
Author Topic: List topic Round 1, Week 4- Super Robots and Japanese Goddesses in Godlike!  (Read 3597 times)


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1. Zophar: 15
2. Ryu3: 14.91
3. Isolde: 14
4. Belial: 13.8

5. Avalon: 11.2
6. Yunalesca: 10.75
7. Psaro: 9.59
8. Lenneth: 9.07


9. Odd Eye: 8.56
10. Guv: 6.41
11. Lulu: 5.5
12. Celes: 5.08
13. Jecht: 4.5
14. Arc: 4
15. Sir Leopold: 2.36
16. Asgard: 0.8



1. Geshp: 14.88
2. Kato: 12.18
3. Wakka: 12.17
4. Sync: 11.44


5. Marcello: 11.4
6. Angela: 10.6
7. Kratos: 9.9
8. Rayquaza: 9.7


9. Homard: 9.4
10. Roufas: 8.2
11. Ultros: 6.77
12. Suicune: 5.8
13. Articuno: 5
14. Rose: 4.3
15. Marsilio: 3.7
16. Jenova: 3.54



1. Yosuke: 14.13
2. Mia: 13.75
3. Sharon: 13.2
4. Tengaar: 12.3


5. Aigis: 11.25
6. Bowman: 10.3
7. Odessa: 10.18
8. Swampart: 8.7


9. Keneth: 7.78
10. Muppy: 6.13
11. Scythe: 6
12. Karsh: 5.92
13. Sara: 5.78
14. Melbu: 5.63
15. Don Mole: 2.8
16. FuSoYa: 2.08



1. Luke: 15
2. Hugh: 13.8
3. Jane: 12.4
4. Yukari: 12.22


5. Tia: 12
6. Cai: 11.57
7. Oulan: 11.33
8. Fargo: 9.45


9. Dinn: 9.22
10. Karn: 8.56
11. Tellah: 7.91
12. Gepetto: 6.91
13. Jacques: 6.5
14. Banon: 3.5
15.Palmer: 1.91 (Note: Palmer's score is a flat 1.0 without Cmdr doubling it. Not important but it shows how bad you have to be to hit the sub 2 range in list.)
16. Rafa: 1.36 (Speaks volumes, doesn't it?)

Week 4


Kefka (FF6)
Yuna (FFX)
Empyrea (DQ8)
Izanami (Pers4)
Shu Shirakawa (SRW:OG1 only. I am specifiying the form here since I want to see how OG1 does, plus avoiding massive formsplit. Thanks.)
Terra Branford (FF6)
Rubicant (FF4)
Deamoned (BoF5)
Citan (XG)
Sora (KH)
Tibarn (FE9)
Magus (CT)
Kartikeya (WA5)
Lucia (Suikos)
Gilgamesh (FF5)
Ultimecia (FF8)


Grahf (XG)
Ness (EB)
Geno (SMRPG)
Zed (WA1)
Parry/Son (DQ5)
Jowy Atreides (S2)
Anastasia Valeria (WA2)
Ryu (BoF1)
Hilda Valentine (SH3)
Hiro (Lunar:EBC)
Carlie (SD3)
Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT)
Levin Brenton (WA:XF)
Kary (FF1)
Kharg (AtL4)
Ephraim (FE8)


Jr. (XSs)
Moltres (PKMN)
Mathias (S5)
Beatrice (WA3)
Colm (FE8)
Raven (FE7)
Alice Elliot (SH1)
Albert Serdio (LoD)
Wiegraf Folles (FFT)
Lani (FF9)
Meru (LoD)
Sceptile (PKMN)
Cielo (DDS)
Eiko Carol (FF9)
Joachim Valentine (SH2)
Junpei Iori (Pers3)


Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2)
Nei (PS2)
Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
Elazul (LoM)
Orcha (CC)
Meg (S2)
Jin Uzuki (XS2)
Viktor (Suikos)
Chuck Preston (WA5)
Relm Arrowny (FF6)
Ernest Raviede (SO2)
Thomas (S3)
Seth (FE8)
Miluda Folles (FFT)
Bazba (S3)
Natan (SH3)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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...well, that was...2 hours later, so technically later today >_>  Guess I missed filling the other one.


1. Gilgamesh (FF5) - FF12+MF6 form is pretty awesome...might not be top, but is close enough I'll give it
2. Izanami (Pers4) - Might actually be #1, but...yeah.  Excellent damage, durability, powerful.
3. Kartikeya (WA5) - Often unresisted element, good weakness, excellent damage and durability (I take him at the same levels as all the Sentinels at once), limit, etc.  Fast too.
4. Ultimecia (FF8) - Could be higher?  Amazing durability, excellent offense overall.
5. Magus (CT) - Amazing barrier, damage is good too (MF6 form, of course, since it's overall better than the CT one)
6. Rubicant (FF4) - These are all close.
7. Empyrea (DQ8) - Offense and Defense.
8. Kefka (FF6) - Loads of options with the EasyType form, but...not as durable as he'd like.
9. Deamoned (BoF5) - Eh...decent enough I guess. 
10. Sora (KH) - Infinite survival!
11. Yuna (FFX) - Mmm...never sure where to go here.  She is good, but only optional Aeons does suck a bit on the FFX form, and FFX-2...mmm...average damage and HP, basically.  Still good, but the rest are better.
12. Terra Branford (FF6) - Ultima? 
13. Tibarn (FE9) - Pavise is nice.
14. Citan (XG) - SWORDS!!!!
15. Lucia (Suikos) - lol

No Vote.  Shu Shirakawa (SRW:OG1 only. I am specifiying the form here since I want to see how OG1 does, plus avoiding massive formsplit. Thanks.) - Not as comfotable with the OG1 form as I am the other boss forms in other games.  No real notes on him either, so...


