
Author Topic: Season 58 Nom pools  (Read 8678 times)


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Season 58 Nom pools
« on: January 29, 2010, 05:19:52 AM »
If you need an explanation, check this link. You can also ask questions in this topic.

Pools close at Saturday at 10pm EST, next week. You can nominate three characters per game, but only two characters per division. You have to have between four and six characters per pool, and all four divisions must be the same size. (Heavy, Godlike, and Middle can't have six people while Light has four, etc). There are no limits on the number of nomination pools, so take your time, check to see what looks interesting, and have fun. Anyone from season 55 and before is available to be nominated this season. Reaons are not needed to submit a pool, we just do that for fun.

Not actually an Admin pro-tip: this link should link to all characters eligible for nomination this season. Check this as well. It's Hal's nomchecker and it kicks ass.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 05:20:24 AM »
Claude Kenni (SO2), Necrosaro (DQ4), Luca Blight (S2), TimeLord (Saga), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Asgard (WA3)
Marsillo (SO2), Galcian (SoA), Alena (DQ4), Red (Saga), Wugui (SH1), Marcello (DQ8)
Guy (Lufia 2), Peppita Rosetti (SO3), Lexis Shaia (Lufia 2), Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4), Adray Lasbard (SO3), Torhu Adachi (Pers4)
Nara (DQ4), Norn (OB), Melville (S3), Orlha (CC), Gordon (Disgaea), Ernest Raviede (SO2)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 12:12:58 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 09:23:00 AM »

Lucia (Suikos)
Chaos (FF1)
Melfice (G2)
Van (TotA)
Profound Darkness (PS4)
Indalecio (SO2)


Alex (Lunar: SSSC)
Ziggy (XS)
Freyadour (S5)
Songi (LoL)
Slust (OB)
Mazus (S2)


Aelia (VP)
Lemina (Lunar: EBC)
Garr (BoF3)
Gallows (WA3)
Mitsuru (P3)
Karsh (CC)


Jacques (S3)
Diego (VH)
Isadora (FE7)
Pikachu (Poke)
Nana (G1)
Shady (WA3)


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 05:38:27 PM »
Godlike: TimeLord(Saga), Asgard(WA3), Terra Branford(FF6), Johnny Garland(SH3), Elvis(WA5), Ted(S4)
Heavy: Popoi(SoM), Alex(Lunar1), Justin(G1), Liete(G1), Leo(Lunar2), Augustine(S3)
Middle: Sarah(S3), Jude Maverick(WA4), Anise Tatlin(TotA), Peppita(SO3), Nino(FE7), Wakaba(S2)
Light: Rody(S3), Innes(FE8), Emma Hetfield(WA:ACF), Alfred Schroedinger(WA3), Mariel(WA:ACF), Serra(FE7)

Godlike: apathy as per usual
Heavy: slightly less apathy
Middle: army of kids and Sarah
Light: army of kids and Innes
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 07:47:38 PM by Bardiche »


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 08:43:54 PM »



Emma Hetfield


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 03:52:35 AM »
1. Necrosaro (DQ4)
2. Ted (S4)
3. X-Death (FF5)
4. Emelious (G3)
5. Dark Force (PS's)
6. Profound Darkness (PS4)

1. Hector (FE7)
2. Fujin (FF8) I want to see how she does as a heavy
3. Culgan (S2) been a while
4. Marsilio (SO2) been a while
5. Nikki (MK)
6. Sofia (DQ4)

1. Janice (CC) been a while
2. Rebecca (FE7) been a while
3. Moltres (Poke) upgrade!
4. Lo Wen (S2) been a while
5. Grey (VP) been a while
6. Sophia (SO3) been a while

1. Luccia (CC) been a while
2. Nara (DQ4) Yes I maxed DQ4
3. Isadora (FE7) and FE7
4. Hugh (PS2) Upgrade
5. Shabon (S3) UPgrade
6. Shiho (VP) because I needed a vp mage.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 04:12:57 AM »
Bardiche: Chaz has been in last season.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 09:10:04 AM »
Persephone, Violetta, Emelious, Ellen, Shania, Sergius

1. New, Strong
2-4: Mostly long time out (for Godlike!) and at least able to hold their own on average
5. Get a win!
6. Um…needed a 6th

Ramsus, Harken, Popoi, Hawk, Doel, Hect

1. Downgrade now!
2. Fairly badass, been ages
3. This time a division shift in the other direction?
4. Interesting enough, been ages
5. Cool Dueller
6. Cool Dueller, Hopefully better luck on draw this time!

