Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 408768 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #950 on: February 24, 2010, 01:51:31 PM »
Worst characters in the game are Faize and Myuria. Lymle's surprisingly useful, supporting your party first with Healing and then MT healing long before Myuria joins (then there's another mage or perhaps cleric is the better word in this one's case who already joins with good stuffs and only gets more) Cereberus skills are bad ass as well especially Trinity Blaze with it's ridiculous modifiers (too bad that one's post game/fire elemental) Myuria really takes a while to get going, her Faerie Light and revive spell come late unless one does extra training. Since I base characters on their innate/unique stuffs first and foremost without any item creation yeah I have more respect here in Lymle and the cleric's case =-)

What Rob said about Bacchus though however I switched to Blindside + X Claw juggle post game with Meracle. I'd definitely put him in your party at this stage (chain combo Galvantic Shock for big damages) though you don't have to switch out Lymle if you don't want to. Most would probably recommend switching out Faize or Edge. Reimi, Meracle, Bacchus and Spoiler!character are considered the big damage cannon/broken characters of this game =-)

SO3 with too many rules - Well Crosell 1 was relatively easy considering. Crosell 2 ... >.> Yeah this could take a while~

Edit: Oh yeah Rozalia try and do Lymle's PAs since you like her ^^
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 02:14:11 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #951 on: February 24, 2010, 02:42:38 PM »
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile - So.  I finished this today completely.  Every stage has all 6 residents rescued and a Blue Gem ranking.  Normally, saying "150 gems in every stage" would be enough, since that's the minimum you need to get the Blue Gem ranking (and the maximum in a LOT of stages)...  But you can get up to 153 gems in stage 5-1.  I know I have 151 sitting on my file records, at least.

Billy vs. SNAKEMAN - So I suppose only people who still play this (where are you all?) would get what I'm about to exclaim here, but...

I BEAT THE ELEVEN-TAILED FOX!  Third try at it and a total of ~1.8M Ryo and 33 Storm Favors spent on it...  But still!  The Eleven Tails is now mine, and I can now try for the Kimono of Shadows on March 11th!  Still have a lot of phase fighting to do, though, thanks to Pizzawitch...  Dear god Pizzawitch is expensive.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #952 on: February 24, 2010, 04:45:50 PM »
ToDr - Hey look it's a Rutee and she has infinite healing. Also, MARY DOESN'T STARE AT THE INFINITE WHILE GETTING MAIMED 120% OF THE TIME ZOMG

But seriously, this is already a huge huge improvement over just about any Tales game I've ever played gameplay-wise, let alone the original ToD. The combo system has never been so flexible and layered, the options have more depth to them and the customizability is already kinda notable even this early. I need to pester Xer about some more in-depth stuff, though. Also, getting rid of TP somehow proved to be a cool idea.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 04:59:16 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #953 on: February 24, 2010, 07:21:03 PM »
Metroid Fusion - Finished this. 3:25, 45%, for those who care.

Overall very impressed by the game, kicking myself for putting off playing it for 7 years. Short version: second favourite Metroid game, which says something seeing as Super Metroid is 10/10 A+ material, delivers an excellent action platforming experience while still keeping some exploration elements and having a surprisingly good atmosphere/setting/plot.

More specifically... well, the main thing it gives up from Super Metroid is that it gives up the greater part of the exploration. You don't feel like you're uncovering a ruined planet or anything like that. It's not Mario or Mega Man, levels aren't a straight line and you are sometimes expected to be creative to get past certain points, but it is not fundamentally a highly exploration-focussed game. It also doesn't try to be, so this is okay. Although... after beating the game I considered going hunting for the other items and then realised I had no desire whatsoever to do this. Two reasons I can think of this is (1) the lack of excitement in exploring the "world", and (2) no X-Ray Scope. Boo to that. I know Power Bomb has a similar function now but I find that just annoying by comparison.

