Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28  (Read 3035 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:10:47 PM »

"So yet another steps into the final floors of my hallowed lair. Too bad for you, you won't be stepping any further..."

Team Djinn vs. Floor 8
Team Gatewalker vs. Floor 6
Team Unoriginal vs. Floor 4
Team Nephrite vs. Floor 3

Team Djinn's Matches

Floor 9: Past and Future and Past again.

"So, you've decided to step further into my domain, have you? Well, let's see if you can can truly travel beyond the reaches of time again... I am doubtful you can survive this matchup, fools!"

Team Gatewalker's Matches

Floor 7c: Unrelenting Storm

"Well, let's see if you have the ability to survive all of this... Hah!"

Battle #31: Empyrea and Marcello

Empyrea: I will challenge you in this place.
Marcello: I don't take orders well...

Battle #32: Zio, Lashiec and Dark Force 2

Zio: My great god has returned me to life!
Lashiec: Yes... in order to defeat you!
Dark Force: ...!

Battle #33: Lavos and Lynx

Lynx: I will destroy you and time... with the help of this creature! Now die!

Battle #34: Garland, Kuja and Lani

Garland: I will kill you all here.
Kuja: Ha ha... yes, that's true.
Lani: I... uh... ...bandit?

Boss Battle #7: Zeromus and Exdeath

Zeromus: As long as hatred still exists in the hearts of humanity...
Exdeath: GIANT TREE!

Team Unoriginal's Matches

Floor 5a: Repeat? (After Midgame)

"Hahah! I have a special treat for you today..."

Battle #21: Guy, Guy, Guy and Guile

Guy: You guys are dead! I didn't lay down to the Sinistrals and I
won't lay down to you!
Guy: Um... I guess if we have to do this, let's go.
Guy: Damnit, Luke! You're so stupid!

Battle #22: Kary, Karin, Killey and P3 Ken

Kyra: The power of Espers flow through me...
Karin: A female soldier? In MY German army?

Battle #23: Alen, Alena and Alex

Alex: With the power of the Dragonmasters at my side, you're all toast!
Alena: For my kingdom!
Alen: Let us do battle.

Battle #24: Sara, Serra, Sarah and Sarah

Sara: Light Dragons... protect me!
Sarah: If master Luc wishes it...

Boss Battle #5: Nina1, Nina2, Nina3, Nina4

Nina: Let's go, for Windia!
Nina: No, it's Wyndia!
Nina: No no, I'm sure it's Windia...
Nina: ...Either way, we'll get you!

Team Nephrite's Matches

4a: Another Reversal of Fortune
*For this floor, all buffs, debuffs, healing and damage are reversed. Attacks that inflict status remove it. ID is considered revival and the reverse is also true.

Battle #16: Yukiko and Naoto

Yukiko: Go, Amaterasu!
Naoto: Let's go, Yamato Takeru!

Battle #17: Cecil, Rosa and Tellah

Cecil: Ah... I will not allow you to pass!
Rosa: Right, let's go, Cecil!
Tellah: You spoony...!

Battle #18: Arnaud and Angelo

Arnaud: Ha ha! I'm so perfect.
Angelo: Are you, now?

Battle #19: Yuna and Lulu

Yuna: Yuna here!
Lulu: ...I don't even...

Boss Battle #4: Nina1 and Yulie

Nina: For Wyndia!
Yulie: Material!


Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive+Final Attack, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow, HP Plus | All+Destruct]
[Floor 9: Past and Future and Past]
*Cloud has been granted a Ribbon
*Aeris has been granted a mastered Enemy Skill Materia
Floor 9: Past and Future and Past again
*All enemies on this floor are status immune, but not debuff immune.
*These enemies have their damage increased to 1.5x and damage done to them reduced to .3x
Team Djinn vs. Spider (MMXCM), Lucia (S2) Child Rydia, Pichu and Valvalis (FF2/4 or FF4a)
*These enemies have their stats increased to 1.75x
Team Djinn vs. Rikku, Aeonless Yuna, S1 Flik and S5 Georg
*The damage these enemies do is ITE and ITD
Team Djinn vs. Fort Zeakden Algus, Wiegraf, Pikachu, Undead Dark Knight Argath and Velius
*These enemies have FFX Protect, Shell, Haste and Reflect. This effect is dispelable.
Team Djinn vs. Gun Mage Yuna, Thief Rikku, S2 Flik and S2 Georg
*These enemies have their health increased to 2.5x and have their health shared as a pool.
Team Djinn vs. Redips (MMXCM), Lucia (S3), Raichu, Barbariccia (FF4 DS) and Rydia

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Floor 7c: Unrelenting Storm]
Team Gatewalker vs. Empyrea and Marcello
Team Gatewalker vs. Zio, Lashiec and Dark Force 2
Team Gatewalker vs. Lavos and Lynx
Team Gatewalker vs. Garland, Kuja and Lani
Team Gatewalker vs. Zeromus and Exdeath

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Freelancer, Mix / Time] (Monk/Thief/Chemist)
[Floor 5a: Repeat?]
Team Unoriginal vs. Guy(L2), Guy(FE7), Guy (ToTA) and Guile
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary, Killey (S5), Karin and Ken (P3)
Team Unoriginal vs. Alen, Alena and Alex
Team Unoriginal vs. Sara (BoF1), Serra, PC Sarah (S3) and Sarah (ShF1)
Team Unoriginal vs. Nina1, Nina2, Nina3 and Nina4

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
**For this floor, all buffs, debuffs, healing and damage are reversed. Attacks that inflict status remove it. ID is considered revival and the reverse is also true.
Team Nephrite vs. Yukiko and Naoto
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah
Team Nephrite vs. Arnaud and Angelo
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Aeonless Yuna and Lulu
Team Nephrite vs. Nina1 and Yulie

Multitarget - One person on the team's actions all become multitargetted. However, the damage of regular attacks, the healing of all spells that restore HP or MP, the status rates of status spells or attacks and the effect of
buffs or debuffs (rounded down to the nearest half point in the case of Pokemon) is reduced to 50% of the original base chance. (For example, Deadly Fingertips has a max 50% chance of hitting all targets.) This applies
even if there is onlyone opponent left.

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Violent Burst Law - Characters with game-specific gauges begin each floor with them at 100%. They charge at 50% of their normal rates. Bars that normally reset after battle (FP, for example) persist through battles.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 09:48:55 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 06:22:24 PM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
**For this floor, all buffs, debuffs, healing and damage are reversed. Attacks that inflict status remove it. ID is considered revival and the reverse is also true.
Team Nephrite vs. Yukiko and Naoto - Even if Naoto was faster than everyone, she can't do anything. Arnaud Dispels Yukiko, Yuris heal Naoto.
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah - Ditto transforms into Rosa, Arnaud Dispels Tellah. Yuri2 goes into Amon and removes Cecil. Yuri1 transforms and takes out Rosa with status healing or revival, pick your option.
Team Nephrite vs. Arnaud and Angelo - Oh no! Evil Arnaud gets the drop on me! He takes out Good Arnaud. Ditto transforms into Evil Arnaud. Yuri2 takes out Evil Arnaud, then everyone else takes out Angelo.
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna and Lulu - I would say that Arnaud is faster than Yuna. If you disagree, then she Full Lifes Arnaud. Either way, not really much of an issue, Yuri2 takes out Lulu and then Yuna goes splat.
Team Nephrite vs. Nina1 and Yulie - Okay. Nina1 can initiative CuraX. That takes out Ditto and puts a lot of hurt on everyone else. Too bad, because even if Arnaud is gone, Yuri2 takes out Yulie with healing and then Yuri1 takes out Nina with something. Easy peasy.

Edit: Not to mention Ricardo has Gale and can easily slow anyone in danger of getting a turn on me.

