
Author Topic: <Untitled IAQ Project>: Round 5: Plot Revisit (Let's start putting it together.)  (Read 13895 times)


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No colorful first line commentary. I blame a headache.

So. I believe that its time we returned to an earlier subject officially. We've talked out a fair number of mechanical tricks, have some rough formula/stats hanging around, have some characters (not all, mind you) set up and a rough plot line established. So, I think its time to start expanding on what we have and tying it all together.

So, with all the facts we have in mind, let us start putting things together in a sort of outline/storyboard hybrid. We should also use this opportunity to start really discussing randoms, bosses and filling in major NPCs/plot events. Try to block it out as well as you can. This does NOT need to be done in order. Just try to keep in mind the rough skeletal plot, build on it and we can massage/add/move things as needed. We can also use this as a point to start roughly hashing out randoms, bosses, character quests, etc.

Pretty much consider this as a "break" round. We have a goal, but its vague enough that we can pretty much work on whatever here.

In all liklihood, we open on a true prologue. There's enough world building and background material that introducing matters cinematically here, may not be that bbad idea. It doesn't need to be long, it just needs to be a smooth transition that sets up the main background elements and manages to move us straight into Noemi.

I believe, ideally, the scene opens with her sitting in the middle of the room. It is a bare bones dorm room with some basic materials packed. We introduce the concept of magic by demonstrating her sixth sense (sight or hearing) to portray what it looks like to see/hear magic. A first person temporary view. The view is interrupted by her friend (whose name I am totally blanking on at the moment) informing her that Erastus has arrived. Noemi jumps to her feet, excited to see him after so long. Hand control over to the player at this point.

They get free reign to wander the halls to tthe destination (although her friend keeps her on track, i.e. not leaving or anything). Talking with random people will establish Noemi as a respected recent graduate, give information on what she's leaving to do and provide skepticism about her success.

You eventually find Erastus at the cafeteria/mess hall type area. There are excited greetings had all around (its a reunion of old man and orphanage  kids). Between Noemi and Erastus, their plans are fully detailed at this point. They reinforce the idea that Noemi wants to investigate a disquieted area and Guardians, and that Erastus suggested returning to their hometowwn to hunt down his estranged nephew (Mirek) is a good plan. Noemi reveals that they'll be having a military guard (Aurel) and the support of a small mercenary group (Isolde and Co.), at least on the trip back, given its a fairly long boat trip and may require overland travel in some dangerous territory. Once all establishment/question stuff has been completed, the group is summoned before the attending Imperial leaders.

<More to come. To try and sum it up, the travel to the town where Isolde is hanging out serves as the combat/exploration tutorial section of the game. They camp on the way, and Noemi inquires into what has been going on with Mirek since they left as kids and who Isolde is. This triggers the first glimpse into the party split system, where you are introduced to the Prologue for either Isolde or Mirek. You must complete both before resuming Noemi's story.>
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 10:32:01 PM by AndrewRogue »


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NPCs/Groups of NPCs of note (who probably need to be created)

Leader of the Empire: I'm really thinking we have a singular figure who is, at best, a figurehead who is fairly powerless in the face of military command. Make him a generally good person who probably gets offed by military command later as a catalyst for evil and such.

Military Council: Should be a mixed bag of figures, and the current "true" leaders of the empire. Should definitely have at least one to two major villainous types here.

Noble Council: Used to be the sub-committee who handled things that were under the leader of the Empire. Unlike the Leader, they still maintain some power, but it is all severely restricted, under military purview, etc. I would not be shocked if we encouraged having an infiltrated/official Guardian here.

The Guardians: Yeah. We need a hierarchy here.


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Major League Plot Holes

This stuff needs answers to start tying ideas together. Contribute thoughts.

1. Why on earth did the full magic system never make it to the people at large? Can be, presumably, resolved through the simple matter of making the first practitioner never share it and only teach aspects of his magic.

2. Why did the Guardians go rogue, anyhow? While it being a matter of things simply reaching the breaking point seems workable, some sort of actual catalyst for the revolution seems like it'd be a good idea, especially since we're trying to portray the government as being somewhat responsible about the Disquiet. Besides, violent and deadly revolution usually requires a little something extra. Plus, if we could personalize something to the "leader" of the Guardians, they'd make a better villain.

3. Where did the Guardians originate from anyway? This isn't really critical on the whole, but these sort of questions are good for the writers. We have a vague sourcing for where magic originated from, but how the Guardians sprang up is another matter.

4. Repeat question 2, but substitute Guardians going rogue for why the military being such domineering assholes.

5. What exactly is the secret in the Great Lord's Throne. After a certain point, the game becomes a race for the island. Presumably this is because the secret of Quieting is there, but really, that's not good enough. I mean, the Quieting is cool (and is Noemi's goal), but the military/Guardian's fighting tooth and nail for this? I think there needs to be something else there, that combined with everything else, is really valuable. The sort of thing that these two groups need to go at each other and decisively win. Similarly, considering Erastus' goal (Quieting the world and starting over), it really looks like it needs to be some major league power amplification tool... which makes sense if we continue working off the idea that the First Practitioner wasn't divine or anything, just a guy who had an epiphany or something. Being the first to learn magic + possessing something to power it up...

6. How the hell do we want to actually end this? There are a number of directions to go with it, especially pending the above.

7. Erastus. Some thought needs to be put into how he planned out what he's doing, how he's managing to manipulate people and how exactly he has as much information as he does to play everyone for saps. Probably ties back into 4 and/or 2. Some connections between our major antagonists would likely create a much better reasoning for why everyone seems to be on a certain page, while the big guys are on a different one.

8. Why does the Disquiet exist? Not overly important to the core of the game, but worth thinking about.

9. What caused the Great Lord to make the decisions he did? Or, I suppose, how and why did we get from point A (Great Lord being a god to the people) to B (him becoming wroth, shattering the lands and disappearing).

10. How have the God Kings (we really need an official name) avoid getting integrated into the empire?


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NPCs/Groups of NPCs of note (who probably need to be created)

Leader of the Empire: I'm really thinking we have a singular figure who is, at best, a figurehead who is fairly powerless in the face of military command. Make him a generally good person who probably gets offed by military command later as a catalyst for evil and such.

Military Council: Should be a mixed bag of figures, and the current "true" leaders of the empire. Should definitely have at least one to two major villainous types here.

Noble Council: Used to be the sub-committee who handled things that were under the leader of the Empire. Unlike the Leader, they still maintain some power, but it is all severely restricted, under military purview, etc. I would not be shocked if we encouraged having an infiltrated/official Guardian here.

The Guardians: Yeah. We need a hierarchy here.

Okay.  I'll admit that some of these guys can probably be made up on the fly.  It's doubtful that every single Military Council character, for example, will be directly plot-relevant.  Not everyone needs to have a history, and some of them would clearly just be 'filler' characters anyway.  The figurehead and some key members of the councils will be necessary, but...yeah.

Anyway, let's get onto the next part:

1. Why on earth did the full magic system never make it to the people at large? Can be, presumably, resolved through the simple matter of making the first practitioner never share it and only teach aspects of his magic.

That's one means.  Though with his knowledge of missing the parts he taught, he knew full well the consequences of gross use--unless, presumably, either nobody expected its use on such a level as was demonstrated, or possibly the war against the first practitioner started before he could teach the final part of it.  Users of it could also have been killed off before they could record it, literature on it could have been destroyed by accident without knowing what it is, etc.

2. Why did the Guardians go rogue, anyhow? While it being a matter of things simply reaching the breaking point seems workable, some sort of actual catalyst for the revolution seems like it'd be a good idea, especially since we're trying to portray the government as being somewhat responsible about the Disquiet. Besides, violent and deadly revolution usually requires a little something extra. Plus, if we could personalize something to the "leader" of the Guardians, they'd make a better villain.

4. Repeat question 2, but substitute Guardians going rogue for why the military being such domineering assholes.

Okay.  These two seem like they'd be interconnected to a massive degree.  The military have a damned good reason, at least after the rebellion, to be assholes.  They just had a revolt on their hands, and they're trying to regain control at whatever means necessary.  Furthermore, they're likely well aware that they're running out of land to a degree--a likely worst-case scenario is that they run out of 'normal' land to use to cultivate food, et cetera.  At the same time, however, this conflicts with the needs of their people.  The Disquiet is a problem, but at the same time, a government that refuses to support its people would be extremely prone to a mass revolt.  The issue then would become about who to five the food (and space) to--with no real answer. 

Give too little to the peasantry and other low-class?  You've got a mass revolt, mostly of 'mundanes' who can't use Dissonance.  Sure, you could glass them all, but the number of people who can do that are extremely rare, willing to, moreso, and then you'd have even more Disquieted areas.  At which point, you're still running on a lot less space, and a large portion of your working class got fried by you.  PR's down, labor's down, and your economy's going to start downspiralling.  That is if you CAN do that, avoiding an extended war.

Take too much from the nobility, and then you've got something a bit worse.  Nobles tend to have money, which leads to some bad things.  Quite a few Dissonance users are also nobles.  Pissing them off is also bad.  Basically, it's a catch-22 for the government as a whole.

Okay, That was tangential.  But anyway...

It's partly, the way I can see it, a difference between the 'Haves' and the 'Have-nots'.  A decent number of nobles are Dissonance practitioners.  The others probably got their status through service (rarer due to the fact that they'd be outperformed by Dissonance users, often), just having enough money to justify their rank, or were born as dissonance-incapable to those who were dissonance-capable.  Needless to say, if you have a distinct advantage over other people, there's a good chance that you will begin to see them as 'less' than you.  As a result, I can see some of these guys being dicks.  Possibly major dicks who didn't give a damn about things--including how much Disquiet built up, or the results on the workers--after all, there's TONS of people in the lower class, and tons more land out there that hasn't been claimed!  It's all replacable!  Stereotypical asshole thinking, but not out of the possibility--especially given what Dissonance amounts to at this point.

The Imperial government?  The military is probably a bunch of assholes out of necessity.  Moreso than any historical empire, they -need- to capture new land.  They -NEED- to do this so they retain a food source.  To ensure this, there's people they have to either displace or integrate.  Many won't like that.  Conflict is necessary.  As the empire grows, it needs even more land for its people.  So the imperialism continues.  Thanks to the Disquiet, this increases even faster.  Soon, the military needs to get bigger to accomodate this.  You can't really screen -everyone- for personality and ability and keep a military.  Monsters like Gier would slip through--and prosper if they got results.  And note that the military seems to be on a search to make sure that it gets as many of the Dissonants as possible--partially so they can use it to their own benefit, partially so they can't be turned against them.

So overall, WHAT would happen to spark this rebellion would likely be some sort of catalyzing event, as you said, likely on the part of the Empire--or potentially a subset of the Guardians that composed a majority of the rebelling body.  Possibly both.  I could see an act of imperialism gone awry as such an event; the people fight back against one of the less amicable commanders.  Possibly killed to the man, or everyone who wasn't was immediately thrown into slavery--just for a new plantation that will, of course, become disquieted.  Perceived as an atrocity by this faction, a necessary evil by the Empire.  Could be something on the part of one of the plantation owners towards either the people under him/her or a Guardian, or a significant government official toward the Guardians as a whole.

Enough rambling on this part, continuing next post.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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5. What exactly is the secret in the Great Lord's Throne. After a certain point, the game becomes a race for the island. Presumably this is because the secret of Quieting is there, but really, that's not good enough. I mean, the Quieting is cool (and is Noemi's goal), but the military/Guardian's fighting tooth and nail for this? I think there needs to be something else there, that combined with everything else, is really valuable. The sort of thing that these two groups need to go at each other and decisively win. Similarly, considering Erastus' goal (Quieting the world and starting over), it really looks like it needs to be some major league power amplification tool... which makes sense if we continue working off the idea that the First Practitioner wasn't divine or anything, just a guy who had an epiphany or something. Being the first to learn magic + possessing something to power it up...

