
Author Topic: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN  (Read 47474 times)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #250 on: February 04, 2010, 01:52:28 PM »

My predecessor was rudely interrupted by the stupid rabbit bringing forward the twilight unduly. It is a most boooring duty of the Golden Witch to report the little tea party that was interrupted, and something that I cannot prove was constructed after the fact, which will be of some suspicion due to how precise it is at painting my predecessor in such a light. But here it is, saved using the great spell of Notepad:

Quote from: The Former Lady Beatrice

Gaap. Some difficult questions here.

Do you really consider yourself a villain? Because really, wilfully ignoring information regarding a piece's puppet master? A real villain should be using every last dirty trick up their sleeves to get what they want, and yet you have some solid information but wish not to use it for the sake of some intangible concept of fairness? Fuh. Now, what I really mean here is use your brain and use that information. How sure are you of this? Obviously I do not expect certainty - else you worry me of Lambdadelta's influence, *cackle*cackle* - but strong? I tell you why, this is brain versus gut here, and though my gut finds Rudolf amenable, my brain can't find the red text to back that up and all of the pieces causing me greater displeasure have resolved themselves. I'm unwilling to just let my gut have its way here (even the manner of the power claim read positively, but not in a way I can honestly back up), but I'm compelled by how strongly you feel based on information I don't have access to, being from the wrong fragment and all.


Ah, game master. I appear to have miscounted, as I had thought Rudolf to be on only five votes (tracking back, this is from trusting George's count, which was apparently wrong). I would not usually be concerned by the magic of L-1, but with some rather uncertain forces not currently voting for Rudolf I would rather have more breathing space again, especially as I am likely moving elsewhere anyway.


And are you certain Siesta 1073741824 currently has no vote? For it seems that he has been observed to have one.

I know! How hilariously deliciously ironic that post with such content was cut down by the stupid rabbit doing exactly what she worried about! The discussion with Gaap was interrupted with the game master's state of play, and moving with that in mind was then stopped by the stupid rabbit's next move. George's vote count was indeed incorrect, and my predecessor was foolish to trust the genius with simple addition. And no! Highly disagree with the Joker's position on metaPuppet Masters! Not with the strength and conviction Gaap was clearly restraining! Absolutely would have followed Gaap with such a lead, given the circumstances, though most likely not on to Edna.

My predecessor did not fill me in on everything she meant to ask of Gaap, but other than Rudolf's Puppet Master, her main purpose was to sound out thoughts on the possibility of Joker working as an agent of Bernkastel, as arguably the most successful lurker of all. My predecessor had been toying with the thought for some time, but desired more input before it could be taken seriously. What an indecisively guarded woman! She should have just acted on impulse and taken what she wanted! *giggle*giggle* Ahahahahahaha!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #251 on: February 04, 2010, 03:02:42 PM »

And here I now stand, with such a boringly small list of pieces to toy with.

The triad of oafs are cleared in all but the lack of red text declaring so. Would Bernkastel really have them pen themselves in further and further, now with the furniture claiming that they know each other to be true to the cause, removing an excuse for them should one turn out to be an agent of Bernkastel? Perhaps you could say this is a gambit worthy of the Witch of Miracles, but to go for it so strongly from the minute the game board was set up? To push so fervently with no investigative powers other than a tracker flipped? What crazy gamble would that be? One more fitting for the gambling power of the Golden Witch or Goldsmith than Bernkastel, for sure.

No. They may be tiresome to the sight, but they don't give me the sudden urge to have them swallow molten apples or drown them in jelly. *giggle*giggle*.

The rabbit I believe to be completely incapable of working for Lady Bernkastel or Lady Lambdadelta. Too stupid to follow even simple logic, and yet didn't break down under interrogation from my predecessor. Had the wretched thing anything to hide it would have surely revealed itself by now. As much as I hunger for rabbit stew, it must wait until Bernkastel's agents are most thoroughly killed.

