
Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58433 times)

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #150 on: February 16, 2010, 11:07:48 PM »
What in the blazes?  People are following Batmanuel's cases? 

I mean!  People are following Batmanuel's cases!  Yes.  Uh... okay!  Batmanuel is surprised.  He does not really support a Middleman lynch today and would still prefer Flay to Prinny, but sometimes we cannot have what we want. 
Right... I have trouble with that post of yours. What exactly are your cases? Been looking over your votes. First was the joke vote against Axel. OK. that's understandeable.. joke vote phase. Second was Kirk, but a train was already formed. Same goes for Flay in your 3rd vote, people were there before you (Hlda, Kirk). So I ask: What exactly are you taking credit for? And to be honest, as you said yourself:

and while Batmanuel does not really like voting on a stupid argument over his own jokevote, he doesn't see anything better at the moment...

##Unvote: Axel
##Vote: El Capitan Jaime T. Kirk

So I dunno... Reading your posts, not much seriousness in them, and especially nothing you should be claiming credit for. You said it yourself, you don't believe people followed you... so why treat them as serious votes to begin with?

##Vote: Batmanuel

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #151 on: February 16, 2010, 11:09:39 PM »
Keehar was really allied with Woundwort all this time? Unbelievable! Thlayli will be devastated to hear about this...

##Vote: Almaz

You decided between Keehar and the Man in the Middle with a lurker charge? On the grounds that Keehar defended himself and the Man in the Middle did not? When Keehar's defense was so terrible, as others have already pointed out? This smells most foul, like scum trying to save a buddy.

Batmanuel also smells strange for stating his desire to vote for Keehar but never actually doing so. I wonder if this was not simply cheerleading the Keehar train.

More to follow, but apparently the timing of cases is important to some, so I wish to get this out now.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #152 on: February 16, 2010, 11:18:19 PM »
Batmanuel takes responsibility for his actions, and finds it strange to be accused for doing so, rather than for downplaying them.  As much as responsibility can be taken for doing anything meaningful day 1, Batmanuel feels that his votes on Kirk and later Flay were instrumental in turning sentiments in those directions.  Although with Prinny's flip, he feels rather silly for doing so!

Towards the end of the day Batmanuel did not see anything outstanding on anyone, and assumed that both Minuteman and Prinny were town being trained on for poor play or saying the wrong things at the wrong time.  I will not make so many assumptions in the future!

Beginning with now, wherein Gordon's abrupt sniping flip looks like a rather coordinated bus attempt, followed with a vote against Hazel based on Prinny's words.  Batmanuel does not like this!

##Vote: Gordon

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #153 on: February 16, 2010, 11:28:14 PM »
Yeah, I'm not feeling too great about Almaz myself. I already pointed this out yesterday, but Prinny's defense was awful and Almaz really let that slide with the "well at least he's defending himself" thing. Not sure that's enough to throw my vote at him right now, but he's definately number two in my suspicions.

Number one is frankly still the Middleman. I was reading over the last couple pages again while I was rehearsing for my performance, and it really looks like Prinny waited until the last minute to throw down the standard ass-saving vote. What reason could a scum have for not voting to save himself when the train on him was already that strong? Maybe trying to save a fellow scum with a stronger power role? It's kinda sketchy, I'll admit. Maybe he really did just forget, but I dunno if I really buy that. Combine that with Middleman's fake-suicide-ploy that really feels like an appeal to emotions for sympathy then anything else, and I'm still liking him as a suspect.

And it looks like Batman and Hazel have got some suspicions on them as well. I dunno what to make of the rabbit, aside from that he's got the same opinion of Almaz that I do. Batmanuel I'm leery of, and Planet as well. We know Prinny was scum, I'm still thinking Middleman is, so anyone who didn't get on either train is giving me some pause.

Anyway, that's my thoughts for now. Going ahead with a ##Vote: Middleman here, and I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks on him. I don't think that stunt clears him at all, so if anybody else does I'd like to hear the reasons.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #154 on: February 16, 2010, 11:31:35 PM »
Now then! I apologize for getting frightened and running away to hide for the last several hours of Day 1. Not a whole lot else I can say there. OOC: I was out all day, when I left Keehar didn't have any votes, when I got home he had been hammered.

I had voted for the Man in the Middle because he had stated a distaste for those that were hiding in their burrows:

Seeing as this is the very beginning of out arduous task of rooting out the ne'er do wells among us, I'd much prefer to give the what-for to one of those silent folks than to the talkers

And yet deigned not to vote for any of them. Why not chase after one of them and try to root them out? It didn't really matter which, a vote for any of them is better than a vote for no one.

