
Author Topic: <Untitled IAQ Project>: Round 4: Characters, Status, Equipment, Specials, etc  (Read 22013 times)


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Cutscene is the wrong term really. Just a small audial quip or something. Should also occur at a fairly low rate, all things told. Somewhat in the vein of FF3/6 desperation attacks.

Isolde/Faulheit/Katarine: When Isolde is reduced to critical health, Faulheit and Katarine's attacks are increased by a rank.
Katarine: "Don't worry, Isolde."
Faulheit: "We've got you covered."



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Listing the name of every mexican food that comes to mind.

Will try to match them to Eirwen's skillset soon. Any names that you absolutely hate, please speak now.

Based on the tropical island of Mexico?! I admittedly don't follow this much, but it feels kind of out of place for how I thought the world was constructed.
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We apparently like borrowing words from real-life foreign languages, so borrowing cooking styles seems hardly out of place. But take it up with Andy, he's the gatekeeper for world-building. My suggestion was to name all of her skills after French dishes, which is even less tropical.


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Support Bonuses and Retreat Effects: (Tentative, may need balancing, please review)

As previously discussed, Support Bonuses are effects that PCs in designated 5th party slot, the Support slot, grant to the battlefield for as long as they remain in that slot. If an Active PC moves to a Switching Point (one or two designated Hexes on the edge of the battlefield), they may Switch into the Support slot, enabling their Support Bonus instead. The Support Bonus may be toggled on and off freely from the Status menu in-battle or on the field map.

Active PCs also have the option to 'Retreat' if their HP reaches 0 during battle and there is a Support PC waiting. If a PC Retreats, they cannot be revived during that battle and no PCs can utilize their Support Bonuses. Upon Retreating, the PC is given the option of activating their Retreat Effect, in the hopes of giving the survivors a better chance to finish the battle.

Support Bonus: Decem Libra: Ally spells consume 10% less MP/Focus/HP. Spells that use Cooldowns and Charges have a 10% chance of being cost-free.
Retreat Effect: Decem Eruptus: Ally spells deal 10% more damage for 2 turns with a cost-free effect.

Support Bonus: Song of Poison: All Enemies who are not immune to Poison take 1% max HP damage every turn.
Retreat Effect: Endless Echo: Any Song that was in effect when Erastus Retreats remains in effect for the remainder of battle.

Support Bonus: Healer's Oath: Every 5 turns, the most injured ally's HP is full-restored, but they gain Healblocked status for 3 turns.
Retreat Effect: Saviour's Farewell: When Kasia Retreats, all allies' HP is healed 50%, but they gain Healblocked status for 3 turns.

Support Bonus: Take Your Chances: Allies have a 10% chance of surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP remaining.
Retreat Effect: No One Left Behind: Allies have a 100% chance to survive any fatal attack with 1 HP remaining until their next turn.

Support Bonus: Prism Aura: All allies basic physicals become elemental. The element is selected before battle from the skill menu (or switched off).
Retreat Effect: Prism Wheel: When Shao Retreats, he may choose an element for all enemies to develop a weakness towards.

Support Bonus: Dissonant Enhancement: Allies add 10% of INT to STR for basic physicals
Retreat Effect: Dissonant Wave: Allies add 50% of INT to STR for basic physicals for 1 turn.

Support Bonus: Mass Laziness: Allies' damage increases 15% if they don't move before attacking.
Retreat Effect: Chuck It: Allies' attack range increases by 1 for 2 turns.

Support Bonus: Regenesis: All allies regen 5% max HP every turn.
Retreat Effect: Regenesis Burst: All allies regen 20% max HP on their next turn.

Support Bonus: Evasive Stance: Any allies' evasion increases 10% for 1 turn if they remain in the same Hex during their turn.
Retreat Effect: Evasive Dance: When Ilona Retreats, all allies evade basic physicals at a 100% chance for one turn if they remain in the same Hex for that turn.

Support Bonus: Himmel-Lanze: All Dissonant spells ignore Reflect.
Retreat Effect: Gespenst-Bombe: When Selena Retreats, all spells ignore Reflect and Defensive Buffs for 2 turns.

Support Bonus: Guardian's Song: All allies' nonzero Counter rates are increased 20%, but their counterattacks are only 90% of regular damage.
Retreat Effect: Guardian's Training: All allies' nonzero Counter rates are increased to 100% for one turn.