Gaap I also retain as a true ally. This goes for times past, and only solidified further on discovering she owns the delightful Black Rose of Xanatos. I can see no shadow of Bernkastel anywhere in it, short of potential long-term gambits. But no.

This leaves so depressingly few targets! Bowser, Edna, Joker and Goldsmith! Why, I could have the Siestas fire at random amongst the four of them and expect to strike a blow to Bernkastel! How boooooooring. I came for the fun of the chase, for the fun of the kill, for the thriiiill of exerting Endless powers on the helpless! *giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*! Waaahahahahahahahahahahahaha...!!

But I must attend this duty, boring though it may be. Gaap already has Edna marked with the Black Rose, and Joker has earned at least the benefit of the doubt at the start of this cleansing process. If I must edge one over the others, then I feel that my predecessor's lingering affection for Goldsmith has excused too much. In his case, unlike the rabbit's, stupidity can only go so far to cover the blunders.

##Vote: Mr. Burns

Call the move a mark of caution against the Joker as well, if you will.

And what mysteries does this leave me to toy with? Well, Bernkastel's lust for George's blood in the face of several imposingly cleared 'innocents' for one thing, not that I should question the roulette, especially with an implied claim of jailer. Otherwise, I'm yet to see how this game board is balanced, for it still feels ever so boringly unbalanced.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #252 on: February 04, 2010, 03:16:05 PM »
I'm really starting to get tired of the roadblocks these blonds are putting into my plans!  And then I return to find that I'M the target of some deadly Xanatos? How absurd! Do you people not realize that I'm one of the GOOD guys?

Anyways, my apologies for the lack of presence for the second half of day 2, I had intentions to be more active in the second half of day two after we had finally removed that smug blond from our path, however the day was ended short of 24 or so hours by gig.

Dr. Wily no longer looks so bad to me.

Not really liking Gigs logic.

I don't like the idea of a three way mason,  I feel like it's too likely that one or more of them is in a non town related party.  The only one I really find to be decently good is Gaston, and deciding who of masons might be bad is just ugggh.  It could also be a really bold scum ploy, but I'm hesitant to believe to believe that right now.  Mostly do to my next point.

Mr. Burns has done nothing to redeem himself in my eyes so far this game, I also find his role description to sound rather dubious,  Mr. Master of Deception!

Allow me to elaborate, since my life is now in the hands of the fool Mr. Wily.  I see no point in withholding my role.  I am a Townie Information Broker, which allows me to determine one person's role each night.

I inspected Dahlia N0, learned she was a Chicago voter, while I admit at first I thought the potato might have been from her, I did not find her actions scummy in nature and was severely against her train since in part it would make the information I had gathered useless.

I can also confirm receiving Gendo's random paragraph on this night, though that is now pointless.

On N1 I inspected Mr. Burns, to find out he is a Master of Deception, I had plans for day 2 to pay close scrutiny to him in particular since his role title did not sound the least bit helpful for town, and form a case if I had found him the least bit scummy.  I did find his case on the pie power atrocious however, I was hesitant to place a vote on him immediately until I had better evidence, so I admittedly grasped at straws on the Wily Case, though I honestly did not trust Gendo.  Since I wanted to make sure I had a good case on Mr. Burns I halfheartedly placed a vote on one of the other two, with it ending up on Wily.  I was in the process of reading the thread over on day 2 since it had looked like Burns had made more bad moves, but the day was promptly ended early by gig before I could attempt to make my case.

I inspected Light for night 3 but unfortunately he was killed the same night.

So anyways

##Vote: Mr. Burns

This is more a staying alive post then anything, I'll have a post on my full thoughts regarding the situation and everyone in a bit, with better explanations.

P-P-Pleeaaassee, I B-beg y-you! Don't kill me!!!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #253 on: February 04, 2010, 03:34:50 PM »

*giggle*giggle*cackle*giggle* Hahahahahahahakiiihihiihihihi!

