
Author Topic: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!  (Read 140016 times)


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #725 on: November 17, 2011, 02:50:58 AM »
Cleo: 7/10. Decent stats and magic. Good enough support.
Gremio: 3/10. His stats are a fucking travesty.
Pahn: 5/10. Serviceable.
Viktor-1: 4/10. Suikoden 1 was not a kind game to Victor.
Odessa: DNR.
Flik-1: 6/10. Solid character.

Nanami: 5/10. You can make her useful.
Bolgan: 2/10. Junk.
Eilie: 3/10. Okay but so easily overshadowed.
Rina: 4/10. See Eilie.
Flik-2: 7/10. Generally useful and pulls his own weight. Shame he never gets a third rune slot.
Viktor-2: 6/10. Pulls his weight though he's nothing stunning. A second rune slot saves him from mediocrity.

Thomas: 5/10.
Cecille: 4/10.
Juan: 5/10.
Piccolo: 3/10.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #726 on: November 17, 2011, 07:33:55 PM »
Xenosaga 2: Jenseits von Gut und Bose:
chaos: 3/10.  Passable but unspecial.  Exists to hit an element you don't exploit enough.
Jin Uzuki: 5/10.  Can hit air targets and cause aerial status.  Its something, I guess.
Gaignum Kukai "Rubedo" Jr.: 6/10.  Piercing was an important element from my recollection.
Ziggurat "Ziggy" 8: 4/10.  chaos with better damage. HP and different element...yeah, I'll give him a point.
MOMO: 8/10.  Game best character?  Game best character.  Thing is, the team oriented nature of XS2 means I can't give her TOO high (and likewise, no one can be too low) so yeah.
Shion Uzuki: 4/10. Hits ether defense and can hit aerial targets! Unfortunately, that Beam element in the middle of her combo hurts her damage and is quite annoying, and she's not exactly durable.
KOS MOS: 6.5/10.  Better Jin.

Suikoden Buddies, Friends, Etc.:
Gremio: 2/10.  Sucks.  Bad magic, strength is garbage and the weapon doesn't make up for it, and he's constantly forced. What COULD have saved him was the Talisman unite, except Pahn's gone for too long of the early game where Pahn would be useful, and Pahn sucks as a long term investment.
Pahn: 2.5/10.  Gremio except has at least SOME stats so isn't a complete wash.  This isn't exactly a very strong compliment though...
Viktor-1: 3/10.  He has massive HP early game, and his magic defense isn't as bad as Pahn's!  the Low Skill hurts a lot but clone rune kind of makes up for it...kind of...yeah, he's pretty bad.
Odessa: DNR.  She's awesome when you have her, but when you have her barely lasts.
Flik-1: 7.5/10.  SUIKODEN 1! THE GAME OF FIGHTER MAGES!  Loses half a point relative to Cleo due to an S-Range Weapon meaning he has to be in the front (albeit, he has the stats to justify that position), hurting team flexibility a tad, and less availability.

Nanami: 6/10.  Good Spark Rune user and her stats are just adequate enough to make her not a complete waste of a slot otherwise.
Bolgan: 3/10.  He's just kind of there, you know.
Eilie: 4/10.  Also kind of there, but notably more competent at that "kind of there" role or something.
Rina: 6/10.  An actually good mage for a large part of the game.  Better options exist, but that's why she's only a 6 and not higher.
Flik-2: 7/10.  Flik's still good; not as good as his S1 Self, but hardly bad by any means.
Viktor-2: 4/10.  Fighters aren't as bad in S2, and Viktor doesn't have the same stupid issues he had in the previous game.  He's now just kind of underwhelming instead of bad.

Thomas: 3/10.  He's kind of ok in his own chapters...which are shorter than the other chapters...oh look, the entire army joined and he's now just kind of pointless, huzzah! Hands down the worst Tenkai Star ever and such.
Cecille: 5/10.  Tank with acceptable damage.
Juan: 7/10.  Smash and such.
Piccolo: 3/10.  Basically, Thomas' Mage equivalent or something.

Snowe: 2/10.  Has a half decent unite with Lazlo, but otherwise is completely garbage.
Keneth: 6/10.  In the grand scheme of things, he's Flik-lite of S4.
Tal: 4/10.  While the worst of the 4, he's still better than the other early game options, and pulls his weight.  Early Earth Rune helps and such. 
Jewel: 6.5/10.  Probably best the 4, a half decent fighter/mage who starts with nice healing. 
Paula: 5/10.  Just kind of competent at what she is and all that.

Georg: 7/10.  Great all around fighter, but lack of availability docks him a point.
Sialeeds: 3.5/10. MEEEEEEH.
Miakis: 8/10.  Excellent twink fighter and adequate mage?  Yep.
Galleon: 4/10.  Worst of the knights, he can tank and...not much else!
Kyle: 7/10.  A more well rounded Miakis...which means worse overall cause he lacks the same SMASH value she does, but that hardly means he's bad...quite the contrary, he's still quite good.

As a side note, I am an idiot, as I didn't include Georg in S2 this round.  This does confirm that he WILL be in next round just get him out of the way and all that.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #727 on: January 04, 2012, 04:13:14 AM »
Xenosaga 2: Jenseits von Gut und Bose:
chaos: 2.70
Jin Uzuki: 3.80
Gaignum Kukai "Rubedo" Jr.: 6.50
Ziggurat "Ziggy" 8: 5.20
MOMO: 8.20
Shion Uzuki: 4.10
KOS MOS: 6.90

Suikoden Buddies, Friends, Etc.:
Cleo: 7.31
Gremio: 2.44
Pahn: 3.50
Viktor-1: 2.50
Odessa: N/A
Flik-1: 7.06

Nanami: 4.88
Bolgan: 2.79
Eilie: 4.25
Rina: 5.81
Flik-2: 6.19
Viktor-2: 4.50

Thomas: 3.21
Cecille: 4.57
Juan: 6.64
Piccolo: 3.29

Snowe: 2.83
Keneth: 5.83
Tal: 3.17
Jewel: 4.42
Paula: 5.00

Georg Prime: 6.92
Sialeeds: 3.08
Miakis: 8.25
Galleon: 3.25
Kyle: 6

Best Rating of this session: Miakis w/ 8.25
Worst Rating of this session: Gremio w/ 2.44
Odessa is not being rated due to DNRs and such.

