Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 59526 times)


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #200 on: February 18, 2010, 02:36:41 AM »
Smax: ya-huh, lemme check those.

re: Comedian: definitely under the radar, but... mmm. D1 analysis i agree he surfed very heavily below attention, today... he's more talkative and you're right, he does seem to be the first to call out Batmandu(de). give me more time, wanna look over the arguments/timings in more detail here.

Batmandu(de): ...yeah, Smax, that definitely seems to be a blatant switchup between final day 1 post and start day 2 post. seems really really bizarre, and a good catch. would support Batmandu lynch if we can't, i don't know, set Tick on fire or convince him Arthur's in trouble down a bottomless well or something. mayhaps we should tell him his spoon's down there?

Kirk post, mmm. need coffee, back later, but i'm not convinced on calling Comedian's first D2 post meaningless.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #201 on: February 18, 2010, 02:39:00 AM »
Hahahahahahaha! The Flay has returned, friends! Though not to a happy site...

First, I'll start by saying that Almaz appears to be quite heroic to me, sticking with his convictions instead of taking the easy way out! No villain would do such a thing! [Stuck with Gordon, even though it would've been easy to hop off him and onto The Tick (Now at L-3), as all he'd need is a "this is going nowhere" to have the perfect transition. Does not strike me as scummy at all.] I said it before, and will say it again: A true hero uses ACTIONS, not WORDS! [And, given so many people have been looking at "would this make sense if he were scum?" I'm... quite surprised nobody noticed that]

I would also like to say that I am vehemently against a Tick lynch! He seems to be almost a sidekick, but I have no doubts he is on the side of justice! [He reads as a bad townie, not scum. At least, to me, he does.

Those who worry me most are Comedian, Middleman, and Batmanuel. They do not act as though TRUE HEROES, striking from the shadows and leaving their targets to their fates. A TRUE HERO faces their foe in a duel, and proves their strength! [Not liking Comedian, Middleman, or Bats. Comedian for... well, honestly?He doesn't show up on my radar at all. I had to look at the votecount to realize he'd even posted today, and I've been trying to comb through Day 2. >_> Middleman seems a little shifty to me because he, well, shifted gears. He's being incredibly different today than he was yesterday. Today he's sniping. Yesterday, he wasn't. That, combined with the fact the scum were trying to create another bandwagon when he was the only one, just really gives me bad vibes. As for Batty, well... everyone else has covered it pretty well, actually. If you want me to talk about my reasoning, I can.]

I require more time before my training shall reveal where my sword is to be pointed. However, unless there is some sort of revelation, worry not that my vote shall go to one of those three! [Still re-reading. Trying to keep Day 2 and Day 1 cases separate for now, though, so as not to influence my judgements. Definitely going to go in for a Prinny re-read, see if anything stands out there.]

GRH--! Ninjas! ATTA--oh, sorry, friends! You caught me off guard for a moment!

OOC (because it's hard be The Flay):
Smax: Nothing to say. I, uhh, actually completely and utterly agree with you, far as I can tell. Good catch on the Bats thing, too.

Comedian: How did you get that? I was referring mostly to people who hadn't spoken in Day 2. You're there because I had no clue you'd posted at all until votecount.  >_>
Kirk: Only thing I really have to say here is that Middleman was still headed to a lynch, as his inaction was still the scummiest thing to have happened up until then.

Hiro: N/A.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #202 on: February 18, 2010, 02:45:40 AM »
Batmanuel has trouble composing posts in flavor.  For this, and for slowness, he apologizes, and will be mostly dropping it.  On the end of yesterday, I became busy again unexpectedly, I can offer no particular defense.  As for Minuteman, what I saw there was a very standard day 1 pattern of jokevotes going around, a couple of people getting to trains of 2 or 3, then one earlier train pushing above the others.  In my experience this usually happens when scum are pushing up their decided train for the day, and that pattern was sufficient for me to judge Minuteman town.  "Hmm four hours to deadline.  I'll probably be back by then.  .... whoops.  Augh what'd I miss.  Oh it was a trainwreck anyway, at least I was right on Minuteman being the scum-pushed train.  Eh.  Let's just move on tomorrow."  Not sure what I can say other than that, if people (especially beautiful women) have more questions, please ask away.