I was aware that I was not the first to smell this flayrah out when I case my vote. I didn't care that I wasn't the first, it was still the most voteworthy I had seen up to that point, and I make no apologies for holding an opinion held by others that talked before me.

Speaking of Flay-rah, he smells very nice to me right now, as does the Man in the Middle (for obvious train-related reasons). Hiro also seems very reasonable, both he and Flay-rah pushed hard on Keehar with good reasoning.

Outside of Almaz and Batmanuel (Keehar is evil? The bat is untrustworthy? What have we come to where I find myself trusting animals less than humans?), I am skiddish around Hilda, as she seemed reluctant to get involved with either major train and only moved to Keehar when pressured. I have a hard time understanding the purpose of the Captain Planet vote. On that note, I would like to see something meaningful from both Captain Planet and Captain Kirk, who decided to hide for the better part of yesterday (and during all of the late festivities).

I have nothing to say to Gordon's vote against me, as it is entirely based on things I myself did not say.

Music Man, why are you voting for the secondary train to a flipped scum? Do you really think the Scum Warren let two of their citizens get pushed to the surface with no town options alongside them?


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #155 on: February 16, 2010, 11:35:27 PM »
Ahem- Seems we've come out ahead so far. Some condensed thoughts after giving things a re-read:

The great Captain Kirk vanished altogether as deadline approached. Lots of early posting but most of it about the semantical fight with him and Saber. No further case building or comments as deadline approaches.

By the same token, The other captain- Captain Planet- concerns me as well. His early "Serious Voting" for Kirk and their exchange seems to me like an intentional attempt to distance themselves from each other, like a case too weak to get far but enough to blather about.

People I feel positively about? Flay Gunnar, actually. Posting has been high after the initial lull, and most notably, one of the people to draw a vote from Prinny in the late-going.

But at the top of the list... After lurking hardcore early, showing up briefly and hiding mostly in pictures and flavor, and then vanishing entirely as conversation picked up, The Tick is my current top suspect. This line in particular set me off:

I'm concerned about the triple vote on Flay in fast succession. Bat, Planet, then Prinny all in a row. I am convinced that at least one of these three are scum.

That... seems way too specific, but set up like a throw- away line that can be cited later to show scumhunting. I don't buy it, and I'll vote it.

##Vote The Tick

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #156 on: February 16, 2010, 11:43:36 PM »
Apologies for not being here when day ended, apparently something was threatening earth, and the Enterprise was the only ship in the quadrant, again.  You'd be surprised how often that happens.  But, back to saving the Earth in an entirely different way.

Ears, I know your vote against Mr. Gunnar was early, but he had already put on a red shirt and several of us had noticed it even before your vote.  Not to mention, we know now that at least part of the attention in his direction was a Klingon attack.  You really want to take credit for that?  As for your attack on me, that came near the end of that train, and the only one to follow was Mr. Gunnar and that was part of your reason for following.

And usually, I'd cut you a little slack for having been attacked by Klingons.  But in this case, the Klingy (That's what you call a Klingon Prinny, right Spock?) made his choice to attack you after things had blown up in my face.  Given how quickly he jumped on other people who seemed to be in trouble, this makes me wonder.  I suspect that either you're a fellow Klingon that he wanted to get early credit for jumping on, or that there was already a Klingon attacking me (I don't blame them for wanting to get rid of me first, I'd do it too if I had to fight myself.)

I'm also suspicious of the officers sitting on Mr. Middleman at day's end.  Given the Klingy's reluctance to vote for his survival, there's obviously something there as well.  But, all of my preparation was on Ensign Saber, which means I'll have to prepare a new course of attack.

Without any firm targets, I'll follow Giggles for now.

Mr. Sulu, punch in a course to meet up with the USS Watchmen, Warp 5.

##Vote: Batmanuel

Edit: I didn't even know the Vulcans had ninjas!  Mr. Axel, while your choice of music is suspect (not enough about me), I like the way you think.  Generally agreed.  As for the Tribble, I know the Klingons would not want two of their own near destruction, but it's possible.  I don't like the way you're not even considering it so early.

Mr. Middleman, I see your tricks still don't change.  At least you're saying things about people besides that they're not here now.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #157 on: February 16, 2010, 11:58:29 PM »
Huh, the rabbit is the last person I expected to be completely agreeing with, but there you have it.

Captain, interesting how you're scolding me for... something while your case conveniently vanished. You focus almost entirely on defending yourself, bring up a haystack (The Prinny Train) as the next stop in investigation, and then vote... somewhere completely different, to someone who wasn't involved at all. I'm still after the Tick, but I think I'm going to need a bigger top of the list.

