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Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« on: January 14, 2010, 06:40:34 PM »
The Godlike division of the RPGDL has long been the domain of many an evil overlord.  But how well would Godlike's finest bosses do if they had to face an entire enemy party, like they do in game?  And how would entire parties from different games fare against each other?  This double-elimination tournament will find out.

Boss HP is unscaled for this tournament.  This means that even DL duels like Xorn vs. Kefka go a little differently here, since both their limit ranges are much bigger than in the DL.

Notable interp questions which have been set for the sake of balance: All bosses get credit for multiple parts (Zophar, Jecht, Lavos, Sulphur's rocks, etc.) and in general get any kind of mildly legal form-chain (so Divine Weapon, sure, but not Lavos's long earlier bosses chain you can save after, though he does get his final two battles).  Also note that I'm explictly ruling Divine Weapon infinite-Accelerator illegal, since this is kinda necessary to use him at all.

As for PCs, note that party size limits are enforced.  This is only relevant for Mana Khemia and Pokemon (but would matter for, say, FFX or BoF4).

This closes in a week.

Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Sulphur (Phantom Brave)
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4)
Ulrika, Chloe, Pepperoni, Goto, Enna (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Elyon (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia)


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2010, 06:54:16 PM »

Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)- Lady wipes out Nina and no one else on the team can revive.
Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Sulphur (Phantom Brave)- Pretty sure Terminate is that damn good.
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)- I'm assuming CT here for the sake of relative balance/sanity. Defensive links let the party rotate and they don't put healers up front. Vayne can unload and wipe out the first call team (Just flip him once Anna gets a turn), and the secondary one shouldn't be as threatening. Otherwise, I think the MK's team ability to restore SP and rotate party members who are in danger of dying is too big an edge. MK team for GODLIKE on that note.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)- One reviver=bad news against unscaled bosses. DL rules are a bitch like that.

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4)- Ryu fucking 3 unscaled is still a horrible monster. What is this team of Ryu3+reviver doing in Heavy?
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)- Entirely comes down to Jess surviving a Seph physical, which I see her doing fairly easily.
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)- Antivoting the divine weapon. Get out.

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)- Xorn's just fundementally more damaging and durable.
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)- Double status curing=haha Jecht.
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)- FFT team doesn't fear confuse and they brutally murder Celes before she gets a turn.
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger)- Pass.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)- Loki's best damage here is Carnage Anthem. That is not working. Daos's durability advantage matters too much here.  Daos spoils Loki fairly well in general.
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)- Kuja? Really? This is the boss who can't break auto regen in game.
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)- Pass, requires figuring out pokemon elemental weaknesses. Suspect that team CT is screwed unless Crono is dishing out at least two OHKOs. Lucca/Marle are really bad against physicals.
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)- Status abnormality has ring stuff in it. Not going to work here in time before Railgun-->face.

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia)- Evil Gaia is terrible.
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 07:03:14 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Ryu defends turn 1, Nina Barriers herself (the reflect one spell deal) (EDIT: Never mind Lost Progress), Bleu & Puka go on the offense.  If Lady holds back, Nina can probably just heal it off, so let's say she unleashes her D-combo with the Malice Unbral.  Bleu's dead, sure, but Puka is probably tanky enough to survive, and Ryu is defending.  Tentatively I think Nina's reflection of one spell means she *might* live as well?  If Nina lives it's an easy to coast to victory, but let's say she wouldn't.  Then barrier Puka instead.  Ryu full-heals next turn by becoming Rudra, and Puka unleashes another attack, and Puka's crit rate is fantastic such that just 2 hits one might well have been a critical.  Lady's turn 2 init lags and I don't think she can kill the speedy Puka in one hit now that she's blown her stock.  Want to say that 3x Rudra + BoltX + 3-4 Puka hits is fatal and Rudra tanks Lady's final attack.

Edit: Huh, forgot about Lost Progress.  That could steal a few Puka hits, though the team gets DREADED NINA DAMAGE in return.  Dunno, a Puka critical does something like 2x PCHP damage or more, so I do think that the BoF team still has a shot at blitzing here.

Second edit: Right, Lady wins, too much hax to fight through here.

Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)
Right.  First Zophar tries to status Garnet.  Let's assume that Poison hits rather than Silence (or, alternatively, that Garnet is blocking Silence.  Which I think I probably allow anyway.).  Assuming it misses, Garnet will then cast Reflect on herself or else suffer horrible magical overkill.  Everybody else goes on offense then dies to Zophar's massive GT / MT damage storm, some of which gets reflected to Zophar.  Problem is that Garnet's Reflect has a short duration...  though if this was the FF9 battle system, it actually lasts longer when fewer people are alive, since it's a set amount of time and Garnet is functionally taking turns "faster" with more people dead.  Unsure, Garnet's MP reserves are definitely the issue here since unscaled Zophar is pretty tanky.  Garnet's doing something like Odin-Odin-Reflect (repeat) which knocks off ~80% PCHP damage every go-round, while unscaled Zophar has 10x-12x PCHP.  If we assume the rest of the party + reflected magic cranked out 2x PCHP damage on the first turn, Garnet needs enough MP to do this 10-12 times.  Probably leaning Zophar here, could be argued.

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Lunar has no answer to Wall, so Sephy gets extra tanky.  Wall->Fly->Supernova.  Don't let Sephy spam Supernova but Lunar has bad status protection so the first is probably enough.  Don't think White Dragon Protect helps vs. Supernova either (it'll stop Pale Horse, though, maybe?).

Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)
Hmm.  Will come back later on this one.

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)
Don't think Xorn can afford the time to set up a perfect Death Knell detonating on a 51% life Kefka, so double Havok Wing ensues.  After Xorn being worn down earlier.  Then again my Xorn speed respect is less than most.

Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)
Not really Jecht's match?  Joe's healing is fast so gets around Delay Sword shenanigans, leaving Yu Pagoda->Overdrive->Ultimate Jecht Shot hype.  But Hugo just uses some big MT Fire spell every time the Pagodas come back.  If you don't allow Yellow Scarfs then Jecht has a better shot.

Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
The three knights all ignore evade, so Edgar dies before he gets a turn (or everyone just blocks confuse).  Celes gets Arm Aimed, but even if it fails what can she do?  Ultima > Vanish.  And Mustadio gets a second shot at Arm Aiming her round 2.  So uh lucky Doom Darts hype?!

Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger)
Lavos has MT, the FE crew doesn't have MT healing.  Maaaaaaaaybe Athos solos with Nosferatu?  Hmm.

Edit: Yeah, actually I think Athos does solo here.  Needs to since Lavos's earlier form probably helps wipe out everyone else, and Lavos's first Grand Stone seals the deal if any are still left alive.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Shocked that Daos gets a win, but his elemental spoiling makes Indiscriminate really bad.  And don't recall Loki's physical being THAT good.

Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Want to say that Tear + whoever hangs out with her in Healing Circle can tank Flare Star long enough to kill Kuja.

Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)
Huh.  Tricky one.  Later.  (Edit: WA2, Simon's game is too slow.)

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia)
While XS2 can't legally block Sleep nor POIZN, Evil Gaia's durability is just too bad.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 11:55:34 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 07:13:46 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Sulphur (Phantom Brave) - Can only lose if you disallow his HP buffering here. Eternal Zero + the damage the forms can stack up = Sulphur's Terminate goes down too fast in damage and while he still probably OHKOes each form to me, the damage stackup is that damn brutal.
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia) - uhhhhhhm. hm.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete) - ...thinking.

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III)
vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4) - Persona team can't kill fast enough.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete) - Knee... jerk?
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2) - Waiting for arguments.

Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III) - Gutcheck.
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger) CTDS playthrough... yeah, enough durability respect that he survives at least one rush, and he only needs one or two MT shots to severely cripple the other side.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon) - Gutcheck, though this match should probably be looked over heavily. Thinking a Venusaur/Espeon lead is optimal? Snorlax over Venusaur if he can survive a Luminaire/Flare duo, which with Thick Fat might actually work? Snorlax then OHKOs Marle while Espeon gangs up and drags down Crono.
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2010, 07:40:37 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)- Kneejerk that the BoF team doesn't have the durability/revival to contend with Lady's occasional stock abuses.
Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Sulphur (Phantom Brave)- HP buffering makes this insurmountable for Sulphur.  He brutally OHKOs every form (although obviously Debuffing thwarts that too), and it doesn't help him a whit.
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)- Hm.  Yeah.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)- Am I missing something?  How is this FFIX team godlike exactly?  Loses to DL Zophar, let alone Zophar in his full unholy glory.

