Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31  (Read 3139 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:26:50 PM »

"Well. You all seem to be progressing. Let us see if you can pass where others have failed!"

Teams vs. Dungeon Floors

Team Nephrite's Matches

Floor 7a: Sealed Stones

"So... you like using Sealstones. Unfortunately for you, I also enjoy the idea."

Battle #31: Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu

Rika: I fight for the future of Algo!
Lulu: Hm. Let us see what you can do.

Battle #32: Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law)

Jude: I'll fight, along with my ARM!
Arnaud: Let's go!
Raquel: Yes, let us.

Battle #33: VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg)

Brahms: Feel the power of Darkness!
Cecilia: Hah! Let's go, fools!
Tidus: This is my ... I forgot.

Battle #34: Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge

Cecil: I will protect you both.
Rydia: I'll kill you!
Edge: NINJA!

Boss Battle #7: Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law)

Fogel: You truly wish to cross me?
Mewtwo: You... are all fools.
Yulie: Let's go~

Team Super's Matches

Floor 3b: Multiples (Before Midgame)

So you want to try multiple foes? Let's see how you like this, then!

*All ST is MT for this floor. ALL of it.

Battle FF1 White Wizard, FF1 Knight, FF1 Ninja and FF1 Red Wiz

Knight: Let us go, fellow warriors!
White Wiz: Yes, we shall not allow your passage here!

Battle #12: Yosuke and Tengaar

Yosuke: GO, SUSANOO!!!
Tengaar: HIX!! ...Oh you're not here...

Battle #13: Kanji, Ramza, Tidus and Crono

Kanji: Crush 'em, Rokuten-Maoh!!
Ramza: Of course, Alma!!
Tidus: Heh heh! Let's go!

Battle #14: Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle

Yuna: I will not allow you to pass!
Rand: I'll fight you.
Marle: *pats her butt

Boss Battle #4: Nina4, Yulie, Jane and FFT Priest

Nina: I'm afraid I can't let you through here.
Jess: Er... um... ...I think it'll be okay?
Porom: I will defeat you all!

Team Jo'ou's Matches

Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!!

Battle #6: Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)

Milon: I have returned from death to crush you!
Kainazzo: Oh, that fool? The one who refused to give his kingdom to me...?

Battle #7: Booster and Mack


Battle #8: Scarmiglione (FF4 DS)

Scarmiglione: Ha ha ha... I have come back from death yet again...

Battle #9: Kary and Kraken

Kary: I, the Fiend of Fire shall stop you!
Kraken: bubble

Boss Battle #2: Augus and Nimufu

Augus: Yes! Fight to the death for my god...


Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 7a: Sealed Stones]
Team Nephrite vs. Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu
Team Nephrite vs. Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law)
Team Nephrite vs. VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg)
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law)

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
Team Tranquil vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Tranquil vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle
Team Tranquil vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Ryu3: Mygas 1]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2)

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Speed? - The effective speed of one character is reversed (60% becomes 140%), but after the first round of combat, their speed returns to default and can not be increased in any way.

Synergy Bonus - In the case of the Legend of Dragoon Team, they have access to items and accessories. The items are limited, however.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 04:31:00 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 06:32:12 PM »
Hey I'm back to hype myself.

Team Nephrite vs. Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu - Even if you see Rika as faster than like everyone on my team, everyone except Ditto has ID protection. For the Children isn't even required here.
Team Nephrite vs. Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law) - If you see Evil Arnaud as going before Good Arnaud then Good Arnaud gets Slow Downed. Too bad about For The Children which kills both Jude and Raquel. Easy to mop up from there.
Team Nephrite vs. VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg) - Oh no! Yeah, For the Children again, then just play a fun waiting game with Cecilia and recover MP.
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge - Hey guess what For the Children kills both Edge and Rydia.
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law) - Follow Me, Mewtwo throws up either Amnesia or Psychics Yuri1, Fogel whacks Yuri1, Yulie throws Quicken onto Mewtwo. Problem is that now Ditto turns into Jane and... well. If you see Yuri1 as being dead, Yuri2 goes and casts For Everyone, Arnaud blasts Jane, Ricardo revives Yuri1... now, do you let Jane get off Follow Me or Ditto? Let's say Jane. Mewtwo hits Yuri2 and Fogel attacks him too. THAT will not kill him because of For Everyone. Yulie can poke Yuri1 and kill him... but now I get my Follow Me, Jane dies and everything crumbles for the enemy team from there.

