Author Topic: <Untitled IAQ Project>: Round 4: Characters, Status, Equipment, Specials, etc  (Read 23778 times)


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And now allow me to invalidate everything you posted.

Noemi: Fine
Erastus: Disagree with calling him a secondary main.
Kasia: Orphanage owned by a dissonant plantation owner.
Aurel: See above.
Shao: Point about Fahim is debatable.

Isolde: Fine.
Faulheit: Fine
Katarine: Fine.
Ilona: Wish to contrast and roll with her being a Guardian who believed in the revolution, but was disillusioned by the fact that they simultaneously turned their backs on their sworn duty to battle the creatures of the Disquiet in the process.
Selena: Fine.

Mirek: Fine
Eirwen: Fine.
Artur: Need to think on.
Rafael: Sounds fine.
Claire: Need to mull on.

Yiu: I suppose we never got around to talking about this/it got lost in the shuffle. Considering the merits of Yiu being a dishonored son for skipping out on an arranged marriage to marry Meilin, and thus is using the prophecy deal to restore his honor.
Meilin: See above.
Xun: Fine.
Jin: Fine.
Fahim: Fine.

Magic Fanatic

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Proposed included status effects:

Burn - Afflicted takes damage every round, adds Weakness to Fire, 75% physical attack power.
Frostbite - Afflicted takes damage every round, adds Weakness to Ice, 75% physical accuracy.
Paralysis - Chance of skipping turn(s).
Entrapped - Don't Move
Disoriented - Randomized movement, halved physical/magical accuracy.  Lasts two turns maximum.
Displaced - 75% speed and charge times.

Graduate from the same school as Noemi.  Wants to eventually find a way to cure the Disquiet poisoning in people.  Cares for his parents deeply.

MP: A+
Strength: G
Dexterity: C
Vitality: F+
Intelligence: S
Spirit: A+
Speed: C

Accuracy: G
Evasion: G
Magic Evasion: A+
Move: 1

Passive #1:  Continuous Power - Fahim can keep casting until he has a negative MP value equal to his Max MP value.  However, while he has a negative MP value, Fahim takes a penalty of -2 ranks to all stats except MP, and anything that refers to Fahim's MP instead considers him to have 0 MP.  Fahim's MP cannot be reduced to below 0 except by Fahim casting spells.

Passive #2:  Focused Power - Fahim is immune to any status that would reduce or disable Fahim's spells/spellcasting ability.

Fahim spell list:


Exploder - ST/AoE.  Fire-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Circular Hex Target, hitting all targets except self in a range equal to level.  Can add Burn.

Frostfall - ST/AoE.  Ice-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is multi-way LT Hex Target, with central origin, hitting all targets except self in range equal to level.  Can add Frostbite.

Shocker - ST/AoE.  Lightning-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is LT Hex Target, with central origin, hitting all targets except self in range equal to level.  Can add Paralysis.

Quicksand - ST/AoE.  Earth-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Circular Hex Target, hitting all targets except self in a range equal to level.  Can add Entrapped.

Gust - ST/AoE.  Wind-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Cone Hex Target, hitting all targets in direction from self in a range equal to level.  Can add Disoriented.

Downpour - ST/AoE.  Water-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) LT Hex Target, hitting all targets in a distance from self in a range equal to level.  Can add Displaced.

Draining - ST.  Damages target's HP/MP, and heals all characters in Fahim's hex by ((damage dealt * 2)/# of characters in target hex).

Punish - ST.  Deals non-elemental damage, auto-hits all weaknesses on targets.  Ignores target defense.

Illness - HT.  Adds Poison/Blind/Confusion/Charm/Doom/Sleep/Silence/(Other Status).  Each status has a check independant of each other.  Ignores all target's stats except for resistances/immunities.


Mind/Body Restoration - ST.  Heals all status on target except Death/Unconscious.

Land's Blessing - HT.  Kicks in activation at a speed independant of but equivalent two Fahim's second turn.  All unconscious/dead characters in target Hex are revived with 1 HP.  It being on the field stops battle ending/game overs, and if one side is completely depleted, its activation is instant.

See Mind - ST.  Increases all target's stats by 10% per turn for the next six turns, before wearing off.  If cast on a Hex again before wearing off, the buff level is retained with a reset timer (If Fahim cast this after the buff already provided +40%, then it would provide +40% for four turns, before providing +50% and then +60%).  Can only be cast on one hex on the field at a time.  If cast on a different Hex, the first casting is immediately dispelled.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:01:37 AM by Magic Fanatic »


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Updated Noemi skillset concept:


Ifris Libra: Starting skill. Spend X amount of MP to deal X amount of Fire damage to a single target. Starts with a limit of 10% maxMP use. As Noemi's level increases, she can gradually use up to 100% of her MP in one attack. Effected by Elemental Resistance and MEvade, but ignores MDEF.
Arna Evalescere: Fahim-learned skill. Increases both Target STR and DEX by 25% on turn one, which increases to 35% on turn two, then 50% on turn three, before the effect wears off. Targets all allies in a hex.
Phoenicis Cruor: Kasia-learned skill. High MP cost. Dissonant Revival magic. Restores Target from 0 HP to max HP, but bestows a status effect that temporarily reduces mHP to 75%. If a target is revived with this multiple times, the status effect stacks. The effect lasts for 40 of the afflicted's turns or 3 battles.
Minerva Cortis: Aurel-learned skill. Noemi will cover any allies in her Hex, and any attacks provoke a Counter-attack, where Noemi uses her basic physical. The first physical aimed at someone in her Hex will be taken by Noemi, but blocked and reduced by 90% damage, and then countered. All subsequent attacks are still taken by Noemi and countered, but at normal damage. The Cover/Counter effect lasts until Noemi leaves the Hex.
Callida Leanae: Physical skill that adds INT to STR to attack, Cancel Effect. Works on a cooldown meter to give Noemi's MP some relief. 3-turn Cooldown. Takes a while to learn.
Draco Eruptus (100% mx MP): Noemi adapts Mirek's Focus style to her MP gauge. Noemi's physicals regen ~5% mMP. At Max MP, her attacks all take on an "Ignore 1/2 Target's Def" property (her spells, too, though after one shot, the effect is obviously lost since she is no longer at max MP). Also, at 100% MP, the skill Draco Eruptus becomes useable. It is a moderate-damage physical tech that attacks all enemies in a 6-hex conical AoE from Noemi.
Lupus Baubari: Yiu-learned skill. Quieting spell. Inflicts 100% Silence on a single target, but also grants the target immunity to all other status effects and buffs/debuffs while in effect. Lasts 5 turns.
Strix Bravere: Erastus-learned skill. Takes a long time to learn. Same formula as a basic attack, but absorbs 75% of the damage as healing. In her own unique twist on the skill, it also heals anyone in the same hex as her. Has a lowered accuracy rate.
Combination Skills:
Arna Libra: Combination of Ifris Libra and Arna Evalescere. Spend X MP to raise a target's STR and DEX X points for 2 rounds. (This might become more expensive for balancing purposes depending on how much MP Noemi has compared to her max stats.)
Leanae Falx: Combination of Callida Leanae and Iridis Falx. 3-turn Cooldown skill. Cannot be used if an Iridis Falx element is not set to Noemi's weapon out-of-battle. Physical skill that adds INT to STR to attack. The ability has an elemental splash damage effect that hits a 3-hex conical AoE from Noemi.
Strix Cruor: Combination of Phoenicis Cruor, Strix Bravere, and Callida Leanae. 4-turn Cooldown skill. Reduces a target's max HP by half for 3 turns. Target cannot recover HP during the effect, but the status itself can be dispelled. Target becomes 50% more susceptible to status effects.
(Teleport: Story-learned skill. 3-turn Cooldown skill. As implied, Noemi can use this skill to teleport anywhere on the battlefield. After teleporting, Noemi may attack physically or defend.)