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4)
Ulrika, Chloe, Pepperoni, Goto, Enna (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Elyon (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)- I'm fuzzy on Ulrika, but strong kneejerk.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)- ... huummmm.  Oddly, which form of Lunar I vote on makes a difference here.  The original team, Sephy just knocks Jess down and physicals the team at leisure from there.  Lunar Legends, Nall is guaranteed to revive one person a round, and I tend to think that leaves Sephy in a tight spot, because ST assault isn't going to work, and his better MT stuff can be staved off with WDP.  Even unscaled Sephy drops quick enough that I think Alex's MP could hold out, though barely.  dunno.
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)- Kneejerk.

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)- Status.
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger)- If this was just final lavos I'd stop to think about it, but he was specifically mentioned as getting the 2->3 formchain.  Yeaaaah.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)- Even Loki's physicals are elemental.
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)- Clarification: did you assume only one pokemon for this match, or allow for 2v2 rules?  Makes a difference, I suspect.
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia)
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2010, 07:51:36 PM »
Lost Progress is Lady's initiative/auto debuffing move?
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2010, 08:10:49 PM »
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete) - Get Garnet out of the picture.  That's pretty much the fight right there.  Godlike the FF9 team ain't.

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete) - Kneejerk.

Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Cid renders Celes absolutely useless before she gets a turn and the FFT folks all mock confusion.
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger) - Having good MT is a pretty good way to handle a team full of FE folks.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2) - Mocks with his elemental resists of WTF.
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon) - Yeah, this really isn't the CT team's fight, here.


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2010, 10:18:07 PM »
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon) - I'm forcing the Pokemon to start with the first two, at least. All that means is Pikachu is asleep and Charizard dies while someone gets Protected. Then Snorlax comes out and can probably kill Marle through Protect while Espeon gets to work on Crono. Lucca can't Hypno Wave Espeon thanks to Synchronize combining with Pokemon switching shenanigans, and she's slow/frail enough to fall to pretty much any of these.


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2010, 10:19:09 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4) P4ers can cause too much damage during the Bofers set up turn.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete) This fights a mess. Jessica's healing sucks, but Alex's skillset can cause problems. Abstain
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger) Athos almost solos this with  Luna and Nosferatu tomes. The problem for Lavos is that almost everything in game is counterable by both melee and long range physicals. Even actions like swapping the time period in his last form provoke counters. As a result he just takes too much damage from the initial rush plus counters from everyone along with Nils and Serra working to keep everyone alive with healing and crazy good buffs.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts) Abstain
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 02:36:37 AM by dude789 »

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2010, 10:35:11 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)

None of the BoF1 PCs even has anywhere near 2x PC worth of HP magic durability besides Puka, and given how Lady's going unscaled here, she solos everybody but Puka, who is now probably unable to finish her off - not to mention Ryu needs to transform to deal actual damage here, and Lady goes "lol ohko" before he gets a single attack off. I doubt Deis+Pukax3 even reach past 4x PC HP in total offense there, and unscaled Lady is going to be well over that in durability.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 11:14:39 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)

None of the BoF1 PCs even has anywhere near 2x PC worth of HP magic durability besides Puka, and given how Lady's going unscaled here, she solos everybody but Puka, who is now probably unable to finish her off - not to mention Ryu needs to transform to deal actual damage here, and Lady goes "lol ohko" before he gets a single attack off. I doubt Deis+Pukax3 even reach past 4x PC HP in total offense there, and unscaled Lady is going to be well over that in durability.
It's a bit closer for me becuase the levels in the SH3 topic are grossly underleveled for me. As a result Lady's big combo hovers around PC HP to a bit below for me (not all of it is MT, some of it is area of effect).  So she can kill Nina and either Deis or Ryu but not both. The extra few turns could be enough for them to punch trough her HP.