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Freelancer, Mix / Time] (Monk/Thief/Chemist)
[Floor 5a: Repeat?]
Team Unoriginal vs. Guy(L2), Guy(FE7), Guy (ToTA) and Guile - Ditto does... something, Fogel takes out FE7 Guy. The others can try and pound Bartz but it doesn't help much.
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary, Killey (S5), Karin and Ken (P3) - Things start to get a bit harder now. Not considering Ditto for right now, because Killey outspeeds practically everyone here and uses Final Flame. That offs Ditto easily and almost kills Aeris and Peppita. Depending on Aeris' limit, this could change things a lot, but... Fogel pounds Kary, Bartz does something... probably heals himself? Kary can then Hold Bartz and Karin can probably take out Peppita. This is starting to look pretty bad, but I'll wait for other arguments.
Team Unoriginal vs. Alen, Alena and Alex
Team Unoriginal vs. Sara (BoF1), Serra, PC Sarah (S3) and Sarah (ShF1)
Team Unoriginal vs. Nina1, Nina2, Nina3 and Nina4

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Floor 7c: Unrelenting Storm]
Team Gatewalker vs. Empyrea and Marcello - Let's see. Ditto... I still don't know what to do with, let's say he transforms somehow into Empyrea. Fogel whacks Marcello... then Empyrea and Marcello turn Yuna into a paste and can probably do the same to Tia rather easily. Not really sure where things go from there.
Team Gatewalker vs. Zio, Lashiec and Dark Force 2 - Even if he gets past that, all three of these have rather powerful MT damage that can easily kill Tia and Ditto here, I don't think Yuna can keep up that race easily.
Team Gatewalker vs. Lavos and Lynx
Team Gatewalker vs. Garland, Kuja and Lani
Team Gatewalker vs. Zeromus and Exdeath
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:39:25 PM by Nephrite »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 10:55:23 AM »
Is "Final Flame" fire? >.> If so I allow SO3 PCs inventions that they can make themselves/with other PCs or contribute significantly to making with other inventors. Peppita's the best PC Crafter and on a line with Sophia, Roger and the Cherubic Bust they have a much better chance of making stuff than say Albel, Nel and Maria have of making the Elemental Leather <.< So yeah I'd allow Peppita a "Flare Ring"  to halve fire based damage. The factors from the Flare Ring can also be synthed by Peppita onto one of her weapons if needed. Also would Final Flame hit Aerith's Spirit? Failing that yeah they both have at least average MDEF (Spirit >.>) but that HP hurts. Thankfully Peppita's not her game worst >.> Meh I allow Aerith a Hyper anyway so she's limiting.

Scenario A (No Flare Ring, No Faerie Friend) -

Let's go with Neph's scenario. However if that's SHC Karin I'd allow Peppita to counter X her into Healing Dance. That should be enough invincibility to avoid Karin's basic physicals at least. I can't remember how long her specials are but if they are really long and she uses one of them instead Peppita still manages to avoid some damage at least. Or with Counter O if that works better. Hopefully all/any of that means Peppita's still alive. If so then she's going to be abusing Healing Dance like a duracell bunny on something this floor. I'd see it as L5 or at least L4 now and the more she uses it the better it gets >.> Say L5 that's full healing at this stage with full fury/run use. Perhaps even overhealing and she could have chained into something else from healing but yeah let's just go with that. Healing Dance heals everyone to full. P3 Ken does something ... hopefully non lethal. If Aerith limited she casts Breath of the Earth on Bartz (also curing her own Hyper in the process <.<) or Planet Protector on everyone else. If not she uh ... casts Regen on somebody or something (unless an Aerith poke would finish off Kary >.>) Killey Final Flames again (if he has enough MP which is probably?) Fogel finishes off Kary ... if Breath of the Earth happened Bartz smashes Karin/Killey/Ken, Peppita heals with what remains of her MP, Aerith picks up the slack on any healing needed ... Fogel smashes/finishes off someone else, Bartz restores Peppita's MP, Peppita healz or abuses her short O ... Aerith does something (casts moar Regens!?) ... and then everybody picks off whoever's remaining. If Ken actually managed to ID Fogel this might take a bit longer but it should still work ... 'course I cut Peppita a lot of slack vs physicals because of the counters. Only Killey really scares her this floor well without a Flare Ring. Hmmm perhaps Fogel should smash Killey or Ken first though just to be safe ...