Really, Ednaaaaa? Thaaaat's your move? It looks awfully like you're claiming two dead pieces and a scumbuddy set up as your power to meeee! Especially with a story I don't bite. The only cause to stumble at all is the defence of Dahlia, given that Bernkastel took her head immediately after anyway.

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #254 on: February 04, 2010, 03:56:10 PM »
Hmph. L-2 already? Hope you don't mind if I hold back here. Also, since you guys clearly don't want me around, I won't be. Unless I'm needed, that is. Otherwise, I'll be over at the hotpods.

Though I will say this. I don't believe you for a second, hag. That power just doesn't add up. Game would be too unbalanced, if it were. As for Wily, I believe the claim, but I doubt you're town. Third-party maybe, but... hmm.

Whatever, I'm gone. Holler if ya' need me. (As if)

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #255 on: February 04, 2010, 05:19:03 PM »
We are called the Legion of Doom, lady! I am sorry that Vegeta has offended your sensibilities. I thought he was only good at power level detecting, not lady charming! If you want to date a real man it should be GASTON!

Being misogynist is my job, VEGETA!

Why did she call us the oaf triad? I can never imagine why...

Dr. Wily, you dirty whore. I should beat you with my boots once we're all through! Kill the Wily! Kill the Wily! GET THE PITCHFORK!!

Uh, srsly, I don't see his ability as third-party at all. Delayed vigilante with the ability to take it back isn't that potent. Delayed vig is of dubious value period, especially if it can be interfered with by Gig. Unless that's not true. I was about ready to all-out kick the moderator in the balls for telling me I will die and yet I am still alive, but... I guess this makes sense. I have been deceived! Tears.

What I do think is true is that Edna is a scumbussing frog hag. I may be biased because she is trying her hardest to implicate THE LEGION OF DOOM! but now I can qualify her as unhelpful instead of just non-present which makes me happy. If you are a rolecop and you find a role that sounds bad, you should vote for that person! Leaving a record that you in fact investigated someone is quite important!

Man, Gig. I won't rag on you any more than others have, but please don't do something so shocking to the system next time, kay? I was in the process of writing up the post you were asking for in your post and then you pull the plug on the party, man. What does bother me about Gig is that he seems to be throwing around shit. Shit-slingin' if you will. This is role madness!

Ikari... I'm sorry that the lynch turned out to be bad, but when the main argument for you is "He plays scum much better than this!" from D.W... It is hard for me to swallow an argument which involves assuming scum are better than townies at Mafia. The way ya catch scum is with stupid mistakes, etc.

I basically told my underlings that if I died to lynch Mr. Burns. I'm not willing to place a vote on him yet due to him not being able to even defend himself yet and he has a lot of votes. So either his scumbuds think he is a sinking ship or we are being majorly tricked. Edna's post basically confirms this.

Now I am second-guessing my assertions with frog-hag. Bah.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #256 on: February 04, 2010, 05:41:40 PM »
The post I wrote pre-day 3 (Gig-hate):
Neither side might be scum. [..] The only way to prove that either side is right is to kill 'em, and I say we go after Jaw-For-Brains or Vegetable Head. If they don't flip scum, we can turn our attention to Four-Eyes.
So if it's a town v town fight, the only way to solve it is to lynch the self-confirming masons, then lynch the other guy?

The trio might be masons, and Ikari town, at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. The only way to figure this out is to kill Ikari and one of the trio.
So you're saying that rather than looking for scum, we confirm that they're town by spending 2 days lynching them? Awesome strategy. Not.

I say we go for the trio first, though not Gaston, because I still need him to answer my questions from earlier about when he got warned of his death. If they flip mason/town/not-scum, we can turn our attention to Gendo.  
If x flips town, lynch y.

And then:
Just got called to lunch. Will return in a bit to decide just how awful I consider this logic.
Know what? Screw this shit. Too much relies on getting through the night. [hammer]
Now wasn't that a convenient quickhammer? Grrrrrr.

