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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #750 on: March 06, 2012, 03:39:15 AM »
Rubi: 4/10?  I remember her having good physical stats, probably the most balanced among people without good Mag?  Which would be worth more if Viktor wasn't forced admittedly.

You are negatively comparing 160 endgame MAG to Viktor?
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #751 on: March 06, 2012, 04:23:51 AM »
No, just misremembering Ruby as a physical fighter in which you have more than you need of those forced in the party.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #752 on: March 07, 2012, 07:30:51 AM »
FF13 is another game with solid balance that I'm going to be pretty narrow in my scoreband for.

Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 6/10 - Sure, covers bases, and is fun to control (most importantly for me).  Didn't really like microing SYN but Medic healing is important enough to not mind doing myself sometimes.  SAB would be okay except the AI wouldn't understand I was trying to disable an enemy, not kill it.  Medic healing jumps off a cliff in the last chapter and is non-existent early, but whatever.
Sazh: 5/10 - Falls off to a 4 lategame, sure, when Hope steals his niche AND becomes a better healer and hoses status.  But early on, I liked Sazh for doing fast buffs -> good damage.  Certainly a good choice if you're trying to get good scores on battles.  The ranged attribute of his attacks will randomly be helpful too.
Snow: 5/10 - SEN is a bit weird.  It saves your bacon in some fights and is often the only way to sanely recover when things go horribly wrong.  But it also is a slow and grindy way to win fights and your rating will suffer if you abuse it too much.  Still...  it totally gives time in, say, Hope teams to set up defensive buffs and not die, then worry about killing the opponent.  It lets you win fights that would otherwise be nightmarish, and Snow is the best at it with his durability edge on Fang.  So eh.  (Oh yeah and competent damage when you want it, too, but you can get that from anywhere.)
Vanille: 6/10 - I generally liked SYN a bit more than SAB, actually.  I usually felt more threatened by hordes of crap than one big nasty dude.  SAB is a +100% damage bonus on one enemy once it hits, basically, while SYN is +40% for that character's damage forever and always hits, and may also get defensive stuff too later on.  Still...  good Ravager, decent Medic, doesn't die as fast as Hope.  Then gets a +1 off Imperil alone.  Gee you're already doubling damage by default with Deshell / Deprotect, now we get to 4x it with Ravagers -> horrible death?  Yeah, Imperil is damn good.
Hope: 6/10.  Has a notable weakness in that HP so not really a suitable leader ever, starts off with pretty uninspiring SYN options.  Then gets more broken as the game goes on, and is probably the most crucial member to have in your party in Chapter 13 once Lightning's healing becomes uninspiring and you realize the final boss has instant death.  Protect / Shell kind of compensate for the horrid HP.  Didn't care about the lack of Commando, Ravager is just fine.
Fang: 7/10.  Sadly the best as noted.  You lose versatility - Fang's Ruin options are way worse than her physical in general - but you get just plain better damage against all but physical tanks.  A useful if not as fun trade.  You always want a Commando to keep Stagger up except when in pure turtle mode so lacking RAV isn't that big a deal.  As for SAB, it's situational but hey.  I found Leader Fang opening with Slowga quite key at making some of the nastier horde fights in Chapter 11 winnable.  SEN is just icing on the cake.

Incidentally my final party for Chapter 13 was Light / Sazh / Snow, and Light falls off in C13, so yeah all theoretically a suboptimal party, and I was still basically fine and felt I had options to win with.  (Had to switch Sazh to Hope to make the final more sane, though.)  So pretty good balance.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #753 on: March 08, 2012, 08:47:28 PM »
Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning: 7/10. Really good at both Commando and Ravager, which honestly was a pretty big deal for me I found.
Sazh: 4/10.  Haste is cool, but once Hope learns it, he's sort of out of a job.  Blitz is kind of neat, but honestly the number of cases where its actually stand out are too small for me to care.
Snow: 5.5/10.  Yeah, good Sentinel, and passable at other roles, he's niche in uses.
Vanille: 7/10.  Good Medic and Saboteur, yep.
Hope: 6.5/10.  Decent Synergist and Medic.  Gains half a point because of how well he compliments...
Fang: 8/10.  Yeah, dropping Ravager means she can fulfill 2 niches at once when most characters fulfill one, and snice all of the other 5 have Ravager, her lack of it isn't really a big deal.   Earns her MVP pretty easily.

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew:

Kirkis: 6/10.  Solid all around.
Lorelai-1: 3/10.  Pure Fighter in Suikoden 1 doesn't go far.
Rubi: 6/10.  Kirkis variant.
Stallion-1: 2/10.  AWESOME SPEED!!! Locked Rune means he's a forced fighter and he's not a good one -_-
Sylvina: 6/10.  Kirkis Variant.

Ayda: 4/10.  Has his moments, but not much beyond that.
Kinnison: 4/10.  Decent early game, but not much beyond that.
Lorelai-2: 4/10.  Not bad, but kind of generic.
Stallion-2: 2/10.  Not much better than his S1 self.  In some regards worse because you don't need a rune to dash outside of the overworld now...

Ace: 4/10.  Passable, but nothing special.
Aila: 6/10. Echoing the "Good due to her initial runes" thing.
Jacques: 3/10.  Meeeeh.
Joker: 6/10.  Decent Mage.
Queen: 4/10.  Kind of generic.
Yuiri: 7/10.  Good twink potential.
Yumi: 6/10.  Yuiri-

Aldo: 4/10.  Unite with Ted is hard to care about when Ted's best stuff is solo anyway :P
Flare: 5/10.  Passable filler.
Frederica: 4/10.  Flare-, from what I remember.
Lo Hak: 3/10.  Meeeeh.