##Unvote The Tick
##Vote Kirk

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #158 on: February 17, 2010, 12:02:40 AM »
As for the Tribble, I know the Klingons would not want two of their own near destruction, but it's possible.  I don't like the way you're not even considering it so early.

I'm not considering it because it's worth about as much consideration as the prospect of using my ears to fly. Happens all the time in stories, but it never happens for real! Or, if you want a more man-friendly comparison, it's worth as much consideration as the prospect of you being a Third Party Insane Bulletproof James Bond With Extreme Jaw Ache. It's mathematically possible. That's about it, though.

Tell me, if both Keehar and the Man in the Middle are scum, what were scum doing when Keehar was getting pushed? Surely they would have been making some effort to dig their buddies out of their collapsed tunnels and pull a townie to the surface, right? I see nothing that looks like an attempt to bring a third train into play. After Flay-rah cast the first Keehar vote, there were exactly two votes not cast for either Keehar or the Man in the Middle - a vote from the deceased doe (who is confirmed town) and Hilda's completely fruitless Planet vote. Where is the search for a townie sacrifice? Please tell me.

Li Syaoran

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #159 on: February 17, 2010, 12:10:50 AM »

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #160 on: February 17, 2010, 12:52:50 AM »
An effort to get a third lynch target going would have been pretty obvious, though. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really expect scum to come to eachothers rescue like that, since if it backfires they can lose everything. I'm just not comfortable with the idea that Prinny flipping scum suddenly excuses all of Middleman's problems.

Though on the subject of Middleman, I don't think he and I read the same post by Kirk there. Looks to me like he's trying to accuse Kirk of voting for someone that he's not even talking about, while it's pretty clear to me that the second and third paragraphs of his post there are all about Batmanuel, who he indeed voted for. Hell, he didn't mention you until the very end in a ninja edit and didn't spend a whole lot of time on his own defense that I saw at all. I'll grant that Kirk's post there jumps around a little bit, but I don't think it was so hard to follow that you'd end up that far off from what he said.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #161 on: February 17, 2010, 01:10:54 AM »
waugh. kindasorta bumrushed for time, so my apologies, but this post will be brief.

Middleman i'm not concerned with, at least for now; issues believing scum would bother trying to suicide/claiming to suicide, especially when said suicide still keeps prinny (confirmed scum) up there on the list of targets. sure, contrived situations could exist and merit examination if later data is static, but for now i can't see the argument.

which brings me to Axel's current vote, which i find interesting, to say the least. while i understand a pity appeal, -he had no reason to expect anyone to have pity-. my post directed at him was more yelling his face off for playing against's town's interest and frankly against common sense, and had i not spoken up, his suicide post would likely have gone unchallenged. (if you really need to suicide ask for a modkill. but resignation can cloud opinions.) is he clear, to me? no. but he's low on the suspicion totem pole, as i can find no good, clean justification for that act other than what happened on the surface.

my current people of interest as of end of day 1 are Almaz (on Gordon and Middleman train; issues with Gordon logic, was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum), Planet (was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum, substance issues, gutchecking poorly against him), Comedian/Kirk/Hazel (was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum, Comedian/Hazel have substance issues, Kirk was absent for a long stretch), the Tick (substance issues, sparse posting), Hilda (sparse posting), Middleman (day 1 antics), and Gordon (what the hell vote at end of day 1), in about that order (Axel, I am uncertain on). following this...

##VOTE: Almaz

i do not buy the logic used by yourself or Saber (Saber flipping town means relatively little here) to press the vote on Gordon, and your choice to not switch votes from Middleman to prinny could be read either as confusion or simply as scum abstaining from a swap to a partner. for now, please elaborate the justification for the gordon vote in day 1.

short post yeah right when have i managed one of those?

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #162 on: February 17, 2010, 01:49:29 AM »
Did a Prinny readthrough.

##Vote Hiro
Suspicions interactions with Prinny.  Bogus list of 'interesting people'. Lots of fluff. Dubious voting record. Good chance of scum.

I reject your criticism of my 'sparse posting', I'm a true hero who catches criminals and fights for justice!

Watch them squirm, Arthur!

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #163 on: February 17, 2010, 01:52:45 AM »

(Looks like you got yourself in another mess, Almaz!  See, you should've herded into the Prinny, but you had to pursue the indecisive one, huh?)

First of all, I clearly said that inaction and indecisiveness is town's bane as a complement to voting Middleman!  It's not true to say I only voted him for inactivity charges!