Top 20 Ratings:
1t. Ryu (BoF3) 9.80
1t. Yuna (FFX) 9.80
3. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SH1) 9.53
4. Hyuga "Citan Uzuki" Ricdeau (XG) 9.46
5. Souji Seta (P4) 9.44
6. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHC) 9.25
7. Blue (SaGa) 9.28
8. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (WA1) 9.20
9. Haar (FE10) 9.17
10t. Deis (BoF2) 9.11
10t. Reyson (FE10) 9.11
12. Lenneth Valkyrie (VP(:L)) 9.02
13. Ephraim (FE8) 9.01
14. Summoner (FF5) 8.96
15. Elincia (FE10) 8.85
16. Tibarn (FE10) 8.83
17. Rena Lanford (SO2) 8.75
18. Tana (FE8) 8.73
19. Purim (SoM) 8.70
20. Maria Traydor (SO3) 8.68

Top 20 Failures:
1. Tree (FFT) 0.50
2. Rei (SaGa) 0.67
3. Karla (FE7) 0.77
4t. Red Turnip (SaGa) 0.8
4t. Slime (SaGa) 0.8
6. Chu-chu (XG) 0.85
7. Silence (SaGa) 0.92
8. Marlboro (FFT) 0.93
9. Uribo (FFT) 0.94
10. Maria Balthasar (XG) 1.00
11. Malak Golthana (FFT) 1.03
12. Byblos (FFT) 1.06
13. Douglas (FE6) 1.10
14. Skeleton (FFT) 1.13
15. Goblin (FFT) 1.20
16. Astrid (FE10) 1.20
17. Squid (FFT) 1.25
18t. Mime (FFT) 1.28
18t. Lyre (FE10) 1.28
20. Yunno (FE6) 1.35

Suikoden is going to be the death of me.  Just saying.

Grandia 3:

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Milich Oppenheimer:

Georg Prime-2:




Georg is only put here because I was an idiot and forgot to put him in the previous session, SO NO COMPLAINTS!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 06:55:04 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #728 on: January 04, 2012, 06:02:59 AM »
Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Kwanda: 5/10 - DEFENSE!!!
Milich Oppenheimer: 7/10 - Decent mage with a shield option.
Alen: 7/10 Comes with a Rage Rune
Grenseal: 7/10 Comes with a Thunder Rune (Oh god I hope I didn't confuse them) (Edit for NEB:) Also has good stats!
Kasim: 4/10 Kwanda minus
Sonia: 7/10 - Amazing stats, but is very late and so loses a point for that.

Mikolotov: 5/10 Decent?
Camus: 5/10 Also Decent
Georg Prime-2: 6/10 Crits?

Borus: 5/10
Percival: 5/10
Salome: 5/10
Leo: 5/10
Roland: 5/10 - Did any of them do anything spectacularly? I know Salome has a Water Rune...
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 06:11:21 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #729 on: January 04, 2012, 06:41:11 AM »
Suikoden is going to be the death of me.  Just saying.

Then...  don't bother anymore?  You've already hit the characters people actually care about.  Skip the rest if you think you can better spend your time otherwise.

Grandia 3:

G3 was pretty balanced.  Skill books & magic slots were pretty huge in determining character worth, and while physical Dahna would be weird, you could still do it with the right equips & setup.  So no terribly high or low numbers.

Yuki: 6/10.  The best character for tying enemies up with Flash / IP-delay physicals.  Solid specials if you need damage now now now.  Rarely much point to making him a mage, but could sling a spell okay when it came up.
Miranda: 5/10.  Speedy, but meh damage.
Alfina: 6/10.  Cheaty specials, but you couldn't exactly spam the paralysis move, and Armageddon is literally the last boss only.
Alonso: 6/10.  Sadly pretty good, especially once he gets uber gear that switches him from slow to fast.
Ulf: 5/10.  Best stats for sheer beating things up and tanking!  But I liked Yuki's specials a bit more.
Dahna: 5/10.  Magic is how you actually kill things fast without throwing huge amounts of SP at a problem, and she's invaluable for finishing off enemies tied up by the other 3.  For all that that's useful, I'd rather be able to tie enemies up at all, since Dahna can get stunlocked and die quickly if the enemies are left to roam free.  Specials were kind of irrelevant, too, not that they mattered much on a mage.  She starts out more a 4/10 and is a 6/10 by the endgame, when you have Galactic Bang and other such nonsense.
Hect: 7/10.  See Dahna, except add "cheaty specials of doom."  Line Cancel?  Armageddon?  Yes please.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #730 on: January 18, 2012, 03:29:23 AM »
Grandia 3:

I agree with Snowfire that the cast is reasonably balanced, but not to the degree he thinks.

Yuki: 5/10. Whirlwind is pretty great. He didn't impress me too much otherwise, but he's workable.
Miranda: 5/10. Clear MVP at first, kinda crappy by the time she leaves. I'll say it balances.
Alfina: 7/10. Good SP moves, high magic, surprisingly solid durability. Adds up.
Alonso: 3/10. Unlike Miranda, he's never good. Yes, those final equips give him physical stats... before you have any of the good physical skills, and he has no non-ST SP moves that I can recall.
Ulf: 4/10. The LVP, but not bad. Has the best stats, but SP moves tend to underwhelm relative to their cost, and his magic is bad.
Dahna: 6.5/10. Game-best magic is nice, and her physicals can be pretty good too! But she does have poor durability.
Hect: 7/10. Kinda like Dahna stat-wise (more extreme, which is likely a bad thing), but Crimson Shock is godly.

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:

Name is spelled Alen, Meeple.

Kwanda: 3/10. oh boy pure physical tanks
Milich Oppenheimer: 6.5/10. Pretty solid tanky mage.
Alen: 6.5/10. Early Rage Rune with good stats.
Grenseal: 5/10. See Alen, but with a worse rune. Too bad the game pisses on lightning, but he's good for Shell Venus.
Kasim: 3/10. Haha pure fighter.
Sonia: 7/10. Solid stats everywhere; very fast with decent magic/strength both.

