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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #100 on: March 19, 2010, 04:36:35 AM »
Fire Emblem Cavaliers and Paladins:
Sain: 8/10 Has been mildly useful, and is otherwise awesome and kills things. Unfortunately, this tends towards me using them less later on, as they become too awesome and just omnomnom EXP
Kent: 6/10 There, kinda useful
Marcus(7): 5/10 There, meatshield
Lowen: 7/10 I find him mildly more useful than Kent, but that's mostly because he's the lance user of Eliwood's group that isn't Marcus
Isadora: 1/10 lulz

Seth: 7/10 Good early, but also pre-promo
Franz: 9/10 I have never had a less than awesome Franz, even while holding him back at everyone else's level
Kyle: 6/10 There
Forde: 6/10 There
Orson: DNR

Titania(9): 7/10 Useful early, when everyone else is so frail
Oscar(9): 8/10 Tank tank tank tank~
Kieran(9): 5/10 Meh
Makalov(9): 6/10 Meh+
Geoffrey(9): 7/10 Solid

Fiona: 1/10 lulz
Geoffrey(10): 6/10 Useful early, notsomuch later
Kieran(10): 6/10 Meh-ish
Makalov(10): 6/10 Meh-ish
Titania(10): 3/10 Didn't really use her. At all. Everyone else around her is already kinda awesome
Oscar(10): 7/10 Can barely scratch Swordmasters later on, but hey. He tanks like there's no tomorrow!
Renning: DNR (Not enough screentime)
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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #101 on: March 19, 2010, 05:37:03 AM »
Sain: 7/10.
Kent: 8/10.  Awesome.
Marcus(7): 6/10.  Honestly not terrible, very useful early to absorb the bigger enemy waves where it's tough to position your weak units safely.
Lowen: 5/10.
Isadora: 2/10.  I'd rate her 3/10 off in-game use but know that her growths are terrible so yeah she's not even that great if you got your cavs offed somehow.

Seth: 7/10.  Solid, handy early.
Franz: 6/10.
Kyle: 5/10.  Seem to recall him being a bit slow.
Forde: 6/10.
Orson: DNR.

Titania(9): 7/10.
Oscar(9): 9/10.
Kieran(9): .... 8/10 off the assumption he's an Oscar clone around for less time.  FE9 did allow accuracy forging to make axes better.
Makalov(9): Pink hair on a male / 10
Geoffrey(9): Didn't use either /10.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #102 on: March 20, 2010, 02:21:58 AM »
Fire Emblem Cavaliers and Paladins:

Sain: 7/10. Did what I needed him to.
Kent: 5/10. Meh.
Marcus(7): 3/10. Prepromo
Lowen:: 7/10 worked pretty well for me.
Isadora: 2/10. Dumped her as soon as I got her.

Seth: 6/10. Works... okay for a Jeigan type.
Franz:: 6/10. Works. I didn't really need him. Game of Eph and all that jazz.
Kyle: 6/10 see above.
Forde: 5/10. Just the way mine turned out.
Orson: 4/10. Like you need a Jeigan like him with Eph around. Well. Gets points for being a wall if you remove his weapons.

Titania(9): 7/10 Is badass.
Oscar(9): 8/10 is very badass.
Kieran(9): 6/10 just didn't get much use out of him.
Makalov(9): 5/10. Good in theory. Where is Astrid, btw?
Geoffrey(9): 5/10. Didn't use him beyond the one forced map. Which he was good for!

Geoffrey(10): 7/10. Good for when you use him.
Kieran(10): 6/10. Also good for when you use him.
Makalov(10): 6/10 surprisingly solid.
Titania(10): 7/10. Again a strong showing.
Oscar(10): 7/10. I got use out of him.
Renning: 5/10. Lategame. He isn't a bad unit perse but... yeah, just didn't compare.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #103 on: March 20, 2010, 03:03:48 AM »
Voting because not voting means Super is spared a fate worse than death. Therefore voting. Twice.

Mega Man X Command Mission:
X: 8/10. Can be twinked to take on either randoms or bosses and can do both solidly. His Hyper is also usable for a long while even if not upgraded.
Zero: 7/10. Other way around from Axl. Awesome for bosses. Less awesome for randoms with his lower speed and ST stuff.
Spider: 7/10. Damn solid when he's around despite what it might seem.
Massimo: 4/10. Solid early and then a warm body for a little while before he completely drops off. Never objectively bad to use though.
Marino: 7/10. Pretty good. Although I never got all the hype.
Cinnamon: 6/10. Infinite healing at the cost of no offense whatsoever. Depends on how much you value that versus using subtanks
Axl: 6/10. Solid random smasher. Kinda lacking for bosses.

Fire Emblem Cavaliers and Paladins:
Marcus(6): 4/10. Solid in the early going of FE6 which can be a bitch here and there.
Allen: 9/10. Very awesome. Hits pretty hard, mounted, and supports with another really awesome unit in....
Lance: 9/10. This guy. Man these two are ridiculous. Similar to Allen, trading in some strength for better speed.
Zealot: 3/10. Gets a point for being able to take a Scott critical. Otherwise, he's appearing at a time when prepromos are starting to get bad.
Treck: 5/10. Averagish. Not horrible, but not Allen/Lance.
Noah:3/10. I think. If I'm remembering him right.
Percival: 7.5/10. What every prepromo should be. Even more awesome than Pent in hardmode potentially says something.

Sain: 7/10. Pretty solid. High strength growth and generally the speed gap between him and Kent aren't high enough for one to double and the other not to. What he does trade is some durability in comparison to...
Kent: 7/10. This guy. The bases aren't far apart and Kent isn't otherwise better (in fact he's usually worse, cause he's losing offense), BUT, Anima affinity means having a better support bonus.
Marcus(7): 4/10. Really solid early. Also does important things like ferrying Priscilla back to your main party or rescuing far away villages.
Lowen: 3/10. Tank on a horse that doesn't really become a tank until later and his offense sucks.
Isadora: 1/10. Imagine Marcus, but without the early levels where he's actually providing some positive utility. Now throw in garbage con so she gets weighed down by everything ever and is generally not able to kill anything. Yeah.