Written more recently~
Gaston is still alive, though I don't see how that clears Gig. In a game with a third party mad-doc and a mason team, I'm not prepared to make any assumptions about roles anymore.
Anyway ignoring Gig for now because TEAM MASON is on the offensive!
..and I would vote Burns, but he's at L-2 or something so I'll follow Gaston's lead and CHARGE MY LASER!

I agree with Beatrice/Gaston re: Edna. Nothing more to add.

Well I'm going to sleep, won't be around for a good 8-10 hours please >.> tiiired.

This has clearly come down to a stripping contest. And I am RIPPED! Slow down ladies, three at a time please.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #257 on: February 04, 2010, 05:50:56 PM »
Well this is fanciful. The two players I trust the most have now questioned my use of player meta, one for using it at all and the other for not using it enough.

Clearly, I cannot win.

My dear witch, I know nothing of the Roulette power of which both yourself and Gig have spoken. If it's a part of my role it's a part I wasn't told. All I have conscious control of is the Xanatos kill.

Regarding that player meta, I apologise for not naming names at the time and helping others make their own judgments, but I figured doing so would have gone against the spirit of the game. I had also assumed multiple people had figured out who Gendo was, given his player is notoriously easy to spot (as is Guts Man's (and the Saiyan's, as long as I'm listing bad actors)) and this case had been no different. For what it is worth, I was, of course, not 100% positive Gendo was town, but the feeling was strong enough that even his total gloss of Guts Man wasn't enough to convince me he was probably scum.

Edna's post is far too easily explained as "scum rolecop bussing buddy" to help her in the slightest.

Contrary to Clown Man and the witch, I do not believe Gig should be cleared based on his role. I will answer the obvious "Do you really think scum would have a role like that?" with "In a role madness game? Sure, why not?" and "Why would he come out and save Gaston?" with "To possibly get in good with someone he knows isn't scum, as well as force you to ask that very question while debating whether or not he is scum". A good case against Gig exists in its own right, see Clown Man and the Saiyan or really just read second-half-of-Day-2 Gig over for yourself, and, from my point of view, it is only enhanced by the numbers game, because removing Gig from the equation basically forces a Slash Man/Charles/Edna team and that just seems far too easy, even with Edna and Charles looking pretty well like scum buddies right now for reasons other than the numbers game.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #258 on: February 04, 2010, 06:05:45 PM »
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with player meta, I just think that it was essentially the only thing Gendo had going for him and that's a pretty bad sign for him. (If you were addressing me. If not I will just shut up!)

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #259 on: February 04, 2010, 06:13:12 PM »
I was mostly addressing the witch, since she had asked me directly, but it was there for your sake as well.

Your concern is valid, and I openly admit that player meta is unreliable by nature. I was giving this one so much consideration, however, because there seemed to be no reason based in intentional deception to act as badly as he did when we've all seen him play scum very well on multiple occasions.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #260 on: February 04, 2010, 06:33:32 PM »
So I've been thinking about Edna's roleclaim a bit more. If she thinks that the idea of the three masons is so suspicious, then why did she investigate Light instead of one of us? That's the big piece of the puzzle that doesn't make much sense to me. Attempting to help bolster the claim of three people seems innately valuable, moreso than investigating someone randomly. That is the biggest strike against her I feel; she has served to basically confirm the roles of two dead people and is jumping onto a runaway train when I don't feel that investigating Light was an especially good use of her time, especially since she completely failed to leave a paper trail with regards to her claim on Burns. Those two things simply don't add up.

Gig is a clusterfuck of emotion and impulse that I really have no idea on but I think his intentions are good. I have nothing to really back this up; his play has been erratic and a little nutty.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #261 on: February 04, 2010, 08:01:58 PM »
Management requests that even those so sexy it hurts please, please, PLEASE keep their shirts on.

