Author Topic: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN  (Read 47477 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #225 on: February 03, 2010, 05:01:06 PM »
Okay, so I see there's a train formed my way. I doubt this will help much in my survival, but I think this at least will be relevant for town, so:

I am a townie Mad Ranter. Every night, I send a paragraph of text to someone I choose - but this paragraph has to be done at least partly in stereotypical mad villain fashion. This role obviously could be useful in the right hands, but, as anyone who has received a message from me so far, it'll be rather obvious that I waffle in them as much as I waffle here in the game (I won't deny I've been playing very poorly due to getting lost in WIFOM worse than I was scum trying to seem lost in WIFOM. That's how I sadly mentally roll - looking at tangents and the weird details instead of focusing in the big picture, and this proved to be openly detrimental to town). I've sent messages to two people: Edna, on Night 0, and Beatrice, on Night 1. Edna, I simply tossed a mad rant at. To Beatrice, I ranted on how I felt I distrusted Dr. Wily and Joker, mainly due to the Dark Helmet madness. I believe at least Beatrice should be able to testify this content, as Edna is absolutely nowhere to be seen.

Quote from: Gendo
Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.
this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.

This, however...this does look pretty bad.

I can't deny that either. I honestly fucked up in this one, and I'm in no way going to try to pretend it didn't happen. It was a gross, even if honest mistake, and I don't really expect to be forgiven for it. But at least, I'll put my situation in the open here. Feel free to think it's not enough, were I in a different situation, it's likely I wouldn't either. But I -am- telling the truth here, and I have nothing to hide. I'll leave it up to y'all.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #226 on: February 03, 2010, 05:02:52 PM »
Also, to clarify: I didn't say in my paragraph I distrusted Wily and Joker -due- to the DH stuff. I only said I distrusted them, but that was my reasoning back then. And honestly, I would've thought otherwise in the goings of today. Wily and Joker, now, hardly register as scum to me.

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #227 on: February 03, 2010, 05:47:50 PM »
Damn. Now this is entertaining. So I guess it's between Jaw-For-Brains and Four-Eyes, eh? And both sides claim to be innocent, with others able to back them up? Wicked. And I can certainly see the "may as well vote Ikari. If he's really town, we can go after the trio!" logic, but I'm curious as to whether or not anyone has thought this through yet: Four-Eyes is only a theory on their part. Neither side might be scum. And if that's the case, why are we about to take down someone who, while he may be rambling, certainly isn't the largest idiot of the bunch. The only way to prove that either side is right is to kill 'em, and I say we go after Jaw-For-Brains or Vegetable Head. If they don't flip scum, we can turn our attention to Four-Eyes. But Four-Eyes is contributing (even if just in theories) and I'd like to keep Gassy around, because I still want some damn information out of him.

Of course, this only matters if one, or both of, the hags backs Four-Eyes up.

OOC, because I'm not sure I can follow myself up there...: Just because they claimed to be a trio doesn't mean they can't be a scum team. This is supposed to be a game of madness. Same is true for Ikari. But the trio only suspects Ikari, is the thing. The trio might be masons, and Ikari town, at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. The only way to figure this out is to kill Ikari and one of the trio. However, if the trio is scum, then we bust one now, and we're on the trail of two others. Also, trio hasn't really been contributing much, compared to Ikari.

Ikari, if we bust, we've got... one person, if neither Edna nor Beatrice back him up. (Though if he does flip scum under those circumstances, I'll be looking at those two for possible bussing. WIFOM, yes, but hey. Gotta start somewhere) Ikari has also been contributing, so long as you can understand that it's a lot of tangents and whatnot.

I say we go for the trio first, though not Gaston, because I still need him to answer my questions from earlier about when he got warned of his death. If they flip mason/town/not-scum, we can turn our attention to Gendo. Though, really, the only way to confirm this is to have him send a paragraph to someone we can confirm as not!scum. I say one of the surviving trio, if they don't flip scum. If they do, well... that's what we'll have to debate.

Thus, I keep my vote on... actually, no. I'd rather Vegeta go first, because out of the trio (Gaston included), he seems to contribute the least, far as I'm concerned. Gonna take the safe route here.