Eirwen (One idea I had for her initially was that she would take advantage of the switching mechanic, so even if we toss out Support Skills, I'd like Eirwen to get a Passive that allows her to preserve this skill)
Support Bonus: Delicious Aroma: All allies regen 3% max MP/Focus on their turns.
Retreat Effect/Support Skill: Leftovers: Two turns after Eirwen Retreats/Switches out, this skill uses up 3 of the lowest-level Meals available in her inventory to heal 40% of max MP/Focus. If there are not enough Meals in her inventory, this skill only heals 10% of max MP/Focus. If Eirwen starts a battle as the Support Character, her Support Skill activates on turn 3.
"I had some extra, so eat it up now before it goes bad!"

Support Bonus: Crash Course: When any ally lands a Critical hit with a basic physical, their target is knocked back one Hex, if a legal Hex exists behind the enemy.
Retreat Effect: Crash Insurance: For 3 turns after Artur Retreats, when any ally lands a Critical hit with a basic physical, their target is knocked back one legal Hex and inflicted with Stun for 2 turns.

Support Bonus: Malediction: All targets on the field have an added 10% to any non-zero chance to be hit with a status effect.
Retreat Effect: Stagnation: 75% chance to inflict Healblock for 3 turns on all units.

Support Bonus: Connoiseur: All regeneration effects are double-potency, for both ally and enemy.
Retreat Effect: Sabotage: All enemies' food and regeneration effects are nulled for 3 turns.

Support Bonus: Noise Interference: All enemies have a 10% flat chance to fail at casting a spell.
Retreat Effect: Noise Disabler: After Yiu Retreats, all enemies have a 100% chance to fail at casting spells for one turn. This effect can be blocked by Silence immunity, in which case, only the Support Bonus' 10% flat chance applies for the turn.

Support Bonus: Alluring Presence: All female allies have a 10% chance to inflict Charm with their basic physicals. All male allies have a 5% chance.
Retreat Effect: Charm School: After Meilin Retreats, all female allies have a 75% chance to inflict Charm with their basic physicals for 2 turns.

Support Bonus: Parasitic Ecosystem: All enemies' MP/Focus are drained 3% every turn.
Retreat Effect: Pet Food: If a Pet is on the field when Xun Retreats, its HP is restored 50%.

Support Bonus: Sideliner's Sonata: All allies' buffing effects have a 50% chance to last 1 turn longer.
Retreat Effect: Finale: All debuffs and negative statuses on allies when Jin Retreats now only last 50% as long.

Support Bonus: Continuous Casting: All allies' resistance to the Silence status effect is increased by +50%. This does not apply to other forms of debilitating spellcasting, such as Yiu's Noise Trap.
Retreat Effect: None.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 05:57:12 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

Dark Holy Elf

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Still don't really like retreat effects but they're less obnoxious now. They're a bit strange, though...

Regardless, nerf both of Aurel's. Seriously. 10%/50% maybe.

Really don't like Eirwen's that encourages switching for... a greater effect (focus buff) than what she can do normally? This makes no sense. A controllable retreat effect should never be more potent than one active turn from the PC.

Mostly unrelated, but I'd really like (most) regen to not heal a % of max HP. We can still use the numbers you have posted as a guideline, but instead calculate healing amounts based on the effect caster's Int. This makes for a greater difference between high HP/low defences (worse for healing) and high defences/low HP (better for healing).

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Looking over your setup, Djinn, and thought that the agreed-upon bonus was for the support character entering, not the dead character retreating (which, note, removes them permanently for that battle with no chance for being revived or swapping anyone new in).  That nitpick aside:

Decem Libra: I think you mean '10% less'.  Nasty little typo, really.

Katarine's support bonus is as strong as Jin's retreat effect.  Stronger, technically, since nobody has to die first.

No One Left Behind needs a limit on this.  Perhaps it's just a 100% chance of surviving the next fatal attack with 1 HP before their next turn.

Gespenst-Bombe...feels out-of-place with Selena's skillset.  If only because she has no dispels to begin with.

Rafael's still feel out-of-place with the rest of his skillset.

Noise Disabler might be better written as a status effect, the way you're stating it.

Eirwen's is currently excusable on the basis that you seem to have just copied and pasted the old listing.  If we're using this, it'll have to be revised, I think.