1. Zed (WA1) - Tapdancing Christ he's strong - Goooooooo Monster Z
2. Kary (FF1) - Hits hard, but so bloody one-dimensional...probably might maybe possibly worse?
3. Carlie (SD3) - Crazy damage, healing, stat break, etc.
4. Kharg (AtL4) - Big Owl is awesome - unique skill that does excellent damage with excellent range.  Also has loads of other support, including healing and damage.
5. Ness (EB) - Spammable damage in PK Fire from NessAll helps resources issues a bit...decent overall.
6. Hilda Valentine (SH3) - Healing and instant death
7. Son (DQ5) - Healing and...stuff.
8. Geno (SMRPG) - Speed and instant death.
9. Ryu (BoF1) - Honestly considering allowing Agni...which puts him higher, but not allowing it puts him this works.
10. Anastasia Valeria (WA2) - Infinite ok healing is decent.
11. Hiro (Lunar:EBC) - Fast?
12. Levin Brenton (WA:XF) - Hates turn-based set-ups, though the cancel least dealing damage?
13. Jowy Atreides (S2) - Has magic.
14. Ephraim (FE8) - Has a lance.
15. Grahf (XG) - IGRC of 0.01
16. Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) - 0 defense.


1. Beatrice (WA3) - Weak boss, but...could be worse.
2. Jr. (XSs) - XS3!
3. Eiko Carol (FF9) - Has...spells...
4. Cielo (DDS) - CieloAll
5. Meru (LoD) - Middle is so boring
6. Mathias (S5) - RUNES
7. Alice Elliot (SH1) - Flesh Book
8. Moltres (PKMN) - FIRE
9. Albert Serdio (LoD) - Defend hype
10. Sceptile (PKMN) - God, Middle is boring
11. Joachim Valentine (SH2) - Sexy
12. Junpei Iori (Pers3) - Skillset!
13. Colm (FE8) - Care not
14. Raven (FE7) - Fuck em
15. Wiegraf Folles (FFT) - I love potatoes
16. Lani (FF9) - IGRC of 0.0001


1. Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2) - Ghost form smashes the world.
2. Jin Uzuki (XS2) - Overall excellent, and not a Light
3. Chuck Preston (WA5) - Mediums
4. Meg (S2) - Darkness Rune
5. Viktor (Suikos) - Ruuuuuuuuuuunes!
6. Relm Arrowny (FF6) - Easy Type form...but apparently it needs boosted!
7. Thomas (S3) - Runes!
8. Bazba (S3) - Runes!
9. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) - Something!
10. Ernest Raviede (SO2) - Cloud Dust Hype!
11. Miluda Folles (FFT) - Deserves better!
12. Orcha (CC) - Penis!
13. Nei (PS2) - Vagina!
14. Seth (FE8) - Both!
15. Natan (SH3) - Has guns!

No Vote: Elazul (LoM) - Don't remember!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 11:30:10 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Apologies for that OK.


1. Yuna- Obvious.
2. Izanami- Solid high Godlike.
3. Kefka- Back row hurts my respect for his offense and he's not durable in the least, but still good enough at what he does.
4. Rubicant- Psycho OHKO level damage but has a very bad combo of an elemental weakness and being walled by fire defense.
5. Terra- Good but needs more speed.
6. Empyrea- Sure.
7. Deamoned- Ned's solid on offense and durability.
8. Citan- Fast, durable, solid on damage.
9. Magus- Barrier gets him this high.
10. Gilgamesh- Spoils.
11. Ultimecia-  Bad.
12. Lucia- Worse.


Question to DQ5 players- Does Mirror Armor block all magic?

1. Levin- Cancel spam nonsense.
2. Hilda- Hurt some by speed issues, but good.
3. Jowy- Fast, hits hard.
4. Geno- ID whoring.
5. Hiro- Jowy with slightly better ID and less speed. Ends up here.
6. Ryu- Supertank! Deserved to lose to Lezard. Sigh.
7. Carlie- Solid healer.
8. Kary- Doing a replay of the game recently hurt my Kary respect. Damn woman, do better against status.-
9. Dycedarg- Nasty but needs more HP. He wouldn't have lost to Claude in the old days.
10. Ephraim- Solid at everything.
*drop to low heavy*
11. Parry- Undersold him a bit. Better than Grahf at least!
12. Grahf- Unremarkable 2HKO and okay durability.
13. Anastasia- Damage, but not enough of it.
14. Kharg- 2HKO that rapidly runs out. Has massive resource issues.
15. Zed- Light.

1. Jr.- Sure, I'll bite on XS3 form. XS1 is decent but more like 8ish.
2. Colm- Nasty fighter.
3. Moltres- 2HKO, but fire aligned. Hates thunder being a common DL element.
4. Mathias- S5 equip nonsense plus a Cyclone rune.  
5. Beatrice- Sleep is a bitch to block.
6. Cielo- Weak to status isn't good, but he is otherwise solid.
7. Wiegraf- I'd normally tag him for last, but his game (3HKO+counters+some status) has been very effective in the DL. He wins more fights than you would expect.
8. Jochaim- Durable+Turn two ID on his best damage+SH blockers. It works.
9. Alice- Very solid healer.
10. Raven- Very solid without being dominating at anything.
11. Lani- Kneejerk low respect for the HP and damage.
12. Eiko- Slow and frail.Some elemental walling helps.
13. Albert- You know, I'm thinking fugging Haschel has an argument to be the best LoD PC in the DL. he's the only one without a hideous weakness to magic, physicals, or bad speed.
14. Meru- Too many holes in her game, and this is a good field.
15. Sceptile- Holy crap those elemental weaknesses. Speed doesn't offset the damage woes. He's not a terrible middle, but he is definitely OHKO bait.