Note that if you see Yuri1 surviving a Mewtwo and Fogel attack then he just does a Michael Jackson impersonation and Jane is dead.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 11:39:09 PM »
Kneejerking pass for Jo'ou's team, still earlygame Deis1 with support.  Did Raja start with HolyWord or whatever his "smite evil" spell was?  Because it looks like there's lots of valid targets for it if he does.

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
How's Jerin's attack magic this early?  Hellion's Voice of Earth is okay, I suppose, as is Tia's magic, but the FF1 team is going double-RUSE + FAST + (some good ST healing spell that's MTed) after turn 1, so if super hasn't KOed them all by then he's in trouble.  And Hellion is only sneaking one fast turn in.

Nephrite...  looks like he wins the first few matches easily enough (I guess maybe Edge Sleep hype gives him some trouble?  But eh.)
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law) - If Yulie is Quickening Mewtwo at initiative, then Mewtwo is sneaking in a late-turn 1 action in addition to Jane's next Follow Me.  And I would see Jane as beating out !Jane-Ditto turn 2 since Jane's initiative action turn 1 was "faster" than Ditto's transform.  This probably does break Nephrite's team...  but luckily enough for him, For Everyone buffs speed too, so !Jane-Ditto actually does win the initiative war for turn 2.  And this would obviously hand it to Team Nephrite.  So change of plans; the Dungeon needs to off Ditto.  I think Mewtwo uses his "extra" turn to do that (rather than something more productive).  Though...  wait.  If Arnaud Slow Downs Mewtwo to cancel the Quicken, it still will have had some effect, but does Mewtwo still get his extra turn in time before !Jane-Ditto?, going to say yes, bit of a headache though.

So...  Yuri1 bites it to Mewtwo/Fogel, Yulie Quickens Mewtwo.  Arnaud Blasts Jane, Ricardo revives Yuri1 with pathetic HP (lategame Arc Cure halved), Yuri2 For Everyones, Ditto transforms into Jane.  Mewtwo blows up !Jane-Ditto.  Turn 2, Jane goes and...  eh, my Fogel / Mewtwo offense respect is high enough that they kill Yuri2 through his buffs.  Yulie taps Yuri1....  but even with awful HP Yuri1 is buffed?  Yulie might have to blow Sacrifice here, or do a summon if on an elemental hex.  I guess Arnaud/Ricardo can combine to kill Jane?  But then they just die horribly because Ricardo needs to team-revive, and I doubt two Blasts (even with 1 magic-buffed) do in Jane, checking the stat topic she's not THAT frail and has above-average MDef.

Hmm.  Back to the drawing board.  Okay, assume Arnaud Slow Downs Mewtwo to cancel Yulie's Quicken.  Mewtwo gets enough of a boost to kill buffed-Ditto anyway...  maybe, but I'm presuming yes.  Yuri2 bites it again on turn 2, but this time, there's no hasted Mewtwo ruining their style.  With For Everyone's speed buff, maybe Ricardo blasts the team, Arnaud finishes off Jane, and with no enemy Jane + a speed buff from For Everyone, they both get a double?  Ricardo team-revives with Arc Cure, Arnaud Illusions Fogel.  Uh...  I don't see any MT listed for Mewtwo's default build, and willing to hold the 4-ability limit against Pokemon, so that kinda screws the enemy team over, especially if Yulie had to Sacrifice to kill Yuri1 and thus was killed by Ricardo's blast.  Yulie can maybe get back in the game with an MT Material + some good luck on accuracy from the Illusioned but still accurate Fogel + Psychic flattening Ricardo now, so it's not a done deal if Yulie didn't have to Sacrifice, but meh.  In WA4 Yulie was reduced to tinking by high-defense which is exactly what Yuri1 gets from For Everyone, though I suppose there are hoops with high Attack and low number of hits.

Anyway, pass to Nephrite, but that last battle is really close and depends on a lot of factors.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2010, 01:08:23 AM »
Neph falls. Tidus is slightly faster than Yuri 1 and that ends up being the difference. So Ditto transforms, Arnaud can't really do anything because of the sealstone on Brahms, Tidus Delay Busters Ricardo making Cecilia faster than him. Yuri 1 smashes everyone except for Cecilia who laughs at it with Parasol and Yuri 2 does something unhelpful. Cecilia than proceeds to Hi-Prison the whole team. I think the other two pass, but Super's matches are close.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 02:25:10 AM »
Neph falls. Tidus is slightly faster than Yuri 1 and that ends up being the difference. So Ditto transforms, Arnaud can't really do anything because of the sealstone on Brahms, Tidus Delay Busters Ricardo making Cecilia faster than him. Yuri 1 smashes everyone except for Cecilia who laughs at it with Parasol and Yuri 2 does something unhelpful. Cecilia than proceeds to Hi-Prison the whole team. I think the other two pass, but Super's matches are close.