I have no idea right now about the rest of the fights except that for the Ninas Peppita has swapped from the Alabative Shield to the Elven Cloak >.>

She also picked up a Laser Weapon this floor, shame she doesn't really get a chance to abuse it. With Ditto being useless she's been stuck on near pure supportive duty o_o

I'll do other scenarios out of interest later though. I'm curious how much Faerie Friend would even actually help if she did have it (L50 YMMV~) Super and I got it in Sphere but didn't tarry in Styx or do the battle arena if that means anything~

Edit: Oh yeah Healing Dance data in this -,294.msg74984.html#msg74984  post if it helps (halve that for the amount @ L5)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 01:11:11 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 04:05:15 PM »
You can't switch equipment during floors, just accessories, for what that's worth.

Also, Ken has full MT healing as well as full revival, so he's probably the one who needs to die first.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 04:07:36 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2010, 12:11:30 AM »
Leaning fail on Team Gatewalker at the moment and pass on Team Unoriginal.  As for Team Djinn...

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive+Final Attack, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow, HP Plus | All+Destruct]
[Floor 9: Past and Future and Past]
*Cloud has been granted a Ribbon
*Aeris has been granted a mastered Enemy Skill Materia
Floor 9: Past and Future and Past again
*All enemies on this floor are status immune, but not debuff immune.
*These enemies have their damage increased to 1.5x and damage done to them reduced to .3x
Team Djinn vs. Spider (MMXCM), Lucia (S2) Child Rydia, Pichu and Valvalis (FF2/4 or FF4a)
Chocobo is pretty good damage that pierces Reflect for the time IIRC?  As for Lucia, hmm, is that fire magic or a fire-elemental physical?  Important distinction here (maybe Cloud should have grabbed a Mystile?!).  Lucia's stuff hits a range so someone else is getting caught in the crossfire with Cloud probably.  Regardless, gutting Cloud survives with Aika support, which means that Intruding Raquel goes and cleans up even in spite of the damage reduction.  Floor 9 Raquel has Equities which according to the stat topic breaks the damage average *even more* so it's like 1x PCHP base per hit, and she's got 5 of them.  Wipes out Lucia & Child Rydia at least.

*These enemies have their stats increased to 1.75x
Team Djinn vs. Rikku, Aeonless Yuna, S1 Flik and S5 Georg
Mostly walled by Aika here?  A Georg critical *will* kill even Cloud, but not sure I see that happening turn 1, and Raquel can kill Georg even through Yuna's Protect.  After that it's cleanup.  Still, possibility of Cloud death = limit loss noted here.

*The damage these enemies do is ITE and ITD
Team Djinn vs. Fort Zeakden Algus, Wiegraf, Pikachu, Undead Dark Knight Argath and Velius
Okay, here's where the problems start.  Velius is not super-fast but he's not slow either.  And Cyclops pierces Reflect.  Can Raquel take her turn before Cyclops goes off and blows up the party?!  As an additional complication, Argath can maybe blow up one of Cloud's pieces of equipment, which would hose the materia on it - he'd pick whatever equipment has Revive + Final Attack, of course.  Probably his armor.  Wiegraf's Earth Slashes / Lightning Stabs might get some non-Cloud people in the process as well.

I think that the plan is something like Aika Eternums Velius + Tear does combo->Holy Shine + (Cloud Deathblow?!).  Man, if Cloud had some kind of attack magic that'd solve the issue.