Day 3 Votecount

Gorgutz (1): Potato
Gig (0): Joker
Bowser (1): Joker
Mr. Burns (4): Dr. Wily, Gorgutz, Beatrice, Edna,

No Vote: Bowser, Dahlia, Gaston, Gig, Mr. Burns, Vegeta,
With 11 active votes in play, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

There are 59 hours left in Day 3.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #262 on: February 04, 2010, 08:38:14 PM »
So Edna is essentially scumclaiming.  ... that's nice!  Die scum.  Tons of paranoia launched by the recent posts though.  I'm afraid of something like an Edna/Wily/Burns scumteam gambit going down here.  And then I'm afraid of Beatrice and her multi-post rant that clearly didn't read the discussion from Wily and me beforehand.  I suppose she had it typed up during the night, but still. 

I was NOT given any message about mad doctoring.  The flavor I got when I tried to target Light was of two parts.  The first part confirmed that I had used my ability, as best I knew.  The second message said, slightly paraphrased, "Well you sure THOUGHT you did your thing with Light but when morning rolls around you realize you actually hadn't done it at all!  Whooo mystery!"  Highly unclear and definitely nothing even hinting at mad doctoring or not being able to harm another player.  The fact that Beatrice did get such a message naturally increases my paranoia that she has a role that is capable of killing, which is to say, potentially scum.

Those points aside, though, I REALLY want to hear back from Bowser now.  I feel like he's been coasting along on very little content because people keep getting caught up in big loud cases of the day like Gorgutz and Vegeta and Gendo and Gig, and I find this very worrisome.  I'm concentrating on him right now and not Mr. Burns because of this, and... well this might be an error in judgment or bad to admit, but honestly my thought process on Burns always goes straight to "Real scum couldn't possibly play that bad."  Yes, I realize they could, that's just what my gut tells me.  Definitely interested in seeing his inevitable claim, though.

I also notice only one mason has answered my question so far.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #263 on: February 04, 2010, 08:47:16 PM »
MASONS:  "5 AM North American time is the best time to claim, also we REALLY hate Gendo for some unfathomable reason"

Anyway.  Regarding the third party player(s), based on what Light said yesterday I assumed he was a jailor or something similar (and wanted to smack him for the obvious softclaim), now I am back to having no idea why my night 1 action on him failed.  Nothing untoward happened to me tonight though and my action went through fine so I guess that's that.

A lot of third parties are immune to night actions to compensate for being a solo artist. I suspect that may be what it is but Beatrice said specifically that the mad doctor targeted her and as a result she couldn't target him. Were you targeted by him at all? This does confuse me a little bit as well.

5 AM NA time is really early. zzzzzzz

- Masons (this is important), what are your honest opinions on your two masonbuddies?  I notice none of you said your alignments are confirmed to each other, and three town masons in a game this small seems very highly unlikely, plus you've been passing that potato around.  During the night I was thinking about scenarios where Gaston was some sort of delayed SK or in league with Gig somehow but I guess we've got third party flip(s) now so ??

I trust the other two masons. They've given me no reason to doubt them. So yeah, I am coo' with Warboss and Vegeta.

We basically decided together that we thought Gendo was the scummiest person on the board (perhaps with the exception of Edna). We figured having a unified effort against one person was a good way to go, but apparently not when you are an oaf/incompetent. I didn't realize the rest of the members of the game would be so content with following people who they had deemed up until that time as untrustworthy.

Ninja'd by the person I was responding to. Curses.

EDIT: So if Wily is scum do you believe scum has two sets of killing powers, one delayed? Because that's pretty gross if so.

EDIT 2: Question answered. Well, it still holds an opinion so I will keep it there.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #264 on: February 04, 2010, 08:53:28 PM »
Light said that he targeted me that night, yes, and whatever he did "roleblocked and something else". 

I think it's possible that Wily is scum, giving them two kills-ish, yes.  We really haven't seen any known role crazy from the scum yet, they've got to have something up their sleeves.  A double kill with one being delayed (and easily preventable assuming Gig's claim is true)?  Sure.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #265 on: February 04, 2010, 09:22:19 PM »
I'Z DA BIGGEST, SO I'M DA BOSS! Get dat through yer 'eads or I'll knock 'em together, boyz!