Iridis Falx: Shao-learned skill. This passive allows her to set her weapon's elemental typing out-of-battle. May evolve as Noemi's level increases.
MP Focus: Passive portion of the Mirek-learned skill Draco Eruptus. Noemi adapts the Focus style to her MP gauge. Noemi's physicals regen ~5% mMP. At Max MP, her attacks all take on an "Ignore 1/2 Target's Def" property (her spells, too, though after one shot, the effect is obviously lost since she is no longer at max MP).

Pseudo-science notes on each of the skills!

Ifris Libra Latin: "Ifreet Measure/Scales"
Flavor: "Precision Casting - Noemi is particularly skilled at using the Flow efficiently. She has studied the precise amounts of energy necessary to achieve maximum effects with certain spells. This makes her ability with even the basic Fire spell deadly if she pours the right amount of energy into it. Dissonant magic, but the principle behind Precision Casting is actually a form of the Quieting mediating the effects of the Dissonance."
Arna Evalescere Latin: "Lamb's Blessing"
Flavor:"Resonance buffing. Fahim is obsessed with finding a method to heal the Disquiet poisoning in individuals, so he's perfected the art of strengthening bodily fortitude with some of the best spells the Academy teaches. Due to the similarity in their final research projects on fixing the Disquiet, Noemi often compared notes with Fahim. Over time, she picked up some pointers about Resonance spells from him, though she tended to focus on performance over fortitude."
Phoenicis Cruor Latin: "Phoenix Blood/Bleeds/Bleeding"
Flavor: "Dissonant Revival. Using high-level healing Dissonance on mortal wounds can cause serious problems to those without some innate magical defenses - such as permanently shutting down the immune system. Kasia spent much of her time studying Dissonant healing and how to properly use it and on how to tell who can withstand its effects. Noemi found learning the spell easy just by watching Kasia, but discerning who can handle it has been more difficult."
* This one should be quick-to-learn since Kasia isn't a permanent PC. Also, since Revival spells have been discussed and play a part in world-building, I would like to see a sidequest of sorts where Noemi and Kasia come across someone mortally wounded who cannot handle Dissonant Revival. Kasia would refuse to heal him based on her training (something akin to the Magical Hypocratic Oath), but Noemi/the player would have the option of saving his life immediately and seeing the wasting effects of Disquiet on an individual. As a skill, it would work like Kasia's revival, only perhaps it causes a 'reduced mHP' status effect that lasts a few turns, to reflect Noemi's imperfect training with this kind of difficult skill. Still, revival is good, and since her team's reviver leaves, it's important that Noemi learns it.
Iridis Falx Latin: "Iris (Greek Rainbow Goddess) Blade"
Flavor: "Shao's research had some focus on storing large amounts of the Flow in objects, greater than even Flow-enhanced armor. The elemental energy is meant to act as a battery of sorts, but skill has been adapted for battle uses."
Minerva Cortis Latin: "Minerva (Athena) Guardian"
Flavor: "Aurel is the first to jump in and take a blow for his allies, and Noemi admires his skill. With some of his advice, Noemi learned the proper way to take a glancing blow and turn it against her foes. A little bit of magical assistance helps keep the risk down, though."
Callida Leanae Latin: "Cunning Lioness"
Draco Eruptus Latin: I think you can figure this out.
Flavor: "Mirek is trained in the arts of the Guardians. He tries to teach the idea of focusing one's emotions into a single strike to Noemi, but she hasn't quite mastered it."
Lupus Baubari Latin: "Wolf Howling/Baying"
Flavor: "Studying the glyphs on Yiu's Noise Trap allowed Noemi to derive a true Quieting spell, one of the first found in a recognizable magic form in generations. It is a raw spell, so the effects are somewhat limited in scope and area."
Strix Bravere Latin: "Vampire (Actually, some other kind of vaguely-described vampire-like monster) Gamble"
Flavor: "Draining is something of a misnomer. It's really a kind of Dissonant healing that shunts the Disquieted effect to a nearby target of similar chemical makeup. It's very difficult to control."
Arna Libra Latin: "Lamb's Measure/Scales"
Flavor: "With greater practice of Quieting magics, Noemi is able to apply the Precision magic principle to a Resonance effect."
Leanae Falx Latin: "Lioness Blade"
Flavor: "Using the Flow to enhance one's strength for a moment, this skill creates a bit of Dissonant shockwave due to the elemental energy stored in her weapon."
Strix Cruor Latin: "Vampiric monster Blood/Bleeds/Bleeding"
Flavor: "A clever, though somewhat unsavory use of the Flow. She intentionally induces Disquiet poisoning in a foe temporarily to weaken their health."

Open to suggestions for balance, and corrected Latin.


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Proposed included status effects:

Burn - Afflicted takes damage every round, adds Weakness to Fire, 75% physical attack power.
Frostbite - Afflicted takes damage every round, adds Weakness to Ice, 75% physical accuracy.
Paralysis - Chance of skipping turn(s).
Entrapped - Don't Move
Disoriented - Randomized movement, halved physical/magical accuracy.  Lasts two turns maximum.
Displaced - 75% speed and charge times.

Burn kind of overlaps with the proposed Erastus status 'Scorch', I would probably combine Scorch with Burn. Scorch actually hits a Hex, like a field effect, instead of actually hitting the targets in the Hex. I think it would be fine to allow 'Elemental effects' to hit Hexes as field effects, and have "status effects" hit individual targets. The difference being? You can move out of a Scorched Hex, but Poison stays with you no matter where you go.

Frostbite kind of overlaps with Yiu's Frozen status... just on flavor, though. Frozen is basically a kind of turn-2 ID (afflicted shatters if attacked). Might consider keeping both anyway, though might as well make Frostbite Hex-target like Scorch if we want to keep the parallel.

Entrapped: Meilin has the skill Hamstring which does something like this, too?
Disoriented: Sounds like a similar flavor to Yiu's Distracted status from Coin Launcher. I'd consider changing Yiu's status to use this instead.
Other stuff: Looks good.

Graduate from the same school as Noemi.  Wants to eventually find a way to cure the Disquiet poisoning in people.  Cares for his parents deeply.

He really -should- have more healing/support-type effects if he's so concentrated on curing people of Disquiet.


Void - ST/AoE.  Dark-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Circular Hex Target, hitting all targets except self in a range equal to level.  Can cause Silence.

Flash - ST/AoE.  Light-elemental.  ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Cone Hex Target, hitting all targets in direction from self in a range equal to level.  Can cause Blind.

Draining - ST.  Damages target's HP/MP, and heals all characters in Fahim's hex by ((damage dealt * 2)/# of characters in target hex).

My first thought is that he doesn't need to hit -every- element. Give him the first six, but the Light and Dark ones are a little unneccessary, I think. Note that I really like the AoE patterns on all the elemental spells, so I wouldn't be upset if you kept Light/Dark too, just seems a little much.

Draining is cool, very similar to Noemi's Draining skill, though it hits MP as well and uses a different formula. Personally, this seems to suit his flavor a little more. If he's been researching Disquiet for so long, he probably understands how to heal and then shift the effects to an enemy or something.

Punish - ST.  Deals non-elemental damage, auto-hits all weaknesses on targets.  Ignores target defense.

Cool idea... but why is it ITD? You're already auto-hitting weakness. I guess if this is his endgame skill, it's fine as-is.


Mind/Body Restoration - ST.  Heals all status on target except Death/Unconscious.

Land's Blessing - HT.  Kicks in activation at a speed independant of but equivalent two Fahim's second turn.  All unconscious/dead characters in target Hex are revived with 1 HP.  It being on the field stops battle ending/game overs, and if one side is completely depleted, its activation is instant.