1. Nei- Kneejerk her being a decent fighter.
2. Zhuzhen- Very solid at everything.
3. Ernest- Spoils a bunch of elements and status, has passable damage along with access to elemental weapons of his own. It adds up.
4. Elazul- Light fighter with a decent finisher.
5. Bazba- *Mutter*
6. Thomas- Light is physically aligned of late.
7. Meg- Very good healer.
8. Vinsfeld- Loses to Noel level healers. Fail.
9. Viktor- Passable enough fighter.
10. Seth- Man, that speed hurts bad. He's not really great on damage either.
11. Miluda- More like a typical FE fighter than a boss. No skillset of note, but some light evasion and countering.
12. Orcha- Orcha's techs are awful.
13. Natan- Status spoiler in light.
14. Relm- Some weird tricks get her this high.
15. Jin
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 10:44:35 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Random Consonant

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1. Kefka (FF6) - Nasty as fuck.  Only flaw is bad durability.
2. Rubicant (FF4) - Fire reliant and the ice weakness sucks ass, but otherwise quite good.
3. Terra Branford (FF6) - Works.
4. Citan (XG) - Solid slugger with haste.
5. Shu Shirakawa (SRW:OG1 only. I am specifiying the form here since I want to see how OG1 does, plus avoiding massive formsplit. Thanks.) - Thinking OG1 form can hang out here.  Warp Field helps the durability but I don't think he was great on damage and he's arguably statusable (though I'd need to sort out by what to get a better read on him).
6. Magus (CT) - Spoils.
7. Gilgamesh (FF5) - Also spoils.
8. Lucia (Suikos) - Needs durability badly.


1. Ness (EB) - Durability PCs salivate over and has a bunch of status.
2. Jowy Atreides (S2) - Works.
3. Hiro (Lunar:EBC) - Also works.
4. Geno (SMRPG) - Again.
5. Carlie (SD3) - Solid.
6. Ephraim (FE8) - Also solid.
7. Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) - Wants more durability.
8. Grahf (XG) - Think this is about right.
9. Kary (FF1) - DoS does her no favors but at least she can probably hang out here.
10. Anastasia Valeria (WA2) - Not good.
11. Zed (WA1) - WA1o Zed.


1. Moltres (PKMN) - Fire reliant, lightning weakness sucks, but otherwise pretty good.
2. Lani (FF9) - Fast and has 2HKO damage in multiple flavors.  Durability could be better but.
3. Colm (FE8) - FE Swordmaster-lite.
4. Raven (FE7) - Solid.
5. Wiegraf Folles (FFT) - Wants more durability but can otherwise handle some people.
6. Jr. (XSs) - I think?
7. Eiko Carol (FF9) - Durability needs work.  FF9 equips are nice, though.
8. Meru (LoD) - The physical durability.  It is not good.
9. Albert Serdio (LoD) - Slow and takes magic horribly.  Rose Storm helps but it's not enough.
10. Sceptile (PKMN) - Fast!  Has a decent finisher!  Weak to three elements and bad durability!


1. Elazul (LoM) - Uh... sure, I'll bite.
2. Ernest Raviede (SO2) - SO2 equip options, sure.
3. Meg (S2) - Works.
4. Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2) - Good durability for the division and damage could be worse.
5. Jin Uzuki (XS2) - XSI+II form isn't great but at least he can beat scrubs with it, which seems to be an improvement over his XS2 form from what I understand.
6. Viktor (Suikos) - Typical light fighter.
7. Seth (FE8) - Work on that durability and speed, man.
8. Orcha (CC) - Wants better techs.
9. Miluda Folles (FFT) - Uh...
10. Relm Arrowny (FF6) - no
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 08:31:47 PM by Random Consonant »


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1 Izanami- 3x Mdur, 6x Pdur, Powerful Debuffs, Status, Damage of both type, double acting, etc…
Nasty overall slugger. Not so completely overwhelming that she’s unbeatable, but just cover all bases. Good thing the Power Charge combo takes 2 turns.
2 Yuna
3 Rubicant
4 Empyrea
5 Terra
6 Deamoned
7 Kefka- PC HP and average speed! Not the best combo even with his damage
8 Magus- Gut from here on out
9 Gilgy
10 Citan
11 Kartikeya
12 Tibarn
13 Ultimecia
14 Lucia- Damage: Good! Sliver of PC HP: Not workable in Godlike since she’s only at 70% when average speed gets a turn.

1. Kharg- Is fast, has about 3 PC HP damage overkill
2 Ness. Status him out first and die. Godlike for sure
3 Levin. Respect down a little, but think he’s still a Low Godlike to me
4 Jowy. Sure. Fast, near OHKO
5 Geno
6 Hilda. Wants those buffs to mean more
7 Carlie
8 Ryu
9 Eph
10 Dyce
11 Kary- DoS has that physical tankiness at least!
12 Hiro- Solid, but never had high respect here. Unlike some other physical sluggers, he’s not a wall of any sort.
13 Grahf- Is Heavy, but isn’t a good Heavy. Speed/Horrid MDef aren’t good (But really, speed)
14 Anatasia- So, I give her allies, but assume they have the same FP that she does (Which means that when she wastes FP, so do they). So after a few turns, she smashes the shit out of things. Just…a few turns and she has no status protection, can’t access most of her skillset turn 1, etc…Just still doesn’t function in Heavy.

1 Nei- 2HKO, Fast, Passable Durability
2 Ernest- Why the fuck is he in second? Anyways, can halve a good variety of elements, can get about 35% evasion, can be accurate, damage isn’t horrid
3. Thomas- Light is heavily evadable physical
4 Bazba. I guess? Weirdo.
5 Chuck. Really nice limit, everyone else is solid. Kind of mysterious because I wasn’t sure where the limit ended up going towards, so this could be higher or lower.
6 Orcha- Attacking+healing!
7 Zhuzhen- Well rounded at least
8 Meg- Good healing, but damage+speed+durability aren’t great
9 Natan- Has magic, ignores evasion, HP and speed! (Well, 103% speed…but still)
10 Vinsfeld- Ends up averagish in practice, but bad w/ healers
11 Jin. Average w/ anti healing
12 Vitkor- Solid overall
13 Miluda- Eh. Could be higher
14 Relm- It’s Ernest with less damage! And…no evasion, which is a killer.
15 Seth
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 01:49:45 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.


