Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58496 times)

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #250 on: February 18, 2010, 10:38:09 PM »
Screw the RP, I have 25 minutes.

Almaz, I was watching to see if anyone tried to make any rash jumps between the wagons at the end of D1. If they weren't close enough together that a move from one wagon to another would clinch it there'd be no point. Unfortunately Prinny voted to save himself immediately afterward so it didn't work.

Planet's claim fails in terms of 'I get alignment AND role!' That's sort of insane. Still very happy with his lynch, and even if we end up wrong it means (excusing the possibility of GF) Manuel is confirmed. Honestly, though, I think he's scum going for one last shot.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #251 on: February 18, 2010, 10:41:38 PM »
Conflicted.  Why does this game make me so conflicted and scared near day's end?!  We have twenty minutes left if I read this right.

Lemme quickly get an idea out.

If Captain Planet's town, scum'll kill him tonight, right?  So if we leave him alive for now he'll die tonight if he's town, and we can kill him tomorrow if he's scum.  You're guaranteed to be sane right Captain if you really are a Cop?

So instead we can lynch Gordon.  The 'trap' he talks about still doesn't make any sense to me.  He said it out loud so it's not like he was going to trap anyone, just dissuade people from changing.  Although he didn't really discourage me from switching, Middleman did that!

If Captain Planet lives, we can lynch him tomorrow!  I'd have him check role and alignment, but scum rolecop messes with that.

... Making me consider he's a rolecop.  But scum.  Because scum rolecop would see alignment and role.  I really don't buy a full Cop.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #252 on: February 18, 2010, 10:42:09 PM »
Wow, I have no idea how I missesd Smax's vote. Didn't mean to put Planet at L-1 so quickly, sorry.

However, given there are about 20 minutes left and Batmanuel has been able to weigh in, I don't fear THE DREADED SCUM QUICKHAMMER very much so I don't feel particularly inclined to remove it.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #253 on: February 18, 2010, 10:44:01 PM »
except trying to predict what scum does is stupid, since now they can kill somebody else tonight, Almaz, and that leaves CP... to get killed by us tomorrow because he's obviously scum. no. no no no.

...okay. fuck. i need to get going soon. should i be the hammer, then? anyone else have anything more to say?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #254 on: February 18, 2010, 10:44:13 PM »
Almaz, I do not like the smell of your suggestion very much at all. It smells like a strange combination of lining up lynches and blatant disregard for "thou shalt not suffer scum to live".

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #255 on: February 18, 2010, 10:46:21 PM »
Hazel: I think Gordon is scum.  Not as strongly anymore, I admit that, but even his last post doesn't make the trap any more sensible to me.

So I'd let Gordon live to kill Planet.  I'm just really nervous about lynching the Cop claim.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #256 on: February 18, 2010, 10:48:17 PM »
I've got nothin' much more to say by now, Hiro. I have trouble believing the role Planet describes is even balanced enough to be included given that we've apparently also got self-confirming masons on our side. Information is power and that's a lot of it on town's side.

Let 'er rip, I say.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #257 on: February 18, 2010, 10:48:46 PM »
Almaz, letting the claimed cop off the lynch on the assumption that scum will hit him is MASSIVE WIFOM. It means that if he IS a cop, scum could very much not hit him anyway and then we're as clueless as before over his affiliation.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #258 on: February 18, 2010, 10:49:38 PM »
Yeah, okay, got a point.  It'd definitely run into WIFOM.

Go ahead Hiro.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #259 on: February 18, 2010, 10:50:12 PM »
...yeah. alright then, i've gotta go, will drop the hammer.

apologies, CP, but it's about time you logged out.

##UNVOTE: Batmanuel
##VOTE: Captain Planet



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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #260 on: February 18, 2010, 11:24:12 PM »
Sorry about the delay there, guys.

"The power is yours to defend this town!"
"Quit saying that! It's getting old!"
"But the power is yours to make sure it doesn't get old!"
"Okay, I'm warning you..."
"But the power is yours to destroy the town!"
"That's it, I-- wait, what did he just say?"