Seth: 7/10. Very solid. Anima affinity at the end of the day helps propel him a bit higher. Never goes really bad.
Franz: 8/10. Due to the generally crappiness of the Red and Green cavalier this game, we added a yellow cavalier and made sure he had this awesome stat spread. Luck is kinda low early, but as long as your careful, he's gold.
Kyle: 4/10. Hay guize. Defense and ATK in FE8 am i doing it rite.
Forde: 3/10. Just...way too average. He's not specializing in anything unlike his other compatriots, so he's just kinda there.
Orson: 1/10. lolOrson.

Titania(9): 9/10. Breaks all the rules of a traditional Jeigan. She starts off OP and never really let's go. Doesn't get objectively bad, although her awesome level decreases.
Oscar(9): 9/10. Uh...yeah. Avoid tanks like a champ and doubles the living bejesus out of everything ever.
Kieran(9): 8.5/10. Oscar, but support options are not as good.
Makalov(9): 6/10. Averagish, but not horrible
Geoffrey(9): 7/10. Has Paragon! Good filler for what he is.

Fiona: 1/10. Okay, so I wanted to pull up this huge ass rant from WaterofDarkness basically explaining why Fiona is balls. But I will instead save everyone the trouble and just summarize it. She's all potential, except IS made sure that you couldn't really use her well in any level by effectively using the terrain to gimp her. Huge waste of resources indeed. Also horrible bases.
Geoffrey(10): 4/10. Uh...he's awesome for like the 3 chapters where he's forced to be deployed! By the time everyone comes back he no longer has a level edge and is just kinda there.
Kieran(10): 3/10. Probably around here. Servicable for a small while. Until his bad speed catches up with him.
Makalov(10): 2/10. Objectively, he's pretty bad, but still usable if you insist. Lower levels and all that.
Titania(10): 9/10. Like her FE9 form more or less.
Oscar(10): 7/10. Desparately needs more strength. Transfers and awesome Earth bonus means that he has good chances for those. Otherwise, he's very solid although not awesome level like in FE9
Renning: 1/10. Ew. It's not that Renning is horrible on stats, but there's almost no reason to ever use him. He's not helping out in 4E-2/4E4 and onward and those are the only times he's around. Then he's also taking a deployment slot and since the 4 royals+Giffca destroy him in everyway, you only have like 5 free spots left and the chances for him to serve as filler are going to be even lower.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #104 on: March 20, 2010, 05:05:10 AM »
X: 8.07
Zero: 6.93
Spider: 6.57
Massimo: 3.64
Marino: 7.43
Cinnamon: 3.86
Axl: 5.43

Marcus(6) is 3.05
Allen/Alan: 8.00
Lance/Rance/Ransu/Rancu/Ranchu/Ranze/Ranz/Green Guy: 7.80
Zealot: 2.35
Treck: 5.25
Noah: 3.65
Percival: 6.90

Sain: 6.47
Kent: 6.33
Marcus(7): 4.07
Lowen: 4.73
Isadora: 1.83

Seth: 6.56
Franz: 7.13
Kyle: 4.60
Forde: 5.03
Orson: N/A

Titania(9): 7.75
Oscar(9): 8.39
Kieran(9); 7.39
Makalov(9): 4.96
Geoffrey(9): 6.15

Fiona: 1.75
Geoffrey: 5.31
Kieran(10): 4.85
Makalov(10): 3.75
Titania(10): 7.92
Oscar(10): 6.42
Renning: 2.38

Best Rating of this session: Oscar(9) w/ 8.39
Worst Rating of this session: Fiona w/ 1.75

Orson is getting punted cause he got DNRed.  Everyone mock his useless Temp ass.

Ok, so you guys didnd't seem fond of MMXCM...well, tough! I'm doing another game based on "hey look a game came out in its series!" and more Fire Emblem and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

Final Fantasy 10:

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:





Again, if anyone was missed, please tell me so I can correct it!
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Random Consonant

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #105 on: March 20, 2010, 05:14:59 AM »
Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: Eh.  Dislike for Armor Knights in general but he's decent enough.  4/10
Wendy: Ugh.  Joins at Lv1 near the start of midgame with craptacular stats.  BUT BUT TRIANGLE ATTACK yeah no.  1/10
Barth: Bland with a 2% CHANCE OF RES GROWTH.  Meh Armor Knights.  2.5/10
Douglas: Tin-plated failure.  0.5/10

Wallace: Exists outside of Lyn Mode?/10 (2.5/10 in all seriousness)
Oswin: Actually pretty solid for an Armor Knight.  5/10

Gilliam: Useable early but meh.  3/10
Amelia: Sure, you can catch her up relatively sanely if you're willing to use the tower I suppose.  Project character who doesn't become all that great, really, but at least FE8 lets her be useable.  3/10
Duessel: Eh, he's useable if you need a warm body I guess.  2.5/10
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 11:08:05 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #106 on: March 20, 2010, 01:38:08 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 9/10. Hastega? Yeah, that's about it. Gets Haste early, breaks game, and then gets Hastega/Slowga/Quick Hit later on to break the game even more. Could use better durability, but speed hax in the FFX system is awesome enough as is.
Auron: 7/10. Durability. Just having the strength, HP and defence he does makes him useful, and the breaks add a good bit to that early on as well. Could do with some more variety and/or speed, but he's still a damn good character.
Rikku: 5/10. Fun niche with the items, but she's the most replaceable character by far. Items are, for the most part, tricks covered by other characters for the majority of the game, and without the cost. Healing items are usable by everyone, and I didn't find stealing was useful until post-game, really. Still has the speed and Mix to have a lot of use, just not as much as everyone else.
Wakka: 8/10. Gains 2 points here for Attack Reels alone, seriously, considering how easy it is to get Limits in FFX. Otherwise, good accuracy, strength and durability keep him as a useful party member, and the status helps in specific situations.
Lulu: 7/10. Since most enemies have weaknesses, she's pretty damn useful throughout for randoms, and has solid damage against most bosses. The speed and PDur really drag her down, since the evasion isn't all too noticeable until endgame.
Yuna: lol/10? Yeah, 10/10. You have to be pretty damn stupid not to use Yuna. (Hey, guess what? I didn't use Yuna until the Mega Graviton Sin fight... >.<)
Kimahri: 0.5/10. Has theoretical use? Everyone else is better at what they do, and with FFX's battle system, there is no reason to use Kimahri ever outside of his Limit Breaks and when Yuna's gone, and then you can just use items to fill Yuna's niche that he can cover.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
(Cutting FE6-7, since I haven't played them.)

