It's obviously not happening, but for the record I still would support a bunch of various FWs. It's come up before and I know that lots of people are strongly against FWs, but eh. Rig the season so that they go up against a top 25% drawer, if they don't receive X% of votes they're a guest dueler passing through and have to be reranked later if they want to return. Off the top of my head, that means Prier / Jack Russel / Allen / Larsa / Staraptor. Not enough support this season, though, at least. I'd also support ranking DQV but it seems like that's the plan for next ranking season.
Anyway, I'll go with instead:
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Wild Arms XF
The DL needs to take the plunge some day and rank next-gen systems, even in spite of draw issues. Either ToV or FE:RD seem the best test cases but RD is getting more support.
XF... ugh. PSP is definitely a weird system, so definitely worries there. But they *are* interesting in the DL. Don't think the WA5 comparison is too relevant, since WA5 got a wave of "meh" everywhere while XF seems to have better buzz. It's worth a shot, at least. For now, I'll call this a PCs only rank. I'm playing through the game now and am in Chapter 4 (the desert capital) so will check back later, but the bosses so far translate wonkily to the DL. If we rank any bosses I'd lean Rupert, you fight him a whole bunch and he's fairly memorable.