RE: Morale bonuses: I can see some of these.  Not necessarily the example you posted, Andy, but I can see this.  A better idea than making it random might be making it conditional, but only allowing one per battle.  It's not that hard to come up with a set of 'connections' for characters--though I'll have to do it tonight due to a four hour meeting I have to be leaving for two minutes ago.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Also, just from a cursory glance, there's a lot of spells that are going to need to work off of slightly different formulas?

What do you mean?

And in the absence of armor for enemies, I'm guessing we're just assigning MDEF (and ATK/DEF) values to the enemy itself? Or does each enemy get weapons/armor, too?

We kind of have to assign them values for this.  Slimes equipping weapons and armor would be kind of weird.  Also, it's not unheard of to just assign the values either (WA4 does it, EO2 just uses their STR/VIT stats).

Personally, I kind of like the concept of Level 0. This seems to work for the most part. Though I thought we might have varying stat growth at different parts in the game? Like a PC that grows slowly from level 0 to 30, but then jumps up in power from 31 to 50? If this is too difficult to balance though, there's other methods of doing this with armor/weapons/skill power-ups.

I don't see anything interesting about the concept of Level 0.  It's no different than Level 1 except it's called Level 0.  Personally I don't really care what we use since it doesn't change anything, but Level 1 is more "friendly".

PCs with varying growths kind of go against the letter ranking system we used earlier anyway.  We can do it, but... whatever.

Ah, so we can definitely have some weapons/armors that increase base STR or SPD, for example? I'm assuming that these boosts would figure into skills that are directly affected by STR/SPD, etc.

Don't see why not.

HP ranks don't vary much at all, do they? Is that really how we want to play it? Especially considering that most PCs will be the same level for most of the game due to Suikocurving.

Hm, think it could stand to be upped to 5% or something?  Don't feel too strongly about it myself.

Don't all weapons have DEX modifiers too?

Yeah, but I don't think they're increasing throughout the game, which is probably why he left them out.

I'm pretty certain that slower actions must exist. I was under the impression that all of our skills added slight recharges to make them different from Physicals. So... translated into numbers, I would imagine that:

Most Melee Physicals = 1 RechargeMod
Some Ranged Physicals = 1.1 RechargeMod
Most Physicals Skills = 1.2 RechargeMod
Most Magical Skills = 1.3 RechargeMod
'Speedy' Physicals = 0.8~0.9?
'Speedy' Skills = 0.5~0.9?

Don't really agree with basic physicals having different recharge mods.  Skills can though.  Needs to be well documented in-game though (i.e. not MK).

Also disagree with "most" magical skills being slower than "most" physical skills.  We don't want to make mages suck like lots of RPGs out there (especially those that make magic take longer (*cough*Tales*cough*)).  If it ends up like that after we actually figure out the skills, so be it, but NOW is definitely NOT the time to be saying this.

Okay, I thought we actually did away with this mechanic? Especially since we have movement. I thought that once a PC got a Turn, their actions resolved immediately (there might be a few exceptions like Kasia's bowskills?). 'Recharge'Mod implies that their -next- Turn is delayed, not their current Turn. At least, that's how I was reading it up until just now.

I assumed that this is FOR the exceptions.  There could be boss skills that have charge times too.

Just in the interest of keeping the battles speedy, I propose that Clockticks are not -actually- counted in real time. We use the bar to show just how far apart turns occur in, and the Clockticks still affect how long Statuses and such last... but instead of counting down Clockticks in seconds (or fractions of seconds) and watching the turn icons slowly move up the bar, I propose we allow 'empty' sections of the TurnBar from the 'resolve section' to 'next PC/enemy action icon' to flash red, dissappear, and immediately allow the next unit to perform its actions. This is similar to the Mana Khemia system where blank TurnCards are shuffled out immediately instead of slowly counting them down in real time second fractions. The Clockticks should still be preserved mathematically, but they shouldn't force the player to wait around for an actual internal Clock to tick them off.


So, for low-accuracy types, having multiple swings is better, since they'll have more chances to deal at least -some- damage, as opposed to single-swing weapons, where they are more likely to deal 0 damage to a target. At least, that's what I'm seeing. It's fairly balanced by the fact that if a single-swing weapon -does- connect, they'll do their full damage potential.

Not entirely true.

Say a character does 1000 damage total, 50% accuracy.  Enemy is charging super "Kill You All Now" move and only this character goes before it resolves.

Scenario A: Enemy has 100 HP.

