Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58105 times)

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #500 on: February 25, 2010, 10:39:45 PM »
Huh, Almaz?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #501 on: February 25, 2010, 10:42:56 PM »
In your roleclaim.  You said you had only one shot of self-protection.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #502 on: February 25, 2010, 10:43:16 PM »
Not discrediting your claim, just...  why you do dis.

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #503 on: February 25, 2010, 10:43:30 PM »

Eeee hee hee hee hee.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #504 on: February 25, 2010, 10:47:32 PM »
In your roleclaim.  You said you had only one shot of self-protection.

Because self-protecting doc is not normal and I decided it was better to be specific about the limitation to curtail any misunderstandings about the role being too broken for the game.

...And I think Comedian's pretty much thrown in the towel.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #505 on: February 25, 2010, 10:49:37 PM »
Ah, okay.  Well, I guess it doesn't matter, in hindsight.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #506 on: February 25, 2010, 10:51:44 PM »
If you're gonna go, go out laughing I guess.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #507 on: February 25, 2010, 10:58:40 PM »
For tomorrow, that means Flay, Tick, Smax and Hazel can pretty much be taken as guaranteed town:  Smax says he guarded Flay and there was no NK.  Hazel says he watched Smax who was targeted by two people, and one of those is Comedian who seems to self-confirm he's scum.

Did you get a message your protection worked for Flay, Smax?  Either way, that means Flay clears Tick, Smax clears Flay and Hazel clears Smax; and by extension himself.

Means scum's among Hilda, Gordon, Axel, Batmanuel and I.

But I don't think Hilda's scum.  Her voting record's really darn solid and at times that there was no reason to bus... aaaand yeah.

I've felt pretty good about Axel all game, except for a few times when he did something weird but his votes speak for him.

So... Gordon, Batmanuel or me!  ...

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #508 on: February 25, 2010, 11:01:17 PM »
Tee hee. Kudos to the player who replaced Comedian; tough job.

I'm haaaaaaapppy to vote for the Comedian of course. If we wanna wait to discuss stuffs more then I will, but I wanna put my fangs into him riiiight now~~ Eluded death by my hands two days in a row!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #509 on: February 25, 2010, 11:06:28 PM »
Alright, I have to head out for a bit but I'll be around for a good long while when I return in a few hours. Let's use this day to look at past interactions with the Comedian (what little of it there is) and sort out who we want to look at tomorrow? Brief notes before I go, mostly reminders to myself for later:

Flay/Tick: 100% cleared to me. I already trusted Flay, and me protecting him night 3 and there being no NK as a result is the clincher. Tick is cleared by extension (masons).

Hazel: Looks good for obvious reasons. Only scum if she's pulling a completely gutsy gambit with Comedian. Incredibly unlikely and not worth thinking about except for days down the line and even then only if Comedian flips Godfather (in which case Hazel could actually be a scum watcher; again, this is extremely unlikely, but it's clear that town's already got a lot of power on its side so I can't totally rule the possibility out. Sorry Hazel! The paranoia is unquenchable).

Hilda: Was on both of the scum lynches, neither of the mislynches, and was riding Comedian for a while before today. Needs to talk more but says good stuff when she does. Looks alright to me.

Bats: Eh. Pretty unlikely given that Middleman was town. Would still like to hear who he thinks is scummy right now given that Kirk is dead and the Comedian is pretty much flaunting it here.

Axel/Gordon/Almaz: Axel and Gordon were on both of the townie lynches (so were Tick and Flay, yes, but I'm discounting them for reasons above). Definitely warrant close scrutiny. Axel's looked very good to me all game, just have to include him as a wildcard possibility here given the townie lynches. Almaz is just, I don't know honestly. I have to reread his posts (which I've been avoiding doing since some of the day 1&2 WoT exchanges are kinda painful).

Hilda and above aren't worth considering as possible scum right now, in my opinion, but if anyone has good reason to suspect the contrary then please let me know.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #510 on: February 25, 2010, 11:45:11 PM »
The question now is, who else did Hazel witness?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #511 on: February 25, 2010, 11:45:32 PM »
Er nevermind

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #512 on: February 25, 2010, 11:55:49 PM »
Gimme a minute, post coming up but I need to take care of some stuff first really quick.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #513 on: February 26, 2010, 12:05:41 AM »
Actually, on second thought, I think I'll leave that mystery a mystery for a little while longer.

Sorry to get your hopes up, everyone, but I'll explain more tomorrow. Maybe. Depends on how the night goes.

Unless Smax wants me to talk about it today. Up to him.

Nothing new to bring to the table otherwise.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #514 on: February 26, 2010, 12:29:03 AM »
My advice has been requested regarding improving warren defense. Apparently Bigwig and Holly have a couple of concerns, and they're the best two fighters I know.

