Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58112 times)

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #400 on: February 21, 2010, 10:01:26 PM »
Oh yeah, not the cop, Vanilla, like I announced back on Day 1. 

Uhm... what? I see no Day 1 role claim. Whatsoever.

Over 9000

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #401 on: February 21, 2010, 10:20:39 PM »
Well.... 4-5 pages since I last logged in....

Batmanuel: Perhaps we should meet up one of these days. I'm sure you'll like the stuff I've been on.
To everyone else: Lurking or not, haven't been around much, no use excusing, so...

So... Had a quick read. Seems the main issue here is this: Seems the main issues here are connected to the Middleman. If we get rid of him today, whatever the outcome, it'll help us in the following days, since the trio as a whole seems to be suspicious. So I say: Let's get rid of the common denominator to see where we stand.

##Unvote: Tick
##Vote: Middleman

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #402 on: February 21, 2010, 10:23:26 PM »


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #403 on: February 22, 2010, 01:53:40 AM »
I, too, regret nothing!



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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #404 on: February 22, 2010, 09:25:59 AM »
<Sorry about the delay here, guys. ;o>

Captain's Log: Stardate 45682.

We still know nothing of this fool who claims to be the legendary captain. He is seemingly too proud, too obnoxious to truly be a Starfleet captain, and yet the tales of this man seem quite fitting to his displayed persona. More research is required, I fear.

However, these people have a bloodlust almost unmatched throughout the galaxies we've explored. Another day passes and, in their quest to find the killers amongst them, they have killed an innocent man. This servant of unseen forces was found, strung up in the corner of the room - quite ironic, considering the name he has been given.

Day Three Votes:
Batmanuel (1): Kirk, Tick, Flay, Axel, Smax, Almaz, Flay
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda (0): Almaz
Kirk (3): Batmanuel, Gordon, Middleman, Smax
Middleman (7): Hazel, Kirk, Axel, Tick, Flay, Flay, Gordon, Comedian
Tick (0): Comedian
Comedian (1): Hilda

The Middleman, Town Citizen, has been killed.

It is now Night Three. Please send your Night Actions to the one who calls himself 'Yoshiken'.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #405 on: February 22, 2010, 01:43:17 PM »



(poorwallsoftext ;_;)



good luck town~! rah rah rah!

Richter Belmont

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #406 on: February 22, 2010, 06:21:24 PM »

Hehe...  Squall will be surprised by this!  I dug up a song my mom wrote and retouched it a bit for the concert tonight.  This one is dedicated to all you fellow rebels out there, and that special someone of yours you plan to visit tonight.  Figure you might need some cheering up!  I call it...  "Votes on Me."

Whenever I sang my songs,
On the stage, with my friends
Whenever I told my lies,
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you suspecting me,
Was it real, or just my fantasy?
You'd always be there in the corner,
Of this tiny little thread...

My last night here for you,
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way,
How you shyly placed your votes on me
Oh did you ever know?
That I had mine... on you.

Darling, so there you are,
With that look on your face,
As if you've never hurt,
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who stabs you softly, but sure...
If your flip is shown then
I will know, that, you are not bulletproof.

So let me come to you,
Close as I want to be,
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast,
And steal your breath's whisper!
How I feared your loathsome votes on me
And did you ever know?
That I had mine... on you.

Darling, so give to me
Your role if you have a one,
Your tears if you're holding back,
Or pain, for that's what it'll be
How can I let you know
I'm more than a townie and a vote,
I'll reach out for you and then
You will know that your dreams are ended.

Darling, so there you are,
With that look on your face,
As if you've never hurt,
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who stabs you softly, but sure...
If your flip is shown then
I will know, that, you are not bulletproof.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #407 on: February 22, 2010, 07:26:15 PM »
Man, a Dark Hero can't get his groove on around here without half a dozen wannabes trying to steal the stage.

