Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58102 times)


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #475 on: February 24, 2010, 11:47:41 PM »
It is indeed HAMMER VOTE.

So no talking. <3


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Four]
« Reply #476 on: February 24, 2010, 11:52:56 PM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45791.

We have determined that this man who claimed to be Captain Kirk was telling no word of lie. He was indeed the legendary captain, despite his misgivings. However, we could not determine what role he was playing in this scenario until the other 'heroes' at this gathering discovered it by searching his possessions. It is quite unfortunate, of course, that they accidentally set off his phaser during this search, instantly killing him.

Captain Kirk, Town Citizen has been killed.

It is now Night Four. Please send your Night Actions to Captain Yoshiken of the U.S.S. Moderator.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Four]
« Reply #477 on: February 24, 2010, 11:56:05 PM »
Also, before I forget, anyone who sent in guesses is gonna have to re-send them, I'm afraid. My computer reset and I apparently hadn't saved the file they were in, so lost those. >.<

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Four]
« Reply #478 on: February 25, 2010, 04:34:00 PM »
Another night, another song. Tonight's offering is the song that Item World Entertainment did not want me to play, a story about a man who grinds away his very mind in his obsession with getting the best of everything. I call it, "The Legendary Item Blues". For those of you in the audience who are singing along, the tune goes a little something like this(staring at 3:14, the first half is a different song).

* Axel starts to play a toe tapping tune

Well I had just got out from an epic battle
With a Bonus Rank of 65
Tried to find me a legendary God's Hand
So I could get an Ultimus.
I'd even settle for a Holy Longinus
Even though it's something I'd never use
Now I got them
Steadily depressin', low down mind-messin'
Legendary Item blues.

Well I should be runnin' through the hundred floors
of a Megido Cannon gun
Talkin' some trash to the Item God, sayin',
"Well here I am, you better bring it, son."
Instead I'm stuck here grindin' these battles for a drop
And my whole team is feelin' like fools
With them steadily depressin', low down mind-messin'
Legendary Item blues

You know a man of my ability
He should be usin' the best array
But till these drops stop to suck
And I get better luck
I'll just be grindin' and grindin' away.

Well, all I can do is just shake my head
You might not believe that it's true
It's so damned hard to find a rank 39 item
With that legendary golden hue.

I'm still workin' myself stupid
For a Lovely Cupid
Or really anything that level will do
Cause I got them
Steadily depressin', low down mind-messin'
Legendary Item blues.

I'm still workin' myself stupid
For a Lovely Cupid
Or really anything that level will do
Cause I got them
Steadily depressin', low down mind-messin'
Legendary Item blues.
Yeah, I got them
Steadily depressin', low down mind-messin'
Legendary Item blues.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Four]
« Reply #479 on: February 25, 2010, 04:56:25 PM »
Another night, another-- wait, what do you mean there's no death again? Uhm. Okay then. Another night of quiet, nothing to worry about here, nothing at all~

Day Five begins here. With 10 alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. Day ends at noon EST on the 27th Feb.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #480 on: February 25, 2010, 06:46:58 PM »
Back to roleplay! Hopefully this will make people feel better about my attitude.

A second peaceful night? You men are a very curious lot indeed.

Almaz still smells very strange to me - I disagree with his assessment of Gordon's Day 1 actions and still do not understand why he could not have simply said "I think Planet could be a scum rolecop but the cop claim still makes me nervous" and left things at that. However, the Watchmen Warren has been deathly silent, and I wish to hear information from the Comic before I cast judgment. A promise was made to return and that promise was unfulfilled.

In the meantime, I will address Smax's post from the end of yesterday, as I was planning to do before the Tick abruptly ended our fair warren's meeting. Even with Kirk flipping town, I feel it is important to address.

Here's what looks odd to me: Hazel was on Middleman near the start of day three. Her--I'm sorry, his (that'll take some getting used to)--reason for it was pretty thin, though: lack of justification for Middleman's day two Planet vote (this is post #286, for reference). This is a vote for confirmed scum by a confirmed townie, remember. I've looked through Hazel's following posts and he sticks to this vote while almost never elaborating on his suspicion of Middleman. On its own this is just kinda weird.