Today, I may have known The Tick for a long time but I have to agree that he is indeed pretty scummy.  But - so is Gordon, my lecherous competition, and Gordon's sudden long post and vote on the long absent Captain Planet looks like a clear hail mary "Hey look I got a case on this lurker get off me!" move.  With the action now moving heavily to Tick, including Planet himself... I'm not sure what to think of this.  I think there is at least one scum among Gordon/Planet/Tick, and I would vote for them in roughly that order.  

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #203 on: February 18, 2010, 03:00:14 AM »
 Oh it was a trainwreck anyway, at least I was right on Minuteman being the scum-pushed train.  

...what? That is, in fact, the complete opposite of what happened. I'm looking at the Prinny posts as we speak. Not once-- not once does he vote for Middleman, until the very last stages of life, and being pestered repeatedly about it. That train was not scum-formed. I highly, highly doubt it. And, in fact, after Comedian's and Bats' posts, and after going through the Prinny, both Middleman and Bats are seeming more scummy to me. Middleman is looking worse because of circumstance (which I admit is pretty weak) while Bats is looking worse because of terrible, terrible arguments. I'm going to, actually, put my vote down on Middleman. I'll try to get to a more thorough and eloquent explanation of why ASAP. (I'm sorry, I know I'm not being very helpful today, but being busy is, well, being busy. >_> Day also feels like almost nothing has happened, compared to the incredible 7 page Day 1)

##Vote: Middleman

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #204 on: February 18, 2010, 03:18:26 AM »
Errrr just because Prinny himself wasn't on Minuteman doesn't mean he wasn't the scum-pushed train.  I find it very, very unlikely that we had two scum trained up so high on day 1, as opposed to Minuteman being a townie whose oral skills are subpar.  (I offer lessons.  For a price.)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #205 on: February 18, 2010, 03:28:54 AM »
I'm going to claim right now rather than waste our time trying to defend myself so we can get on with the business of finding scum whilst there is time in the day in which to do so.
I am a self-confirming town mason with Flay. I know Flay is town also.
Flay will confirm this. We are True Heroes.

Way to jump out of inactivity and onto the train with copy-pasta arguments, Captain Planet.
Always wary of those jumping onto an easy train.

Hazel's latest post does nothing but give him/her room to jump onto any easy train.

Axel doesn't even bother with justification for voting me, but he was next on Prinny after Flay & myself, so he has some leeway.
Comedian kind of exists. Still not happy with him overall, especially not over end of D1, but: ##Unvote

##Vote Captain Planet wins the scummiest prize for his recent post.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #206 on: February 18, 2010, 03:40:39 AM »
Well, I was about to ask Flay if he could try and explain what gave him so much confidence in you, Tick, but...well, that explains it. Or at least it will, once Flay confirms his side.

And hey, Flayva Flav! Day one was only six pages long! Aren't you a teacher? Can't you count? (I guess this is where I get serious and say I'm really looking forward to your reason for voting Middleman since I have a lot of trouble thinking he's scum).

I don't know what this means for my vote. Gonna wait for Flay to confirm before thinking about unvoting, though.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #207 on: February 18, 2010, 03:48:09 AM »
Just popping in real quick before I leave for the night:

Tick, are you absolutely certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your mason partner is confirmed town?  The two of you are guaranteed of eachother's alignment?  That last game with a Town Mason deciding to let Town lose doesn't really make me feel comfortable with Masons.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #208 on: February 18, 2010, 03:51:29 AM »
My role PM stated that Flay is confirmed town to me. Unless the mod is outright lying to me, then he is confirmed town. I assume his role PM said the same thing about me.
This is not like Villain mafia.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #209 on: February 18, 2010, 03:58:18 AM »
(ASDFGH. Huh. I'm... pretty floored. Weird claim or greatest scum gambit of all time. Will be back before deadline- traveling tomorrow morning- and am eagerly waiting for that confirmation. I'm really baffled by that. I've never seen two masons so dramatically different. Maybe ask Flay for some content to put in your posts before I buy this? I'm especially not about to take your word that the setup is completely different just because "This is not like Villain mafia." )

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #210 on: February 18, 2010, 04:00:23 AM »
Erm. It'll do for now, and I've gotta give my head a rest for a while, so may as well do this before checking out rather than have a probably pointless Tick vote sitting out there for hours:

##Unvote: The Tick
##Vote: Batmanuel

Been over this. His explanation completely ignores that he gave a different account of his doubts at the beginning of this day and he was on a train with known scum against someone I think is very likely to be town. I'd be okay with Planet too if that's what it comes down to, but I think I like this better.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #211 on: February 18, 2010, 04:13:25 AM »
You know, I was thinking about the "scum pushed train" thing.. and the more I think about it, the dodgier it sounds.
So I went and re-read the Bat, and he looks horrible.

Today, I may have known The Tick for a long time but I have to agree that he is indeed pretty scummy.  But - so is Gordon, my lecherous competition, and Gordon's sudden long post and vote on the long absent Captain Planet looks like a clear hail mary "Hey look I got a case on this lurker get off me!" move.  With the action now moving heavily to Tick, including Planet himself... I'm not sure what to think of this.  I think there is at least one scum among Gordon/Planet/Tick, and I would vote for them in roughly that order. 
Looks dodgy. Egging on the Tick train whilst voting Gordon. So when I flip town, he'd be safe elsewhere.

I might actually prefer a Bat lynch to a Captain Planet one.. we'll see. CP looks but, but yeah, totally down with Bat.

Oh and Middleman, what are you on about. I'm not asking you to take my word for it, I'm telling you to take Flay's word for it. He will post eventually. In the meantime you should do something productive rather than sit around with a useless vote. If Flay turns up and says "no" then you can lynch me. Until then, I suggest you stop being scummy and start scumhunting. And if you're seriously suggesting that the two of us would train a scumbuddy on day 1 when we could have easily coasted on your lynch.. you're crazy. That's not a gambit, that's retarded.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #212 on: February 18, 2010, 04:54:40 AM »
Hazel's latest post does nothing but give him/her room to jump onto any easy train.

Your man logic baffles me. How am I opening myself up so much? I have named exactly four players I would feel comfortable voting for and gave a discernable order of Almaz > Gordon > Batmanuel > Tick. I have also named several players throughout the day I would not feel right voting for, such as Flay-rah, Hiro, Hilda and the Man in the Middle. Where am I giving myself room to jump wherever I please, when jumping from Almaz to an "easy train" would require a lot of fancy explanation (lack of this is the very reason I find Almaz suspicious, in fact!)? Why didn't your day-opening vote for Hiro leave you open to jump to any train you please simply by virtue of not commenting on anyone else? How did we know who else you suspect? How has your latest post not given you a free opportunity to hop onto me at your leisure? Has it sunk in yet that saying these sorts of things is a load of hraka?

On the subject of that order, I'm actually going to change it up slightly. In addition to removing Tick from it entirely, I am going to do this:

##Unvote: Almaz
##Vote: Gordon

I am still not happy with Almaz giving Keehar's awful defense post a pass and voting the Man in the Middle instead, but I approvate of his efforts today to actually sit down and contribute instead of running back to his burrow and hiding, only coming out to defend himself as necessary. This lessens my suspicion of him enough to push Gordon to the forefront.