Land's Blessing sounds like it's targetting the Hex as a field effect instead of a 'all targets in Hex' deal. That's pretty cool. I'm imagining if an enemy uses a knockback move that KOs a PC and makes them land in the Land's Blessing Hex, it revives that PC too when it activates. Also, delayed-turn revival is really cool.

My only real suggestion is that Fahim needs a Resonance buff, preferablly Defense-oriented, since it would make sense that he'd be concerned with boosting an individual's Vitality.

And now allow me to invalidate everything you posted.
Well, not -everything-. But... it's posted on the wiki, so feel free to make any necessary changes yourself. I -did- ask for some fact-checking. You have this nasty habit of not explaining the whole scenario you have in your head to /us/ sometimes.

Shao: Point about Fahim is debatable.

Ilona: Wish to contrast and roll with her being a Guardian who believed in the revolution, but was disillusioned by the fact that they simultaneously turned their backs on their sworn duty to battle the creatures of the Disquiet in the process.

Artur: Need to think on.

Claire: Need to mull on.

Yiu: I suppose we never got around to talking about this/it got lost in the shuffle. Considering the merits of Yiu being a dishonored son for skipping out on an arranged marriage to marry Meilin, and thus is using the prophecy deal to restore his honor.

Shao: Well, it just makes sense from Fahim's side of the story. Fahim is interested in God-King language and culture, and they -did- just spend their college years together. I was just thinking it made sense for them to be fairly good friends.

Ilona: Uh... whatever you say, I have no idea about Ilona or what you intended for the Guardian in Isolde's path.

Artur: Well, I just didn't want his whole personality to be 'I'm a stalker and I hate Mirek.' Also explains why he's trained fighter.

Claire: I basically just combined my old idea for Ilona with Magic's idea for Claire here. It's the first time we've really discussed her role on Mirek's path.

Yiu: I guess that's good. But yeah, we haven't discussed it before.

Again, please just go ahead and make any edits to the wiki itself.


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From the wiki as of now:

HP: B-
MP: n/a
Strength: C
Dexterity: C
Vitality: C (+1/-2 ranks)
Intelligence: D-
Spirit: D-
Speed: A+

Accuracy: B+
Evasion: C (+1/-2 ranks)
Magic Evasion: C (+1/-2 ranks)
Move: 3 (+1/-2)

Spears, Guardian Blades, Shortspears/Javelins, Composites/Pikes

Light, Medium, Heavy

Light Medium, Heavy, Guardian, Female

Resource Description

Focus Meter. Starts at 0% and increases by 10% every turn.

Claire also has unique items that only she can use in the form of sweet fruits. She can purchase most fruits from shops or find them in the wild. She can only hold a certain number of each Fruit at a time, but she can increase the number with Key Item Pouches.


Hyperactive:: Claire's speed is raised by 1% for every 5% focus meter she currently has.

Role Adaptation: If equipped with only Light-class armor, gain +1 Move, raise Physical/Magical evasion to B, lower Vitality/(MDEF stat) to F. If equipped only with Heavy-class armor, lose 2 Move, lower Physical/Magical evasion to F, lower Speed to D+, raise Vitality/(MDEF stat) to B, and gain OPB Special Endure (instead of only lasting for one attack, lasts until the next party member's turn). Non-weight-type equipment do not count against this passive.

Sweet Tooth: The effects of sweet items/skills are doubled on Claire.


Fruits: (Initial Capacity/Max Pouches Capacity)

Citrus Berry: (10/25) Fills a target's Focus Meter 25% (50% to Claire). Storebought from the beginning.

Firemelon: (5/10) The target's next attack deals 2x damage, but the cost is also increased 2x. (4x increase for Claire.) MP skills that cost more double the target's maxMP cannot be used with this skill. Focus skills that originally cost more than 50% now require a full 100% Focus meter. Cooldown skills used in conjuction with this Fruit have their cooldown period doubled. Does not effect basic physicals. Common find/drop early on, storebought by midgame.

Mintaloupe:(10/20) Restores all negative status and debuffs from the target. Rare find/drop early on, storebought by midgame.

Ginseng Apple: (5/15) Buffs Evade by +50% for three turns. (five turns for Claire.) Rare find/drop early on, storebought after midgame.

Divine Fruit: (1/3) Restores all HP/MP/Focus/Cooldowns/Status and grants 2-turn Invincibility. (4 turns for Claire.) Can only be found in the Legendary Garden (sidequest dungeon).

Focus Skills

Tarte Tatin: (20% Focus) Claire impales the enemy, flipping her to the hex on the other side of the enemy, and then pushing the enemy into the hex she was just in.

Petite Madeleine: (25% Focus) Rushes into an enemy, pushing it back one hex. For each ally in the same hex, this range is increased by 1. If the enemy cannot travel back any more hexes, then it is stunned for as many turns as how many hexes it had left to travel.

Profiterole: (30% Focus) Impales an enemy, and then flips the enemy right behind her, causing it one turn of stun.

Mille-feuille: (50% Focus) 3-range HT. Pushes all enemies in range into the last Hex of the range.

Crème Brûlée: (60% Focus) Hits all enemies in all surrounding Hexes, Range 1. All enemies hit by this skill are forced into the same hex.

How They Learn Skills
Mirek is training her. The actual mechanic for that is TBD.


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Some summary stuff.

Imperial Research Academy Theses:
Noemi's researching how to do something about the disquiet at large.

Fahim is apparently looking for how to cure Disquiet in people. 

Rafael's research, as postulated by Nama, was more oriented towards changing people in such a way that they could survive in the Disquiet

Kasia's field of study was exclusively Dissonant healing. The magical equivalent of a doctor.

Shao doesn't have a defined field of study yet, but I postulated that he was looking for methods of Energy storage, like magical batteries, which might tie in with his elemental 'charging' skills.


Imperial Flow Research Academy (IFRA): Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Fahim, Shao, Rafael

Imperial Military: Erastus, Aurel, Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine, Selena

Guardians: Mirek, Claire, Ilona

Imperial Town of Aria (formerly XXXX): Eirwen, Artur, Mirek, (Claire), (Rafael)

God-King Tribes: Yiu, Meilin, Xun, Jin, Shao, (Fahim)

*Average diameter of one Hex is 15 feet.

Weapon-based stats (tentative ideas)
*ATK(for armor penetration), DEX multiplier, range, Damage type (slash/pierce/bludgeon), attack speed (chargetime), attack recovery (post-attack recovery time), critical rate, counter rate
In addition to the standard 'stat bonuses' and 'passive abilities' that items in general can have.

Special weapon properties (discussed tentative ideas)
*Crossbows should be weird and ignore Strength entirely
Lower-Str archers should probably opt for longbows only if you're buffing their Str
*Some light blades give a boost to healing proficiency
*Pikes get a range-2 bonus
*Whips generally have attached entangling/paralysis status
*Rings boost INT considerably. High-end Rings use INT instead of STR to deal physical damage.
*Instruments tend to boost the range or duration or Songs
*Cookware weapons increase the rate at which Food items are produced in battle. (From ~1 per battle, to ~3-4 per battle.) Some may also reduce the ingredient cost for producing Food items during battle.
*Slings/Boomerangs can attack enemies hidden behind other enemies (tentative, depending upon targetting decisions)

Melee weapon DEX distribution:
*Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles, Claws/Katar > Knives/Daggers > Light swords/Rapiers > Guardian Blades, Cookware, Whips/Chains, Shortspears > Spears, Staves, Axes/Maces/Clubs > Shields, Instruments, Greatswords > Scythes, Hammers/Great Axes, Pikes/Composites

Melee weapon ATK distribution:
Hammers/Great Axes > Scythes > Pikes/Composites, Greatswords > Axes/Maces/Clubs > Spears > Guardian Blades, Shortspears > Staves, Shields, Instruments, Whips/Chains > Light swords/Rapiers > Cookware > Knives/Daggers, Claws/Katar > Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles

Melee weapon Crit rate distribution:
Scythes > Spears > Greatswords, Hammers/Great Axes > Pikes/Composites, Shortspears > Guardian Blades, Whips/Chains, Rapiers > Claws/Katar, Axes/Maces/Clubs, Light swords > Staves, Cookware, Knives/Daggers, Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles > Shields, Instruments

Melee weapon Counter rate distribution: (% on average)
*Claws/Katar (95%) > Rapiers, Shortspears (90%) > Guardian Blades  (75%) > Knives/Daggers, Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles, Spears (50%) > Staves, Light swords (25%) > Scythes, Axes/Maces/Clubs, Greatswords (15%) > Cookware, Shields (10%) > Instruments, Hammers/Great Axes, Pikes/Composites (0% Counter Rate)

Melee weapon Accuracy boost distribution: (+X% on average)
*Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles, Claws/Katar, Knives/Daggers (+40%) > Light swords/Rapiers, Guardian Blades, Staves, Axes/Maces/Clubs (+25%) > Cookware, Shields, Instruments, Shortspears (+15%) > Scythes, Greatswords (+10%) > Spears, Hammers/Great Axes (+5%) > Pikes/Composites (+0%)

Ranged weapon Range distribution: (# of hexes)
*Bows/Crossbows (4) > Rings, Javelins, Throwing Knives/Darts (3) > Slings/Boomerangs (2)

Ranged weapon DEX distribution:
*Darts > Throwing Knives > Everything else cannot multi-hit, DEX=0

Ranged weapon ATK distribution:
*Bows > Crossbows > Javelins > Slings/Boomerangs > Throwing Knives > Darts, Rings

Ranged weapon Crit rate distribution:
*Slings, Javelins > Bows > Crossbows > Throwing Knives, Darts > Boomerangs, Rings (0%)

Ranged weapon Counter rate distribution: (% on average)
*Boomerangs (95%) > Throwing Knives/Darts (90%) > Rings (75%) > Bows/Crossbows, Javelins, Slings (0%)

Ranged weapon accuracy distribution:
*Bows/Crossbows > Throwing Knives/Darts, Javelins > Rings > Slings/Boomerangs

Physical elements distribution:
*Knives/Daggers, Light swords, Guardian Blades, Greatswords, Scythes, Axes, Great Axes, Throwing Knives
*Claws/Katar, Rapiers, Shortspears, Spears, Pikes/Composites, Bows/Crossbows, Javelins, Darts
*Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles, Cookware, Whips/Chains, Staves, Maces/Clubs, Shields, Instruments, Hammers, Slings/Boomerangs, Rings

« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 02:12:44 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Since the values you posted both appeared to be arbitrary in spots and at times run counter to decisions discussed in last night's chat, I decided to come up with an alternate distribution for all of this.

Alternate distributions:

Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles > Knives/Daggers > Claws/Katar > Light swords/Rapiers > Guardian Blades, Cookware, Whips/Chains, Shortspears > Spears, Staves, Axes/Maces/Clubs > Shields, Instruments, Greatswords > Scythes, Hammers/Great Axes, Pikes/Composites

Hammers > Great Axes > Scythes, Composites > Pikes, Greatswords > Spears, Axes/Maces/Clubs > Guardian Blades, Shortspears > Staves, Shields, Instruments, Whips/Chains > Light swords > Rapiers > Cookware > Knives/Daggers, Claws/Katar > Gloves/Gauntlets/Knuckles

Critical Rate(melee):
Claws/Katar > Great Axes > Composites > Axes > Spears, Shortspears > Piercing Knives, Rapiers > Pikes, Scythes > Greatswords, Guardian Blades > Light Swords, Hammers, Whips > Maces/Clubs, Slashing Knives, Cookware, Staves, Gauntlets > Shields, Instruments

Counter Rate(melee):
Gauntlets (~35%) > Shortspears, Rapiers (~30%)> Spears, Piercing Knives (~25%) > Slashing Knives, Claws/Katars (~20%)> Guardian Blades, Light swords, Staves (~15%)> Cookware, Shields, Maces/Clubs, Axes, Greatswords, Scythes (~10%) > Whips, Instruments, Hammers, Great Axes, Composites (~5%) > Pikes (0%)

Accuracy Boost(melee):
Gauntlets, Claws/Katar, Knives/Daggers, Whips > Light swords/Rapiers, Guardian Blades, Staves > Axes/Maces/Clubs, Shortspears > Cookware, Shields, Instruments, Spears > Scythes, Greatswords > Hammers/Greataxes, Composites > Pikes

Darts > Throwing Knives > others(one attack only)

Bows > Crossbows > Javelins > Slings, Boomerangs > Throwing Knives > Darts, Rings

Critical Rate(ranged):
Bows, Javelins > Crossbows > Throwing Knives, Darts > Slings, Boomerangs > Rings(0%)

Counter Rate(ranged):
Boomerangs(~27%) > Throwing Knives/Darts (~20%) > Rings (~12%) > Bows, Crossbows, Javelins, Slings (0%)

Accuracy Boost(ranged):

Weapons by Damage Type:

Slashing: some Knives/Daggers, Claws, Whips, Light Swords, Guardian Blades, Greatswords, Scythes, Axes, Composites, Great Axes, Throwing Knives, some Boomerangs.

Piercing: some Knives/Daggers, Katars, Rapiers, Shortspears, Spears, Pikes, Bows, Crossbows, Javelins, Darts

Impact: Gauntlets, Cookware, Staves, Maces/Clubs, Shields, Instruments, Hammers, Slings, some Boomerangs, Rings, Chains
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Current list of Status Effects:

Regen: Target regains X% max HP per turn for Y number of turns.
Poison: Target loses X% max HP per turn for Y number of turns.
Bleeding: Target loses X% max HP per Movement and per Action for Y number of turns.
Backfire: Target loses X% max HP whenever using magic.
Burn: Target loses X% max HP per turn, gains a Y% weakness to Fire, and Physical Attack power is reduced to 75%. Persists until end of battle or cured.
Frostbite: Target loses X% max HP per turn, gains a Y% weakness to Ice, and Physical Accuracy is reduced to 0.75x its current value. Persists until end of battle or cured.
Paralysis: Target has a X% of skipping a turn for Y turns.
Immobilized: Target cannot leave a Hex by their own volition for X turns.
Displaced: Target's Speed and Charge times are reduced to 0.75x current value. Persists until end of battle or cured. (Technically a stat debuff, consider revising).
Disoriented: Target's Movement is randomized, Physical and Magical Accuracy is halved. Persists for 1-2 turns.
Blind: Target's basic physicals are reduced to 0 Accuracy.
Healblocked: Target's HP cannot be restored for X turns.
Weakened: Target's max HP is reduced X% for Y turns/battles.
Charm: Target can not be controlled normally and acts with the following AI priority: healing/buffing the charmer -> attacking uncharmed enemies -> attacking charmed enemies -> doing nothing. Cured by taking damage from an enemy.
Stun: Target can take no action, and his/her turn marker (or whatever) does not advance. Counterattacks and activated skills are disabled. Short duration (around 1 turn, typically).
Misfortune: Target's counter, critical, and non-100% passive activation rates reduced to 0%, opponents' counter, critical, non-100% passive activation rates against Target are doubled.
Berserk: The target's next attack deals 2x damage, but the cost is also increased 2x. MP skills that cost more double the target's maxMP cannot be used with this skill. Focus skills that originally cost more than 50% now require a full 100% Focus meter. Cooldown skills used in conjuction with this status have their cooldown period doubled. Does not effect basic physicals.
Frozen: Status lasts 2 turns, during which the afflicted cannot act. If an afflicted is attacked physically while Frozen, their health is reduced to 0.
Fragile: If the target takes any actions, their HP is reduced to 0.
Backlash: When Target inflicts damage upon a unit/group, the Target take damage equivalent to that which they dealt. Attacking multiple units, the returned damage is added together against the target.
Reflect: Negative and Positive Magic-typed skills aimed at the target are reflected back at the user. Spells can only be Reflected once.
Silence: Target cannot use magic-typed skills.
Status Immunity: Target cannot be affected by status effects or stat-downs for X number of turns.
Invincibility: Target cannot be affected by damage or status effects or stat-downs for X number of turns.
Delay: Target's next turn is pushed back 5 turnslots. (needs revision for whatever speed system is decided on)
Cancel: Target's turn is pushed back 5 turnslots. If an Action was selected when the status was applied, that action cannot be chosen on the target's next turn. (needs revision for whatever speed system is decided on)

Haven't filled in all the holes yet.