Kazan, Ayne, Hellion, Crowley, Maxine, Greg

1. Can he get to the finals again?
2. Yes, half my Middle field is now LoL derived!
3. Was going to be Hellion or Warlock and I did not want to max out on S4
4. Awesome, been forever
5. MOAR Cyclone Runes
6. Sexy

Galleon, Shabon, Janus, Mao, Hugh, Katarina
1. Solid Light, been a while
2. Upgrade!
3. Silence+Poizn hype
4. You are back on my nom list!
5. Should upgrade too.
6. Force me to post the S4 topic!

Too much Suikoden, but this is the result of looking first at the duellers have been out for a while and then picking the ones I liked the best.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 01:51:16 PM »
Elvis (WA5), Persephone (WA5), Sir Leopold (DQ8), Belial (WA4), Berle (SO2), Rosa Harvey (FF4)

1-2. New
3-4. Two extremes of the speed spectrum
5-6. Just rounding things out with low Godlikes

Groudon (PKMN), Zapdos (PKMN), Marcello (DQ8), Liete (G1), Freyjadour Falenas (S5), Eileen (S1)

1-2. I did promise to nom more Pokemon, so...
3-5. Champ?
6. Let's get Copper Flesh hype into Godlike!

Jin Shirato (Pers3), Greg Russelberg (WA5), Moltres (PKMN), Beatrice (WA3), Jeane (Suikos), Shigeo (SO2)

1-2. All Season 0
3. Get back to Heavy, you
4. Well, if Elly of all people was able to champ and upgrade with 100% sleep alone...
5. S4 form sma~sh!
6. Kinda suprised that someone as infamous as him only got in once way back in Season 16.

Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF), Jane Maxwell (WA:ACF), Banon (FF6), Maria Balthasar (XG), Mukumuku (S2), Cinna (FF9)

1. Godlike move list! Puny stats!
2. Godlike speed and evade! Puny damage!
3. Godlike healing! Puny speed!
4. Godlike mecha! Puny pilot!
5. Godlike cuteness! Puny everything else!
6. Just Puny
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 02:22:43 PM by Sei »


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2010, 06:37:18 PM »


Profound Darkness (PS4)
Albedo (XS)
Persephone (WA5)
Emelious de Pamela (G3)
Chris Lightfellow (S3)
Ellen Kirishima (Pers)


Freya Crescent (FF9)
Stahn Aileron (ToD)
Liete (G1)
Leo (Lunar2)
Veronica Vera (SH2)
Rydia (FFIV)


Lemina Ausa (Lunar2)
Mio (G1)
Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS)
Tolone (XG)
Chaos (XS)
Kyle (Lunar1)


Saki (G1)
Amy Sage (PS2)
Yumei (VP1)
Luccia (CC)
Marcus (FF9)
Kelvena (XG)

When antelopes cross a river crocodiles will eat some of them, but the majority will still make it through.
Because there are 500 antelope and three crocodiles. Not because the crocodiles are enviornmentalists.


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2010, 06:57:28 PM »
[] is previous number of consecutive noms by moi.

Naesala(FE9) - Moar man-whoring~ [2]
Ted(S4) - Boom! [2]
Chaos(FF1) - Easily spoiled! Fun times. [1]
Rosa Harvey(FF4) - Downgrade please. [1]
Naoto Shirogane(Pers4) - ID, ID~
Mitsuo Kubo(Pers4) - Closest we'll ever come to Tetris in the DL.

Ephraim(FE8) - Fire Emblem: Incest is wincest. [2]
Scias(BoF4) - SAMURAI NINJA DOG. Game is now broken. [4]
Ershin(BoF4) - Ershin says she should be nominated. Hee hee hee. [4]
Adel(FF8) - Downgrade plox. [4]
Edgar(FF6) - Status-whoring and man-whoring all rolled into one. [2]
Kanji Tatsumi(Pers4) - Tank from hell, now comes with knitting!