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1.) Kefka (FF6)
2.) Terra Branford (FF6)
3.) Empyrea (DQ8)
4.) Tibarn (FE9)
5.) Rubicant (FF4)
6.) Sora (KH)
7.) Yuna (FFX)
8.) Ultimecia (FF8)
9.) Magus (CT)
10.) Lucia (Suikos)
11.) Citan (XG)
12.) Deamoned (BoF5)
13.) Kartikeya (WA5)
14.) Gilgamesh (FF5)

1.) Kary (FF1)
2.) Jowy Atreides (S2)
3.) Ryu (BoF1)
4.) Hilda Valentine (SH3)
5.) Hiro (Lunar:EBC)
6.) Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT)
7.) Carlie (SD3)
8.) Grahf (XG)
9.) Ephraim (FE8)
10.) Geno (SMRPG)
11.) Anastasia Valeria (WA2)
12.) Zed (WA1)

1.) Wiegraf Folles (FFT)
2.) Beatrice (WA3)
3.) Moltres (PKMN)
4.) Lani (FF9)
5.) Jr. (XSs)
6.) Raven (FE7)
7.) Joachim Valentine (SH2)
8.) Eiko Carol (FF9)
9.) Junpei Iori (Pers3)
10.) Alice Elliot (SH1)
11.) Colm (FE8)
12.) Mathias (S5)

1.) Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2)
2.) Relm Arrowny (FF6)
3.) Orcha (CC)
4.) Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
5.) Thomas (S3)
6.) Nei (PS2)
7.) Elazul (LoM)
8.) Ernest Raviede (SO2)
9.) Seth (FE8)
10.) Viktor (Suikos)
11.) Chuck Preston (WA5)
12.) Bazba (S3)
13.) Meg (S2)
14.) Natan (SH3)
15.) Jin Uzuki (XS2)
16.) Miluda Folles (FFT)


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Multi-champ power:
1) Empyrea (DQ8)
2) Yuna (FFX)
3) Izanami (Pers4)
4) Kefka (FF6)

Pretty good:
5) Terra Branford (FF6)
6) Shu Shirakawa (OG1)
7) Rubicant (FF4)

8) Tibarn (FE9)
9) Magus (CT)

10) Deamoned (BoF5)
11) Citan (XG)
12) Gilgamesh (FF5)
13) Ultimecia (FF8)
14) Lucia (Suikos)


Belongs in godlike:
1) Geno (SMRPG)
2) Kary (FF1)

Very good:
3) Ness (EB)
4) Hilda Valentine (SH3)
5) Kharg (AtL4)

Pretty good:
6) Jowy Atreides (S2)
7) Grahf (XG)
8) Hiro (Lunar:EBC)

9) Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT)
10) Ryu (BoF1)
11) Ephraim (FE8)
12) Carlie (SD3)


Belongs in heavy:
1) Moltres (PKMN)

Very good:
2) Beatrice (WA3)

Pretty good:
3) Lani (FF9)
4) Wiegraf Folles (FFT)
5) Mathias (S5)
6) Raven (FE7)
7) Colm (FE8)
8) Cielo (DDS)

9) Alice Elliot (SH1)
10) Eiko Carol (FF9)
11) Sceptile (PKMN)

12) Joachim Valentine (SH2)
13) Jr. (XSs)


Belongs in heavy:
1) Relm Arrowny (FF6) (ah, right...)

Belongs in middle:
2) Thomas (S3)

Pretty good:
3) Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
4) Orcha (CC)
5) Meg (S2)

6) Seth (FE8)
7) Jin Uzuki (XS2)
8) Bazba (S3)
9) Natan (SH3)

10) Viktor (Suikos)
11) Miluda Folles (FFT)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 03:03:45 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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1Yuna (FFX) - Much easier field than last week.
2Izanami (P4) - Good stuff.
3Empyrea (DQ8)
4Kefka (FF6) - Force him to intiative turn Fallen One, so many Godlikes just OHKO him, still pretty awesome if he makes it to Turn 2 (which he should, he's fast and he's following an intiative turn).
5Terra (FF6)
6Citan (XG) - Heals forever, really fast. Good PC.
7Sora (KH) - Heals forever... literally! Not as fast.
8Ultimecia (FF8) - Gets this far on form-change HP buffering.
9Kartikeya (WA5) - Damage and speed! Not so durable though.
10Tibarn (FE9) - Damage and speed! Damage isn't as good, but evasion is nice.
11Magus (CT) - Spoiler
12Rubicant (FF4) - Awesome damage and such! Pity he's so spoilable.
13Gilgamesh (FF5) - Statusy spoiler. Fast!
14Lucia (Suikos) - Definitely a Godlike, but... just low-end.


Low Godlikes:
1Ness (EB)
2Levin Brenton (WAXF)
3Zed (WA1s)

Heavy Champs:
4Jowy Atreides (S2)
5Geno (SMRPG)
6Hilda Valentine (SH3)
7Kharg (AtL4)
8Ryu1 (BoF1)
9Hiro (L2EB)
10Carlie (SD3)

Middle of the pack:
11Ephraim (FE8)
12Dycedarg (FFT)
13Parry/Son (DQ5)
14Kary (FF1)

Sorry, guys:
15Anastasia Valeria (WA2)
16Grahf (XG)


1Beatrice (WA3) - Boss resists + good tricks for Middle
2Colm (FE8) - Good PC
3Joachim Valentine (SH2) - Durability, ID, and damage - good combo in Middle
4Wiegraf Folles (FFT) - Velius formchange~
5Raven (FE7) - Solid.
6Moltres (PKMN) - Good stuff, shame about the elemental weakness
7Albert Serdio (LoD) - Good stuff, starting SP! Shame about that elemental weakness
8Junpei Iori (Pers3) - Not bad! Shame about that elemental weakness
9Eiko Carol (FF9) - Hits some elemental weaknesses!
10Mathias (S5) - Average-y
11Alice Elliot (SH1) - Good healer!
12Meru (LoD) - FAST! Neat tricks. Shame about that durability.
13Cielo (DDS) - Not... the worst! Shame about that increased susceptibility to STATUS!~ >.>;;
14Sceptile (PKMN) - Pokemon dueller, good stuff. Shame about tha... okay, I'm done.
15Lani (FF9) - GTFO.


