
Author Topic: <Untitled IAQ Project>: Round 5: Plot Revisit (Let's start putting it together.)  (Read 13880 times)


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Some world-building notes:

We've decided to go with obscure actually-existing-in-the-real-world town names for... town names.

Each region of the Empire has it's own associated language that names are based on. Skill names should probably be changed to reflect these choices. (either all-English, or use the language of the PC's home region).

Northern region: Due to its proximity to the equator, this is actually the warmest region, residing firmly in the tropical-type locales. Also, this is where the capital, and the Imperial Flow Research Academy are located. Primarily Eastern-Europeon names, particularly Czech and Russian.

Western region: This is the region closest to the Twelve God-Kingdoms islands, and as such, there is a strong military presence here, including the main Imperial Military Training Center where Isolde, Kat, Faul, and most of the Imperial generals trained. Primarily German names here.

Southern region: This region is almost temperate, and seems to be the most Disquieted judging from the story events discussed so far. This is where the Town of YYYY is located, surrounded by farmland, Disquieted and normal. Names are primarily Anglo-saxon.

Eastern region: We don't really know much about this place, other than it's less hot than the north, and less temperate than the south. Probably a good location for metropolis cities, as the Empire is supposed to be densely populated, but we don't really make much mention of that in our outline. Names are undecided at this point, but French, Latin, or some other Romance language is a good suggestion.

Twelve God-Kingdoms: There are twelve tribes that coexist here in a delicate political balance. Each tribe has an emblem based on one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals. Yiu's family symbol is the Lantern Wolf (Dog). Shao's is undecided as of now (leaning some kind of bird, though). Climate ranges from mild to nearly arctic. Names are decidedly Chinese in origin.

Some name thoughts: Fahim does not fit any of our naming schemes, so we're going to have to change his name (sigh). Selena may or may not fit? Noemi's, Eirwen's, and Claire's skillset names probably need to be changed.


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The Anglo stuff seems to be primarily Welsh, which means it should be in the part that no one cares about, which means N-NE.  Czech seems to be over to the SE somewhere, which means French/latinate stuff can go to the South and SW while the German part can have the NW/W with some overlap between those two where the GK influence butts against the Imperial Influence.

If we need more names, from what I recall, we're definatly short on French ones, so we can use those for the base.


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The Anglo stuff seems to be primarily Welsh, which means it should be in the part that no one cares about, which means N-NE.  Czech seems to be over to the SE somewhere, which means French/latinate stuff can go to the South and SW while the German part can have the NW/W with some overlap between those two where the GK influence butts against the Imperial Influence.

If we need more names, from what I recall, we're definatly short on French ones, so we can use those for the base.

This is kinda rambly and hard to understand, so if my response seems off, it's because I'm not entirely sure what you're saying.

I'm not sure why Welsh should be in the North? Especially since Artur/Eirwen's names are Welsh and they are supposed to be from the South (the colder area in this world)...

Czech seems to be the most commonly-used language in our world, so I figured that's gotta be the capital. Thus, even if someone is from a different region... having a Czech name is suitable since it's the Empress's dialect.


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Generally speaking, I always assume the Welsh are out of the way because they're, well, Welsh.

As for the outsides, could just be that the Welsh are on the outer rim while the Czech takes over on the central core.


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Going through the current outline. The first snag I've hit is MIREK 4. Luckily, this problem has nothing to do with Mirek himself, so hopefully there won't be too much to debate~

As written:
-Although the city has been saved, not all is well at the Snow's Retreat as the group gathers to speak. Alas, the knowledge of at least one Guardian working there is met with the full force of opposition. As folks begin to declare their allegiances and/or stand up for the loyal Guardians (and ILONA), the matters begin to escalate. As violence threatens, MIREK opts to step down, not wanting to risk anymore harm to EIRWEN or the Snow's Retreat. ARTUR is supportive of the decision, in fact encouraging them to leave the city as soon as possible. He expresses a desire to come along with NOEMI.

Which 'he' is this? Is it Mirek? Is it Artur?
I'm kind of assuming it's Mirek, but I'm also guessing that Artur needs to come along at this point, too.

Suggested change/addition: ARTUR also expresses a desire to come along with NOEMI, thinking it a good opportunity to impress EIRWEN and the rest of the townsfolk with how he helped the team that could Save the World.

-NOEMI agrees with the intention, especially since she still needs the Guardians around for her research. She asks everyone to get ready to bail as soon as possible.<br />

-As preparations are made, EIRWEN reveals her intent to come along. MIREK does not like this and attempts to argue against her, but is generally losing out for a number of reasons. Given that she does have some notable use to the party, there isn't any particular dissension to her coming. ARTUR is unhappy.

The above suggestion could go here just as easily.

-At the docks, the group is having some issues finding a boat. Thankfully, a lucky break occurs in that one YIU happens to be in the area, having been booked as a travel method for SHAO. There is some early tension, but with limited options, and a willing form of transit, it is hard to turn. Especially once, provoked by SELENA, the mob arrives and is eager to dispense its brand of justice.

Here's the real problem. This feels pretty shoehorned in. First of all, Yiu et al won't be very surprising PC additions if they keep showing up to help Noemi et al. Secondly, Shao's intro here is pretty tacked on. I think it needs to be a little more organic. There has to be some -reason- that Shao came back to see Noemi et al.

Also, it might not be a bad idea to have Shao join earlier just so that the player will have more time to work with his skillset. Perhaps before the Festival? Perhaps Noemi contacted him for research help when she hit the first dead-end in NOEMI 5 instead of immediately trying to invade a dangerous Disquieted area for research notes that might not have even been there? Perhaps she tried contacting Fahim too, but since he's tagging along with Yiu instead of being at the Academy, he didn't get the message (and our first indication of where he might be).

It also shows that Noemi knows when to ask for help, a good leadership quality in itself.

It also means that Shao might have sailed to the port of YYYY on his own ship, so the party can have its own transportation without Yiu for a little while longer (this is good for opening up sidequest dungeons at this point!)

Not to mention that having Shao along a little earlier means that the Townsfolk can hate Noemi's group for having 'treacherous Guardians' and 'filthy Barbarians' among their number.