A heavy Dissonance amp?  Artifact-level, at that?  Easily a possibility.  Given that it hasn't been trespassed upon, likely, that is a possibility.  Rumors, in fact, could suggest it to be such--a returning scout or the like who barely survived.  Actually, it's possible that amplifiers exist to this day--but have some sort of fault--such as easily killing the practitioner with extended use.  Such an object would be comparable to the Nuclear Power of dissonance.  The Empire would be split on such a thing--some wanting to use it for either prosperity or war, others just wanting it so that nobody else could use it.  The Guardians?  Likely want to destroy it.  If we don't want to use a physical MacGuffin for this...well, could be some sort of knowledge on how to amplify such effects.  Would have the same effect.

And some may just be willing to get there to try to symbolically assert themselves to the world  Takes all kinds.

Leaving 6 alone.  Like the NPCs, we could just let this write itself given the time.  If we're talking about major plot events leading up to the final, however, I get the feeling that we'd be having the Empire appear to be the victor at first, even after Erastus' betrayal of everyone.  Erastus still manages to get whatever is detailed in [5], though, and starts working his own plans for the apocalypse anyway...

Not quite sure here.  Again, leaving the details of that for later.

7. Erastus. Some thought needs to be put into how he planned out what he's doing, how he's managing to manipulate people and how exactly he has as much information as he does to play everyone for saps. Probably ties back into 4 and/or 2. Some connections between our major antagonists would likely create a much better reasoning for why everyone seems to be on a certain page, while the big guys are on a different one.

His status as a hero in the Empire is a significant tool already.  He's well-known, loved by most (especially those not named Isolde), really powerful, and has a good rank in the military.  This alone means he's got enough connections ot the government.  Significant ones--which could give him access to their knowledge to begin with.  Might have enough influence to get some favors from Intelligence, at that.

8. Why does the Disquiet exist? Not overly important to the core of the game, but worth thinking about.

Not that complicated, I think.  Either a sort of 'radiation' left over from the effects, or a by-product to the reality alteration that is harmful and...well, those are kind of the same thing.

Anyway, no plot additions yet, but those are my thoughts on that.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Okay.  I'll admit that some of these guys can probably be made up on the fly.  It's doubtful that every single Military Council character, for example, will be directly plot-relevant.  Not everyone needs to have a history, and some of them would clearly just be 'filler' characters anyway.  The figurehead and some key members of the councils will be necessary, but...yeah.

To be fair, while many of them aren't important in game terms, in world building terms, it helps us to know them. It is kinda like the world history. Generally speaking, the players will only know the crunchy relevant bits, but the more framework we as writers have, the easier it will be to develop from it.

But enough of that.

That's one means.  Though with his knowledge of missing the parts he taught, he knew full well the consequences of gross use--unless, presumably, either nobody expected its use on such a level as was demonstrated, or possibly the war against the first practitioner started before he could teach the final part of it.  Users of it could also have been killed off before they could record it, literature on it could have been destroyed by accident without knowing what it is, etc.

Hmm, hmm. I suppose this could tie into the Guardians, actually, since they use a very rudimentary form of it. Only a few people had learned of it, they were driven underground during the war against the practitioner, the practice got corrupted, blended and eventually "forgotten" and simply handed down as the Guardian style. Given we're talking quite a bit of time between the First Practitioner/the Great Lord and current times, it isn't unreasonable. Tie up the original "Guardians" as his right hand men, etc. This also probably ties down nicely into later points.

Some thoughts I'll digest in the next chunk sometime when I have slightly more than a minute remaining in my break.

Ninja Edit: And something that I'll also read later.


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Removed because its down lower, now.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 06:46:29 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Since no progress was being made, I've started constructing a real outline. Please comment. Hurrah.


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Looks good so far.  Did clarify some issues last night in chat, obviously, but anyway, here goes my attempt.


-Having reached landfall in the storm, the God Kings decide to let ISOLDE and her underlings go.  They comply, seeing that neither side wants a fight as of current
-Deliberation on whether to consider the mission a failure ensues.  Ends with 'no', on the basis that Noemi is still in capable (albeit partially distrusted) hands and the location is very well known.
-Choosing to find their bearings first, they search for the nearest town, going through wilderness and skirting a Disquieted zone
!Random Battle Areas!
(note, if we need a filler boss here, we could have something with a Disquieted Aberration, which is a completely different being from the Disquieted Abomination that Noemi and her group fought in her prologue)
-Eventually, after trekking through enough wilderness and fighting bandits, animals, and god-knows-what, ISOLDE and co. find a town.
-ISOLDE and co. can search around town.  There's likely shops and whatnot.  Their main motivation as of current is to find a port, ship, and sailor to get back on course to the destination.
-CLAIRE is found in a bar, possibly having some information on where to find such a place.  They mince words a bit, and an offer to join is made (whether by ISOLDE, one of her teammates (I can see KATARINE doing such) or by CLAIRE herself).  CLAIRE joins the party.
-On the way out of the town, ISOLDE gets the feeling that she's being watched.  She doesn't bother telling anybody, but does keep it in mind.  They travel through more wilderness.
!Random Battle Area!
-While trekking through more wilderness, the party is ambushed by a group of assassins and an apparent leader (tentatively named WILLIAM TAFT).  They don't mince words here.
!Boss Battle: Assassins, Taft; Available PCs: Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine, Billy Mays.  Assassins and Taft all get an initiative turn
-WILLIAM TAFT escapes, but all the others are dead.  ISOLDE tells the group to press onward.
!More of Random Battle Area!
-Leaving the wilderness, the group eventually comes upon a port town.  They head in.
-As they enter the town, they meet SELENA, who is notably less than friendly with ISOLDE.  SELENA becomes heavily confrontational with ISOLDE, and the two nearly come to blows, but choose not to at that time.  SELENA warns ISOLDE that next time they meet, it will be as enemies.
-CLAIRE is confused, and asks what is going on.  ISOLDE gives a vague explanation complete with interspersed flashback that doesn't give the whole story.
-The group finds a sailor willing to grant them passage--but not to the island ISOLDE was hoping for.  Closer, however, than where they are now.
(Depending on intended chapter length, a condition might be required to gain passage to begin with.  Either a favor to the sailor, dealing with something preventing the ship from launching, or possible danger on the way.)

« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 02:28:00 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Good stuff all around, Andy and Nama. I'll make specific comments later, but I wanted to summarize some of the story stuff mentioned in chat:

Earlygame plot thread idea: Disquiet has built up really high in one particularly long-running Food Production center. It's where the first Disquiet effects started to really get noticed, but since it's in a great location just outside of some big cultural centers of the world, production went on for way too long there and the beasts that spawn from there are particularly nasty. Mostly, the area's just been quarantined off. A few of the beasts there have developed some basic sentience, and one in particular has risen to the point of being able to organize them in a rudimentary fashion. It has motives. And it is scary. I'm thinking big black mutated wolf-thing that wants to cause the spread of the Disquiet. People call it The Black Noise. Perhaps a step above the usual Disquieted Abomination.

I'm thinking that the Black Noise can communicate enough to give a foreboding sense of what can happen to the world if this goes on unchecked. The Noise isn't innately evil or anything, but they evolved out of Disquiet, and they can only survive comfortably in Disquieted areas. Therefore, they want to spread the Disquiet. This is a lifeform that is inherently incompatible with existing on the same planet as the humans as we know them.

It also has some moral implications, since we're basically saying that Noemi et al have a greater right to exist than these poor mutated lifeforms.

More on the Disquiet: An important factor of the Disquiet is that its responsiveness to emotion and human thought. So... literally people's fears and overactive imaginations created The Black Noise. Think of the Disquiet as a hybrid of radiation and insanity.

For another example. Noemi arrives in YYYY. Mirek is hunted down, she investigates a bit about the Guardian style and decides to see the Disquiet itself. Erastus refuses to go on that trip. A second trip is made to investigate the Crimson House and retrieve Erastus' notes, for which he needs to come along, and its revealed WHY he didn't go the first time, as the place literally responds to his thoughts, his memories, his hatred, etc. (Its also why Guardian style focuses on calmness, with very short, strong emotional outbursts)

A bit of both foreshadowing and Red Herring. The foreshadowing is that we learn what's going on in Erastus' head. The Red Herring is that we'll have one of those 'Character overcomes his past' moments where Erastus reveals his 'old' demons. And everyone forgives him.
It also can be used to set the tone of 'forgiveness' since "Erastus was hiding this from Noemi, but she was able to forgive him for his past demons" Truly a family that overcomes obstacles together... Until you realize how much Erastus has been playing us. It wouldn't even be hard for him to fake this redemption.

Thoughts on the opening tutorial:
My general view of the tutorial is "Students doing Research-y stuff". So I think it's Noemi, Erastus, plus the other student characters should feature - Kasia, Shao, and Fahim. Aurel joins in and the tutorial ends. Start up Noemi chapter 1. Give some more depth to Fahim's search for the answer to Disquiet, and a chance to parallel how his search for fixing Disquiet poisoning on a single person and Noemi's search to solving the problem on a global scale are somewhat contrasting. Fahim asks Shao (Soppy's God-King Royal who was studying at the Academy) to take him to the God-King Islands so that he can look for his answer there. Shao has just graduated himself, so he is supposed to return to his family anyway (a different tribe than Yiu's), and he agrees. Though he's a bit reluctant to leave Noemi, due to his little crush on her. Shao will be back in Noemi Chapter 2, Fahim will not, since he's going to join up with Yiu's group soon enough (he may get to be part of their boss team during one of their appearances, depending upon when Yiu's group actually gets a chance to go back to their home island and realize how useful it is to have powerful Dissonance-user who can speak the GK language on their side).

Apart from this, the outline looks really good so far. I particularly like the opening 'cinematic experience' ideas for world-building.

Quick Character list:

Disquiet Research Path:
Erastus - temp
Kasia - Formerly "Samantha", temp but can be recruited again later
Shao - Formerly "Soppy's Nameless Barbarian PC"
Aurel - temp
(Fahim - temp on Noemi's path, but a permanent PC from the God-King path)

Exiled Soldier Path:
Claire - This is MagicFanatic's PC Build instead of Tal's due to this build being more similar to Mirek's style.
Selena - optional last chapter PC

Redeemed Guardian Path:
Eirwen - potential temp
Artur - temp, but can be recruited again later
Rafael - Formerly Adelheid, absorbed some of the traits of other cannibalized PC builds from the last topic
Ilona - Formerly Tal's Speedster character; decidedly female now. Still a Guardian-type, but her build is all about multiple-hitting attacks, which is completely different from the Guardian creed that Mirek was used to, so she provides some interesting balance both plot-wise and gameplay-wise.

God-Kings 'Path': The God-Kings are primarily a Mini-Boss Squad throughout the game, but they get their Crowning Moment of Awesome at the midgame climax, and then become playable PCs after the Time Skip (or whatever we use). At this point, there is a short playable Flashback sequence showing the behind-the-scenes of the God-Kings' goings-on up until that point (thinking like a series of short boss battles broken up by one dungeon and one town to give us some time to explore their Island from their perspective).

Yiu - Full name is rendered as "Ren Yiu"
Meilin - Also called "Feilin" briefly, and OK's generic GK female PC build was used for her, so also called 'Myriam'. Yiu's wife, Ren Meilin.
Xun - Yiu's half brother, Fa Xun. Formerly (and briefly) called Fa Soulan.
Jin - The muscle-bound Bard, Ahn Jin. Formerly (and briefly) called Lee Xirou.
Fahim - A permanent member of the GK team after he leaves Noemi's group. Rejoins the full party after the midgame climax.