And, so it was that Captain Planet was met with a mob of superheroes hunting him down. While he wouldn't have been happy about them lighting torches to chase him (Just think of the pollution!), he was probably less happy about being killed.

Captain Planet, Mafia Rolecop, was hunted down!

Day Two Votes:
Middleman [-] - Axel, Flay
Hazel [-] - Gordon
Batmanuel [3] - Comedian, Kirk, Smax, Flay, Hiro
Almaz [-] - Hazel, Hiro, Hilda, Axel
Gordon [3] - Batmanuel, Almaz, Hazel, Planet
Tick [-] - Middleman, Hiro, Middleman, Planet, Smax, Axel
Kirk [-] - Middleman
Hiro [-] - Tick
Planet [8] - Smax, Gordon, Tick, Hilda, Axel, Middleman, Smax, Hazel, Hiro
Comedian [-] - Tick

It is now Night 2. Please send in your Night Actions.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #261 on: February 19, 2010, 12:00:36 AM »
Idle note, before I forget - heading out tomorrow, probably about 13 hours from now. After that, I'll be gone until late into Sunday. If I can, I'll start the next day tomorrow before I leave and get someone to co-mod for me, but otherwise, expect this to be a very long night.

And sorry if that's a problem for anyone~

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #262 on: February 19, 2010, 12:50:46 AM »
I see our friend Axel likes to sing songs at night.  Well, not only am I a famed Federation captain, but in my off-duty time, I'm also a famed singer.  Here's a personal favorite I rescued from antiquity and made a Federation chart topper.  All of you historical folk may know it as Space Oddity.

Ground control to Captain Kirk
Ground control to Captain Kirk
Take your phaser and put it now on stun
(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to Captain Kirk (Eight)
(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), engines on (Four)
(Three, two) Go to warp (One) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you

This is ground control to Captain Kirk, you've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to hunt the Klingons if you dare

This is Captain Kirk to ground control, I'm boldly going out
And fighting to end the Klingon's sway.
And the stars make me look awesome today
Here am I pilotin'  my starship far above the world
The scum team is through, and there's nothing they can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand posts, I'm feeling very still
And I think the Enterprise knows which way to go
Tell my team I love 'em very much, they know
Ground control to Captain Kirk, your circuits dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you...
Here am I sitting in my star ship far above the Moon
The scum team is through and there's nothing they can do

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #263 on: February 19, 2010, 12:58:17 AM »


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #264 on: February 19, 2010, 01:00:31 AM »
I see our friend Axel likes to sing songs at night.  Well, not only am I a famed Federation captain, but in my off-duty time, I'm also a famed singer.  Here's a personal favorite I rescued from antiquity and made a Federation chart topper.  All of you historical folk may know it as Space Oddity.

Ground control to Captain Kirk
Ground control to Captain Kirk
Take your phaser and put it now on stun
(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to Captain Kirk (Eight)
(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), engines on (Four)
(Three, two) Go to warp (One) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you

This is ground control to Captain Kirk, you've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to hunt the Klingons if you dare

This is Captain Kirk to ground control, I'm boldly going out
And fighting to end the Klingon's sway.
And the stars make me look awesome today
Here am I pilotin'  my starship far above the world
The scum team is through, and there's nothing they can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand posts, I'm feeling very still
And I think the Enterprise knows which way to go
Tell my team I love 'em very much, they know
Ground control to Captain Kirk, your circuits dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you...
Here am I sitting in my star ship far above the Moon
The scum team is through and there's nothing they can do

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 02:05:44 AM by Taitoro »

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #265 on: February 19, 2010, 06:00:20 AM »
Competition for the spotlight!? Aw heeeeell no. You like to rock about Mafia, Kirk? Well check THIS out!

Coming to you live from Night Phase 2 of the VALIANT HERO convention, it's the Dark Hero Axel! Tonight's offering is a little peice I like to call Mafia Trekkin'. It goes roughly to the tune of this pretty awesome song. I've brought in some guest singers to back me up. Give a big hand for everyone who'd died so far plus one character I'm very dissapointed that nobody picked(plus an extra I have playing the role of a lame wannabe rockstar)!

* Axel starts rocking out!

Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
In this Hero convention with lots of scum to get!
Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
Only going forward 'cause the game's not over yet!

