Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs Isolde (MK) - Isolde opens with that Sword Creation, rips a chunk of Fou's HP and now he's just sorta unable to butch away before hitting the limit. Sword Creation x2 + Grand Gaze is enough to KO Fou to me, and Isolde's even 3-2ing due to SC's ridiculous recharge. Yeah.
Lulu (FFX) vs Virgil (XSs) - lol stop. I sorta suspect Lulu doesn't even get to chip if you don't allow the HP buffering, because the first form's Slow = dear god Lulu is 1/3 average speed what the fuck.
Cloud of Darkness (FF3) vs Lambda (WA4) - FF3o CoD.
Riou (S2) vs Heat (DDS) - No OHKO. Too bad.
Artea (Lufia 2) vs Rofel (FFT) - Artea 2HKOs, the MDef nerfs the status that can win the match, immunes Silence... and just yeah. Rofel can't stop him.
Ness (EB) vs Billy (XG) - mumble mumble brainshock
Articuno (PKMN) vs Edea (FF8) - Really not willing to give Edea that much credit. Suicune couldn't quite OHKO her HP, but I'm willing to give Arti the benefit of doubt.
LC Chan (S2) vs Gafgarion (FFT) - sasdgcvhyj
Cid (FF7) vs Guy (FE7) - Yeah.
Noa (LoL) vs Roan (G2) - Loving is tough.
Chidori (Pers 3) vs Vincent (S2) - Oh please. Chidori HP means a Vincent physical+that one shot of The Shredding 2HKO.
Lucied (WAs) vs Karyl (ToD) - Lucied and healers do not mix.
Tia vs. Sten - Don't really give much of a damn.