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 11:15:24 PM »
Re the Lavos vs. FE fight: I may have to reconsider this one, because it occurs to me that Final Lavos can't go Time Warp->Grand Stone->Grand Stone, he'd have to time warp again.  If Athos can only get one Nosferatu off he burns but given two?  Maybe Athos does solo after all, though a miss is deadly.  On the other hand Lavos Form 2 (well, the first fight if the final is 3) has Chaos, so Giggling Athos doing 1 damage might get himself killed by attacking Lyn and getting a critical counterattack or something?  It is a problem in FE that your characters can't turn their counters off when their teammates get Berserked in-game.

Re BoF1 vs. Lady: Eh, I think a Ryu defend turn 1 *easily* makes Lady's combo not fatal.  And once Lady's blown her stock she's far less impressive, plus Ryu will be full-healing all that.  It occurs to me...  Lady isn't immune to stat-downs, right?  Nina might Idle her if any of her positive buffs are out of the picture.

Edit: Re Jo'ou's comments, eh, after the big explosion of doom I see Lady as only 3HKOing the tanky Ryu.  Sure she 2HKOs normal people, but think Ryu can tough it out.

CmdrKing: FF9 PCs are in the low end of Godlike, yes, but I feel that they're just too brutal for heavy.  Cheaty elemental resists + Zidane statuses somebody on your team quickly + above average speed Garnet has status, MT accurate ID, and MT full healing?  And Steiner is kinda a tank, and Zidane's Protect Girls makes it hard to kill Garnet physically?  Vivi is kinda dead weight but he does have MT damage at least.  Also Reflect means that Garnet solo has a fighting shot here, at least to me.  I'd certainly vote Garnet over scaled Zophar in the DL, for example (I let FF9 block status if they have the right equipment), she's not running out of MP to pull off her summons there.

Also, yes, 2 Pokemon party size is assumed.

Anyway...  thoughts on Divine Weapon vs. Indalecio.  Indy's unscaled HP is 12x PCHP or so?  DW has 2.5 PCHP -> 2.8 PCHP -> 3.1 PCHP.  Indy's Star Flare is MT so gets around the Devices, but isn't great shakes on damage.  DW summons the devices anyway for Quicken, but DW's damage is still bad; they both have 3HKOs.  DW is constantly doubling Indy, so with Indy 6-7 HKOing the first form, he's eating some 4x PCHP back, which is going to stick Indy into Time of Trial mode.  Right, so form 2.  DW goes for attempted turn-locking with Claymore (just like how you can try and stunlock Indy in-game!) but I'd gutcheck the hitrate as only 60% or so, and the damage is barely a 3HKO.  And now that Indy can use Earthquake, he's solidly 3HKOing this form.  I'll estimate that with the speed advantage and turn-cancels DW is getting in, say, 1.5x PCHP of damage to every Earthquake, so after Indy's third EQ he's taken an additional 4.5x PCHP and is down to ~3.5x PCHP remaining.  Once again Indy 3HKOs, but with DW's speed advantage he could be returning two Arch Smashers for ~.8x PCHP every time?  Which...  would be 2.4x PCHP, not enough, but I think I give DW credit for the occasional Accelerator boost kicking in randomly (not at will), which would make this basically a coinflip.

In short: Good match!  An even slight adjustment in respect - less HP for either one than the numbers I give, which is totally fair given, say, the amount of broken you can throw at the DW in WA4, or allowing the Eternal Sphere in SO2 - would easily swing it.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 11:50:34 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2010, 11:23:47 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)

None of the BoF1 PCs even has anywhere near 2x PC worth of HP magic durability besides Puka, and given how Lady's going unscaled here, she solos everybody but Puka, who is now probably unable to finish her off - not to mention Ryu needs to transform to deal actual damage here, and Lady goes "lol ohko" before he gets a single attack off. I doubt Deis+Pukax3 even reach past 4x PC HP in total offense there, and unscaled Lady is going to be well over that in durability.
It's a bit closer for me becuase the levels in the SH3 topic are grossly underleveled for me. As a result Lady's big combo hovers around PC HP to a bit below for me

Do you take their levels at something like post-Purgatory or something? At L54, Lady's big combo hovers at around 2.2x PC HP from my recollection, and enough of it is MT to be past MT overkill anyway.