Gilliam: 4/10. Ehh. Potential early on, but nothing special.
Amelia: 3/10. Yeah, she -can- be good. But she's underlevelled and way too late to actually be of any use.
Duessel: 6/10. Actually not too bad? The high levels help a lot here.

Gatrie(9): 8/10. Actually really damn useful. Tanks, has decent enough speed to at least not get doubled early on, and lategame, has the defence for weaker enemies to tink. Fails it up against most bosses, though.
Brom(9): 6/10. Starts off dealing way too little damage to do anything useful. Can become half-decent with some training, and still has decent-ish defences, but... ugh, that damage.
Nephenee(9): 8.5/10. Strength, speed and Wrath. Yeah, Nephenee's a beast if she can survive, but her durability's not the best. Might need some help early on, but definitely worth it.
Devdan: Not gonna vote on him. Never even wanted to use him.
Tauroneo(9): 5/10. Has speed and strength, just low defences for an armoured unit and comes way too late to make use of this, especially when there are better characters for what he excels in.

Aran: 7/10. Most of this comes from availability, because a half-decent character in the Dawn Brigade?! Yeah. Otherwise, a bit average, but definitely usable.
Meg: 5/10. Ugh. Nope, I'm sorry, I've never understood Meg hype. She's got poor defences on the whole and that's meant to be her forte. Screw you, Meg.
Tauroneo(10): 7/10. As with FE9, but much better availability. Still not great, but better, and his average stat spread looks much better when compared with the DB.
Nephenee(10): 7/10. Aran Mk. 2. Bit of a shame, since she was godly in FE9, but I've never really found her worth in FE10.
Brom(10): 7/10. Brom, on the other hand, improved a decent amount, making him at least above-average.
Danved: Again, never wanted to use him, so no rank from me.
Gatrie(10): 5/10. Oh, the nerf. :( His defences seem so much worse now, and he's lost that speed advantage he had, which makes a world of difference. Much worse on availability now as well. ;_;

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #107 on: March 20, 2010, 02:54:38 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 5.5/10
Wakka: 5/10
Lulu: 8/10
Kimhari: 4.5/10

Might edit in reasons later~
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 02:56:21 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #108 on: March 20, 2010, 03:38:56 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 7/10. Haste is nice.
Auron: 4/10.
Rikku: 2/10. Found her pretty useless, but I didn't bother with items much.
Wakka: 7/10. Status good, hitting fliers good.
Lulu: 7/10
Yuna: 9.5/10. Healing+Aeons. Hard to go wrong there.
Kimhari: 3/10

Wallace: 3/10. Smashes Lyn mode, which is worth something.
Oswin: 7.5/10

Gilliam: 2/10. Found him utterly useless.
Amelia: 3/10. Yuck.
Duessel: 3/10.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 03:56:23 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #109 on: March 20, 2010, 03:44:37 PM »
Tidus: 6/10. Haste is very cool, but I'm not exactly wowed otherwise? Kinda bad durability and lacks a real niche in randoms.
Auron: 3/10. Cast LVP, though not bad. See Monkey, basically... breaks are too situational, and otherwise he's just not impressive... Wakka who is a little better at Wakka's best stats and much worse at everything else, and without the good overdrives.
Rikku: 4/10. I'm rather torn on Rikku. On the one hand, Steal/Use is so replaceable (easy to give it to Kim or Yuna, and you don't need stats for it) so she's not getting many points from that, and aside from speed her stat spread needs work (having neither offence is bad). On the other hand, her Overdrives are rather game-breaking with the right stuff. Eh. Going with the score for most of the game.
Wakka: 7.5/10. Status is better than Haste/Delay in randoms, though worse in bosses of course. Otherwise, though, largely a better Tidus. A bit of Speed is easily worth having much better almost everything else: durability, aim (there's a certain enemy type basically only he can kill), magic/MP, overdrives, and a bit of power.
Lulu: 7/10. Like Wakka, there's effectively an enemy type only she can kill without resorting to aeons (Yuna eventually can). That's good. Generally rather cannon-like, the offence comes and goes in spikes and relies on hitting weakness but at its best... yeah, see the DL curve. Helps that you should give her your Magic Spheres since who else is getting them? Speed blows.
Yuna: 10/10 Even without aeons... ridiculous buffs, heals, and a great stat spread which eventually lets her be the best attack mage with a few BM Spheres, has high speed/evade, etc. Agree with Monkey that I'd like MT healing, but the ST suffices. Then aeons exist and carve things in half. Ryu3-like.
Kimhari: He's such a weird case. He can be fasttracked to some good builds BUT you need to know what those are, so Monkey's point is certainly valid. On the one hand, I totally understand why people would give him low scores and I kinda feel that objectively he isn't that great (though still better than Auron, since he covers Auron's niche well regardless). But on the other hand since most people seem to be voting off personal Kim builds I might as well do the same. The most positive Kim build I made is basically a better Tidus... fasttrack him to Delay Buster/Hastega/Quick Hit, he gets them before Tidus and has much higher Str/MP to boot. So... 7/10.

Bors: 6/10. Second best knight in the GBA games (and third best in the series that I've seen). Still has that bad move, but 11 base Def in a game with a low Def average is badass, and he actually has speed/luck growth. Accuracy is the big concern.
Wendy: 1.5/10. A midgame project character who is basically a Bors clone at equal levels. gj
Barth: 2.5/10. Bors with slightly more Def and way less of the stats that matter.
Douglas: 2/10. Looks guys 8 speed lategame.