I'z not seein' why scum-Gig'z gonna save anyone with dat powa, least of all Gaston! I'z not skared of a Burnz lynch either, 'ez up and vanished! 'as haz Bowzer! I'z got nothin' else if de'z not showin'!

And I'z buzy t'day! Got a big WAAAAAAAAAAGH to deal wif! I'z always wif me boyz in spirit, though!
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #266 on: February 04, 2010, 10:26:56 PM »

##VOTE: Montgomery Burns


##UNVOTE: Montgomery Burns

Helga Pataki

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #267 on: February 04, 2010, 11:00:49 PM »
I work all day on Thursdays, I'm sick and majorly stressed.  Geez, cut me some slack.  Anyway, this game makes no sense.  At all.  I've got some role claims I can look at though.  Looking at them just makes this game make less sense though. 

I'll start with the Masons.  When I hear "mason" I think "confirmed."  Before I think too hard is this correct mason team?

Second Gig.  At this point it's obvious that he's not lying since Gaston is still alive.  I don't see any point in scum using this ability regardless of what was going on.  I mean, I don't see much point in scum saving a townie if Gaston is town.  If they're scum together then saving him would just be stupid.  So, I'm going to assume Gig is town.

Next is Wily.  If he were scum or an SK I think he would use the extra kill every night including N0 unless it was a 1-shot ability or something.  Since he used it on Edna too it doesn't look 1-shot.  The fact that someone can easily stop it confuses me, but I see no reason for scum to not use it all the time.  And he's probably not lying because what I think is Gig's summon died and no one's counter claimed.  I'm going to assume Wily's town too.

Finally Edna.  The claim is horrible.  I agree with Gaston, if she thought the masons were weird she could have investigated them.  It's also very nice that two of her targets happen to be dead.  If she really investigated Burn's N1 then I don't get why she wouldn't vote for him and push a case on him.  I guess I've got major egg on my face for this one.


Okay, so I'm going to assume that the masons are confirmed until they tell me otherwise.  That means that Beatrice, Joker and Burns are the only suspects left to look at.  Beatrice just looks town.  Joker doesn't look good or bad.  I have no clue what to make of Burns.  I've had a ??? read on him for most of the game.  So who is scum?  I don't know.  Seriously this game makes no sense. 

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #268 on: February 05, 2010, 12:04:39 AM »
I think it's possible that Wily is scum, giving them two kills-ish, yes.  We really haven't seen any known role crazy from the scum yet, they've got to have something up their sleeves.  A double kill with one being delayed (and easily preventable assuming Gig's claim is true)?  Sure.

Bold obv. mine.

You really think a delayed vig is scum's ace in the hole when a role apparently exists purely to nullify it?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #269 on: February 05, 2010, 12:15:11 AM »
I have no idea.  I was just saying it shouldn't be dismissed on grounds of "That would be too powerful, Excal wouldn't give scum two kills." 

Masons are not confirmed and are all stonewalling my questioning along that line, I'm taking that as signs of fear and wish they would be more open.  Not much to be done there now though. 

Dahlia is doing her best to say "Don't lynch Burns" and between that and Bowser's post there I'm definitely feeling Bowser as probable scum.  One thing I agree with Bowser on is that today sucks IRL, I could phrase this all more elegantly but am very unmotivated due to work and family stress.  Long and short is I recommend lynching Bowser.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #270 on: February 05, 2010, 12:17:55 AM »
I think Dahlia is saying she supports the Charles lynch but doesn't want to put him at L-1 before he has a chance to speak. If she didn't want to lynch Burns she'd have voted someone else (Bowser, for example).

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #271 on: February 05, 2010, 12:25:40 AM »
Someone say my name?

Just a quick note about the hammer: I thought that there were only a few hours left in the day, and that by the time anyone new had come in and said anything (like, say, Burns or Edna or Bowser) then it would have just been in the crazy last couple of damn hours, in which they could come into Day 3 and have their shithead moves dismissed as "oops, I was just in such a rush!" My bad, should've double-checked.