But I think we all know who all you Axel fans are really waiting to see, so without further ado I give you the night's entertainment! Like last night's offering, this song is inspired by one of the Netherworld's greatest entertainers, the great Dr. Demento. Of course, it's getting a little Dark Hero pizzaz to kick it up a notch.

* Axel begins to softly strum his guitar

Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies aren't much fun
They don't do all your chores
You can't throw them anymore
Dead prinnies aren't much fun

My prinny died late last fall
He just blew up in the hall
Dead prinnies aren't much fun
Mom says prinny's days are through
She's gonna throw him in the stew
Dead prinnies aren't much fun

Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies aren't much fun

Come on everybody, sing along!

Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies aren't much fun

Dead prinnies
Dead prinnies

Thank you and goodnight everybody!


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #408 on: February 23, 2010, 12:05:25 AM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45713.

This latest turn of events is quite odd. Almost as though it has occurred in response to my previous comments on the violent tendencies within this group, there have been no deaths during the night. What has caused this lack of murder and what implications it will have are yet to be seen. Our monitoring continues into the 4th Day.

It is now Day 4. With 11 heroes alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. Day ends in 48 hours, at 7pm EST, 24th Feb.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 12:08:58 AM by Captain Jean-Luc Picard »

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« Reply #409 on: February 23, 2010, 12:12:21 AM »
##VOTE: Kirk

If you would kindly present what I had to say before Day 3 was so rudely interrupted, Tick? (I forgot to save a copy for myself)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #410 on: February 23, 2010, 12:14:40 AM »
Mrf. Stupid Comedian ending the day early. Cut me off before I could post... >_>

If I die tonight, please post this:
Hmm... Going over things... Got a few quick notes to make, would appreciate others' comments on them, if anybody else is around. (As well: ##UNVOTE so as to keep talking going.... What? I have something new to talk about)

4 scum (so two left):
Kirk/Gordon - They've both been doing remarkably similar things (making you scratch your head every now and then), and their "arguments" are rather spectacularly... barely there. I could easily see distancing tactics being employed here, and again, Kirk has been semi-clearing Gordon a fair bit. I dunno.

Kirk/MM - Already covered

Bats/MM - Already covered (extensively)

Bats/Kirk - I could see this, actually. It would require a lot of superbussing and massive sacrificing, wherein Kirk sacrifices his entire team to earn townie cred and  distract the rest of us and look like a TRUE HERO and whatnot. Definitely looking like what's going on if the scum have actually been on the ball since the beginning...

3 Scum (1 left):
Comedian - I can easily see this. Been avoiding attention all game, and while I can just as easily buy a claim of bad townie, being so under the radar definitely raises my hackles.

Hazel - Been playing hyper-aggressive lately, and I'm always naturally wary of anybody who seems too townie. Samurai Jack vibes and all that. I dunno. Been noticing a definite increase in activity and aggressive behavior as scum get lynched.

Gordon - Been covered, for the most part. The last few posts have had me scratching my head at him, though. Like, say, a Kirk lynch not being very possible? Despite Kirk being one vote behind MM at the time? As well as putting MM at L-1 and then asking for someone to talk. In that order.

Kirk/Bats/MM - All covered. (Though MM seems incredibly unlikely in this scenario)

All in all (for a 4 scum game):
- If MM turns up scum, hunt down Kirk/Bats tomorrow, and then check out the other the day after

- If MM turns up town, hunt down Kirk. If Kirk winds up town as well, it's a 3 scum game, and thus begin looking at the others. Comedian/Bats/Gordon first. (As things stand now)

All in all (For a 3 scum game):
- Don't lynch MM. Not yet. Look at others first.

So... the only real question is if this is more likely to be a 3 or 4 scum game. Don't wanna lynch until we know. Or at least have a better idea.
Here you go!
I'll make my own post later.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #411 on: February 23, 2010, 12:53:43 AM »

Comedian, I'm sorry, but what in the name of Don Joaquin happened at the end of the day?! You don't have enough time to contribute, but you have enough time to hammer?! Given I declared L-1 on my vote, you have no excuse!

