meer's voicing is just flat and boring, to my ears. Plus, it's not like it's a game about Shepard's PTSD. Well, not Paragon Shepard's, at least. Also it occurs to me that I hardly ever pick Human Male when given an option. Point taken, though.

Heh, if Shep isn't totally jaded by the beginning of ME2, he's got to be the most gullible person alive.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #599 on: February 03, 2010, 09:52:28 PM »
I'm sure I'll have a comment once I've finished the first one. Which should be relatively quickly, since: fuck sidequests.