Blanca(SH2) - Duel form, all average stats, right?! <.< [4]
Argilla(DDS) - Toothy cleavage~ [3]
Lute(FE8) - Luuuuuuuute~ [2]
White Wizard(FF1) - I'm all out of stupid comments, so I'll pick a generic character. [3]
Tifa(FF7) - Or two. [2]

Rude(FF7) - His punch is the strongest (enemy) attack over the first two discs! [4]
Pikachu(PKMN) - Glass cannon fun~ [2]
Snowe(S4) - Intentional trainwreck, go! [2]
Innes(FE8) - A friend of mine is a huge Innes fan. I need to prove her wrong. >.> [1]
Blastoise(PKMN) - Get back up to Middle. [1]

Christ, last season was bad for me. This season needs more Cielo.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 12:03:54 PM by Yoshiken »


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2010, 08:33:15 PM »
Godlike: Lavos(CT), Purim(SoM), T260G(SaGa), Shania(SH3), Profound Darkness (PS4), Ultimecia(FF8)
Heavy: Belcoot(S5), Garnet til Alexandros(FF9), Sofia(DW4), Sharon(LoL2), Popoi(SoM), Sgt. Joe(S3)
Middle: Ramza Beoulve(FFT), Mitsuru Kirijo(Pers3), Flay Gunnar(MK), Peppita Rosetti(SO3), Cecile(S3), Flare(S4)
Light: Radius(CC), Ward Zabac(FF8), Marcus(FE7), Joker(S3), Gogo(FF6), Keele Ziebel(ToE)

Godlike: 1) CTDS played. 2) Fanboy. 3) Beep boop *click*. 4) Snow. 5) Elfboy. 6) Kurse those SEEDs!
Heavy: 1) BELCOOOOOOOOOT! 2) Dungeon team. 3) Can we -merge- Solo and Sofia at some point? >_> 4) It's SHARON. 5) Wee, boom boom~. 6) Elfboy.
Middle: 1) Dungeon team (?). 2) Prepare to be executed. 3) Elfboy. 4) CT. 5) Le knight in shining armor, here to save her prince. 6) Ex-cuuuuuuuse me, Princess! Also Suikotactics hype.
Light: 1-3) We are not overcompensating! 4) Is gay for Ace. 5) Is a Senator. 6) Light.


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2010, 10:15:04 PM »
Godlike: Necrosaro, Violetta, Persephone, Claude, Emily, Lenneth

1. Needs to get in now that I can vote on him!
2. Dhyer satiation.
3. Ciddy satiation.
4. Super sation.
5. Snow Pyro satiation
6. NEB satiation.

Heavy: Lilka, Lloyd, Cress, Shadow, Jowy, Clarissa

1. V IS FOR VICTORY (unlikely for her in Heavy but still)
2. Tales main who needs in so he can downgrade.
3. Tales main who needs in so he can downgrade kick ass.
4. Beats both of the above.
6. Assuming she is Heavy is pretty safe. Heavy shall be offered up as a Sacrifice upon the feast of madness.

Middle: Leah, Aelia, Maxine, Greg, Carol, Alexia

2. Because Soppy told me to and Soppy is cool.
3. Because I won an RPGmon with her once.
4. Because he hasn't gotten in yet.
5. Because she hasn't gotten in yet.
6. Because you can't have Clarissa without Alexia.

Light: Labyrintha, Nara, Serra, Yumei, Peppor, Pikachu

1. Is capable. Even if she is going to crash and burn!
2. Uh. Worse than Labby.
3. Is crazy.
4. Mermaid.
5. Nama told me to.
6. Just because.


