Apologies to the editor in advance, but there is no way I'm matching OK's writeup in length here.
For all of Artea's successes in the arena and in his home world, true glory eludes him. Twice Artea's gone to the finals, and twice he was defeated and denied an upgrade to Godlike. The only way to solve that problem is win a Heavy championship and ascend to Godlike. There isn't much in Heavy that can stop Artea from meeting that lofty goal. Shu isn't up for that task- the ninja slash machine gunner specializes in physical combat. The only thing more inept than his magical damage is his ability to take a spell; making Artea's speedy magical attacks something Shu greatly fears. If Artea does take damage, he can just heal back to full with a single use of Champion, and build up his IP bar. His countless limit attacks from his IP bar won't be needed here, as a few uses of Zap are more than enough to crush Shu beneith his delicate elven feet.