If the character only has one swing, he or she has a 50% chance of killing.  If the character has 19 swings (100+50*18), he or she has a 99.9999% chance of killing.  Lots of hits is good!

Scenario B: Enemy has 1000 HP.

If the character only has one swing, he or she has a 50% chance of killing.  If the character has 10 swings, he or she has a 0.0001% chance of killing.  Lots of hits is bad!

Basically, whether or not multiple hits is better or not depends on the situation.

Though the average damage for multiple hits is higher than for a single hit, assuming total damage and accuracy are equal.  This is because the first hit of an attack chain does twice as much as any other hit.

Where does Elemental resistance/weakness come into play? For both magical elements (Fire, Ice, etc.) and Physical elements (Slash, Pierce, Blunt). And possibly magical typing (Resonance, Dissonance, Quieting, Guardian-type, Disquiet) might become a factor? I realize that this is the formula for physical damage, but we have a few physical-type skills with Elements attached and Flow-Typing listed that seem to use the Physical formula.

Probably just a multiplier at end damage.  While in some cases putting it as a multiplier to ATK before DEF is nice, I don't think it works well in our system.

DexMod is a multiplier? I was thinking it would be additive.

Of course it's a multiplier.  If it was additive it would benefit low Dex people more and high Dex people less, which makes Dex values matter less.  That is bad.

Mostly approve, I listed my questions throughout. RechargeMods in particular I'm kind of leery of, depending on how you're defining them. It sounds more like you're pushing for more skills to have ChargeMods, like Kasia's bowskills, which seems odd, since I'm really not sure how Charging is going to work in a system that has movement. It sounds like a skill with a ChargeMod would have to allow a unit to Move twice. Once on their initial choosing phase (since that's when everyone chooses their Movement due to it resolving immediately), and then once again when after they've chosen their Charging move and delayed their turn slightly, their turn 'comes up again'. And if their target has moved between 'initial choosing turn' and 'after the charging phase turn', then they might have to readjust things.

I think it works fine with Kasia's bowskills because they can hit everywhere on the field and don't require Kasia to move~

If the target moves out of range, tough shit.  You shouldn't charge at an enemy that's going to get the chance to move away.

Could always have charge moves that target a hex instead of a target.


Morale bonus stuff: Could be interesting.  Not really a fan of "low chance" stuff though.  I've played FF6 like 10 times and seen less than one desperation attack per playthrough on average.  Screw that.  If you're going to make a mechanic, make it actually usable and useful.

Fine with making them difficult to activate though, but they should trigger pretty much all the time.  Don't think they need to be locked to one per battle though, leads to the situation where you get a crappy bonus and can't get a better bonus later because of it.  Could add turn limits or condition limits (i.e. a person going to low HP is the condition, but if he or she gets healed the morale effect wears off) if you wanted to make sure the player doesn't stack them too high.  Not sure it's needed, but something to keep in mind while balancing them (if we roll with it).

Dark Holy Elf

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Reflecting, I've decided I'm fine with retreat effects after all. Yes, I change my mind sometimes! It's actually not too unintuitive a mechanic, the character falls out of the battle PERMANENTLY and we get a supercharged but temporary version of the support bonus? Why not. Do have to keep any of them from being tooo good (they should not invoke a "WHY CAN'T YOU DO THIS NORMALLY?" feeling even if they're a bit above par). The other concerns I've voiced stand, though, re Aurel and Eirwen.

Whoa, I totally missed Djinn's response! Yay, someone going through my post! Tal got a bunch of the responses, here are a few more.

HP ranks don't vary much at all, do they? Is that really how we want to play it? Especially considering that most PCs will be the same level for most of the game due to Suikocurving.

I'd say HP curves a fair deal. At endgame, Rafael will have 2080 HP and Eirwen will have 1120. That's nearly a 2x gap, and this applies to ALL damage - physical, magical, and ITD. Furthermore other durability effects multiply onto this, so someone with bad HP, bad Vit, and light armour (there are several PCs like this) will just take monstrous damage if you force all three of these to individually be super-potent. HP I figure should be the weakest, since it affects all damage.

I'm just guessing that Light Armor MDef is about 84->168 too?

It could if we wanted. I actually assumed that light armour was a bit statistically weaker in that it did not get an MDef boost over medium, the reason being that (a) it's supposed to be the weakest, since everyone can access it, and (b) it gives a relative evade boost, and many light armour people already want this a good deal.

