And so the butterfly lover makes the rules behind her ghostly presence quite clear indeed, or at least until the next twilight. It also seems plain to see that she has at worst a neutral view on Goldsmith for the action spent on her the night before the game began.
My lowly opponent Battler Ushiromiya likes to depend on a form of reasoning known as 'chessboard thinking,' whereby you turn the chessboard around and try to work out a foe's thoughts through their actions. Pitiful humans see this as strong, but it has its limits. Noise from sub-optimal play is one, but what if your opponent is playing by different rules to you that you're unaware of? You can never win against a witch at chess. *cackle*cackle*cackle*.
It is with these limits in mind that I then suppose that Goldsmith is incredibly unlikely to be Lady Lambdadelta's serial killer - and she is the Witch of Certainty, after all - and implausibly Bernkastel's villainous roleblocker, for if Dahlia
knew she was roleblocked then there is little doubt that she would have mentioned it during the first iteration of the first day, and would probably have indicated so in her zombie rage on today, the second iteration of the first day.
Therein lies the noise... I lack the game master's rules to this game to be certain she would have known whether a power like her own was blocked: I can only assume it probable. Otherwise, we have a tracker's, not a watcher's, word for the actions, so perhaps even if she does know she has realised that she cannot be certain it was Goldsmith. In that case there still seems no reason for her not to have mentioned it yesterday,
Regardless, my conclusion is that if Goldsmith lacks powers akin to a roleblocker, then I cannot foresee what power Bernkastel could have set on Dahlia that night, for a power akin to rolecop would surely not have led to her murder the very next twilight. Though he shall not be invited to the Golden Land for such a human argument, for at least now I find myself satisfied.
The wretched furniture's new position tests me, but explains little. Yesterday's vote still looks terrible, gut readings never sit well and while the potato logic may be sound, it is meaningless if he is an agent of Bernkastel and intending to do precisely what he warns us of. I shall look through history again once more at some point soon, though, as the likely suspects become clearer and this position feels stale, with both of my previous secondary targets now being clearer in my eyes.
For better or for worse, the old doctor pleases me all the more on re-evaluation. To celebrate this pact, I shall come to call you Gaap instead... for no... particular reason. Wahahahahahahaaah!!
Oioioioi, here comes Bowser, with an almost completely opposed set of opinions. How amusing that is! *cackle*cackle*! I shall reply to you fuller in a later tea party, but for now I wish for more information about your food fights. Your prized pie seems most curiously absent today. Don't tell me it fell off a cliff too! Kihihihihihihi!