Gameplaywise the game feels almost strictly improved over previous (and subsequent) entries in the series. I think the game basically found a perfect balance with how to handle health. Enemies hit much harder than in SM, but on the other hand, they have a 100% chance to drop a (small) amount of health. Dying is a much more real concern than before, and recharge stations are a much bigger deal. If you're really on top of things you'll start regaining health, but a little carelessness and it drops fast. SM combat is fundamentally not a terrible starting point, and getting rid of the run button makes it better, as does doing away with regular missiles once you get supers. As for bosses... well. The first few are embarrassingly bad, but once it starts getting serious I wiped to bosses multiple times as often as not. Bosses actually hit very hard, so the game expects you to learn their pattern and/or how you damage them. They're pretty unforgiving until you do, and once you do you still have a decent fight on your hands. I dunno if anything matches the epic aerial slugfests of Ridley in SM but he was the exception, not the rule, and I wouldn't want a whole boss cast modelled after him anyway. Definitely my favourite set of bosses from a Metroid/Castlevania/etc. style platformer. In fact, sure, why not... (note that I don't know most bosses' real names, and I may miss one... I think Wide Beam may have had a boss too but I don't recall him <.<)

Morph Ball boss: Not as good as his MMX equivalent. Works as an intro boss though.
Charge Beam boss: Oh my god you are so terrible. I guess you're meant to be a tutorial about other bosses whose final stage shoots beams at you, but still.
High Jump boss: Sub-Spore Spawn. I'm not actually sure I took damage from him. Yes, please do nothing but jump over my head harmlessly until you use your very slow attack which makes me shoot you then dodge. Only tiny difficulty is figuring out how to damage him and even that's easy.
Serris (Speed Booster boss): Wake-up call. I expected he'd be the hardest boss in the game after beating him, based on what other Metroid games had led me to expect. Not really! Still, wow, the speed.
Security Robot: Murderised me a few times before I figured out how to dodge his attack. It's simple in hindsight. Damaging him and maneuvering remains tricky enough to keep him competent afterwards.
Varia Suit boss: Okay, back to the failure.
THE SPIDER (Space Jump boss): DID HE JUST 5HKO ME?!? Fun fight, but nasty, nasty, just unforgiving if you screw up. The second phase was cute and killed me a couple times as well but that was probably mostly just panic. Reminds me of the MMX spider for causing fear. Or that DMC boss I think is a spider but is actually a scorpion.
Spore Spawn mark 2 (Plasma Beam boss): My least favourite. He killed me a couple times but that is just due to not figuring out the control mechanic of how to jump out of his man-eating flower traps. That's really no fun. Bit of a joke once I had that control down because he's so frail.
Gravity Suit boss: Disliked the first stage because I never found a way to avoid taking significant damage during it. Second stage is a fun and rather challenging fight. Whole battle needed more of that gravity gimmick, oh well.
Security Robot 2 (Wave Beam boss): Weird one. Kills you if you get too aggressive, hard to hit, but the pattern I found for beating him seemed pretty reliable, if a bit boring (stay on the ledge, destroy the missiles, jump diagonal shoot down when he gets close). Also takes forever but I don't see a way to do it faster and win? This guy is probably annoying on speedruns if I haven't missed a trick. Has that second form but it's not too notable.
Ridley (Screw Attack boss): Not actually -having- Screw Attack for the fight certainly makes Ridley more dangerous. On the other hand, being able to spam Super Missiles at ultra-high speed makes him unhappy. So he ends up as Ridley with more offence but less in-practice durability (the HP is on crack on paper, but yeah, just has no tricks to avoid taking damage whatsoever, even when he graps you you can spam missiles in his face). Fun enough homage to the original and not a terrible fight.
SA-X: Hmm, not sure if she's a little disappointing after all the plot hype or not. It's a good fight and certainly fairly tough, so objectively not too much to complain about, but seeing as she is basically the final boss I expected a bit more? (I know, I know, a Metroid game would -never- disappoint with its final boss.) The brief second stage is depressingly laughable (High Jump strategy!), although the third stage is the best of that type. Still nothing new aside from the cool first stage. Mirror match!
Omega Metroid(?): Subject of a plot rant below, but otherwise, timer boss is pretty cool, especially since its main attack is as notable for making you waste time as it is for damage. By nature it can't be a long fight, but it works well enough as a final confrontation anyway.