1Thomas (S3) - Wind Rune based on awesome affinity. Middle.
2Nei (PS2) - Not a great Middle, but an awesome Light~
3Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) - Good for Light.
4Ernest Raviede (SO2) - SO2 equips~ That's really all, but that's not bad for Light.
5Miluda Folles (FFT) - Well, she's boss at least.
6Relm Arrowny (FF6) - Owzer's Mansion stuff~ Healer+Control isn't a horrible combination.
7Seth (FE8) - Average-y
8Viktor (Suikos) - Durability! Some Damage! ...What is this thing you call Speed?
9Meg (S2) - Bored now...
10Chuck Preston (WA5)
11Bazba (S3)
12Natan (SH3)
13Orcha (CC)
14Jin Uzuki (XS2)

« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 05:53:13 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

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1. Yuna (FFX): Yuna.
2. Kefka (FF6): Yay accurate overkill.
3. Rubicant (FF4): He's on fire.
4. Empyrea (DQ8): I know she's won Godlike, still don't really dig it. That mdur in Godlike?
5. Terra Branford (FF6): Options + good at things that aren't speed.
6. Deamoned (BoF5): Smashing.
7. Magus (CT): Spoilin'
8. Citan (XG): Versatile.
9. Lucia (Suikos): Blitzing.
10. Gilgamesh (FF5): Super weird.
11. Ultimecia (FF8): Kurses.
12. Kartikeya (WA5): Okay.
13. Tibarn (FE9): I guess Cancel gives him the evade to hang in the division, but he's still not terribly impressive.
14. Shu Shirakawa: Kyosuke path Shu. Yeaaaah. This is a bad idea by SRW standards.

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Maaan. Two pools. That's the most yet. :D

1. Yuna (FFX) - Yuna.
2. Terra Branford (FF6) - Ultima.
3. Kefka (FF6) - Has a decent range of death. Shame about the durability.
4. Rubicant (FF4) - If he wasn't relying on Fire, he'd probably be 2nd here.
5. Deamoned (BoF5) - Ouuuuch. Good damage, shame about BoFV durability issues from Wyrm-scaling. Absolute Defence still makes him a bitch to beat.
6. Magus (CT) - Has some nice tricks and a lot of variety, but doesn't particularly excel at anything...
7. Sora (KH) - Has Stop and some nice tricks, but that MP pool is way too low to do stuff well for long.
8. Ultimecia (FF8) - Kurses my lack of respect for her durability, since she has little else. >_>
9. Tibarn (FE9) - Well... he's strong! That's about it. >_>

1. Joachim Valentine (SH2) - Seriously. Parasitic healing, ID, great damage and durability... How is Joachim not higher? Also, SH equips.
2. Moltres (PKMN) - Status susceptibility is a pretty big problem in Middle. Otherwise, pretty damn awesome, possibly swings low Heavy? Alas, status and lightning exist.
3. Eiko Carol (FF9) - Shame about the speed and durability! She's got some amazing tricks and... FFIX equips.
4. Sceptile (PKMN) - Same status issues as Moltres. Oh, and Ice, Fire and Wind weaknesses. That said, solid fast damage.
5. Cielo (DDS) - Voting off DDS2 form, since that's all I know. Game-best Decent-ish magic and healing? Yeah, he's pretty damn evil still not bad.
6. Junpei Iori (Pers3) - Paaaainful physicals. Shame about the whole Persona self-damage thing and... nothing special. Also, fire is easily walled.
7. Colm (FE8) - Respect? What respect?
8. Lani (FF9) - Respect? What respect? Mk. II.

Edit: Cielo disclaimer removed and numbers added.
Edit2: So Argilla does own. Guess that needs changing.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 10:01:03 PM by Yoshiken »


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Please number your lists, everyone.

Yoshi: That's fine, DDS2 is perfectly legal.
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Worst Godlike pool EVER!

1. Kefka
2. Empy
3. Sora (rank him!)
4. Citan
5. Ultimecia
6. Magus
7. Aeonless Yuna
8. Terra (a big no to letting her use Ultima)
9. Rubicant (wishes his damage was not all fire)
10. Lucia (See Rubicant)
11. Gilgamesh
12. Tibarn (would be higher if FE10 were allowed)


Grahf (XG)- no vote since I totally do not remember what he did.

1. Ness
2. Kary
3. Kharg
4. Geno
5. Parry
6. Jowy
7. Hiro
8. Dycedarg
9. Zed
10. Ryu 1
11. Ephraim (LOLalmost everyone in FE8 doubling him due to 24 speed cap since I take the levels at 20/20)


1. Lani -get to heavy will ya
2. Moltres- see Lani
3. Meru- See Lani and Moltres
4. Mathias
5. Eiko
6. Wiegraf
7. Sceptile
8. Colm
9. Raven
10. Albert
11. Joaquim
12. Junpei


1. Thomas
2. Ernest
3. Relm
4. Nei
5. Meg
6. Bazba (He gets Funeral wind, right? since his rune is a cyclone)
7. Miluda (shes not bad >_>)
8. Seth (Never got the middle hype for him, his stats arnt that good, again crappy speed cap, but its better in light)
9. Orcha (at least has a  parasitc healing tech)
10. Elazul
11. Viktor. LOL Viktor. Only light here I dont respect at all.

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LOLalmost everyone in FE8 doubling him due to 24 speed cap since I take the levels at 20/20

Ephraim is like average speed at 20/20. That's not "almost everyone doubling him".