Mikolotov: 4/10. Meh.
Camus: 5/10. Early Rage Rune, but he doesn't have the stats that Alen has.
Georg Prime-2: 6/10. uhhh I think. Good stats outside MDef.

Borus: 6/10. Smashes things in the face, tanks.
Percival: 7.5/10. <3 Of the game's 10 tanks, the only one who can use magic well outside TWR Chris. Slides into lots of parties well as a result.
Salome: 5/10. Acceptable as a mage who can take hits, but nothing outstanding.
Leo: 5/10. Really physically durable, but there are options for this who do more damage (although his damage is shockingly good for one swing at least).
Roland: 3/10. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Kika: 8.5/10. Stupid good. 3x damage rune off good speed yes please thanks. Even joins with weapon levels unlike 95% of the game's cast. Feels pretty obviously like the best PC in the game.
Dario: 3/10. Sucks.
Sigurd: 6/10. Decent water mage.
Hervey: 4/10. Mediocre.

Roog: 2/10. Awful.
Rahal: 3/10. Uh I guess he has magic. Needs a Gale Rune though.
Flail: 1/10. Dwaggiehorsies were just terrible. No rune slots, mediocre attack. Oh boy!
Lance: 1/10.
Nick: 4/10. Well he's not very good, though if you bother to level him up he's got really high potential! This is less bad in Suikoden than in most games, but he's still not worth it.
Ax: 1/10.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #731 on: January 18, 2012, 05:11:34 AM »
Grandia 3:
Yuki: 5/10
Miranda: 4/10
Alfina: 6/10
Alonso: ?
Ulf: 3/10
Dahna: 7/10
Hect: 7/10

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Kwanda: 2/10
Milich Oppenheimer: 3/10
Alan: 7/10
Grenseal: 7/10
Kasim: 3/10
Sonia: -

Miklotov: 3/10
Camus: 7/10
Georg Prime-2: 6/10

Borus: 6/10
Percival: 7/10
Salome: 4/10
Leo: 4/10
Roland: 2.5/10

Kika: 8/10
Dario: 3/10
Sigurd: 7/10
Hervey: 5/10

Roog: 2/10
Rahal: 2/10
Flail: 2/10
Lance: 2/10
Nick: 3/10
Ax: 1/10

Real winners for S5.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #732 on: January 19, 2012, 03:04:15 PM »

Grandia 3:

Yuki: 5 - just kinda there at first, has decent twinking potential, but IIRC his Multi-hit SP move doesn't add as many hits as Ulf's.
Miranda: 6.5 - Carries the early game.
Alfina: 7 - Might be a little higher if she didn't disappear suddenly.
Alonso: 3.5 - Warm body, though not terrible.
Ulf: 6 - Oh the physical twinking in this game is fun! And Ulf does it slightly better. I think I just favored physicals in this game over magic.
Dahna: 6 - Good magic made her my random slayer late... and that's all I remember about her.
Hect: 8 - Kill ALL the things. Only problem is that she's not around long enough.

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:

Name is spelled Alen, Meeple.

Kwanda: 3/10. oh boy pure physical tanks
Milich Oppenheimer: 6.5/10. Pretty solid tanky mage.
Alen: 6.5/10. Early Rage Rune with good stats.
Grenseal: 5/10. See Alen, but with a worse rune. Too bad the game pisses on lightning, but he's good for Shell Venus.
Kasim: 3/10. Haha pure fighter.
Sonia: 7/10. Solid stats everywhere; very fast with decent magic/strength both.

Mikolotov: 4/10. Meh.
Camus: 5/10. Early Rage Rune, but he doesn't have the stats that Alen has.
Georg Prime-2: 6/10. uhhh I think. Good stats outside MDef.

Borus: 6/10. Smashes things in the face, tanks.
Percival: 7.5/10. <3 Of the game's 10 tanks, the only one who can use magic well outside TWR Chris. Slides into lots of parties well as a result.
Salome: 5/10. Acceptable as a mage who can take hits, but nothing outstanding.
Leo: 5/10. Really physically durable, but there are options for this who do more damage (although his damage is shockingly good for one swing at least).
Roland: 3/10. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Kika: 8.5/10. Stupid good. 3x damage rune off good speed yes please thanks. Even joins with weapon levels unlike 95% of the game's cast. Feels pretty obviously like the best PC in the game.
Dario: 3/10. Sucks.
Sigurd: 6/10. Decent water mage.
Hervey: 4/10. Mediocre.

Roog: 2/10. Awful.
Rahal: 3/10. Uh I guess he has magic. Needs a Gale Rune though.
Flail: 1/10. Dwaggiehorsies were just terrible. No rune slots, mediocre attack. Oh boy!
Lance: 1/10.
Nick: 4/10. Well he's not very good, though if you bother to level him up he's got really high potential! This is less bad in Suikoden than in most games, but he's still not worth it.
Ax: 1/10.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #733 on: February 04, 2012, 04:39:09 AM »
Just noticed this topic hasn't been updated for a month! What gives?  Let's ranking more characters together.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #734 on: February 04, 2012, 05:14:41 AM »
Grandia 3:
Yuki: 5/10
Miranda: 5/10
Alfina: 5/10
Alonso: 5/10
Ulf: 5/10
Dahna: 5/10
Hect: 5/10
Time-Stopping Power: 10/10

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Kwanda: 4/10. Not unusable, but bland and ultimately overshadowed.
Milich Oppenheimer: 4/10.
Alen: 5/10
Grenseal: 5/10
Kasim: 5/10
Sonia: 5/10

Mikolotov: 3/10
Camus: 6/10 - Rage Rune.
Georg Prime-2: 4/10

Borus: 6/10
Percival: 5/10
Salome: 4/10
Leo: 3/10
Roland: 3/10
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #735 on: February 04, 2012, 06:23:40 AM »
Grandia 3:
Yuki: 6/10.  Whirlwind is awesome, pretty average otherwise.
Miranda: 6/10.  Good early on, becomes middling by the time she leaves, not around long.
Alfina: 7/10.  Good mage with no real huge failings.
Alonso: 3/10.  really fails at first, BECOMES SORT OF MIDDLING BEFORE HE LEAVES!
Ulf: 5/10.  Yuki with worse magic and no Whirlwind.  AoE Cancel is cool.
Dahna: 6/10.  Good Mage, but felt worse than Alfina overall
Hect: 8/10.  Blows things up, and MT INSTANT CANCEL WHAT THE SHIT?