Tidus is slower than Yuri1 turn one.

Kneejerking pass for Jo'ou's team, still earlygame Deis1 with support.  Did Raja start with HolyWord or whatever his "smite evil" spell was?  Because it looks like there's lots of valid targets for it if he does.

I believe he does, which is vaguely hilarious.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 02:50:08 AM »
Neph falls. Tidus is slightly faster than Yuri 1 and that ends up being the difference. So Ditto transforms, Arnaud can't really do anything because of the sealstone on Brahms, Tidus Delay Busters Ricardo making Cecilia faster than him. Yuri 1 smashes everyone except for Cecilia who laughs at it with Parasol and Yuri 2 does something unhelpful. Cecilia than proceeds to Hi-Prison the whole team. I think the other two pass, but Super's matches are close.

Tidus is slower than Yuri1 turn one.

Are you sure? The stat topic lists him as 113% first turn and Yuri 1 is a little less than 112% before he transforms.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2010, 02:57:33 AM »
Huh, you are right. I thought he was 105% first turn - it's actually that he's -slower- than in the first turn. Heh. Granted, does that matter enough? Yuri1 still OHKOs Tidus, Brahms isn't going to cut in front - nor OHKO Yuri - and  neither is Cecilia, who still gets 2HKOed by FtC+Arnaud physical (Arnaud also pre-empting both Ceci and Brahms). I guess you could argue Parasol there, but I'm not sure I buy FtC ramming into it and then, Cecilia still has to handle a full team essentially by herself and the PCs won't be all that far behind her once -their- own buffing falls in place. Hi-Prison is a possibility, but there's so much status healing and revival on the team anyway, and you could argue WA4 Dispel vs. Parasol all day to boot.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2010, 03:04:55 AM »
Huh, you are right. I thought he was 105% first turn - it's actually that he's -slower- than in the first turn. Heh. Granted, does that matter enough? Yuri1 still OHKOs Tidus, Brahms isn't going to cut in front - nor OHKO Yuri - and  neither is Cecilia, who still gets 2HKOed by FtC+Arnaud physical (Arnaud also pre-empting both Ceci and Brahms). I guess you could argue Parasol there, but I'm not sure I buy FtC ramming into it and then, Cecilia still has to handle a full team essentially by herself and the PCs won't be all that far behind her once -their- own buffing falls in place. Hi-Prison is a possibility, but there's so much status healing and revival on the team anyway, and you could argue WA4 Dispel vs. Parasol all day to boot.
Arnaud goes before Yuri1 so he can't do anything to Cecilia because of Firefly on Brahms. Even if you don't see Parasol as working against FtC she tanks it with Mdef and Prisons the team before Ricardo can set up the status defense.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2010, 03:24:24 AM »
You mean the Hi-Prison that's probably missing half the team, possibly more due to the MDef spread not sucking there and Arnaud having both MDef and Magic Block to possibly screw that up further? Sure, Ceci gets a turn, but she's not really guaranteed to win the fight if she gets that turn either, and both Brahms and Tidus are dead by the time she gets to act - not to mention the vast majority of the team can do status healing too, and Cecilia still needs two turns at least to end a fight with Hi-Prison (and Ditto transformed into Ceci just kinda mocks her and can do the status healing himself).
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2010, 03:34:13 AM »
You mean the Hi-Prison that's probably missing half the team, possibly more due to the MDef spread not sucking there and Arnaud having both MDef and Magic Block to possibly screw that up further? Sure, Ceci gets a turn, but she's not really guaranteed to win the fight if she gets that turn either, and both Brahms and Tidus are dead by the time she gets to act - not to mention the vast majority of the team can do status healing too, and Cecilia still needs two turns at least to end a fight with Hi-Prison (and Ditto transformed into Ceci just kinda mocks her and can do the status healing himself).
Hi Prison is pretty accurate and if Ditto turns into Cecilia that just leads to a stalemate of status cure/Prison until Cecilia hits double cast or ditto runs out of status restore.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2010, 03:52:10 AM »
It's pretty accurate =/= it's perfect hit rate. Roughly 70% accuracy (which is what I'd peg Hi-Prison at) can very well screw it up on two/three essential people, and all you need for Cecilia to be completely fucked is for just Ricardo to get a turn and put up the status immunity song - among other things. There's only so much Ceci can do there.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2010, 04:17:10 AM »