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General commentary.

Earlygame plot thread is fine (and I strongly recommend using it for Isolde 1), but I would be vaguely wary of the moralizing thing about the mutated life forms since too many messages really muddies things. I'm not actually sure I like using it as a message in this case, but we can talk about that.

Altered tutorial/prologue is worth consideration and I'll give some thought to altering the prologue/wedging it in their to account for that.


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I wasn't thinking about making it too big of a deal, just pointing out that if Noemi and the others go around slaughtering these abominations, there's some moral implications we might want to address, perhaps in an optional scene or a sidequest or even just some NPC dialog.

I still like the idea of giving each of the Academy-based PCs a slightly important role, though not quite the same as the 3 mains(5? if you count Yiu and Erastus). And making the mains + these prologue characters into Noemi's skill-learning teachers strikes me as a solid idea.

Soppy's Shao character, whatever form he ends up taking, definitely has potential. And Fahim as an intro character and then a member of the midgame climax is a good way of tying things together.


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Removed for a new post.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 03:46:17 AM by AndrewRogue »

Dark Holy Elf

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Generally liking the look of the outline so far, seems like it's got reasonable flow and pacing. Striking a decent balance between combat and plot, too, I feel? My preference in games is usually more gameplay but this isn't the case when the plot is worthwhile, and that's the hope here!

Hmm. Perhaps we should flesh in a bit more of the details surrounding the climax and so on before continuing on with the detailed looks, though?

Although very minor, not sure at all how I feel about required minigames. Don't think they fit the setting. While I can think of at least one game where I really dug the required mini-games (BoF4), that was a more light-hearted game than this one. Required mini-games generally felt out of place in the darker FF7, by contrast. (Though the bike chase was so fun I didn't care.)

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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NEB: Yeah. I'm of mixed feelings on the subject. Mainly I want to implement additional gameplay elements. Its something that can be totally removed or implemented as we desire.


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Some suggestions based on conversations from chat:

NOEMI Prologue (Edited to better reflect Djinn's suggestions)
-Introduce us to NOEMI, the magic system, some of the politics and her quest.
-Introduce us to KASIA, who pulls NOEMI along to meet with ERASTUS.
--Chance to wander around the school a bit, meet an odd PC or so (FAHIM, SHAO, AUREL) and catch up on current events. Some foreshadowing/namedropping wouldn’t hurt here.
--Before reaching ERASTUS, FAHIM stops NOEMI, interested in coming along to the meeting. He offers to finally explain the secret of one of his techniques to NOEMI if she'll permit him and SHAO to meet ERASTUS.
!Skill-Learning Tutorial: NOEMI is set to start learning FAHIM's skill.
-Finally arrive at the cafeteria to meet with ERASTUS.
--Bit of backstory exposition.
-ERASTUS wants to see how well NOEMI and KASIA’s studying has gone.
!Non-Brief Tutorial Battle: Erastus; Available PCs: Noemi(forced), Kasia(forced), Fahim(forced), Shao!
!NOEMI learns FAHIM's skill!
-The fight is interrupted by AUREL, who informs the group that the supplies have been prepared and they are ready to set out.
-Into the city, the player has a chance for some more random wandering before setting out into the world.
--Some SHAO exposition. FAHIM explains the nature of his research to ERASTUS, who is skeptical about its relevance. SHAO says something that could threaten ERASTUS's real goals, so the plotting for fixing that problem begins now.
--At the gate, NOEMI is surprised by the IMPERIAL LEADER. He has a few warm words for the group, and wishes Noemi well. There are some subtle undertones of a lot of his hopes riding on her.
---He mentions to SHAO that his family has summoned him to the Tribal islands, so SHAO is forced to part with the group there. FAHIM requests to go along with him, claiming that the Tribal islands may prove more useful to his line of research, especially after ERASTUS's skepticism. (SHAO and FAHIM leave the party.)
-The journey south west to XXXX to meet up with the rest of their guard, ISOLDE and Co.
-The party skirts a Disquieted area. Noemi wants to look, but is advised against. is the same

Isolde 1:
-Tensions are high on the God King’s ship as ISOLDE and Co. are squared up against YIU and Co.
--A brief skirmish breaks out between the two groups, though the leaders and the weather keep the skirmish short.
!Scripted battle: Yiu, Meilin, Xun, Jin, Skywhale (Turn limit: 4 turns. Yiu's group is weakened, and can be beaten for EXP and a time-appropriate weapon, but losing has no other penalties.)!
-The two group leaders prove to have surprisingly calm heads as they command their respective groups to get to work, knowing that fighting here is suicide for both parties.

Noemi 2:
-During their stay on the plantation, Kasia and Noemi encounter a recently-wounded worker. The wound is fatal, and Kasia asks if she can examine him. She explains that the man's constitution probably can't handle the amount of Dissonance needed to heal the wound. The man's family begs her to try anyway.
--If Noemi hasn't learned Kasia's skill yet, then Kasia simply refuses on the grounds that the cure is worse than dying.
--If Noemi has learned Kasia's skill at this point, then the choice is given to Noemi whether to use the revival spell on the man or not. If she chooses to heal him, the family is grateful, but the man curses her, claiming he can feel how his body is ruined. If she refuses, taking Kasia's advice, the man dies in front of them and the family is bereaved.

Isolde 2:
Black Noise appears.

Black Noise (gutteral voice): "The screaming... so peaceful..."
Katarine: "It can speak?"
Ilona: "Its cries have been heard before, but this is the first I've seen an abomination talk."
Black Noise: "The air you exhale is a poisoning silence."
Ilona: "Me?"
Black Noise: " your lungs from your chest!!"

Battle starts.

Mirek 4:
-MIREK needs a little time to recoup from his encounter.
-NOEMI has put together enough to need more. She wants to see the prophecy herself, and needs to get closer to a source of information. From her combined notes, she has located what is, hopefully, the abandoned bastion of the Guardians from years long past.
-MIREK (and possibly CLAIRE and ILONA) eventually decide to follow up on the rumors of another Guardian uprising. Of course, EIRWEN will follow him. And where EIRWEN goes, so too goes ARTUR. *Notes that this is a pretty gutsy move on Eirwen's part to leave her livelihood behind for Mirek, may need to reconsider -everyone- going.

Note that I actually rather like the outline so far. The chapters are shorter than they seemed at first, though I'd still like to keep things on the shorter side. My original vision had much longer chapters like Suikoden III, but the more numerous, shorter chapters actually allow for more interweaving between the stories with less retelling of the same events, so I actually prefer this.


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World Building notes, 99% from Excal:
EXCAL: What do you think of mild senility?
Or rather, do you see the head of the military as having always been weak, which suggest everyone knows he's a puppet.
Or having originally been strong enough to claim the title, but having weakened over time due to age and stress, and has been kept on after he became unfit because there are people who like having a puppet.
I think the second one works better since it allows for him to have a nice moment of clarity which also excuses his death.
It also allows for the characters to trust in him, because they can have honest faith that this is someone who can and will help them, only to realise that while he wants to, he can't.
Possibly by his dying when it's clear he's not happy being a puppet anymore.

<AndrewRogue> So, having both the social and military "leaders" being more akin to puppets, and having the military underlings being the actual villainous crew?
The Empress is pretty much useless.
She's a nominal head of the government, but since the Guardian rebellion occurred, the military basically acquired practical government control.
The military, of course, has never advertised or emphasized this.
Thus, when she, unfortunately, is killeed over the course of the game, they can use her as a martyr and step up to become "official"

<Excal> I'd imagine this is the guy who took control, planning to just hold it until it could be properly passed back to where it belongs.
I think I kinda like the idea of having a puppet civilian leader whose strings are pulled by a well intentioned back up leader who...  is actually having his strings pulled by someone who wants to usurp power.
This way, we can have the choice of which faction do you back when the guy in the middle realizes the situation and dies because of it.
At this point, you either back the puppet and either become the puppet master yourself or try and force the puppet to stand on their own.
Or, you back the usurper.

[<Excal> dunno if this has been tossed out yet.  But, Current Guardians =/= Original Guardians
[There's a lot of overlap, but some guardians didn't rebel, saaaaay...  30% or so stay loyal.
[And new people to the rebellion get trained the way the Guardians know how.
[Because of the nature of things, the Government just says the Guardians are, and the people accept it because, hey, when it comes to lots of people details get forgotten.
So rebel = Guardian, and not a rebel = Not a Guardian, even if that isn't true.

<Excal> Also, the FP's Island needs to not be an immeadiatly obvious place.  Otherwise, why don't people just head there?
<AndrewRogue> Hideously treacherous ocean there in the center, plus the place itself is the single most Disquieted area in the world.
People HAVE gone there. They've just, unfortunately, died.
Or worse, brought "things" back with them. (Part of a nasty event quite a few years back.)

<Excal> The search is less for where it is, but how to get there and survive. And get whatever is there back.
And given that there's probably taboos for heading there, I'm betting that's Isolde's plot.
She's the official expedition leader.
They are pinning hopes that either Noemi can discover something of use for them getting there, or that, if that fails, they can force the Guardians into action once more
And get THEM to reveal something.
The military is simply setting themselves up to get another, fully supported and, preferably, successful attempt at this.

The simple fact of the matter is that the empire is crumbling.
They are losing their hold over the whole of the land and the military is seeking to get that control back before they all split back into city states or such
Which actually...  explains why there's the doomsday plot as well.
I mean, think of how bad things are with disquiet when there's a central authority and not that much war, so you can try and shut things down.
But now?  Now you're going to have the empire fall apart, which means regional warlords trying to look after their people, but with dissonance farming not working so hot anymore, no one will have enough food or arable land to feed their people.
Which means not only a desperate clinging to more dissonance farming than is healthy, but also wars to get more food, which will also likely be fought with dissonance.
And these Doomsday Cult people remember how badly the First War scarred the land when it was pristine.
The aftermath of the collapse of the Empire might well leave the living envying the dead in a few generations.

<AndrewRogue> The shattering of the continent is actually a pretty well known legend.
Should be about as common knowledge as the Great Flood from Christianity
So, the core concept should kinda be common knowledge, with the frue results being more secrative

<Namagomi> Something tells me that the PCs are likely to come into conflict with both the Imperial Military and the rebel Guardians at some point...
Well, that's the role of Noemi's group, at the least.
Likely post-climax...

<AndrewRogue> The entire thrust of the plot is thaat both sides are utter dicks.
The military and the guardians HAVE good ideas.
They just go to far in their views andd executions by a few miles.

<Djinn> Most of the current Guardians are essentially just military dogs that have been assigned to the plantations in the stead of the old Guardians, right?
There aren't really "current" Guardians, as it were.
There are military standins who have some specialized training, but they aren't half as effective as the Guardians were.
Its a patch job, which is part of social unrest. The plantation situation is getting worse.
But there are still some non-rebel Guardians who are part of the original guard. They are highly disguised. The military basically villainized the Guardians on the whole.
<Excal> I'd imagine there's a new unit generally known unofficially as ex-Guardian, or Guardians that we tolerate.

<Excal> The Guardians were folks who way back when got the plantation guarding posts, and a caste formed. So you had people doing these jobs who either really, really wanted in, or who were trained from birth to know how to do it.
How the Imperial Leadership decided -  I imagine this is a partially caste based society with some accepted ways to move around.
Passed down family line, hence its weakening effect.

[2010-03-23 07:46:14] <Excal> Empire's pretty old, dude.
[2010-03-23 07:46:14] <Djinn> They were simply integrated into the Empire like the island-states when it was formed.
[2010-03-23 07:46:30] <AndrewRogue> I've actually been considering this point, Excal.
[2010-03-23 07:46:38] <Excal> See, I don't see it as something that could have been so uniform across nations.