I must admit that I cannot make heads or tails of the Comic's latest post. I have read it over three times and see some repetition of things other players (like me) have said, and...the rest just looks like a combination of fluff and a call to Flay-rah to talk more. Can anyone else see anything actually meaningful said anywhere in there?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #213 on: February 18, 2010, 05:39:38 AM »
Federation Masons?  A godsend if true, and I await the confirming transmission.  Mr. Tick, while I understand that you wish us to happily accept your claim, given you are the one on trial, I hope you understand when we say that it's not your word that Mr. Gunnar is a Federation officer, but for his claim that you are.

As for Mr. Gunnar, when you return, I have a question for you.  We do have it proven that the Klingons wished you dead, and in a manner where they would not get credit for it.  But, despite agreeing with you that Mr. Middleman isn't clear, you haven't dealt with the core problem, we don't know that the train on you was something the Klingons were heavily pushing, or if it was simply something which a lone Klingon was hoping to spend the day riding on.

Of course, we can get a better idea if we clear out a few of the more questionable elements that were sitting on you.  And, if there is a heavy Klingon presence on Mr. Gunnar.  Ears and my fellow Captain both seem like good choices here for different reasons.  However, I'm far more inclined towards Ears.

As for Mr. Middleman and his train, his train being scum pushed is ridiculous.  When people jumped on him there was nothing else besides your standard Day 1 trains, none of which were worth a damn.  Whereas what he did was make himself look different, which made him a target.  This is not evidence that he is scum, but it certainly suggests that the start of the attacks on him were not Klingon based.  His gaining the lead was more because there was no one else to attack, and his managing to draw attention to himself with his transmissions.

This also leads to the idea of two Klingons leading on Mission 1.  Because if you accept this theory, then the Klingon attempt to save Mr. Middleman was the attack on Mr. Gunnar which backfired on them so horribly with a second attack on the Klingon forces.  This would leave them not just with little time to try and save one of their own, but also with horrific evidence that all they may accomplish is a third of their number under suspicion.

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #214 on: February 18, 2010, 06:04:46 AM »
Calories~ Calories!!! *sucks up everyone's calories*

Oh no... OH NO....!

Ugh, I'm so hungry...


Uh, anyway~

I think the Tick and Flay being scum is incredibly unlikely but I'd like to hear what Flay says regarding the confirmness of the masons before I continue to attempt to analyze that situation. Playing lazy is pretty sensical if you know you can be confirmed not that I would do anything like that if I were in the same position or anything.

Hazel: I was just being ditzy and didn't realize how long the day had left. I felt like Captain Planet was getting no attention because his post was slightly less terrible even though it was pretty uninformative. That's the only justification I really have to offer; once I realized how close the day was to ending, I figured I'd vote for the person who was doing the same thing as Captain Planet.

Batmanuel is pretty... I don't know. Incredibly silly? I find it hard to read him because he's clearly just having fun with the character.

I am struggling with what to do; Almaz does bring up a good point about part of my argument being WIFOM, but whatever, it needed to be said.

I feel decently comfortable with an Almaz lynch because I feel like his contributions are slim, his continued voting for Middleman despite the terrible post is just bad, and today he seems content on having a fight with Gordon.

Pot calling the kettle black?

Uhhh I do... not comprehend how this is the pot calling the kettle black?

I do not understand many peoples eagerness to outright clear middleman of his poor day 1 performance just because he did a survival vote on the confirmed scummy penguin, poor thing must have gotten caught in an oil spill.  As has been said, for all we know that self vote could have been a scum ploy such to save the one with a power role, but I will agree that end day chaos is needlessly deep in WIFOM to discuss, so we'll set that aside for now.

Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hehehehe.

I'm trying not to get too bent of shape by this seemingly harmless post, but Prinny's description was of a Mafia Silencer. For some reason this post just really reeks of playing into hysteria and is wrong to boot. Maybe it's just an honest mistake and I am spazzing over nothing.

I'm really torn between keeping my vote on someone that my intuition doesn't trust and who my brain is telling me I shouldn't trust. Captain Planet is not doing any favors for himself. Almaz is less offensive but just argh. Comedian just plain isn't contributing and that's frustrating.