Does this sound like a good plan? Y'know, confirming/busting both sides in one day/night? Yes? No? Either way, I'm keeping my vote on Vegeta unless someone can convince me of a better plan. If something in all that doesn't make sense, just let me know what, and I'll do my best to clarify.

##UNVOTE: Gorgutz

##VOTE: Vegeta

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #228 on: February 03, 2010, 06:18:57 PM »
Uh, I think we should lynch for scum intead of lynching for info.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #229 on: February 03, 2010, 07:06:32 PM »

So little time since my last tea party here, and yet so much done in the meantime.

Siesta 1073741824, I don't think you could be further from the mark. Let me present you with the Gouda's Tiny Food Bombs award for dedication to the pursuit of logic harmful to all mankind. Kikikikikikikikikikiki...!!

It will surprise no one that I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, received the letter that Gendou Ikari has spoken of. I ignored the contents as worthless, and though I have no doubt that Rudolf sent me that letter, it is a complete null tell to me as to his allegiance.

Gaston! Hating on the Ciddy is so last year. And I look for Lady Lambdadelta's influence for we know it to be present, and a different sort of malevolence to Lady Bernkastel's. If you would look, you would see that my only theory is simply that she has sent a single serial killer, armed with the Black Rose of Xanatos. I only raised the Triad's possibility of allegiance to the Lambdadelta as part of the theory to clear you, as well I should. I was perfectly clear that I absolved you of working for the Witch of Certainty then and there (and everyone knows that third party recruiting masons are lame anyway).

The game master behind this game board, Excal, is amongst the most reluctant to make mod kills. It is very unlikely that Edna shall ever simply be taken off of the board, and it is sublime folly to assume the mess will be dealt with for us. For my own part, I had shelved her for later twilights after gracing her the Devil's Proof for her conduct, but with no observation since then and so much movement in the lines of suspicion, it seems ever more foolish.

Gaap! I have some questions for you, as though the Triad look cleanest, it's your opinion I trust the most in this human and sub-human infestation. Allow me to end this tea party here and call for another one just for those.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #230 on: February 03, 2010, 07:13:13 PM »

That is completely illogical.

1. A power that allows for sending messages is hardly a purely townie thing even if it is true.

2. No, the only way to figure out if we are both town is to lynch a lot of people, the same bloody way you find out everyone else is town. If all four people are town then you just lynched two townies for basically no reason.

3. IF I DIE TONIGHT, A GREAT DEAL OF THE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED. SO if you lynch one mason and another DIES at night, then you are accomplishing not a goddamn thing by doing the lynching in the first place.

4. A scum gambit involving revealing all of its members is the stupidest thing anyone could ever do.

This logic is so bloody awful that it makes me want to vote for you.

Just got called to lunch. Will return in a bit to decide just how awful I consider this logic.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #231 on: February 03, 2010, 07:18:19 PM »
Top o' the day to the lot of you.  Except you Gendo.  No one likes you, you big jerk!

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker, Gig
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (2): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (0): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (6): Vegeta, Bowser, Gorgutz, Light, Beatrice, Gaston,
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Mr. Burns
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There's 27.75 hours left in Day 2.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 07:33:11 PM by Excal »

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #232 on: February 03, 2010, 07:30:57 PM »
Gaap! I have some questions for you, as though the Triad look cleanest, it's your opinion I trust the most in this human and sub-human infestation. Allow me to end this tea party here and call for another one just for those.

Of course, my dear witch, my great intellect will be more than happy to assist you. General maintainence work is calling me, however, so I am not available for too much longer.

3. IF I DIE TONIGHT, A GREAT DEAL OF THE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED. SO if you lynch one mason and another DIES at night, then you are accomplishing not a goddamn thing by doing the lynching in the first place.

In fairness to Gig, he does not expect you to die tonight. The rest of your points are dead-on, however (and pretty obviously so).