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1. Yuna (FFX) - Dominates like a goddess.
2. Kefka (FF6) - Mad, mad offense. Durability definitely needs work, but the mass overkill off that speed is just crazy. Also not trivial to spoil due to accuracy+sheer damage.
3. Izanami (Pers4) - Works as a 3. I find her overrated due to finding the HP underwhelming (the first form would fail beyond belief without the three-turn invincibility. Sub-Killer HP at the very endgame? That's like OHKOed by average level), but a twist on Jenna Angel with better utility never hurts. Also, physical/Lightning/Light/Darkness spoiling. Still very strong.
4. Sora (KH) - Notable drop from the top three, but still good. Hay guyze, status me, OHKO me forever or die. The skillset is enviable, the offense is very solid and the elemental resistances just add more punch to him.
5. Rubicant (FF4) - Spoilable, but otherwise ridiculous.
6. Terra Branford (FF6) - Very versatile and powerful. Wishes she was fast and had ID blockers, though.
7. Empyrea (DQ8) - In the same boat as Elfboy regarding Empyrea. I know she champed before, but seriously, that magic durability and relying on the worst damage type in Godlike without even standout speed ("a bit above average" isn't standout. Sorry)? I dunno.
8. Citan (XG) - Whee speed.
9. Gilgamesh (FF5) - Whee speed+status.
10. Magus (CT) - Whee spoiling.
11. Lucia (Suikos) - Whee durability fails.
12. Shu Shirakawa (SRW:OG1 only) - Like Elfboy, I only know Kyosuke Shu in OG1. >_> At least, SRW boss is generally good in a duel setting, but the durability -really- doesn't work with those HP triggers.
13. Ultimecia (FF8) - Come back when you don't get your ass reamed by goddamn Kyra, Ultimecia (well, Shu probably gets reamed by her too, but).


1. Geno (SMRPG) - Perfect ID+Geno Boost off -that- speed. Yeah, godly in Heavy.
2. Hilda Valentine (SH3) - Comparing to Ness... Hilda has far less resources, far less durability and far less status. On the other hand, she has -far better- statusblocking and she can handle healers who immune status and outresource her better than Ness does - not to mention her skillset is better suited to abruptly stop stalling shenanigans anyway. Hilda manhandles the Ninas, Naotos and Sierras of the world better, which... matters more in Heavy, really.
3. Kary (FF1) - Strong slugger with a great anti-PC measure. Pretty high-profile.
4. Ness (EB) - See Hilda, really. The durability and status game are awesome with the resources, but the egregious failure against competent status whoring kills Ness far too often for my liking.
5. Jowy Atreides (S2) - Fast NE OHKO that's 2PB and some more statsy goodness. Very competent slugger.
6. Hiro (Lunar:EBC) - Solid stats, perfect ID and cheap 2HKO damage off EBO equip options to boot. This is really good. Man, this pool's upper half is crazy.
7. Carlie (SD3) - Man, the Quick Hit-like healing is a pain in the ass. Black Curse is slow, but murderous once it goes off, too.
8. Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) - The PC spoiling is neat, so is the offense. HP sorta blows, though.
9. Ephraim (FE8) - He... actually doesn't -need- to double to be good. 2HKOs off the cusp and has both concrete durability and evasion, so he makes a rather brutal slugger - particularly against melee. Solid.
10. Ryu (BoF1) - Eh. He's a solid Heavy, just... too ID-vulnerable and could be better against mages.
11. Anastasia Valeria (WA2) - I don't give phantom FP to Ana, which makes her... not very impressive. Skillset could be better too - the healing that doesn't -cost- FP isn't impressive, not to mention she's running off below average speed and no status resistance to boot.
12. Zed (WA1) - Hey, fast 2HKO! Off eh durability and the worst damage type in the DL. Oh well.
13. Parry/Son (DQ5) - Wow, the HP actually sorta sucks and the defense isn't that good either. Oh, and he's slow! It's like CT-less Guv all over again, just worse! Yeah no.
14. Grahf (XG) - Zed with less speed and less durability - as in below average speed and Yulietastic physical durability, only applied both ways. That'll work. Funny that the worst Heavies in this list are like average in the division, though. Besides Grahf and Parry. >_>


1. Lani (FF9) - Hay guize I'm like theez Heaveez. Fast magical 2HKO that runs off too many elements to easily wall is a good combo. Physicals need work, and counters sorta don't help much off the durability, but they're there.
2. Colm (FE8) - Your run-off-the-mill FE Heavy.
3. Raven (FE7) - Your run-off-the-mill FE Heavy with less evade and less good against the fast. Still works.
4. Beatrice (WA3) - Boss Elly, which means she isn't hopeless in slugfests (the HP is pretty good). Feels like this is worth giving a 4th spot to.
5. Mathias (S5) - Man. Resources, speed and offense aren't much, but the stalling and spoiling and ID are really neat. Very interesting dueller, and rather strong. S5 Cyclone Rune is excellent in the DL.
6. Moltres (PKMN) - Tossup between Mat and Moltres to me. Spoilability and unreliability sorta make me wary on Moltres, but fast damage+Fire Spin are still fine ideas.
7. Sceptile (PKMN) - Not that good a slugger - however, the speed+buffing+limit+draining madness off a good damage type make him very effective at what he does. Fun and strong.
8. Wiegraf Folles (FFT) - Still unimpressed by the durability, but ITE 2HKO with deadly status attached off above average speed, even running off that HP, still manage to make waves in Middle - and, unsurprisingly, sorta brutalizes the vast majority of the people lower in this List.
8. Eiko Carol (FF9) - Eh. Not impressed with her stats, but the healing+spoiling are fine.
9. Alice Elliot (SH1) - So badly reamed by healers it isn't funny. Alice is tons better than Eiko against fighters and status, but pathetically worse against mages and healers. Think she ends up overall worse, since she isn't an impossible wall for fighters once you start hitting Heavy either.
10. Jr. (XSs) - He really runs off Silence+Slow shenanigans in the DL. He's lucky XS1 Silence and Slow are rather badass, though. Quick doesn't add much to the speed gaming, but is there if he wants it.
11. Meru (LoD) - As usual, I think Dhyer underrates Meru, but then, I give her offense more credit. On the other hand, she's not on the higher end of this pool.
12. Cielo (DDS) - The status needs accuracy, the buffs beg for healing, the status weakness doesn't help, the slugfesting is junky. Just sorta middling. DDS2 Cielo is only any better if you're far more lenient with the mantra grids than I am as well, because Diarama+subpar slugfesting doesn't really fly that well in the DL - ask Roland. Not to mention Cielo's magic isn't game-best either. Say hi to Argilla/Seraph for us, boys.
13. Albert Serdio (LoD) - You know, only now it hit me how not entirely dissimilar Albert and Junpei are. Both are mainly sorta physical spoilers with an elemental weakness and an elemental immunity - only Albert tanks better, deals more damage and is slower, while Junpei hits both defenses, has a better immunity and is faster. Guess Albert having -some- status immunities etch him above Junpei definitely.
14. Junpei Iori (Pers3) - Yeah, he's not a great Middle. Mostly fire/physical spoiler with not much in the way of competent offense.