So... basically I'm suggesting that you cram even MORE stuff into NOEMI 5 (you might want to break it up into 2 chapters, especially since Isolde's chapters are misnumbered, so a partial Isolde Chapter here might work). Shao's intro can be as spectacular or unspectacular as we please. He could just show up in his ship and there's a short cutscene showing him trying to help out Noemi's research... or there could be some kind of town uprising against the 'foreign invader'. However we like it. I personally still like the idea of Shao having a bit of crush on Noemi (or at least pretending he has one to cover his true motives of studying her to get an edge on the Imperials should they try anything). Also, introducing him earlier gives us time to set up his 'jokester persona' before things get too serious and he decides to 'drop the mask'.

Rafael's intro is a little better, but still kind of tacked on:
-With some time on the boat, the group manages to arrive at the city of ZZZZ, a major trading hub and a passthrough for a great deal of food and other supplies. NOEMI is eager to head south immediately and investigate the ruins of the ancient Guardian stronghold. Of course, a little prepatory work to actually ascertain its exact location on the island. In the process, she meets up with RAFAEL, a researcher exploring the disquieted areas around the ancient stronghold.

Suggestion: You could also work Rafael's introduction into NOEMI 5 and complete the main lineup early enough for players to really start using all the parties from the beginning, instead of how spaced out it is as written now. Rafael could easily be working inside the Disquieted Crimson House, or perhaps he has also been searching for the research notes and he decides to work with the group when he meets them (for his own purposes, of course). He's supposed to be a contemporary of Erastus's, so he should recognize the man and grow interested in the group simply from meeting them.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 06:46:27 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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-Although they might have expected peace and quiet, that is, unfortunately, not the order of the day for MIREK and Co. The group has been pursued by the remnants of the rebel Guardians from the tme of the Betrayal, who have, in turn, mixed with many of the local forces. The plan is to cripple the local shipping and to eliminate a certain problematic loyal Guardian. Caught off-guard and unsuspecting, MIREK's group is immediately put into a bad position. They are forced to beat a retreat when ORIENNA appears. What follows is a long series of sparring matches between the Guardians and MIREK's group, that quickly wear on both sides.

MIREK 5 and 6 were discussed not long ago between Excal, Andy, and myself. This included a significantly more detailed version of the above scenario, where the team gets separated and Mirek makes his choice between Eirwen or the party, resulting in either Eirwen getting kidnapped, or Artur ignoring Mirek's decision to regroup and getting himself kidnapped when he tries to find Eirwen. The choice that allows Artur to rejoin later is, of course, to go back for Eirwen, despite Rafael and Claire's insistence that the smart thing to do would be to regroup first.

MIREK 6's focus is on what happens after they group eventually goes back (to rescue either Eirwen or Artur, depending) and Mirek has to face Orienna (and then make the decision whether to kill her or let her live).

I'm going to start marking these on the wiki with a ##REVISE ME## notice.


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-With the help of SHAO, the group manages to reach the area where the true prophecy is held. Pulling some strings, he gets them in, but he can't help them deal with the things that guard the place. Pushing their way through, the group is able to get a look at the true prophecy which, conveniently, ERASTUS is capable of reading the language. Helping NOEMI, they manage to put it together: both the secret of getting through the island's dangers and an inkling of what is there. ERASTUS begins to sow doubts in KASIA's mind.

Not a revision, but a suggestion since it seems you haven't decided who is the prophecized 'disloyal one'.

I think you could work this out to be Shao here. First of all, he's probably not in Erastus' plan... but if he -is-, then it's because he always intended to try to get Noemi's friends to kill eachother, and the prophecy is an easy way to sow doubt in Kasia's mind.

Erastus: The translation isn't perfect, but it definitely says something about 'a God King royal who will stop the defiling of the Great Lord's land, despite any other...' I think it says 'allegiance', but my Ancient Ispanian is kind of rusty...
Aurel: So Shao's supposed to keep people from going to the Great Lord's Throne? Doesn't seem like much of a job. People haven't tried going there for ages...
Shao: We don't even know if it's talking about -me-... I'm not exactly the most influential member of royalty...
Aurel: Could it be that ponytail-guy with the pirate ship?
Noemi: He did say he was a prince...
Kasia: What if -we're- the ones who have to 'intrude' on that island? It -would- be a good place to further Noemi's research...
Erastus: Well, the prophecy says this royal would stop us, then. Can't fight a prophecy, kids.
Aurel: Hmph. Let him try.
Noemi: We haven't even decided if we're going there yet... >.>;;

The only other option is to try to make it sound like Isolde, but Isolde -is- going to sort of betray them, so that might be unnecessary. Also, I like the idea of it giving Shao a little more importance. (He's Kasia's intended target, though Aurel's death satisfies the same goal for Erastus, really.)

Interestingly enough, if you use the above prophecy idea, Yiu does in fact fulfill it by trying to stop Noemi. This would lend even more creedance to the prophecy later when Erastus is using it to try to direct the party around.


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I made a whole bunch of corrections on the wiki, please look it over.


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Because ARGH, that's why.

-Although they might have expected peace and quiet, that is, unfortunately, not the order of the day for MIREK and Co. The group has been pursued by the Guardians, who have, in turn, mixed with the local forces. The plan is to cripple the local shipping and to eliminate a certain problematic loyal Guardian. Caught off-guard and unsuspecting, the group is immediately put into a bad position. They are forced to beat a retreat when ORIENNA appears. What follows is a long series of skirmishes between the Guardians and MIREK's group. There seems to be a mixed agenda to the group, as they seem indecisive about the application of deadly force or not.
-However, during one exchange, EIRWEN is separated from the group. MIREK must make a decision to either trust the others to be able to take care of themselves for a time. ARTUR suggests the most logical route, that odds are EIRWEN will be fine. A small argument breaks down on the front. Depending on how you resolve the matter with ARTUR will effect how things go (ARTUR temporarily leaves at this stage, and will either remain with the party at the resolution of this chapter or potentially rejoin in the distant future). Regardless, he arrives at the decision that the other PCs are insane (for the time being) and basically bails on the group to regroup at the safehouse.
-Hurrah, rescue arc. No seriously, the PCs mount a brief counter-attack to locate their erstwhile companion, finding her in the foul clutches of one ORIENNA who, per earlier cut scene, has been debating relationship merits with her. MIREK is unhappy, and expresses this in a mature and adult manner (i.e. telling her that they are through and if she tries this shit again, one of them will not walk away). ORIENNA is a little taken aback and perhaps crushed by this MIREK, and his steely resolve and is forced to beat a retreat, tail between her legs.
-Upon returning, ARTUR either begins to question his own motivations and logic or throws the whole matter back in MIREK's face, opting to bail before he gets killed because of a overly sentimental moron.