As for cases, well, I'm re-reading the topic for anything new, but I do agree with Gassy and Spike about Edna, and as such won't be saving her sorry ass.

Not a fan of lynching the old man before he can even role claim, but as things stand now? I'm down for the death of Edna, and Burns if he can't save his sorry ass.

Since when the hell do clowns know Fade Out!? Alright, seriously here. Why the hell are you taking the ghost's word as law? Is there something you're not telling us here, or are you just full of as much shit as I think you are? Looking back on it, you've been trying to sway the votes each day by talking about "Dahlia seems to want this, so let's do this! Oh, now she wants this. Better change to that." Last time I checked, she was just a damn ghost with the ability to vote. Nothing more, nothing less. Unless you're going to claim that your role is the ability to speak with spirits, and she's somehow able to receive information that would otherwise be unavailable to her.

Clown, you just went on my "kick their ass" list, right above Drazil.
Godda--! Motherf--! What the shit is wrong with you!? Alright, Vitali. No more teaching people how to do that, got it!?

...why the hell are we discussing this stuff? She can't tell us, so how are we to know? We're just manipulating the corpse's actions to fit our own agendas. I swear. Next person to try to use the red head's voting to back up their point of view, I am going to kick their ass so hard, they'll be shitting out their face.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #272 on: February 05, 2010, 12:36:06 AM »

Hide and seek, hide and seek, Hide And Seek, HIDE AND SEEK! It's just no fun when there's no gold involved, you know? My gold. I have my gold already, so why would I want to play any more? Why do you think I'd want to seek while you hide?! Why do you hide?! I'm looking for answers in the open! Why would you hide from them?!!

Gaston! Vegeta! I care not for mere opinions! Feelings! The bond of brotherhood! I have seen betrayal waged on much closer terms than these. Stop running from the Joker's most relevant question! Are you beyond doubt, beyond all doubt, Beyond Absolutely All Doubt about the allegiance of your 'fellow warriors'? A branding from the game master, nothing less! The furniture has heeded the summoning most clearly, why not you? Do you not see how important this is for us to know of? How the very basis of this game is rocked to its base with this little switch of an answer? Yes. No. Yes. No. YES. NO. Tell us, tell us, TELL US.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #273 on: February 05, 2010, 12:45:03 AM »
Looks like I've some explaining to do here. Where to start.

Warboss, I have a life. I think I made that clear in the previous days. I can't be online when you want me to. And not being on a Town train? As far as I know, Day 1, you need to recheck your files, sir. As far as I know, aside from the joke vote, my vote was for Dark Helmet, a mistake as we can see today, but meh. Day 2: Sure, I kept switching votes (but who doesn't), used not so good arguments, but me not being active on Day 2? Come on, who here thinks that the day would've actually end the day it did, and at a time where I wasn't able to come online.

Now as far as arguments, here goes: The number of Mafia games I've played, I only need fingers on one hand to count them, will soon need a 2nd hand for that. I apologize for not being up to your standards here, but I'm doing the best I can!

And Edna, Edna... if you weren't about to die tomorrow, you'd be getting a vote from me right now. Not sure if your actual role is true or not, but thing is... How can you actually mess up my role name? I have... absolutely no clue where you got that name, but as far as I'm aware, the role name that I have is Retro Rocket. So, yeah, roleclaim time since my back is against the wall here. The reason I didn't before is that, looking at Excal's night posts, as far as I can tell, I didn't make a right choice in targets since I don't see any impact it's done. Basically, I can save someone, and have the option of sending the kill back to its sender if I want to. So there.

Now as to who to vote for... I got no clue, really. If anyone...
##Vote: Beatrice

Why go through me if you want to go for someone else?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #274 on: February 05, 2010, 12:46:08 AM »




##VOTE: The Joker
##UNVOTE: The Joker