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2010, 11:10:56 PM »
Dark Force (PSs)
Persephone (WA5)
Naesala (FE9)
Jessica (DQ8)
Asellus (SaGa)
Ultimecia (FF8)

Sofia (DQ4)
Presea (ToS)
Masaji Kato (SH2)
Freya (FF9)
Freya (VPs)
Yuffie (FF7)

Aelia (VP1)
Eleni (VH)
Laharl (Disgaea)
Mitsuru (Pers3)
Lo Wen (S2)
Canas (FE7)

Diego (VH)
Rozalin (Disgaea2)
Kirkis (S1)
Orlha (CC)
Gogo (FF6)
Blastoise (PKMN)


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 01:57:12 AM »
Godlike: Necrosaro, Violetta, Persephone, Claude, Emily, Lenneth

1. Needs to get in now that I can vote on him!
2. Dhyer satiation.
3. Ciddy satiation.
4. Super sation.
5. Snow Pyro satiation
6. NEB satiation.

Heavy: Lilka, Lloyd, Cress, Shadow, Jowy, Clarissa

1. V IS FOR VICTORY (unlikely for her in Heavy but still)
2. Tales main who needs in so he can downgrade.
3. Tales main who needs in so he can downgrade kick ass.
4. Beats both of the above.
6. Assuming she is Heavy is pretty safe. Heavy shall be offered up as a Sacrifice upon the feast of madness.

Oddly enough, the only division I care about this time is Middle.

Middle: Ashton, Arche, Peppita, Greg, Carol, Alexia

2. Arche Hype Train is go!
3. *shrugs* Status whore needs to upgrade.
4. Because he hasn't gotten in yet.
5. Because she hasn't gotten in yet.
6. Because you can't have Clarissa without Alexia.

Light: Labyrintha, Nara, Serra, Yumei, Peppor, Pikachu

1. Is capable. Even if she is going to crash and burn!
2. Uh. Worse than Labby.
3. Is crazy.
4. Mermaid.
5. Nama told me to.
6. Just because.


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2010, 02:00:56 AM »

Elvis (WA5) - NI ELVIS
Mitsuo Kubo (P4) - Why social outcasts should be allowed to decide everything
Eriko "Ellen" Kirishima (SMT:Persona) - Kohaku smile eh
Dark Force (PSs) - Elfboy
Rupert Dandridge (WAXF) - Totally PROfessional
Patriarch (XS2) - I heard Space Pope, did you hear Space Pope


Edna Capone (SH3) - Capone
Sync (TotA) - <Tide> YESZ
Grenseal (S1) - Rank Soppy
Jeff (EB) - Trips teaches us that rockets to vital areas of the body are superior
Odin (VP2) - Making Snow ragequit like it was no thing
Takaya (P3) - Making Snow ragequit like it was some thing


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) - Don't leave the job unfinished.
Sheena Lepant (Suikos) - Not enough boring Suikoden
Myau (PS1) - Only flying cats are allowed to live
Bow (BoF2) - Uno always wins, both the card game and user
Venusaur (PKMN) - Plant things make the world a better place
Carol (WA5) - You love her VA, Snow could pull it off


Saleh (FE8) - Everyone's favorite top tier unit
Mint (ToP) - Reminds me of Heavy Weapons Guy
Yukari (P3) - Snow is the most popular girl in school
Milia (S1) - Suikoden 1 power
Mao (SH3) - Cat
Tony (WAXF) - Dog
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2010, 07:25:42 AM »
Godlike: Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau)(XG), Lenneth Valkyrie(VPs), Elvis(WA5), Weisheit (WAXF), Naoto Shiragane (P4), Tibarn(FE9)

1. Is awesome
2. It shall be engraved upon your soul
4. Manly girl or Girly man? ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE
5. <Nitori> Naoto should downgrade and eat a Falcon Punch
6. Falcon punch counters

Heavy: Wugui(SH1), Lady Harken(WA), Georg Prime(Suikos), Ephraim (FE8), Berserk (WA), Cait Sith (FF7)

1. (Awkard) TURTLE
2. Maximum Risk explosions
3. Shiny critical explosions
4. One awesome lord out, another comes in!
6. Been out for a while and cool

Middle: Ramza Beoulve(FFT), Jude Maverick(WA4), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Roxis Rosencrantz(MK), Mia (FE9), Alexia Lynn Elesius (WAXF)