I will be back in a couple of hours. If Smax says he does not want to tell the aforementioned mystery tale, then I won't complain if a hammer is dropped while I am preoccupied. If he wants to hear it, however, then please hold off bringing the Comic to L-1 because he will likely hammer himself.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #515 on: February 26, 2010, 12:33:20 AM »
Still alive. Still out of it. (Turns out I've had a small fever the past while, fun fun) Gonna take today off and try to get back into the game this weekend. Though I am gonna pull a Hiro and chime in with my support of a Comedian lynch, since, why the hell not?

##Vote: Comedian
##Unvote: Comedian

As for the thing you pulled up... Axel? Almaz? Somebody pulled it up. My thing about scumteam possibilities and whatnot. That was me having some ideas I wanted to throw out there, if you read the beginning of it. Was hoping to discuss it with people, but that never happened, so.

Alright, nighty night~

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #516 on: February 26, 2010, 12:40:26 AM »
(Hey, could you put this music on? I need it for my dramatic entrance.)


Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful, all of you! Looks like we've got everything clinched in the end!

I claim Town Tracker, and I'll confirm this by saying that I saw Smax target Hilda Night 2. He should be able to confirm this, and it's a valid confirmation since he hasn't made his protection targets public.

Hence we now have 5 confirmed players (myself, Smax, Hazel, Flay and Tick) and 4 non-confirmed (Almaz, Axel, Hilda and Batmanuel) not including Comedian who's obviously about to die. Should easily be enough for a lock-down, though obviously we should keep our actions private for now. We catch one guy in the act or stop one death, and we're in the clear!

Hazel, do tell! Who else did you see targetting Smax last night?! I didn't target him, so we might have our scumteam right now!

Holding Comedian where he is for now!

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #517 on: February 26, 2010, 01:07:42 AM »
Mwah ha ha ha haaa...MWAH HA HA HA HA AH HAAAAA

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #518 on: February 26, 2010, 01:21:53 AM »
i have no words what is this!

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #519 on: February 26, 2010, 01:33:03 AM »


I guess I don't really need to do anything now.

Uh Gordon, Hazel isn't confirmed. Sure, it's incredibly likely she's town, but that's not confirmed. Could be an epic scum rolefish for the doc by sacrificing Comedian. I think?
Smax, can you confirm Gordon?
Also, epic doc-ing Smax. I am in awe.

Comedian has amusingly softclaimed Rorschach, so we know we've got our 3rd scum. There will definitely be a 4th with all of these investigative and protective powers and masons flying around. A 5th scum is plausible, but unlikely.
Time to look over the non-confirmed players!

(My sympathies to scum, for being in a tough position with so many confirmed townies. Reminds me of Villain mafia X3)

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #520 on: February 26, 2010, 01:55:01 AM »
Uh Gordon, Hazel isn't confirmed. Sure, it's incredibly likely she's town, but that's not confirmed. Could be an epic scum rolefish for the doc by sacrificing Comedian. I think?
In that case, it should inevitably show if she conveniently manages to survive until Lylo. I don't know if scum can afford to keep watcher alive for the sake of WIFOM in a situation like this...either way, I'm hoping we find a more definitive result sooner than that!

Worth noting in case I die tonight - why was the Comedian sent out for the kill given all the suspicion on him? The only theory is that the other surviving scum is someone who was falling under even more suspicion, and given the remaining players that suggests...*dramatic point* YOU, Mr. Almaz!

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #521 on: February 26, 2010, 01:57:27 AM »
EBWOP: He...gah, all the excitement is getting me confused over Hazel's gender again! I think I need to sit down with some good old teriyaki pizza while I wait for him to get back!

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #522 on: February 26, 2010, 01:59:31 AM »
Could be a GF remaining behind. No way to know why scum send who. WIFOM.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #523 on: February 26, 2010, 02:05:28 AM »
Could be a GF remaining behind. No way to know why scum send who. WIFOM.
Psst, I'm trying to come up with something relevant to say but given that we're pretty much guaranteed to steamroll the last scum it's more or less an order of preference by now. Almaz is still iffy for some of his earlier actions and his response to my claim could be interpreted as scum giving up...

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Five]
« Reply #524 on: February 26, 2010, 02:08:11 AM »
Worth noting in case I die tonight - why was the Comedian sent out for the kill given all the suspicion on him? The only theory is that the other surviving scum is someone who was falling under even more suspicion, and given the remaining players that suggests...*dramatic point* YOU, Mr. Almaz!

... What?  How would scum even know town have these powers?!  Remember, their rolecop only had one night.  That's just ridiculous!