Isato:  6/10.  3 Rune slots early?  Sure, that's good.
Lorelai-5: 5/10.  I remember her being okish, but nothing special.
Lu: 2/10.  Uh, yeah, just bad.
Urda:  7/10.  I'll take Elfboy's word on it that this is Isato+, because Suikoden tends to be easy to look stuff up about in this regard.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Random Consonant

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #754 on: March 11, 2012, 04:18:50 AM »
blah blah more catchup bs that no one cares about

Micaiah: Part 1 offense is p. cool, especially if she gets speed.  Staves for tier 2 is p. cool too but once that happens the offense pretty much goes out the window unless she gets speedblessed or you pull Sacrifice + Resolve/Wrath strats.  6.5/10.
Rafiel: The good, can refresh four people anytime.  The bad, 5 move forever, no flight ever, and no Canto ever, and the pre-endgame maps where he's available sorta hamstring him.  5/10.
Black Knight: always triumphs/10
Elincia(10): A bit projecty to use as a combat unit, for all that 15 Mt unbreakable brave sword + stun odds are what the fuck is this do I even, but she is still 9 move flying mounted healer of doom.  7.5/10.
Leanne: Has canto and doesn't get stuck with 5 move forever.  Can't refresh as many people as Rafiel/transformed Reyson though.  6/10.
Ike(10): Um.  Ike more or less godmodes his way to endgame where the bad Res bites him.  Not so much as to be unsalvageable though.  It is basically Eph without the pony.  9/10.
Mist(10): Uh she has more move than Laura/Rhys get hype.  3.5/10.
Reyson(10): Yep.  9/10.
Sanaki: That str/speed base agh.  She'd be fine if her strength/speed were a few points higher.  3/10.
Lehran: bloo bloo/10

Fiona: Ew to those bases and double ew to that joining time.  1/10.
Geoffrey(10): Is okay for a few maps and then promptly disappears off the face of the earth and comes back in time to suck for endgame.  4/10.
Kieran(10): Filler.  4/10.
Makalov(10): uh better project cav than fiona this says so much.  3/10.
Titania(10): Not as dominant as she was in FE9, still good.  8/10.
Oscar(10): You mean to say, they nerfed Oscar?  I do not accept this!  I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS!  Okay he's still okay.  6/10.
Renning: Man, what's the point?  2/10.

Aran: Dawn Brigade needs a decent wall.  Bad speed hurts him later on though.  6/10.
Meg: You know, 21 HP/10 Def at Lv3 is pretty solid for the DB and her growths there are fairly okay, just... joining on 1-4 where she has to contend with tigers and having to put up with bad terrain which is just augh for raising up armor knights.  She'd be fine if she joined on like 1-2 because then she'd have a better join time and get to benefit from DB chapters being chokepointy better but as it stands, augh... just augh.  2.5/10.
Tauroneo(10): Helps for three DB maps and is kind of mediocre for Part 4.  4/10.
Nephenee(10): A little less str/durability this time around, but it's still Nephenee.  7.5/10.
Brom(10): Okay for part 2, rejoins in time to get completely outclassed by Gatrie in part 3.  5/10.
Danved: Danved is not pretty amazing.  In fact, Danved is kind of bad.  Helps for a couple of maps, but that's about it.  3/10.
Gatrie(10): Cool armor knight bro.  Just Part 3 isn't the best time to be one.  6/10.

Nolan: Oh hey an axeman with a speed stat.  Also earth affinity is p. cool and he has a p. cool axe in part 3.  8/10.
Muarim(10): Um.  2/10.
Mordecai(10): Has a couple good maps but past that is bad.  3/10.
Boyd(10): Bases?  What are these things you call bases?  Oh right, it's what Boyd doesn't have.  2/10.
Kyza: Why would you bother?  2/10.
Skrimir: Rofflestomps 4-P which also has horseslayer and Naesala rofflestomping and then 26 speed forever this works for endgame right.  3/10.
Caineghis: Uh those are some stats you have their caineghis.  8/10.
Giffca(10): It's Caineghis without Formshift.  7.5/10.

Edward: Edward, Edward, Edward.  You have approximately the same bases at Lv4 as a generic Lv1 enemy myrmidon.  Your growths may be good but it takes you quite a while for them to show.  And you are a may as well be range 1 forever for the entirety of part 1 and get 2HKO'd by everything from 1-1 on, and because it's early game you can't dodge because no one dodges early in FE, and your offense isn't even that special, rendering you an incompetent boob.  Meanwhile your direct SM competition are all, Lucia aside, good out of the box and tend to remain good, and you have to spend the maps you have on them playing catchup.  And when you are caught up, it's too little too late because those other guys are remaining solid.  It is basically Nino except instead of having good bases for a low level unit but has a stupid joining time he has crappy bases but is available from the getgo, but the end result is the same, it's a unit you need to baby to be barely better than others you don't need to baby and is only better for a questionably relevent timeframe.  Probably the second worst in the DB, all things considered.  2/10.
Zihark(10): Competent, has earth affinity, shores up the DB.  7/10.
Vika: Good for part 1 then comes back on 4-4 where she may as well be Nino.  3/10.
Nealuchi: Good for part 2 then comes back on part 4 where he may as well be better than Nino but still filler.  3.5/10.
Lucia(10): Good for one chapter of part 2 then comes back on part 4 where she--oh screw this gag, she gets bad but not as blitheringly incompetent as Edward is during part 1 is.  2.5/10.
Mia(10): Those certainly are some bases, Mia.  8.5/10.
Naesala(10): Hey it's a laguz royal.  8/10.
Stefan(10): Solidly useable endgame filler.  5/10.

Leonardo: He can at least do some things that Edward can't, which gets him a higher score despite being worse than generic enemies forever.  2.5/10.
Volug:  Great at helping the DB through those tough part 1 chapters, but there's enough crutchs running around that I wouldn't call him utterly dominant there.  Still, pretty reminiscient of FE9 Titania.  8.5/10.  <Nailah> It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
Nailah: Laguz royal with extra part 1 helperness?  I'm in.  8.5/10.
Lethe(10): Useable in part 2, not great later, is a cat.  3/10.
Astrid(10): What the hell happened to you, woman?  1/10.
Shinon(10): Um.  Talk about your large improvements.  7/10.
Rolf(10): That certainly is a strength growth you have there Rolf.  6/10.
Lyre: lulz.  1/10.
Ranulf(10): Well if you must use a cat he's hardly bad.  5/10.

Jill(10): HP is kind of shaky to start but otherwise Jill is wonderful.  8.5/10
Marcia(10): Fairly typical pegknight.  Good once she promotes but wants better availability.  6/10.
Haar(10): Um wow.  Badass incarnate on a wyvern really says it doesn't it.  9/10.
Janaff(10): Well those are certainly some stats you obtained there Janaff.  7/10.
Ulki(10): More evasion untransformed than many units thanks to Vigilance, that's a thing.  7/10.
Sigrun: Flying filler.  4/10.
Tanith(10):  Flying filler.  4/10.
Tibarn(10): Hey it's a laguz royal.  8/10.