Perhaps we should revise some skills to actually use the same statuses?

GENERAL BATTLE SYSTEM NOTES (mostly agreed-upon at this point)
*Battlefield is a double-ring Hex Grid, with 19 total hexagons.
*Average diameter of one Hex is 15 feet.
*Six average-sized units can occupy one Hex. Enemies cannot occupy the same Hex as an Ally.
*Basic physicals and most skills only target a single unit in a Hex.
*Direction a PC is facing does not effect any game formulas.
*PC Parties are composed of 4 Active PCs and 1 Support slot PC. Support slot PCs provide passive Support Bonuses to the battle.
*One to Two Hexes on the edge of the ring are known as "Switching Points". If an Active PC enters the Switching Point, the Support slot PC can trade places with the Active PC, who in turn begins to provide their own unique Support Bonus to the battle.
*When a PC's HP reaches 0, they are given the option to 'Retreat', allowing the Support slot PC to swap in at 0 CT. Obviously, the swapped out PC with 0 HP does not provide their Support Bonus to the battle in this state.
*Experience is gained from winning fights. As PCs gain EXP, their levels and stats increase. Levels are gained on a Suikoden-style learning curve. PCs do not generally learn skills directly from leveling.
*Regular enemy encounters are visible on-field and avoidable. How aggressively the on-screen enemies pursue the Party is determined by an aggro meter in all areas where common encounters are present. After defeat, these encounters do not return until the Party leaves the 'dungeon area'.

Age Distribution:
Claire (17)
Kasia, Artur(21)
Noemi, Mirek, Xun (23)
Ilona, Aurel (24)
Faulheit (25)
Katarine (26)
Isolde, Yiu (27)
Selena, Meilin (29)
Jin (38)
Rafael (45)
Erastus (56)

Proposed Weapon stats template:
Physical Element:
Attack Power:
Dex Modifier:
Accuracy Boost:
Critical Boost:
Counter Rate:
Stat Bonuses:

« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 02:06:05 AM by Dark Holy Elf »


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PC Parties are composed of 4 Active PCs and 1 Support slot PC. Support slot PCs provide passive Support Bonuses to the battle.

One to Two Hexes on the edge of the ring are known as "Switching Points". If an Active PC enters the Switching Point, the Support slot PC can trade places with the Active PC, who in turn begins to provide their own unique Support Bonus to the battle. The swapped-in party member starts at 0 CT. After a Switch occurs, 5 turns must pass before another Switch can be made. This is includes Retreat-Switching.

+One idea I had make switching a little more interesting was: For the act of swapping out an Active PC and losing their CT, they would activate a short-term 'Support Skill', which would be a boosted version of their Support Bonus. This is mostly to add some variety to the Support abilities, so they are not intended to be very strong, just enough to counter-balance to lost time for switching in general. I'm going to list my proposed ideas for both Support Skills and the more agreed-upon Support Bonuses so everyone can get an idea for how I see this balanced.

Support Bonus: Decem Libra: Ally spells consume 10% MP/Focus/HP. Spells that use Cooldowns and Charges have a 10% chance of being cost-free.
Retreat Effect: Decem Eruptus: Ally spells deal 10% more damage for 2 turns with a cost-free effect.

Support Bonus: Song of Poison: All Enemies who are not immune to Poison take 1% max HP damage every turn.
Retreat Effect: Endless Echo: Any Song that was in effect when Erastus Retreats remains in effect for the remainder of battle.

Support Bonus: Healer's Oath: Every 5 turns, the most injured ally's HP is full-restored, but they gain Healblocked status for 3 turns.
Retreat Effect: Saviour's Farewell: When Kasia Retreats, all allies' HP is healed 50%, but they gain Healblocked status for 3 turns.

Support Bonus: Take Your Chances: Allies have a 15% chance of surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP remaining.
Retreat Effect: No One Left Behind: Allies have a 100% chance to survive any fatal attack with 1 HP remaining for 1 turn.

Support Bonus: Prism Aura: All allies basic physicals become elemental. The element is selected before battle from the skill menu (or switched off).
Retreat Effect: Prism Wheel: When Shao Retreats, he may choose an element for all enemies to develop a weakness towards.

Support Bonus: Dissonant Supplement: Allies add 10% of INT to STR for basic physicals
Retreat Effect: Dissonant Wave: Allies add 50% of INT to STR for basic physicals for 1 turn.

Support Bonus: Mass Laziness: Allies' damage increases 15% if they don't move before attacking.
Retreat Effect: Chuck It: Allies' attack range increases by 1 for one turn.

Support Bonus: Regenesis: All allies regen 5% max HP every turn.
Retreat Effect: Regenesis Burst: All allies regen 20% max HP on their next turn.

Support Bonus: Evasive Stance: Any allies' evasion increases 10% for 1 turn if they remain in the same Hex during their turn.
Retreat Effect: Evasive Dance: When Ilona Retreats, all allies evade basic physicals at a 100% chance for one turn if they remain in the same Hex for that turn.

Support Bonus: Himmel-Lanze: All Dissonant spells ignore Reflect.
Retreat Effect: Gespenst-Bombe: When Selena Retreats, all buffs (both enemy and ally) are Dispelled.

Support Bonus: Guardian's Song: All allies' nonzero Counter rates are increased 20%, but their counterattacks are only 90% of regular damage.
Retreat Effect: Guardian's Training: All allies' nonzero Counter rates are increased to 100% for one turn.

Eirwen (One idea I had for her initially was that she would take advantage of the switching mechanic, so even if we toss out Support Skills, I'd like Eirwen to get a Passive that allows her to preserve this skill)
Support Bonus: Delicious Aroma: All allies regen 3% max MP/Focus on their turns.
Retreat Effect/Support Skill: Leftovers: When Eirwen switches out, this skill uses up 3 of the lowest-level Meals available in her inventory to heal 50% of max MP/Focus. If there are not enough Meals in her inventory, this skill only heals 10% of max MP/Focus.
"I had some extra, so eat it up now before it goes bad!"

Support Bonus: Crash Course: When any ally lands a Critical hit with a basic physical, their target is knocked back one Hex, if a legal Hex exists behind the enemy.
Retreat Effect: Crash Insurance: For 3 turns after Artur Retreats, when any ally lands a Critical hit with a basic physical, their target is knocked back one legal Hex and inflicted with Stun for 2 turns.

Support Bonus: Augmentation: All allies' buffing effects have a 50% chance to last 2x longer.
Retreat Effect: Immunization: All debuffs and negative statuses on allies when Rafael Retreats now only last 50% as long.

Support Bonus: Connoiseur: All regeneration effects are double-potency, for both ally and enemy.
Retreat Effect: Sabotage: All enemies' food and regeneration effects are nulled for 3 turns.

Support Bonus: Noise Interference: All enemies have a 10% flat chance to fail at casting a spell.
Retreat Effect: Noise Disabler: After Yiu Retreats, all enemies have a 100% chance to fail at casting spells for one turn.