I feel more and more justified in Gordon right now!  I've tried to explain yesterday as best as I can, and if you honestly feel that's not good enough I can't do much more!  To recap:

- I don't like how he wanted me to vote Middleman when I voted him instead.  Obviously I don't like people telling me where my vote should go when I'm perfectly capable of deciding that myself!  At the time, I felt Middleman was sufficiently pressured and wanted to press Gordon.
- He made a weird comment about Batmanuel being suspicious for beginning a train but declaring it a jokevote.  Even though the Prinny (now a confirmed scum) did so first, but somehow this eluded Gordon completely.  Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.
- Ignores my further attempts to press him about his mention of "holding back on the bat".  I still don't know what this is supposed to mean!  It seems like a veiled excuse to jump back on Batmanuel later by 'having had suspicions of him all along'!

Of course I remain adamant in voting him at that point because he was ignoring me.  Not even an acknowledging of my pressing on him or anything!

But today, I feel even more justified in voting him.

##VOTE: Gordon

What was up with the end of Day 1?  If he truly felt worried the Penguin would vote for the Middleman (honestly, even I saw that coming), why did he just say it and not post it?  And, coincidentally, the Prinnies re-appear right then!

Middleman's suicide ploy is painful, but I see no reason to impede the Prinny lynch given his play today! Consider me ready to swap if a last minute wagon-switch occurs!

Before then, his vote was on the Middleman!  Before that, Gordon, what was your reason for voting the Middleman?  Explain it away for all to see, why does Middleman's appearance justify a switch to the Prinnies?

Look at the impeccable timing between the Prinnies and his own post.  The Prinnies post barely a minute after Gordon does, and Gordon posts within a minute of that.  This reeks too much of coordination.

Day 2, he doesn't even spare a moment to consider the previous Day and all the actions of people, but he jumps immediately on Hazel based on the Prinny's words.  What kind of scumhunting is that?  

I also take issue with Hiro at this point.  Why is he so protective of Gordon?  I don't buy people's logic on certain cases, but you don't see me holding that against them!  I make top of your list for two reasons, according to your last post: I wasn't on Prinny's train, and I was on Gordon's "train".  Surely you can come up with something better than that?  

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #164 on: February 17, 2010, 01:56:48 AM »
As for Hazel, even if the Prinny's defence was bad, I felt it was better than someone who was indecisive, did nothing with his vote, voiced no suspicions of anyone in particular and, to boot, was the biggest offender of the crimes he was accusing others of!  How could I have known the Prinny was actually a villain?!  He wanted to be a hero, right?

I didn't see the bandwagon hopping as villainous because sometimes I tend to agree with others and follow their lead, too it looked like an honest-to-god bad town play to me!


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #165 on: February 17, 2010, 03:13:12 AM »
* Hiro Protagonist glances back in. uh... huh. okay.

Tick: you vote for me, fail to comment on anything else, run back out with a paltry justification. please excuse me if i remain unmoved by your "heroics", and rather bemused as to where any of those those "points" against me are justified. until you attempt to provide backup for those statements i have little further to say.

Almaz: if you hadn't noticed, while low on there, Gordon has made my list, for much the same reason that you say you are even more convinced about his guilt - the timing of the gordon-prinny-gordon posting is, to say the least, bizarre. this being said, i appreciate your clear statements as to precisely how Gordon has rubbed you edgewise, as it provides some clarification. my issue with the Gordon train is primarily that i could not - and in some parts, still do not - see the grounding for an argument. and as you might put it, "real heroes make solid arguments with firm conviction" or somesuch.

to elaborate on the Almaz vote:

Almaz bullet point 1:

Quote from: Almaz
- I don't like how he wanted me to vote Middleman when I voted him instead.  Obviously I don't like people telling me where my vote should go when I'm perfectly capable of deciding that myself!  At the time, I felt Middleman was sufficiently pressured and wanted to press Gordon.

this is your first post toward Gordon. Vote justification:
Why are you calling Batmanuel's vote the start of a serious train when none of the votes before it were serious at all?  You know just as well as I do that heroes don't kill people for the hell of it, that goes against everything we're meant to be!  And what is holding back on the Bat meant to mean?  Do you have any grounds to build a case on him?  Share!  The only secrecy a hero needs is his true identity and only when you're a masked hero!
Gordon replied to that immediately after, noting the bandwagon that had formed (again, he did so on page 1 and did so first, mind)

Saber posted in between, voting Gordon for "hysterics" and little else. this gave me heavy pause regarding the entire case on him, and why I focused on dissecting the arguments therein. source here

second comment: here. first point you mention that you'd actually be willing to vote Middleman. until then, it did honestly read - and in part, still does to me up to that point - that you were simply cheerleading the case on Middleman, as Gordon put it. it also took you to this point to provide the explanation of middleman having enough pressure on him. regarding your argument toward Gordon, i've put &&& next to the two points at where I commented on this elsewhere in the post - feel free to use the search function to get to those lines quickly.