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Fun Facts

Noemi is actually capable of juggling quite well. Kasia is quite the dancer. Erastus actually owns a set of puppets and used to do small shows for the orphan kids. Shao is a sketch artist. Aurel knows the basics of a couple instruments and would actually be able to play pretty efficiently with practice. Isolde has made a good portion of her own clothes. That is now stuck in my head, so it works. Ilona is an accomplished tumbler. Selena was a huge sports player as a kid. Mirek actually has a solid voice. Eirwen has amazing balance. Claire can actually hit a mark from huge distances with balls/sphereical objects (and would probably make an excellent pitcher). Rafael, back in the day, used to be an incredible swimmer. Artur is quite handy at crafts. Yiu is quite well read and knows several major TGK poet works by heart. Meilin is quite adept at carving. Xun knows a shocking number of bird calls. Jin keeps a small garden at Yiu's estate. Fahim is double jointed and overall pretty flexible.

On the other hand...

Fahim is actually quite terrible with numbers, despite his intelligence. Jin hates canines. Xun has a terrible sense of direction. Meilin is a ridiculously picky eater. Yiu fancies himself a poet, but is absolute garbage at it. Artur is something of a compulsive gambler. Rafael fears spiders. Claire has terrible allergies. Eirwen has a practical negative alcohol tolerance. Mirek suffers from intense sea sickness. Selena has utterly unintelligible hand writing. Ilona is despised by animals. Katarine cannot dance. Faulheit, despite what he believes while drunk, is tone deaf. Isolde is color blind. Aurel is actually fairly clumsy. Shao has terrible luck. Erastus is really not half as funny as he thinks he is. Kasia really doesn't know how to swim. Noemi is a bit of an insomniac.


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You left out Faulheit/Katarine's comedy act talent.

And Shao's disadvantage is pretty uninspired.

Otherwise, I lol'd.


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Finally getting around to addressing the premade NPCs. Will deal with some of the others shortly.

Gier Wahnsinnig

Gier is a Dissonance Corps officer, and a noted sadist in combat and hedonist off the battlefield.  Susceptible to getting too caught up in his pursuit of a good time, be it in a fight or out.  Growing up in a fairly lawless area, he clawed his way to the top prior to his forced induction into the academy and Dissonance corps, by the means of his Dissonance use and following a simple rule; "Power is authority."  Due to a generally rebellious attitude, he only barely passed his academy education, but managed to become inducted into the military, becoming weary of being unable to fight.  His nature, significant power, and seeming inability to be killed earned him the fear of not only the rebel Guardians, but many people within the Empire itself.  While his performance has been notable enough for him to advance to the status of a general, it is notably more a formality--as he still lacks a voice on the council.  The Empress frowns upon his deployment, while [Military Leader] treats him more as someone who is 'aimed' at the enemy, rather than commanded.  He has earned himself the name of "Iron Devil".

No military in their right mind would keep this guy anywhere near a position that could even vaguely be equated with power. Nobody. He sounds like he might actually be worse press than Erastus, who they basically shunted off to a corner of the world and kept their eyes closely on, while removing anything that could be construed as authority. At least working off the conception that the military isn't wholly corrupt/facist/stupid, which, I believe, is largely what we were working off. Which means the man has to be smart enough to keep himself in check so no one ever catches on. You don't give someone who has this sort of rep any sort of position, even honorary. This is the dude you lock up and maybe, just maybe, in the absolute worst circumstance, bring him out. And then kill him. And if that fails, have him arrested. Erastus got off with a "we need to come out looking good" exception as a singular incident that he could spin. Gier... can't really be this + that.

Gier feels that, given his ability, he has no reason not to do whatever he wants with those weaker than him--anyone who objects, in his mind, had better have the power to back it up.  He looks down upon Resonance-users and especially the magically-dead as anything from playthings to mere annoyances, depending on his mood.  Furthermore, he has a notable tendency to intimidate and threaten underlings who question his own choices.  It usually takes the presence of a superior officer and sometimes a viable threat from his own side in order for him to follow orders, but is kept around due to the results he gets on the battlefield.  He is notably known to take liberties with prisoners and victims that are better left unmentioned--so horrible that those who are against him, knowing who he is, more willing to kill themselves than surrender.  Jarringly, despite his twisted personality, he has a beautiful, effeminate (read:bishounen) appearance, the contrast notable.

See the above again. He needs to be well controlled, organized and intelligent enough to pick and choose if you want this sort of character. Honestly, he's the best candidate for the lead of the usurpers, but he needs to appear as an intelligent, reasonable, rational, sympathetic and well-meaning individual. Until he's not.

Gier's dissonance expertise is for metal; this is expressed in his fighting style--forming a superheavy suit of armor upon his person that, thanks to his own personal capabilities, is still able to move in.  This armor's typical form covers practically the entirety of his body and is extremely resilient, and notably sports a massive claw over his right hand.  One would normally presume is his default weapon--the claw itself can move as if it was part of him, and he is much more agile than he would appear.  In actuality, however, the armor's structure is malleable to himself as long as it is in contact with himself--insofar that he is capable of adding mass and morphing parts of it into varied weaponized extensions, attacking with varied means and from varying angles.  That, combined with his demeanor, has made him into a terror upon the battlefield that few wish to be on the battlefield aside--much less against.

Works, probably.

Reinhild Zorn

Reinhild is a notable general in the Imperial army, as well as a presence within the council.  As the leader of the "Witch Hunters" Internal Regulation Corps, her duty is the elimination of traitorous officials within the Empire--in effect, acting as judge, jury, and executioner for those unlucky enough to be deemed guilty by her.  Thanks to this, she holds a large deal of respect within the Empire among those who know of her, in addition to being feared by some.  In particular, she is notable for being feared by, of all people, Gier.  Far from being a glorified assassin, she notably fights on the battlefield with impressive efficacy, earning herself the name of "Untouchable Legion" for her abilities to efficiently kill scores of enemies before they can close in to attack.  Many smaller revolts have been quelled either by her presence or her actions, even though she is sometimes said to take things to an extreme.

