
Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32  (Read 2451 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« on: February 27, 2010, 05:46:35 AM »

"Hm! I suppose I have not made things challenging enough. Let us try this."

Team Nephrite vs. Floor 7
Team Super and CT vs. Floor 3
Team Jo'ou vs. Floor 2

Floor 8b: Do you have the resources?

"Let us truly see which one of us can manage to last longer. You have stepped so far into my domain..."

Battle #36: Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa

Kyra: I will not allow you to pass here!
Artea: Let's go, everyone... they won't win!
Yukiko: There!
Chemist: I eat potions.

Battle #37: Aeonless Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja

Yuna: I will not allow you to pass.
Nina: I won't give up yet!
Raja: Ha ha ha ha... Jokes!
Teddie: Oooh...girls.

Battle #38: Fou-lu, Lambda and Gades

Fou-lu: You fools face the Dragon Emperor!? Die!
Lambda: I am the leader of Brionac! You have no hope!

Battle #39: Jade, Luca Blight and Empyre

Jade: Hah! I serve the mighty Myria herself!
Luca: Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
Empyrea: I have orders... you will not pass here.

Boss Battle #8: Profound Darkness and Xorn

Profound Darkness: *I* am that which encompasses all! Die, fools!

Team Super's Matches

4c: Status Critical

"Hmm... I think things have been too boring lately. Let's see what happens when you have a critical failure."

*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.

Battle #16: Jude and Raquel

Jude: I fight, along with my ARM!

Battle #17: Kyogre and Lugia

Kyogre: It's pronounced 'Kai ogre,' not 'Kyoh gray.' I know, I know.
Lugia: I think I can talk... can't I?

Battle #18: Ness and Poo

Ness: Rockin'!
Poo: Starstorm!

Battle #19: Caellech, Lloyd and Linus

Caellech: You fools... I will wipe the floor with you.
Lloyd: Heh heh, brother, let's go!
Linus: Yes!

Boss Battle #4: Alena, Brey (Borya), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara)

Alena: Let's wipe the floor with them!
Brey: As you say, my lady.

Team Tranquil's Matches

4a: Another Reversal of Fortune
*For this floor, all buffs, debuffs, healing and damage are reversed. Attacks that inflict status remove it. ID is considered revival and the reverse is also true.

Battle #16: Yukiko and Naoto

Yukiko: Go, Amaterasu!
Naoto: Let's go, Yamato Takeru!

Battle #17: Cecil, Rosa and Tellah

Cecil: Ah... I will not allow you to pass!
Rosa: Right, let's go, Cecil!
Tellah: You spoony...!

Battle #18: Arnaud and Angelo

Arnaud: Ha ha! I'm so perfect.
Angelo: Are you, now?

Battle #19: Yuna and Lulu

Yuna: Yuna here!
Lulu: ...I don't even...

Boss Battle #4: Nina1 and Yulie

Nina: For Wyndia!
Yulie: Material!

Team Jo'ou's matches

Floor 3b: Multiples (Before Midgame)

So you want to try multiple foes? Let's see how you like this, then!

*All ST is MT for this floor. ALL of it.

Battle #11 FF1 White Wizard, FF1 Knight, FF1 Ninja, FF1 Red Wiz and FFT Chemist

Knight: Let us go, fellow warriors!
White Wiz: Yes, we shall not allow your passage here!

Battle #12: Yosuke and Tengaar

Yosuke: GO, SUSANOO!!!
Tengaar: HIX!! ...Oh you're not here...

Battle #13: Kanji, Ramza, Tidus and Crono

Kanji: Crush 'em, Rokuten-Maoh!!
Ramza: Of course, Alma!!
Tidus: Heh heh! Let's go!

Battle #14: Yuna, Rand, FFT Monk and Marle

Yuna: I will not allow you to pass!
Rand: I'll fight you.
Marle: *pats her butt

Boss Battle #4: Nina4, Yulie, Jane and FFT Priest

Nina: Let us go.
Yulie: Okay.