You'd better produce something useful today, or you'll be sorry! Hell, even producing SOMETHING would be more than you've done all game! Besides the one point on Captain Planet D1 (which could easily be a Kirk/Planet scum/scum argument and therefore moot) you're on absolutely none of the confirmed scum! You held to the Middleman even at the very end of D1 when the Prinny wagon was at full-speed! And now you claim to be a newcomer and go for a desperate WIFOM on the masons?!

Quote from: Flay
Like, say, a Kirk lynch not being very possible? Despite Kirk being one vote behind MM at the time?
By that point in the day no-one was offering anything new against Kirk, and what had already been offered wasn't convincing anyone new. Plus there was a general consensus that MM had to be lynched sooner or later which I can't say I didn't agree with on some level.

MM flipping Town puts the pressure off Manuel somewhat. Looks more like Prinny/Planet were trying to build a reasonable wagon for the sake of two mislynches now.

Very strongly considering a Kirk/Comedian scumpair at the moment. The Kirk case has been discussed pretty thoroughly already, and in particular I'll point out he initially wanted to vote Manuel BEFORE the Middleman, when the former lynch made little sense without the latter. Reads as scum looking for two mislynches for the price of one!

Also Kirk follows Comedian's lead at D2 start, Kirk lists Comedian as a very safe third on his list of suspicions behind Manuel and Middleman despite having never mentioned him before, and the only other insight he offers is that he looks like scum!Rat.

Honestly, Comedian's been getting a free ride for far too long.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #412 on: February 23, 2010, 01:22:49 AM »
Friend, I do believe your links are malfunctioning! (Like Nikki around boys)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #413 on: February 23, 2010, 01:52:56 AM »
Well that puts a holw in my Bat/MM theory.
The town flip left me rather confused over the reason for the Flay train; as Gordon says, must have just been setting up a second mislynch. POORLY.

I'll support an idea of Comedian/Kirk. In any case Gordon is right, Comedian has had a free ride for way too long.
Bad town is never a reason not to lynch.
He was dodgy at the end of Day 1, and he was dodgy at the end of Day 3. Enough is enough.

##Vote Comedian.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #414 on: February 23, 2010, 02:16:28 AM »
I'm about to beam out on an away mission, but I'll get this out of the way first.

This development makes the train on Mr. Gunnar make even less sense, and make Ears look better.  Mostly because with less reason to pile on, I have a harder time buying a three scum triplevote.  Almaz also...  needs to be reread, but the protection he had is now gone, since it was based on him repeatedly voting for Middleman when it would be decisive.

But...  Comedian has to be the target of choice, if only to convince him to post more when he does post if he cannot post more often.

##Vote Comedian

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #415 on: February 23, 2010, 02:52:13 AM »
I'm still not 100% sold on a Comic lynch and it frightens me that Tick suggests that "bad town is never a reason not to lynch". Town at all is very much always a reason to not lynch! It doesn't matter if you're Holly or if you're Pipkin, town is town. However I must admit I would have a very hard time outright objecting to it if that is how the breeze blows.

I'm not sure if I suspect Kirk or the Comic more, the Man in the Middle flipping town puts a bit of a damper on my suspicions of Kirk and now only confuses in the context of the Day 1 Flay-rah push as I cannot figure out why it happened. My suspicions of Batmanuel continue to drop because of this as well.

I do know who I suspect more than those three, though!

##Vote: Almaz

- He has missed both scum trains.
- His excuse for missing the Keehar train is pathetic, as both Hilda and myself have discussed.
- He tried to push a plan at the end of Day 2 that involved letting Planet live through the night which, if that isn't scummy enough, was based on assuming what scum would do during the night.
- His push on Batmanuel yesterday looked very much like scum so desperate for a case that they'll cling to anything they can find. Even more so than the Comic's accusation of the Tick. His total disappearance after noticing his mistake tells me he wanted to get out of the spotlight as soon as possible.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #416 on: February 23, 2010, 03:20:11 AM »
Glad to see people aren't charging blind after Batmanuel after that. Was half afraid that would happen and I'd have to spend more effort trying to stop what I'm pretty sure would be a mislynch then trying to find scum myself.