Whatever, yesterday my brain was telling myself Captain Planet and today I am telling myself Captain Planet. Let's do this.

##UNVOTE: Almaz
##VOTE Captain Planet

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #215 on: February 18, 2010, 07:07:27 AM »
It's true! As heroes, we're trained to be able to spot others just like us! Don't forget who spotted and trained Alchemy Man! The Tick is, as he says, a TRUE HERO. (Though Arthur is not...) [AKA: Yes, we are both masons, and he has been confirmed town to me. If he hadn't been, well, I also remember Villain mafia]

Here are some breadcrumbs for those that need a trail to follow...

A TRUE HERO Flay? I'm a TRUE HERO! Like you! YAAAY!
Come Arthur, let's be TRUE HEROES!

And for more confirmation, it was indeed picked up on that I have been placing rather heavy confidence in The Tick.

Now for the real stuff!
...WHAT!? You... you... you... KIRK, HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY ARGUMENT!? [Kirk pretty much hit the head on the nail as to where I was going. Middleman train was something natural, and he was definitely headed toward the lynch. Then, the train on me formed. If it was formed out of malice, then it was created to save Middleman. However, it ended with it blowing up spectacularly in scum's face.] *Ahem* Where was I? Ah, yes. I have recently come to the understanding that perhaps my methods were... questionable. [Voting Middleman is, in fact, not the right way to find out if he was scum or not.]


HaHA! I've got it! [Wow. I'm a right bloody idiot for missing this earlier.] I do believe that I had been targeted by the mafia on Day 1! Planet, Batmanuel, and the accursed penguin! All posting back-to-back! It was planned, organized. Why, not even Roxis could have done a better job! However not even he was able to escape my wits! Hahahahahahahaha!! [I believe Planet, Batmanuel, and Middleman are the last remaining scum. I know I may be taking a leap, but bear with me here.]

Alright, OOC now, for the sake of clarity (and time/sanity).

If we look at the voting record, the only people to vote for me, all of Day 1, were Hilda, Batmanuel, Planet, and Prinny. Hilda voted me well before anyone else, and made a perfectly reasonable argument against me. A little ditzy, sure, but as far as I can tell, that's just how Hilda's been all game. People comment on my (horribad) posting for a while (most people going, "uhh..." and looking at me sideways, but seeing Middleman as worse), and the Middleman train builds up. Right after I put him at 6, the train on me begins building up. (Yes, I'm aware Hiro was about to vote me if I hadn't had more votes than Hazel, but I'm getting there) Batmanuel has a headscratching post, convicting me, Hiro posts, then Planet comes in (I don't really need to link these, do I? They're back-to-back. Literally) with a terrible case presented. He doesn't even use any of the logic Hiro or Hilda had used. Then Prinny comes in, and we've already gone over his stuff.

Where I'm getting at this being planned is, not only that those three were a little over an hour after the previous one had posted, which could easily be coincidence, but because of Batmanuel's and Planet's cases on me. Actually, no. Their posts, period.

Batmanuel apologizes for his lack of action over the weekend.  He was, shall we say, busier than anticipated. 

Still, not a lot has really happened.  1:No particular arguments against lynching either major train, but neither are they particularly scummy, Kirk's acquitted himself pretty well of my weak starter case on him... typical day 1.  Conflicted feelings on Middleman, 2:slightly scummy feelings on Flay and Gordon pressuring his case, nothing conclusive though.  Best feeling I've got is Flay's trainhop so I'll go with that.

##Unvote: Kirk
##Vote: Flay

Bolding and numbering are mine.

1. There was no second train at the time. It was purely Middleman. I made sure that Kirk couldn't even be considered a train, and Bats couldn't have missed that, because of the warning system of the forums. (bless them so)

2. I noticed that he just talks about the two of us (and is still talking about Gordon) there, despite everyone on the train having at least some pressure on the case.