I did not elaborate on my vote because the Man in the Middle never addressed it (that I saw). If he did, then perhaps I need to spend more time outside before the darkness of the underground causes further blindness. If I had seen someone address my vote I would have been more than happy to talk about it some more.

The thing that gets me, though, is that Hazel had considered Middleman largely cleared on day two by virtue of Prinny's flip (post 158). Basically, he considered it unlikely that both of the major day one trains could've led to scum because, well, what were scum doing the whole time if two of their own got thrust into the spotlight like that at day's end? So, why the drastic shift on day three? Hazel's stated reason for voting Middleman doesn't seem sufficient to me, and I didn't see much in the way of a gradual transition (I could've missed it, I admit, since god so many posts, so feel free to quote anything relevant if I did overlook it, but mostly I remember a lot of talk about Almaz).

People change their minds, sure, but the shift here to a conviction of Middleman's guilt doesn't seem to occur gradually or really acknowledge the existence of the earlier, contrary opinion. It's worth noting that Hazel's restarting the Middleman case and pushing an Almaz lynch occurred at times when Kirk was one of the only other major suspects being put forth. This makes Hazel very interesting if we lynch Kirk and he flips scum.

The shift was a result of Planet's flip. Planet and Kehaar both being revealed as allies of Woundwort answered the question of what scum were doing - they were pushing Flay-rah. This suddenly opened the possibility that Flay-rah, not the Man in the Middle, was the innocent pushed to secure a Day 1 innocent lynch, and the Man in the Middle lost the credit he gained fom being the alternative to a scum lynch.

I did indeed acknowledge that I had held a contrary opinion earlier, albeit in an indirect fashion. You can find it here:

My apologies to both Kirk and Axel for yelling at you about competing Day 1 scum trains, as I think I have just convinced myself.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #481 on: February 25, 2010, 06:50:04 PM »
I am also quite curious that no one seemed to come forward yesterday and claim they had been rudely woken from their sleep during the night. Were this a one-time thing I would not be so inclined to place this much priority on it, but we have now gone a second night with no discernable activity, and it seems too important to ignore further. Is there anyone that can claim they were attacked last night or on Night 3?

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #482 on: February 25, 2010, 07:58:22 PM »
Sorry Hazel, nothing from me there.

I do have a question of my own though, since Kirk's flip made me remember something from Flay's opening post via the Tick.

- If MM turns up town, hunt down Kirk. If Kirk winds up town as well, it's a 3 scum game, and thus begin looking at the others. Comedian/Bats/Gordon first. (As things stand now)

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why TownKirk means that it has to be a 3 scum game?

Anyway, I'll give Comedian some time to show up before I throw a vote at him. Comedian 1 still looks like lurkscum to me and Comedian 2 hasn't done enough to clear up really any of those suspicions yet.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #483 on: February 25, 2010, 08:30:37 PM »
Two straight days of no-death? This is...very unusual, but analysis is basically an endless supply of WIFOM so yeah.

Kirk flipping down is frustrating to say the least. He doesn't show up to defend himself, even when he said he'd be active today? T_T

The Comedian needs to make some good strong posts now. A lot of what he said in his sole post yesterday was more or less recycled from other posts, so I'm hoping for real genuine analysis today.

I am also quite curious that no one seemed to come forward yesterday and claim they had been rudely woken from their sleep during the night. Were this a one-time thing I would not be so inclined to place this much priority on it, but we have now gone a second night with no discernable activity, and it seems too important to ignore further. Is there anyone that can claim they were attacked last night or on Night 3?
Nothing here.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #484 on: February 25, 2010, 08:40:25 PM »
EBWOP: Kirk flipping Town. Gah, I blame this on the day starting early.

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #485 on: February 25, 2010, 08:43:01 PM »
Not really a good excuse for yesterday, but I had some things come up suddenly that I needed to take care of, but I'm here now so time to get my thoughts out.

I will be honest, I'm still really really clueless on how I feel about Gordon/Almaz, it's seems to be alot of WoT's with extreme tunnel visioning, but my tolerance for thoroughly reading through WoT's doesn't seem to be too high this week.  What I did notice is that Hazel seemed to suddenly do what Almaz was doing to Gordon, after it had been established such tunnel visioning is bad.