<AndrewRogue> Guardians might actually date back to the First Practitioner.
They were his, how shall we say, Guard.
Over time, the group sort of transformed into slayers of the Disquiet and, after the formation of the Empire, went "public" and got integrated in and really expanded from there.

<Excal> I'd say as a pratice, but not as a group
I can't see them staying exactly the same across nations.  At least, not while doing a job like that.

<AndrewRogue> Guardians were definitely originally regional. They didn't become empire wide until recent history, yeah. They got their job after the empire came about.
The Guardians DID the work, then someone decided "You know how we could do this BETTER?"
And thus the official rise of the Guardians

<AndrewRogue> I want the Guardians to originate from the GK area.
I want the combination of the modern form of the two techniques to be what helps form the key to reach the FP's Throne.
Given we've tied the GKs pretty closely to being follower-ish of the First Practitioner, partly its a consistency thing.
It also gives a good reason for Noemi's research to take there there.

The God Kings, they're the folks who originally followed the First Practitioner.  Where the FP is worshipped as a god, and those who rule use their dissonance to show they are descended from him. (Or, to sum it up a little tighter, the GKs are likely descendants of the people who were being taught by the First Practitioner and stayed loyal to him)
Where being a dissonance user is a sign that you have divine blood, and so any who use it are ascended to the Nobility, whatever their birth or standing.  Because, dude, they're a living God.
Oddly, this leads to a place where you have several feuding monarchies, but they haven't overextended their population base because they don't use dissonance farming, because nobles don't do that stuff.

<Djinn> I was thinking the GK nobles were all about Resonance
<Excal> Why would they be about the Resonance? Not flashy enough.
<Djinn> Perhaps the GK Nobility think Resonance is far more elegant?
And thus the true form of the Flow
Not like those dirty Imperials, throwing Dissonance around the place and Disquieting up the world
<Excal> These guys are Gods.  They are larger than life, greater in every aspect than those mortals they rule over.
<Djinn> We really haven't gone that route with our group of GK Nobility that joins our party
<Excal> I'd always imagined the thing with the Empire being fucked over is less because they use Dissonance, and more because they made it an industry.
<Djinn> I guess it's possible that Yiu and company could be the exceptions
<Excal> Suppose there could definately be some Philosopher King types.
<Excal> Though, feels odd that the entire GK faction would just have the one type.
<AndrewRogue> You can just tag Flow Manipulation period as a royal trick
Dissonance being more common due to flashiness
<Excal> Well, yeah.  That's definately in my mind.  I can certainly see the different groups of them argueing which is better.
Naturally, with each group claiming their own type is closer to the divine nature.
<Djinn> Yiu's group is more about Resonance
That would explain why Shao is a Dissonance-user like crazy... Different Tribes~
<AndrewRogue> And yeah, to reiterate.
Shao is ALSO a noble.
And much more inline with what you were looking for, Excal.

<Djinn> while you reconsider, c/p this stuff to the story topic
it would serve us well to have all these plotholes addressed somewhere permanent

<AndrewRogue> (Its probaby a good idea to record anything I say anyway, since I apparently do not mention everything needed most times)


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You updated the Outline and my head exploded from the awesomeness.

Also, I want to start adding some more details to the more-quickly summarized chapters, but I'm concerned that adding in things like 'And here, you have the option for a RAFAEL Sigil-finding Sidequest!' might take away from how you were intending to introduce things later.


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Djinn supported my idea for coming up with some underlings to both antagonists, and Andy asked me to start posting them once complete.  As such...I'll be grouping them by faction.

DISCLAIMER: This list is by no means exhaustive of factional general concepts, antagonist concepts, or the intersection between the two.  Other people may (and are encouraged to) come up with more such characters to fill such a role.

Imperial Generals:

Gier Wahnsinnig

Gier is a Dissonance Corps officer, and a noted sadist in combat and hedonist off the battlefield.  Susceptible to getting too caught up in his pursuit of a good time, be it in a fight or out.  Growing up in a fairly lawless area, he clawed his way to the top prior to his forced induction into the academy and Dissonance corps, by the means of his Dissonance use and following a simple rule; "Power is authority."  Due to a generally rebellious attitude, he only barely passed his academy education, but managed to become inducted into the military, becoming weary of being unable to fight.  His nature, significant power, and seeming inability to be killed earned him the fear of not only the rebel Guardians, but many people within the Empire itself.  While his performance has been notable enough for him to advance to the status of a general, it is notably more a formality--as he still lacks a voice on the council.  The Empress frowns upon his deployment, while [Military Leader] treats him more as someone who is 'aimed' at the enemy, rather than commanded.  He has earned himself the name of "Iron Devil".

Gier feels that, given his ability, he has no reason not to do whatever he wants with those weaker than him--anyone who objects, in his mind, had better have the power to back it up.  He looks down upon Resonance-users and especially the magically-dead as anything from playthings to mere annoyances, depending on his mood.  Furthermore, he has a notable tendency to intimidate and threaten underlings who question his own choices.  It usually takes the presence of a superior officer and sometimes a viable threat from his own side in order for him to follow orders, but is kept around due to the results he gets on the battlefield.  He is notably known to take liberties with prisoners and victims that are better left unmentioned--so horrible that those who are against him, knowing who he is, more willing to kill themselves than surrender.  Jarringly, despite his twisted personality, he has a beautiful, effeminate (read:bishounen) appearance, the contrast notable.

Gier's dissonance expertise is for metal; this is expressed in his fighting style--forming a superheavy suit of armor upon his person that, thanks to his own personal capabilities, is still able to move in.  This armor's typical form covers practically the entirety of his body and is extremely resilient, and notably sports a massive claw over his right hand.  One would normally presume is his default weapon--the claw itself can move as if it was part of him, and he is much more agile than he would appear.  In actuality, however, the armor's structure is malleable to himself as long as it is in contact with himself--insofar that he is capable of adding mass and morphing parts of it into varied weaponized extensions, attacking with varied means and from varying angles.  That, combined with his demeanor, has made him into a terror upon the battlefield that few wish to be on the battlefield aside--much less against.

Reinhild Zorn

Reinhild is a notable general in the Imperial army, as well as a presence within the council.  As the leader of the "Witch Hunters" Internal Regulation Corps, her duty is the elimination of traitorous officials within the Empire--in effect, acting as judge, jury, and executioner for those unlucky enough to be deemed guilty by her.  Thanks to this, she holds a large deal of respect within the Empire among those who know of her, in addition to being feared by some.  In particular, she is notable for being feared by, of all people, Gier.  Far from being a glorified assassin, she notably fights on the battlefield with impressive efficacy, earning herself the name of "Untouchable Legion" for her abilities to efficiently kill scores of enemies before they can close in to attack.  Many smaller revolts have been quelled either by her presence or her actions, even though she is sometimes said to take things to an extreme.

Reinhild is particularly cold and ruthless in her duty, as would be needed by someone who confronts and executes officials within the empire.  While she utilizes specially trained assassins to handle lesser cases, she takes it upon herself to execute those who would be too dangerous normally, and those whose crimes against the Empire are particularly egregious.  She notably hates Gier's behavior on and off the battlefield to a great extent, and hides no facet of her opinion that he should have been executed as a traitor years ago.  She cares little for wasting time on more 'trivial' matters, preferring to get to the core of the primary issue as soon as possible.  While she is able to read people effectively, she has notably little tact herself.

Reinhild's dissonance is generalized in the category of lightning, but her specialty pertains to magnetics.  While she has a number of electricity-based attacks at her disposal, she is notable for being able to use her powers to launch large numbers of ferrous objects--primarily edged weapons such as swords, spears, and other such--at speeds exceeding that of known conventional ranged weaponry.  While this is already a notable power, she has crafted specialized blades that are known as "Dragon Scales"--pointed blades roughly the size of a large axehead and twice as thick, narrowing to a point at the end, composed of an iron outer shell with a chargeable copper core that allows for a higher electric charge--the enhanced effect allowing for easier control over them altogether with her magnetic powers.  These weapons have become synonymous with her, and give her the capability to excel on the battlefield--even alone versus several elite opponents at once.

Sigkeit Ochrany

Sigkeit is a notable Dissonance Corps officer and general within the military.  An up-and-rising commander, as well as one of the youngest officers to reach the rank that he has within the Imperial army, he is famous within the empire, well-liked both among his peers and the people of his country.  Those who fight under him hold great respect for him and public opinion believes he will be the next big 'Hero' of the empire.  His style of command is unlike most other officers--as opposed to those who sit back, direct, and utilize magic as artillery, he has a tendency to lead from the front instead, fighting alongside his troops the whole way.  While he has a minor problem with getting too far in over his head, the soldiers he commands typically return the favor for him.  Though he has only very recently attained the rank of general, great things are expected of him.

Sigkeit was an average student through his training, but had a noted fascination with Isolde's exploits, admiring her reported ability both as a fighter and a leader.  This minor hero-worship of her continued through past the conclusion of his instruction...but stopped around the time of the scandal.  Around then, Sigkeit decided that he would try his hardest to surpass her instead, intending to go right where she went 'wrong'.  Though he has ceased his admiration of Isolde to the level that it was prior to the incident, he still wishes to meet her someday.  While he continued moving upward, he notably likes the fighting itself more than the politics behind it--which he views with a bit of disgust, preferring there to be a different way to handle the issue.  He is notably a bit overconfident in his ability on the battlefield, and it's argued that were it not for how his subordinates trust him enough to help with a fervor not seen toward other generals, he might have been dead before he attained the rank of general..

Sigkeit's fighting style is an unusual one.  He has trained himself to a high level of skill with his equipment of choice--an unusual hafted weapon that has the handle of a shortspear and the blade of a shortsword in his main hand, and a large shield carried on his other shoulder.  He has no proper Dissonance specialty, and while he does not mix magic and weapon use as Isolde has managed, he has trained himself in a Dissonance practice that has not been common within the Empire; 'subchanneling'.  In short, he is capable of multitasking his attacks, channeling a Dissonant effect at the same time as he strikes an opponent with a weapon, attacking from far and close simultaneously.  This same ability can be utilized to channel two Dissonance spells at once.  His squad-level spells, while potent in their effects, normally could not be channeled in such a way--were he to not pre-channel them and store the charges in his shield, he wouldn't be capable of subchanneling them at all.  However, charging such a spell is a time-consuming and exhaustive process, and is typically not performed mid-battle for clear reasons.  His spells vary widely in use, but it is said that in times of need, he can borrow strength from his allies to deliver a single, decisive strike that few, if any, could survive...

Guardian Generals:

Val [insert surname here]

Val is a high-ranking member of the Guardians' organization, as well as a notable strategist and engineer within their ranks.  Infamous for her actions during the first Guardian revolt, she had notably caused the deaths of many Dissonance plantation owners, no doubt due to her methodology.  Very notably androgynous in her appearance, many Guardians wonder if the 'top' on her outfit is actually needed, or if it's simply a guy with notable eccentricies.  Far from being ashamed of this, she plays up the ambiguity for the sake of gaining amusement within the Guardian ranks--at the cost of others' sanity and dignity.  Val's loyalty is occasionally questioned within the Guardian hierarchy, but given her tendencies, most prefer not to actually cross her, given what she is capable of.  Val is a rare case of being perfectly ambidextrous--capable of using either hand equally well.  She is known to be frustratingly informal towards superiors and enemies alike.