Anyway, got a couple things to note on today already. Am I the only one that had to read Gordon's post like seven times before it made sense? When you open with a vote on Kirk like that, I expected some stuff about Kirk, not to just immediately launch into talking about Comedian instead. Find myself pretty much nodding in agreement about Comedian once I figured out what exactly Gordon was saying about who, though.

Secondly, I'm also scratching my head a bit at the complete lack of defense from Kirk at all here. He's got two votes on him already, and a pretty strong attack from Flay backing one of them up. But doesn't spare a moment to say anything about himself? Color me a little suspicious of that.

Fortunately for him, I think I'm more suspicious of Comedian. The stealth hammer, the random and fairly lackluster case on the Masons yesterday, and the general lack of presance and content all game is combining to make me think we have a classic case of lurkscum on our hands here. It's enough for me to go ahead and throw down a vote, like so:


Oh, one last thing that caught my attention here. Flay, could you explain what you mean by "Samurai Jack" vibes? Is that a referance to something?

Ninja'd by Hazel, reminds me of something I wanted to say about Almaz earlier actually. I've got stuff to go do now though, so I'll cover that in my next post, probably in a couple hours.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #417 on: February 23, 2010, 03:36:41 AM »
All references to Samurai Jack (both in Villains Mafia and this game) are based on Xanth's excellent scum play as said character in Animafia. The game was less than 9 pages long due to all the inactivity, so you could probably read through it for yourself.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #418 on: February 23, 2010, 03:44:28 AM »
and the only other insight he offers is that he looks like scum!Rat.

Oh wow. I hadn't noticed that. I'm not sure if it's scummy or not, but speculating about player identities in the game thread? Bad form.

Aaaanyway, not much point pushing for Bats by this point. Knowing that the Flay train wasn't built up just to save Middleman changes things. I want to take a look at the people pushing Middleman's case hardest--maybe scum put votes down on Flay day 1 in order to have a viable backup case without devoting all their team members to the same cause? Votes could've been split between Flay and Middleman. And lingering suspicion over Middleman would've given scum a safe excuse to keep pushing for Middleman's lynch yesterday, especially when there were clearly townies doing the same thing (Flay and the Tick).

Now, I'm not considering Flay and the Tick here, since they're pretty much town in my eyes. This leaves...Hazel, Kirk and the Comedian on Middleman at the end of both day 1 and day 3. I haven't had any major problems with the rabbit (though I'll say in response to her case that my impression of Almaz has been townie with a bad case of blinders), but...I've already gone on about Kirk and the Comedian, right? I'm betting there's scum in at least one of these two.

...And wow, I'm not alone. Preview button, what would I do without you? I'm going to throw my vote down on Kirk for now so he doesn't feel like he can just sit back and let the Comedian take the lead in votes. His explanation on his vote for the Comedian also feels pretty feeble. A "post more" vote on day 4? I admit there's not a ton to say about the guy, but I'm sure you can come up with better than that.

##Vote: Kirk

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #419 on: February 23, 2010, 05:27:59 AM »
Alright, what I wanted to say about Almaz. Add to the list of stuff from Hazel that the guy has been contradticting himself all game.

Day two, he talks about not tunnel vision(specifically in regards to people tunneling on him, of course), but spends pretty much that entire day tunneling on Gordon.

Also day two, he makes more then one mention of "indecision being Town's bane", but end of day two has him being extremely indecisive. The indecision was over a cop claim, so I can excuse this one. Still worth mentioning though.

Day three, calls out Hilda for being overly a manner that I'd call just as venomous. Hilda was more sarcastic, but I thought Almaz was more aggressive about it.

This isn't enough to put him over Comedian for me, since that's looking more and more like classic lurkscum the more I think about it. But I've been kinda twitching every time he does it. Especially when he went after Gordon even harder in the same post he made the "tunnel vision is bad!" line.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #420 on: February 23, 2010, 05:45:36 PM »
- He has missed both scum trains.