Though as a point of order, if Ditto is turning into anyone turn 1, it's Brahms thanks to Firefly.  Which is okay because Brahms has Mind Lock = status immunity and can thus proceed to beat Cecilia up.  Flip side Brahms has pretty good durability and might survive the Yuri's assault and thus punch out fake Brahms?  Guess Arnaud can just Illusion him, though.  EDIT: Except dur I just said Brahms has status immunity, which includes stat buffers / debuffers.  Uhh.  Might have to think, then.  Ditto becomes Brahms.  Tidus Delay Busters Ricardo.  Yuri & Yuri do their thing.  Arnaud...  Blasts Brahms?  That probably finishes him off anyway.  Cecilia does Hi-Prison but with Ditto alive she has to hit everyone.  If Cecilia hits everyone but Ditto-Brahms Nephrite loses, otherwise he pieces together some status-healing...  hrmm.  But in some cases it's only ST status healing.  Eh, there's a non-trivial chance of too much of the team wiping here to continue, but I don't think it's large - maybe 25% on Cecilia getting lucky enough turns 1 and 2 on the Hi-Prison.  Definitely gives me pause if the last fight should require good luck, too, though.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 04:21:01 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2010, 08:28:27 AM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 7a: Sealed Stones]
Team Nephrite vs. Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu - Neph takes this. Definitely needing a FtC though. Otherwise Rika starts her speed game and plays healer while Lulu hurts things elementally. If the Yuris let this go on too long, they'll eventually run out of SP which would not be good. I think FtC + some average-level damage from the rest of the team (as long as it's accurate enough to get around Saner'd Lulu evade) should give this to Neph.
Team Nephrite vs. Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law) - Another Neph victory, but another FtC is needed to take out Raquel. I'm not sure FtC OHKOs Raquel, which could spell trouble if they activate Red Zone while the WA4 team has VBL. But, Good Arnaud can hit her with something before FtC goes off to ensure a kill.
Team Nephrite vs. VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg) - Uh... leaning Neph, but it's close. How many FtCs does Yuri1 have at this point? Tidus Hastegas, Ditto transforms into Brahms due to Firefly. Yuri1 FtCs! Tidus is out, but Parasol blocks it. Brahms gets a turn and wastes Ricardo, so Yuri2 has to revive him or try to take out Brahms (Firefly). Cecilia Hi-Prisons, potential win for the Dungeon. Assuming someone with status healing can move, they start the healing process. Ditto-Brahms takes out real Brahms. Hastega'd Cecilia probably gets another turn to try to Hi-Prison everyone that's left. Another potential win for the Dungeon, but Ditto's still around, so he takes out Cecilia. Neph moves on.
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge - Not looking good for the Dungeon, but this requires another FtC to take out Rydia and Edge, and Cecil can really draw things out with MT Life and Cover. And that's always scary for Yuri SP. I think Neph eventually gets rid of the annoyance, but I'm skeptical on the FtC use here.
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law) - Yeah, I don't think Neph quite makes it here. The opening Follow Me salvo on the weakened team (who may not even come in with all of its members due to fight 3) really hurts. At best, I'd assume that both Yuris are around after the opening salvo, and I don't think they have enough resources to break these opponents before Jane's next turn.

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - MT'd Jerin/Fogel takes this bunch out before it moves.
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Yosuke confuses someone! And then this fight ends.
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Tidus Delay busters everyone, but rest of his allies are sluggish enough that Hellion (Speed?) gets off an Earthquake or a Copper Flesh.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle - I'm assuming this is Aeonless Yuna, but it doesn't matter because Jerin and Hellion outspeed her and they are more than accurate enough to take her out. And due to the MT effect, Chemist and Marle go with her. But but, Rand!
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - lol buffing/healing vs. the blitzing power of super's team.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
(Will be in once CT tells me what floor to go to)
Clearly a victory for CT. >.>;;

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Snow, Remind me to get with you about your Masters for Ryu]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken - I almost had to think about this before I remembered Geno Boost.
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - waiting on this. Probably Snow.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2010, 08:32:58 AM »
Yuri has 2 FtCs at full MP. I'm assuming since Neph mentioned it 3 times that Ricardo is doing some MP recharging at some point.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2010, 12:03:47 PM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 7a: Sealed Stones]