Val has a noted fondness for mechanical traps--indeed, most of the nobles she has killed were offed in one way or other by traps she had set--usually composed of tripwires, explosives, poisons, and varied blades, spears, projectiles, and other things that are generally sharp and pointy.  Those that she sets up, however, tend to be unusually elaborate, often with multiple 'decoy' layers--always of a varying amount--prior to the actual trap itself.  Adapting these to wide-scale and small-scale situations, she often leaves people on both sides confused as to which parts are fake, and which are intended for the kill.  She seems to have little problem with this, taking amusement in the turmoil she wreaks with these complicated arrangements.  Predictably, she doesn't enjoy direct combat unless the odds are, needless to say, extremely in her favor, and she seems to lack honor in any and every sense of the word.

This applies to her combat style as well, which can most easily be summed up as 'opportunistic'.  While her actual proficiency in the Guardian style is on the bad side of 'middling', she makes up for this with her Resonance-enhanced alchemy and blades.  Those expecting range to help will typically find themselves on the receiving end of one of her custom-crafted bombs; explosives, incendiary, acid, smoke, flash, adhesive...she typically has a number of such weapons stowed for such an occasion.  For melee, she will resort to less than honorable tricks, on top of her four custom-crafted blades (note to self, come up with names for each one) that she will use; one contains a reservoir to keep the weapon's blade poisoned at all times.  Another utilizes some complicated mechanisms to allow fuel to flow along the blade, letting the weapon burn its opponents in addition to cutting.  A third one has an unusually high sharpness, being able to cleave through armor with less effort than normally imaginable and leaving open wounds that do not heal easily.  The fourth, her only Guardian Blade, is rumored to be cursed in some manner, bringing misfortune upon those who touch it.  Add in her knack for spotting openings in the opponent's offense and defense, and one can see why she, despite lacking raw talent, is a truly frustrating opponent.

Seraphin Nevolnik

Seraphin is the second-in-command to [Guardian Leader] himself, and shows absolute dedication to the organization.  Formerly left to die on a botched mission in the military, he continued to keep fighting the encroaching Disquieted beasts until a member of the Guardians had come about, opting to recruit him.  He had risen through the ranks quickly, gaining reputation as a fierce well as someone who would carry out even the most inhuman order if given so.  As such, he is notably feared and respected within the organization, as well as possessing an air of mystery all the same.  He himself possesses no small degree of command over fellow Guardians thanks to his position, but is notably conservative about the use of it altogether, preferring to deal with his missions himself if viable.

Unknown to others, while Seraphin is deathly loyal to the organization and will follow his orders without question, he despises the new direction the organization has taken as of late, looking upon it and his current leader's objectives with disgust.  Despite this, he does nothing about this, perceiving such a potential action as betrayal of the organization that he places his loyalty in, and continues to follow his orders to the word.  He stays detached from the others, typically using any off-time for practice of his abilities alone.  He refuses to bring up his past, acknowledging it and having no problem with what it was, but leaves it as is and refuses to divulge this information to anyone, feeling that there is no point to it.  Seraphin holds no animosity toward the enemies he fights--particularly those that are human--knowing that often the only reason enemies often occur on the battlefield is simply that they are on different sides of the same conflict.

This, however, would not be suggested by the horrifying efficiency with which Seraphin dispatches his opponents.  He is feared and respected within and without the organization, and for good reason; his skills with his personal Guardian Blade, before considering the Guardian style augmentations that he has applied, are considered to be without peer.  His proficiency in other aspects of the style are considered middling to above-average in most aspects, but his swordmanship and combat ability are well-known.  His restrained movements are deceptive--for while he moves slowly on the battlefield, his attacks are notoriously quick and powerful, being able to cleave through armor as if nothing at the height of his own talent--if not turning it on the wearer altogether.  Not restricted to close combat alone, he is capable of creating deadly vacuum waves with his blade, cutting through multiple enemies at once from close and far alike in an instant.  Ultimately, a deadly opponent who few wish to trifle with under any circumstances.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 07:35:23 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Text dump, incoming. Didn't mean to have this chat in PM. Too tired to sum up.

<AndrewRogue> Oh. While its on my mind. I've come to the conclusoin that, if we must do girl vs the world, I'd either like "girl" to somehow be equated as the good end choice (because I believe that personal IS important in many cases) or to make it possible to squeeze out a correct option C.
<AndrewRogue> Provided I can ever figure out how to work this choice in at the moment.
<Excal> Girl vs. the World.  I take it you mean if you screw up all the important choices?
<Excal> And it's Noemi vs. everyone?
<AndrewRogue> Ahem.
<AndrewRogue> Mirek's Choice (TM)
<AndrewRogue> Girl or, I suppose I should say
<Excal> Ahhhh
<AndrewRogue> THingy you suggested and I've been wracking my brain on how to integrate in a manner that doesn't annoy me >_>
<Excal> Honestly, if you wanted to make it so that all of the endings are "good" endings, I'd be down with that too.
<AndrewRogue> World as Mirek's choice just feels... so wrong.
<Excal> I guess, but the choice is always the girl.
<AndrewRogue> Really? I haven't actually seen the outright selfish choice before.
<Excal> And there we have it!
<Excal> We give the players three choices.
<Excal> A) World, B) Girl, C) Both
<Excal> Option C is a trap.
<Excal> But A and B both lead to possible good endings for Mirek, though they will be different endings.
<AndrewRogue> Hrrm
<AndrewRogue> (Actually, since we're on the subject, I think that's the more common answer?)
<AndrewRogue> (C? I'm really straining for media examples of this choicei n general, though)
<Excal> Spiderman generally works
<AndrewRogue> Spideman cheated, or chose A in situations, I want to say?
<AndrewRogue> I think Superheroes generally got the cheaty C answer
<Excal> Though, yeah.  I was thinking of the movie.
<Excal> Well, yes.  I dunno, it's hard for me to get examples too.
<Excal> But I know I have the general impression that it's pretty rare for the hero to ever actually lose the girl, and it's even rarer for them to lose the world.
<AndrewRogue> The best one I can think of is Mistborn.
<AndrewRogue> Which is just hiiiiilarious
<AndrewRogue> and oh so wrong
<Excal> Ah yes.  That was a great subversion
<AndrewRogue> I think, functionally, the best plan might be to reduce the scope somewhat, so the loss is more understandable and doesn't, uh, actually end the game >_>
<AndrewRogue> (Or come up with something else, but I recall you really wanted this style choice)
<Excal> I know I wanted there to be key choices for all three.
<AndrewRogue> Huzzah. TVTROPES
<Excal> And that I wanted an inversion of the typical hero's choice.
<AndrewRogue> Hrrrrrrm
<Excal> Honestly, I've got no issue with there being a reward with choosing A or B so long as C is clearly a worse choice (not just a it's harder but better) one, and the story reflects the difference.
<AndrewRogue> What is the appropriate inversion of the hero's choice, anyway?
<AndrewRogue> Well.
<AndrewRogue> Actually.
<AndrewRogue> I guess the appropriate inversion.
<Excal> Need to think on that.  I know it's usually having to pick between the few who are close to you, and the many who aren't close.
<Excal> But usually the whole thing ends up with the hero not having to choose.
<AndrewRogue> I DO support there being an actual consequence or the option c being highly justified somehow.
<AndrewRogue> But hrrrrrrrrrrm
<Excal> I think...  I just want him to have to make a choice, and then live with it.
<AndrewRogue> That I'm definitely fine with. I support choices having consequence.
<Excal> Even giving the player control over that choice is fine so long as he reacts appropriately in the aftermath.
<Excal> More to the point, if he chooses the Girl, I imagine it meaning the segments becomes Artur's path.
<AndrewRogue> Mmrmrmr.
<Excal> Depending...  Ugh...  could be they want something Mirek has, in which case a simple trade would do.
<Excal> Either that, or...  hmmm...
<Excal> Heh.  I think I have it.
<AndrewRogue> Shoot
<Excal> They want Mirek and his crew to either stand down near the island, or to not go and do something that needs to be done.  As part of this, they get their hands on Eirwin.  He has the choice of either doing his bit, or getting her back.
<Excal> Ok, fuck it.  That may not work.  I know there has to be stuff I'm overlooking.  Blarg, it can be fit in as we go along, just that the first meeting at the FPI is the last point it will work.
<Excal> And that Mirek's Paths, as well as Artur's chracterization has to be leading up to that moment.
<Excal> Probably with some stuff about how it's a Guardian's job to protect the people, but does that mean the People, the faceless masses you'll never meet, or the people who're close to you and who you care about.
<AndrewRogue> Its always possible we may just need to change the nature of the choice. I dunno. I've yet to come up with a fully acceptable version to me yet. But that also might be the romantic nature rebelling at me >_>
<Excal> In that you want it to be possible for him to have both?
<AndrewRogue> I actually just kinda wish there was a different forced choice to stick down on him.
<AndrewRogue> >_>
<Excal> Any ideas?
<AndrewRogue> That's where I keep getting stuck. I mean, fundamentally, coming down to it, for better or for worse, I kinda want them to both live and love, regardless. I don't mind there being a COST to this, but... Well, fundamentally, his big character arc matters involve reconnecting with people/his emotions and actually honestly devoting himself to someone (which is where things initially went wrong for him).
<AndrewRogue> If that made sense?
<AndrewRogue> Not sure how much sense I'm making right now.
<AndrewRogue> Problem is, I don't think there's a good way to do it, especially with Kasia as she stands now, since Mirek is largely mmaking the same choice she did.
<Excal> Right.  Well, I'm heading off to bed now, but I'll give it some thought


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On the Girl or the World choice:

I would say that the standard trope is "Hero chooses both, working twice as hard to save everything." This happened in FFX, ToS, pretty much anything where the girl was going to sacrifice herself. Generally, the only time the hero doesn't get the girl is when it wasn't his choice (FF7, Aeris runs off and gets herself killed before the team can do anything about it.)

In cases where the Girl is actually being held as bait, I think the Hero always chooses the Girl, though they of course have a back-up plan to save the World/MacGuffin.

I'm personally against the situation where Eirwen is kidnapped because of Mirek. That's just painting her as even weaker than she already is being painted. I'd much prefer the situation to be something that's a result of Eirwen's initiative. Such as, she steps in to stop a MacGuffin from exploding the World, but in the process, she's going to die in a week or something.

In this situation, Mirek may be able to save her, but doing so would set off a chain of natural disasters that start destroying the world. She obviously thinks it's best if the world doesn't explode and such. But it's also possible that her sacrifice is only going to delay the destruction, not solve it. Guess which choice Mirek would lean towards.

The difference between this situation and 'the trope' is that Mirek's basically being selfish and choosing the Girl over the World... and the only reason we don't all die is because he's not the Hero - Noemi is, and -she- saves the world (TM).

And in the alternate case, where he decides to let Eirwen make her sacrifice, he still doesn't 'win', because he's only buying time for the World.

And of course, he technically can't lose the World in either case because that would be a game over. Unless Noemi/Erastus can pull some serious world-rebuilding powers out.

Hmm... On second glance, it's possible to make it such that choosing Eirwen -does- have /some/ negative consequences for the World. Since if he saves her and Tidal waves start happening worldwide (on a island-style planet like this), there's going to be a LOT of destruction, even if the whole world isn't destroyed. So at least it's not a false choice. If you save Eirwen, you lose like 4 island towns or something (there might be cool treasure or something there to make -not- choosing her an interesting choice at least), to give it a gameplay consequence on top of the loss of life that would be mentioned in the story portions.


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Of course, it's also possible that we have ending differences instead of gameplay penalties (I honestly don't really care too much for the whole gameplay penalty thing).  I mean, it's possible to have endings between the world ending and they all lived happily ever after while riding flying unicorns that fart rainbows.