Day 1: Suicidal (now proven to be) town.  The opposite I believed to be bad town.  I stand by this.
Day 2: I already said I'd vote Captain Planet, but did not do so because of L-1.  If you want to present that plan as something like that, you'll need to construct it.  I said before that I didn't like his style of posting to begin with, but had no way to substantiate a case on him based on that, so I had no case to make on him and, at the time, I was convinced Gordon was scum.

- His excuse for missing the Keehar train is pathetic, as both Hilda and myself have discussed.

Keehar = Prinny, right?  I honestly can't excuse this other than saying I genuinely thought it was just bad town play.  It may be pathetic to you, but "I didn't want to lynch what I thought was town" is my only excuse.  As a hero, I will not stand beside that which I don't support.

- He tried to push a plan at the end of Day 2 that involved letting Planet live through the night which, if that isn't scummy enough, was based on assuming what scum would do during the night.

It was a copclaim.  Which, after I provided arguments against the validity of the claim, still had me unsure of it and I thought there was, perhaps, a way to guarantee the claim.  I mentioned afterwards it was possible he was a rolecop instead and abandoned the plan when it was pointed out that it wasn't a good idea.  There's hardly any "push" involved.

- His push on Batmanuel yesterday looked very much like scum so desperate for a case that they'll cling to anything they can find. Even more so than the Comic's accusation of the Tick. His total disappearance after noticing his mistake tells me he wanted to get out of the spotlight as soon as possible.

I had something to do, no time to watch what happened.  And... if I was so desperate for a case, it doesn't make sense.  I could've just jumped on Middleman like the rest.  Take a look at everyone else's arguments, rehash them and post them as if they're my own.  That's what's popular, right?  Why would I try to sway town away from their lynch target and draw attention to myself in the process if I was scum?

The entire idea of me being scum just doesn't make sense to me!  Even the night targets wouldn't make any sense at all!  (speaking of which, I don't get why the masons are still alive)

This is just an incredibly weak charge, Hazel, over things I've explained countless times and again.

Day two, he talks about not tunnel vision(specifically in regards to people tunneling on him, of course), but spends pretty much that entire day tunneling on Gordon.

I was convinced he was scum.  I admitted it was hard for me to let go of him.  I reread the thread but just couldn't shake it.

Can't say much about the indecision.  My confidence took a blow there, yes.

Day three, calls out Hilda for being overly a manner that I'd call just as venomous. Hilda was more sarcastic, but I thought Almaz was more aggressive about it.

That's a scumtell now?  Being displeased with having to deal with a venomous tone when you accuse someone is now a scumtell?  And how was I more aggressive about it?

I don't like your venomous tone at all!  I don't care if it's infuriating when someone questions you on your behaviour!  You promise content you don't deliver, and frankly I don't give a damn whether you spend 16 hours behind a computer or not.  Saying you'll provide content but not do so is a perfectly legit way scum can abuse to fly under the radar. 

The only aggressive part here is "I don't give a damn", which is in response to her sneering "I don't spend 16 hours per day behind a computer". 

Once a Dark Hero, always a Dark Hero!  The only point you've made is that I focused myself on Gordon and didn't say much or anything about the others.  The other two are a retracted 'loaded' statement and that I didn't react well to Hilda reacting to my press on her the way she did.

I'm going to read the thread again and see where I stand.  No sense voting Batmanuel off the bat right now, because he didn't have anything more to say yesterday, so I doubt he'll suddenly have more to say to me today.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #421 on: February 23, 2010, 05:48:55 PM »
If you want to present that plan as something like that, you'll need to construct it.

Whoops!  I meant "If you want to present that as a plan or something like that, you'll need to construct it."

Inb4 "It's a Freudian slip!!"

No really, it isn't.

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #422 on: February 23, 2010, 08:04:09 PM »
##VOTE: Comedian

Well, let's get this out of the way. For reason I've already stated.