breaking this up here; second half coming in a sec. sincere apologies for the wall of text but i am horrible at brevity. this seems to me to be a necessary evil in order to fully explain my case on Almaz and my issues with the D1 Gordon press.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #166 on: February 17, 2010, 03:16:02 AM »
Almaz bullet point 2:

Quote from: Almaz
- He made a weird comment about Batmanuel being suspicious for beginning a train but declaring it a jokevote.  Even though the Prinny (now a confirmed scum) did so first, but somehow this eluded Gordon completely.  Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.

the only real debate and conversation started when kirk/smax found the syntax suspicious (and note that neither caught the trainaspect - the first comment that there was -any- train was Gordon himself pg. 1 here in which he said, again, that it was odd but being uncertain what to make of it). also note that he mentioned the claim of being a jokevote because Batmanuel himself said so here: doink. to put Gordon's statement out so that this may be observed:

Maybe it's because I don't posess the IQ of my sidekick Jennifer, but I understood Manuel's intention with ease. What concerned me was that it was the third vote on Axel, and the closest we had come to a proper wagon - claiming now that it was a jokevote is making me somewhat uncertain.

&&& in other words he was questioning Batmanuel's claim of it being a jokevote, as it was ambiguous due to the train aspect, while saying that he understood what Batmanuel's commentary was meant to say. this just seems like a case of being uncertain what to make of Batmanuel, frankly. referencing these in your followup post seems out of whack, as in context his abstainment on Batmanuel's case seems to make a fair amount of sense.

iow the prinny train eluded a lot of people and i can't see attempting to hold that against solely gordon, and the weirdness of his phrasing seems somewhat exaggerated on your part. the existence of the prinny-established train, indeed, took a lot of people a while to catch onto. note to self: look into who first pointed this out, though it may actually have been you, Almaz. hum.

also, re: your second bulletpoint, Almaz:
Quote from: Almaz
Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.
my apologies, but i fail to parse this in a coherent fashion. elaborate?

Almaz bullet point 3:
Quote from: Almaz
- Ignores my further attempts to press him about his mention of "holding back on the bat".  I still don't know what this is supposed to mean!  It seems like a veiled excuse to jump back on Batmanuel later by 'having had suspicions of him all along'!

Of course I remain adamant in voting him at that point because he was ignoring me.  Not even an acknowledging of my pressing on him or anything!

a few points to make. you refer to this post here, i believe, as well as one further down the page:here.

&&& your first two quoted segments: pointing out the prinny train. which you didn't point out when you voted for him, but which he had been talking about the counterpart of (the Batmanuel train) for a bit. his response? "oh hey I didn't realize CP was at three first". which, as stated above, a lot of people missed... which doesn't clear him, but makes it difficult to hold against him - Kirk/Smax were the first to vote Batmanuel, Gordon was the first to notice/point out oh hey Batmanuel started the train, which might have been noticed over CPtrain because oh, hey, the attention was on Batmanuel.

re: ignoring your pressure, though, the second half did go uncommented on - but the brunt of your argument seemed aimed toward "there was another train!" which he commented on. the rest of it, i've already made my notes for.

tl;dr: you tossed suspicion on Middleman and Tick, but voted Gordon, and this aggravated my suspicion of you; you seem to have overblown some of Gordon's lines to make the case, which didn't quite sit well with me.

considering as how I feel the Gordon case was not well founded at the time, i still feel justified in my vote toward you for now (now, someone could reference the goddamn end of D1 and i'd at least have sympathy for the case, but the rest of D1 does not feel shaky to me and that is currently the brunt of your argument).

i realize the immensity of what i reference, Almaz, but if i could request you indulgence in one last answering to these commentaries i'd appreciate it. this is pretty much the only time i'll pull up all the relevant D1 Gordon/Almaz references like this as doing this allows me to just refer to this post.

for your sake i'll provide bullet points; if anyone attempts to tell me this is "padding" i'll bite their head off as Almaz providing bullet points aided in this post's construction greatly and courtesy demands i do the same.

-- The initial Gordon vote post referenced Middleman and Tick but did not make it clear why Gordon was voted over either of those other than , and multiple of the reasons were only provided afterwards (granted, the cheerleading/pressure on you was done immediately after your vote, but the data on the CP train was around the entire time)
-- Gordon lines feel like they were taken out of context in the attempt to build this case, regarding Batmanuel commentary.
-- You use the CP-train against him when this seems like a null tell at best.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #167 on: February 17, 2010, 08:09:37 AM »
Sadly, exams are happening now. I shall be back as soon as I am able. (Anna is making me study so I don't fail again...) However, have no fear, fellow heroes! The Flay shall not leave you for long!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #168 on: February 17, 2010, 08:11:18 AM »
You know, I didn't have any idea what to make of the knight lady. Guess this clears that up.