Guess that leaves story concerns. I basically think the game nailed its atmosphere. Sorta has some survival horror elements which are quite effective without dominating the game. You don't play the game for a scare factor, but the game is good at portraying the sense of dread, or of being hunted. Some highlights include... (spoilers!) most early scenes with SA-X, particularly the first and the one where you have to RUN RUN RUN OH DEAR GOD; and the scene where an X parasite rushes away from you, leaving Ridley's decaying body behind (oh shit). As far as general plot goes, it continues and sheds a fair deal of more light of the plot of the first three games, and delivers it effectively enough. Adam's the only real character but he worked for me. Also the Federation is corrupt, retarded, or both. I worry that the (unskippable?) scenes might slow replays but they aren't really that long, as I noticed when I had to replay the game up to Sector 5 because my save file died, and they tell the story effectively. Plot twists works for what they were, except the Omega Metroid which was pretty stupid. I didn't even realise it -was- an Omega Metroid since I'd forgotten what that looked like and though its existence is forshadowed its appearance is pretty poorly explained and doesn't really fit as a final opponent I think, given that Samus practically is part-Metroid by now. NEED IT OR THE TITLE MAKES NO SENSE?! I suppose. X parasites are much more menacing opponents than metroids or space pirates anyway. Also the birds and monkeys remain badass.

Hum de dum, need to chain-replay this game to really get a feel for it, but even if I decide it has no replay value at all it's an 8/10 minimum. Hooray.

Super Mario World 2 - Two levels from the end (I think?). SLUGGY THE UNSHAVEN is the best boss name ever, and Raphael the Raven is the best boss ever. I mean not only is he a giant raven which is inherently fucking badass he is actually a Super Mario Galaxy boss over a decade earlier and on the SNES. Genius! Totally get why I remembered him and almost nothing else about the game. World 5 was a fairly brutal experience but so far 6 has been much easier.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Decided to start this up on H3, since it's in the middle of the HM difficulties and FESD could certainly have stood to be more than a bit harder. First thing I notice: Enemies are rather scary and no prologue = you have no healing whatsoever until Wrys joins. Draug's Def is actually useful for this battle, Caeda is the only person who doubles anything, and Jagen's help is certainly appreciated. Second thing I notice: Oh dear god the C1 boss is a complete monster. 21 atk/10 speed one-rounds several people, notably Cain (6 spd) and Draug (even the Def doesn't save him!). Jagen gets 2HKOed and is the only person who does more than 6 damage to his 27 HP + 20% regen + good evade, and only has 60% hit. Ack. Range beat him and waited to get lucky with accuracy (Cain's lack of Javelins made him depressingly worthless, GORDIN however was useful) which of course happened in time but still, he's like a scary FE6 boss. Third thing I notice: I take back any Draug hype because he is worthless crap on the second map, instead of taking 3 damage once he is taking 6 damage twice, from the same enemies. 7HKOed -> 2HKOed. Wow. Fourth thing: Darros recruits himself by talking to Marth then gets doubled and one-rounded by the fighter coming up behind him. Amazing. Don't start with a Steel Axe next time, kid. Currently early in that fight.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #954 on: February 24, 2010, 07:42:10 PM »
AAI: Beat. Very good adventure game, fun writing, great characters, play it or I hurt you, etc, etc, you know the drill. Probably my third-favorite in the series? It's almost certainly got the worst final case of the bunch, owing to the last arc being longer than it is good. Case 5 does have the most awesomely random cameo ever, though. MISSILE?! Seriously? Wow, guys. Can we count Excal as psychic for putting him in PW Mafia?