Against her being a technical assassin, and against her being one to take things to an extreme. We're putting the PCs in a fine position to be opposed to her anyway, I see no reason she has to be an anti-social, murderous nutjob. Plus, again, we're sending the wrong message about the empire again. These people in prominent positions can't be nuts or something the generalized public is going to disguise. We're going with a revolutionary concept in that the empire itself is just fine. Just has some elements that aren't so fine and are working inside  it. She sounds exactly the opposite of that, so making her one is kinda silly.

Reinhild is particularly cold and ruthless in her duty, as would be needed by someone who confronts and executes officials within the empire.  While she utilizes specially trained assassins to handle lesser cases, she takes it upon herself to execute those who would be too dangerous normally, and those whose crimes against the Empire are particularly egregious.  She notably hates Gier's behavior on and off the battlefield to a great extent, and hides no facet of her opinion that he should have been executed as a traitor years ago.  She cares little for wasting time on more 'trivial' matters, preferring to get to the core of the primary issue as soon as possible.  While she is able to read people effectively, she has notably little tact herself.

Policing force is so much more effective then assassin, and makes the Empire and its military looks far less shitty. Everything else here is pretty fine, except for the contradictory elements of her character in regards to Gier, which would be plesantly resolved by having him not openly be a horrible person that the Empire is insane for raising above the rank or private.

Reinhild's dissonance is generalized in the category of lightning, but her specialty pertains to magnetics.  While she has a number of electricity-based attacks at her disposal, she is notable for being able to use her powers to launch large numbers of ferrous objects--primarily edged weapons such as swords, spears, and other such--at speeds exceeding that of known conventional ranged weaponry. While this is already a notable power, she has crafted specialized blades that are known as "Dragon Scales"--pointed blades roughly the size of a large axehead and twice as thick, narrowing to a point at the end, composed of an iron outer shell with a chargeable copper core that allows for a higher electric charge--the enhanced effect allowing for easier control over them altogether with her magnetic powers.  These weapons have become synonymous with her, and give her the capability to excel on the battlefield--even alone versus several elite opponents at once.

No comment currently. Not what I'm all about at the moment.

Sigkeit Ochrany

Sigkeit is a notable Dissonance Corps officer and general within the military.  An up-and-rising commander, as well as one of the youngest officers to reach the rank that he has within the Imperial army, he is famous within the empire, well-liked both among his peers and the people of his country.  Those who fight under him hold great respect for him and public opinion believes he will be the next big 'Hero' of the empire.  His style of command is unlike most other officers--as opposed to those who sit back, direct, and utilize magic as artillery, he has a tendency to lead from the front instead, fighting alongside his troops the whole way.  While he has a minor problem with getting too far in over his head, the soldiers he commands typically return the favor for him.  Though he has only very recently attained the rank of general, great things are expected of him.

Hurrah. Someone the Empire wouldn't be ashamed to have, apparently.

Sigkeit was an average student through his training, but had a noted fascination with Isolde's exploits, admiring her reported ability both as a fighter and a leader.  This minor hero-worship of her continued through past the conclusion of his instruction...but stopped around the time of the scandal.  Around then, Sigkeit decided that he would try his hardest to surpass her instead, intending to go right where she went 'wrong'.  Though he has ceased his admiration of Isolde to the level that it was prior to the incident, he still wishes to meet her someday.  While he continued moving upward, he notably likes the fighting itself more than the politics behind it--which he views with a bit of disgust, preferring there to be a different way to handle the issue.  He is notably a bit overconfident in his ability on the battlefield, and it's argued that were it not for how his subordinates trust him enough to help with a fervor not seen toward other generals, he might have been dead before he attained the rank of general.

WTB Competence in the military council. More seriously, he generally works (although he could be a little more competent, seriously), but kinda confused as to where he fits on the antagonistic scale on any longterm basis. Or short term, for that matter. Doesn't sound at all like the right sort of guy for it.

Sigkeit's fighting style is an unusual one.  He has trained himself to a high level of skill with his equipment of choice--an unusual hafted weapon that has the handle of a shortspear and the blade of a shortsword in his main hand, and a large shield carried on his other shoulder.  He has no proper Dissonance specialty, and while he does not mix magic and weapon use as Isolde has managed, he has trained himself in a Dissonance practice that has not been common within the Empire; 'subchanneling'.  In short, he is capable of multitasking his attacks, channeling a Dissonant effect at the same time as he strikes an opponent with a weapon, attacking from far and close simultaneously.  This same ability can be utilized to channel two Dissonance spells at once.  His squad-level spells, while potent in their effects, normally could not be channeled in such a way--were he to not pre-channel them and store the charges in his shield, he wouldn't be capable of subchanneling them at all.  However, charging such a spell is a time-consuming and exhaustive process, and is typically not performed mid-battle for clear reasons.  His spells vary widely in use, but it is said that in times of need, he can borrow strength from his allies to deliver a single, decisive strike that few, if any, could survive...

Whatevs, for now.

Val [insert surname here]

Val is a high-ranking member of the Guardians' organization, as well as a notable strategist and engineer within their ranks.  Infamous for her actions during the first Guardian revolt, she had notably caused the deaths of many Dissonance plantation owners, no doubt due to her methodology.  Very notably androgynous in her appearance, many Guardians wonder if the 'top' on her outfit is actually needed, or if it's simply a guy with notable eccentricies.  Far from being ashamed of this, she plays up the ambiguity for the sake of gaining amusement within the Guardian ranks--at the cost of others' sanity and dignity.  Val's loyalty is occasionally questioned within the Guardian hierarchy, but given her tendencies, most prefer not to actually cross her, given what she is capable of.  Val is a rare case of being perfectly ambidextrous--capable of using either hand equally well.  She is known to be frustratingly informal towards superiors and enemies alike.

No comment, really. This sort of gender play really isn't my thing. Doesn't really tell me much about her, either. Well, a little bit.

Val has a noted fondness for mechanical traps--indeed, most of the nobles she has killed were offed in one way or other by traps she had set--usually composed of tripwires, explosives, poisons, and varied blades, spears, projectiles, and other things that are generally sharp and pointy.  Those that she sets up, however, tend to be unusually elaborate, often with multiple 'decoy' layers--always of a varying amount--prior to the actual trap itself.  Adapting these to wide-scale and small-scale situations, she often leaves people on both sides confused as to which parts are fake, and which are intended for the kill.  She seems to have little problem with this, taking amusement in the turmoil she wreaks with these complicated arrangements.  Predictably, she doesn't enjoy direct combat unless the odds are, needless to say, extremely in her favor, and she seems to lack honor in any and every sense of the word.