*These enemies have FFX Protect, Shell, Haste and Reflect. This effect is dispelable.
Team Djinn vs. Gun Mage Yuna, Thief Rikku, S2 Flik and S2 Georg
Huh.  So does Rikku's First Strike or Aika's Initiative win?  Combined with the Haste I'm going to lean Rikku here, though I'd see Stop as piercing Delta Shield anyway pending corrections from FFX-2 players.  And apparently Cloud's Ribbon doesn't "Stop" Stop.  So Stop Aika-> (with Hastey double approaching) -> Stop Cloud?  Meanwhile Flik & Georg kill Aeris.  Raquel must kill Yuna before she blows up the world, and kill Rikku too, but with having to cut through that Protect that's eaten up 4 actions right there.  Her 5th action takes aim at Flik I guess, but...  hmm.  I guess Tear can revive Aeris, but Flik & Georg will kill Raquel next, so...  hmm.  Giant initiative headache here.  The other team wants to wipe out Aeris before she can cast White Wind and unstop Cloud & Aika. *And* the bad guys are Hasted.  Possible  but leaning no.

If they do pull through here I'm thinking they've lost Cloud & Aeris's limits, probably just due to death.

*These enemies have their health increased to 2.5x and have their health shared as a pool.
Team Djinn vs. Redips (MMXCM), Lucia (S3), Raichu, Barbariccia (FF4 DS) and Rydia
Just looked up Redips.

*Memento Mori: Attempts to inflict Poison, Blind, Freeze, Berserk, and Bind, at a 50% independent chance of each, MT. Freeze adds about 600 damage to his attacks.

Is this "magic" in MMXCM?  If it's not gg for Djinn right there.  More generally I don't think I'd see Barbariccia's Tornado as the same as the magic spell Weak meaning it might get through Delta Shield too.  But let's assume Delta Shield catches both.  Regardless Bahamut + Barb physical + everyone else going nuts probably wipes out Cloud, and he can't really heal under Delta Shield, meaning he's stuck with his Final Attack-Revives.  But the team has problems healing off Rydia's MT Bahamuts anyway, since they're under constant Delta Shield.  There is one and only one way Djinn wins this fight: For Aeris to not be statused by Redips / Delta Shield to stop it, and then to unleash Great Gospel.  But I think Aeris will have died in the previous fight or fight 3, barring new revelations, so for now...  going to go with fail to Djinn's team.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 12:24:00 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2010, 12:17:13 AM »
Yeah, see Snowfire's breakdown of the fourth fight for why I think Djinn fails.  Kneejerking a pass for Unoriginal and a fail for Gate.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2010, 12:20:36 AM »
Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Floor 7c: Unrelenting Storm]
Team Gatewalker vs. Empyrea and Marcello- Three revivers should be enough.  Keep Tia or Yuna alive, just pound away. I may be underselling this fight, but even if Empy fries Yuna, Marcello has to beat out Eileen/Tia both and that is difficult.
Team Gatewalker vs. Zio, Lashiec and Dark Force 2- Whoof. Nasty.  I think a blitz is in order. Holy+Fogel+Firebird and Lassic's gone (Yay weaknesses). Eileen CFs Tia, team should be able to outlast at this point.
Team Gatewalker vs. Lavos and Lynx- Lavos is scary! So scary that the entire team unloads a tactical nuclear bomb on him (Fogel+Tia+Yuna=byebye.) Lynx is not scary on his own.  Resource check time: Fogel/Yuna/Tia have very deep resources, Eileen's blown an EQ and a few copper fleshes. Mmm, good shape. Team has to full heal for the next fight.
Team Gatewalker vs. Garland, Kuja and Lani- Garland stops Yuna, Kuja+Lani splatter Tia of the lol durability. Ditto can do revival! But he is under tremendous pressure thanks to Kuja having MT damage and Lani's speed. I don't think the team can handle the nasty status+just fast enough damage blitz here.
Team Gatewalker vs. Zeromus and Exdeath
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 09:47:58 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive+Final Attack, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow, HP Plus | All+Destruct]
[Floor 9: Past and Future and Past]
*Cloud has been granted a Ribbon
*Aeris has been granted a mastered Enemy Skill Materia
Floor 9: Past and Future and Past again
*All enemies on this floor are status immune, but not debuff immune.
*These enemies have their damage increased to 1.5x and damage done to them reduced to .3x
Team Djinn vs. Spider (MMXCM), Lucia (S2) Child Rydia, Pichu and Valvalis (FF2/4 or FF4a)
*These enemies have their stats increased to 1.75x
Team Djinn vs. Rikku, Aeonless Yuna, S1 Flik and S5 Georg - I...  Allow Rikku common Use items.  Makes it kind of academic when one remembers that Rikku can Haste up the whole party on a speed that, at this point, nearly doubles AIKA (she might even do it at this point),  and has NINE KINDS OF STATUS, which make it DELICIOUS, and much better than other status slingers which are NOT DELICIOUS.  (Okay, eight kinds of status.  But nine sounds better and the gravity COULD be considered a status.)  Snow's explanations work for the other fights.  Abstaining until I hear a ruling either way and about how ANYONE not Blue or TimeLord could even consider winning here.
*The damage these enemies do is ITE and ITD
Team Djinn vs. Fort Zeakden Algus, Wiegraf, Pikachu, Undead Dark Knight Argath and Velius
*These enemies have FFX Protect, Shell, Haste and Reflect. This effect is dispelable.
Team Djinn vs. Gun Mage Yuna, Thief Rikku, S2 Flik and S2 Georg
*These enemies have their health increased to 2.5x and have their health shared as a pool.
Team Djinn vs. Redips (MMXCM), Lucia (S3), Raichu, Barbariccia (FF4 DS) and Rydia