Wallace: 3/10. Nice showing in Lyn Mode, but otherwise no.
Oswin: 7/10. Quietly competent and a nice crutch early. Wish he had actual offence, but so it goes.

Gilliam: 3/10. Hey guys 3 speed + 30% speed growth + bad move am I doing it right?
Amelia: 3/10. Respect for FE8 trainees has gone up a bit since they actually do catch up level-wise without going significantly out of your way. That said, Amelia is still a lot of effort for someone who really isn't better than a bunch of high-end dudes.
Duessel: 5/10. Mocks a few maps on Eph mode which can be reasonably tough. His lategame sucks but I reward people who have one clear time of being good with no effort to get there.

Gatrie(9): 3.5/10. Not as bad as Gilliam, but still bad. Paladins + Ike make better tanks in this game since they're also indestructable and have (way) more move and offence. Also terrible supports.
Brom(9): 5.5/10. Similar to Gatrie, except he can eventually double things with lots of Knight Ward use, and has supports I give a damn about (Boyd and Nephenee).
Nephenee(9): 7.5/10. Very solid and balanced unit. The class itself is meh but Wrath is one of the few skills worth caring about and her stats are really good. Bad start + lack of move-again broken keeps her back from the upper echelons.
Devdan: 3/10. I guess he can be some sort of midgame crutch if you're desperate.
Tauroneo(9): 4/10. See above, replace midgame with 3/4-game or something.

Aran: 6/10. DB needs a semi-competent wall.
Meg: 4/10. See above, she's just less good at it.
Tauroneo(10): 5/10. Decent for the very small number of chapters he's there in Part 1-3, then falls off.
Nephenee(10): 7.5/10. Lower Strength, but otherwise a lot like her FE9 self, and she doesn't start as far behind.
Brom(10): 4/10. Like father like daughter. There's just no reason to use him over Gatrie, this time. That said he's not terrible.
Danved: 4/10. I wish he was better. Best speed in the CRK is something but it doesn't last.
Gatrie(10): 7.5/10. Very solid, he's basically Haar with -3 move and no move-again or flight. This makes him much worse than Haar given how valuable flight is in Part 3, but still, a strong choice.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 05:22:04 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #110 on: March 20, 2010, 03:44:51 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 6/10. Solid.
Auron: 4.5/10. Okay.
Rikku: 3/10, stealing.
Wakka: 6/10. Solid.
Lulu: 7/10. Hits weakness on stuff.
Yuna: 10/10. uh
Kimhari: 1/10. fucking fails.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Wallace: 2/10.
Oswin: 6/10

Gilliam: 2/10
Amelia: 7.5/10
Duessel: 4/10

Gatrie(9): 4/10
Brom(9): 3/10
Nephenee(9): 9/10
Devdan: 4/10
Tauroneo(9): 3/10

Aran: 6/10. Good early but very RNG dependent late.
Meg: 8/10
Tauroneo(10): 5/10
Nephenee(10): 9/10
Brom(10): 5/10
Danved: 3.5/10. Not really very good.
Gatrie(10): 8/10
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #111 on: March 20, 2010, 03:55:38 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 8/10. Fast, pretty accurate, speed games from hell made tons of otherwise possibly tough fights a lot easier.
Auron: 6/10. Stat nuker focus works well, but use drops lategame kinda like Wakka for me.
Rikku: 7/10. Meanwhile I did use items a ton! Rikku was a definite mainstay for me - MT healing + pesky status removal was useful at multiple points, and machina autokill was useful. Late join kinda hurt, though.
Wakka: 7/10. Good for hitting three-turn status or flyers. Otherwise, pass. Regardless, this is FFX, that's use enough. EDIT: Mmm, right, status was more hax than I remembered.
Lulu: 8/10. bam bam bam bam bam. Nuke lady, swapping covers durability pretty well.
Yuna: 9.5/10. 10/10 I think I'd save for forced/must-use characters that break the game. Yuna absolutely can break the game, no questions asked, but isn't forced or must-use (as in the game is unbeatable without using her consistently throughout). (Yes she may have some small forced sections throughout, I'm talking more can't switch out of party ever-main character level. But.)
Kimhari: 0.5/10. Meanwhile 0/10 I'll save for completely irredeemable trash. Kimahri's just absolutely pointless.

Effectively, when the entire cast has their own niche and does it really damn well and can occasionally cover other niches, I've no issue giving all above-average grades. So.

Wallace:  2.5/10. Lyn Mode, 3 chapters!... and then may never be seen again. Yep.
Oswin: 7/10. Excellent tank, should steer clear of mages though.

Gilliam: 3/10. Eh.
Amelia: 4/10. Eh+ for possible potential. Yes, takes effort, but it's effing FE8.
Duessel: 4/10. Pre-raised potential. Crummy compared to others, but hey, starts off semi-competent, might as well.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 08:30:59 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #112 on: March 20, 2010, 06:55:50 PM »
Welcome to she of the unusual opinions, Alanna's rankings!

Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 9/10
Auron: 8/10
Rikku: 8/10
Wakka: 8/10
Lulu: 6/10
Yuna: 10/10
Kimhari: 5/10

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 5/10
Wendy: 5/10 shes amazing when trained. I used her twice and both times once she caught up she did amazing
Barth: 4/10
Douglas: 1/10

Wallace: 4/10
Oswin: 10/10 I think the only thing that can damage him is boss mages. Even armor slayers do 0 damage.

Gilliam: 9/10 Seriously people whats with the low scores. Gilliam has the EXACT Same growths as Oswin. Since enmies in FE8 fail, its easy for even Gilliam to double.
Amelia: 9/10 The tower is there to be abused
Duessel: 4/10 The game is so easy even people like Duessel are totally usable

Gatrie(9): 6/10
Brom(9): 5/10
Nephenee(9) 7/10 Never got the hype
Devdan: 3/10
Tauroneo(9): 3/10

Aran: 5/10 No speed
Meg: 6/10 Not as hard to train as people say
Tauroneo(10): 3/10
Nephenee(10): 7/10
Brom(10): 5/10
Danved: 1/10
Gatrie(10): 10/10 WTF tank with speed!