We could make the best MDef-boosting armours light if you wanted, though. Typically I'd see mage robes having more MDef and less evade, and vice versa for a judo outfit or something similar, and both feel like light armour... so yeah. There's plenty of flexibility on individual equips, all I've posted are general guidelines of what to expect statwise.

Okay, I thought we actually did away with this mechanic?

Largely, but a few charged moves do exist. (Kasia's, enemy's, etc.) Recharge applies to all moves, however, both charged and otherwise. It govers how quickly the PC gets his or her next turn after the action is selected.

(For charged moves, however, the next "turn" is simply releasing the charged attack.)

Just in the interest of keeping the battles speedy, I propose that Clockticks are not -actually- counted in real time.

For sure. I can't think of a single clocktick game that actually does. Between two turns, I picture at most a very brief animation of the turn gauge moving until someone gets another turn, probably half a second at most.

Where does Elemental resistance/weakness come into play?

Modifies final damage. This I should edit into the main post. Straight multiplier.

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re: group 'morale' bonuses.  I can think of a few below, based on prior statements and looking at how things turn out in the plot thread, with one rather fleshed out example:

Noemi, Erastus
Noemi, Kasia
Noemi, Shao
Noemi, Aurel (given we keep statements from earlier)
Shao, Yiu
Aurel, Isolde (again, given certain statements from earlier)
Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine (Details on this at the bottom)
Isolde, Selena
Faulheit, Katarine (Separate from the above, yes)
Mirek, Eirwen
Mirek, Artur
Mirek, Claire
Artur, Eirwen
Yiu, Meilin
Yiu, Xun
Yiu, Meilin, Xun, Jin (This should probably be a notable bonus, given the fact that it takes an entire active party)

Yeah, most seem to be connected to one of the four viewpoint characters.  It's viable to have ones between others, but I think we'd need ideas of further interaction between them first before we could figure that one out...

As for the example above, idea I have:

Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine
Prerequisite: Each one must have started their turn in a hex with the other two, and ended their turn in a hex with the other two.  It does not need to be the same hex as long as the other two also occupy it.  The bonus activates on the last start or end that fulfills that condition
Isolde: "That's the plan.  Got it?"
Faulheit, Katarine: "Right!"
Benefit: All three gain +5% to STR and INT for the rest of the battle
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Dark Holy Elf

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Okay, weapon stuffs. Balanced out weapons for crit as well as I could. A few minor alterations were made but nothing too surprising. Perhaps the most notable is that, badly needing a niche for slings, I gave them a whole lot of crit (making them the only impact weapon that has any sort of real crit rate), tagged boomerangs as status-inflictors, and gave rings 100 crit mostly for the lulz, but hey, if we have enemies are weak to crits (I am totally for this) then Fahim can use his completely useless physical to do something worthwhile! Finally, I gave staves a m. acc boost because they feel like a mage weapon and rings already have the int boost. If Erastus/Rafael/etc. are willing to give up their optimum attacking weapon (which isn't staves), then they have this little bone. Selena... well, whatever.

And yes, I did just manage to give Fahim uses for all three of his weapon types despite his inability to use them to cause damage, ever. Hopefully most people have uses for most of their weapons now, but a few (e.g. Isolde/greatswords, Faulheit/Javelins) are stretches. Kinda inevitable with characters who have 4+ proficiencies though.


Weapon NameAttackDexterity ModAccuracyCritical %Counter %TypeRangeOther
Great Axe1500.660245Slashing1
Crossbow12307590Piercing4Use atk/2 as str
Guardian Blade120180915Slashing1
Staff1170.980315Impact1Boost magic accuracy
Whip11417565Slashing1May status
Shield1110.865010Impact1Boost evade
Instrument1110.87005Impact1Boost songs
Light Sword1081.280620Slashing1Boost healing magic?
Boomerang105060325Slashing2May status
Cookware102170310Impact1Boost food gain rate
Throwing Knife96170620Slashing3
Ring870651000Impact3Boost int (small)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 10:29:02 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Dark Holy Elf

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Oh yeah and the above totally isn't set in stone or anything so if something looks off or unbalanced or unintuitive or whatever, please let me know! Discussion good.

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Yeah, one thing that looks very off, and was probably completely unintentional: Pikes being Slashing-type and Range 1.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Maybe there is some thematic reason for this, but why are rings Intelligence boosting? Everything else felt so grounded (Well, maybe not boomerang statuses) but that.
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They are magic rings. As in, worn on the finger, shoot little bolts of concussive force. They are also unique to one of our mages.