Endless Frontier 2: Started this. Having fun so far. It doesn't bother with much of an introduction, gameplaywise - enemies 2HKO right off the bat, and you have to break guard on the larger randoms in the second dungeon. You can now see a guard meter for enemies who have it before you even start attacking, which is nice. Haven't seen Forced Evasion yet, and I'm still not sure when the E. Gauge does.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #955 on: February 24, 2010, 07:58:13 PM »
Giant Metroid Fusion Post

Does this mean there is hope for a METROID FUSION STAT TOPIC NEB?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #956 on: February 24, 2010, 08:12:45 PM »
Idly, NEB: IIRC there's a way to lock Security Robot 2 into a really simple pattern if you position right (forget where, tho), but if you don't find it/can't get into it he's a nasty little punk. And Nightmare... Iunno, I usually die once and then don't have issues. He cycles in a very specific way, so you can pre-empt and start space jumping to lead him in a circle.

This being said you had far less room for error than I ever do there. 45%? Yow. I'm lazy and like exploring. <_<

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #957 on: February 24, 2010, 08:38:12 PM »
Most would probably recommend switching out Faize or Edge. Reimi, Meracle, Bacchus and Spoiler!character are considered the big damage cannon/broken characters of this game

I wouldn't pull Edge, not because of combat prowess but because the AI seems to be about ten times better at playing as him than anyone else. He's like the only character that doesn't need to be fucking babysat.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #958 on: February 24, 2010, 09:04:05 PM »
VP:DS: At the start of C6. Don't think my opinion of the game has improved (I still don't like the gameplay much) but it's at least serviceable on the A path. Need to beat the final. Don't think I am interested enough in the SG to sit through it again on the B path, though double Cadacuses would murder the game. Mmm, maybe.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #959 on: February 24, 2010, 10:52:10 PM »
Another Pokemon event reminder:

Gamestops in the USA are giving away Jirachi from Feb 27th through Mar 13th.  Knows Draco Meteor for some unknown reason, and also unlocks something in HeartGold/SoulSilver.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #960 on: February 24, 2010, 11:28:06 PM »
A few thing.

Thage, Renarshe, and Parshe are sisters. Only Renarshe is a usable host for Izat so Valdus kept her, he dumped the rest. Thage got locked up, that is when the Water Dragon found her, that leads her to awaken the same power as the queen.

Okay, good, that confirmed my suspicions about that. The English version of the game sort of hints at that, but I imagine it would have been easier to make clear in Japanese without sounding awkward. Parshe=Ashley in the US version.

Poison Pink are the people bathed in the blood of Majin and reach the Holy Throne of the Poison Goddess. You are a world destroying creature when you become one. As for the Time Echo, it is actually Izat who is looping the time, to buy herself enough time to be fully summoned, and it turns out when Duhpaston is ready to end the loop, it is a bit too late.

That sounds kind of contradictory to how it was explained in the US version. I need to rewatch the scene. The US version directly states that the one who summons Besek obtains the 'Eternal Poison'. Their blood becomes it. Although, this -would- explain Logue (Olifen's buddy who was sent by Valdus to slay the Majin Umbra, who ended up possessing him).

Libre Aurora crumbled because Izat died. It is an artifact to summon Izat into earthly realm by evoking Besek into earthly realm, and Duphaston is actually the one who calls it forth in the first place, so he can kill Izat. When Izat is gone, it lose its purpose and crumble.

Not sure why Duphaston has any reason to kill Izel from the start. His grudge seemed pretty directed at Valdus.

This actually brought up the question on what is Libre Vesper. St. El=Stella refer to it as the Book of Truth and it should have not appeared within his grand schedule of summoning Izat. And it is his lack of recognition of the Libre Vesper that caused his schedule to go off track since the very beginning.

Makes sense with what you've explained so far.