Support Bonus: Charming Supporter: All allies are immune to Charm.
Retreat Effect: Charm School: After Meilin Retreats, all female allies have a 75% chance to inflict Charm with their basic physicals.

Support Bonus: Parasitic Ecosystem: All enemies' MP/Focus are drained 1% every turn.
Retreat Effect: Pet Food: If a Pet is on the field when Xun Retreats, its HP is restored 50%.

Support Bonus: Sideliner's Sonata: All allies base stats increase 1%. Does not apply to Weapon/Armor stats.
Retreat Effect: Finale: All allies are granted Regen status. This Regen status heals 5% max HP every turn. Stacks with other Regen effects.

Support Bonus: Continuous Casting: All allies' resistance to the Silence status effect is increased by +50%. This does not apply to other forms of debilitating spellcasting, such as Yiu's Noise Trap.
Retreat Effect: None.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 10:36:41 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

Dark Holy Elf

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Not a fan of support skills at all, they make no intuitive sense (leaving the battlefield = some effect on it? Not to mention I dislike anything which so actively encourages a mechanic that was promised to be a highly situational course of action). Support bonuses are cool and generally look pretty good, although I'd tone down Aurel's to 10% at a glance.

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to mention I dislike anything which so actively encourages a mechanic that was promised to be a highly situational course of action

That, and it seems to be rewarding switching for its own sake.  Not exactly the sort of thing that we'd want to encourage in this system--particularly on the basis that--again, it's situational, and we have two means of switching anyway (Normally through the switch points, and 'backup' switching as Andy described it.)

Also, yeah.  Knock Aurel's down to 10%, and Kasia's is...potentially harmful (need I say that her support skill would've discouraged switching?)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 03:18:08 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Support Skills are fine with me, but I can see getting rid of them.  However, a lot of the Support Skills/Bonuses have downsides and I do not like that.  If I want to switch someone out because the PC in Support is more useful, I don't want a random penalty for it too.  Just make the benefits of those weaker and get rid of the penalties.

Skills themselves look liked they'd really need to be rebalanced anyway.


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Similarly not fond of the Support Skills on the whole as written.

Also worth noting we discussed switching in the Support PC in response to a PC KO and did not see that mentioned in relation to the above.

The vague idea was that, when a PC was KOed, you could have them withdraw instead, and the Support PC would replace them immediately. You'd lose your support slot, the ability to "revive" the withdrawing PC and the Support PC would come in at a time lag. Hell, I guess if we consider the penalties involved, having the Support Skills trigger off THIS replacement (for the PC entering the field?) it might be more worth it?

Dark Holy Elf

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Melee weapon review and suggestions

First of all, we should settle on a single name for Gloves/Guantlets/Knuckles as they are mechanically identical. I kinda like "gloves" since it's the broadest, and also implies speed the most, which is their niche. Also, Claws/Katar. I vote katars because claws sound more like knuckles to me, and we've already taken the katar side and hyped it for its ability to crit... claws really don't fit here. Maces/Clubs similarly are never separated, voting to call these just maces. Whips/Chains should probably just be called Whips, unless there's a need to separate them I'm not aware of yet.

Maces/axes, rapiers/light swords, knives/daggers, and hammers/great axes all have meaningful splits so keeping them. Also add in a spears/shortspears split.

Composites can stand to go entirely, as they are basically weaker great axes, one of their users already has great axes, and the other has awesome options in general so eh. Too lazy to rebalance them to give them a niche compared to other heavy weapons. To be clear, pikes are staying, their range 2 niche is sexy.

I intend to make all these edits if there's no opposition within the next day or so.

Now, weapon balance. For the most part, DEX opposes ATK. This is good, and obvious. HIT is also generally tied to DEX, with understandable exceptions like the pike.

Gloves > Knives/Daggers > Light swords > Guardian blades, Shortspears > Axes/Maces/Clubs, Spears > Greatswords > Hammers

I'm going to call these weapons the main curve. They both are arranged by increasing ATK, and decreasing DEX mod. What's interesting is the weapons which fall above or below this curve, i.e., based on ATK and DEX alone, are stronger or weaker than the above.

The following weapons are WORSE than the above on pure ATK/DEX concerns. This means they have lower ATK than their DEX would suggest according to the above curve, or vice versa. Katar, Cookware, Rapier, Whips, Staves, Shields, Instruments, Scythes, Great Axes, Pikes.

So, what do these weapons get to make up for this? I'm going to ignore Cookware, Whips, Staves, Shields, and Instruments, since I think those weapons may be intentionally mechanically weak OR have other effects. This leaves Katar, Rapiers, Scythes, Great Axes, Pikes which seem a little behind the curve. What they get to make up for this:

-Katar: High crit bonus (game-best) in exchange for one DEX tier below knives. Works.
-Rapiers: Much higher crit and decently higher counter in exchange for less ATK than light swords. I'd vote to put Rapier a tier below Light sword for DEX mod, on its own, because it should still be above Guardian blade or that comparison starts getting ugly.

The other weapons all have the same DEX as hammers, but less ATK. What they get:
-Great axes: Crit. Quite a lot of crit. Probably too much? Well, not if Hammer's ATK boost is substantial and the other heavies are closer to greatswords.
-Scythes: Nearly totally inferior to great axes. A bit more hit, I guess, and counter. This is probably fine.
-Composites: Have range 2. Are fine.

Now, going back to look at the weapons on the main curve, i.e. the ones with the best DEX/ATK spread!

Gloves: Good counter, bad crit. Looks good.
Knives/Daggers: See comments below. Otherwise good.
Light swords: Average enough.
Guardian blades: See above.
Shortspears: Alarmingly high crit and counter both for a weapon on the main curve.
Spears: See shortspears. Threw this around chat and am suggesting lowering both by one tier of ATK so they don't look clearly better than their sword counterparts.
Greatswords: Average like the other swords, a bit less counter but that makes sense. Fine.
Hammers: See greatswords basically, only more extreme. Fine.

Other oversight I noticed: Piercing knives are strictly better than slashing knives. Better crit -and- counter in exchange for what, exactly? I'd drop their DEX to be equal to katar to compensate (also lower katar's counter rate). Then, their ATK/DEX both equal katar, while katar emphasise crit and knives emphasise counters. Works for me.

Ranged weapons later. (They are more niche in general, so the analysis is less necessary.)

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Fa Xun

Description: Yiu's younger half-brother. A child of his father's illegitimate mistress, Xun has no claim to the seat of power of his father's tribe. He prefers the company of animals and the sea to most people from his tribe, but always finds himself engaged in Yiu's adventures. He is quiet around foreigners due to his lack of skill with the Imperial Tongue, but he has formed a close bond with Fahim, who speaks his language.

Strength: C+
Dexterity: D-
Vitality: C
Intelligence: D
Spirit: C-
Speed: B+

Accuracy: C
Evasion: D
Magic Evasion: F+
Move: 1

Resources: Magic Points. Restores 10% after every battle. However, when summoned, Pets' max MP is based on Xun's current MP, so Pets' MP scores are shown in parentheses for what they would be if summoned at full MP from Xun.

Old Sailor's Coat: Immune to Fire and Ice-elemental attacks. Takes 1.3x damage from all other elemental attacks.

Stand Your Ground: If Xun remains in the same Hex during his turn, his Counter rate is increased 35% until his next turn.

His Master's Voice: If Xun's HP reaches 0 while a pet is summoned, the pet remains on the field for 3 turns afterwards.

Old Sailor's Trick: Basic physical attack with a Critical rate boosted +50%. Causes Stun 40% of the time.

Symbiosis: Target is drained for 2% max HP and MP/Focus on both Target's own turn and Xun's turn. Does not ignore defenses. Does not wear off.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Once activated, enemies will not target Xun with ST attacks unless he is the last allied unit on the field. This includes Xun's pets. The effect wears off if Xun performs any offensive action or if he is hit by a Hex-target, Group-target, or full Multi-target attack.