Lots of noise recently, not a lot of meaningful stuff has been said.

Dislike Hilda effectively ignoring the three trains and voting for the Comic, the case obviously wasn't going to take today (and, surprise, it didn't), voting him is a waste of time and just looks like trying to avoid being on any of the major trains.

I didn't like any of the trains and I wanted to see if I could get someone I actually thought was scummy voted for. I'm sorry, but I am plain not going to vote for someone that I don't think is scum, and I didn't think any of them were even in my Top 3 of the most scummy people in the game. Voting for someone just to blend in the crowd and all that crap is bunk.

Secondly, I am going to strongly suggest that on Day 1, there was at least one scum on the Middleman train. Obviously it wasn't Saber.

Almaz:,4618.msg98037.html#msg98037 . I address the other people I wanted to speak of in this post which is my very next post after I said I would address other people! I think your charges against me are weak. I'm not sure what else you want from me.

- His push on Batmanuel yesterday looked very much like scum so desperate for a case that they'll cling to anything they can find. Even more so than the Comic's accusation of the Tick. His total disappearance after noticing his mistake tells me he wanted to get out of the spotlight as soon as possible.

I had something to do, no time to watch what happened.  And... if I was so desperate for a case, it doesn't make sense.  I could've just jumped on Middleman like the rest.  Take a look at everyone else's arguments, rehash them and post them as if they're my own.  That's what's popular, right?  Why would I try to sway town away from their lynch target and draw attention to myself in the process if I was scum?

The entire idea of me being scum just doesn't make sense to me!  Even the night targets wouldn't make any sense at all!  (speaking of which, I don't get why the masons are still alive)

a) It doesn't really matter where your votes lie, it matters how you justify said votes.
b) If you are scum and Batmanuel is town, it doesn't matter if Middleman or Batmanuel dies.
c) I would like to point out that no one died today. I am not going to elaborate on this but consider what this might mean.

Basically all of the cases that I would form on Almaz have been formed by Hazel + myself already. I'm not sure what to think about him; I think he is a thoroughly unhelpful player and has made a lot of miscues in his voting record. I feel like he's lived in his own world in the game for the most part.

Hazel: Now Hazel is a more interesting case. I feel like Hazel has gone from a floater to a rather aggressive player. I actually don't really like Hazel's voting record much at all, this is the point for Captain Planet that I feel like some scumbussing would potentially occur; he was basically a dead man at that point. I find myself simultaneously agreeing with Hazel and being really freaking suspicious of her.

Smax: I really like what he's done in the game so far; calling out Captain Planet early Day 2 feels unlikely to be scumbussing so early. It could be but less likely.

Kirk: Kirk has been around pretty sporadically for most of the game, which I understand. His voting record is pretty bad but it seems like bad timing as much as anything, I understand that. I haven't read anything into him that makes me think he's scum. He's gotten a lot of attention though.
Gordon: Jumped on the Prinny train last minute. CP votes for him in a weird moment. His first vote on Kirk is downright awful in its justification.

So in summary:

I find these things unlikely:

Hazel/Almaz team: Too much endless bickering between the two, feels like Hazel is trying to get Almaz lynched.
Gordon/Kirk: Basically the same logic. Gordon rides Kirk entirely too much.

I'm not sure who I consider the most likely pair with Comedian, possibly any of my other suspects. I need to look at all of their respective interactions more closely.

Alchemy Man

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #423 on: February 23, 2010, 08:10:54 PM »
...ugh, do I really have to do this...

...oh, fine...


Day Four Votes:

Kirk (3): Flay, Gordon, Smax
Comedian (4): Tick, Kirk, Axel, Hilda
Almaz(1): Hazel

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Four]
« Reply #424 on: February 23, 2010, 08:57:37 PM »
Look, Hilda?  Just an inbetween, but can you stop being so unsportsman?  You did it when I voted you and now you do it again; drop the needless insults, okay?

You don't see Comedian being a bitch about being voted for not delivering and not being there, so I don't see why you need to be.