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Kwanda: 2.5/10.  PURE TANK!! a game where this is meaningless.
Milich Oppenheimer: 7/10.  PURE TANK!!! ...who actually has a rather good magic stat which literally makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in this game.
Alen: 6/10.  Rage Rune with good stats?  Yeah, sure.
Grenseal: 4/10.  Alen with a worse rune.
Kasim: 2.5/10.  PURE FIGHTER!!! ...without an awesome rune, next!
Sonia: 7/10.  Milich with better speed and worse tanking...overall winning trade, but Milich is around notably longer, so yeah, we'll say it cancels out or something.

Mikolotov: 3/10. Meh.
Camus: 5/10.  Alen-lite.
Georg Prime-2: 4/10.  He's an ok fighter, but nothing special, and there are better options.

Borus: 6/10.  Hits Hard and tanks well.
Percival: 7.5/10.  Chris-lite.  This is still really good.
Salome: 5/10.  Passable mage, but nothing special.
Leo:  4/10. Massive tank, but there are others who can tank well and do other things.
Roland: 3/10.

Dario: 3/10.
Sigurd: 5/10.  Acceptable healer.
Hervey: 4/10.  Meeeeh.

Rahal: 2/10. AHAHAHAHAHAAH mk2.
Flail: 1/10.  Worse than his master...that's just sad.
Lance: 1/10.  ...see above.
Nick: 3/10.  Ok, sure, he's worth something eventually, but its hard to give a shit about a late project recruit in a cast this big.
Ax: 1/10.  Same problems as the other two.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #736 on: February 04, 2012, 10:08:52 AM »
Grandia 3:
Yuki: 5.5. Solid. More versatile than Ulf, and better at crowd control.
Miranda: 5.5
Alfina: 7. Solid mage+restoring party SP was completely awesome. Most of her other utility SP moves were not good though.
Alonso: 3.
Ulf: 3.5. Eeh. Yeah, clear LVP. His niche didn't play out too well in game. Final move is nigh useless in game overall.
Dahna: 6. Solid mage.
Hect: 7. Good, but surprised to see people got more mileage out of the that cancel move. Cancel windows are small enough that you normally won't really be getting multiple people by using MT, and it's slower than all the other cancel moves (And also then forget about damage). Needed to not start with all moves SP moves at L1.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #737 on: February 04, 2012, 05:19:17 PM »
Regarding Crimson Shock, (a) enemy turns often do line up pretty well so that you can get more than one,
(b) the Revenge skill lets you use your cancel move as a counter. This is largely not very good on anyone else since you're cancelling an enemy who just acted anyway. On Hect, it's an amazing free bonus cancel which can stop you from being swarmed.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Random Consonant

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #738 on: February 16, 2012, 06:34:37 AM »
Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:

Kwanda: 2/10
Milich Oppenheimer: 5/10
Alen: 6/10
Grenseal: 5/10
Kasim: 2/10
Sonia: 6/10

Mikolotov: 3/10
Camus: 5/10
Georg Prime-2: 4/10

well that was boring

Oh well, gonna post FFX/FE9 character thoughts for fun since I recently beat those.  What do you mean we did these almost two years ago what are you talking about.

Tidus: Haste is pretty cool, though the rest of the package isn't much, outside of the speed.  Still, Haste is worth a 7/10.
Auron: His niche against randomsmashing is the most replaceable even ignoring Kimahri's existance, go Piercing being not terribly painful to customize.  Against bosses he fairs better since breaks are harder to replace but they're laggy and he doesn't get faster.  Not what I'd call *bad*, per se, but did feel like the least impressive member of the non-Kimahri cast.  4/10.
Rikku: Use is one of those things that seems like it should be more useful than it ends up in practice.  Aside from being what may as well be your only source of MT healing (but but PRAY), it also gets those shiny White Magic buffs, so you've got those getting tossed out at cast-best speed with a quick action.  In theory.  In practice it basically ends up all about the Al Bhed Potions since the buff items are kind of a pain to get in bulk and Use is the most spareable skillset anyways.  Still, something to be said for tossing out ABP spam off that speed.  5/10.
Wakka: I didn't get as much mileage out of the statushax as some, but still, best overall stat spread for randomsmashing, the resident evadewhore randoms say lol to the rest of the cast more often than not and he's got better strength than Tidus for a sizeable chunk of the game so he deals with wolves fine as well.  Against bosses he's a little less solid but still best physical offense in practice and statushax is still an option against the odd boss, never mind that Attack Reels hurts if you care enough to grab it.  7/10.
Lulu: Lulu is so dang swingy on usefulness until late in her grid section, at which point she becomes quite good, but still, there's a pretty sizeable section of game where she's bad at things outside her randomsmashing focus, though unlike Auron she's not really at much risk of failing to oneshot enemies in her niche ever.  5/10.
Yuna: 10/10, nothing really needs to be said.
Kimahri: As far as I see it, the hornless wonder's got two real options open to him and they're both pretty solid.  The one I went for basically had him being Tidus with a larger MP pool to play with, so as a personal experience thing a 7/10 would work.  Pretty swingy though, I could see anywhere from a 1 to 7-8 fitting for him.  Weird.