2. Absolute blade...Car slicer!
3. Bwahahaha!
4. Is a jerkface
5. Better swordsmaster than Guy! (and hotter too)
6. " The things I could not do yesterday, I shall not fear to attempt today, for I shall never give up on tomorrow" ~

Light: Palmer(FF7), Shady Thousand (WA3), Zahhak(S5), Cinna(FF9), Marcus(FE7), Shiho(VP1)

1. Is Palmer
2. Is Shady
3. Military genius
4. Godlike damage AND durability
5. Uses his FE6 form an- ...waaaaaait
6. May beat everybody above. That's just epic
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2010, 09:57:02 AM »
Ellen Kirishima(Pers), Weisheit(WAXF), Sephiroth(FF7), Mitsuo's Shadow(P4), Elvis(WA5), Taro Namatame(P4)

1. Tyr-slayer
3. Fanboy powar!
4. 8-bit fun!
5. The king is back!
6. Deliverymen are EVIL

Limstella(FE7), Zeon(ShF2), Adel(FF8), Cameela(ShF2), Marsilio(SO2), Kane(ShF1)

1. Fenrir ;_;
2. Needs back in Godlike.
3. Tranny!
4. Awesomeness.  We need more Shining Force 2!
5. Season 12!?

Carol Anderson(WA5), Greg Russelburg(WA5), Alexia Lynn Elesius(WAXF), Jin Shirato(P3), Kashell(VPL), Tohru Adachi(P4)

2. Even the unsexy!
3. Has a gun.
4. Everyone loves P3 bosses!
5. Overcompensation!  The massive penis-blade shall destroy them all!

Luccia(CC), Simone Verducci(Suikodens), Hugh Thompson(PS2), Tony(WAXF), Shiho(VP), Roy(S5)

1. This is the power of science!
2. Flaming power!
3. Behold the power of biology!
4. Dog power!
5. Bird attack!
6. Sword of Seals!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 06:13:58 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2010, 04:14:55 PM »
Godlike: Rika (PS4), Shania (SH3), Emelious (G3), Profound Darkness (PSIV), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Belial (WA4).

1. Yesiu.jpg
2. Sure.
3. Female-only playthrough scaling. Hell yeahs.
4. Om nom nom.
5. It has been a long time, Lenneth.
6. This is how you use a tank! as a stat. Also cooler than Vinsfried anyway.

Heavy: Tana (FE8), Eileen (S1), Angelo (DQ8), Maya Schroedinger (WA3), Edna Capone (SH3), Rune Walsh (PS4).

1. Sure!
2. Sei's convinced me.
3. Ciato fanservice and token Heavy healer nod.
4. Mocking Janus for being a virgin since 2002.
5. Why not.
6. Rune for Godlike hype? Elfboy's on to something.

Middle: Tengaar (Suikos), Florina (FE), Fiora (FE), Sceptile (PKMN), Caina (WA2), Warlock (S4).

1. Talk to the hand, bitch.
2. Yay Peg. Knights!
3. Yay Peg. Knights! mk. 2.
4. God, get in and win matches already. ;_;
5. Yeah. Plus, Sora's mother/father formchain hype or something. Regardless, a strong Middle.
6. I sorta need an Earth Rune quota. That and Warlock is too odd for me to not nom him.

Light: Shabon (S3), Yumei (VP), Priscilla (FE), Meg (Suikos), Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF), Mallow (SMRPG).

1. This time, I wanted a pool with Lights that aren't completely worthless DL-wise. Shabon's as good as it gets for a Light dueller.
2. Is mc Does the chicken dance.
3. Totally wants in Ciato's pants if we're to consider Elfboy = Lucius.
4. Hey look she owns Ryudo.
5. The best skillset to ever grace Light, saddled with some of the worst stats to shame the division. This gotta count for something.
6. Also needs to -actually win-.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 11:40:22 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2010, 05:31:21 PM »
Lambda was in this season, Jo'ou Ranbu.