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #113 on: March 20, 2010, 07:02:56 PM »
Gilliam does not double anything. I just got done replaying the game and FE8's enemies are not even close to bad enough to be doubled by Gilliam.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #114 on: March 20, 2010, 07:33:31 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 7/10.  Quick Hit and Hastega are sexy, but he's a bit lackluster before then.
Auron: 7/10.  Breaks take the bite out of a bunch of bosses, he a big boost to the party when he joins (at least, he always feels like such anyway), and much like the DL, the easily obtain First Strike weapon is very nice for the endgame.
Rikku: 7/10.  Pretty much all of those being Al Bhed Potions (though Steal in general is handy and high speed is useful even if you don't use her due to switching).  VERY handy through probably the overall hardest section of the game (ie the ONE WITHOUT YUNA).
Wakka: 6/10.  His niche felt underused at times, for some reason.  Maybe there just weren't that many "big bad status vulnerable randoms", which really is what his skillset was for?  I dunno.
Lulu: 6/10.  Really lags for chunks of time between spells, and... I always feel like the offense is middling without Double Cast.
Yuna: 10/10.  Yuna doesn't need the party.
Kimhari: 4/10.  You can use him if you want.  It's nothing great but he won't slow you down really.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 4/10.  Eh, he fills in well enough at the start.
Wendy: 3/10.  Never struck me as worth it, but doesn't look bad if you put in the time.
Barth: 2/10.  Looked like Wendy but worse.
Douglas: 1/10.  Man, screw you and your recruitment method (and double screw that I can't just kill you if I want the real final chapters)

Wallace: 4/10.  Having the button to press for Lundgren is nice, but uuuuusually you shouldn't need it.
Oswin: 6/10.  Solid enough, although the lategame has some large ass maps so I'm not feeling higher.

Gilliam: 4/10.  I do not remember Gilliam at all.  This tells me I didn't use him, but I think he was roughly equivelent to the "slightly overlevelled earlygame knight" type.
Amelia: 5/10.  She turns out okay.
Duessel: 4/10.  Hm.  I seem to recall having the wall being useful.

Gatrie(9): 4/10.  Usable enough.
Brom(9): 3/10.
Nephenee(9) 8/10.  Damned good.
Devdan: Abstain.  I'm... not sure I even got Devdan.  No memory whatsoever of him.
Tauroneo(9): 2/10.  Didn't stand out at all.

Aran: Abstain.  I kinda killed him.
Meg: 3/10.  Meh.
Tauroneo(10): 5/10.  By god the fucking Dawn Brigade needed a goddamned tank.  Pity he wasn't a less traditional one (For example, if they had Haar... mmmmmmm.)
Nephenee(10): 6/10.  Didn't really impress this time.
Brom(10): 3/10.  I recall letting him die, but hey, he's on some very limited party maps so that's something.
Danved: 4/10.  SHakey start, didn't feel worth it.
Gatrie(10): 4/10.  Lost in the background noise of the Greil broken.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #115 on: March 20, 2010, 10:02:44 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 9/10 - Haste is the best buff in FF10.
Auron: 7/10 - Needs Tidus to really be effective but Tidus is such a good character to use so it isn't that bad of a downside.
Rikku: 8/10 - The items are solid and they can net you wins against some tough enemies early.
Wakka: 7/10 - Blind is quite a nice status but it becomes useless later on. Good thing he becomes better at that stage.
Lulu: 7/10 - Kills flans. Needs Tidus to fight effectivly.
Yuna:10/10 - Solos game.
Kimhari: 5/10 - He isn't that bad. Its just everyone else is really good while he is very much average.

Aran: 8/10 - Its him or Nephenee for the soldier class. Either one is a good option.
Meg: 1/10 - Never understood all the people that hold her up as a character unfairly raged on. She comes out of the box as one of the worst characters in the game and is hard to train into the area of being good. Yes there is bonus exp but hurts Meg more then it helps, also why would you bother anyway? Gatrie has more hp, defence, speed, attack, hell damn near everything better then her and he is around longer too. Just complete trash.
Tauroneo(10): 7/10 - Not as good as Gatrie but he kicks massive amounts of ass in one chapter with the cliffs. Park him in that area and the enemy will all fluff their turns on him before being painfully killed.
Nephenee(10): 8/10 - Is Aran but female. Has nice legs.
Brom(10): 4/10 - Fails when compared to Gatrie but he can effectivly block off areas in areas where he is the only tank.
Danved: 2/10 - Near pointless. The soldier couple are much more effective.
Gatrie(10): 9/10 - The best tank by a long margin. He'll be doubling while taking no damage in return for most of the game.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #116 on: March 21, 2010, 01:28:54 AM »
Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 6/10
Wendy: 2/10
Barth: 5/10
Douglas: 1/10

Wallace: 5/10
Oswin: 7/10

Gilliam: 6/10
Amelia: 4/10
Duessel: 7/10

Gatrie(9): 7/10
Brom(9): 5/10
Nephenee(9): 7/10
Devdan: 4/10
Tauroneo(9): 4/10


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #117 on: March 21, 2010, 04:27:38 AM »
Final Fantasy 10: Later.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 6/10 - TANK. Just having that makes him worth having around, and he's not too terrible at str or spd
Wendy: 4/10 - If she came a few chapters earlier she'd be awesome, as a slightly more offensive Bors, but level 1 with bad bases... ugh.
Barth: 3/10 - Just... can't kill anything ever.
Douglas: 2/10 Haha fail.

Wallace: 4/10 - Wins Lyn mode, somewhat usable later.
Oswin: 8/10 - Hector sans Wolf Beil.

Gilliam: 4/10 - The only game I felt no need to use the starting armor knight. Don't need tanks in FE8, and he doesn't kill much.
Amelia: 5/10 - Not quite as easy to catch up as Ross, but versatile + generally good stats and great supports.
Duessel: 4.5/10 - Great when you get him.