Ike(9): Stat spread turns out exceptional, but the beginning could use a little work.  I'm not as big on the FE9 monosword hate as some people and the promotion didn't feel that late to me (go playstyle differences or something), so an 8/10 works.
Mist(9): Project healer, except BEXP exists so you can just BEXP her up to Lv10, blow a master seal on her, and enjoy your 8 move healer with Canto, which frankly strikes me as more useful than anything you can do with her main competition, and hey if you're willing to invest more she gets hax offense.  6/10.
Reyson(9): Needs boots/knight ring pretty badly, but is probably the best candidate for them anyways.  9/10, only real thing holding him back from a perfect score is needing to wait a few turns to transform.
Elincia(9): Her staff rank lets her hang back and play healer with physic staves, that's more than can be said for *some* of the lategame trash you get.  3/10.

Titania(9): Dominates the earlygame, only really falls off when other people start catching up to her in weapon ranks and start being able to pull out silvers, which takes a while because FE9 weapon levels are dumb, and even after that she's still solid.  9/10.
Oscar(9): So you have a reasonably tanky mounted unit in a game where mounted units are inherently dominant, give him solid offense and have him support with the main character.  Who gives him obscene evasion.  Then you give him more supports which make his evasion even more obscene.  Oh and there's also an accessory that boosts speed growth and cavaliers can use it to pretty crazy effect too.  What the christ, Intelligent Systems.  9.5/10.
Kieran(9): Rounding out the dominant mounted trio, we have this guy.  Offense/durability combo is p. cool.  9/10.
Makalov(9): The worst unpromoted cavalier.  Oh no.  7/10.
Geoffrey(9): Reasonably solid filler.  5/10.

Gatrie(9): I don't particularly *want* to give him a worse score than what I game Gilliam but *ugh*.  Armor knights run counter to my biases to begin with and FE9 makes their issues worse with its wide open maps and lack of narrow chokepoints and generally greater emphasis on mobility, never mind that the cavaliers do the tanking job about as well anyways.  In the meanwhile enemies actually have stats now and his speed is terrible.  Screw it, worse score than Gilliam he gets.  2.5/10.
Brom(9): Is better than Gatrie for reasons that have been stated, but still, the bias is against armor knights and I just can't bring myself to agree that it's two whole points worth of difference.  3.5/10.
Nephenee(9): Outside of the weapon rank (E in Lances at that point?  Really, Nephenee?) the start's pretty solid for what it is and she does bring a pretty reasonable offense/durability combo and is the earliest person who can potentially benefit from the Vantage/Wrath combo.  7/10.
Devdan: You could use him I guess but why.  3/10.
Tauroneo(9): Ew.  2/10.

Boyd(9): Brings offense.  Not a fan of the shaky speed though, or the defenses for that matter, for all that the HP can probably keep him out of too much trouble.  7/10.
Mordecai(9): augh 0 starting transform gauge why.  You could Demi Band him but you don't get that until Muarim joins and Muarim's better anyways so who cares?  Still, I've found Smite to be occasionally useful.  2.5/10.
Muarim(9): Well chances are if you're going to be fielding a tiger it's him.  Still not very fond overall.  3.5/10.
Largo: Boyd with worse defenses and supports barely worth caring about.  Aww yeah.  3/10.
Giffca(9): Well I guess he's a useful crutch against Ashnard if you got a sucky Ike.  5/10.

Mia(9): Oh FE9 swordmasters.  They don't dodge particularly well since FE9 hates giving people luck stats and it's harder to make up for that with supports now, enemies have better defensive stats than they used to so their low strength tends to bite them, weapon weight is mitigated by strength and in order to do damage they have to use heavier weapons, so the stereotypical swordmaster is getting hosed since enemies are actually having stats and they get to face the choice between not doubling or not doing damage.  And meanwhile lances and axes look better now since the people who use those tend to have better strength and end up more able to match swordmaster speed as a result, to say nothing of the cavaliers and their bloody ability to abuse the Knight Ward.  And Mia is pretty much the stereotypical FE swordmaster, having to deal with the harsh reality of being in a game that hates her statbuild.  Still, she can get by, but only just.  4/10.
Zihark(9): Slightly better overall than Mia, but worse potential skill combos there, and I don't think the better base is quite enough to warrant a better score, ultimately.  I'd care more about the Earth affinity if his supports didn't depend on people whom one really shouldn't depend on being fielded.  4/10.
Stefan(9): Well if you're going to field a swordmaster in FE9, it's probably this guy.  6/10.
Lucia(9): lulz.  1/10.
Naesala(9): Well I guess he's a useful crutch against Ashnard if you got a sucky Ike.  5/10.

Shinon(9): Ugh, no.  Can fuck up chipping in the earlygame because of that crit bonus, is terrible when he rejoins, and isn't even good once he gets levels under his belt.  I don't want to say EXP thief but with his needing all that EXP to go from a completely terrible unit to a merely bad unit, it's tempting.  0/10.
Rolf(9): Meanwhile he goes from suck to okay for an archer, but you probably have better uses for your BEXP and Astrid joins a few chapters later so why care?  2/10.
Lethe(9): Has some okay utility in the middle parts and doesn't take forever to be able to do anything besides shove people if not given the Demi Band.  4/10.
Astrid(9): Paragon/Knight Ward/Actually ends up pretty good/Is a FE9 cav.  8/10.
Ranulf(9): Lethe when you stopped having a reason to use Lethe five chapters ago.  2/10.

Marcia(9): Start is kind of shaky but can't argue with those results.  7.5/10.
Jill(9): Marcia trading some speed for some concrete durability.  Probably a lateral move, all things considered.  7.5/10.
Janaff(9): lawl.  2/10.
Tanith(9): Solid enough filler, point for Marcia/Oscar supports.  6/10.
Ulki(9): lawl.  2/10.
Haar(9): Solid enough filler, though a bit less solid than others.  4/10. 
Tibarn(9): Well I guess he's a useful crutch against Ashnard if you got a sucky Ike.  5/10.