That makes his post there kinda... fall apart, as far as I'm concerned. Next up is Planet's (condensed as his is longer).

That out of the way, while the Middleman needs to come in here soon with some amount of clean decisiveness, he really doesn't need any more pressure then he is already under.  1:I certainly don't think he needs anymore pressure then he already has at this point.

Flay's posts however, strike me too much as going with the flow(of nature), his post carry little substance, and he just strikes me as a little too eager to jump on to the next train that forms.
 And while I don't entirely agree with the poor excuse for a captains methods in stirring things up.  2:I find Flay's argument that forced arguments are entirely hurtful to be a bit strange, at least in the context of day 1, where we pretty much half to force arguments just to get out of the jokephase.  If anything, any argument that can be brought up will help us to hopefully better understand what people are thinking and why they are thinking the way they do.

##Vote: Flay Gunnar

The power is yours to convince me otherwise!

1. Yes, fair enough.

2. Uhh, what? So any argument on Day 1 is good, solely because it's an argument?

Also just want to make a quick side-note that both of them were on the Kirk train after it had become a train. (you can ignore this if you want. Mostly meant as a self-note)

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #216 on: February 18, 2010, 07:15:58 AM »
Didn't want to make one post too long. (May as well get the vote stuff done here and now, though)

##Unvote: Middleman

##Vote: Batmanuel

*ahem* Right. Where was I? Oh, yes. Those two together just make me feel like the train on me was forced, even if you take the Prinny post entirely separately from them. Hilda, to me, is fine, because I have no qualms with her argument (aside from it being slightly "uhh" to the eyes, but that's mostly because of flavor) and she was the first one on me, not trying to start a train, but put pressure on me and put her vote on the person she honestly believed scummiest. Hiro is also fine, as far as I'm concerned, because he did, in fact, go with Hazel instead of ganging up on me, and he never went back to me once I got on the ball.

Batmanuel and Planet also never removed their votes from me, and Planet never even touched base with me again. (Did I "convince you otherwise?") Planet is somewhat more forgivable as his post holds up much better, he's been feeling consistently townier (than Bats) and, yeah. Just, overall, a much better feel from him than Bats. Still would not shed a tear should he be lynched.

Order of preference: Bats >>> Planet = Middleman

Again, I am completely aware of how shaky this is, and how much it relies on them all being scum what are the chances but hell I thought I might be on to something.

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #217 on: February 18, 2010, 08:03:14 AM »
Woah, masons. Awesome. Well then, I suppose I should


Which leaves just about everything I'd come up with today high and dry. Not sold on Almaz anymore, I'm not as sold on Middleman as I started out today, and Tick is now confirmed town. Planet seems to have gone back to lurking like a pro, too. Meh.

Reading up on Flay's post and I'm alright with testing the theory. Bat and Planet have been acting pretty dodgy, I wouldn't be sorry to see either one of em go. I think I'd prefer to lynch Planet of the two of them, but I really couldn't tell you why right now. I'll look stuff back over when I get up and see if it's just my gut or not.


Sorry for the kinda lame post here, I think I rocked out a little too hard today and now I'm crashing pretty hard. Throw that on top of the Tick case that I was pretty damn sold on turning out to be bogus and my whole brain's just ??? right now. Gonna hit the hay now, I'll catch all you Axel fans again in the morning.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #218 on: February 18, 2010, 11:29:03 AM »
Looks like we're sitting on another tie vote here. I'd be crankier about this if they weren't both some of my main suspects (I still hate seeing someone get an out by voting the other and claiming survival, but since I'm thinking we get scum either way...) Prefer Bats but can switch over to Planet if some crazy third train happens (doubt we'll see that, though).

Don't see much else to comment on right now, mostly just stuff I agree with coming out since I left. Good to have confirmation on Tick. I can see Flay's point about Middleman, just would rather deal with Bats and Planet first since they seem scummier to me.