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2010, 05:43:15 PM »
Godlike: Asgard (WA3), Charlton (XF), Rupert (XF), Ryu (BoF4), Sir Leopold (DQ8), Violetta (G3)
Heavy:  Vulcanus(Disgaea), Culgan (S2), Cameela (SF2), Miang (XG), White Knight Leo (Lunar2), Clarissa (XF)
Middle: Roland(DDS), Swampert (PKMN), Flare (S4), Rouge (Saga), Jill Fizzart(FE9), Flay Gunnar (MK)
Light:  Ward Zabac(FF8), Prisilla (FE7), Cinna(FF9), Shabon(S3), Franz(S3), Maria (XG)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 05:45:55 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2010, 03:37:25 AM »
Godlike: Persephone (WA5) Elvis (WA5) Asgard (WA3) Chris Lightfellow (S3) Ultimecia (FFVIII) Seymour (FFX)

1. Get a match already.
2. I care about you much less, but you aslo haven't had a match.
3-6. Out for a while.

Heavy: Belcoot (S5) Mazus (S2) Gale (DDS) Adel (FFVIII) Velna (LoL2) Lassic (PSs)

1. 0-1 and Gate fanservice.
2. Long absence and Grefter fanservice.
3. Probably due to get crushed in his new division.
4. For the Dhyers.
5. Standard "fail less in your new division" nom.
6. Champ already.

Middle: Kurtis (Disgaea) Lemina Ausa (L:EBC) Jin (P3) Crowley (S1) Maxine (S4) Lorelei (Suikos)

1. Dueish.
2. Dueish.
3. No matches. Fails, but no matches.
4. Well, I nommed his "rival," so...
5. May as well round out the Suikoden series here.
6. And one for Suikos as well.

Light: Yumei (VP1) Gepetto (SH2) Raja (PS4) Amy Sage (PS2) Ward (FFVIII) Emma (WA:ACF)

1. Chicken dance.
2. Eh, no SH in here yet, works.
3. Improves any light season.
4. Sure, more Phantasy Star scrubs will make everyone happy.
5. Due, I guess.
6. Whatever.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 03:42:43 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2010, 06:18:59 AM »

Rika (PS4): We know she can win, but I still never get tired of it.
Shania (SH3): Get a win (and some decent clothes).
Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs): Cool character, cool dueller.
Belial (WA4): Dropping Ostian generals, Zexen Knights, and furry moogles on your head since 2006.
Charlton (WAXF): Will not permit you to stall for time.


Rune Walsh (PS4): LLG stat hype!
Sgt. Joe (S3): Over 20 seasons? Unacceptable for the Emperor of the Entire Fucking Universe.
Surt (VP1): MF6 form for High Godlike! That's not legal? I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS!
Maya Schroedinger (WA3): Women have been living proudly for some time now. You just need to date more.
Harken (WA:ACF): d(risk)/d(time) = 0; d^2(risk)/d(time)^2 < 0
Clarissa (WAXF): Upgrade.


Fiora (FE7)
Flay (MK)
Sceptile (PKMN): Don't draw Blaziken.
Tengaar (S2)
Selma (S4)
Isabel (S5)


Orlha (CC)
Nara (DW4)
Cinna (FF9)
Priscilla (FE7)
Shabon (S3)
Shady Thousand (WA3)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 11:32:06 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2010, 06:53:41 AM »
Godlike: Rosa, Claude Kenni, Elvis, Emily, Chris, Exdeath

Heavy: Sharon, Gala, Augustine, Shadow, Ramladu, Zeon

Middle: Vahn, Paula(EB), Mog, Bow, Fina, Kazan

Light: Wan Fu, Rafa, Marcus, Nanami(Suiko), Nanami(VP), Kelvena


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Re: Season 58 Nom pools
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2010, 06:59:32 AM »
Godlike: Asgard (WA3), Charlton (XF), Rupert (XF), Ryu (BoF4), Persephone (WA5), Violetta (G3)
Heavy:  Vulcanus(Disgaea), Culgan (S2), Eileen (Suiko1), Miang (XG), White Knight Leo (Lunar2), Clarissa (XF)
Middle: Carol (WA5), Swampert (PKMN), Flare (S4), Rouge (Saga), Jill Fizzart(FE9), Flay Gunnar (MK)
Light:  Ward Zabac(FF8), Prisilla (FE7), Cinna(FF9), Shabon(S3), Franz(S3), Maria (XG)
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.