Soren(9): Mages in FE9 have a whole host of issues.  Soren's in the running for best one and he's only adequate.  The power disparity between weapons and tomes is larger than it is in the GBA games and enemy resistance tends to be better, and due to how forging works, tomes just get left further in the hole.  Meanwhile, Soren's speed is shaky and his strength sucks, so he's likely going to need to rely on forges to do what others can.  I don't have a whole lot of respect for the unreliable Adept procs and the weakness hitting against laguz is a pretty small boon.  Still, he can contribute some pretty nice chip damage in the worst case scenario, and after promotion he can serve as a backup healer.  5/10.
Illyana(9): Hey look it's Soren without the things that make Soren adequate.  2/10.
Tormod(9): Cerelity solves one of the problems mages have, but he comes in underleveled, his base speed is basically Soren's except Tormod joins six levels higher than Soren did and his growth there is not notably better, and he's worse at the whole chip thing anyways.  4/10.
Calill(9): Would unquestionably be the best mage if she had the decency to use staves.  Unfortuantely she does not.  Still, solid stats and okay weapon levels.  5/10.
Bastian(9): No.  1/10.
Ena(9): I guess she can be used as a crutch or something.  2/10.
Nasir(9): Ditto.  2/10.

Rhys(9): Fails forever and ever at having any sort of offensive worth and unlike Mist doesn't get a pony on promotion.  Useable enough, I suppose, but there's too much you'd need to keep from looking at him funny for my liking.  3/10.
Volke(9): Costs 50 gold every time he does his thing I so don't care.  Not a whole lot of call for thief utility anyways but it is there and basically how I spammed physic staves at endgame.  4/10.
Sothe(9): No.  1/10.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #739 on: February 26, 2012, 10:49:57 PM »
Kika: 8/10
Dario: 3/10
Sigurd: 6/10
Hervey: 4/10
[17:47] <Meeple_Gorath> Someone give me ratings for these 4 characters, stat!


Roog: 2/10
Rahal: 2/10
Flail: 2/10
Lance: 2/10
Nick: 2/10
Ax: 2/10

If memory serves, while you're forced to use Rahal and Roog but they're not TOTALLY dead weight, just mostly dead weight.  Hurray Suikoden V's hilarious easiness.  The rest are never required but should also never, ever be in the party.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 10:52:49 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #740 on: February 26, 2012, 10:59:13 PM »
Grandia 3:
Yuki: 5.21
Miranda: 5.29
Alfina: 6.43
Alonso: 3.92
Ulf: 4.50
Dahna: 5.93
Hect: 7.00

Suikoden Yaoi Duo Knights and Arbitrary Characters Who Align with Them:
Kwanda: 3.07
Milich Oppenheimer: 5.57
Alen: 6.29
Grenseal: 5.14
Kasim: 3.29
Sonia: 6.50

Mikolotov: 3.57
Camus: 5.43
Georg Prime-2: 5.14

Borus: 5.83
Percival: 6.58
Salome: 4.67
Leo: 4.33
Roland: 3.25

Kika: 8.20
Dario: 3.00
Sigurd: 6.00
Hervey: 4.20

Roog: 2.00
Rahal: 2.40
Flail: 1.40
Lance: 1.40
Nick: 3.20
Ax: 1.20

Best Rating of this session: Kika w/ 8.20
Worst Rating of this session: Ax w/ 1.20

Top 20 Ratings:
1t. Ryu (BoF3) 9.80
1t. Yuna (FFX) 9.80
3. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SH1) 9.53
4. Hyuga "Citan Uzuki" Ricdeau (XG) 9.46
5. Souji Seta (P4) 9.44
6. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHC) 9.25
7. Blue (SaGa) 9.28
8. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (WA1) 9.20
9. Haar (FE10) 9.17
10t. Deis (BoF2) 9.11
10t. Reyson (FE10) 9.11
12. Lenneth Valkyrie (VP(:L)) 9.02
13. Ephraim (FE8) 9.01
14. Summoner (FF5) 8.96
15. Elincia (FE10) 8.85
16. Tibarn (FE10) 8.83
17. Rena Lanford (SO2) 8.75
18. Tana (FE8) 8.73
19. Purim (SoM) 8.70
20. Maria Traydor (SO3) 8.68

Top 20 Failures:
1. Tree (FFT) 0.50
2. Rei (SaGa) 0.67
3. Karla (FE7) 0.77
4t. Red Turnip (SaGa) 0.8
4t. Slime (SaGa) 0.8
6. Chu-chu (XG) 0.85
7. Silence (SaGa) 0.92
8. Marlboro (FFT) 0.93
9. Uribo (FFT) 0.94
10. Maria Balthasar (XG) 1.00
11. Malak Golthana (FFT) 1.03
12. Byblos (FFT) 1.06
13. Douglas (FE6) 1.10
14. Skeleton (FFT) 1.13
15t. Goblin (FFT) 1.20
15t. Ax (S5) 1.20
15t. Astrid (FE10) 1.20
18. Squid (FFT) 1.25
19t. Mime (FFT) 1.28
19t. Lyre (FE10) 1.28

This rating session is brought to you buy Beavers! ...which is exactly why we're not rating them because I do NOT TAKE BRIBES!!!

Final Fantasy 13:

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew:




Lo Hak:


NOTE: Due to my lack of knowledge and Suikosource not being useful in this regard, I probably missed some Suiko 5 characters.  Please feel free to fill in if I have!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 02:06:31 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #741 on: February 27, 2012, 12:07:06 AM »
Missed all of Urda for S5.  Three archers, whoo.  going overboard on thrown weapons, whoo.