First off, it's hard for me to believe that both of yesterday's final suspects were scum. What the hell were scum even doing if they let two of their own get pushed into the spotlight on the first day without opposition? Well, I guess the obvious answer is "trying to start the Flay train," since that did happen while Middleman was still in the lead, and we already know there was one scum involved in that (and I'm not happy with Planet either). However...I'm having a hard time explaining it, but it just doesn't feel right to me. You'd have to cook up some crazy conspiracy theories to make it work. So this makes Middleman look better, if not exactly cleared of all suspicion.

Hiro looks good for talking him back from the ledge, though, not to mention casting the vote that tied Prinny with Middleman in the first place. Not really understanding the attacks a couple have made against him. Tick, what "suspicions interactions with Prinny" did you see? Want to give us some quotes?

Couple weird things with Gordon. Quoting Prinny to make a case against the rabbit is uh. Yeah. Prinny was a villain, man, so it was his mission to lie and do everything he could to confuse people. Using scum statements as evidence looks pretty feeble to me. Votes are an okay statement of intention, sure, but you can't rely on any arguments they made. Also, while some of Almaz's points against Gordon still look really off to me, I definitely agree that Gordon waiting to vote on Prinny was weird. Wasn't it obvious what Prinny was going to do as soon as he showed up? Why not just vote for him immediately if Gordon was worried about that?

Captains Courageous disappearing when everything was going down looks very off. That's Kirk and Planet, for the record, though I'm more worried about the hippie. Weird case on Kirk yesterday, jumped onto a suspicious quicktrain against Flay with known scum afterward, vanished for the rest of the day. This smells bad.

##Vote: Captain Planet

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #169 on: February 17, 2010, 08:38:43 AM »
There's a couple of lines back-and-forth, about Hazel. It looked a little odd. Not going to quote it, it needs to be read in the context of the respective posts.
I've also been suspicious of that other blue guy Captain Planet since early on, but haven't looked at him again lately. Will do so later. Must go defeat villains now!

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #170 on: February 17, 2010, 12:28:27 PM »
Gordon replied to that immediately after, noting the bandwagon that had formed (again, he did so on page 1 and did so first, mind)

And what is holding back on the Bat meant to mean?  Do you have any grounds to build a case on him?

I really don't see how that answers this question! 

first point you mention that you'd actually be willing to vote Middleman. until then, it did honestly read - and in part, still does to me up to that point - that you were simply cheerleading the case on Middleman, as Gordon put it.

I mentioned Middleman twice: I first called him out on indecision and asked him to explain himself, and then I said I was alright with lynching him but preferred to see Gordon go.  I'm only guilty of having a preferred target who isn't Middleman.  Besides, didn't you yourself skirt on Middleman here?  If you're going to hold something against me, make sure you're free of blame yourself!  That's how heroes roll!

Responding to your second post in my second post for easy quoting.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #171 on: February 17, 2010, 12:46:39 PM »
paragraph 1

I can see where the misunderstanding comes from.

Here's Gordon's entire statement:

Maybe it's because I don't posess the IQ of my sidekick Jennifer, but I understood Manuel's intention with ease. What concerned me was that it was the third vote on Axel, and the closest we had come to a proper wagon - claiming now that it was a jokevote is making me somewhat uncertain. The argument between Saber and Kirk feels a little artificial and unnecessary, especially on the part of Mr. Kirk. For now, though, other suspects have emerged so I will hold back here until the bat in question contributes more. I remember the Overlord telling me once I spoke fluent Moron, so that may be it...

For now, though, other suspects have emerged so I will hold back here until the bat in question contributes more.

I was questioning this particular line of his for the duration of the day.  I don't think it was relevant to Kirk and Saber, because Batmanuel's appearance shouldn't matter to any arguments regarding those two for the little wordspat, but I was curious what he meant by 'holding back until the bat contributes more': i.e. did he find something suspicious that he could build something against the bat (or, in hindsight, anyone there) or what?  I've been repeatedly asking him for clarifications there.

referencing these in your followup post seems out of whack, as in context his abstainment on Batmanuel's case seems to make a fair amount of sense.

Hopefully now it makes sense?  He's mentioned the bat, he mentioned Kirk and Saber, and said he'd hold back until 'the bat contributes more'.  The wording alone already implies 'the bat doesn't contribute much', which by that point no one really had.  I'm just curious what he meant to 'hold back on' until the 'bat contributes more'.  He never revisits this either way, saying he'd not vote Batmanuel because he felt 'the blue man' and Middleman were more interesting.  By this point he calls me out on not voting Middleman.  To wit:

Middleman what is wrong with you?  Indecision is unhero-like!  Only a villain'd do those kind of things, and I've read a lot about heroes so I know!  Get in here and explain yourself (please?)!