That said, while Eirwin doing something that gets her into this mess is a possibility (I honestly don't overly care, since between Isolde and Noemi we should have covered the whole we think chicks can kick ass without being token angle, so if one of them happens to not be kick ass...  well...  not every woman kicks ass people.  It's not exactly like Artur's getting painted in a sympathetic or even overly competant light either), there's still finding other ways to do it.

For example, if we can find something else that works thematically for Mirek (because this kinda does work thematically for him, especially if we take away the bad choice option, and just make them all different shades of gray), then we can give it to Noemi (being the hero, without even the learning to trust aspect that Mirek has, it can emphasize the which do you protect and the burden of duty thing slightly better.  Isolde does not fit.

The issue then, comes to what do we do with Mirek.  Especially since I am coming to like the no wrong choice thing, just that each has him lose something different, and that each has him gain something different.


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Excal: Ending differences, I thought, were going to be implemented (Including a number of BAD END scenarios.  If only because I like the idea of inclusion of BAD END type stuff.  Depressing or nightmare-fuel ones even moreso.  But I digress.  It could change the degree of the final ending, potentially.)  I don't think the good end's going to be  a case of "they lived happily ever after riding rainbow-farting unicorns" from what I've heard from Andy.

Also, regarding the 'women kicking ass', I guess it's a bit of self-fanservice/author appeal to a degree for some of us.  I don't know about others, but I typically dislike the non-asskicking ones (and don't get me on my tirade about healer-type staff chicks.  That is one trope I generally despise in RPGs.)

That aside, no real problems with what Mirek has going thematically for him so far.

Still seeing the post-timeskip scenario as not a simple "empire and rebellion reversal" as seems to be demonstrated here--all we're doing is shifting the power balance of the former empire and the Guardians.  While that may feels too 'simple'.  I may've stated it before, but I'm still heavily in favor of a three-way conflict between the Guardians, the rebel forces described as of current (with the deposed Military leader heading it, in addition to possibly PC influences there), and the Imperial remnants, led by the group that did the aforementioned deposing (could go into a partial, temporary, or total merge around the end, perhaps).  Admittedly, this might stretch the endgame a bit, but I feel it's got the whole "world's going to hell" feel a bit better than a second binary conflict.  But then again, I'll admit that a three-way conflict has potential, and I don't think that the entirety of the higher-powered imperials or their forces would suddenly be done in by the Guardians within a span of one year. (Especially since not all offensive magic at this point is appearing to be of the simple energy-blasting variety, and while the military leader might be deposed, that doesn't necessarily indicate that everyone else has tactical/strategic preferences that make Vanderkaum look like a total genius...)
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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-Establish the rough backstory, emphasizing in on Erastus related factors (which is to say the revolution and his heroic efforts to end it, etc).

NOEMI Prologue (Prolly needs to be redone to better reflect Djinn's suggestions)
-Introduce us to NOEMI, the magic system, some of the politics and her quest.
-Introduce us to KASIA, who pulls NOEMI along to meet with ERASTUS.
--Chance to wander around the school a bit, meet an odd PC or so (FAHIM, AUREL) and catch up on current events. Some foreshadowing/namedropping wouldn’t hurt here.
-Finally arrive at the cafeteria to meet with ERASTUS.
--Bit of backstory exposition.
-ERASTUS wants to see how well NOEMI and KASIA’s studying has gone.
!Brief Tutorial Battle: Erastus; Available PCs: Noemi, Kasia!
-The fight is interrupted by AUREL, who informs the group that the supplies have been prepared and they are ready to set out.
-Into the city, the player has a chance for some more random wandering before setting out into the world.
--At the gate, NOEMI is surprised by the IMPERIAL LEADER. He has a few warm words for the group, and wishes Noemi well. There are some subtle undertones of a lot of his hopes riding on her.
-The journey south west to XXXX to meet up with the rest of their guard, ISOLDE and Co.
-The party skirts a Disquieted area. Noemi wants to look, but is advised against.
!Random Battle Area!
!Beginner Boss Battle: Disquieted Abomination; Available PCs: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Aurel!
-Worn out from their journey, the PCs camp. Noemi talks to Erastus, broaching the subject of their future guards (ISOLDE and Co.) and old friend/soon to be research subject (MIREK).

!!Split Path: ISOLDE Prologue or MIREK Prologue; Optional Sequences or Forced?!!

ISOLDE Prologue
-Begin in the town of XXXX at the docks, with ISOLDE attempting to bargain with a shipmaster.
--We learn that piracy from the nation to the southwest (one of the few remaining independent nations) has been on the rise lately in the face of Imperial attempts to consolidate their lands (introduces both the God hands and the concept of disappearing land). Not many people are willing to travel in the direction ISOLDE wants them to go (the shortest route to NOEMI's destination).
-She returns to FAULHEIT and KATARINE to see if they have had any better successes. Niether has. With no other options, she opts to pay a visit a local noble she knew.
)Minigame?- "Negotiations"(
-The noble is "convinced" to help by a combination of Isolde's infamy and the connection of everything back to Imperial and Military leadership. Isolde is told to watch her back, as she doesn't have many friends in the nobility anymore.
--She is well aware of this fact.
--FAULHEIT and KATARINE are both concerned about their leader's current state, but ISOLDE seems unconcerned by it.
-A short time passes as the boat is contracted. The group investigates the matter and finds that it is a trap when visited.
!Battle: Thugs; Available PCs: Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine!
!Battle: Thugs; Available PCs: Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine!
!Boss Battle: Thug Captain and Thugs; Available PCs: Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine!
-The men defeated by the awesome might of the mercenaries, the captain of the ship is freed. The man is thankful, bot cowed, and basically agrees to anything ISOLDE suggests. The mercenaries opt to move their lodgings to the boat to be on the watch for anymore shenanigans, addressed either to themselves or their soon to be charge.
MIREK Prologue (Debating changing this entirely to better reflect with later events)
-Begin in the town of YYYY (NOEMI's destination), in a small tavern. The place is half full. MIREK moves between, delivering food and drinks to tables, looking a bit awkward and gruff. People similarly seem leery of the Guardian as he moves, and whispers spread throughout the room.
-Watching from the back, ARTUR becomes exasperated, indicating to EIRWEN that he knew this was a terrible idea and that letting him stay there, let alone work there, would drive them out of business.
--Arguing, hurrah.
-MIREK returns in the midst of it, setting his tray down a bit harder then need be as ARTUR becomes more heated. A moment of tension passes between the two, before ARTUR breaks, shrugging as he leaves the argument hanging in the air.
-EIRWEN asks if MIREK is doing okay, and he provides a vague yes.
)Minigame?- Running the tavern.(
-As the day ends, they fall to individual wrapping up tasks/cleaning. Part way through, a window is broken by a couple of drunks, mocking the establishment.
-ARTUR causes the situation to escalate, leading to conflict.
!Battle: Drunks; Available PCs: Mirek, Artur, Eirwen!
-In the wake of the battle, things heat significantly between ARTUR and MIREK. The situation is dissolved by MIREK leaving.
--EIRWEN is upset.
-Walking off, MIREK is jumped by a friend of the drunks.
!Boss Battle: Drunks' Friend and Mean Dog; Avaialable PCs: Mirek!
-Laying off the men, MIREK expresses his disgust as, a bit beaten and bruised, walks off.


-Having set out early, NOEMI and Co find themselves standing out over the cliffs overlooking YYYY. Out in the distance, they can see two ships involved in conflict. Pirates, no doubt.
-Kasia expresses some concerns, but is eased by AUREL and ERASTUS, who assure her that their help is more than sufficient.
-The group enters town. Hurrah towns and freeform wandering/shopping.
-Once suitably ready, the group may locate ISOLDE.
-The group's introduce themselves.
--It is discovered that ISOLDE has history with both AUREL and ERASTUS, but the nature of both are left fairly unexplained at this juncture. NOEMI is excited to get going, but is cautioned by ISOLDE, who explains the current situation in brief (re: enemies, pirates, etc). It is decided to spend time in town overnight as the group makes sure everything is prepared for the long trip.
---A little more wandering time is provided.
-The next morning the boat is prepared, flying the Imperial flag and a secondary flag chosen by Erastus to signal their purpose.
--They rode!
-They skirt a disquieted ocean area, that's stormy... apparently a small island that became so corrupted it basically melted.
--As they do so, they are spotted by a ship. The leader, YIU, claims that that's the one and orders pursuit.
---Pirate chase!
-Eventually the pirates faster ship catches up.
--The defenders are ready as YIU and Co. board. He politely asks for things, but is rebuffed. He smiles chivalrously and orders for the group to be taken alive! The group braces but is scattered by the sudden assault of a sea beast, seperating them.
!Battle on the ship; Available PCs: Noemi; The PCs are initially seperated. NOEMI must win a 1 on 1 battle, before AUREL breaks through to bodyguard. From there, you can free up other PCs from their ties or move to engage YIU and Co. Battles consist of groups of barbarian pirates of different flavors!
!Boss Battle: Yiu, Xun, Ru and [Myriam]; Available PCs: Noemi [forced], Kasia, Aurel, Erastus, Isolde, Faulheit, Katarine; TIMED!
-If you manage to win within the time limit, you get a more positively oriented scene. If you lose/run out of time, the storm hits full on. Both ships are thrown into relative chaos by the sudden storm.
--NOEMI is almost pitched over, despite the efforts of AUREL and KASIA, but is kept onboard by YIU.
---Unfortunately, ISOLDE, FAULHEIT and KATARINE are not so lucky as the ships are forced apart. Despite staying on a ship, they get stranded on the God King’s ship, while NOEMI and Co. drift off.

!!Split Path: ISOLDE Chapter 1 or NOEMI Chapter 2!!

-Tensions are high on the God King’s ship as ISOLDE and Co. are squared up against YIU and Co.
-The two group leaders prove to have surprisingly calm heads as they command their respective groups to get to work, knowing that fighting here is suicide for both parties.
--Deadly sailing!
---They manage to weather the worst of matters and manage to reach a temporary truce.
-ISOLDE is curious about YIU, but the man keeps secrets to himself and she is forced to endure for now.
-Landfall is made despite the foul weather, and ISOLDE and Co leave to pursue their original goal.
--“We’re mercenaries, not military.”
!!Random Battle Area!!
-The group is forced to skirt a rather large area of Disquiet.
--They manage to make it to a small town before the storm hits full force again.
-Ruined and mostly deserted. Scant handful of people still eke out a living here.
--The old and the young, people who couldn’t move, etc.
---Under siege from disquieted beasts.
-They are introduced to ILLONA.
--She is a Guardian who, although she did not necessarilly disagree with the revolution, did disagree with the Guardians abandoning the people. The duty of the Guardians is to do battle with the beasts for the Disquiet. That is all there is to it. She will see the people protected and the Disquiet ended.
---ISOLDE makes a decision to inform her of NOEMI (since she's a guardian and a subject of interest), as well as to help the town so far as their willing to be helped by migrating them through the dangerous wilds.
----Convince the people to follow her!
-----Exact results are based on several factors.
-Preparations are made.

NOEMI Chapter 2
-Noemi is concerned about ISOLDE and Co., but with the help of Aurel and Erastus, is convinced that they must continue on and that Isolde can handle herself.
-The group is forced to resupply enroute, which means stopping off at a small island with a single city/plantation.
--The conditions there are bad, as the plantation was never watched over by Guardian's, giving us a look into a world without them.
---Guards are pressed, worker turnover is frequent, food is plentiful though. The plantation mage himself is an unkind and serious man, who has little time to spare for niceties. During their time wandering, the party is attacked by poor worker class folks.
!Battle in the Streets: 4x Desperate Mugger; Available PCs: Noemi, Aurel, Erastus, Kasia!
-The PCs are given the option to explore the state of the slums a little further after the battle. If they do, they are given an opportunity to get some insight into the PCs feelings on the matter, as well as perhaps lend a hand to some folks (good will will be rewarded later in the game).
-In departing, the plantation mage wishes Noemi good luck, perhaps showing some glimmer of hope for the future. That, despite the conditions of seeming abuse, people are looking towards a hopeful future.