Gotta go out on patrol, will be back for deadline.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #219 on: February 18, 2010, 12:24:55 PM »
half-present, dealing with multiple different issues/ironing clothes for interview tomorrow, have read roleclaim, willing to accept as i have far less beef with Flay. as Flay himself put it, once he "got on the ball" i stopped choking when looking at his posts. much the same with Hazel, actually. fun how that works, ne?

##UNVOTE: Tick
##VOTE: Batmanuel

reason: end day 1/beginning day 2 floppery + generally does not read too well > generally does not read too well. kinda winding down for an early night so i can be here on time for the hour o' judgment as sold by KFC. Flay... hits on a variant of the only way i could see scum Middleman; if Batty and CP flip as rogue corp agents, that would make a decent bit o' sense. (scum Middleman would require a few different elements, most of which Flay's analysis directly addresses, the rest being implied). however that's a bridge we'll frag into data once we get there.

unofficial vote count (note I kept track of the order people voted for, so the last person in each list is who they currently have their vote on).

Gordon voting: Hazel Planet
Comedian voting: Batmanuel
Hazel voting: Almaz Gordon
Batmanuel voting: Gordon
Axel voting: Middleman Almaz Tick Planet
Middleman voting: Tick Kirk Tick
Kirk voting: Batmanuel
Hiro voting: Almaz Tick Batmanuel
Tick voting: Hiro Comedian Planet
Almaz voting: Gordon
Smax voting: Planet Tick Batmanuel
Hilda voting: Almaz Planet
Planet voting: Tick
Flay voting: Middleman Batmanuel

Planet: IV
Batmanuel: V
Gordon: III
Tick: II

8 to lynch.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #220 on: February 18, 2010, 03:04:02 PM »
Thanks for the votecount, Hiro. Posting this solely to confirm, really. =P

Current Votes:
Middleman [-] - Axel, Flay
Hazel [-] - Gordon
Batmanuel [5] - Comedian, Kirk, Smax, Flay, Hiro
Almaz [-] - Hazel, Hiro, Hilda, Axel
Gordon [3] - Batmanuel, Almaz, Hazel
Tick [2] - Middleman, Hiro, Middleman, Planet, Smax, Axel
Kirk [-] - Middleman
Hiro [-] - Tick
Planet [4] - Smax, Gordon, Tick, Hilda, Axel
Comedian [-] - Tick

Just under 8 hours remain. With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.
(Note to self: This ends at 11pm GMT tomorrow.)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #221 on: February 18, 2010, 04:31:08 PM »
Mr. Gunnar, I can't say why, just that I have a hard time sharing your enthusiasm that those three will all turn out to be Klingon scum.  But, I can't give any good reason why you might be wrong, especially since I agree with almost everything you say.  It's just a hunch that it can't possibly be this easy.

Naturally, I'm going to set that aside until there's some reason to do so.

As for everything else, don't agree with the Gordon lynch for now.  Gordon's death will just tell us about Gordon, while the allegiance of Ears or Captain Planet will give clues as to which master Mr. Middleman serves.

I will also note that all three of the people under consideration have not voted for each other.  Well, Mr. Middleman voted for Ears as his joke vote.  But that's it.

Middleman - Day 1: Ears, Hazel, Prinny     Day 2: Tick, Kirk, Tick
Ears - Day 1: Axel, Kirk, Flay     Day 2: Gordon
Planet - Day 1: Kirk, Flay     Day 2: Tick

The interesting thing about those Day 1 votes is that both Ears and Planet make a joke vote, followed by a serious vote on me, and then jumping onto Mr. Gunnar.  And both of them are doing it as part of a bandwagon.  Yes, Planet's joke vote was also for me, but he then turned it serious, complete with a bad bit of reasoning after the fact before jumping ship for Mr. Gunnar when that started up.