As for Retica, being a Majin/human hybrid, he is to become the Destroyer. That is why Majin consider the mixblood a taboo. Majins have created hybrids in the past hoping to create a proper host body for Izat, but it ends in total failure, what they created is a Destroyer. Thage noticed what Retica is since the very beginning thus she kept him with her.

So... what makes Retica different from Valdus or Logue or Lenarshe?

Ranunculus is just like all other Majin, wants to summon Izat. But unlike King Valdus, he believes Thage is the proper host. But somehow Thage has demonstrated herself to be even greater than his goddess and make him loyal to her (which is resonable, even Leo Lecus favors her). That line she spoken to him in Latin that I have no idea what it means is what change Ranunculus's mind completly and give up on Izat.

Simple enough to understand, and fits with the US version too.

Thanks for clarifying some stuff, Niu!

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #961 on: February 25, 2010, 03:15:03 AM »
Maybe FF Crystal Chronicle...
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #962 on: February 25, 2010, 03:42:37 AM »
Wizard of Oz: Just beat Delphi.  Man, she was NOT fond of Mirror Skin.  Especially funny when I cast it on Tin Man cause "Hey, Dorothy's damage is insignificant, and no one needs healing, and I got plenty of MP to last this fight, why not?"  *Dorothy casts* *Delphi used Magic Focus!* *Delphi cast Earthquake!* *Dorothy barely lives, Tin Man reflects damage equal to about the same amount he did this turn*

I will give the game credit for one thing.  They managed to make a character as fundamentally flawed as Tin Man...actually worth something.  He really is worth the 3 turn ratio in some scenarios, most particularly boss fights or just dealing with large groups of the same enemy.

Otherwise, my general thoughts remain about the same as I said before.

Onimusha Dawn of Dreams: Munenori gets beat again, but clearly not dead cause hey, he's Jubei's rival!  By laws of these kinds of games with multiple PCs and specific rivals, Jubei HAS to be the one to fight him in an epic one on one duel!

...oh, right, I got her back, and the entire dungeon I just did was more or less riddled with "YOU CANNOT GO FURTHER CAUSE YOU WEIGH TOO MUCH OR ARE TOO FAT TO SQUEEZE THROUGH THIS CRACK!"  Its almost like the game is going out of their way to say "Ohatsu thinks she's too fat and thus on a massive diet."  (well, she also wears Armor, which doesn't exactly help for maneuverability in tight places or weighing very little, especially compared to Jubei's Ninja garments.)

Speaking of Ohatsu, she remains completely absurd!  This game was balanced for close range combat, they didn't really factor in just how much a gunner would break it.  She needed a balancing feature like "Has to reload every couple of shots", to make her defenseless or something...

Though, I shouldn't complain, cause she's really the most fun character in the game to play as...and the game at its core isn't boring to begin with really.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #963 on: February 25, 2010, 04:01:40 AM »
Excessive Trainwreck: Okay where the fuck is Dorothy's house.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #964 on: February 25, 2010, 04:53:37 AM »
Djinn stuff

Actually the summoner of Besek don't automatically obtain the Poison Pink. What Besek do to its summoner is to grant the summoner a wish. The summoner of Besek must be the owner of Libre Aurora and Duphaston remains its rightful owner from beginning to the end. He might lend it to someone, but that didn't make the others the owner, evident how the book returns to him after every loop. In other words, English trans made a mistake, because if what Besek grants is Poison Pink, then only Dhuphaston could have become one.
Also, King Valdus made the mistake of thinking he can have his wish granted if he can take over the Besek, when Besek only specifically grants the wish of owner of Libre Aurora. In other words, Valdus has fallen into Duphaston's trap from the very start.

Also, Duphaston's desire to kill Izat is a separate issue from Valdus. As for why Duphaston wants Izat dead, you can get some hints from his conversation with Rondemion. You see how he objects when Rodemion claims Majins are nothing but blood lusting dumbass that are nothing more than pawns of their goddess. Shapeshifter has always view himself as a superior being and he is the only one who owns himself... but the reality is that Majins are just toys of a second rated goddess. There is no way a stupid bitch that can be superior to him, so it is time to remove her from power.