Boomerang statuses sounds fine, at least for things like confusion.

The only glaring error was Pikes with Slashing-type damage (and they were supposed to be range 2). Scythes are now apparently range 2, which I'm fine with since they are range-2 slashing damage and Pikes can be range-2 Piercing damage. (This means that Ilona's scythes are ridiculously long~)

Also... are all these numbers the projections for the 'max' weapons of each class at level 50?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 08:04:45 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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If anything, they seem to be projections of 'initial' weapons for characters.  How upgrades will go is one thing, but this is definitely a start.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Dark Holy Elf

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Yeah, the attack stats are a theoretical "Level 0" approximation even if not all weapons will have such a form (particularly, weapons for anyone who joins notably after the start of the game). They are merely an approximation. Endgame stats will have, typically, Attack being twice as high and hit being +20.

Also, pikes and scythe range are both typos, pikes are very definitely meant to be range 2, while scythes are only range 1. Fixing now.

EDIT: Also, any more general thoughts on the ranged weapons would be good, I'm particularly worried about keeping more of them relevant for Faulheit. In particular I'm thinking Javelins should have a counter rate. And I'm not sure "multiple swings" make up for the general weakness of throwing knives and darts otherwise... depends on the dex of their users, would need to check. Dex buffing does exist, though, so eh.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 03:14:47 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Er...Faulheit doesn't use javelins anyway.  He suffers a bit from his low STR and slightly below-par DEX (possibly raise this?  Dunno.  MACC doesn't exist as a stat anymore),

RE: Throwing Knives:  Faulheit has C- DEX.  Katarine has A- and a DEX buffing spell.  Eirwen has B+ and some DEX buffing herself.  And I nearly used the pronoun 'himself' to refer to Eirwen.

Other glaring issues I may see:Pikes are still slashing, and I'm not sure shields' evade-boosting would help much with Rafael and his godlike F- (5%) pEVA.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Dark Holy Elf

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Fixing pikes in a moment.

Right, it was throwing knives I was worried about for Faulheit. Whoops. Assuming average Def, he needs to be swinging 4 times to exceed his damage with a bow. Granted, could still happen, and low Def will lower this threshold, so against an enemy with shoddy def/dex but high HP, throwing knives start looking rather good. Still a fairly rare niche, but that's somewhat a factor of Faulheit's stat build. Just so long as you're aware of it.

Javelins are fine then, since they never compete directly against bows, and indeed for most characters are their only ranged option. They're more solid statistically than slings/boomerangs, which is the only other option for range that Xun has. They're fine.

Is Rafael seriously the only character who can equip shields? Wow. Anyway, the evade boost could probably be made rather substantial in order to actually give Rafael some evade. Basically, he uses shields if he wants to buff his durability, staves if he wants to buff his magic accuracy, and axes/maces if he decides he wants physical damage (not that it's great anyway).

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Rafael's Shield is a unique thing. He doesn't purchase them, the Shield upgrades as he finds new Sigils. The Shield itself is where he keeps the Sigils. I'm imagining them as circular emblems that are regularly added to the front of the Shield as he finds them.

Basically, it's a mage weapon used to bash things, not unlike a staff-whack. However, due to being designed as a Shield, it can have some defensive properties that would actually help out someone who is constantly draining their own HP just to do anything.

We can have -actual- normal Shields as accessories. Rafael's Shield is speshul.

If you're dropping the Range 2 thing from Scythes, then I'd like to propose increasing it's accuracy a lot. Make the only highly-accurate heavy weapon, which gives Ilona more of a reason to use it over all of her dex weapons.

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I'm fairly opposed to giving scythes more hit, since the only character with them already has accurate weapons. It's literally her only inaccurate weapon as is. Well, "inaccurate", since her own hit rules anyway. Scythes, oddly enough, don't really need a niche over other heavy weapons, since their only user has nothing else like them. I was worried about them too until I realised this fact.

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*shrugs* So that would make Ilona the character to use when you DON'T want to miss, whether it's multi-hit damage or she's focusing on overcoming DEF.


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Yeah, accuracy's kind of pointless.  Better to add something else if anything.  Maybe more crit, though they already have a decent crit rate so may not be needed.