Gatrie(9): 6/10 - A decent wall who stays afloat the whole game.
Brom(9): 7/10 - A slow start, but the better speed brings his value up a bit.
Nephenee(9) 8/10 - Oh god the speed cap hurts. Otherwise, tough enough, fast, and Wrath.
Devdan: 4/10 - Just... there.
Tauroneo(9): 5/10 - Resolve is sick.

Aran: 7/10 - Awesome for DB, usable later on.
Meg: 2/10 - could use her I guess? Only she has a bad start and she starts with the hardest group to catch bad characters up with.
Tauroneo(10): 7/10 - See Aran.
Nephenee(10): 7/10 - So many new choices lower her score from FE9, and her damage felt less awesome.
Brom(10): 5/10 - What a fall. Lost that speed advantage.
Danved: 5/10 - Good for the RK, that's about it.
Gatrie(10): 7/10 He stole Brom's speed! And has awesome strength!
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #118 on: March 21, 2010, 08:25:17 AM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 7/10. Haste is very good but he's actually sort of bad before then. Still... that's little enough of the game that I give him a good score, and his stats are adequate.
Auron: 2/10. Bad stats (no speed or MDef, damage and pdur are merely decent instead of great). Breaks are only good for a couple specific enemies and other, better people can get around armor.
Rikku: 3/10. Al-Bhed potions are nice MT healing that doesn't run out, but you have other sources of healing and that's all Rikku's really got going - other Use items require too much rote experimentation or FAQing to be a worthwhile perk and stealing in JRPGs can generally kiss my ass.
Wakka: 7/10. Good damage for much of the game which works on annoying evade/MDef whore enemies, good status, an actual noteworthy overdrive, and about as tough as Auron. Tapers off late in many respects, but real valuable for like the first 3/4ths.
Lulu: 6/10. Boring but solid, she packs a mean wallop and has decent survivability later on.
Yuna: 9/10. Not too impressed with her in-battle healing, but everything else is amazing - the best white magic buffs ever, battery healing, and Aeons to sponge big attacks and pile on some free damage.
Kimhari: 5/10. I made him a Rikku with actual strength and armor piercing and a leg up on the grid - usable but not outstanding. There's better uses but also much worse, so I feel okay about just going by personal experience.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:

Wallace: 1/10. Shit who even steals some experience on one map. Even just comparing him to physical-oriented FE7 prepromos he is bad.
Oswin: 8/10. Now we're talking. Strong start, good damage and doesn't counter himself to death against swarm tactics. Has to be kept away from mages, though.

Gilliam: 3/10. I mean, at least he's easy enough to use at first to see if the RNG blesses him.
Amelia: 6/10. I ain't one for full tower runs but giving trainees a quick blooddbath in the lower levels is reasonable for me, so Amelia's solid.
Duessel: 3/10. Can weaponless tank a couple maps after you get him! yeah...

Gatrie(9): 3/10. Oh, what a disappointment. Has an impressive early showing them vanishes, and comes back when he doesn't match up.
Brom(9): 3/10. Meh, knight ward abuse on a supbar character.
Nephenee(9): 9/10. MVP. The wrath + vantage combo is incredible and Neph is the only one who can get it for a while. Great stats even without that.
Devdan: 2/10. Shit.
Tauroneo(9): 4/10. Meh.

Rankings that I missed but care about:

Chrono Trigger:
Crono: 3/10. Bad lone damage, bad unite techs, bad support skillset. CT loves its multipart bosses though, and Crono gets quite the solution to them later on, so I can't poo-poo him too much.
Marle: 8/10. Good healing and buffs and cheap, painful unite techs. Good stuff.
Lucca: 5/10. Hits randoms hard, hits bosses hard, whether used alone or in a dual-tech, but that's all she's got. Lulu without a late durability spike.
Frog: 6/10. Marle-, still good.
Robo: 9/10. A lot of the same benefits as Marle, but instead of buffs he gets much better durability and, later on, a strong ST tech. A brick fighter, competent healer, and good group sweeper all in one.
Ayla: 3/10. Just doesn't stand out in any way, despite solid stats. Lacks purpose.
Magus: 3/10. Kinda like Lucca on his own, somewhat tougher though. His unites suck though, and all his shit is pretty expensive. Strong but expensive magic doesn't cut it as a good purpose in CT.

Mega Man X Command Mission:
X: 7/10. Good in any situation, but he never feels like he's breaking the game.
Zero: 6/10. Damage never felt that great unless he was unloading an HAT. Still, those things are useful, and he's never outright terrible when not going apeshit on a boss, just kind of underwhelming.
Spider: 3/10. Speed and... uh...
Massimo: 4/10. A bit better than Zero at what they're both good at because of tanking, but seriously drags ass in other situations, instead of just being passable.
Marino: 9/10. Good damage and a wonderfully flexible trump card.
Cinnamon: 2/10. Shitty healing and nothing else. But it's free!!!!
Axl: 5/10. Some nice crowd control I guess. Invincibility sucks. It lasts too short.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 08:27:06 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #119 on: March 21, 2010, 08:31:34 AM »
Final Fantasy 10: Man, what a weird cast to rank. But so it goes.