-Depending on your success, ISOLDE has rounded up a number of willing villagers to travel with her to the port city on the other side of the island, through the treacherous mountain pass that skirts the Disquieted area that the Black Noise is known to inhabit.
--The journey begins. ISOLDE and Co. serve as the advanced strike force, taking care of anything while the people from the village follow behind.
!!Random Battle Area!!
--As the group progresses, groups of Disquieted beasts swarm out of the area and attack intermittently. On the whole, this should be largely treated as a gauntlet of random battles, plus forced battles.
!Forced Battle 1; Available PCs: Isolde, Katarine, Faulheit, Illona!
!Forced Battle 2; Available PCs: Isolde, Katarine, Faulheit, Illona!
!Forced Battle 3; Available PCs: Isolde, Katarine, Faulheit, Illona!
---Just as things seem to be settling down, the final wave approaches, led by the creature itself. ISOLDE and Co. are given the opportunity to really see what strong Disquiet can do when left uncontrolled.
!Boss Battle: The Black Noise; Available PCs: Isolde, Katarine, Faulheit, Illona!
----With the creature defeated, the group is able to safely pass on through. The port city of BBBB stands on the horizon and the group presses on.
-Arriving, ISOLDE and Co. bid farewell to the villagers who have been safely delivered.
--ILLONA expresses a desire to stay. With the Black Noise defeated, she no longer has a place on the island. ISOLDE consults her companions and they arrive at a conclusion that there might be some value to having the woman around for a time.
---ISOLDE signs her up as a  temporary member of the troupe. A boat is chartered and the group heads on to YYYY to, hopefully, catch up to NOEMI.

-After having had a week or three at sea, the group arrives in the city of YYYY.
--NOEMI is stuck by a sense of nostalgia, to see her home city once again. Things have definitely changed since she was here last as a child, but, although she wishes time to look around, she realizes there is business to be done.
--ERASTUS, unfortunately, reveals that they will likely have time as he is unsure of the whereabouts of his nephew.
---The group brainstorms for a bit and arrives at the conclusion that they'll have to do some detective work to hunt down the errant Guardian.
----The PCs must go a info gathering.
-Eventually, enough clues can be gathered to place MIREK at a small tavern type deal owned by a young woman named EIRWEN.
--Hurrah, the PCs have a goal.
---To the bar!
-Things here are still in a bit of a middling position, but the scene opens up.
--As per previously as far as work goes, however things grind to a halt with the arrival of NOEMI and Co.
---What should be a heartfelt reunion takes a very sour turn as NOEMI and ERASTUS greet the young man.
----MIREK reacts quite darkly to the presence of his uncle, which is a fair different reaction then what has been built  up as the expectation. NOEMI is a bit shocked by the man's changes since she knew him years ago. ERASTUS attempts to bridge the distance, but it backfires as MIREK demands his uncle leave.
-----NOEMI is unhappy with this and protests, growing annoyed at MIREK.
-----EIRWEN and ARTUR interject.
------Conversation occurs, and the group opts to settle down and get a new angle on things.

-Back at Military Command HQ, the council is adjourned a resting room, discussing the current state of affairs.
--Emphasis on the Disquiet issues, the Guardian issues, etc
---Mail from ISOLDE is received, which the group reviews (not word for word).
-Some thought is given to the matter
--They opt to have her wait there as a “friend” is being sent to assist Noemi with he research, and they'll get a transport arranged.
---Hopes that Noemi's research comes through soon enough.


-Having convinced MIREK to help, NOEMI is ready to finally enter into a Disquieted plantation.
--ERASTUS states that he cannot come for various reasons, which MIREK explains (the rules of Disquieted areas)
---Into the breach once more.
!!Random Battle Area!!
---Noemi's goal is to observe several locations in the Disquiet and to watch how Mirek functions in them.
----She wants to go deep into it (close to the core), but their progress is halted by a camp of some sort.
-----MIREK suggests they leave because there aren't supposed to be Guardians around here.
------Unfortunately, taking a detour gets them slightly lost and straight into a section quite controlled by monsters.
!Boss Battle: Disquieted Abomination; Available PCs: Noemi, Kasia, Aurel, Mirek!
-Returning to the city, NOEMI establishes a home base, the abandoned Crimson House Oprhanage. The study begins.

And I realize I've been trying to do this in way too much detail for the moment, so lets cut back a bit so I can just get the damn material down.

-Introduction of CLAIRE. More hints towards another Guardian revolution in the works.
-ARTUR/EI/MIREK dynamic.

-Finally arrives in YYYY, with the addition of SHAO, but is immediately beset by men hired by SELENA.
-Defeats them and locates NOEMI.
-Leaves them to deal with the research, personally looks into the rumors about the Guardians.

-NOEMI is getting closer to the solution but gets stuck. ERASTUS suggests perhaps consulting his old notes, but... they're hidden in the Crimson House, which is now buried in the Disquieted. The group must find them, but that means ERASTUS must come.
-Entire group of PCs get to come?
-Into the Disquiet once more
-ERASTUS vs his past
-Notes are found.

-With so much studying having occurred (and other things having occurred) and NOEMI once again running into a brick wall, the cast decides to take a break for an evening festival celebrating the formation of the country.
-Fun times.
-However, as the evening wears on, all hell breaks loose, as a swarm of Disquieted beasts invade the territory!

-He attempts to move to aid, but is interrupted by his Ex.

-Cutting a defensive path through the beasts and ensuring the safety of NOEMI, ISOLDE catcbes sight of the leader of the Guardians and is drawn off the defense.

-Fighting off some of the big guys with help, NOEMI is beset by some Guardians who are adding to the chaos/interfering with the defense and is forced to fight back.

-With the city saved (ish), unfortunately, things go south for the defenders: notably those who are affiliated with Guardians (MIREK, ILLONA and CLAIRE). Soon, we're on the verge of mob justice.
-The party concludes it'd be a good time to leave after some drama, unfortunately, sneaking the Guardians out is going to require some effort.
-Ships aren't really apt to be carrying a party like this, and neither AUREL nor ISOLDE has enough leverage at the moment.
-Convenient then that a YIU has just recently set into port.
-He's willing to transport them... if they can give up a better showing then previously.
-Achieving victory, YIU is willing to charter his boat to NOEMI.
-ISOLDE must return to the government, but given thee situation, will hop off at a nearby port.
-MIREK needs a little time to recoup from his encounter.
-NOEMI has put together enough to need more. She wants to see more about the Guardians, and needs to get closer to a source of information. From her combined notes, she has located what is, hopefully, the abandoned bastion of the Guardians from years long past.

-In attempting to return to the government headquarters, ISOLDE is waylaid by enemies. Including the fact that several more violent assaults have risen in the country, and that SELENA is out for blood. She eventually makes it back, though.

-NOEMI investigates the ruined Guardian stronghold. While there, however, she encounters a fellow researcher named RAFAEL. Then a dungeon and what not. Here, she finds one final clue and needs to see the Prophecy. Which requires getting into the God King's kingdom. Thankfully SHAO can help here. However, trouble has followed NOEMI and Co to the island and she can't leave things as they are. In the interest of having people ready to meet with ISOLDE and deal with the trouble, MIREK offers to stay behind and handle it himself for her.

-While things go down in the stronghold (the group has been pursued by the roogue Guardians who have a vested interest in stopping them), things with ARTUR go south very quickly as, finally pushed too far by EIRWEN being injured, he reacts violently. He is defeated and, depending on how the situation is resolved by MIREK, will rejoin the party at a later point. Things are looking bad for the group as they are forced to hold up and keep the area safe.

-Getting into the God Kings area in disguise as SHAO's servants, NOEMI and co are introduced to the actual God King lands. Upon arrival though, they are intercepted by YIU and company. YIU doesn't particularly think them going into that area is a good idea and objects. NOEMI opts to prove to him that they can handle it. SHAO seems a bit suspicious of how they just keep running into each other. Defeating them, the group continues on, deep into the God Kings country.

-The news ISOLDE brings back is troubling and the military suspects that, due to her involvement with the Guardians and the God Kings (and ERASTUS), that the girl is a danger and may be being manipulated or, worse, working for them. Thus it is with a heavy heart that they demand she detain a number of NOEMI's companions and bring the girl and her research partners back for discussion. ILONA is included in the number.

-Pinned against the Guardians and the Disquiet, MIREK and Co manage to strike back and mount a successful defense against the Guardians and push them back (likely with some secretive help from YIU and co), buying the area a pleasant reprieve. The arrival of ISOLDE and her mercenary compatriots seems to double as a boon, but...

-With the help of SHAO, the group manages to reach the area where the true prophecy is held. Pulling some strings, he gets them in, but he can't help them deal with the things that guard the place. Pushing their way through, the group is able to get a look at the true prophecy which, conveniently, ERASTUS is capable of reading the language. Helping NOEMI, they manage to put it together:  both the secret of getting through the island's dangers and an inkling of what is there. ERASTUS begins to sow doubts in KASIA's mind.

-The relief the group feels is brought to an abrupt halt when ISOLDE announces her intent to detain MIREK and CLAIRE. She intends to do it peaceably, believing that the matter can be sorted out, but when MIREK intends to resist, she makes a very strong point that, while he may be able to fight her toe to toe, there are other people there who cannot. MIREK concedes and ISOLDE, hearing what has happened, opts to simply wait for NOEMI's return, with the two Guardians under house arrest.

-NOEMI's pride is brought up short when she returns to find the conditions of the remainder of the party. She objects heavily and things begin to escalate, but cooler heads prevail. She has the research and can attest to the innocence of her companions, and will gladly come forth to present her findings. The group is agreed, and the return trip occurs. Arriving back, they find a much harsher welcome then expected. Despite ISOLDE's words, the Guardians are fully arrested, NOEMI's other companions are detained and her and ERASTUS are brought before the military council. ISOLDE and AUREL grow suspicious of what is occurring, but are unable to do anything besides observe and speak on behalf of the group. NOEMI, angered by the treatment, is held in check by ERASTUS, who suggests that NOEMI simply comply. When she does, things seem to be back on track, however a major attack on the city puts everything on hold. Things fall into chaos as the Empress is assassinated by apparent Guardian forces.

-NOEMI, at the site of the attack, is well aware that the actions taken are by the military and must, with the help of those with her, must escape both the grasp of the military, and get her companions out of there.
-ISOLDE and Co, looking to the military commander for guidance, discover that he has been primarily deposed and his commands have been twisted. With no clear answer available in the chaos, she makes a decision to do what she feels is best for the people. NOEMI's research is invaluable to the people, so, she will help. She grabs the detained allies, and  the two groups begin carving a path through the attackers.
-MIREK, taking advantage  of the havoc that ISOLDE and Co can wreck, pushes through to NOEMI, who pressured by both the Military.
-With the PCs united in what they plan, they make a decisive strike against the Guardian forces, allowing the guard to get an upper hand. With that done, the PCs attempt to slip out, they are confronted by a couple of military goons and must deal with them. Escaping, the group must use the Guardian's knowledge to escape into the Disquiet and seek refuge.