It should be obvious by that, but let me explain it!  This line means, "Middleman I don't get why you haven't voted, so can you explain that?" and the lack of vote can be explained as "there are enough votes on Middleman to encourage him to explain it, and I'm not instantly sold on lynching him for this".  I saw his continued silence as lurking.  Perhaps someone else'd step up and take heat; that way the Middleman could skirt by with a passing comment and jump on other cases. 

By the end of the day I was thoroughly confused but unwilling to move my vote to someone I perceived to just be caught in Bad Day 1 Play; I rather saw the one go I felt was more scum.

note to self: look into who first pointed this out, though it may actually have been you, Almaz. hum.

I didn't point it out.

Quote from: Almaz
Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.

Before I voted on him, he says his suspicions were based on 'third on the train is suspicious' axiom.

This is incorrect, in hindsight: he said this after I voted him.

-- The initial Gordon vote post referenced Middleman and Tick but did not make it clear why Gordon was voted over either of those other than , and multiple of the reasons were only provided afterwards (granted, the cheerleading/pressure on you was done immediately after your vote, but the data on the CP train was around the entire time)

Middleman: Enough pressure.
Tick: Just inelaborate commentary, and what looks to me an unjustified reason to vote Captain Planet.  Namely, to say Captain Planet wanted to start a train when there was a way better train to jump on.  Further asking to provide thoughts on Middleman.  (did he actually do this?)

-- Gordon lines feel like they were taken out of context in the attempt to build this case, regarding Batmanuel commentary.

You lost me!

-- You use the CP-train against him when this seems like a null tell at best.

I've not even talked about Captain Planet!  I'm holding him against his actions re: Batmanuel, his continued refusal to answer my question in the previous post AND now his weird antics by the end of Day 1.  If he really wanted the Prinny to die, he should've voted the Prinny instead of saying, "I'll switch votes if a last-minute bandwagon switch occurs", as if it's thanks to him scum died now!

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #172 on: February 17, 2010, 01:26:18 PM »
The Tribble does, in fact, mention what is the best example of what might have been a cover for Mr. Middleman, if he is actually Klingon scum.  Mr. Valentine states a marked preference for her own case, right before moving onto something completely different, giving it time to note that no one is interested before moving on.  Given the state of the game at the time, it is clear that no other train would have a chance to form without a presentation of confidential information (what used to be called a role claim).

Also notable is Ears, who looking closer also managed to completely avoid mission's end.  Unlike myself and that filthy Picard brownoser, he did send a transmission, but a sad pathetic thing that was.  Here's the entire transcript of it.

What in the blazes?  People are following Batmanuel's cases? 

I mean!  People are following Batmanuel's cases!  Yes.  Uh... okay!  Batmanuel is surprised.  He does not really support a Middleman lynch today and would still prefer Flay to Prinny, but sometimes we cannot have what we want.  Especially on day 1.  Hmm.  Batmanuel suggests if the candidates are here and have any useful claims to make that they should; he is preparado to vote Prinny, not through any particular fault of Prinny's but by looking at the vote patterns and thinking Minuteman is likely town...

Ears still hasn't told us what's so important in those vote patterns.  And, in this transmission, all he says is that he's willing to support a Prinny lynch, but never does it.  Well, no, he also states that he feels people should ignore the two big trains and go back to his, one that got left behind a long time before.  And I don't know about your homeworlds, but in the Federation, refusing to vote for the two obvious trains with three hours left, without any logic, is the same as not voting at all.  Just as this transmission is the same as not transmitting at all.

Ears, dismissed.  Mr. Gordon, it's your turn, though I just have some questions for you.

These are both issues raised by Mr. Almaz, but they deserve less hysterical phrasing.

Why did you wait before transmitting your vote when it was almost deadline?  And why are you trusting the Prinny's final words?  Why do you feel they cannot be a Klingon ruse, meant to lure us away from their agents?