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Floor 7c: Unrelenting Storm]
Team Gatewalker vs. Empyrea and Marcello
Team Gatewalker vs. Zio, Lashiec and Dark Force 2
Team Gatewalker vs. Lavos and Lynx
Team Gatewalker vs. Garland, Kuja and Lani
Team Gatewalker vs. Zeromus and Exdeath

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Freelancer, Mix / Time] (Monk/Thief/Chemist)
[Floor 5a: Repeat?]
Team Unoriginal vs. Guy(L2), Guy(FE7), Guy (ToTA) and Guile
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary, Killey (S5), Karin and Ken (P3)
Team Unoriginal vs. Alen, Alena and Alex
Team Unoriginal vs. Sara (BoF1), Serra, PC Sarah (S3) and Sarah (ShF1)
Team Unoriginal vs. Nina1, Nina2, Nina3 and Nina4

Not sure on these two, MT Ditto is a headache...  But I'm leaning into thinking that the stats he copies into are halved, just for argument of the MT Sealstone (since altering himself is one of the effects that gets halved, right?).

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
**For this floor, all buffs, debuffs, healing and damage are reversed. Attacks that inflict status remove it. ID is considered revival and the reverse is also true.
Team Nephrite vs. Yukiko and Naoto - Now.  Arnaud is the fastest thing on this floor.  Dispel Yukiko, Naoto is a joke.
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah - Dispel Rosa, other two have laugh-worthy effectiveness in the current setting.
Team Nephrite vs. Arnaud and Angelo - Right.  Thinking = No...  But Neph's team has too many options here.
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Aeonless Yuna and Lulu - Dispel Yuna, Lulu is a joke.
Team Nephrite vs. Nina1 and Yulie - It's...  Two people with revival-status versus nearly a whole team of it.  Game right here.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2010, 11:53:25 AM »
You can't switch equipment during floors, just accessories, for what that's worth.

Also, Ken has full MT healing as well as full revival, so he's probably the one who needs to die first.