EDIT: Also, I'm skeptical on what the hell can Ryu do even if he Defends: he's just stalling his death there, since Lady's still heal-locking him rather leisurely through dragon transformations.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 11:26:04 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2010, 11:35:19 PM »
Lady doesn't have starting stock so they start with three attacks not 4. (Umbral double combo to Lady) Of these attacks two are true MT and one is AoE (Calamity Gaze-Hex something-Malice Dirge). All three is overkill, but at level 54 or so The two MT attacks should hover just around PC HP and both Deis and Ryu are above.

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2010, 11:52:11 PM »
Um, no. I meant only the three-stock combo. The damage is higher than 1.5x because of combo bonuses, they add up sorta bad. And Lady just attacks normally => Unbral double+combo => Lady attack. That's still four smacks.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2010, 02:07:41 AM »
Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4) -- This is the only one I can argue right this second, so let's go:

Turn order is probably Rei > Yosuke > Chie > Ryu > Momo > Yukiko > Teddie

Rei tries to Death Yosuke. Death is 60%, so it fails. (If it hits, he has Endure)

Yosuke uses Magarudyne. Chie uses God Hand on Momo and wipes her out. (Alternatively, if she can kill Ryu... then she hits Ryu.) Ryu goes Kaiser. Yukiko Maragidynes. Teddie casts Mabufudyne if he needs to kill Rei, will heal Yosuke if he needed to Endure, or will cast Marakukaja if neither.

So now it's Ryu3 versus all four of them. Can he solo them? I'm not thinking he can... but if your respect for him is that high then sure... but the girls will avoid the damage and then Yukiko gets off a Salvation. I don't see how it's possible, considering Endure. Not to mention Kaiser's taken some damage, so his breath won't kill them outright.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 02:10:04 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2010, 02:35:20 AM »
Um, no. I meant only the three-stock combo. The damage is higher than 1.5x because of combo bonuses, they add up sorta bad. And Lady just attacks normally => Unbral double+combo => Lady attack. That's still four smacks.
Okay, I didn't realize that Lady went before the Umbral. Changing vote.

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2010, 06:49:48 AM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW): Not sure where the hype otherwise here is coming from. Ryu is average HP (the tankiness is all physical) even assuming you don't factor Puka in now that he actually exists, BoF1 defending doesn't reduce magic damage that much if you're not a mage (it's based on your Int stat), and generally speaking Lady has lots of time to kick ass here.

Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia): CT sucks against multiple opponents, let alone the fact that most of them spoil physicals in some manner. Beyond that, just far more impressed with MK's tricks. I assume we're allowing switching and such here otherwise "Magic Burst rapes" becomes much more feasible.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete): Giving Zophar hands in this setting. Ouch. Also, why is the FF9 team Godlike? Maybe I'm missing something but speed hovering around average + no effective MT = uh...

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)] vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete): Guessing Super Nova against a party that doesn't block Confuse or Slow is just too much.
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2): Don't see how this is particularly close, but whatever. I feel like all I have to argue against is Divine Weapon antivotes because he's too good or something which is inane in this setting. DW has crazy HP for a WA4 boss, OHKO damage in two forms, and WA4 boss speed.

Rest later maybe.

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2010, 08:21:14 AM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia): MK parties only start out with the ability to support against crap randoms that they get the first overworld strike against. In a fight like this, somebody quick like Jessica gets the first turn while the support portraits are still gray. So magic burst wipes the vanguard and the replacements can't revive without items. Good luck to them from here on out.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4): Rei does something ineffectual, Ryu transforms while watching his teammates get swatted like gnats - too much good MT from the P4 guys, and Momo's slow IIRC. Ryu can't do shit with his limited OHKO damage that smacks into auto-endure and facing 2 revivers/fullhealers.
Ulrika, Chloe, Pepperoni, Goto, Enna (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Elyon (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter): Intent to Destroy and Dynamic Toss are pretty much the only things that pierce AD, and they do a piss poor job of it, and... Elyon's up shit creek anyway. Karma only kills 1 person a use, and the first people killed by it will be expendable crap like Goto and Chloe supporting for people who actually matter. Alter egos get put down hard by Enna, and Elyon's conventional attacks are just crap which get owned by healing reverb. While Ulrika's workshop eventually would run out of bodies, Elyon's mediocre HP can't stand up to all the little hits it takes for long enough. Oh yeah, not to mention that all attacks during a unite mode count as a single combo, so if any of those ever happens Elyon is SUPER fucked - AD just plain shuts off till it's over.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6)
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III): MT 3HKO damage that delays a lot and doesn't miss is pretty hard for these guys to deal with. Jecht'll get an overdrive at some point, and triumphant grasp on Sgt. Joe after a delay-fueled double is the nail in the coffin. This gets worse if you don't allow yellow scarves, since now the duck has to keep SL on at all times to prevent "stone, stone, stone" and that means no healing.
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics): Mustadio's arm aim is turn 1 to me, so this is a slaughter. He incapacitates Edgar while Orlandu busts Celes's armor and Ramza carves her up. Sabin and Setzer, generously, can kill Orlandu, but then Melaidoul busts Edgar's armor and Ramza kills him, and agrias and mustadio are piling damage on Sabin, and then Ramza gets to join in on the party and there's all these random holy sword status chances flying around and yeah team FF6 is boned.
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger): Athos is damn near capable of doing this alone. Buffs from Nils and healing from Serra would make it a slaughter, so Lavos has to kill them first while 4 strong FE characters beat his fucking face in. Um...