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #173 on: February 17, 2010, 02:01:27 PM »
will keep this brief, somewhat short, handle this with as much succinctness as can be mustered, but appreciate your reply, Almaz. if you have any questions as to which part i meant to reply to which, poke me and i'll clarify.

first: (reply to first post)

two elements. one, my reading in the end simply tells me that Gordon was holding back on Batmanuel due to uncertainty, which was present in both those first two posts. secondly, this is part of why i did the un/vote gimmick - to demonstrate willingness to vote on Middleman. no such gimmick or even no real clue was present for your statement. this being said you've cleared this up some, appreciated.

second: (reply to first half of second post)

okay. this simply at this point looks like two different readings. my general interp was that he was simply not sure on Batmanuel and making a note of that, but other people became more suspicious to him later in the day and so he shelved that uncertainty. this being said i think i see where you come from on this. your comment/clarification on your Middleman call out is appreciated, though i would not have read in "there are already enough votes on Middleman" from the context there.

i can't really argue your unwillingness to move your vote, as even though i had mine on the prinny, in those last fifteen minutes i am decently sure my stomach was doing cartwheels, worried that not only Middleman was town and in danger, but that prinny might also be town. fortunately i do not listen to my gut! but that was incredibly nervewracking and, while i can't see the way in which prinny bandwagon hopped as bad town play (it just seemed bad play period, town or scum, but)... ymmv and all that.

third: (second half of your second post)

really most of this is fairly sensical. regarding the -- taking Gordon outta context line, i was referring to the Gordon thoughts on Batmanuel lines. you've cleared this up - while i don't agree with your points i now think i understand how they would be made, and this is greatly appreciated.

finally, yes you did use the CP train, if only in passing, during this post, where you held the existence of the CP train against him regarding his own comments on trains. this being said.

##UNVOTE: Almaz

at this point, i think i get your arguments, even with my disagreement (Gordon's actions toward Batmanuel don't really seem bad to me), and am willing to chalk this up to differing opinions. your assistance is much appreciated.

ninjacomment: i think "hysterics" as a term is getting tossed around too easily at this point, Captain Lays? it's been tossed around D1, being tossed around now, and it does seem to be Almaz' style more than actual hysterics.

vote in next post.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #174 on: February 17, 2010, 02:06:22 PM »
##VOTE: Tick

and now to do something, that, in retrospect, i should have done a while back, but now i just get to make it look like omgus. what fun, you know?

this has two things. something that appears mudslingy on CP ("You look kinda off." as the main justification? really?) and saying Hazel made sense. it took pressure by Smax to refine this any further, to...

this. which, okay, this explains some... except. except you claim that he's using another's arguments as opportunism. he/Saber were the only two that voted Kirk there, and Saber's vote was over being confused at Kirk's attack on Batmanuel (all roads lead to Batmanuel, it seems?) comparing the two of them's arguments...

Cap'n Crunchplanet seems to me the two arguments are completely different: Saber calls Kirk out due to her incredulity that they failed to recognize Batmanuel's first post as a jokepost. Captain Planet breaks down Kirk's first argument there some more and calls it into question. iow there was no opportunism present, CP was presenting a new argument (whether or not it holds water is a story to return to later, i suspect)

this is the swap to Prinny. about the one post that felt productive, here. and imagine that, it was the last post of the day. mmm. at that time prinny only had two votes, yours the second, and there were only nine hours and change left. wonder if you never thought the train would actually take off? had no reason to suspect it, at least not at that point, but for now this is still a mark in your favor.

this is the first post targeting me, in which you mudsling - yes, it's mudslinging, as you blatantly refuse to provide any examples, proof, -links-, anything, to even remotely justify these claims. "suspicious interactions with prinny"? that reads straight as mudslinging, 'm afraid. "bogus list"? no explanation. "fluff"? what gorramm fluff? you mean like your little RP tossouts? yes, i do the same. as much a scumtell for me as it is for you, dude. "dubious voting record"? what, that i had my vote on Saber at one point? that i chose to denote my willingness to vote Middleman in an unorthodox way?

url and here you say there's commentary about Hazel that looks suspicious. but... don't provide sources, references or -links-

and really, i hammer the link part home, because one would think you'd think of providing links to what you consider suspicious instead of quoting "out of context" if you, you know, actually bothered to read my posts and notice that oh, hey, links are bloody useful things!

tl;dr: mudslinging, epically contentless, his argument on CP is nonsensical after review, his argument on me is entirely smear campaign, i don't get his fascination with the rabbit, but this reads entirely like scum attempting to coast by tossing out one or two lines and then disappearing again. i am ashamed that it took Tick mudslinging at me to make me wipe off the interface and see precisely what he'd been doing but there you go, i'm hardly perfect at this vigilance thing.

in his favor he was second on the prinny train but i personally consider that a null tell at this point (others might disagree, thus why i add it here) - little reason to believe at the time that the train would take off with Middleman around, though i'm glad it did as it took down scum.

others, thoughts on this case? i'll return the courtesy in the morning, i really don't have much more to say on Tick - Almaz's case had multiple possible end interps, some of which i would have been hammering down on him for, but he has resolved my issues to my satisfaction. Tick has simply attempted slander on both CP and me at this point, and i can't be bothered to reply seriously to any attempts he may make to try and add substance to this.