Lt. Saber, report.

Analysis, Mr. Prinny.
I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, not as you know it;
I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, ohgodpleasedon'tthrowmeeee!!!

Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
In this Hero convention with lots of scum to get!
Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
Only going forward it's still not over yet!

Medical update, Dr. McNinja.
It's worse then that, you're all nuts, you're all nuts, you're all nuts
It's worse than that, you're all nuts you psychopathic lynchmob!

I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, not as you know it;
I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, holycraplookoutbelow!!!

Starship Captain, James T. Kirk:
Ah! I've come to rock, my music sucks, my music sucks, my music sucks;
I've come to rock, my music sucks, my music sucks, guys.

It's worse then that, you're all nuts, you're all nuts, you're all nuts
It's worse than that, you're all nuts you psychopathic lynchmob!

I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, not as you know it;
I'm town, dood, just not as you know it, not as you know it, man this fall is taking forever...

...Lt. Saber?

Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
In this Hero convention with lots of scum to get!
Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
Only going forward we haven't finished yet!

Hippie Freak, Captain Planet:
Ye cannot fight the laws of nature, laws of nature, laws of nature;
ye cannot fight the laws of nature, oh and I'm a cop.

Ah! I've come to rock, my music sucks, my music sucks, my music sucks;
I've come to rock, my music sucks, Hiro knock that off!

It's worse than that, you're all nu...hey, where'd the doctor go?

Okay doods, I'll admit it I'm scum just stop throwing meeeeee!!!!!

Ye cannot lynch the claim, people
Och, #!*& x_x

So what kind of lame power is Heart anyway?

Mod to lynching room, hammer factor 9.

Och, I'd say something witty but I'm dead!

Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
In this Hero convention with lots of scum to get!
Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
Only going forward 'cause the game's not over yet!

Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
In this Hero convention with lots of scum to get!
Mafia Trekkin' across the internet,
Only going forward it's still not over yet!

* Axel plays the final notes!

I think this proves who's got the real star power around here. Thank you and goodnight everybody! 

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #266 on: February 19, 2010, 07:18:17 AM »
Hahahahahahaha! Good news, friends! I have graduated from the academy. And my recent accomplishments have given me a position teaching! I start tomorrow! Isn't that wonderful!?

And to celebrate, we're having a music festival!? Wondeful!
* Flay Gunnar whips out an old mechasword and turns it into a rockin' guitar

Let us celebrate this joyous occasion!


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #267 on: February 19, 2010, 11:54:58 AM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45601.

We've been following this man for several days now. He claims to be the legendary Captain Kirk, come forward from the past. While we are reluctant to believe his claims, our previous endeavours have taught us not to come to such rash judgements.

However, he seems to be entangled in this predicament involving several other heroes. While we are still scanning to determine which are good and which are evil, it seems another one has been lost to them.

After the night's festivities, many of the attendees were requesting food - one notably moreso than the others. After they sent their delivery-man out to collect the food, several of them questioned how long the food was taking. Opening the door, they discovered both the bike and their pizzas, but the man was nowhere to be found.

It seems that Hiro Protagonist, Town Citizen, was deleted from existence.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« Reply #268 on: February 19, 2010, 11:58:06 AM »
Day Three starts now. With 12 players alive, this will end when somebody reaches 7 votes or at 7am EST/12pm GMT on the 22nd.
(Idly, midday/midnight are retarded. If it's 11am, an hour later should be 12am, not pm. blarghle.)

(Yes, I'm extending this day to 72 hours instead of 48, thanks to a suggestion from your (friendly neighbourhood) co-mod. That way, I can actually answer any questions you might have before the deadline. Snowfire'll fill in on votecounts for the rest of the day. :))

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #269 on: February 19, 2010, 01:14:41 PM »
Captain's Log - Stardate 115806

It seems that genius truly is not appreciated before its time.  Fortunately, the hunt for Klingons is going well.  Two of them down, and it's likely the other two are going to be easily ferreted out.  Suspicions still lay heavy on both Ears and Mr. Middleman.  The defenses given to Mr. Middleman are beginning to look worse and worse as the case on Mr. Gunnar on the first Mission is increasingly filled with Klingons.