Tidus: 7/10. Haste is an awesome status in FFX. His MP is a bit limited, so you can't spam it as much and some random battles end before Haste really takes effect. Sonic Steel is also win, and he probably deserves at least another 0.5 for that...but not today I suppose.
Auron: 6/10. Starts off pretty solid. Stat busting and the HP is pretty good, but he starts falling behind around 3/4 of the way through. Piercing is also a pretty easily replacable status, so I guess his niche is even easier to fill in. Although he does get some hilarious gimmick moves which are quite awesome in and of themselves (Zombie Attack/Entrust/Sentinel). Probably nets him out to around here.
Rikku: 8/10. I...think. How much milage you get out of Rikku really depends on how much stealing you end up doing. Since she can potentially end up getting a little of everything and have fast speed backed up to it along with no recharge time for some others (hi Hastega). The one thing that does stand out to me though, is that she has MT healing, which is sufficient enough for a while. You can even double it with Alchemy and its plenty servicable.
Wakka: 7.5/10. A bit better than Tidus to me. Haste isn't as practical in some fights whereas Wakka's status remains relatively solid. Also IIRC, some of the wolves early on have weakness, which with the right element in hand, let's Wakka end up occassionally being able to smite them too, even if he otherwise could not. Can't do this later once the wolves start losing elemental weaknesses, but yeah. Tidus can't say the same though because there's no weapon effect that boosts accuracy. Larger potential damage and more useful early I feel.
Lulu: 6.5/10. I feel similar to CK on this. Objectively, she's really good. But there are some definitive periods of lag between spells which keeps her out of the top three for me. Gets notably better around end game since by then she has all the sphere stat bonuses, double cast and Flare.
Yuna: 10/10. She's like a 8/10 for the White Magic alone. But then you know, she has aeons, that easy ultimate weapon and other ridiculous cheese (some of the better armors given to her)...yeah.
Kimhari: 3/10. I...ugh. I can say, yeah he's probably better, but considering the first or even the second time through, knowing which route to send Kim down isn't the most obvious thing in the world. And sending him down the WRONG route creates a huge drawback because he now has to take extra time to make up that distance in levelling.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 6/10. Reasonably solid, especially early on when you don't mass evade tanks or what not. His raw defense is great. Hampered by the low Move here obviously and his Hit is actually something to be worried about. Starts getting more replacable later on (especially when you have units that start to gain better evade/offense). But he's not a bad unit to bring in late or anything.
Wendy: 1/10. hay guize. I r teh ninos in dis gaem. woot woot luk at my awsum stats wich end up liek Bors only I r underlevelled and don't end up bettar than him. Yeah. No.
Barth: 2.5/10. Uh...he's most notable to me for having MORE Def than Bors and has 2% RES GROWTH YESZ. This probably says something.

Wallace: uh...he's Athos in Lyn mode. So 7/10 if we pretend he never exists for the next 20 chapters. Or he would be like a 3/10 if we include those. Costs you a better unit and that speed is unsalvagable.
Oswin: 7/10. As far as PCs go, I count only around 2 other units that might be better than Oswin (one of which we've already seen). Oswin might not double, but he tanks like a champ. Move is bad, but can't win 'em all.

Gilliam: 4/10. Gilliam is basically in a game where every other unit is better than him offensively. His only really big selling point is the early tanking when you haven't acquired as many PCs yet (and I remember NEB and I hashed out in chat, that the number of levels where that lasts is even less in actual practice due to the lolaxeenemies early on). Otherwise, yeah you can use him. He just takes a long to catch up speed wise.
Amelia: 3/10. Is effectively Wendy except has notable potential and can do some unique things herself. If you get there.
Duessel: 4/10. lollegendaryobsidiangeneral. Well at least he's usable filler for a few maps.

Gatrie(9): 3.5/10. See Gilliam basically. Gatrie has it even worse though since now he's dealing with Canto and Ike/Oscar/Titania lolling at everything when he's supposed to be somewhat awesome. So even less early use. By the time he finally rejoins, the move is a hinderance and his speed is atrocious.
Brom(9): 5/10. If you insist on using an armor in FE9, he's probably it. Requires some Knight Ward use there, but some good supports in there (notably Boyd) keeps him afloat enough that he might see time for it.
Nephenee(9): 7/10. Starts off kinda bad, gets pretty damn destructive later.
Devdan: 3/10. Uh...mid game filler but is pretty bad. I rather use Muarim than him for example >_>
Tauroneo(9): 4/10. Late game filler instead of mid game. Also notably better skill in Resolve.

Aran: 7/10. So DB has the following people for competent tanking: Volug, possibly Nolan, possibly Jill. If you want someone who's more concrete, Aran is your man. Yeah, his speed is bad, but even when he's getting double, he probably ends up taking less damage than Zihark. That says something. Also, his support affinity is winsome. Not a final ten pick, but he's really good when he's there.
Meg: 3/10. Usable in theory and better project type than say FIONA. In practice, I just usually end up splitting that experience to Aran/Nolan/Jill/Zihark. So...
Tauroneo(10): 5/10. Uh...godlike in like the two maps in part 1. In part 3, he's servicable (not great, but servicable). Part 4, he's pretty bad >_>. So averagish altogether.
Nephenee(10): 7/10. FE9 Neph all over again. Still has the laggy start (2-1 is notable because Neph isn't dominating and Brom is doing copious amounts of work). Still gets ridiculously destructive later. Strength might need some work, but bonusing.
Brom(10): 5/10. I think. Useful in a few stages especially a couple with the choke points.  If you're using him, you're using him because you need a wall. He's just never that good offensively.
Danved: 4/10. Notably decent during the CRK stint. You can put more effort into him, but...
Gatrie(10): 8/10. Wow. Talk about an improvement. Gatrie went from not doubling ever, to doubling and taking lol damage at everything, effectively one rounding people that are dumb enough to hit him without a Hammer. You can kinda circumvent the move with Celerity, but he's never getting flight or Canto, so he's always effectively Haar-. Might be the 4th best GM to me.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #120 on: March 21, 2010, 07:47:36 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 9/10
Auron: 5/10
Rikku: 7/10
Wakka: 8/10
Lulu: 6/10
Yuna: 10/10
Kimhari: 4/10

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:

Wallace: 4/10
Oswin: 6/10


Gatrie(9): 7/10
Brom(9): 2/10
Nephenee(9): 8/10
Devdan:  3/10
Tauroneo(9): 5/10

Aran: 7/10
Meg: 1/10
Tauroneo(10): 6/10
Nephenee(10): 9/10
Brom(10): 5/10
Danved: 3/10
Gatrie(10): 6/10