This is far more useful information, is consistent and makes sense. Hurrah.

This applies to her combat style as well, which can most easily be summed up as 'opportunistic'.  While her actual proficiency in the Guardian style is on the bad side of 'middling', she makes up for this with her Resonance-enhanced alchemy and blades.  Those expecting range to help will typically find themselves on the receiving end of one of her custom-crafted bombs; explosives, incendiary, acid, smoke, flash, adhesive...she typically has a number of such weapons stowed for such an occasion.  For melee, she will resort to less than honorable tricks, on top of her four custom-crafted blades (note to self, come up with names for each one) that she will use; one contains a reservoir to keep the weapon's blade poisoned at all times.  Another utilizes some complicated mechanisms to allow fuel to flow along the blade, letting the weapon burn its opponents in addition to cutting.  A third one has an unusually high sharpness, being able to cleave through armor with less effort than normally imaginable and leaving open wounds that do not heal easily.  The fourth, her only Guardian Blade, is rumored to be cursed in some manner, bringing misfortune upon those who touch it.  Add in her knack for spotting openings in the opponent's offense and defense, and one can see why she, despite lacking raw talent, is a truly frustrating opponent.

Standardized "man, I thought somewhere, somewhen, I said Guardians were sense blind and didn't use the flow in the typical manner." Otherwise, standard "not really caring yet" comment here.

Seraphin Nevolnik

Seraphin is the second-in-command to [Guardian Leader] himself, and shows absolute dedication to the organization.  Formerly left to die on a botched mission in the military, he continued to keep fighting the encroaching Disquieted beasts until a member of the Guardians had come about, opting to recruit him.  He had risen through the ranks quickly, gaining reputation as a fierce well as someone who would carry out even the most inhuman order if given so.  As such, he is notably feared and respected within the organization, as well as possessing an air of mystery all the same.  He himself possesses no small degree of command over fellow Guardians thanks to his position, but is notably conservative about the use of it altogether, preferring to deal with his missions himself if viable.


Unknown to others, while Seraphin is deathly loyal to the organization and will follow his orders without question, he despises the new direction the organization has taken as of late, looking upon it and his current leader's objectives with disgust.  Despite this, he does nothing about this, perceiving such a potential action as betrayal of the organization that he places his loyalty in, and continues to follow his orders to the word.  He stays detached from the others, typically using any off-time for practice of his abilities alone.  He refuses to bring up his past, acknowledging it and having no problem with what it was, but leaves it as is and refuses to divulge this information to anyone, feeling that there is no point to it.  Seraphin holds no animosity toward the enemies he fights--particularly those that are human--knowing that often the only reason enemies often occur on the battlefield is simply that they are on different sides of the same conflict.

Works, I suppose.

This, however, would not be suggested by the horrifying efficiency with which Seraphin dispatches his opponents.  He is feared and respected within and without the organization, and for good reason; his skills with his personal Guardian Blade, before considering the Guardian style augmentations that he has applied, are considered to be without peer.  His proficiency in other aspects of the style are considered middling to above-average in most aspects, but his swordmanship and combat ability are well-known.  His restrained movements are deceptive--for while he moves slowly on the battlefield, his attacks are notoriously quick and powerful, being able to cleave through armor as if nothing at the height of his own talent--if not turning it on the wearer altogether.  Not restricted to close combat alone, he is capable of creating deadly vacuum waves with his blade, cutting through multiple enemies at once from close and far alike in an instant.  Ultimately, a deadly opponent who few wish to trifle with under any circumstances.

You can guess.

Anyhow, conceptually workable group. Needs some fine tuning, and needs some hole filling. I'll do that in my next post.


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Let's Learn with Professor Erastus! Episode 2, Dissonance and Resonance.

ERASTUS: Welcome back, kids. Did you have more questions?

KASIA: Well, sort of. I mean you told us what the Flow is and how people alter it but...


KASIA: Well... you didn't really explain the difference between Practitioners.

ERASTUS: I didn't?


ERASTUS: ...really?

AUREL: No, you didn't.

ERASTUS: Huh. Well then! There are two major types of practitioners. Dissonant practitioners and Resonant practitioners. The two styles are based around completely different mindsets. Dissonant practitioners specialize in enforcing their will upon the world around them.

Standing in the kitchen, NOEMI, looks wistfully at the empty counter.

NOEMI: Sigh. I wish I had a pie.

With an audible ping, a pie appears on the counter.

NOEMI: Hurrah! Pie!

ERASTUS: Resonant practitioners specialize is putting themselves out into the world and bolstering it.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, EIRWEN, looking at the dirty counter with the finished pie in the center.

EIRWEN: I spent all day working on this, but it is the most delicious pie, ever!

NOEMI: Really? Mine is kind of disappointing...

ERASTUS: It is a bit simplistic, but it gets the idea across. Dissonance is about altering reality to fit what you need, while Resonance is about doing the best with what you've got. All things told, Resonance is going to net you higher quality, Dissonance allows you to easily create it in the first place. So, looking at it that way, Dissonance is a tool of production, while Resonance is an art form. As demonstrated.

Standing in front of a large, valuable house, NOEMI begins selling pies from a large pile to a multitude of customers.

NOEMI: Get your pie here! Get your pie here! Cheap, quickly made and fresh!

The rain pours down on an a small box as EIRWEN sits sadly in front of it, cradling her pie.

EIRWEN: I still think you're delicious, little pie.

ERASTUS: Of course, while Dissonance may seem like the more practical skill, it isn't without its own special disadvantages. While Resonance has no ill effects on the user, except leading to a life of abject poverty, the alteration of the Flow can have some unfortunate side effects known as the Disquiet. Honestly, it can be a little weird...

NOEMI: Agh! The pie is eating me!

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I laughed.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Let's Learn with Professor Erastus, Episode 3, The Guardian Style

NOEMI: Well, I already knew all that stuff. Why didn't you, Kasia?

KASIA: Well... I mean... someone might have been listening that wanted to know, you know?

NOEMI: You slept through all the lectures, didn't you?

KASIA: ...ahem.

NOEMI: Anyhow, I'm more curious about the Guardians. I mean, how do they do all that stuff? I mean, sure, I can buy them reaching the limits of human power, but what I've seen them do is beyond that.