Illyana(10): Mage Edward except actually not completely incompetent for a couple of part 1 maps.  Still, FE10 Thunder magic is such garbage, and then she comes back in part 3 in time to be completely terrible.  2.5/10.
Tormod(10): Jeigan Nino.  3/10.
Calill(10): Unlike every other mage, has a speed stat, letting her occasionally have offense despite the inferior magic stat.  Not good on availability though.  6/10.
Soren(10): Has less speed than he did in FE9.  Soren did not need this.  4/10.
Pelleas: needs a spine/10
Bastian(10): Not incompetent for 4-5.  Not worth it past that.  2/10.
Ena(10): Blood Tide is p. cool for endgame.  No offense whatsoever though.  6/10.
Kurthnaga: Night Tide isn't as cool as Blood Tide, gets offense but you need to grind that up and I so don't care about it.  4/10.
Gareth: Somehow the most frail endgame character despite having 82 HP and 42 Def.  Not completely deadweight in fairness but I don't really need a second Blood Tide badly enough unless I'm doing something silly like Unlimited Meteor Works with Sanaki that I'd care to put up with him.  2/10, would be a 1 if Blood Tide didn't stack.
Nasir(10): White Pool is cooler than Blood Tide, but he's not there for E-3 which is where tides are the coolest.  6/10.

Laura: Unlike Ellen, you don't get to replace Laura that easily.  Thankfully Part 1 is like chokepoint central so her utterly awful durability doesn't matter much.  3/10.
Sothe(10): Good for parts 1 and 3, falls off like a rock for part 4 and may as well be useless at endgame.  7/10 works.
Heather: Thief utility but there's not a whole lot of call for it.  Can steal Bolting tomes (if she gets 20 strength) though!1!!  3/10.
Rhys(10): Rhys, Rhys never changes.  3/10.
Oliver: Hey guys 20 speed lategame in FE10 this works right.  He's not even notable as a tertiary staff spammer.  0.5/10.
Volke(10): Acceptable endgame filler.  4.5/10.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 05:12:56 AM by Random Consonant »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #755 on: March 11, 2012, 11:50:42 PM »
blah blah more catchup bs that no one cares about


Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #756 on: March 12, 2012, 12:23:48 AM »
blah blah more catchup bs that no one cares about


[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #757 on: March 12, 2012, 07:58:55 AM »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #758 on: March 12, 2012, 08:42:34 AM »
you're dealing with the FE10 nerd brigade here Randomy
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NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #760 on: March 13, 2012, 12:18:06 AM »
Volug:    8.5/10.  <Nailah> It's dangerous to go alone, take this.

I keep chuckling everytime I see this.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #761 on: March 13, 2012, 06:22:39 PM »
Might as well do the FF13 rankings.

Lightning: 7.5/10 -- Solid COM, solid RAV, but more than kind of an assy MED--only thing that comes to mind is early Raise with her in that category; other than that, she's nothing special.  Gets half a point for that weapon that gives her extra action bar every time she hits something; low stats aside, I found it quite useful.  Army of One probably rips apart staggered enemies if you can swap her to COM mid-flurry
Sazh: 4/10 -- LVP of the game by far, really.  Early Haste and neat Blitz tricks against large enemies only gets you so far.
Snow: 5/10 -- His HP's amazing.  Wish I knew about his casting speed earlier, though--makes him a good RAV for what it really matters in (Inflicting Stagger).  Mediocre at damage overall, though.
Vanille:6.5/10 -- Your first SAB, as well as the first decent mage.  Works well on RAV and MED as well, really.
Hope:6/10 -- Gamebest MAG, with easy access to Ruin, even, once roles open up.  Fills SYN well once he gets Haste, but that HP sucks.  A lot.
Fang:8/10 -- Physical powerhouse.  SAB access.  Has crap MAG but doesn't care.  Stagger-finish limit that does stupid damage when gained.  Passable as a SEN.  Crazy buffs if you can afford them.  Can I really say anything that hasn't been said--oh.  Starts with arguably one of her best weapons straight out of the box.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #762 on: March 31, 2012, 01:46:54 AM »
More FE10 rambling.  Mostly agree with Random's thoughts.  FWIW, not really giving much credit to joining with items / skills.  Obviously free skills that help make the character better *when used* are worth hype since you get extra capacity that way, but Astrid gets 0 points for providing a Paragon, for example, nor does Giffca get credit for that Laguz Gem.  Not really hyping Authority either since it's basically a property of the map, not the character; at no point can you choose leaders, so it's not like you have a choice between deploying the 5 Star yet worthless in combat FE7 Tactician vs. the 0 Star but unstoppable Black Knight.

Also, FWIW, I did not play hardc0re whatever levels come, come style.  Sufficiently horrible level-ups early in the turn would cause me to reload the battle save, although I wasn't crazy enough to care about level-ups during the enemy turn.  This has the effect of making the endgame easier and making BExp twinking more powerful, since more stats are likely to be capped which then allows a character to cover their weak stats with BExp.  (Although I would totally be down for a "pregenerated" mode of playing Fire Emblem - the game rolls every single level-up in advance, and maybe has some simple chart about two bonus stats for equipping Blossom.  With pregenerated level-ups, even a bad level-up is still helpful; you get some bonus, and you're getting closer to the next level-up.  Pure random means that a bad level-up is strictly worse than nothing, which is disspiriting.)

This isn't news either, but Chapter 4 is largely not too bad on the difficulty level, and if you're having problems you can lean on the laguz royals you have without them being quite as much of an XP drain, and the laguz royals are often better than carefully built characters anyway, so being awesome at endgame isn't as good as it might normally be.  Kinda weird that Chapters 3 & 4 have hordes of tier 2 units that don't really get better and die en mass while handing out XP like candy.  I can see not wanting to subject players to random Impale and Deadeye activations, but really, by 4-3 and beyond, they could at least hand out hordes of lvl. 18-20 T2 reinforcements, and then hand out stat-boosting equipment in 4-Endgame to random T2 mooks.  It's helpful for catch up, I guess, but eh.  (Also, for having Chapter 4 be a more even playing field on level, Chapter 3 should take away like 3 missions from the Greil Mercenaries and then give 2 to the Dawn Brigade.)

FWIW, kill champs in my playthrough were Micaiah > Sothe > Titania (not even used in Endgame!) > Brom > Ike > Mia > Rolf.  Endgame party was the 6 required slots, Reyson, Elincia, Brom, Calill, Aran, Mist, Rolf, Mia, Naesala, Tibarn, and Nailah.  (I went in planning to use the Dawn Brigade to the bitter end, but I "foolishly" sent the DB along with Micaiah in Chapter 4.  Yeah, the desert isn't the XP fest that the other maps are anyway, and footsoldiers like Edward / Nolan get even less XP than the rest.)