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The biggest thing they could be given would be to make them slightly lighter (like, 0.7) which would often net Ilona an extra swing with them. I am mildly opposed to this change because the fact that Ilona multiswings with a weapon on the heaviest tier in the game is intensely amusing to me.

Anyway, they really aren't that far behind greataxes even on a direct comparison. -12 crit in exchange for +5 hit and +5 counter is probably a downgrade, but hardly a blatant one.

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Learning styles.

So there was some talk of the skill-learning methods being a bit -too- varied and that if we were to ever make this into a real game, it would be a programming nightmare.

While this is part of the reason why I prefer to keep it as a 'theoretical dream project' instead of pretending we're ever going to actually make this game, I can see the logic in keeping the programming in mind when designing.

As it stands, each character has (or should have) their own unique learning style. Additionally, each character has their own resource-use style (or combination of resource types). I think the benefit of this is that it allows us to use this aspect of gameplay to show some aspect of the PC's personality.

It also makes sure that each of the PCs handles in a unique way beyond the basic 'I have a unique skillset' thing that RPG designers have been using since like... Breath of Fire. This is essentially based on Shadow Hearts 2/FF6's school of 'everyone learns differently' because it really helps each PC to stand out in their own right. However, we have quite a few more PCs than SH2, and FF6 didn't have -that- many learning styles either.

So, as a compromise, I would propose combining a few learning styles across the board. Condensing 20 styles into about 7, let's say.

Let's look at what we have so far:

Noemi: Observational Learning. This is a pretty unique mechanic and really fits her personality, so I wouldn't want to change it, and probably wouldn't want to share the mechanic with many PCs, if any at all.

Erastus: Has all skills from beginning. Costs decrease as levels increase. The idea was to show that Erastus isn't learning new skills (he's already a veteran), simply building up his strength again.

Kasia: Plot-forced based on situational usefulness. Boring for the player, good for character development. Consider revising to have more flexibility.

Aurel: FF9-style skill-learning. Equip an armor, have access to skill. Equip for X battles, learn skill permanently. I'd propose making this one of the main learning methods.

Shao: ToP/SaGa hybrid-learning style. Shao's skills require the player to find textbooks/tomes/skillbooks/whatever you want to call'em. Once he's found the book, his INT has to surpass a certain value for the skill to 'spark'. This makes INT-buffing very valuable to him. Also, INT-boosting equipment. This strikes me as interesting, but we could definitely refine this for more general use.

Isolde: Cluster-learning and skill-upgrading. One of my favorite styles due to how it gives the player some freedom of choice and makes Isolde's skillset one of the most dynamic. Also, all of the clusters being visible from the start, and her 'choosing' which ones she's ready to start using again really reflects how she's a veteran who simply allowing bits of her too-famous fighting style to show through again as her cover becomes less important.

Faulheit: Same as Erastus, but in reverse. Starts with all his skills (he's also a veteran warrior, and far too lazy to learn new ones now), but his MP is too low to use them at first. Sticking with this style would require his MP growth to be nearly quadruple what it is for everyone else, which is apparently annoying to program. Whatever... As a humorous alternative that gives Faulheit a bit more personality, we've decided to change this to a Drinking Minigame! Faulheit challenges drunkards in pubs throughout the world! If he wins the drinking game, then clearly he's gotten drunk enough to inspire a new skill! While it sounds silly, it's oddly appropriate. However, this could easily be replaced with whatever systems we decide to focus on.

Katarine: Skill-point system, a la Grandia 2. Katarine gains her own pool of skillpoints in proportion to the experience she gets from regular fights. She can use these points to 'purchase' things from a list of available skills. In addition, she can 'level up' skills by expending points. It's not particularly original, but I love this style of skill-learning and I'd like to make it one of our main styles.

Ilona: Originally was going to be trained directly by Mirek, but her role got shuffled around, so now she has no learning style. It was suggested that she be an equipment-based learner like Aurel/FF9.

Selena: Is a late-ish joiner, and optional, so we were just going to let her start with all of her skills, period. Might end up keeping it this way out of laziness, but she could easily be given a learning style with how early she has ended up joining, really.

Mirek: All plot-learned. Kinda boring, really, but I suppose it definitely fits his character to have something passive like this.