ERASTUS: So glad you asked! Although little is known about it, the basic principles of the Guardian style are known to high level Practitioners. Or, at least, the ones who bothered to read. The style, covering a wide array of martial disciplines is...

KASIA: ...wha?

AUREL: Although the skills they possess are grouped universally under the heading of the Guardian style, it is actually a number of distinct styles, ranging across a wide variety of weapons and specialties, that are linked by a common thread of some sort, allowing Guardians to have a diverse array of combat abilities between them, yet maintaining the focus on their specialty of battling in the Disquiet.


AUREL: What? It isn't like I can't read too or anything.

ERASTUS: Annnnyway. Its based loosely on the concepts of emotional control and release. Keeping tight control off their emotions to ward off the majority of Disquiet's effects and then intense, sudden emotional releases to empower their offense. The exact triggers and control method vary. Let's see, how about an example?

We return once more to the kitchen, with NOEMI struggling valiantly with a jar of pickles. The mighty container eludes her strength. As MIREK passes by, she hails him.

NOEMI: Mirek, think you could help me out here?

She holds up the struggling jar of preserved material.

MIREK:, I don't think so.

NOEMI: But... well... I heard EIRWEN was really craving some pickles and...

Offering out the jar once more, NOEMI attempts to look meek as the young man takes it.

MIREK: …ah... well... she would really appreciate, huh...

His mind runs wild for a moment, a blush spreading on his cheeks, progressing rapidly from the obvious praise and love towards...

MIREK: ...w-wait... she was c-craving pickles you said?

His mind runs to a far less pleasant place, his face turning stark pale. The lid snaps off with a pleasant pop. As MIREK gives it a twist.

NOEMI: Hurrah, pickles! Thanks, Mirek!

Taking the jar from MIREK's nearly limp hand, she wanders off, munching a pickle happilly.

ERASTUS: Voila. Intense emotions yield superhuman results! And delicious pickles.

NOEMI: But... that didn't really explain anything new. Like why only they can do it or...

ERASTUS: Well, if I spoiled that here, we'd lost a good chunk of the plot, wouldn't we?

NOEMI: The... plot?

ERASTUS: Um... nevermind. Just forget I said anything. Tune in next time, kids!

ISOLDE: Kids...?


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And now for something more serious.

Gier: Has been reimagined as a bit more  of a bastard/deluded darwinist. Stemming back from some family trouble and the sensation that he was being dragged down by his parents, and later, his own wife and daughter, he joined into the military to prove his own strength and continue ascending. This is taking him to the logical course where he believes he is the strongest and wishes to enforce his rule over the Empire. To this end, he has wormed his way into the disruptive element, all the while planning to find a way to use the Soulless. He was Isolde's (and probably briefly Faul/Kat's) CO for a time, and is the father of Eirwen, whom he ditched at about age 7? There is a distinct possibility he is the one who defeated the Guardians where Illona was hanging out. Hurrah personal interconnections. Anyhow, ultimately, he wants to snag the UIM to create/control more soulless so he can create an Empire wholly under his rule, thereby establishing himself as top of the food chain. In the Imperial path, he becomes the BBEG, in the Guardian path, he assists the PCs before attempting to backstab them.

The Guardian Path: Plays out similarly to the way the outline was originally written. Tiercek grabs the UIM, smacks down the paltry Empire force. The PCs are forced to flee from the rampaging soulless, which causes both Mirek and Isolde to be seperated from the group. The PCs are rescued by Yiu, who is distressed by this turn of events, and the group tucks its tail between its legs and runs to the TGK islands. There, Noemi attempts to puzzle out the last mystery of the perfect magic system, but stress and guilt prevent her. She eventually manages to get things going again after Isolde is found to have joined a group fighting the Guardians (who have seized the capital city and surrounding areas, and are initiating a stiff eradication of Dissonance. The Empire is shattered as the nobles take sides and things just have generally gone to hell). Returning to the FPI, she hunts for the answer. There, they discover Mirek with the remenants who have allied under him in an effort to survive. As Noemi finds the answer, she gains a clue on how to fight Tiercek and the PCs initiate a pinpoint strike at the Guardian power center to allow the Empire to try and recover. Along the way, they are betrayed by Gier. Tiercek has already destroyed the UIM, and once he is defeated, the PCs think they have finished. But a distraught Erastus asks them to come join him for a time at the Desert of Red Glass, with a question that will shake the PCs to their core... This path is achieved by either not helping out the Empire or indirectly assisting the Guardians at a number of locations. In the case of a switch tie, the result is randomized.

The Imperial Path: Instead of the Soulless going wild, Gier manages to bring them under control, allowing the PCs to escape unmolested and as a group. With the help of Yiu, they manage to evade the Empire. In the aftermath, the PCs guilt is reexamined and, once things are worked out, they are reinvited as guests of the Empire and invited into the research. Here, with access to materials, Noemi is able to solve the Disquiet issue. Impressed, Gier makes her an offer: to assist him, or to allow his chosen victims to fall under the seeds of Disquiet he has planted in them. Noemi realizes too late they have been duped. Freeing their friends, the PCs must find a way to cure them. Once this is done, the task of taking on the Empire begins. Mobilizing loyalist support and politicking frantically, they manage to get Gier officially removed, but he refuses to step down. A rebellion breaks out, with the PCs at the center, hoping to defeat Gier's ambitions. Once defeated, the UIM is discovered, but Erastus destroys it, citing this as why it can't exist, and ranting about how power should be earned. He asks them to come join him for a time at the Desert of Red Glass, with a question that will shake the PCs to their core... This path is achieved by either not helping out by lending aid to the Empire, even when you would be reluctant. In the case of a switch tie, the result is randomized.

Did I get that right?


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One note.  In the Imperial Path, it was discussed that the trigger of Noemi getting blackmailed is less Gier making a job offer, and more Noemi noticing one or two things looking off, and sticking her nose where it shouldn't be, leading Gier to make the blackmail attempt in order to keep her under his thumb.


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Because Excal hates programmers and artists.

Between the two of us, we suggested idly that Isolde, even drugged and poisoned, manage to begin engineering her own escape from prison because, while she has some standard cool, she really has no defining moments of awesome. Of course, while generalized awesome in and of itself is cool, Excal suggested that, since we were going the trippy angle (what with the drugs and the effects of the Disquieting beginning to take place) that the entire sequence should be a bad acid trip type one. And, in an odd RPG like this,  what better method than to represent it via swapping everything to an homage filled, 8bit-style tour de force RPG for a short time. In essence, we combine some character introspection and parody into pure awesome. Excal was mainly looking at ripping early FF/DQ, with a dash of PS.