Micaiah: Sure, useful chap 1 mage, and useful chap 3 healbot since Laura can't be everywhere at once.  Fears the remotely speedy, though.  Chap 4, she's behind on level and doesn't get to go to an XP-fest stage, but whatevs, she can Physic-spam at worst in emergencies.  She might be higher except I think I have to penalize her a point for hogging Speedwings. 6/10.
Rafiel: Move is kind of the god stat for herons.  5/10.
Black Knight: Favorite special battle music is something, I guess.  I did play 1-E once with sending the BK up solo to kill everything and that was p. cool.  Unfortunately is kind of an XP-thief ultimately; sure you can use him as a crutch for 1-E and 3-6 if the Dawn Brigade is dead / sucking, but then goooooooooooood luck on 3-13.  Those range 2 counters means he kills everything, so yeah, Nailah is the better "distract archers and Meteor mages" on 1-E, for all that it'd make far more sense for the BK to participate there.  2/10, it's a trap.
Elincia(10): Amiti, it's kind of broken.  If used even a little she can basically KO the world in a single attack, and after 2-E it's pretty easy to steer her clear of the bowguns with the high move.  Worthless offensively against the last 3 bosses all of which spoil her with high DEF, but hey staff use then.  She'd have liked a normal defense, 300 HP boss a lot more.  8/10.
Leanne: Canto helps a lot on preserving heron lifespans without losing sanity. 7/10.
Ike(10): Bad RES but it totally doesn't matter since he kills everything effortlessly.  Way to make the easier back half of the game even easier. 9/10.
Mist(10): Healer with Canto at worst, can kill stuff if you put effort into it (although starts out hopelessly behind in STR and is saved only by the Florete, a little).  Along with Elincia, probably the best character for healing who starts with it out of the box.  Stat caps means that even Alondite Mist doesn't really threaten the endgame, alas. 7/10.
Reyson(10): Yeah I'll take the speed and occasionally surviving a doubled Blizzard over Leanne's cute trick.  8/10.
Sanaki: Eminently usable mage after a few level-ups.  Definitely requires a bit of grindin' to take advantage of the high growths, but whatever.  Lack of staves is too bad, but she's required anyway, so whatever.  She didn't feel as super-vulnerable as, say, Micaiah did, although that's partially Chapter 4 being easier than Chapter 1. 5/10.
Lehran: battle heron / 10.

Fiona: Man FE10 hates Fiona.  So she joins, and then has a map she has a move penalty on, a map she just plain can't deploy to, another map with a move penalty, a water map where she also has movement troubles, a single real cavalier map (although so crowded with NPCs it's barely noticable), and then a defense map with lots of ledges she can't use.  Which might all be fine, except she's also a project character with questionable bases yet decent growths, except her worst maps are when she's fighting the bad bases, and these maps are among the hardest in the game anyway which you are making harder so that uh you get a shiny Fiona in Chapter 4.  So much easier to just bench her instead.   If she'd had the sense to, say, join the Crimean Knights instead, she could easily have made it to a 4 or something!  1.5/10
Geoffrey(10): Great in Chapter 2, questionable in Chapter 4.  At least he's got a free Paragon + rejoins on an XP-fest map if you do want to use him for Endgame.  6/10.
Kieran(10): Was okay in Chap 2, didn't use after.  I do believe I already have a red-haired axe cavalier, except she's got like 10 levels on you.  4/10.
Makalov(10): See Kieran, except worse in Chapter 2 and even farther behind on levels in Chapter 3.  3/10?
Titania(10): Pretty great.  Is annoyed by that 32 Spd cap in endgame and that's about it.  7/10.
Oscar(10): Had pretty much identical stats to Titania.  The general dearth of enemy peg knights / hawks / crows meant that archery as a side interest was kind of worthless, though.  7/10.
Renning: Slightly worse stats than Titania, notably worse speed but maybe he's got a great growth?  Seemed like he wouldn't shame your team if brought along to endgame, useful safety valve I guess.  Didn't use anyway.

Aran: Was pretty good for me, at least, since he got enough speed and BExp covered the rest.  Mr. Plotless Sympathetic Guard even made it to my endgame team.  7/10.
Meg: She's apparently okay if she gets the right growths on level-up, but eh, I looked at her lvl. 9 stats and realized she was still sucking and just benched her.  Was amazingly killable for an Armor Knight.  2/10.
Tauroneo(10): Helps out the DB, and there are worse picks in Chapter 4 what with Resolve.  He didn't suck there.  5/10.
Nephenee(10): Was useful-if-killable in Chapter 2.  I used her in FE9 so gave her a rest this game for Brom, but she's apparently Aran with mildly better speed and resistance and mildly worse other stats.  7/10?
Brom(10): I actually liked the all-defense-all-the-time build.  He could stick his neck out on maps like 3-5 and not even be scratched by cavs, and his speed is decent enough to not get doubled all the time.  Cool stuff, although not really an offensive powerhouse except when Luna fires.  6/10.
Danved: Nepheene/Aran if they were missing 5-10 points of Defense.  That is not a stat to skimp on.  Still, like Makalov, is a warm body for C2 which is appreciated.  3/10.
Gatrie(10): Base stats of totally broken.  Why is an Armor Knight doubling everything?!  Even underleveled lvl. 16 Tier2 Gatrie was able to hold off the reinforcement hordes in 4-4 easily enough.  What.  7/10

Nolan: More killable than I'd hope for, but yeah, solid all around, and more likely to have decent speed at endgame.  Tarvos can save his neck in Chapter 3.  Is around and quite key for the toughest parts of the game.  8/10.
Muarim(10): XP thief.  1/10.
Mordecai(10): Well, if you want to use a beast laguz in Chapter 3, congratulations you are using Ranulf because he's required.  If you want to use another...  I want to say Mordy is potentially the best choice?  You will have to invest a Speedwing, and Micaiah already wants to eat 1-2 of them, but +4 Speed on a Tiger pretty well covers the sole crippling weakness they have.  And he'll have time in Chapter 2 to build strike levels, and you'll take as much support as you can get for 2-E.  Kind of silly but sure, potentially usable.  3.5/10?.
Boyd(10): Boyd was just fine for me, although part of this was C3 being massively tilted in favor of the Greil Mercs with authority boosts, forged weapons, solid support, etc.  Probably worse than Nolan endgame due to the worse speed, but whatevs.  Still solidly 2HKOs the world and doubles the C3 lamers easily enough.  6/10.
Kyza: Hi random plotless tiger.  2/10?
Skrimir: I'd potentially have been down for Skrimir hype if he joined earlier.  Resolve + giant HP + Str of doom is p. cool.  That said you get him for all of two maps before he gets massively overshadowed by his uncle AND Giffca who will have 8-9 levels on him.  So uh still usable, just strictly better options for the role available.  Is probably fine if you pretend you're under FE9 rules about laguz royals but uh you're not. 4/10.
Caineghis: God stats.  You only get so high a score for stomping just 5 maps, though.  8/10.
Giffca(10): We liked Cain so much we decided to give you two copies of him?  8/10.