I'm also REALLY REALLY apprehensive about Hazel's latest post.
I am also quite curious that no one seemed to come forward yesterday and claim they had been rudely woken from their sleep during the night. Were this a one-time thing I would not be so inclined to place this much priority on it, but we have now gone a second night with no discernable activity, and it seems too important to ignore further. Is there anyone that can claim they were attacked last night or on Night 3?

This strikes me as really off, It seems pretty obvious to me that we have someone with a role that is preventing scum from getting their kills, and this post strikes me as an attempt to get information that may reveal this role and/or who has it.  This person seems to be doing just fine, trying to bring information on whats preventing the night kills strikes me as something that would only be useful for scum.  I'm seriously considering that Hazel is a panicking scum trying to fish out information to get rid of whoever is preventing scum night kills.  I didn't really like the reasoning behind putting two people who are unconfirmed ahead of masons on a "who I think is more townie" list when we have no other confirmed roles for town, and this post just sets off alarms for me.

##Vote: Hazel

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #486 on: February 25, 2010, 08:45:40 PM »
Nothing from my end.

Kirk was just burned out. I think he felt like he had dug himself too large of a hole because he was not around at pivotal times and that frustrated him.

I'm vaguely burned out myself, still been thinking about Almaz and how innocent I think his actions are. I'm also not sure what to think about Hazel, since the same thing that Comedian pointed out came to my mind as well.

Axel: I think that was just very poor logic or an over-charge of self-confidence.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #487 on: February 25, 2010, 09:06:33 PM »
Oh, wow, seriously? Have Woundwort's allies brought me this flay in an attempt to win me over to their side? Has Cowslip had a change of mind? This cannot possibly be this easy.

Roleplay over for this post, time for some fun!


My question about night activities was phrased that way intentionally. I made it a point to only ask if people could claim being attacked, NOT to ask if people could offer up an explanation. I also made sure to offer no disclaimer about how I did not want any docs or bulletproofs or whatever to come forth and explain their activities. The question taken as what it is is relatively harmless. Fortunately, the man I prodded to talk about things (to the point where I did not immediately revote Almaz, note!) jumped right onto it, hook, line and sinker, and offered little-to-no input about the rest of the game's activities.

The best part about all this? I'm 98% positive I know who the doctor is anyway!

Roleclaim time! As a cute little rabbit living amongst all you big scary men (and women), I can wander around at night undetected and see what's going on with your living quarters. In other words, I am a Watcher.

Night 1, watched the Man in the Middle. Nothing.
Night 2, watched Flay-rah. Nothing.
Night 3, watched Smax. Nothing.

Night 4, watched Smax again. Not nothing this time! What I saw was not one, but two people acting on Smax! One of these was the Comic, and the other is someone that I very very very strongly believe is the doctor and thus will not be producing their name for obvious reasons. There are multiple reasons I believe this person is the doctor, and I believe it strongly enough that I had set this up, so don't think I hadn't thought this through.

Either way, I highly suggest this mysterious second person not reveal themselves, even though they will be able to silently confirm that they acted on Smax last night.

##Vote: The Comedian

For the curious as to why I have shifted from watching Flay-rah to watching Smax, I realized that Flay-rah getting NKed would confirm the Tick and remove them from my suspect pool (and everyone else's) as a gambiting scum pair, so I was less concerned with his death than Smax.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #488 on: February 25, 2010, 09:28:57 PM »
The shift was a result of Planet's flip. Planet and Kehaar both being revealed as allies of Woundwort answered the question of what scum were doing - they were pushing Flay-rah. This suddenly opened the possibility that Flay-rah, not the Man in the Middle, was the innocent pushed to secure a Day 1 innocent lynch, and the Man in the Middle lost the credit he gained fom being the alternative to a scum lynch.

I can buy this part, at least, since I had some similar thoughts on day three.

I was going to say that I second Comedian/Hilda's suspicion of Hazel's request because asking if anyone was attacked isn't quite rolefishing but does help scum narrow down their search for power roles by learning who the local doc isn't. Hazel roleclaim, though, that's...interesting.