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #121 on: March 22, 2010, 01:22:17 AM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 9/10 - Haste is the best buff in FF10.
Auron: 7/10 - Needs Tidus to really be effective but Tidus is such a good character to use so it isn't that bad of a downside.
Rikku: 8/10 - The items are solid and they can net you wins against some tough enemies early.
Wakka: 7/10 - Blind is quite a nice status but it becomes useless later on. Good thing he becomes better at that stage.
Lulu: 7/10 - Kills flans. Needs Tidus to fight effectivly.
Yuna:10/10 - Solos game.
Kimhari: 5/10 - He isn't that bad. Its just everyone else is really good while he is very much average.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #122 on: March 22, 2010, 04:17:37 AM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 7/10.  Yeah, Haste is pretty awesome, and decent otherwise.
Auron: 7/10.  Fantastic early-game, and still handy as a tank / Breaker in the late-game.  Don't use him against the evasive sure but whatever.  Being able to do things like "survive Ultimate Jecht Shot" and "has initiative vs. Marlboros" meant he usually was in the front 3 in the end-game.
Rikku: 6/10.  Sure, Al-Bhed Potion hype, though no Mix hype (screw experimenting / FAQing on this).  Still, really fast healing is handy.  Postgame becomes *insane* because you grab Quick Hit and Tidus's late STR boosts and all of the sudden she isn't doing terrible damage off fighter jet speed.
Wakka: 5/10. Fantastic against randoms, except I didn't really have much trouble killing randoms anyway.
Lulu: 4/10.  Sure, kills Flans, but the offense does lack a bit before Doublecast, and the speed is terrible.  Evade is nice but I prefer to be able to survive the worst case scenario.
Yuna: 9/10.
Kimhari: 5/10.  I have a hard time giving Kim a bad score when at worse he's basically a clone of whatever character you feel fits your playstyle best who will be extra tanky bit a bit slow.  I made him a Rikku clone myself for speed and because it was convenient to have 2 steals go off for XP-purposes in random battles. 

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:

Wallace: 4/10, insurance for Lyn boss battle.
Oswin: 6/10, didn't really use him but see the appeal.

Gilliam: 4/10. Whatever.
Amelia: 3/10.  Not a fan of FE8's project characters.
Duessel: 4/10.  Okay for the battles against Selena and Vigarde in Eph path, sure.

Gatrie(9): 3/10.  Probably not an active liability but FE9 maps were rarely claustrophobic castles with lots of chokepoints; too many wide-open field maps where Gatrie doesn't translate well.
Brom(9): 4/10.  More available than Gatrie.
Nephenee(9): 7/10.  Pretty good stats, though still a bit frail and meh move.
Devdan: 3/10.
Tauroneo(9): 4/10.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #123 on: March 22, 2010, 06:30:46 AM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 8/10. I love speed games, so Tidus played right into my style.
Auron: 6/10. He's got some great parts, but never really dominating.
Rikku: 8/10. More speed games, steal+use is funfun, ABPs are awesome and Mix was cool to play with. All around useful.
Wakka: 6/10. See Auron, really.
Lulu: 4/10. Always felt like the weak link in the cast that matters. Not bad, would possibly be brilliant in another game, but too much competition here.
Yuna: 10/10. This does not need explaining.
Kimhari: 3/10. Sub-Lulu, definately. Throwing him into Rikku's grid gets some use out of him at least.

Fire Emblem Armors and Lancers:
Bors: 5/10. Not bad. Great def in a game where Def is rare counts for something.
Wendy: Haven't tried using her yet, so abstaining.
Barth: 3/10. Strong start, but seems to fall behind fast. Which is about the only thing he does fast.
Douglas: 1/10. Uh. Speed. Get some. Seriously. Better Res wouldn't hurt either. All that Def counts for something between diddly and squat when you can't dodge shit and everything doubles you.

Wallace: 4/10. All 4 points come from Lyn's mode.
Oswin: 8/10. Beastly, but the move hurts so much. Want to rate him a 9 from all the times he's turned out well for me, but...I really can't bring myself to. The move is painful.

Gilliam: 5/10. Eh, he gets the job done well enough. Nothing to write home about though, either way.
Amelia: 3/10. I try to use her and get her to turn out well, but she usually ends up lagging, no matter what route I send her down.
Duessel: 4/10. Decently useful out of the box prepromo, I suppose. Not that you should need such things in FE8 ever.

Gatrie(9): 6/10. Wish he were around longer, but at least he's not Shinon. Manages to pull his own weight well enough with my playstyle.
Brom(9): 5/10. Found him worse then Gatrie the time I used him. I get that he has more potential at least, so I'm not holding that against him too hard. Average works.
Nephenee(9): 8/10. Yeah, she kinda wrecks shit.
Devdan: 3/10. Filler. Not particularly good filler, either.
Tauroneo(9): 4/10. Resolve is cool, but eh.

Aran: 8/10. Same score as FE9 Nephenee works. He's a damn beast for the DB sections once he gets rolling, and that counts for a lot.
Meg: Didn't use her last game, using her this one, so reserving judgement for now.
Tauroneo(10): 5/10. gets points for being an option during some of the rough parts in Part 1. Doesn't exist after that, to be frank.
Nephenee(10): 7/10. Felt like she lost a bit of steam from the last game. Or maybe just has harsher competition. Also, while she did turn out better then Aran overall...he's around during areas that desperately need the help while she's got plenty of other folks who can fill in for her.
Brom(10): 5/10. Hardly bad, but not really great either? Sure, average works.
Danved: 3/10. Warm body for the CRK part, I suppose. Fails to exist after that.
Gatrie(10): 8/10. Haar- really sums him up. He found some steroids between 9 and 10, and he was hardly bad in 9.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #124 on: March 22, 2010, 06:12:20 PM »
Final Fantasy 10:
Tidus: 7/10. Haste, but sucks otherwise until you get his final overdrive.
Auron: 7/10.  Needs to be hasted but Breaks make bosses even easier.
Rikku: 6/10. I never really got that much use out of... well, Use, and Mix was FAQ bait.  Still, fast and Al Behd potions.
Lulu: 4/10. Kinda sucks until Doublecast/Flare.
Yuna: 10/10.  Even without the optional Aeons she is ridiculous.
Kimhari: 1/10. Worthless unless you use a Warp sphere.