Dismiss Pet: A currently summoned pet instantly leaves the battlefield.

Call Pet: Xun calls one of his three pets into battle, which appears at a Switching Point. Only one of Xun's pets can be on the field at once. While a pet is summoned, the player may move Xun and his pet separately, but Xun must use his action turn to give orders to the pet. In effect only either Xun or the pet may attack/take an action on his turn. Xun may not switch out while a pet is summoned. Pets' stats are based off of Xun's current stats. Apart from this, they are treated as normal PCs, and can be healed/buffed/damaged separately.

*Lantern Wolf "Bai"
HP: 80% (C+)
MP: 100% (D)
Strength: 100% (C+)
Dexterity: 350% (A)
Vitality: 87.5% (C-)
Intelligence: 100% (D)
Spirit: 115% (C)
Speed: Shares w/ Xun (B+)

Accuracy: 150% (B+)
Evasion: 240% (B+)
Magic Evasion: 400% (B+)
Move: 3 (Fixed)

Bioluminescence: Immune to Light and Dark-elemental attacks. Takes 1.3x damage from all other elemental attacks.

Trained Response: ST Physical attack that causes Delay 40% of the time. Hits twice if Bai and Xun are in the same Hex.

Flash:  ST/AoE. Light-elemental magic. ST focuses damage, AoE is (somewhat) Cone Hex Target, hitting all targets in direction from self at range 2. Causes Blind 75% of the time.

Tooth and Claw: ST Physical attack that boosts Bai's Dexterity 1.5x and ignores enemy Dexterity. Light-elemental physical. Bai and Xun must skip their next turn.

*Skywhale "Tien-Hou"
HP: 130% (A)
MP: 100% (D)
Strength: 55% (D)
Dexterity: 100% (D-)
Vitality: 125% (B-)
Intelligence: 220% (B)
Spirit: 115% (C)
Speed: Shares w/ Xun (B+)

Accuracy: 60% (D)
Evasion: 100% (D)
Magic Evasion: 260% (C)
Move: 2 (Fixed)

Insulation: Immune to Water and Electric attacks. Takes 1.3x damage from all other elemental attacks.

Rainstorm: Weak full-MT discriminatory magic attack. Dual Water/Electric elemental. Always hits the weaker resistance, but if either element is immuned, the entire attack is immuned.

Refreshing Spray: Heals all targets in an adjacent Hex for 30% max HP.

Playful Charge: Electric magical attack. Charges through a Line of 3 Hexes, hitting enemy and ally targets. Adds Paralysis 60% of the time. Tien-Hou is moved to the 3rd Hex in the line after using the move. There must be a legal 3rd Hex to use this skill. If there are allies occupying the legal 3rd Hex, they will also receive the damage.

*Great Roc "Feng"
HP: 135% (A+)
MP: 100% (D)
Strength: 145% (A-)
Dexterity: 5% (G)
Vitality: 125% (B-)
Intelligence: 180% (C)
Spirit: 160% (B)
Speed: Shares w/ Xun (B+)

Accuracy: 75% (D+)
Evasion: 100% (D)
Magic Evasion: 170% (D)
Move: 1 (Fixed)

Avian: Immune to Earth and Wind-elemental attacks. Takes 1.3x damage from all other elemental attacks.

Large Presence: Great Roc may enter any occupied Hex. The Hex's former occupants are forced into the nearest legal Hex.

Death Dive: Massive HT physical attack, Feng receives 40% of the base damage inflicted on a single target. Feng remains in the targeted Hex, forcing the former occupants into the nearest legal Hex.

Flapping Terror: Massive GT magical attack. Hits all targets in Hexes adjacent to Feng, enemies and allies. Wind elemental.

Skill Learning Style: As a boss, Xun starts with only the Lantern Wolf in the first battle. In the second battle, the Skywhale is summoned. In the third, the Great Roc. In the fourth, all three Pets are summoned at once.
As a PC in the God-Kings' flashback perspective chapter, Xun's Pets are available at the same points, and are unlocked at specific points in the chapter.
As a permanent PC, all of Xun's skills are available from the midgame climax.


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Okay, yeah.  Those are some fairly powerful skills you have there, passive and active.

OSC: ...okay.  Innate elemental immunity for Xun probably requires a lot of explaining here, unlike the creatures, given that it's not exactly something we have on other characters, and it's notable--especially given which two elements it is (sidenote: Erastus seems easily spoilable via his damage element.  This may need to be changed for a proper final bossfight if he remains as such, or we need to severely restrict elemental damage)

Stand your Ground: +35% Counter rate for not moving?  If he's using shortspears, that gets rather nasty, fast, despite his strength rating.

Old Sailor's Trick: Uh, okay.  How much relative MP does this cost?  I'm just wondering because that seems to be, well...

Symbiosis: Something tells me this, not ignoring defenses, will be generally regarded as laughable in the bossfights against him.  Less so as a PC, where he can possibly do some damage to high-HP enemies--depending on the scale.

Not sure what the percentages on those stats are supposed to be for Xun's pets.  Multiplier based on his own that are used for the pets' stats?
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Symbiosis: Target is drained for 2% max HP and MP/Focus on both Target's own turn and Xun's turn. Does not ignore defenses. Does not wear off.

???  It doesn't ignore defense but what does defense even do to this?  Explain.

Tooth and Claw: ST Physical attack that boosts Bai's Dexterity 1.5x and ignores enemy Dexterity. Light-elemental physical. Bai and Xun must skip their next turn.

Ignores enemy Dexterity?  So what does it use for the enemy Dexterity part of the formula?

Hunter Sopko

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As a note, wasn't giving allies elemental properties going to be one of Shao's active skills? Or was it moved?


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Not sure how we want Shao's ally elemental-buffing to work. Any ideas, Sopko?

Nerfed Xun's skillset a bit.
Removed Old Sailor's Coat.
Rebalanced Old Sailor's Trick. (Lowered crit rate, increased Stun rate)
Added notes to Trained Response.
Clarified Tooth and Nail.

He may need to be nerfed more, but I'm not sure where. He's almost entirely reliant on the Pets to do anything now.

Looking through the rest of the cast...
Fahim's spell ranges still need to be lowered. How do you want to handle that, Magic?

Kasia's skillsets are too versatile. She does everything and she does it well. Each skill is well-balanced in a vacuum, but Kasia is effectively a buffing, statusing, damaging ID-whore with gamebest healing. We should probably limit her niche a bit.
--I personally suggest dropping the ID and damage. As in, take all damage away from her Bowskills. This makes her bows the less dominating weapon and actually makes her 1-range Move -matter-. It also makes her only ranged-damage option her basic bow physicals, which makes them more situationally useful rather than the obvious choice.
--This still makes her a good debuff-whore, with awesome buffs (Infuse Strength is cool, but broken) and still the gamebest healer. The penalties attached to the healing are good for balancing that a bit, but she's still pretty awesome for a game which otherwise has no full-healing.
--Terminal Shot is 100% ID... Even being balanced out by the accuracy, that's... a bit too good, especially with everything else she has. I agree that we could use a little more ID in our cast (only Yiu has it, I believe), but Kasia is not the right person for it.
--Whip skillset is cool, probably my favorite part of her whole skillset. Keep that.
--Healing was her initial design plan, and we've balanced all the other characters such that they don't overlap with her niche there. Really can't take it away from her now.

Meilin is also a bit too powerful, though I overall like each skill individually, I just think she has too much versatility. I'll try to break it down later.

We might want to consider having another PC pick up Full-healing so that at least one of our forced endgame party members has full-healing. (Claire has it, but it's once per dungeon.) Another PC besides Yiu and Mirek (his is pretty limited) with ID might be cool, too. Though it'll be difficult to place it, I think. Perhaps Rafael or Ilona.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 08:59:05 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Another PC besides Yiu and Mirek (his is pretty limited) with ID might be cool, too. Though it'll be difficult to place it, I think. Perhaps Rafael or Ilona.