Isato: 2/10 One skill slot and one attack but Great barrage isn't too bad a skill.
Lorelai-5: 7/10. Earylish and three slots.
Lu: 6/10 Middlish, but very fast and two skill slots.
Urda: 3/10 Isato with better war battle stats.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #742 on: February 27, 2012, 01:11:07 AM »
Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 6/10. High offensive stats, and makes a good commando and a good ravager. Probably the best overall PC for the first half of the game (you can see how much better she is than Sazh very readily), fades a bit as time goes on but never a bad choice. Her coverage of in-demand roles is pretty low, is the main flaw.
Sazh: 4/10. Sazh has offensive buffs, which are really nice. Haste/Bravery/Faith are decent, but it's the En- spells that really shine, doubling a Commando's damage in combination with an existing weakness or Imperil. He also has a decent Blitz eventually, against some targets, although there isn't much else to recommend his Commando or Ravager. Second best durability too... but honestly, once Hope also gets the offensive buffs, that HP is all he has and it's not enough. So... decent for a while, bad late.
Snow: 5/10. Nice HP, good sentinel, and shockingly good at being a ravager due to his casting time. I think he's pretty bleh as a Commando though, iffy attacks. Sorta rises and falls with how much you need a Sentinel, I think.
Vanille: 6/10. Debuffs are great and she gets them early, and even late maintains an accuracy lead on them. Having a trained medic is also nice. She's a bit weak on the direct offensive roles, though.
Hope: 6/10. The best thing about Hope is he's pretty much a perfect compliment to Fang (see below). Otherwise he's another good medic, which is certainly a great boon to bring to the table when he's also one of two Synergists (and more than Sazh offers). Magic is great, but HP sucks.
Fang: 7.5/10. So she is the commando with the highest attack (and has pretty much all the skills needed to excel in that role to boot) and also has her hands in two rather useful of the niche roles due to dropping Ravager (which she gets away with because literally everyone else has it). That's pretty badass.

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew:

Kirkis: 6/10. I remember most of the S1 elves having pretty high overall stats.
Lorelai-1: 3.5/10. S1 pure fighters are pretty crappy, but at least she has skill.
Rubi: 6/10. See Kirkis.
Stallion-1: 2/10. lol useless locked rune. RUNNING ON WORLD MAP oh boy, I'm sure this matters for speedruns or something. If you really want a Holy Rune you can slap one on whichever scrub is already being forced. That said he has unites with other elves which are pretty cool, and save him from a 1.
Sylvina: 5.5/10. Lower HP than Rubi/Kirkis, but still solid in the stats that matter (Speed and magic).

Ayda: 4/10. Really bland, but at least she has decent speed.
Kinnison: 4/10. A bit worse than Ayda on raw stats (not much), but has the Shiro unite.
Lorelai-2: 4.5/10. Kind of workable as a fighter/mage, but ouch at the one free rune slot.
Stallion-2: 3/10. Well at least he has a rune slot this time.

Ace: 4/10. Has his moments certainly, but overall a bit held back by a low power ceiling, pure fighter and there are many better.
Aila: 6/10. The early shield rune is nice, and she is a decent fighter/mage.
Jacques: 3.5/10. A lot like Ace, and while he's ultimately a bit better, he takes much longer to get a second swing, so he's less good midgame.
Joker: 4/10. Mage. Kind of a crappy one (only one free slot most of the game, fire is a crappy proficiency) but gets the job done.
Queen: 5/10. Ace who is... a little better midgame but quite a bit better late, since she's actually workable as a mage and has Heavy Damage.
Yuiri: 7.5/10. Brokenly good (07 magic, Killer + 2 free rune slots, Heavy Damage) but not around too often. Still really excels at whatever you want while she's around, and joins with a million skill points and a high-level weapon so she takes no effort to make this happen. HP could be a bit better.
Yumi: 6/10. Yuiri who is a bit worse at everything.

Aldo: 3.5/10. He's decently fast but mediocre otherwise. There's worse, granted!
Flare: 5.5/10. Late, but decent overall stats in areas that matter such as speed and magc.
Frederica: 5.5/10. Practically a copy of Flare, go figure.
Lo Hak: 4/10. Hervey with better magic (still not great), but worse physicals/HP. I guess he(?) is better than Aldo anyway.

Isato: 6/10. Gets three slots the second fastest of any fighter, decent stats all-around whether you want fighting or maging.
Lorelai-5: 6/10. Competent all-around.
Lu: 2/10. Game-worst durability! Only one free slot pure fighter! Thanks, but no thanks.
Urda: 7/10. Isato with more HP/strength, basically. Very good mage except at fire, and near the top of the physical damage chart, from the back row.

Fudo: uh, skill slot hype? Skill slots are worth less than a single climb of a stat tier, in general.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 06:37:00 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #743 on: February 27, 2012, 02:37:51 AM »
Fudo: uh, skill slot hype? Skill slots are worth less than a single climb of a stat tier, in general.

When it's for Speed?  Yeah.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #744 on: February 27, 2012, 03:02:40 AM »
Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 5 - Felt very average the whole game. Never needed her as a Medic outside of the opening with Sazh that I can remember... you always have either Hope or Vanille. I wanted to drop her most of the time.
Sazh: 2 - Wow, you're dead weight in battle. Good thing you've got Frocobo.
Snow: 8 - Sentinel abuse means you never lose.
Vanille: 7 - SAB is awesome, being the only healer for large portions of the game (and being better at it than Light) means she gets this 7 easily. Carries Sazh in their partner sections.
Hope: 6.5 - Medic duty for Lightning, but Lightning isn't dead weight.
Fang: 8.5 - Sentinel abuse AND SAB.

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew: Really weird choice of grouping here... >.>;;

Kirkis: 6
Lorelai-1: 6
Rubi: 6
Stallion-1: 1.5
Sylvina: 5

Ayda: 4
Kinnison: 4.5 for availability
Lorelai-2: 5
Stallion-2: 3

Ace: 6
Aila: 7.5
Jacques: 5
Joker: 5
Queen: 6
Yuiri: 7.5
Yumi: 7

Aldo: 7 - Has a unite with Ted, instantly useful.
Flare: 6
Frederica: 6
Lo Hak: 4

Isato: 4
Lorelai-5: 7
Lu: 3
Urda: 4

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #745 on: February 27, 2012, 03:30:04 AM »
Lightning: 6/10. She's quite good when she synergizes well with the party she's in, but because of her relatively weak third class she isn't great at synergy.
Sazh: 3/10. I'm kinda with Djinn on this one. He's got a specific part of the game where he is good, but the rest of the time he feels quite mediocre.
Snow: 6/10. Not feeling the uber hype due to not loving Sentinel but he has high HP and is a good Ravager. Plus points for shoring up my party's lack of Protect/Shell by getting it relatively early with off-class nonsense.
Vanille: 7.5/10. Deprotect/Deshell/Imperil are pretty godlike, great healer, is very valuable at raking up that Chain Gauge. Her damage isn't great, though.
Hope: 7.5/10. Picks up steam as time goes on gameplaywise, I feel like he's a no brainer to use in an optimal party lategame(not that I used him).
Fang: 8.5/10. Less good at the SAB job than Vanille until later, but her offense is nutty and Sentinel is always valuable, especially on a team without Snow.