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
Team Nephrite vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Fou-lu, Lambda and Gades (L1)
Team Nephrite vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Empyrea
Team Nephrite vs. Profound Darkness and Xorn

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[4c: Status Critical]
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Super vs. Jude and Raquel
Team Super vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms)
Team Super vs. Ness and Poo
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus)
Team Super vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara)

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
Team Tranquil vs. Yukiko and Naoto
Team Tranquil vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah
Team Tranquil vs. Arnaud and Angelo
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna and Lulu
Team Tranquil vs. Nina1 and Yulie

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Floor 3b]
[Ryu: Mygas 1, Bunyan 1]
*All ST is MT
Team Jo'ou vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard and FFT Chemist
Team Jo'ou vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Jo'ou vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Monk and Marle
Team Jo'ou vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Speed? - The effective speed of one character is reversed (60% becomes 140%), but after the first round of combat, their speed returns to default and can not be increased in any way.

Synergy Bonus - In the case of the Legend of Dragoon Team, they have access to items and accessories. The items are limited, however.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2010, 05:58:39 AM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
Team Nephrite vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa - Do any of these people outspeed Yuri1? Oh, Artea does. ...Yeah, too bad he can't do anything about it. Kaboom. Oh yeah Arnaud just Slow Downs him. 
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja - Slow Down on Yuna, Ditto transforms into Raja.... not like it matters.
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Fou-lu, Lambda and Gades (L1) - Numerically, Lambda is faster than Arnaud. Literally, though in aftergame levels, Arnaud should outspeed him. Even if he doesn't, Lambda isn't one-rounding anyone. Arnaud Slow Downs Lambda, Ditto turns into... Fou-lu, I guess? Yuri1 FtCs, Ricardo does his song... Yuri2 For Everyones. Now it's Fou's turn. He can Soul Rend, I guess... but I don't see how that helps. Gades and Lambda can poke a person but too bad about them now getting lapped. Yeah, this isn't really a problem.
Team Nephrite vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Empyrea - Empyrea gets Slow Downed, same thing as last time happens. I can easily leave Luca alive at the end under Illusion and Slow Down to fully heal up.
Team Nephrite vs. Profound Darkness and Xorn - FtC is out here since these are both limit bosses. Too bad I can still just buff up and unleash a Hypered + Energy Charged + 3rd Key Yuri2 physical chain on Xorn which will cause him to implode.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2010, 07:35:10 AM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
Team Nephrite vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa
Did Artea have Mirror?  Don't think so...  Eh, MT storm probably works here regardless.
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja
Sure, Slow Down Yuna-> MT storm.  Even if Yuna gets a turn, she can't solo here even with the Aeon Parade, the Yuris can MP-suck their way through 'em and they block Anima's ID.

*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Fou-lu, Lambda and Gades (L1)
Uh, just to note again that I really don't think we want to go on aftergame stats scaled vs. endgame lest the universe explode?  Anyway.  Unsure how much the Tiny Flower helps but turnorder is something like
Lambda + Gades kill Yuri1.  Unsure who Arnaud wants to Slow Down, I let Lambda move which means it'd just trade turns with Lambda, so maybe Gades is a better option?  Ditto becomes someone.  Ricardo...  huh.  Does he have the MP to do his insanely expensive Third Key nonsense yet?  I think that Nephrite can guarantee a win here with Arnaud Hypers Yuri->Ricardo Third Keys the team ->Yuri beats the stuffing out of Fou-Lu, but this will blow all of Ricardo's MP, basically.  If they can't kill Fou-Lu, then Soul Rend ->Lambda poke (can't be stopped to me even if Arnaud did get a Slow Down off) means Ricardo is dead, and then either a Gades or a Lambda turn (depending on who was Slow Down'd) to poke Yuri2.   Maaaaaybe Ditto can turn this but I don't see how.

Assuming for now that Team Neph does go for the psycho offense kill Fou-Lu immediately route, which...  hmm.  Arnaud loses his Tiny Flower effect turn 2, which means he might have trouble Illusioning Gades in time, but eh, will give benefit of the doubt for now.  With Fou-Lu out of the picture I think the Yuris can rebuild their position.