Notes: Both Yuris have Flare Brooches by now, which grant SP cost reductions.  This means that Yuri1 has 70 SP and Seraphic Radiance (which costs 51 SP) means he has 28 turns (including his first turn) before he needs any sort of SP healing.  Yuri2, however, has either 72 or 75 SP and it costs him 4 SP per turn to maintain Dark Seraphim.  This means that, including his first turn, Yuri2 has either 17 or 18 turns in Dark Seraphim before he absolutely MUST have SP healing...  And both Yuri2 and Ricardo have SP healing (Earth Fusion Howling/Amon Fusion Mind/Body Revival for Yuri, two different instant-effect melodies from Ricardo).

Team Nephrite vs. Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu - Cake Walk.  Arnaud has Dispel, important people avoid ID, and Ditto can always turn into Rika for the same speed games or Lulu to really bring on the pain.
Team Nephrite vs. Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law) - Ahahahaha low MDEF things living through Yuri1 FtC.  Granted, if it's needed, there's a second FtC sitting there too that can be used in the same turn, or something from someone else that's ST to just try to put Raquel in FtC's kill range.  After that, I don't think the WA4 team is a threat anymore, and they can stall as long as they need to.
Team Nephrite vs. VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg) - Just a few facts to go over: SH2 Defend seems to block status effects in their entirety.  Yuri2 has Arc Heal in Libertis...  So if Cecilia goes after Hi-Prison, Yuri 2 just defends instead, then casts Arc Heal on his next turn...  And then the rest of Neph's team starts getting turns.  At this point, Ricardo uses a Status Effect-blocking melody, and it goes downhill for Cecilia from there.
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge - Ditto into Rydia, Yuri1 FtC.  Cecil has to kill Ditto, because then he risks getting statused out by the myriad of status Ditto now has, and Cover doesn't stop magic.  Alternate, Arnaud Slow Downs Cecil, Ditto doubles Cecil for fatal status, stalling ensues.
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law) - This is still a difficult fight, even with Neph's team coming in at almost full, thanks to the end of the last fight.  However, due to Status Symbol Law, people have issues dealing fatal damage outside of Yulie sacrifice (above-average damage really does take the biggest hit), Yuri2 has Resurrection in Miserati and Mind/Body Revival in Amon/Neo Amon, Ricardo has MT revival, Ditto can transform into Jane.  They essentially need to kill Yuri1, Yuri2, and Ricardo all at the same time.  I doubt the enemy team can do that.

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Yeah, I can buy Djinn's assessments.

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Snow, Remind me to get with you about your Masters for Ryu]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - BoF3 Dragons immune status, right?  Plus, Geno has an argument to go before Nimufu.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2010, 05:12:45 PM »

Not to change your mind or anything since you're already giving me the benefit of the doubt here but both Yuris have Mind Assault which nukes Cecil's MP. Once he's out of it, I can heal up and fully restore my MP and SP before moving onto the final fight. :)

Also, Mind/Body revival restores SP.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 05:22:11 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2010, 07:28:55 PM »

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard- Should be able to blitz this fight. Ninja/Knight can't do enough by themselves to win this.
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar- Tengaar doesn't live to get a turn, Yosuke can't lock the entire team down.
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono- I don't think Crono can OHKO Hellion. Hellion copper fleshes, and that should be that.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle- I think Tia's status is enough to keep the team off balance. Hellion CFs, and the team buffs (If Jerin doesn't have trick it takes longer), but should be okay. Fogel/Knight bot have sick offense, adn even with protect it shouldn't be that hard to overcome.
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4- Fogel+Knight one round the entire team, and I don't think they can kill the two tanks beforehand. Tia/Hellion, sure.

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Snow, Remind me to get with you about your Masters for Ryu]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)- BoF1 attack magic early.
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack- See above. Think Boost+Deis is bad times for the other team.
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)- OHKO with healing magic.
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken- Raja opens with blessing, Geno+Deis splatter Kraken. Kary can't do enough by herself.
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2)- blessing really drops Augus's offense and I don't think Nimufu can make enough status stick to matter.