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #233 on: February 03, 2010, 07:34:54 PM »
Wily: I don't trust a single damn one of you. I still believe there's scum to be had somewhere in all of this. Don't misinterpret me when I bring up possibilities. The fact that I brought up the possibility of both sides being innocent doesn't mean I believe it. Damn. Why the hell are you shitheads so against keeping your god damn minds open? You just keep pissing me off, you know that?

Hag: Why are you still so god damn obsessed with the idea of me being a serial killer? I'm town, damn it! I told you all I know!

Gassy: What solution do you have to figure this out? I see a lot of people telling me my logic is flawed, yet not offering anything else. Put your money where your mouth is, or shut the hell up. And WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU NOT ANSWERED ME YET? WHEN DID YOU GET THAT GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING LETTER? That's two posts you've had, without once addressing the question. All you're doing is making me more and more suspicious of this claim.

Besides. Who's to say that, just because it's a bloody stupid move, they didn't do it just for that reason? Open your god damn minds, people! "Oh, hey, look! We're looking pretty scummy to these guys, and we're gonna be lynched if we don't think of something!" "I know! We'll claim something that would be an idiot move to make as scum!" "Sounds good. Masons?" "Masons." Really. Is it that hard to believe?

...I'm guessing I'm the only one who disbelieves the power claim more than they do the claim of side, huh? Fine.

Ninja'd by mod: I think you have an error in that post.

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #234 on: February 03, 2010, 07:35:52 PM »
Know what? Screw this shit. Too much relies on getting through the night.


##VOTE: Gendo

I'll take my damn lumps tomorrow.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #235 on: February 03, 2010, 07:37:54 PM »
And that, my friends, is hammer.

Siddown, shaddap, and drink yer god damned tea!


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #236 on: February 03, 2010, 07:43:50 PM »
Everyone had broken into a rousing chorus of "Lynch the Warboss", with lyrics not totally dissimilar to "Kill the Wabbit", and few men had voices loud enough to break through that.  Good thing for Gorgutz that he wasn't a man.

"Oi!  I'z been workin' wit me crew and we'z all sez it's that glasses berk y'want!"

"Now, I'm sure we can work out a more reasonable outcome.  Surely you cannot believe even I'm that villainous."

The mob closed in, and with a final "You fools!  You'll rue the day you dared to cross me!" Gendo Ikari was lynched.

Gendo Ikari - Town Mad Ranter has been lynched.

It's now night time.  Send in your night actions.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker, Gig
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (1): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (0): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (7): Vegeta, Bowser, Gorgutz, Light, Beatrice, Gaston, Gig
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo
No Vote: Mr. Burns

Also - Due to inactivity, Edna is getting a poke for inactivity.  If she does not return on Day 3, she will be modkilled.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 07:48:10 PM by Excal »


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #237 on: February 04, 2010, 06:54:06 AM »
When everyone met the next morning, they discovered one of their number would never be seen again.  When they arrived, best anyone could tell was that Light had had a heart attack in the night.

Light Yagami - Third Party Mad Doctor has been noted.

But, that's not all.  For aside from the scum, there is another diabolical plot, gears within gears, traps hidden in traps, and a vast machinery of unwitting pawns, all closing in on one unwitting target's demise.  When the plot was done, the unfortunate victim was missing far more than just a nose.

Dycedarg Beoulve - Third Party Plotter has been killed.

With that, it is time for Day 3.

Vote Count:

Gorgutz (1): Potato

With 11 active votes, it takes 6 to lynch.
There are 72 hours left in Day 3.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #238 on: February 04, 2010, 07:24:01 AM »
And now, a dramatic reenactment of the end of the last day:

JOKER:  "Well, I haven't posted in a while, but I don't really have anything new to add.  Mainly waiting for Gorgutz to come back, which he hasn't yet.  Hmm there's 48 hours left, I'm going to enjoy the evening and sleep."

MASONS:  "5 AM North American time is the best time to claim, also we REALLY hate Gendo for some unfathomable reason"

EVERYONE ELSE ESPECIALLY GIG:  "Yeah that's cool let's all blindly turbo with the masons and hammer before noon!"

JOKER:  "Wow, good night's sleep, meh day's work, let's check Mafia.... what."