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX): Counters + the "lol Tales healers" factor probably seals it.
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 01:00:01 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2010, 08:55:08 AM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)- Yeah, FF 9 team is misplaced. MT damage isn't that great, isn't that fast, MT status isn't that accurate, MT, status, revival and healing are all on a single PC are no one else, etc.

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4)
Ulrika, Chloe, Pepperoni, Goto, Enna (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Elyon (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2)- Uh...abstain.

Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)- 3HKO with Delay what was ITE? Would work fairly well here.
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)- Need to math this out. Obviously if Celes gets a turn, she wins! Probably doesn't, but I'll think on it.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)- Daos elemental resists don't even wall Loki. Sure, push him back to Carnage Anthem, which would make me math it out...but no focussing.
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)- Rest later maybe
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia)
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2010, 09:10:27 AM »
Jecht's attacks aren't completely ITE, just really accurate. Maybe Hugo can dodge em 10% of the time orsomething.

If it matters to you, the MT version only exists when he's below 66% HP. HP buffering makes it easy as pie to me, but you might not see it that way.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 09:11:58 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2010, 09:33:09 AM »
Well, I guess the question would be how do I feel about scaling here. Casts still don't have full access to what they have in game and bosses do still get that perfect AI, but maybe divisions are already formatted to factor in bosses not being scaled. Hmm.
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2010, 05:03:25 PM »
Monkey: I thought White Dragon Protect only stopped magic? (which Super Nova isn't, ignores both Shell (unlike Demi spells in FF7) and MEvade)

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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 08:43:58 PM »
Lunar 1 WDP only stops magic. It's Lunar 2 WDP that blocks everything.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Parties & Rivals Team Tourney - Round 1
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2010, 09:25:49 PM »
Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Puka (Breath of Fire) vs. Lady (Shadow Hearts: FTNW)
Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Sulphur (Phantom Brave) - Brahman still has to get rid of the rocks.
Guv, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Niki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia) - Too much hax.  Nikki definitely goes before Jessica, and Anna has a chance of making the entire party go first.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Zophar (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)

Ryu, Rei, Momo (Breath of Fire III) vs. Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Teddie (Persona 4)
Ulrika, Chloe, Pepperoni, Goto, Enna (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Elyon (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter) - Definitely take Wyrm against Elyon somewhat.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, Kyle, Nall (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Divine Weapon (Wild Arms 4) vs. Indalecio (Star Ocean 2) - antivoting super's antivote.

Xorn (Grandia III) vs. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6) - Much more damaging in the limit.
Jecht (Final Fantasy X) vs. Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Lilly (Suikoden III)
Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Ultima gets around Vanish anyway.
Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Nils (Fire Emblem) vs. Lavos (Chrono Trigger)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Daos (Lufia 2)
Luke, Guy, Tear, Jade (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Crono, Marle, Lucca (Chrono Trigger) vs. Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Espeon (Pokemon)
Ashley, Brad, Lilka (Wild Arms 2) vs. Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts)

Bonus Match
Shion, KOS-MOS, Jin (Xenosaga Episode II) vs. Evil Gaia (Grandia) - Evil Gaia still sucks.