Edward: Man.  Edward does require serious babying, no doubt about it.  Even as late as 3-13 a slightly mispositioned Edward meant a very rapid trip to the afterlife.  And he's just not all that fast early in Chapter 1, defanging him of the main thing swordmasters live off of.  That all said...  you need warm bodies in Chapter 1, and while it's chokepointy, it's often 2-space wide chokes.  Trying to solo everything with Nolan seems dangerous and slow so you're not getting that BExp.  So...  I can see the argument to just ignore Edward than lean on Zihark, but eh, I trained him up, and having both him & Zihark was handy at times.  Also I totally used Caladbolg Edward to take down a dude with a Killer Axe in 4-P.  SPOILED.  4/10.
Zihark(10): Was shockingly okay despite being almost totally ignored (reasonably so, since he doesn't get much for Chap 1 kills).  Lvl. 5 Zihark ended up a better deploy than lvl. ~10 Danved as a 15th slot in 4-1; they both get 2HKOed at that point, but Zihark will randomly dodge and can hit his opponents.  No idea how good he is if seriously used, though.  ?/10.
Vika: XP thief in part 1 and then is a project crow in case you hate Naesala and Nealuchi or something?  On a map with decent number of enemy archers?  1.5/10.
Nealuchi: Okay in chapter 2, don't see the point in chapter 4.  3.5/10.
Lucia(10): Jagen in Chapter 2.  Is actually not too bad to catchup in Chapter 4 despite bad Strength, just that by the time you've caught her up it's time for Endgame, and Mia still should have a huge level edge on her.  So...  usable, but why.  4/10.
Mia(10): Mia really likes being on maps with an authority advantage most of the time, since you can safely send her into the middle of a horde of enemies and she'll kill them all.  She'd probably be great anyway, but cheats in Chapter 4 by having had access to the cornocoupia of XP that was the Greil Mercernaries Chapter 3.  8/10.
Naesala(10): Laguz royals, they cheat.  8/10.
Stefan(10): Didn't use (aside from FAQing -> stealing your cool sword).

Leonardo: About the worst archer possible who somehow ends up useful anyway.  (Obviously helped by the lack of competition for DB deploy slots, so it's him or giving the XP to someone else.)  Chapter 1 is chokepointy enough for him to get in free shots for XP, and chapter 3 Lugandsadh makes him downright okay.  He helps hold the line against the hordes from crawling up the ramp in 3-13 while shooting downward at 'em and all.  Worthless in Chapter 4 of course. 3/10.
Volug: Not really on the Volug hype train, although he's certainly useful.  Pretty much a second copy of Sothe in Chapter 1, and pretty useful in Chapter 3.  Is still sorta usable in Chapter 4 although not a star, of course. 6/10.
Nailah: <SnowFire> <RandomConsonant> Laguz royal with extra part 1 helperness?  I'm in.  8.5/10.
Lethe(10): If for some strange reason you want a cat, use Ranulf. 2/10.
Astrid(10): Report in!  Astrid?  Astrid?  Astriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid!  (saved from a 1 because a Canto'd Archer is still hypothetically useful I guess, but even then, just use Oscar.)  2/10.
Shinon(10): Less Strength than Rolf but better other stuff?  Marksmen are kind of hax.  8/10.
Rolf(10): Likes the fact that GM Chapter 3 is XP heaven, so his level disadvantage on Shinon doesn't matter much.  Why is Rolf stronger than Ike.  And oh yes 3 range pain bows in case you want to cheese every boss ever, Deadeye kicks in a lot, etc. 8/10.
Lyre: If for some strange reason you want TWO cats, use Ranulf and Lethe.  1/10.
Ranulf(10): His stats are okay, just.  dat cat gauge.  You can never safely send him near a thicket of enemies once his gauge hits 15 or so for fear of poke-poke-(forced revert)-double-dead cat.  I'd rather not have to worry about this.  Might have been acceptable if untransformed cats got +30 gague a round, but they don't. 3/10.

Jill(10): My Jill had some bad luck on level-ups and ended up something of a glass cannon - decent offense, but questionable HP / Defense.  Luckily flying and canto meant she was just fine as a skirmisher, if not the death machine FE9 Jill was, and the DB will take what it can get.  6/10.
Marcia(10): Quite handy in Chapter 2.  Of questionable use in Chapter 3 since Sigrun / Tanith get forced, and Tanith probably has a 6-8 level edge on her, but seems eminently usable if you don't mind a bit of catchup.  6/10.
Haar(10): Well, FE10 let at least two characters retire and enjoy civilian life.  Cute cameo there flying by in 2-P, I wish him well at his delivery service and maybe he can team up with Largo or something.  Haar/10.
Janaff(10): Nice stats, doesn't really require any grindin' to be useful in Chapter 4, then will get benched by Naesala / Tibarn (if you're playing "seriously").   7/10.
Ulki(10): See Janaff.  7/10.
Sigrun: Shockingly okay for someone with base strength & strength growth that bad.  She can skirmish with Javelins all day and not steal XP, or double and look for Stun odds, and then be fully healed by next turn since the great Magic makes her an awesome Imbue target.  4/10.
Tanith(10):  Decent enough, and will have a level edge on Jill / Marcia.  6/10.
Tibarn(10): Is a git but a sadly powerful one.  It took 5 attacks for Feral Ones to drag down untransformed suicidal charging Tibarn in 4-5, which is crazy.  8/10.