Ace: 6/10.
Aila: 7/10
Jacques: 4/10
Joker: 6/10
Queen: 6/10. Most of the Geddoe crew is servicable but not great. I think Aila is a bit better than the rest and Jacques is a bit worse.
Yuiri: 8/10. Late but a very good PC.
Yumi: 7/10. Not sure why you'd use her when you get Yuiri at the same time, but still fine. :p
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 04:48:11 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #746 on: February 27, 2012, 04:39:10 AM »
Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 6/10.  Blinds people with swords to the eye.
Sazh: 4/10.  Functional when you've gotta use him, but I don't see a compelling reason to put him in the party once you get options.
Snow: 6/10.  When you need a Sen, there he is.  Otherwise alright but not necessarily optimal.
Vanille: 7/10.  Poison is really good, at least the way I was playing. 
Hope: 8/10.  The endgame kicks you repeatedly in the nuts if you don't use him.
Fang: 7/10.  That sure is a strength stat.

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew:

Kirkis: 7/10.  His stats are largely in the right places.
Lorelai-1: 4/10.
Rubi: 4/10?  I remember her having good physical stats, probably the most balanced among people without good Mag?  Which would be worth more if Viktor wasn't forced admittedly.
Stallion-1: 2/10.  Yeah.
Sylvina: 5/10.

Ayda: 3/10
Kinnison: 3/10
Lorelai-2: 4/10
Stallion-2: 3/10

Ace: 4/10.  He peaks really early, which is kinda useful.  But overall a poor choice as you go.
Aila: 6/10.  Shield is so damn slow, doesn't help at all in all those victory-optional fights :(
Jacques: 5/10.  Really good at what he does, even if it's not THAT useful.
Joker: 5/10.  As above.
Queen: 6/10.
Yuiri: 7/10.  Very good, very flexible, although at that point when you get people maxed in all their skills one dimensional is in some ways better.
Yumi: 5/10.  Not really feelin' another support mage at that point.

Aldo: 4/10.
Flare: 6/10.
Frederica: 4/10.
Lo Hak: 3/10?  Sure.

Isato: ... um.
Lorelai-5: 6/10.  Usable!
Lu: abstain
Urda:  abstain
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #747 on: February 27, 2012, 01:46:10 PM »
inal Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 7/10- Good at commando and ravager both. Medic's a weak third class, which is her biggest drawback.
Sazh: 3/10- *Flush* Worst PC in the game, hands down. Only thing he has going for him is early haste, which is not enough for me.
Snow: 4/10- Sen does not impress me and he feels inferior to Lightning overall as an offensive unit.
Vanille:  7/10- Really good sab and a good medic. Lack of commando hurts some.
Hope: 5/10. Good on paper, I just don't like the HP.  I found it easy to live without a syn in 13, sabs were so much better on the whole.
Fang: 8.5/10. Best Com in the game, and an excellent Sab to boot. She also makes a really scary syngerist if you somehow scrape up the CP for it, and her ravager isn't bad either.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 11:33:50 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #748 on: February 28, 2012, 11:22:23 PM »
Kirkis: Yeah, good stats in places where they're supposed to be.  6.5/10.
Lorelai-1: Meh.  3/10.
Rubi: I want to say he was at least okay.  5/10.
Stallion-1: No.  1.5/10.
Sylvina: Less solid than Kirkis.  5.5/10.

Ayda: Meh.  3/10.
Kinnison: Meh, half a point for Shiro unite.  3.5/10.
Lorelai-2: Workable this time around at least.  4.5/10.
Stallion-2: Still no.  1.5/10.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #749 on: March 04, 2012, 11:37:38 PM »
Final Fantasy 13:

Lightning: 6/10 - Solid COM, second best RAV. Subpar MED eventually drags her down but being competent and pulling her weight at two of the game's bread and butter/core roles goes a long way for usability and scoring well.
Sazh: 6.5/10 - Hmmm. Offensive based SYN. Seems to fit in with the style of the game/it's pace. Faith works great with Vanille's Deshell in Sunleth. Similarly early Brave is good with Sazh Blitz. Later on once Vanille picks up Imperil Sazh getting the En element spells earlier than Hope does also feels like a bonus.  Imperil + En elements work really well together. Just feel like these two characters/the SAB/SYN duo have great synergy with each other =) Sazh's biggest bonus/main draw/money move is of course early Haste. Haste barring external sources is probably the single best spell/ability in the game. I consider Imperil up there but eh. Haste speeds everything up. This is huge. For blitz orientated gaming speed means a lot. I do think FFXIII's Haste is a bit overrated (and I'm as guilty of that as anyone) but this tends to happen anyway when something is really good. Apart from early Faith, Brave, Haste and En spells, Sazh also has the Sazh Blitz. Does huuuge damage on targets with large hit boxes especially combined with other factors like buffs/debuffs and elements. Man deserves at least some love for the Sazh Blitz at least :)
Snow: 6.5/10 - Best Ravager, solid Commando. Best SEN but this doesn't feel as important to me as best RAV or a character being best COM, SAB or MED.
Vanille: 7.5/10
Hope: 6.5/10 - One of the best SYNs. One of the best MEDs.  Decentish RAV. Defensive based SYN, picking up the defensive based buffs, Protect, Shell, Bar elements earlier than the offensive ones. Which doesn't feel as potent for this type of game but mileage may vary. Once he finally does pick up goodies like Haste and Curaja though Hope is probably the best sheer dedicated support based character in the game.
Fang: 7.5/10 - Best COM, one of the best SABs. Don't care too much about her SEN though. FFXIII feels like an offensive driven game to me where blitzing is the order of the day and spending too much down time in more defensive roles like SEN, SYN, MED hurts time/damage output wise, etc. At least SEN prevents chain decay/holds the chain gauge unlike the other two though!~

« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 11:53:58 PM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"