Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Mmm. Edgar, I guess, mostly because I like Edgar as a character and he's a fun (if unlucky) status whore.
Least favorite dueller: I want to say Gau, because in-game the tricks he does in the DL are just psyduck. In fact, he's just kind of psyduck in game in general, and gets this insane DL hype (which seems... fairly deserved? like I'm going to research FF6 mechanics to find out). I also dislike Terra because her being allowed Ultima was one of those moments where I was just like "What the fuck?" to the general concensus when I learned about it, but it's not a huge deal since she get another spell that is similarily potent, although her statusing hype also comes off of overlevelled (at least Stone is, IIRC) spells, which really bothers me. Cyan robs people, but since Melody was one of them I forgive him. And because he got smacked down by Sigurd right after that. <_<
Note to Meeple: No, I don't want to argue about Gau's in-game worth. Let's talk about Megaman. ^_^
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Kind of a no-brainer unless you really disrespect his HP. And I certainly don't, I probably have more respect for him than most.
Weakest dueller: Gogo. He just doesn't really do much unless you allow him other people's skillsets. Which I haven't really thought about, but probably not.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: As much as I'm not a huge Kefka fan, him thrashing Luca was an awesome end to an insulting Luca run.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Celes vs. Citan. Hate.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: ~
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: ~
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Not really.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Fogel, although his awesome doesn't translate as well as it should, since it doesn't take like 100 physicals to kill him. Still an unholy tank from hell. He's kind of like one of those High Heavy tank bosses that I love, except he's not a boss. (Well, he is, but I'm not taking his boss form.

) Endora is also very neat, and I like her a lot.
Least favorite dueller: I like all of them.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi. Endora's just a weaker version of him and everyone else is clearly worse.
Weakest dueller: The clerics. I don't allow people to switch rows mid-fight.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Fenril getting to the finals was pretty badass.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: See Mep. The HP antihype got pretty ridiculous.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Lans, Warren, Canopus, Deneb. Why they aren't ranked and trash like Aisha and Yushis are is something that has always mystified me.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: I think the rankings should be less retarded, but that could be changed by the suggestions above rather than unranking people.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Nope.
Lunar 1 and FF9 next.