As for Retica, he is fundamentally different from the others because he actually have a Majin father (Death Farkus), thus not human. Unlike Vladus, who obtained his power by absorbing from other Majins, and his daughters just succeeded that power from him, which means they are still fundamentally human. Retica is doomed to be short lived due to his blood and eventually become the Destroyer.
The question I have surrounding Retica is the cause of Death Farkus's loss of memory and sanity. He was punished to become Besek's executioner for impregnate a human women. But does that punishment includs stripping his memory and sanity? Or is that just the effect of Izat's presence that had universally drove the Majins in tier 3 crazy?

ToDr - Hey look it's a Rutee and she has infinite healing. Also, MARY DOESN'T STARE AT THE INFINITE WHILE GETTING MAIMED 120% OF THE TIME ZOMG

But seriously, this is already a huge huge improvement over just about any Tales game I've ever played gameplay-wise, let alone the original ToD. The combo system has never been so flexible and layered, the options have more depth to them and the customizability is already kinda notable even this early. I need to pester Xer about some more in-depth stuff, though. Also, getting rid of TP somehow proved to be a cool idea.

Wait until you get comboable spells. This game has by far I mean BY FAR the most broken Indignation ever. And you'll actually want Sthan casting Explosion this time, it actually increase his comboability 2 folds.
BTW, is this normal version or Director's Cut?

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #965 on: February 25, 2010, 04:59:24 AM »
Director's Cut. Thought I might as well get the updated version.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #966 on: February 25, 2010, 10:19:42 AM »
Hmm, right, I've been playing games.

SRWJ - Up to map 28, so it's been slow going.  The Nadesco crew is still owning face, partially just because their ability to tank through defensive supports and sheer evasiveness is still badass, partially because they're the only unit I have that can consistantly spam their best attacks with pretty much no consequences, and partially because I'm giving them the Terrain items which are usually worthless.  I mean, really, how often does anything have less than an A for land attacks?  Well, the flying chick squad does, and they can use the dustproofs and A-Adaptor, while landlocked Akito gets a Flight Unit.  The other one is currently going to Sgt. Sosuke, mostly just because I want to replace his mech with Fumoffu.  Because really, what part of a mascot character beating up giant robots isn't amusing?

Endless Frontier - Still mostly having fun, and figuring out how all of the new moves work, and which are trash.  Around Lvl. 30 and futzing around in Dulces Tomb.  KOS-MOS is currently a destroyer of worlds, with Harken and Kaguya being in a race for second best, and Reiji is, well...  kinda sucking.  The fact that my R button is now in the process of dying means that this game is swiftly becomming unplayable until I get a new DS.  Which means I'll be keeping my eye open for sales, since there's a lot of games that not having shoulder buttons makes unplayable.  Ah well, you served me well for a good four or five years little DS.

Super Mario Galaxy - I'd say it feels odd that this is my major console time waster these days, but the game's mostly just fun.  The physics are quirky in a fun way, and it feels like they finally got the formula for 3-D Mario games down pat.  It's not the same game as the 2-D Marios, and it's so much better for it.  Currently at around 95 Stars, and hating purple coin missions.  Also, it's not easy being green.  Hardest level I've bumped into so far, and only one I've retreated from for further training is the Luigiverse Purple Coin level.  Man, that thing looked lethal even before you realize that there's a freaking three minute time limit.

Then again...  given how the level works, there may be an effective three minute time limit even without the forced one.  >_>

Aside from that, just a bit of puttering about on RotTK 7, and a little bit of Civ 3 play (though I may give NHL 98 a shot again after watching Olympic hockey.).

What...  you guys don't believe me?  C'mon, it's not like there's anything else I'd really want to play, that might have come out just about a week ago.

Oh fine...

Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attourney.