Ilyana(10): Wind: 4 damage, 95 Hit.  Fire: 5 damage, 90 hit.  Thunder: 3 damage, 80 Hit, 5 Crit.  One of these is not like the others.  And Ilyana makes the problem even worse with bad skill.  2/10.
Tormod(10): XP thief, better to feed any kills he might get in the swamp prisoners level to Volug or Sothe instead if you need Jagening.  Designers of FE10, there's this other game I've heard about called "Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones."  In it, the twin whose path wasn't chosen comes back in the desert level having actually gained some levels during their adventures.  Ephraim / Eirika do not come back at exactly the same level as the beginning of the game as bait to be doubled and die to anything that moves, like a certain Fire Sage does.  Sheesh.  1/10.
Calill(10): Useful in Chapter 2.  I initially ignored her after the rejoin in Chapter 3...  to level her from T2 9 up to T3 16 thanks to Paragon + going with Elincia in Chapter 4.  She actually made it to endgame.  Anyway, I don't really like Rhys / Laura for the endgame, and Mist / Micaiah can use another Staff user, and she has offense, so yeah.  7/10.
Soren(10): That tier 2 speed cap.  What.  Is pretty good anyway throughout Chapter 3, but his Tier 3 is gimped even with lucky level-ups due to those terrible Wind Sage stat caps.  At least he can use staves.  5/10.
Pelleas: You could have at least challenged Micaiah to a duel to the death, and then she'd have gotten some XP.
Bastian(10): Sure, semi-useful crutch in 4-5 if you needed one, but bad base speed + high level means that fixing that will require grindin' + luck if you want to use him in Endgame.  3/10.
Ena(10): <RandomConsonant> Blood Tide is p. cool for endgame.  No offense whatsoever though.  5/10.
Kurthnaga: Uhhh I have no idea.  With Paragon, grinding him up isn't too bad!  ...except that after he's all set to go kick ass, there's only 4E-4 and 4E-5 left, which aren't really Fire Emblem maps.  Gets some credit for being an emergency escape-hatch autovictory on 4E-3 if you need it, I guess.  5/10?
Gareth: Wouldn't you want White Pool for Unlimited Meteor Works with Sanaki anyway?  Anyway uh joins too late, no game left.
Nasir(10): Joins too late, no game left.

Laura: You need healing, just never ever let bad guys in range lest she be instantly sliced into many little pieces.  5/10.
Sothe(10): Sure, super useful in the tough Dawn Brigade missions. Eventually his ninja skills waver, but oh well.  He can go hunt Spirits in the Endgame at least!!1!  Is annoyed by the SS Dagger being total FAQ-bait, too.  8/10.
Heather: Eh, there seemed to be plenty of stuff to steal, and money is a problem in FE10, so I'll take it.  Easily higher level than Sothe thanks to not just having the freaking Desert Map to level her Tier 3 on, but Sothe is required anyway for Endgame, so she's kind of screwed there.  6/10.
Rhys(10): See Laura.  Also, I believe a period works better than a comma: Rhys.  Rhys never changes.  5/10.
Oliver: Sure, Endgame staff spammer if you somehow got too many of them killed, I guess.  2/10.
Volke(10): Pretty strong for 4-5, but Sothe is required for endgame, Baselard is still FAQ-bait, and if you did get it there's only one to go around.  Plus endgame has lots of high-DEF types, like hordes of generals, Red Dragons, and the E345 bosses.  4/10.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 01:51:22 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #763 on: March 31, 2012, 04:09:04 AM »
Is this where I say my intention to update the topic on Sunday?

...because it totally is happening.  I swear that the fact that its April 1st will not mean its me making a stupid joke; its totally coincidental in that regard.  I actually wanted to update on the past 2 Sundays but both times most of my day was shot due to getting last minute errands that took up a large part of the day (this won't happen this time since said event is already past)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #764 on: April 01, 2012, 06:31:22 PM »
oh man, monotonous games with shit gameplay that rely on plot, just my specialty~
(no really, I like Drakengard and hate Devil May Cry)

Aldo: 6/10. Does stuff slightly better than the next few. He's basically Flare, but a little better, IIRC.
Flare: 5/10. Does stuff, doesn't stand out amazingly for doing stuff.
Frederica: 3/10. Meh.
Lo Hak: 3/10. Sure.

Isato: 4/10. Not terrible, I guess.
Lorelai-5: 3/10.
Lu: 2/10. I think. Not like I really remember much here, though.
Urda: 6/10, I guess? Good, but it takes a lot to stand out in a Suiko.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #765 on: April 01, 2012, 06:59:19 PM »
Final Fantasy 13:
Lightning Farron: 6.28
Sazh Katzroy: 3.94
Snow Villers: 5.67
Oerba Dia Vanille: 6.83
Hope Estheim: 6.44
Oerba Dia Fang: 7.83

Suikoden Archers and Geddoe's Crew:

Kirkis: 6.30
Lorelai-1: 3.90
Rubi: 5.40
Stallion-1: 1.80
Sylvina: 6.40

Ayda: 3.60
Kinnison: 3.80
Lorelai-2: 4.40
Stallion-2: 2.50

Ace: 4.80
Aila: 6.50
Jacques: 3.70
Joker: 5.20
Queen: 5.40
Yuiri: 7.40
Yumi: 7.20

Aldo: 4.90
Flare: 5.50
Frederica: 4.50
Lo Hak: 3.40

Isato: 4.40
Lorelai-5: 5.67
Lu: 3.00
Urda: 5.40

Best Rating of this Session: Fang w/ 7.83
Worst Rating of this Session: Stallion (Suiko 1) w/ 1.80

Top 20 Ratings:
1t. Ryu (BoF3) 9.80
1t. Yuna (FFX) 9.80
3. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SH1) 9.53
4. Hyuga "Citan Uzuki" Ricdeau (XG) 9.46
5. Souji Seta (P4) 9.44
6. Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHC) 9.25
7. Blue (SaGa) 9.28
8. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (WA1) 9.20
9. Haar (FE10) 9.17
10t. Deis (BoF2) 9.11
10t. Reyson (FE10) 9.11
12. Lenneth Valkyrie (VP(:L)) 9.02
13. Ephraim (FE8) 9.01
14. Summoner (FF5) 8.96
15. Elincia (FE10) 8.85
16. Tibarn (FE10) 8.83
17. Rena Lanford (SO2) 8.75
18. Tana (FE8) 8.73
19. Purim (SoM) 8.70
20. Maria Traydor (SO3) 8.68

Top 20 Failures:
1. Tree (FFT) 0.50
2. Rei (SaGa) 0.67
3. Karla (FE7) 0.77
4t. Red Turnip (SaGa) 0.8
4t. Slime (SaGa) 0.8
6. Chu-chu (XG) 0.85
7. Silence (SaGa) 0.92
8. Marlboro (FFT) 0.93
9. Uribo (FFT) 0.94
10. Maria Balthasar (XG) 1.00
11. Malak Golthana (FFT) 1.03
12. Byblos (FFT) 1.06
13. Douglas (FE6) 1.10
14. Skeleton (FFT) 1.13
15t. Goblin (FFT) 1.20
15t. Ax (S5) 1.20
15t. Astrid (FE10) 1.20
18. Squid (FFT) 1.25
19t. Mime (FFT) 1.28
19t. Lyre (FE10) 1.28

At this point, i say "To hell with theming!" for Suikoen and am just going down the list alphabetically.  I still have some themes I can use but screw it, just makes deciding characters faster.

NOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS, if I happen to miss someone going down alphabetically, feel free to remind me.  I did make a list of the entire cast for all games, then deleted all characters already done, and noticed I missed a few (who were already done thereby it didn't matter here), and its possible I missed others.


Radiant Historia:

Suikoden ABCs:





« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 09:08:12 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Random Consonant

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #766 on: April 01, 2012, 09:57:22 PM »
Wouldn't you want White Pool for Unlimited Meteor Works with Sanaki anyway?  Anyway uh joins too late, no game left.

Meteor is 18 wt.  You'd need the Str blessing of the gods on Sanaki to get by with just White Pool there.


Radiant Historia:
Stocke: Positioning games, stealing, G-Fire is solid offense once he gets it, has some support stuff to round out the package, and he's even durable.  Never exceptional but never terrible.  6/10.
Raynie: Good magic stat, early pickup on the G-element spells, pretty much always available, gameworst MP for some silly reason but MP healing is plentiful so whatever to that.  Skillset is sort of ass otherwise though.  6.5/10.
Marco: Even more positioning games than Stocke, Trans-turn, buffs.  Items generally take care of healing needs though.  His best use is giving people his turns and I'm honestly not sure how much I respect that.  6/10 for now I suppose.
Rosch: Dedicated physical fighter this works in RH right.  2/10.
Aht: Traps are kind of pointless for randoms.  Alright enough for bosses when they can be moved, but without them she's basically better dedicated healer than Marco and god knows that doesn't work out well in this game.  Edit: Knocking her down to a 4/10.  I forgot how much worse traps were for randoms than other options.  Reasonable access to battery Area G-Heal outside of battle keeps her from falling below this score, I'd rather spend money on all the MP healing that ever was than grab up more MT HP healing items than what I need for emergencies but this is probably largely a personal quirk.
Gafka: Gets one good trick.  Thankfully for him it's one fine trick.  4/10.
Eruca: I've found Eruca's problems to be pretty overstated, but they're still glaringly present.  Skillset is awesome once it gets rolling but that takes a while, she isn't Raynie/Marco/Aht so her availability kind of sucks, physically frail, oh and she gets to miss out on 90% of the final chapters whee.  4/10, I can't really justify higher to myself.

Suikoden ABCs:
Anji: Who/10.
Antonio: What/10.
Blackman: Farmer/10.
Camille: Uhhhh okay mage-fighter?  Didn't seem exceptional but S1 is the game of mage-fighters.  6/10.
Clive-1: You were in this game?/10.
Crowley: Nyarliedungeon/10.

Abizboah: Who/10.
Amada: Uh, HP?/10.
Anita: Uh falcon rune  5/10
Badeaux: What/10.
Bob: werewolf or something/10.
Chaco: Go away/10.
Chuchara: When/10.
Clive-2: pewpew/10.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 07:23:46 PM by Random Consonant »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #767 on: April 02, 2012, 01:03:58 AM »
Radiant Historia:
Stocke: 6.5/10. Stocke's got a decent niche of being the main pusher; unlike most anyone else he can push in most directions and do decent damage while he's at it. Otherwise he does a bit of everything else if you need it: durability, magic damage, Air Assault to set up for the heavy hitters, etc. It'd be interesting to tinker with Stocke-free parties but I suspect I'd usually want him around anyway. Plus he's always up to speed level-wise, a plus in this game.
Raynie: 6.5/10. Most available, most durable, and least wallable of the girl cannon PCs, of which you probably want to use one. Doesn't do much else besides cast the spells which make people fall down, but Regen's not a bad buff.
Marco: 7/10. Has a lot of durability and Trans-Turn. It's boring but being able to give either Stocke or your damage-dealer an extra turn as needed, while being able to dump his own offensive stats entirely, makes for the best PC in the game, I think. Oh yeah and he even has the one push direction Stocke misses.
Rosch: 2.5/10. His speed's more workable than I first assumed, but yeesh, level disadvantage plus a lack of standout skillset traits that would make me want to use his near game-worst damage. He'd be better if Stocke wasn't forced.
Aht: 4/10. The most damaging of the cannons when the cards fall her way, but it comes at a cost of target count (crucial for randoms) and some bosses just wall her damage utterly.
Gafka: 4.5/10. Someone else who would be better if Stocke weren't forced. Wind God Strike is amazing and Gafka would be the best PC in the game if he had it for more than like two dungeons. Otherwise he is the most damaging of the pushers, is durable, and is faster/less underlevelled than Rosch, so that's something.
Eruca: 3.5/10. Availability hurts, but at least she has a clear niche of crazy high damage. Might as well pretend she's not an option for the final boss though.

Alanis: 1.5/10. Mage with an 04 magic stat. Ew.
Augustine: 6.5/10. Solid command rune damage, and his durability is... good early, bad late. Interesting certainly.
Ayame: 7/10. Essentially Augustine with less lopsided durability and a killer unite with Landis. I think that balances out to an extra half point.
Bazba: 2/10. Oh man Cyclone off 02 magic and no other rune slots, well at least he is durable in a game where this matters, unlike Alanis.
Beecham: 5/10. Mr. Average.
Belle: 4.5/10. You can tinker with her to make her a decent earth mage but there are several better even at that niche. Of course, S3 being what it is, sometimes you don't have those others.
Bright: 3.5/10. Mounts are weird, and I'm never sure what I think about them. It rarely balances out to anything too high.
Connie: 1/10. Um she can fling Pale Gate off high speed or something oh wait you can use mages with more than one rune slot and more than like 0.25x average durability for that.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:02:30 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #768 on: May 01, 2012, 05:56:22 AM »
Radiant Historia:
Stocke: 7/10. I really like the setting up that Stocke can do; he is quite stellar at that, as well as being a good around character. Heals, does decent damage, and is generally quite useful.
Raynie: 7/10. The chick who hits bitches with lightning after Stocke pushes them in a little box~
Marco: 8/10. Trans Turn is kind of dumb, which is why I didn't use Marco, but he's good.
Rosch: 4/10. Spotty availability, needs speed twinking to be a viable PC. I used him and he was passable but I couldn't help but thinking he could be better.  He has movement stuff at least.
Aht: 4/10. Not sold on traps since they don't work on bosses. She seems like she isn't that much better against randoms than Raynie anyway.
Gafka: 7/10. I've heard that he has a hax movement ability, and generally has good fighter stats. Defies his racial stereotype by actually being good.
Eruca: 3/10. Unbelievably bad availability, envies White Knight Leo. She seems like she'd be a good PC if she wasn't perpetually underlevelled and didn't disappear during the party fusion. As is, I consider her an NPC. <_<