And neither has produced anything of substance after their lone votes today for targets that could be considered safe.  While I am now edging towards Planet possibly looking worse, I do implore that we focus primarily on Ears today.  Unlike Planet who gives us almost no information outside of helping confirm Mr. Middleman, Ears also gives us information on Mr. Gordon, given his quick jump this morning on the fellow.  Of course, if we're mistaken about Ears, this is a null tell, but if he's Klingon like I suspect he is, then Mr. Gordon looks better, and that helps clear up someone who we're currently worried about.

Finally, unfortunately, my ship time is currently not aligned with the timing of these missions.  As such, I probably won't be able to grace you all with my presence as the Mission ends.  But, you all did fine without me last time, and I think you'll do fine this time too.  More over, I'm looking to be fine with either candidate today.  So, I urge you all, vote Ears, and godspeed.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #222 on: February 18, 2010, 05:44:58 PM »
Valium isn't strong enough to cope with this sort of word density! My tiny little mind can't handle all this! I need something stronger!

* Gordon takes a swig from a bottle of whisky. Given his sudden stumbling he's clearly a lightweight.

...There we go. All good n' loose n' stuff.

Right, so. Lotta people talkin' but I don't hear a lotta useful stuff. So I'm gonna keep myself pretty brief.

Can't say I'm surprised by the Tick/Flay claim. Behaviour kinda fits. just barkin' up the wrong tree. Pickin' on me cause I made a mistake and not lettin' go. Bright kid, but misled. Don't think scum'd press me that hard, but I can hardly say that while I'm still standin' I guess.

Planet...whuzzis? One post of IIoA 'fore he jumps on the Tick wagon? More like Ted Turner in blue body paint, I say.

Manuel's the same in that he just says 'Tick is scummy' and doesn't bother sayin' why. Even then he's cheerleadin' the case and holdin' on me fer tryin' too hard to read the scum's posts. Sorry 'bout that again. I love you guys, really.

Middleman I still think is probably Town based on yesterday. Scum'd be pretty dumb to let two scum wagons run - one D1 wagon's usually a sign that you're lynching Town in retrospect.

Still thinkin' Planet's the best case ta follow today. Don't like how he's been missin' for half D1 and then says nothin' useful today. What, you still cryin' over Copenhagen? Grow up, kid, be like yer uncle Gordon. Be a defender of Earth n' score the chicks and the booze and the-

* Gordon suddenly falls fast asleep as the alcohol finishes its work on his nervous system.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #223 on: February 18, 2010, 05:54:43 PM »
My friends, I have some bad news. I shall not be here for deadline. However! I believe I have made my position clear! (Though would still prefer to see Batmanuel go first) Have fun, friends. And do not let your minds be swayed by the lies of villainy!

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #224 on: February 18, 2010, 06:14:58 PM »
Yo yo yo, Dark Hero in da house. Caught up on some serious over sleeping and now I'm taking a look at Planet and Batmandu to decide which one's worse.

Here's some of what I'm finding

Hippieman: Lurks harder, his last post is a whole lot of nothing, combined with a vote that we now know is on a mason. Taking advantage of the fact that Tick looked pretty shifty to hop on an easy bandwagon, maybe? There was plenty of legit sucpicion of Tick flying around, but Planet didn't say squat about the case.

Batsketball: Lurks less then Planet, but not much less. He mentions vote patterns at the end of day one, which is causing alot of the pressure on him, but I think he intended to answer that with this line:

As for Minuteman, what I saw there was a very standard day 1 pattern of jokevotes going around, a couple of people getting to trains of 2 or 3, then one earlier train pushing above the others.  In my experience this usually happens when scum are pushing up their decided train for the day, and that pattern was sufficient for me to judge Minuteman town.

YMMV on how much credit you give that, it sounds like a reasonable explanation to me, just the with the whole "it's day one" thing attatched. Now he's on Gordon today, which I'm not sure we can make anything of without Bat's flip.

So that's where I'm standing. Planet looks more likely to be scum to me, but Bat's flip will tell us more about Gordon. Either one can test Flay's theory though, so I'm going to stay on the one I think is more lilkely to be scum.