So about that sudden turbo when players hadn't even shown up in the day yet, very funny joke guys, you're learning well!  Ha!  ha!  ha.

Anyway.  Regarding the third party player(s), based on what Light said yesterday I assumed he was a jailor or something similar (and wanted to smack him for the obvious softclaim), now I am back to having no idea why my night 1 action on him failed.  Nothing untoward happened to me tonight though and my action went through fine so I guess that's that.

Except for Dycedarg.  What.

Things I would really like to know today:
- Gig, what is up with that hammer?  What is up with... you, in general? 
- Masons (this is important), what are your honest opinions on your two masonbuddies?  I notice none of you said your alignments are confirmed to each other, and three town masons in a game this small seems very highly unlikely, plus you've been passing that potato around.  During the night I was thinking about scenarios where Gaston was some sort of delayed SK or in league with Gig somehow but I guess we've got third party flip(s) now so ???
- Edna and Bowser, who do you think is scum?
- Dahlia, can you still vote, or was that a one day only special?  (With an apparently serious flip of someone not listed in the game, I'm not assuming anything anymore.)
- Wily, why are you bringing up player meta?

##Vote: Gig
This is almost obligatory even though I guess Gaston isn't dead.  Just.  What.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #239 on: February 04, 2010, 07:27:54 AM »


Gig's end-of-day shenanigans cutting off the witch when she was so obviously preparing a post for me is very frustrating, especially since we still had a full day with which to work. (I suppose he will, once again, chalk ignorance up to lack of time.) However, his killstop has indeed seemed to work, so I don't know how prepared to vote for him I am.

Roleclaim time: I am town's Xanatos Gambiter. Everyone considering that it was Light for flavor reasons needs to review my seventh encounter with Mega Jerk. Apologies to the witch for letting her pursue her mistaken third-party Gig theories, but I didn't want to claim until today for two reasons: I wanted to see how my Gaston target would play out and I wanted to make sure I drew no attention to myself from scum going into today. I've targeted Edna for death and sincerely hope Gig does not once again step on my toes by shutting my role off a second time. I was well aware of the modkill warning when I made my choice, but I refuse to bank on Edna getting zapped, as there's nothing preventing her from popping in for one post and disappearing again. Thou shalt not suffer scum to live, etc.

For the curious, I chose Gaston Night 1 to light a fire under his ass. Whether or not it actually helped is up for debate but at least he's participating now.

I have no real information why Dycedarg's OP flavor says he was Xanatos'd. The best I can guess is that Gig's role moved my Xanatos from a real player to a flavor dummy rather than quelch it outright.

With Junior dead and uncertainty surrounding Gig I'm almost positive I'll be voting one of Slash Man and Charles. Let me do a quickie re-read of their Day 2 actions before I make my choice.

Ninja'd by Clown Man. I brought up player meta because it was honestly holding me back from really thinking Gendo was scum. Player meta is unreliable blah blah blah I'd rather be open about my thought processes than make up a bunch of bullshit reasons why I think one way or the other because that doesn't help anyone.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #240 on: February 04, 2010, 07:33:56 AM »
Probably should bring more to the roleclaim table than just a name.

The exact details of my abilities are thus: Each night, I may choose to target someone for death. They will be notified that their fate has been sealed, and they will be killed the next night. Gaston is correct, doccing will not save them. HOWEVER in the nature of Xanatos Gambits I may choose to change my mind and spend the night stopping my own kill instead of submitting another choice. (I cannot stop a kill and submit another one in the same night.) I also have the choice to sit back and do nothing (I did this Night 0, with no information at all it was pointless at best and detrimental at worst to mark someone for death).

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #241 on: February 04, 2010, 07:39:10 AM »
I suppose I should also do the obvious and open up kill choices to the public, effectively giving us a second lynch for as long as I'm allowed to use this. I will do whatever we deem the appropriate action for each day.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #242 on: February 04, 2010, 07:56:49 AM »
Fair enough.  I guess that mostly confirms Gig, since his power works and I have a hard time seeing scum having the power to stop a kill like that.  Takes care of Edna too.

##Unvote: Gig

What it does not do in the slightest is confirm Wily as town... but he's been good in discussion so far.