Hazel, quick clarification: you only see who acts on your targets, not who your targets act on as well?

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #489 on: February 25, 2010, 09:34:22 PM »
This seems really strange, while I can understand that you are certain it is me attempting to do the killings, I can assure you that I am the Town Doctor.

I'm not sure why you decided to come out so abruptly, I would've thought it to be better just to push on me, if what you say is true and you also truly believe me the one to be the culprit.  But here we have you first fishing, and now you reveal your role an a way that could potentially kill off two of towns power roles.

I don't think this is a scum gambit, seeing how a claim this early has all sorts of chances o backfire in their faces, but ugh, really.

##Unvote: Hazel

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #490 on: February 25, 2010, 09:36:24 PM »
Smax: That is correct. Each night I am given a list of people that acted on the target I chose. Whether or not my target did anything is another issue entirely and I am not told about it (i.e. I don't also have Tracker powers).

Ninja'd by the Comedian claiming doc, which is exactly what I'd hope he'd do, as it shifts that 98% sure who the doc is to 100% sure who the doc is.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #491 on: February 25, 2010, 09:46:49 PM »
Also very interested to hear the Comedian's explanation here. And it'd better be a good one because--

Comedian ninja. Ahaha. Ahahaha. Ahahahahaha.

##Vote: Comedian

Okay guys. We have our lynch for today. I realize the Comedian's claim is blatant rolefishing from cornered scum, but I don't care. Confirming that he's lying and thus getting him killed is worth it. I'm the town doctor. I had one shot of self-protection and I used it to save myself last night (I can go into the reasons why I chose to use it last night later, want to get this out right now, suffice it to say that I'm damn glad I did). I saved Flay night three, so please let's not have any more of this "Flay and the Tick are gambling scum" nonsense.

Hazel, I'd advise you keep your mouth shut about whoever else you saw unless they decide they have a good reason to claim whatever it is they have.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #492 on: February 25, 2010, 09:51:03 PM »
Hilda: Sorry for blowing up on you like that yesterday.

Hazel: ... what?  Uh oh wow.  I don't know what to think.

Comedian claiming Town Doc.  Hazel saying he has someone else in mind as Doc.

... that's pretty... uh, darn, wow.  Yeah lemme go over this for a moment and see what.

Although given Com1's play I wouldn't be sad to see the Comedian go.  The claim is really darn confusing.

Ninja by Smax.


##VOTE: Comedian

Good enuff for me.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #493 on: February 25, 2010, 09:53:13 PM »
Hazel, I'd advise you keep your mouth shut about whoever else you saw unless they decide they have a good reason to claim whatever it is they have.

But of course.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #494 on: February 25, 2010, 09:54:22 PM »
Mm. I probably shoulda held off on that for a while to get an idea of people's reactions first. Didn't want to risk whoever else Hazel saw coming out and no saying "No, I'm not the doc so Comedian might be telling the truth," though. I also didn't think my chances of calling later NKs were very good, so.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #495 on: February 25, 2010, 09:56:39 PM »
Well this is a roleclaim clusterfuck. Not a hard one to navigate, at least. Since, yeah, Smax vs Comedian isn't really a question for me.

##Vote: Comedian

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #496 on: February 25, 2010, 09:58:54 PM »
Just want to say please don't quicklynch today. Reasons should be obvious! Comedian's at -2, can we hold off on more for a while?

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #497 on: February 25, 2010, 10:26:15 PM »
Batmanuel arrives!

... right. 

Batmanuel is more than happy to vote the Comedian.  In fact Batmanuel does not think the reasons for not lynching him right now are obvious at all, with Smax and Hazel's claims, but uh okay I guess I won't vote yet? 

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #498 on: February 25, 2010, 10:38:03 PM »
I just don't want to shut down discussion when we've got plenty of time to spare. Because chances are someone won't be around tomorrow to contribute. I mean, several people haven't even talked yet today.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #499 on: February 25, 2010, 10:38:17 PM »
... Wait.  Smax, why did you say more than is necessary?