-With the entire group proving to be wanted, they are forced to take refuge. Taking the betrayal in stride, NOEMI still wants to discover the truth of the matter, and to that end, wants to see her research through. ERASTUS encourages her, especially once the group realizes that, in the wake of the attack, both the Guardians and the Military are reaching out to the Great Lord's Throne. Emboldened by this news, NOEMI asks the other PCs if they will side with her. Driven by both their own goals and swept up in the woman's drive, the plan is made. The supplies must be snagged, but with the help of ERASTUS, ISOLDE and MIREK, supplies and a plan can be made.
-Unfortunately, KASIA, driven to the brink by ERASTUS plans a strike against the one “disloyal” to NOEMI. Her plan is foiled, however, by the untimely interjection of AUREL. Although he seems poised to succeed, his body finally gives out midfight, allowing KASIA to take the upper hand. The party is too late to save AUREL, but KASIA is stopped.
-Depending on how NOEMI deals with the situation, something later will change. Strained, but driven by her desires, she chooses to press on.
-The group makes a treacherous sea trip with the gathered supplies and such, landing far from the Guardian/Military sites. To their surprise, they are ambushed by YIU before making it. He claims that they shouldn't past unless they are strong enough, and to prove what they are made of. NOEMI accepts.
-Defeating YIU,  the party makes land on the island. Pushing through the Disquiet, the party is confronted by numerous dangers, before arriving at the true throne.
-Following in her wake, the military leaders make a grab for the item of power, forcing the PCs to fend them off and protect it. However, while they are distracted, the Guardian Leader manages to take control of it.
-ERASTUS, seeing his chance, strikes.
-Once more, the PCs are forced to make a break for it as the island itself seems to rebel against the item of power being removed. NOEMI proves, for the first time, useless, as the events of the past month or so finally take their toll on her.
-The party is forced to break down and buy time in an effort to help NOEMI escape, in the hopes that she can make a difference. The Guardians seperate to handle the Disquiet, while ISOLDE seperates to deal with SELENA and her soldiers.
-Despite the heroic efforts of her companions, NOEMI seems in deep trouble when the timely intervention of YIU saves the day.
-NOEMI, troubled by what her ambitions have cost her and her companions, sinks deeper into her stupor and must find her spine again.
-YIU recaps zany adventures.

-ISOLDE and Co must attempt to gather the Imperial survivors to make a break off the island. SELENA, wounded and battered, has other plans, however. Depending on how the situation is resolved, SELENA may be recruited.

-MIREK and the Guardians must survive their heroic baiting of the abominations and dealing with riff raff. The group must then find a way off the island. (Depending on how the situation is resolved, Mirek may die? I 'unno. Prolly not. Thought was on my mind though, so it gets noted here.)

<There may or may not be a small time jump placed here in which the PCs are regrouped. The Empire has been severely destabalized, allowing the GUARDIAN LEADER to ascend on high in a coup. The country has been largely fragmented, and even the God King lands are in danger due to his reach. He has enacted the persectution of Dissonant magic and put a stop to the platations, which, while slowing the Disquiet problem, has caused others re: starvation/hunger. This isn't OMG END OF WORLD STYLE BAD, just beginning of tyranny style bad.>

<How the game plays out from here largely depends on the length we realistically want to work with. The ideas will basically be the same, but the following chunk could easily be done highly indepth to basically give us two, "full" games. Its worth mentioning that, conceptually, the idea has some merit on a storytelling front, with Episode 1, the preceding material, being "The Journey to Discover What We Want" while Episode 2, the following material, functions as "The Things That We Will Fight For." Honestly, its perfectly doable either way, though. For generalized purposes, I think I'll pretend this is one game, one disk, but if there is interest, this act can be very much fully expanded.>

-Over the course of the last year, things have not gone well. Noemi has been a little slow on the mend, leaving the burden of the issue in the hands of SHAO, EIRWEN and RAFAEL. While those three have done their best to try and carry on her research, they suffer from a notable disadvantage in that they aren't NOEMI. Still, in her absence, someone has to try and fill in. The group is pretty withdrawn though, being on the God Kings island, away from the brunt of the action. This chapter should focus in catching us up on what has gone on.

-He has been pirating along the southern coasts to keep the Guardian Forces at bay, but has also been using it as an opportunity to catch news. Things aren't so bad in the southern reaches (where Dissonance was less common anyway) but the news gets around, especially since the Guardians want to make a jab at the God Kings. He manages to catch news of the fact that it appears the movement against the GUARDIAN LEADER has been growing more organized and actually making some strong efforts. His curiosity piqued, he further investigates the matter.

-Entering in at a secretive camp, ISOLDE is found speaking with MILITARY LEADER, the ancient man in charge of leading the strike against the ascended Guardians. However, much like when he was being preempted in the empire, he is fragile and aging. He knows of Isolde's power and wishes for her to take up the mantle of leadership. This effects ISOLDE's finale based on how she addresses it. A sudden attack cuts the conversation short. Although the rebels are skilled, things are looking grim until help from an unexpected source in the form of YIU arriving.

-MIREK's group has been struggling since the events. Although they survived the initial onslaught, they were trapped on the island when both ISOLDE and NOEMI's groups fled, which has kinda forced them into an awkward position. Nevertheless, they have made the best of it. With some emergency treatment, they've managed to keep Erastus alive, and, in the spirit of Noemi's work, have been trying to learn what they can. Efforts to build an escape boat have been, alas, short lived but are continuing. As each day progresses though, their chances of survival grow slimmer as the Disquieted beasts press in and their supplies run slim. Of course, they've been making progress, but it won't matter if this keeps up.

-Learning that ISOLDE has joined le resistance, he informs the woman of the trouble they've had with NOEMI. She isn't really sure what to say, but she is sure that they need help, and a safer homebase would be great, if YIU and SHAO could manage it. The thought certainly bears merit, given that the Guardians are looking to the God King lands next, but both sides realize the tensions that exist between their people. Still,  YIU and SHAO believe it might be possible to manage, especially since there needs to be some unity if the renegade Guardians are to be defeated.

As the plot moves and thickens, both EIRWEN and SHAO, pressed into their own duties and fears and what not confront NOEMI head on, refusing to let her wriggle anymore. Pushed by them, and finally managing to regain the spirit that she has lost, NOEMI gets her spine again and desire to act out against the GUARDIAN LEADER. Taking what she knows of what happened at the Great Lord's Throne and what not, she begins to formulate a plan to strike back. NOEMI is back, baby. And her first plan is to return to the Great Lord's Throne to check one final matter.

-Although the Imperials are willing to align with the GKs, they aren't so happy about the idea. ISOLDE must impress upon them the importance of the task and show them the strength of the Imperials to make them realize that the rogue Guardians are a serious threat. With the MILITARY LEADER weakening, more and more burdens begin secretly falling to her shoulders.

-Slowly, things go grimmer for the Guardians, as those abandoned by the rebels begin to fall. Neverthless, Mirek proves to be a powerful pillar for the others to lean on. The knowledge that they've developed must survive, as must they, for the people they care about or their causes and whatever. The questions of regrets rise as more things press in and the Guardians odds grow slimmer.

-Arriving at the Great Lord's throne, the groups of NOEMI and YIU begin to scour the island, this time for answers that they missed previously. In the meanwhile, they discover something equally interesting: the signs of the Guardians. The consideration that perhaps they haven't escaped the island becomes a thought and eventually the search is broadened. The Guardian encampments are found, the PCs are reunited and, piecing together the diversive information they have, an understanding of what must be done is formulated. Diving once more into the depths of the ruins, NOEMI receives a greater understanding of the nature of the Flow and the nature of the Macguffin. ERASTUS is pleased by the developments.

-The groups return to the GK lands to find things have been progressing. With that in mind, NOEMI officially joins the precedings, backed by ERASTUS, and the final details are hashed out and plans are made. The Guardian Usurper powerbase is unstable and must be destablized further to draw out the GUARDIAN LEADER. Plans are made and the assault begins.

-Broken back into their original groups, the PCs must strike at several targets for a variety of reasons. Depending on how previous events have gone, this is where a lot of stuff will come back to you (including how you've dealt with groups, KASIA, ARTUR, etc). This is kinda short, but that's because this is more generalized.

-With the Guardian Usurpers weakened and in a bad position, a final, frontal thrust at the head of the leadership can be made. The goal is simple: to eliminate/capture the Guardian leadership and to retrieve the MacGuffin (the UIM from here on out). Sweeping through the city and reclaiming it, the party at the last moment, is betrayed by certain elements of the Military Leadership who want to use their knowledge to defeat the Guardian leader and back out of the arrangements. This act isn't unexpected, allowing the PCs to counter while the necessary ones move on the the final confrontation. The GUARDIAN LEADER's use of the UIM has allowed him to perfect the Guardian Technique in such a way as to neutralize Dissonance and Disquiet (the power of raw Quieting), making him a dangerous opponent. With Noemi's knowledge, though, the group is able to counteract it enough to make a decisive strike against the man. Just as the PCs are about to finish him off, however, ERASTUS intervenes, vengefully delivering the final blow and taking the UIM. This contingency is well prepared as ERASTUS is able to escape the group, leaving a short state of chaos. Although the loss of the UIM is a great deal, the matter of dealing with the aftermath takes precedence.

-A little time passes as the chaos from everything settles down as things are organized, strained alliances are made and generalized attempts are made to pick up the pieces of things in the aftermath. Each PC has come a long way and done much to try and change or understand themselves and their place in the world. So it comes to pass that, ERASTUS finally calls to the major PCs, asking them to come to him. Unable to either risk his threats (or just show any weakness in the current environment), the call is answered and the PCs travel to the Desert of Red Glass to meet with ERASTUS and see what his plan is.

-The place wherein ERASTUS release the full force of his power once before in rage over the fall of his family, incinerating friend and foe alike, the Desert of Red Glass is a place of Disquiet only matched by the Great Lord's throne itself. In his madness, ERASTUS has created a sort of fortress of shadow and illusion. He asks the PCs to join him, claiming that, among them are the ones who can understand him and join him in the new world he will create. He just needs their help. He questions the world around them and the fairness and inequality, the suffering, etc. He admires the party's desire to save the world but tries to impress upon the party that it can't be done as is. When they deny him, he retreats, drawing the PCs deeper in and subjugating them to a series of challenges. Depending on the party's actions up to now, these challenges will either be trivial (showing the PCs have overcome these issues already) or challenging (showing that, although they are still troubled by them, they can face them). If the PCs pass perfectly, ERASTUS finally drops his calm and joking demeanor, demonstrating the truth, the petty, bitter and hateful old man below the surface. If the PCs do not, he retains his sense of superiority. Either way, a final battle ensues and, although ERASTUS must perish in the end, exactly what goes down is dependent on how things are done.

-The End ^_^

Please note that, although the end two arcs are fairly short, they are designed to be easily expandable. Since feelings are still variable about the length of the game, I figured I'd go with the most condensed version and allow us to expand it outwards after. So yeah. Here we have it. The whole shebang. Finally. Let's talk and get moving.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 08:46:33 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Hm.  For the most part, this is good.  You seemed to have found your stride after figuring out how to reintegrate the Guardian PCs (and Erastus) to the party.  I'm not sure whether gameplay difficulty should be based on dialogue choices way back, but that can be debated.  The one thing I do have an issue with is what feels to be the marginalization of the deposing Imperial forces.  It seems that they seem to cease to exist as an antagonistic force (despite seeming to emerge as such during THE ATTACK), either vanishing altogether entirely after the timeskip, or silently and apparently effortlessly reintegrating into the rebellion front, only to be brushed off as comparably insignificant in a sense when the PCs enter the Guardian fortress.  This despite being apparently a very large portion of the military (to have deposed their leader)...not seeing it.  Even with the Guardian leader having his capability with the UIM, the thought that they'd either seek the leadership of the guy that they deposed or be completely annihilated within a year's time feels...improbable if the rebel movement's managed to stay alive after however so long.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.