##Vote: Bowser

Next on my hate list, after Edna, who is now dealt with.  I strongly suggest that Gig let Edna die, there's not much she can do to salvage herself in my eyes at this point, and it'd be nice to have a bit of proof that these Xanatos kills actually exist as advertised.  I also strongly suggest that Wily (if town) use his own judgment for gambits and not follow a vote, directing a vig is always asking for trouble. 

Actually now that I think about it the fact that Wily would ask for a vote on his kill is a large point of suspicion against him to me.  But we'll see how that goes.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #243 on: February 04, 2010, 08:09:27 AM »
Charles' EoD vote record: Day 1 vote on town lynch train, Day 2 vote nowhere
Slash Man's EoD vote record: Day 1 Vote on town lynch train, Day 1 pie on claimed mason, Day 2 vote on town lynch train

Charles opens Day 2 with an incredibly weak Slash Man vote, elaborated upon in his next post as "a thought occurs". This really comes off as "oh hey I found something to back up my vote let's point it out!" which we all know is bad news. He then unvotes with no explanation and shifts to Guts Man for weak train-related reasons. Shift from Guts Man (without explanation) to Gig in a post that does nothing to actually say why Gig is scummy and actually gives him guts credit for saving Gaston. Removes the Gig vote without placing it elsewhere argh why. Outright admits he had nothing on Gig shafugufjksaf and then lists a bunch of reasoning for Lord only knows what. Looks like why people aren't scum I guess. Doesn't include everyone but makes sure to poke Edna for her inactivity. Not sure why he couldn't at least lay a vote down there, and not just because I think Edna is scum.

Conclusion: A whole bunch of mindless, unsubstantiated hopping, and hanging with no vote when the hammer dropped is just terrible, even given how early and unexpected it was. I do not believe Dahlia's opinion should be the be-all-end-all in this regard; if Charles were, say, a roleblocker, her role heavily suggests she wouldn't have noticed him targeting her Night 0.

Slash Man opens day 2 with a Saiyan vote and admits he hasn't had the chance to reread and that it's based in memory of Day 1. Eh. (Side note: Nothing of note in this post that I can see to explain Charles' switch from Slash Man to Guts Man). Switches from the Saiyan to Gendo after a while, with a post full of actually decent reasoning even if I disagreed with most of it and the end result was a vote on a mislynch train. Posts that follow are decent for discussion, his response to Gendo looks okay but his last post is meh.

Conclusion: Leaning scum purely by weight of numbers since someone HAS to be and I would not put him higher than Clown Man, the witch or the mason trio on the townie scale, but does not look nearly as scummy as Charles.

##Vote: Mr. Burns

Ninja'd by Clown Man again. I must disagree, I think giving the entire group an effective second lynch is to town's benefit, and it also keeps me in check in case anyone does not trust me (which would be understandable given I've just claimed a killing role in a game where third parties are confirmed to exist).

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #244 on: February 04, 2010, 08:31:21 AM »
Well, as long as my personal voting notes are up there for everyone to see, I'll pre-empt the rest of you and correct myself about Bowser's Day 1 vote/pie combo being backwards.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #245 on: February 04, 2010, 09:10:42 AM »
Me boy'z are good un's! I'z yelled at 'em and dey'z yelled at me and we'z not good at lyin' to each udder's face! I know'z who they are, they couldn't fool me! We'z gonna stand togeda!

We'z not had da time ta talk since d3 started'z up, but we'z thought burns was skummy before. ez' votin' for silly things! Like pie! Or not bein' on any of a buncha townie trains! And e'z soft-confirmed Gig and Gaston back in day 2 'ere when he shouldn't 'ave-

Quote from: Burns
At the possibility of Gaston getting delayed killed... Gig's summon did prove effective seeing as Gaston did get saved. Now if it was planned or not, hard to say.

Now we'z not having known if Gaston'd been saved den, do we? But but but we know'z scum'z gonna believe any claim town put's out, roight, 'cuz town would never eva lie 'less dey were some legendary hero, roight?