Suikoden ABCs:

Anji: -
Antonio: -
Blackman: 3/10
Camille: 6/10
Clive-1: -
Crowley: 7/10

Abizboah: -
Amada: 4/10
Anita: 6/10
Badeaux: -
Bob: 6/10
Chaco: 4/10
Chuchara: - wtfffffffff
Clive-2: 3/10

Alanis: 1/10 no
Augustine: 7/10. This Rose Knight's pretty good.
Ayame: 7/10.
Bazba: 3/10
Beecham: 4/10
Belle: 3/10
Bright: 3/10
Connie: 1/10

Akaghi: 5/10.
Ameria: -
Axel: 5/10. He's Axel!
Charlemagne: 3/10
Chiepoo: 5/10

Alhazred: 3/10
Belcoot: 7/10
Bernadette: 6.5/10
Byakuren: Hugeass snake/10?
Cathari: 7/10
Cius: 2/10
Cornelio: 2/10, Mediocrity.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 05:14:54 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #769 on: May 01, 2012, 03:53:02 PM »
Radiant Historia:
Stocke: 7.5
Raynie: 7
Marco: 8
Rosch: 4
Aht: 8
Gafka: 6
Eruca: 4

Suikoden ABCs:

Anji: 2
Antonio: 2
Blackman: 2
Camille: 6, points for availability
Clive-1: 4
Crowley: 8

Abizboah: 2
Amada: 2
Anita: 5
Badeaux: 2
Bob: 3
Chaco: 3
Chuchara: 2
Clive-2: 5, improved but availability still hurts

Alanis: 4
Augustine: 7
Ayame: 7
Bazba: 5
Beecham: 4.5
Belle: 5, good availability for low-star chapters IIRC
Bright: 6, great with Futch
Connie: 1

Akaghi: 4
Ameria: 4
Axel: 4
Bartholemew: 2
Champo: 2
Charlemagne: ??? I don't remember
Chiepoo: 3, point for availability

Alhazred: 3, point for cool rune
Belcoot: 6, provided you choose him early
Bernadette: 7, surprisingly effective!
Byakuren: 1, usable, but why cheat yourself of the turns?
Cathari: 5, pretty much entirely for the speed
Cius: 1, overwhelmingly terrible even as a warm body IIRC
Cornelio: 2, at least works as a warm body


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #770 on: May 03, 2012, 01:55:42 AM »
Weird.  Thought I did these already.  Anyway, RH is a game with quite good balance in the abstract compromised by massive favoritism about availability.  Stocke / Raynie / Marco is a safe and effective party that you can go through almost the entire dang game with.  (Even used it as my original party for the final boss since the other two have a pretty decent grudge to settle, too.)  Luckily it's fun to mix up your party anyway, but definitely think that they could have denied them a little more, and Eruca / Rosch / Gafka a little less.  That said, slightly above average scores for this kind of cast where everyone has a theoretical role and not a lot of "strictly worse than X."

Stocke - 7/10.  Vanilla, but he works.  He's got most of the positioning tools, tanks w/ revival, and has decent ST offense.  Toward the end of the game, he gets some decent MT spells & positioning too.  Healing could be better but oh well.  It's a little weird how he switches from being a physical fighter to a mage once G-Fire exists for him, but hey it works either way.

Raynie - 6/10.  Reliable offense, hits weaknesses.  MT is a bit of a problem, and her physical game falls off fairly quickly, but poison is randomly helpful in the midgame.

Marco - 7/10.  Why does your healing fail, Marco.  Sigh.  Still, weirdly durable thanks to the HP+ swords and good armor, buffs, can trans-turn if you need offense, has Grapple.  A bit boring but solid.

Rosch - 3.5/10.  His schtick early on is area damage when area damage is rare.  In general you don't care too much, since you can do Stocke / Marco positioning -> Raynie zap 3x enemies instead, but it comes up.  And then he's MVP against the toughest boss in the game, the Thaumachine.  Rosch gets almost all of his points off this shining moment of usefulness, since later in the game everyone else has area attack options too, leaving Rosch with uh good durability.  Which isn't good enough.  Pretty much a strictly worse option than Gafka for the endgame.

Aht - 6/10.  Traps are p. cool.  You have to develop a good guessing sense for which bosses can be hit by 'em, but when they do work, which is most of the time, she exterminates 'em pretty fast.  Actually has decent MT healing unlike Marco as well.  On the downside, questionable durability only somewhat saved by Giant's Cloak or whatever it was called, and you do have to search up hidden goodies for her X Star Traps.

Gafka - 5.5/10  Yeah, what others said.  Rosch clone at first, gets broken positioning later, but I'd call Chapters 3-5 the hardest parts of the game so blossoming in Chapter 6-7 isn't as helpful.

Eruca - 5/10.  I liked using Eruca but damn.  Epic flaws.  Starts off a glass cannon without the cannon part.  Requires some special hidden goodies to really unload with the broken skills.  Gets some of the only pure MT offense in the game that's actually quite solid to slaughter randoms with, and G-Frost for single opponents, and Trans-Turn / some buffs for weird situations...  and then disappears for the last two dungeons in the game.  And in said second (final) dungeon, off a rather nonsensical plot twist too (didn't the bad guy want to kill her, not capture her, 10 seconds ago?).  Pulls her weight in the optional superboss fight, for all that she's required anyway.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #771 on: May 03, 2012, 07:35:53 PM »
I always just used storebought MT healing items in RH, never really noticed the lack of healing with the Stocke/Raynie/Rosch team.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #772 on: May 04, 2012, 12:45:47 PM »
Cross Star needs/deserves moar love <3~
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #773 on: May 04, 2012, 08:22:04 PM »
Not really, no.

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #774 on: May 04, 2012, 08:58:17 PM »
Cross Star is even kinda decent, but only works notably well when you're using an already MT-heavy party, in which case you're likely to have spent a lot of time sidequesting for those skills everywhere and that kind of setup borders on overkill (the amount of people Eruca OHKOs with freaking Shine is no joke). Not to mention Cross Star is also like L36, which means Aht has a good 60% of her playtime being horrible, horrible failure on randoms. You underrate just how fucking -bad- she is until she gets that, and it only makes her have a point at all against them instead of instant bench-bait. It doesn't really deserve that much love.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....