I could give Ilona an ID skill but it probably won't be 100% or if it is it would be limited somehow (high focus cost or something?).


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...Rafael has ID.

10A: Execution [Code AE] (20% mHP): Chance of instant death to a target.
10B: Execution [Code EA] (28% mHP): Chance of instant death to all targets on a hex. Lower accuracy.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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 ;D Heh. Knew there was a reason he seemed like a perfect ID candidate....


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That aside, I'm seeing very few candidates for full healing here. clearly a Dissonance ability, for one.  Listing those who have Dissonance abilities and are guaranteed/easily available by endgame:

Noemi, Shao, Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine, Rafael, Fahim

Of those, only three have any sort of healing that works on allies (Noemi, Katarine, Fahim).

Noemi has Phoenicis Cruor and Strix Bravere.  The former is a full-revive that has the issue of destroying the target's Max HP.  The latter is parasitic healing with HT returns.  Not guaranteed to be full, given that it runs off of her basic physical formula, unless we're expecting WA4 or SaGa level discrepancies between ally and enemy on a regular basis.

Katarine has Biogenesis.  This adds some percentile regeneration to a hex at lower levels, but a radius-1 burst at higher, as well as herself.  Weak, but combined with her other mitigation abilities, useful.

Fahim has Draining, Mind/Body Restoration, and Land's Blessing.  Draining is parasitic healing that has HT returns--and is divided by the number of characters in that hex, defocusing, essentially.  See issues with Strix Bravere above.  Mind/Body Restoration is the only non-Kasia case of general-purpose status healing.  Land's Blessing is another revival technique.

Now, the question is really as follows: If we should (if full healing is going to be something necessary by endgame) give one of them a fullheal...then who?

Noemi's a candidate--she's based on versatility first and foremost.  However, the question is where would it come from?  Kasia teaches her the full-revive fairly early, so this could be an exception there, but she already has healing tricks.  She might be on the verge of having too much already.

Healing doesn't seem to mesh with Shao's focus--elemental versatility and assholish traps.  You could theoretically pull something of the such if there's equipment that allows for elemental absorption, but that's the exception, not the rule.

Isolde...I have a hard time seeing it.  Her skillset's focused almost completely on destroying things, and blurring the line between physical and magic--and it's a pretty notable focus there.  There'd need to be a decent explanation for why she'd know it.  He's another specialized character, this one mostly in area-effect bullshit.  Unless you want there to be some sort of weird spell akin to Shining Wind to be in his skillset, it's hard to see him with healing at all.

Katarine, it's possible.  She's built to be a support character with some speed-based fighting for the most part, with one bit of magical offense late.  If she had it, though, she'd be running off of limited charges, so she wouldn't be much better than Claire in that regard.

Rafael...arguable.  He's focused on alteration, so it's possible for him to have dissonant healing.  However, for balance purposes, he'd have to be unable to self-target with it.  It'd take changing the chart a bit, though.

Fahim...he's got enough variety already, and is in need of a nerf of some sort--apparently range is now the debated nerf.  I don't think he needs full healing to be added to what he already has.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 05:08:41 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Hunter Sopko

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Something to consider for Shao... a healing trap?


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Now, for something completely different on the documentation front, skills by character:

Noemi: Passive x2, Physical damage x3, Magic damage x1, Counterstance[Cover] x1, Gravity x1, Magical Parasitic Healing x1, Revival x1, Statbuff[STR+DEX] x2, Status[silence+magic immunity] x1, Revival[Full+mHP down] x1

Kasia: Passive x3, Physical damage x1, Physical damage+statdown x1, Damage+Status[Immobilize, Bleeding, Instant Death, Restrained] x4,  Statdown[Speed] x1, Healing[Moderate, Full, ST, MT] x3, Status healing x1, Magical Parasitic Healing x1, Statbuff[Strength, Speed, Immunity(element)] x3

Aurel: Passive x5, Physical damage x1, Healing[self-only] x2, Positive Status[Invincibility] x1

Shao: Passive x1, Physical damage[ST/AoE]+Status[Burn, Frostbite, Paralysis, Displaced, Silence, Blind] x6, 'trap' [Damage, Immobile, Lock Out, ID] x4

Isolde[endgame]: Passive x2, Physical damage+statdown[DEF+RES] x1, Physical damage+status[Bleeding+Misfortune] x1, Physical damage+status+statdown[Delay+Backfire+MP damage] x1, Physical+Magic damage x1, Magic damage x2, undetermined x1[Not sure if Blade of Calamity should hit PDEF or MDEF], Statbuff[self-only ATK+INT with HP loss] x1

Faulheit: Passive x1, Physical damage x2[ST, LT], Magic damage x3[ST w/splash, random-target ST/HT], Magic damage+status[Delay] x2, Magic damage+movement x1, Statbuff[Evasion] x1

Katarine: Passive x1, Magic damage x1, Statbuff [Speed, Physical resist, Element resist, DEX, Critical rate] x5, Positive status [Regen, Invincibility] x2

Ilona:Passive x2, Physical damage x1, Physical damage+status [Confusion] x1, Physical damage+statdown[Speed] x1, Physical damage+statdown+status[STR/VIT/DEX/SPD+ID] x1, Physical damage+stance["locked on"] x1, Statbuff[Counter, Critical, Evasion, Speed, Focus gain, +2 actions] x1

Selena: Magic damage x3, Magic damage+statdown[ACC/MACC/EVA/MEVA] x1, Positive status ['Mirror Image', Reflect] x2, Summon x1

Mirek: Passive x4, Physical damage x3, Status[ID] x1, Stance[Counter] x2

Eirwen: Healing+Status[regen, 'Guts'] x4, Healing+Status+Statboost[regen, Str, Dex, Vit, Int, Spr, all] x6, Statbost[Str/Dex/Acc, Vit/Spi/PEva/MEva] x2, Damage x10

Artur: Passive x1, Physical damage x1, Physical damage+ongoing x1, Physical damage+movement x1, Physical damage+special[increase damage taken] x1, Statdown [EVA/DEF/ACC, +ATK/-ACC, all] x3

Rafael(Not listing variants): Passive x1, Magic damage x2, Special magic damage[based on #target boosts, 'Pain Doubler'] x2, Status[Confuse+Berserk, Poison+Healblock, Backlash, Healing reversal, ID, Status lock] x6, Parasitic Healing x1, Special[Damage multiplication] x1

Claire: Passive x3, Physical+movement x3, Physical+status+movement[stun] x2, Healing[Focus] x1, Status Healing[all] x1, Statboost[Damage multiplication] x1, Healing+positive status[HP/MP/Focus/Status/Cooldown+Invincibility] x1

Yiu: Passive x2, Theft x1, Magic? damage x1, Physical damage+status x1[delay], Status[Silence, Freeze, 'Fragile'] x3, Special[Evasion buff, switch] x1

Meilin: Passive x2, Physical Damage x5, Physical Damage+Status[Stun, Charm, Bleeding] x3, Damage+statdown[Move, mHP] x2, Damage+movement x2, Healing[Focus, HP+status] x2, Status healing[Charm] x1, Revival x1

Xun: Passive x2, Physical damage x1, Status[constant drain?] x1, Special['hide'] x1, Summon x3

Fahim: Passive x2, Damage+status[St/AoE, Burn, Frostbite, Paralysis, Entrapped, Disoriented, Displaced] x7, Status[Poison/Blind/Confuse/Charm/Sleep/Silence] x1, Parasitic healing x1, Status healing[all] x1, Statbuff[all] x1, Special [hex-based reraise] x1

Not placing Erastus' or Jin's until they get their sheets posted on the wiki
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.