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Needs to have Shao appear as a broom during it so this can happen:

SHAO: ?Ko uoy era

ERASTUS: Shao, stop that.

SHAO: Sorry.


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Last names:

A lot of our PCs were surname-less, so I did some searching for regional last names. Most of the Czech names ended with -ova, so there's going to be some serious similarities between the last names of PCs who originate from the Czech families. Also, Seraphin, Seigheit/Sigkeit and Fahim needed renaming.

Czech Names: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Ilona, Josef, Orienna, Tiercek
German Names: Katarine, Faulheit, Selena, Gier, Sigkeit(formerly), Reinhild, Quentin (Seraphin's new name)
French Names: Isolde, Claire, Rafael, Faron (Fahim's new name)
English Names: Eirwen (Welsh), Artur (Welsh), Aurel, Val, Rass (Sigkeit's new name)
Chinese Names: Shao, Yiu, Meilin, Xun, Jin

Full names/details:

Noemi Seredova: Noh-eh-mee Seh-reh-doh-vah
Seredova is a fairly common Czech surname, and I can totally see it as the name of an orphanage if that's where Noemi's name is supposed to come from. It also flows rather smoothly compared to a lot of the harsher-sounding Czech names I found.

Kasia Jandova: Kah-shyah Yan-doh-vah
Similar to Noemi's, so right from the start the player will get used to the idea that these names are regional and our linguistic choices are intentional and meaningful (at least in the sense of showing where someone originated from).

Josef Hadasova: Yoh-sehf Hah-dah-soh-vah
More '-ova' names, which are pretty long, so I'm trying to pair them with the shorter first names. Josef is technically Russian (and if you go back far enough, Hebrew), but it appears in Czech often enough.

Ilona Defi: Ee-loh-nah Deh-FEE
One of the few non-'ova' names in Czech I found. It sounds like there was probably some French influence to this surname, but that's fine since French is another of our core languages.

Orienna Milani: Oh-ree-ehn-nah Meh-lah-nee
This is the prettiest name I've ever heard in my life. It's just all vowels and flow. Also probably somewhat French, but common enough in Czech.

Tiercek Zemakov: Teer-sehk Zeh-mah-koff
Technically another -ova name in the Czech language, but other countries have this last name sans the final -a. Russian, specifically, but I didn't want to overload with -ova names anymore.

Erastus Sebrle: Ayr-rass-tuss Seh-ber-lay
Mirek Sebrle: Meer-ehk Seh-ber-lay
Of all the Czech names I found, Sebrle sounded the most noble to me, so I handed it off to the Erastus Family~

Isolde Stolz: Ee-sold-(uh) Stohlzz (the final -uh is barely voiced or could possibly be omitted)
Isolde is a French-originated name, while Stolz is German. Clearly, she's somewhat of a mixed heritage. Stolz is also a meaningful last name and ties her to most of the other German-named characters. Presumably, she was born in the German region along with most of them and studied in the Military Training facility that the German section of the Empire is famous for.

Faulheit Aufgeweckt: Fahl-height Owf-geh-wehkt
I love this name, despite it being so long. VERY VERY German and meaningful in the same way Isolde's last name is.

Katarine Lebendslust: Kah-tah-REEn-(nuh) Leh-bendz-slust (final -nuh is barely voiced and possibly omitted)
Or just "Kat" for short. German. Meaningful.

Selena Neid: Seh-LEEN-nah Nyde (rhymes with Hyde)
First name is Greek in origin, but found its way into English and German (and Spanish) pretty early on. Neid is another meaningful German name that ties her to Isolde.

Gier Wahnsinnig: GEER Vahn-sin-ig
(Eirwen Wahnsinnig, tentative)
Very very German, related to Isolde's meaningful German name, too. Eirwen may need a different last name if we're planning on it being a surprise or not outright-stating it.

Reinhild Zorn: Ryne-hilld Zohrn
Pure German, same connection as all of the Military types.

Quentin Nevolnik: Not actually sure of the pronunciation here.
I think this is German?! This is Seraphin's new name. It sounds cool enough to me.

Rass Sigkeit: Rahss Sig-kite
"Rass" is a variant of "Russ" or "Ross" from English, and "Sigkeit" was the original shortened name of the Seigheit/Sigkeit character, which came from Gefrassigkeit. Again, meaningful and German.

Claire Guillory: Klayr Gih-lohr-ee
French name, Claire is the Frenchiest PC we have. (And also the first one who ever actually had a surname.)

Rafael Marceau: Rah-fye-yell Mahr-COH
Artur Marceau: Ahr-toor Mahr-COH
Rafael's name is also very very French (and Marceau reminds me of a scientist's name). Artur is a Welsh name, but clearly that just means that Rafael met Artur's mother in the English region of the Empire during his grand adventure (that happened long before the game started).

Eirwen Glass: (tentative)
Proposed German/English hybrid name in case Wahnsinnig is unacceptable.

Aurel Ehrenfeld: Ahr-rehll Er-en-fehld
German last name since at least -one- of our protagonists that isn't part of Isolde's meaningful band of names should have a German name and I friggin love this name for some inexplicable reason.

Faron Cassel: Fah-rohn Ca-sell
Fahim's new name. French because German and Czech are getting a little -too- common and English doesn't have any names that start with F-A to keep it any semblance of the original name. Faron is a French name that derives from a historical "Saint Faro".

Val Vieira: Vahl Vee-ayr-ah
English first name, French surname. Both names start with the same letter because this happens in real life often enough that it should happen in fiction, too.

Ren Yiu: Ren Yoo
Ren Meilin: Ren May-linn
Fa Xun: Fah Zoon
Ahn Jin: Ahn Jihn
Tsai Shao: Sigh Shyaow
Chinese names, transliteration is impossible for me, but they've been done for a while now.

Unnamed folks:
Empress (should be Germain or Czech given the prevalence of these names)
Military Commander (Not German since goddamn that's a lot of German military types)
GK Spokesman (duh, Chinese)
Some nobles (French, German, and Czech here)

« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 02:31:16 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Minor details and technicalities, since that's what I do best:

Isolde has some arguments for german-originated and english/celtic-originated.