However, Ears is still my first choice.  Mostly because he has that lovely unresolved argument from yesterday.  He was headed to the gallows for good reason, after all.  But, also because I'd really love to see if all three of the votes after the Tribble were Klingon based before moving on to Mr. Middleman himself.

Also, who let that Picard tool in!  How many times has he saved anything?

##Vote: Batmanuel

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #270 on: February 19, 2010, 01:48:44 PM »
*grabs Teriyaki Pizza left unguarded* Making the most of a bad situation here!

Okay, so - munch, munch - looking back over D2, there's got to be a couple of questions to ask about the wagons. Mainly concerning the bat over there! (I'd point, but my hands are full.)

On one hand - om, nom - scum probably wouldn't want to raise two scum wagons at the same time. The same reason I was cutting Middleman slack post-D1. Then again, since there were two other wagons that day - namely Manuel and myself - it falls into doubt a little. Add to that our mason buddies, who have thrown their lot in with the Manuel case, and I think he's far from cleared!

However, we DO still have the Flay wagon from D1 to consider. Now that two of the three quick-jumpers on it are confirmed scum, can we really think scum is suicidal enough to place three members on one quickwagon? And if they're so desperate to stop the given lynch, what does that make the Middleman!? Better still, what was Planet trying to pull by calling Manuel as a vanilla Townie at the end of day 2!? A genuine claim to clear himself?! A WIFOM to confuse us on his death?! Can we be sure either way!?

...This stuff is delicious! Is this what pizza tastes like in the future!?

Meanwhile, Almaz seemed to me like he was just misled with his tunneling on me, but then his last-minute 'Let's NOT lynch the bad cop claim and go for Gordon instead!' put him back on my suspicions. I want to see if he - mm-hmm, if I only I had some tea to go with this - follows up with his Hilda case from the end of the day.

*finishes pizza*

In short, all three of the members on the Flay wagon being scum feels too convenient. Middleman would need a pretty broken role to be worth taking that big a risk to protect. Middleman also evened up the Planet/Manuel wagons, so unless it probably is a case of 'either they're both scum or neither of them are scum'.

And again, that seems far too simple a ruse to pull on the DEFENDER OF EARTH! I'll work along with either wagon if it ends up running, but I suspect our foes may be hiding in the shadows instead! For example...


Besides the admittedly relatively ambiguous points with Prinny suddenly defending Hazel after he fell under suspicion, note that her vote remained away from Prinny for the whole of D1, and she didn't move onto Captain Planet until after the roleclaim that no-one believed. And she still feels the need to validate her vote in the face of this. Worth pressure, for sure!

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #271 on: February 19, 2010, 01:50:07 PM »
EBWOP: Gah, still have pizza caught between my teeth and the words aren't coming out right.
I meant 'Middleman also evened up the Planet/Manuel wagons, so it's probably a case of 'either they're both scum or neither of them are scum'.'

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #272 on: February 19, 2010, 02:13:10 PM »
Mr. Gordon, as incredible as it may seem, in my most recent adventure, I saw the entire scum team pile onto two different targets on the same day.  While I agree it's hard to credit, it's something I have seen, and can confirm with my own eyes.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #273 on: February 19, 2010, 02:34:47 PM »
Mr. Gordon, as incredible as it may seem, in my most recent adventure, I saw the entire scum team pile onto two different targets on the same day.  While I agree it's hard to credit, it's something I have seen, and can confirm with my own eyes.
Which is why I'm willing to work with it if the majority of Town goes with it. Still, no harm in putting some pressure elsewhere in case that theory is wrong, is there? In a setup of 16 players 5 scum is very possible, so even if the wagon jumpers AND the Middleman are all scum there could still be more out there.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #274 on: February 19, 2010, 02:48:30 PM »
It's more trying to shoot down arguments based on that meta.  Especially since we had three trains yesterday.  Which reminds me of another reason I'm on Ears, since his being scum implies Middleman as a Klingon, and Mr. Gordon as Federation.  Honestly, there's a few things I want to look at, but things are busy here at present, and so I may be a little delayed on my research.