Got my hands on this on Monday, just as I started my days off.  Currently on Case four, though if pressed, not sure how many of the details there I can actually recall.  Am amused by the fact that Edgeworth is essentially the James Bond of the Wrightverse, if James Bond just had no idea how incredibly attractive women found him.  I mean, high tech gadgets, international conspiracies, great and classy outfit, and sexy women falling for him?  All he needs is for his car to show up and he's got all the aspects!

Aside from that, the writing on the cases so far feels a bit shakier than it did in the Phoenix Wright games (ie, GS 1-3) as it feels like the writer is still trying to get the feel for a different core cast.  But things to like include the cameos, which for the most part are being done quite well, especially the, erm...  witness in Case 3.  Case 4 has actually disappointed me due to not giving you Captain Obvious as your minion du jour.  Granted, he makes no sense at all for a Summon Minion button, especially compared to who they do give you, but it would just be so fricking awesome I would not care.

Aside from that, it's obvious that they're finally taking advantage of the better screen on the DS, as these graphics are improved over the GS 1-4 graphics.  Well, mostly just in the character closeup sprites, but it's there.  Oddly enough, reminds me a lot of the EF cut-ins when they use their frontier attacks.

So, yeah.  Done gushing for now.  Probably going to slow down on AAI soon just so I don't OD on it, but this should be done in a couple of weeks at most because it's top priority.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #967 on: February 25, 2010, 10:31:01 AM »
Actually the summoner of Besek don't automatically obtain the Poison Pink. What Besek do to its summoner is to grant the summoner a wish. The summoner of Besek must be the owner of Libre Aurora and Duphaston remains its rightful owner from beginning to the end. He might lend it to someone, but that didn't make the others the owner, evident how the book returns to him after every loop. In other words, English trans made a mistake, because if what Besek grants is Poison Pink, then only Duphaston could have become one.
Also, King Valdus made the mistake of thinking he can have his wish granted if he can take over the Besek, when Besek only specifically grants the wish of owner of Libre Aurora. In other words, Valdus has fallen into Duphaston's trap from the very start.

Valdus' wish was to revive Izel because he's in love with her, or whatever, right? What is Duphaston's wish? And did he get 5 of those?

What does the Poison Pink -do-, if it doesn't grant wishes?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #968 on: February 25, 2010, 10:36:09 AM »
Poison Pink is unrelated to the wish granting. It is just the monstrosity that the people who reached the peak of Besek well become.
As for Duphaston's wish, it was never stated clearly, though he did have the people on his to kill list permanently erased.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #969 on: February 25, 2010, 02:40:29 PM »
ToDr -

<Atwight> hay stahn here's a new toy for you to play with
<Stahn> rerise what
<Atwight> Just break the game with it kay.

Man, so much customization. Also, A SOLIDLY PROGRAMMED AND EASY TO NAVIGATE WORLD MAP IN MY TALES THIS CANNOT BE (as an aside, game's going fine. Heading to Harmentz now)

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #970 on: February 25, 2010, 07:21:45 PM »
EF2: Oh good, T-elos is back. Whee.

On the plus side: the game now has in-battle character swap through Support Defense. Whenever a character is targeted by a single-target attack, you can swap them out for whichever back-row character is next in line for a support attack. If you do, the attack does vastly reduced damage but the new character replaces the old one in the front line, does not get to attack that turn, and starts with 0 COM.

There's also PC forced evasion! It takes decent reflexes to pull off, since it's not always available, but it's there. It also eats 50% of the Frontier Gauge, but the gauge is really easy to build up now. You get a bonus for killing an enemy with a long combo (1% per 10 hits, which means you get a decent boost just for using a full combo+Frontier finisher), you get a free 5% for every support or assist attack (and since assist attacks don't cost anything to use, they should flow like water), and finishing a fight with a support attack nets you a frankly absurd 30% boost.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 07:28:08 PM by Shale »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #971 on: February 25, 2010, 09:06:33 PM »
Bioshock: Beaten. Not in the mood for a long rant, so here's a shorter one.