SO3 PCs can change equipment in battle is what I mean (unless you've restricted such things is what you mean) =-)

Just thinking ... can Bartz equip a Flame Shield by this point? Also there's the Dragon Armlet or perhaps even the Fire Armlet for Aeris? Dunno if she wants to do that if she wants to limit though but yeah.

I remembered later on yesterday that Kary could be statused (I managed to paralyse her while playing FF1 with super - I didn't realise that status had worked at first and then wondered why she wasn't doing anything >.> - I think super said other status would also work too ....) So perhaps Bartz could do that. Or ... would hasting Peppita make her go before Kary/Karin? Or Slow2 on the enemy team might put a hole in their game. Yeah ... I think Fogel should smash Ken first, Bartz statuses or abuses time magic, Peppita/Aeris healz and then the team should be able to handle the match from there. Everyone (aside from Ditto) sticking around long enough to get going is feasible enough with Flame Shield, Flare Ring, Dragon/Fire Armlet I think =-) Those nerf Karin's best damages too. If Aeris doesn't or can't have shiny armours then she should at least have Pulse of Life by now surely which will cast Life2 on any/everyone that's ded (and if Killey's really that damaging - I believe it, I've played S5 >.> - then she should indeed get a limit sooner or later this floor) =-)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 01:15:26 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2010, 04:07:37 PM »
You can't switch equipment during floors, just accessories, for what that's worth.

Also, Ken has full MT healing as well as full revival, so he's probably the one who needs to die first.

SO3 PCs can change equipment in battle is what I mean (unless you've restricted such things is what you mean) =-)

Yes, it's a specific rule.

Kary can be statused, but I generally only let amazing, amazing status do it.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2010, 05:25:08 PM »
Aeris just sticks with her L1s and drops a Seal Evil on the team if Killey goes for Final Flame, which pretty much ends things right there as Fogel/Bartz then stomp Karin and get the next few turns to heal/revive as necessary before wrapping things up.  If they try to chip past it, that's just giving Bartz and Peppita time to unload status.

Djinn goes down and I pass.  Abstain on Gate/Neph.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2010, 12:52:01 PM »
Yes, it's a specific rule.

Ahhh I forgot ^.^ She wants to have the Elven Cloak equipped to begin with then for if the team gets to the Ninas I think =-)

Kary can be statused, but I generally only let amazing, amazing status do it.

Well Panic Dance is amazing, amazing but yeah that would mean Peppita would have to equip Panic > Healing Dance (and perhaps Frozen Daggers on the remaining O slot for t2/3 snipings) instead of Healing > Healing Dance. I would need to calculate how much that would lessen the healing. I don't really know about Bartz's statuses though.

Super says Kary's average speed in both versions. So hasted SO3 PCs should be able to beat her out (I think) =-)
If Bartz has Haste 2 by this point I think that would help out both Peppita and Aeris.

I suppose Seal Evil would also work on her yeah ... Ken and I guess Killey too. I don't know if Anne's Cross would stop "Stop" though but if FF7 Ribbon doesn't ... I know I wouldn't allow it to block freeze but yeah.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 01:42:43 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2010, 02:40:38 PM »
Abstain on Neph, other fail.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2010, 04:32:22 PM »
I suppose Seal Evil would also work on her yeah ... Ken and I guess Killey too. I don't know if Anne's Cross would stop "Stop" though but if FF7 Ribbon doesn't ... I know I wouldn't allow it to block freeze but yeah.

FF7 Ribbon also has several holes in its status resistance - one I read about was it missing Instant Death - while Crucifixes (Anne's Cross is this plus that 10% MHP regen at the start of her turns) are very good about catching anything and everything negative status.  Stat downs are another matter entirely, but that's besides the point.