##Vote: Burns

Dat bowzer ain't dat orky enough either! Lots 'uv agreement! Not much content!
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #246 on: February 04, 2010, 10:48:45 AM »

A good day to you all, I am the new Golden Witch Beatrice. Treat me kindly, won't you? *giggle*giggle* ahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #247 on: February 04, 2010, 11:20:17 AM »

What a welcome, what a welcome! I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was roleblocked last night! Exactly like my predecessor! And not only that, but I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was mad doctored last night! To be explicit, I was said to be doctored, but with the same action bewitched such that I would be unable to harm George Ushiromiya that twilight. How dare he tell me what to do! And look what it got him anyway! Hahahahahaha! No doubt the Joker has some boring testimony for the previous twilight to the same degree now.

Ahahahahahaha! Lady Lambdadelta sent a pawn to aid me? Well of course! She is my guardian, after all! It's a surprise to no one that she would far rather spend the time chasing Lady Bernkastel than interfere with the Golden Witch's plans.

##Ejection from the universe: Gig

Oioioi, what are we to do with you? Shall I boil you in honey? Explode your entrails from the inside with candy? Squash you with an enormous cake? All of the above and more, of course! Why limit you to just one death when there's all the depth of an Endless Witch's magic to have fun with?! You are incompetent! Your idiocy knows few bounds! I want nothing to do with you when you cannot even reason like the basest of furniture!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #248 on: February 04, 2010, 11:32:13 AM »

Good day ladies and gentlemen, Ronove at your service once more. Some tea?

Before Milady goes any further... and the new mistress is taking her time to settle in to her new found powers, it would seem... allow me to quell the concerns that have no doubt suddenly grown. The succession of the Golden Witch Beatrice is, under the construct of this game board, of cosmetic effect only, and unrelated to any powers. You should treat her the same as the previous Lady Beatrice, though I fear my new mistress is even more cruder than the last.

It should go without saying that Beatrice lacks the power to eject players from the universe, at least in this game board. One might say that was just an act of frustration.

Good day.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #249 on: February 04, 2010, 01:20:34 PM »

Some musings before I proceed, for it seems you fools miss even the simplest of clues.

There are ten live pieces on the board. There are eleven active votes in play. It doesn't take the might of an Endless Witch to work out that Dahlia is still around. There's no fun in logic so cheap!

Gaap! I need little confirmation for something so obvious, but your power is only that of the Black Rose of Xanatos, is it not? No mention of the roulette that the stupid rabbit has also spoken of? For that is a mystery as yet unresolved. The wording was of interest to my predecessor, for she happened to refer to roulette before the claim, as much as it has nothing to do with the power of a Golden Witch.

The potato is innocent of murder! Well of course, fun though it would have been! *giggle*giggle*. Can the monster potato fantasies now leave the game? I won't ask twice.

Triad! Call it blind curiosity, but by what name does your faction... your power... your role go by? Simply Mason?

As much respect as I may have for my predecessor, her plan of trials for the rabbit are flawed. The summoning power could just as easily leave a vote on any player, even if they are not afflicted by the Black Rose of Xanatos or under the thrall of the roulette, so this could be taken as no sign of guilt. But a golden opportunity! How apt! Now that I would simply love to see the Black Rose of Xanatos take effect, let us take the time to fiddle around and play with the summoning power.

Take note. Take very careful note. For once.
Though you have not stated such, I feel certain that you may use the power only once daily.
Do not use it in opening play.
Wait until we are quite, quite sure that we want Edna to perish at the hand of the Black Rose. I can't begin to imagine why anyone would want to miss such a delightfully entertaining spectacle, but the possibility exists. I am the Golden Witch, not the Witch of Certainty.
When you do use it, be sure that it goes to someone who at least believes themselves not to be under the thrall of the roulette. I have no reason to believe that I am, but I shall not be surprised if you wish to test it elsewhere.

To confirm! This is no trial of guilt, for I think that impossible through simple observation. All that this may serve to do is determine whether such summoning may leave suspicion on someone outside your now proven bounds of saving. It is of little great importance, yet of potential impact given Bowser's pies. It serves to entertain me if nothing else.