Fun game, overall. Horrendously broken though. All attack Plasmids besides Electro Bolt are pretty much extraneous for the majority, as are pretty much all weapons that are not the wrench. Which is not to say that other weapons are not good (I often used them), just that the bread and butter zap and whack combination is so good that it is really hard to care about the guns, especially given how fast you tend to burn through ammo if you're using it with any consistency. Still, the other stuff is amusing/entertaining, so it isn't wholly without point. Just, as far as raw efficiency goes, your first plasmid and first weapon being the best for most of the game is bothersome. Big Daddies are cool, but are pretty much cake at the halfway point.

Vita chambers were a terrible, terrible idea. Death is meaningless. Hell, I probably could have saved hundreds of dollars if I just let myself be killed instead of wasting first aid kits, and I still would have been okay. Might have actually won faster!

Plot and characters were decent, although I wish some of them were a little better explored. Voice acting was solid all around, atmosphere was well done, although hampered a bit by Bioshock Difficulty. For a quick break down:

Narrator: Hands/10. He's an FPS main.
Andrew Ryan: Objectivism/10. Total jerk who has my first name. Deserves what he gets, although he has a totally excellent speech to go along with it.
Atlas: Brogue/10. His soft melodic tones were my only friend in this game. "Would you kindly..."
Splicers: Ambience/10. Their random ranting is fun.
-Houdini Splicers: FUCK YOU/10. You heard me.
Tenenbaum: Nazis/10.
Godwin'd. Big Daddies: OH SHI-/10. Iconic and cool, even if you can handle 'em pretty easy.
Little Sisters: Creepy/10. Its an angel...~
Steinmen: Boob job/10. Man should have stuck to that shit.
Tree Lady: Trees/10. I got nothing.
Sander Cohen: WTF/10. Seriously, man. Seriously.

Plot twist was acceptable even if I called half of it early. The other half has some annoyances associated with it, but you can reconcile with the game at large. Do wish a little more had been done with the characters and setting, but it worked.

Moral choice was bad.

All in all, I'd say... 7/10, to shoehorn it into a numbers system? I enjoyed the ride, had fun and I'd play it again.

Thankfully, I beat it just in time for...

Heavy Rain: Aka the game made entirely of quick time events. Started a bit slow, but has been solid. Very nice looking. Solid acting. Its kinda an overglorified visual novel, but its doing a good job of being just that. Environmental interaction is pretty spiffy. Ability to guide scenes is pretty cute.

Surprise male nudity and surprise female nudity abound. Did not expect the game to pretty much open with man ass. Did also not expect "press X to remove bra and panties."

Exciting times, exciting times.

Seriously though, having fun.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #972 on: February 25, 2010, 11:21:46 PM »
For some reason, despite the fact that the game involves tons of nudity and a 'press X to remove bra and panties' option, and the fact that Andrew claimed to really excited about Heavy Rain... It just doesn't come off as sleazy and perverted. Because it's Andy. I can't figure out any other possible reason for it.

Andy is some kind of anti-perversion singularity.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #973 on: February 26, 2010, 12:00:13 AM »
Well Djinn, the obvious answer is that Andy is secretly a muppet.  I mean, muppets are wholesome even when they're used for Meet the Feebles.

Shale, sounds like the Frontier Guage hasn't changed between 1 and 2 with the possible exception of it carrying through fights instead of always starting at 0.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #974 on: February 26, 2010, 12:04:12 AM »
Andy: If you were playing on PS3, the option to disable Vitachambers should be in options, I believe. I know it came with the free DLC for 360. And while I agree that the wrench is the best weapon overall, the others have situational uses (except the Crossbow, which is crap).

And in a related note...

Bioshock 2: Started with multiplayer, and after three hours I'm level 12. I play horribly, but it's still fun. On the single player side, just got the camera. Yay infinite film!