...Yes, this is me and my normal Shadow Hearts hype.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2010, 09:09:59 PM »
Mmmm yeah I don't really have much respect for Karin as a PC though >.> Plus like I said I wouldn't allow it to catch freeze (I don't allow PCs to catch statuses that aren't in their own game) ... I'm wondering if Peppita should just set Magic Hook > Magic Hook (4CP) and Healing Dance > Frozen Daggers (9CP) this floor. Though each Magic Hook is less accurate than an individual Panic Dance the status should still connect sooner or later with chainings (and Magic Hook does actual HP/MP damage before the status too) Edit: Huh *checks stat topic* Magic Hook's rates are actually better than I thought too >.>
« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 09:21:23 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2010, 01:52:43 PM »
(sorry for double post)

I've made my final decision.

All teams vs dungeon.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2010, 02:43:30 PM »
Djinn, Uno, Neph pass. Abstain on Gate.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 03:09:34 PM »
Everyone but Djinn passes. Abstain on Djinn.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2010, 10:36:04 PM »
Gonna have to say Gate and Djinn fail, Uno and Neph pass.

Djinn's losing limits earlier than he'd like (and Cloud -will- die before he can use it when he'd like to), and the FF9 fight, especially with the previous fights, is too much for Gate.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2010, 11:17:26 PM »
I'll chime in, although can't really vote on anything here. FF7 characters will get their turn near-instantly if they start the fight with a limit having got it at the end of the previous fight. As such, Djinn should technically start the first fight with Cloud and Aeris' turns almost straight away, and if people see Cloud as dying later, he should just Limit there and then to make the first fight quicker and easier.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2010, 12:01:24 AM »
You sure, Yoshiken?  My memory is that init is normal if you enter an FF7 fight with a full limit.

Anyway, to make it official, Uno & Neph pass, Djinn & Gate fail.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2010, 12:10:59 AM »
You sure, Yoshiken?  My memory is that init is normal if you enter an FF7 fight with a full limit.


Although if Cloud blows a limit fight 1, and they stall a little, would it be sorta possible for him to get knocked into a limit on that fight with 1.75x stats and Omni-Slash the hell out of them?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2010, 12:13:25 AM »
You only get the init turn once per limit. However... take Bottomswell as an example. If you get your Limit Break from Big Wave, you don't get the initiative turn. You'll get that at the start of the next fight instead.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2010, 06:14:54 PM »
Gonna have to say Gate and Djinn fail, Uno and Neph pass.

Djinn's losing limits earlier than he'd like (and Cloud -will- die before he can use it when he'd like to), and the FF9 fight, especially with the previous fights, is too much for Gate.

This. Sadly, this was my best chance at this floor, the other two options were even more "ahahahahahahno".
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 28
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2010, 01:11:09 PM »
Nah getting that far with MT Ditto deserves to be applauded =-)

My understanding of FF7 limits was that the limits themselves had initiative when they were selected and thus were able to act before other commands that say a boss had selected. It's quite noticable vs Demon's Gate where Aerith can heal everyone up with her limits whereas say Cure + All would be risking DG getting in his attack first instead. It's both then Yoshi? I dunno it seems that everyone would be having to using the same system as Cloud and Aerith's to work but ...

Well I voted for Djinn anyway so >.>

I don't think Peppita needs Faerie Friend this floor after all (it'd be nice, Healing Dance > Faerie Friend chains with Berserk is still hitting average damage irrc and I've calculated that even only three L5 Healing Dances from said chain is still overhealing at this point so yeah even a L3/4 Healing Dance would also work. Damn the overhealing on that thing is bad ass >.>) since her status still works. It still surprises me just how useful Peppita (and Nel's) status can be in the DL/dungeon since she usually just powerdance smashes enemies ded. Except on AI of course where Panic Dance/freeze are indeed useful vs the susceptible(especially against the damn fishies in sphere <.<) ^_^ Also ID'ing HP pillows like the crystal dragon with Kaboom <.<

She could also have picked up Lunatic Shoes from Retail Rabbit earlier than Ruddel/Rumina but oh well hopefully her offence will have a chance to shine next floor =-)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 01:42:13 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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