1. Meg (S2) - I honestly think people are underrating Meg's game a bit in Light. The division is downright awful at exploiting flaws in healing as long as the healing is good and the stats aren't completely unsalvageable. So, Meg's durability is sorta poor and so is her speed... but her healing is good, Trick Rune gives her a rather solid 3HKO (which isn't bad slugging for Light standards) and Silent Lake lets her handle other Light healers. Beecham probably does -this- better, but Beecham would probably stand atop this list proudly as well.
2. Thomas (S3) - That physical spoiling scares low Heavy evadable physicallers. Too bad about the hilarious failure against everything else, though. >_>
3. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) - Eugh. I hate to admit it, but Zhuzhen is a rather solid Light. Still very much dislike how badly he handles healers and how he can't handle average 3HKOs if his life depended on it. But he sorta works when he's not dealing with that.
4. Orcha (CC) - Decent CC Light.
5. Nei (PS2) - No 2HKO for Nei given how I tend to scale temps to endgame levels. I guess she probably still 3HKOs and is fast, though. Healing is beyond worthless, but nobody ever hyped her for it.
6. Bazba (S3) - Way too limited. The one shot of Funeral Wind and the like five/six shots of healing are kinda cute, but besides the healing, we're looking at a bad speed/durability/damage combo. If you reduce the ID accuracy below turn one, Bazba can't win with it ever, and he's not very good as a healer either. Weirdly, though, it's still a combo that makes an interesting and decent enough Light.
7. Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2) - Decent durability! Off fucking 5HKO damage and shitty speed. Turn ten ID is also gloriously pointless. Tends to win against Light sluggers, but start hitting the 3HKOers faster than him that don't fail at durability and he begins to shiver. Somehow, it still works, though. Go figure.
8. Seth (FE8) - Eh. Subpar FE'er, but those tend to even work in Light.
9. Miluda Folles (FFT) - Feels like the vanilla definition of a Light. Sorta waffle between Vinny and Miluda in position (and Vinsfeld -does- beat Miluda, but).
10. Ernest Raviede (SO2) - Only have any sort of impression on his equips. Besides that, middling durability and 4HKO. Opera at least has the modest healing, which matters more than Ernest's ACCURACY HYPE.
11. Natan (SH3) - Feels like a spin on Ernest. Ern has better equips, Natan has some more backended damage, but feel like the equips matter more today.
12. Relm Arrowny (FF6) - Uh she gets this high via the weirdish spoiling. 5HKOing fails, but solid stats and elemental walling+some really niche healing that also gives her durability issues are worth... something. She's also very close to Viktor to me.
13. Viktor (Suikos) - I can never feel impressed by Viktor.
14. Elazul (LoM) - Doesn't Elazul like 4HKO and basically nothing else. Even Viktor has crits and some durability over meeeeeeehness.
15. Jin Uzuki (XS2) - Ugh XS2 PCs.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 01:03:03 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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5. Parry
6. Jowy

Far be it for me to get between a woman and her Jowy antihype, but Parry's a pretty bad Heavy. Below average durability/speed does not make a good combo, and Parry lacks really effective ways to wall otherwise. Insulate helps some but it's only of so much use since it just halves damage.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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11. Meru (LoD) - As usual, I think Dhyer underrates Meru, but then, I give her offense more credit. On the other hand, she's not on the higher end of this pool.

You mean just in terms of how generally effective she is?
...into the nightfall.

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Probably. Although her issues are indeed pronounced - and, as noted, she doesn't really perform well in this pool at all.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Not to mention Cielo's magic isn't game-best either. Say hi to Argilla/Seraph for us, boys.

Ehh. Seraph is hell for averages and stuff, since it's custom-build. As for Argilla, I'm fairly sure she's not higher than Cielo in DDS2 - seems I've lost the notes I had gathered, but I'm fairly sure Cielo trades in some of Argilla's strength/durability for magic/luck.
That said, this is why there needs to be notes on DDS2. I really should work on that sometime, but I have no idea what enemies I'd test against, what build to use for Serph/Seraph, etc.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Even some six-seven levels lower than Cielo, my Argilla at endgame had like five points below him in Mag, and that's with like a lot of Mag stones pumped into Cielo - and those equips could very well explain the lead he had on her for you too, thinking on it, depending on how you placed them. Cielo most likely trades Magic with Gale, not Argilla in DDS2 compared to DDS1. Looking at them with even levels, I'm absolutely certain Argilla would outpace him on Mag. And twinked Seraph on averages... eeeeeeeeh. Don't think it does nearly enough to averages, look at twinked DDS1 Serph (who also reaches something like 99 Mag) and see how much of an effect he has on DDS1's averages. DDS2 Seraph affects them more due to lol merger, but not that much either. I find not taking Serph/Seraph into the averages inexcusable - nothing short of unrankability should excuse not taking a character's stats into averages, and even that is arguable.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 09:13:29 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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The playthrough I did was specifically with DL setups, so no extra items/equips (and I was creating an average Seraph, on that note). I've lent the game out, so can't actually check it right now, but I'm fairly sure Cielo was the highest there. although you're making me doubt this now dammit.