Abstain on Neph's team.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2010, 08:49:01 PM »
CT's matches are up.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2010, 09:39:08 PM »
Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - Team handles this easily.  Doubt anyone but Evil!Knight gets a turn.
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Hellion/Tia/Jerin should be sufficient.
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Crono does something and it fails to matter.  Copper Flesh carries the day here.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle - Doesn't sound hard.
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Uh yeah enemy team can't take out Fogel/Knight and the two do horrible horrible things here.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - Bandit Shoes on Albert help matters here a good deal.
Team Tranquil vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Blitzing should work here.  Yosuke might get a Tentarafoo off but shouldn't matter much.
Team Tranquil vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Crono can't off anyone, Kanji goes last, and every enemy save Kanji is ass against magic.
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle - Meru tosses up a Speed Up.  Then it becomes DEAR GOD KILL YUNA.  Which should hopefully work.
Team Tranquil vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Enemy team can't do anything really nasty at this point.

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Snow, Remind me to get with you about your Masters for Ryu]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - Not gonna look into this too heavily, but the team should handle things without too much difficulty.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2010, 09:51:22 PM »
All pass. Neph's team may have issues fight 3 but the team does not have any real resource issues, it stalls on fight 4, heals up, goes into fight 5 fully ready and the enemy team just can't do enough damage to enough people fast enough and no matter who dies they have a way to pretty much cinch victory.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2010, 02:20:13 AM »
Pretty much agree with the above. Everyone passes. Except CT for an abstain for lack of LoD~
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 02:42:57 AM by Bardiche »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2010, 02:32:35 AM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 7a: Sealed Stones]
Team Nephrite vs. Rika (Multitarget) and FFX Lulu
Team Nephrite vs. Jude, Raquel, Arnaud and Yulie (Violent Burst Law)
Team Nephrite vs. VP2 Brahms (Firefly), Cecilia and Tidus (Caladbolg)
Team Nephrite vs. Cecil (Life), Rydia and Edge
Team Nephrite vs. Jane, Mewtwo, Yulie and Fogel (Status Symbol Law) - Pretty much agree with Snowfire here, but I'm willing to give Neph's team a bit of a benefit of doubt.

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Super vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - Jerin's damage I believe is better in the early game than it is late, if not by that much - it's mostly stable. Which means she's not -great- at it, but it being MT-heavy helps a bunch. Hellion quite possibly having a shot of freaking -Earthquake- by now (really batshit magic+it's a L3) would make this kind of a laugh, but VoE is enough. And Fogel is Fogel.
Team Super vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Fogel+Jerin+Hellion = the end, I think. Hellion really likes Speed?.
Team Super vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Less close. <_< Crono isn't impressive, Ramza+Kanji just can't get that much leeway.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle - Fogel+Knight really make short work of Marle. This is a bit nasty, though.
Team Super vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Where super thanks god Fogel exists and Jerin has Trick.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - no idea on the overall worth here.
Team Tranquil vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Tranquil vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle
Team Tranquil vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Snow, Remind me to get with you about your Masters for Ryu]
Team Jo'ou vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Jo'ou vs. Booster and Mack
Team Jo'ou vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Jo'ou vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - I'm... really not sure what any of the fights here can do. Holyword/St. Fire really mangle some of the fights here, the offense types and speed are right. Nimufu is very unlikely to even get a turn in the last fight, and Speed? Blessing more or less trivializes Augus.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2010, 10:27:20 PM »
Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard- Low FF 1 respect
Team Tranquil vs. Yosuke and Tengaar- Magic Signet Stone...
Team Tranquil vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono- Material Shield...
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle- Fear+ITE Dragoon physicals will soften Yuna up!
Team Tranquil vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4- Sacrifice being average damage to me is not cutting it here. Both Albert and Sharanda are living through a blitz. And the blitz isn't fully repeatable. CT's team passes.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2010, 03:55:27 AM »
Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
*All ST is MT
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard- Low FF 1 respect
Team Tranquil vs. Yosuke and Tengaar- Magic Signet Stone...
Team Tranquil vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono- Material Shield...
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Chemist and Marle- Fear+ITE Dragoon physicals will soften Yuna up!
Team Tranquil vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4- Sacrifice being average damage to me is not cutting it here. Both Albert and Sharanda are living through a blitz. And the blitz isn't fully repeatable. CT's team passes.

Sounds right. Meru speed + Sharanda items works out surprisingly well in the Dungeon.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 31
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2010, 04:09:52 AM »
Believe those items are given to everyone with Synergy. And the items are evil with MT. 3 Turn Physical MT! For all that it doesn't matter since I remember that Sharanda has that 100% revival and she's the one guaranteed to live through the blitz in the final fight.
...into the nightfall.