Quentin's is actually English/French, if you want to get into particulars.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Some small village names in the Czech Republic:
Bila Voda
Dukovany (hehe)

I personally like Brandiskov, Dolni, Grygov, and Sber.

Suggesting Brandiskov as the Capital of the Empire.
Suggesting Dolni for the city in which the Flow Research Academy lies.
Suggesting Zadni for the town in which Eirwen's pub resides.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 11:56:31 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Unnamed folks:
Empress (should be Germain or Czech given the prevalence of these names)
Military Commander (Not German since goddamn that's a lot of German military types)
GK Spokesman (duh, Chinese)
Some nobles (French, German, and Czech here)

Empress Adrijana Zelenka: Ahd-ree-yah-nah Zehl-een-kah
Czech name, Zelenka apparently means 'green', so since I've yet to use Green on just about anyone's design thus far, I'm making it the royal color. W00t.

Military Council Leader Petr Kovarik: Peh-(ter) Koh-vahr-ihk (the final -ter is pronounced less like another syllable and more like adding a gutteral rolled R to the end of the T sound)
I imagine we'll mostly be calling him Commander Kovarik. Kovarik means blacksmith, idly.


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Josef Hadasova: Yoh-sehf Hah-dah-soh-vah
More '-ova' names, which are pretty long, so I'm trying to pair them with the shorter first names. Josef is technically Russian (and if you go back far enough, Hebrew), but it ap

If he's Russian, the last name would be Hadasov, I believe.
...into the nightfall.


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Updated outline on Wiki.

Now it is rambling time

-On the Empire
It does actually sort of need to be played up that the Empire is far from perfect. Honestly, I'd make a case that the Empire has been on the verge of collapse a couple times in its, say, two-hundred year history. After all, maintaining a number of island-states under a distinct rulership is somewhat difficult. This functions better to create a disenfranchised noble class which the game CLEARLY has but is woefully underrepresented. We can sort of get away with it for the first half of the game, but both secondary arcs sort of require it since they involve either the collapsing of the empire or motivating said noble class. Plus, frankly, given that we are in a stage of intense regulation of Dissonant magic, I wouldn't be too shocked if noble abuse played some part in it. Also makes Noemi's work a little more critical, and makes the variable arcs a little better. I think.

-On Tiercek
Haven't talked about him much. Not sure I need to. His motivations are pretty simple and straightforward. If we account for some of the above (notably that stricter dissonant regulations are more recent...) then he has more motivation if we put him on the more aged end, which was the intent anway. Keep in mind the Guardians likely have some support from variable sources as well. Honestly, is it shocking that a guy whose life and organization are devoted to creating some stupid middle class and economic stuff (essentially) would be a little bitter about the whole thing and start resenting the system? Someone whose bretheren regularly die doing this stuff so you can enjoy a first practitioner forsaken sandwich? Seriously, you bastards ought be worshipping these people. *grumble*

-On Erastus
It hasn't been talked a lot about on his villainous motivation, except that its pretty much there the entire time and also largely stems from disillusionment and bitterness, but if you think about it, it plays well into the above. The wheel turns, the past repeats... Erastus has fought against this shit before. he's been in the middle of this shit before, he's seen it beaten, he's seen the toll... and he's seen it come back again. Yeah, its all well and good you guys ended up being big damn heroes for whatever reason. What about next time it happens? Or the time after? A magic cure all? Har har, how long until THAT gets abused? Protecting the Empire? An Empire that has nearly collapsed how many times now and has an ungrateful nobility barely supporting it? Bet that lasts a while. PFT a love interest. Had one, had kids, bought the t-shirt, then she died. Its well and good making someone else one of your top reasons for fighting, but when some random dude knifes her, you're gonna be standing right here delivering this same damn speech. Erastus is despair, plain and simple. He can see the good, but he also knows the bad is just coming to come right back around. Hence why he wants to try again with people he thinks both understand and are decent folks. He's oddly a deconstruction of the whole genre, calling into question all the motivations and justifications and triumphs with a simple call of "Well and good, but you do realize its going to get fucked right up again, right?" The game ends forcing the PC to question whether it was worth it at all. Its actually kinda distressingly heavy. Kinda wonder if its too much. Really, he's a cute mirror to Tiercek and Gier who believe they can make things right. Erastus actually kinda agrees. You can win against tremendous odds. It'll just all go to hell again.

-On Isolde
Military high commander should be her father. Why? Because. Seriously though, NPC/PC connections rock and we totally lack enough parents in this game. Might also explain a lot about her pragmatism and what not. She learned from the best, if you consider he technically court martialed his own daughter's ass to save Imperial face. I dunno.  Don't see any reason not for it to be.

-On the perfect magic form
Did you know its weaker then normal dissonance and be notably more complicated? Cost of not having backlash. Civilization will still need to adapt.

-On Sigils
Sigils are tied to magic items and the sixth sense of a sixth sense casting (the hell are we calling that currently?). They are used to naturally redirect flow energy to achieve a desired effect. Magic items are simple, thus their sigils can function for long periods of time. Casters using the 6^6 magic form (who are basically wielding it off of pure theoretical knowledge) pretty much have to use sigils to cast effectively since their "sense" really isn't one, preventing rapid flow manipulation. Unlike Guardians (who brrute force the matter with simple effects + immense power) they are attempting to achieve the same delicacy of a normal flow manipulator. While they COULD do it normally,  it just takes forever and a goddamn day. They use sigils as a shortcut for combat. Speaking of, sigils are limited in number because complicated ones would unravel unless they were maintained by the caster's energy. Hoo ah.

-On Yiu
He really needs to be better plot integrated. Its really tenuous currently. My bad. Once we can more efficiently tie him to the PCs, he works, it just needs to happen. Or we need to willingly take a leap of faith with him.

-On Artur
I kinda want to talk about him/Ei/Mir/Rafael/Claire on the whole, but I'm not sure I feel like rambling yet. How can Mirek not alienate him when he opts to risk the PCs to save Ei though? Probably by making it as much of a personal decision as possible, admitting the problems with it and admitting why he needs to do it. Just generally impress the rebellious, irritable and selfish Artur with a show. Probably with help from Rafael afterward.

-On Claire
Gier killed her sister. That is all. Or kills her. I dunno. That plotline needs to be figured or ignored.