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Not to mention Cielo's magic isn't game-best either. Say hi to Argilla/Seraph for us, boys.

Ehh. Seraph is hell for averages and stuff, since it's custom-build. As for Argilla, I'm fairly sure she's not higher than Cielo in DDS2 - seems I've lost the notes I had gathered, but I'm fairly sure Cielo trades in some of Argilla's strength/durability for magic/luck.
That said, this is why there needs to be notes on DDS2. I really should work on that sometime, but I have no idea what enemies I'd test against, what build to use for Serph/Seraph, etc.

I've actually gotten prepped to do this.  Finally got off it to do it - Seraph is built average, like Serph and Sera.  Serph and Sera are taken as temps, Seraph with the final party.  

Argilla > Gale/Cielo > the rest (Sera builds herself like Argilla)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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hunh. And, on that note, I think my list needs changing a little.


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Posting mostly to yammer about Parry.


--Low Godlike
1. Levin Brenton (WA:XF) - Not a Heavy.  Admittedly, he is entirely possible to spoil - defense matters a lot in XF such that good defense can easily knock Cancel Strike to 0 damage (and flip side that bad defense makes it awesome), and the ~90% accuracy combined with low damage means that even slightly good evasion hurts.  But Levin is *really* fast, and CTB fast, too, so if you can't spoil in one of the above two ways, or else have an absolute bucketload of HP, you just lose.  Levin's overkill speed means that he can even miss on the occasional Cancel Strike and it's not really that big a deal.

--High Heavy
2. Jowy Atreides (S2)
3. Hilda Valentine (SH3)
4. Parry/Son (DQ5) - Where is this bad defense hype coming from?!  Looking at the stat topic, he has the *second best defense* in the game and is almost tied with the hero (241 vs. 201 avg).  AND he's got Buff to make him ridiculously tanky.  Parry kinda crushes your average physical slugger with Buff->Fullheal, and screws up buffers with the Zenithian Sword.  And he spoils mages with the Shield.  Now, it's true, his HP is somewhat suspect, but it's hardly bad.  He does have the problem that his physical attack sounds worse than what I'd gutcheck from the stat topic, which is problematic since spamming the physical and waiting for a critical is how he breaks some stalls.  The speed...  huh, I need to get out my own copy of DQ5 and check, but at least earlier in Gen3, Parry consistently was the fastest member of my party 'till I Meteorite Armbanded Hero.  Possible his growth doesn't keep up or something, though.  Also, I can see an argument that the three wives should each be given 1/3 weight in the stat topic since you can only have one.  This makes Parry's damage and speed comparatively better, though his HP and defense worse.  I'd probably hold to such an average and I think it makes Parry a bit better.  Anyway, he spoils mages, he spoils people who rely too much on buffing, and he spoils sluggers who can't 2HKO him through Buff, which is hard as far as I'm concerned.
5. Anastasia Valeria (WA2) - Cool stalling game.
6. Carlie (SD3) - I didn't go the DL Black Cursey route myself in-game but will accept its hype.
7. Kary (FF1)
8. Hiro (Lunar:EBC)
9. Ephraim (FE8)
10. Ryu (BoF1) - Taking a turn to get going is problematic despite how badass he is statwise.

--Gigantic drop to Low Heavy
11. Kharg (AtL4) - No Big Owl.
12. Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT)
13. Grahf (XG)
14. Zed (WA1) - I barely remember WA1 bosses aside from mostly being easy.

No normal heavies in this field to me.

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4. Parry/Son (DQ5) - Where is this bad defense hype coming from?!  Looking at the stat topic, he has the *second best defense* in the game and is almost tied with the hero (241 vs. 201 avg).

The HP sorta sucks and the defense isn't above average enough to even make him avoid being 3HKOed by average physicals after you factor in the poor HP. He's only 20% above average defense off DQ defense (which needs either to be DQ4 or have huge curves for it to be hypable. Not so much the case here - the buff even -makes- it hypable, but he's giving up initiative most of the time in Heavy, which means the damage's been done), and that package is coming off crappy speed. Slow healers tend to not be anything to write home about, and most Heavy physical sluggers worth their salt are getting a free hit in, then being able to punch through the buff anyway. Being slow also makes him suck against status, mages tend to be able to trivialize the buffing even more easily because his mdur to elements he doesn't spoil is poor before he gets a turn, the spoiling ends up not being enough if he's getting 2HKOed, his 2HKO sucks and is easily walled (seriously, Lightning damage?), his backup is a half-average damage physical, his status is turn 2 off the shoddy speed... the package looks better than it actually is - the skillset is pretty good, sure, but the stats carrying it sink it.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 05:06:32 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Clear Tranquil

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1) Izanami (Pers4)
2) Yuna (FFX)
3) Terra Branford (FF6)
4) Kefka (FF6)
5) Empyrea (DQ8)
6) Magus (CT)
7) Rubicant (FF4)
8) Gilgamesh (FF5)
9) Ultimecia (FF8)


1 - Lani (FF9)
2 - Beatrice (WA3)
3 - Joachim Valentine (SH2)
4 - Mathias (S5)
5 - Moltres (PKMN)
6 - Eiko Carol (FF9)
7 - Alice Elliot (SH1)
8 - Jr. (XSs)
9 - Meru (LoD)
10 - Albert Serdio (LoD)
11 - Junpei Iori (Pers3)

Yeah ... works. Meru gets better with starting SPs and/or dancer's equips but yeah.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 05:42:00 PM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"