Eirwen: Essentially, she works on an item-gatekeeper system, but it's multi-tiered due to how her cooking works. Eirwen finds/buys ingrediants (they can be found earlier than bought), and then she has to choose two ingrediants to add to her DQ8 Alchemy pot. X # of battle turns later (or Y number of battles fought or Z clockticks on the main field, whatever), and the item is produced and usable, with the option of starting cooking on the next item instantly available. Essentially, cooking should happen quickly, with the main limitation being ingrediant availability. But, with enough cooking speed, Eirwen could essentially double her inventory (15 of a certain food item + 15 of each of the ingrediants = 30 uses possible in-battle for long enough battles). Her unique weapon-type should make this cooking speed possible.
Addendum: We have also considered a Suikoden-esque cooking battle scenes, though these don't have to be part of Eirwen's learning style (maybe just for her ultimate dishes, and let the earlier dishes just be based on whenever she decides to combine the correct ingrediants?).

Artur: Mini-game-based learning. Not that different from the proposed drinking game for Faulheit, I suppose. Though Andy didn't really expand on how this was to be used.

Claire: Dual-learning method! She ended up getting Ilona's proposed learning method AND her original learning method! Original method was similar to Eirwen's - item-gatekeeping. Specifically, she can find/buy fruits that have various effects (found earlier than bought, as usual). The method she inheirited from Ilona was being trained by Mirek! This really suits her story well, and is essentially a minigame-based learning style. The idea was that Mirek could talk to Claire in towns and offer to train her. This would open up a menu where Claire could choose from a variety of training battles where she was supposed to complete an objective that would inspire a skill. To complete the objectives, the player would need to maximize their chances of completing it by carefully selecting the appropriate equipment for the enemy-type. E.g. If the objective was 'get 5 critical hits in one encounter', then the battle would have 5 relatively high-HP/Def mooks and Claire should equip a high-crit weapon and use any crit-boosting skills/accessories at her disposal. Mirek and Eirwen could also be allies in these training battles. Completing the objective would earn her the skill that pushes enemies back one hex, reflecting doing 'critical damage'.

Rafael: A much more simple version of 'find the gate-keeper items', but his most certainly come with boss fights. (Optional or forced, depending on which Sigil.)

Yiu: Find the item, sell the item, mass-produce the item. His ultimate skill must be stolen from an optional (repeatable) boss.

Meilin: Equipment-based skill-learning a la Aurel/FF9. Works particularly well with her dual-weapon skillset.

Xun: Plot-based learning. He gets more pets as you progress through the game. The Hippopressor clone COULD be an optional boss that he recruits to give him a -little- more player control.

Jin: Mini-game-learning-esque. Tal proposed that he simply has to talk to other musicians throughout the world. Starts with most of his songs due to being a late-ish PC. I propose a DDR-like beatgame for each Song Tutor!

Fahim: Exactly the same as Shao. They even use the same spellbook key items and INT requirements. This helps Fahim out a bit, since you'll already have half of his learning requirements by the time you get him, but it still gives the player some freedom of when to concentrate on getting his skills (and some of the spellbooks are optional dungeon stuff perhaps?).

More concisely:
Unique: Noemi, Isolde
Already Have It/Level-learning-in-disguise: Erastus, Faulheit(original plan), Shao*, Fahim* (*half of their requirements)
Plot-scene: Kasia, Mirek, Xun, Isolde (clusters unlock based on plot)
Skill points: Katarine
Equipment-based learning: Aurel, Meilin, Ilona? (potentially)
Find the Item!: Shao*, Fahim* (*half of their requirements), Eirwen, Rafael, Yiu, Claire (+another type for her other skillset)
Mini-game Awarded: Faulheit (new plan), Artur, Jin, Claire (+another type)

So, technically, we already have only 7 learning types, but each type is just so weird in the varying details, that it feels like 20.

It is very easy to fix this simply by changing the details, but I'd like to hear from others on how best to condense it.

Dark Holy Elf

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Really like the drinking minigames over Faulheit having the same gimmick as Erastus. In general I dislike the "they already know everything!" explanation... if that's the case, why can't they use it when their life is on the line in a tough battle? Erastus it makes sense because he "blinded" his flow ability and is regaining the use of it, but in general, no.

Also, really dislike thresholds based off a stat, particularly a stat which will probably be the one that you're optimising already. So... Shao using Int thresholds = okay, though I don't really like it (you lose the ability if your int drops? A bit inelegant). Fahim using them = no. Erastus had something he was going to gain via Int and you'll notice in my outline I vetoed that out of hand and replaced it with level, since that accomplishes the same thing without obnoxiousness.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.