Team Nephrite vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Empyrea
Empyrea will be WoIing any buffing attempts here, so Ricardo is mostly on Cure duty.  And everyone here is at least moderately tanky.  Tricky speed check here as Empyrea vs. Yuri1 on initiative is very important, and could go either way depending on how much speed-buffing Empy is held against...  if Empy goes first it's just a loss for Nephrite, as she + Luca's first action kill Yuri1, along with Zapping everyone else, and Jade is going to wipe Yuri2 even through Dark Seraphim's good MDef with the help of Luca's other actions.  Ricardo's 1-HP team revival doesn't help much vs. Empyrea's Zap and Jade has some bad MT too, and he has no MP left in the tank for something awesome.  Maybe Ditto became Jade and then blasts Empyrea, but she's got 25% Lightning Resist and might even survive.  Yeah...  Looks like trouble. 

Kneejerking fail for team Nephrite at the moment.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2010, 09:21:36 AM »
Just noting that unless Yuri 2 is being seen as above average speed, Neph is...oversimplifying those first few matches. Yuri 1's Kaboom is 90%ish, so yeah, he'll throw it out and then Kyra then will MT heal it off. Not to say he doesn't necessarily pass (which I'll deal with when it's morning), but my gut reaction isn't that it's necessarily so automatic.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2010, 03:51:57 PM »
Neph fails. The Empyrea, Jade, Luca fight just does too much damage to quickly for him to overcome. Also, I don't think Ricardo has mp for the Third Key yet. That's way aftergame and I wouldn't see it until floor 9 or 10. Even then it's probably unhelpful because I don't think he has any way to restore his own mp.

I think Super passes. Fogel and Knight are going to be smashing things and that's going to be backed up by Jerin physicals which should deal good damage also with the floor effect.

Abstain on Jo'ou. I'm not sure I see Geno as having Geno whirl yet and I think some of the matches hinge on that.

Abstain also on CT because I don't know the Legend of Dragoon team. However, I will point out that that floor is really nasty. If Yukiko gets a turn you loose. Also Nina 1 has either a high MT 2HKO or a ST OHKO with initiative.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2010, 04:04:45 PM »
Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[4c: Status Critical]
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Super vs. Jude and Raquel- Jude can OHKO someone, but it doesn't matter. Team has too much offense here. Heal up, prepare for next fight.
Team Super vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms)-  Hellion can Copper flesh a reviver, fight should be controlable after that.
Team Super vs. Ness and Poo-Earthquake+Fogel+Knight=even Ness dies.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus)- Copper flesh Tia, watch Fogel solo the fight. Revive, heal up, and prepare for the boss.
Team Super vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara)- This is good. Alena goes first and shreds Hellion. Tia responds by reviving, Fogel responds by slaughtering Brey. Knight can OHKO Maya or Meena (Both suck against physicals) and Jerin has MT damage to back that up just in case.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
Team Tranquil vs. Yukiko and Naoto- Give bandit's shoes to Albert, for...
Team Tranquil vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah- LoD has full healing items and this team's fast.
Team Tranquil vs. Arnaud and Angelo- Magic blitz.
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna and Lulu- Not hard.
Team Tranquil vs. Nina1 and Yulie- Think LoD items being cracked out gives the team an advantage. Nina can't kill Albert and Dart. Albert and Dart both throw full healing items and kill the other team.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2010, 04:22:33 PM »

Tiny Flower Arnaud should be something like 180% average speed so he can very easily outspeed Gades. The only reason I say he outspeeds Lambda is because Lambda is 411 RFX and Arnaud (at endgame) is 306. Tiny Flower should increase that by 100, so I would assume he'd have more than 411 with aftergame levels.

Regardless, he can just Illusion Gades which makes him completely worthless.

I'm a little confused as to why the speed test between Empyrea matters since Arnaud will just Slow Down her which easily makes Yuri1 faster. Her HP sucks ass against non-elemental magic and I can pretty easily get enough of that out to kill her. She HAS to Waves of Ice on her first double act which means her damage sucks ass too unless people think 3 MT Luca attacks + Zap somehow kill people?

EDIT: Oh yeah, Ditto turns into Ricardo in order to A) Recover Ricardo's MP and B) to cast the Third Key song.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 04:26:39 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 04:29:38 PM »
Neph fails. The Empyrea, Jade, Luca fight just does too much damage to quickly for him to overcome. Also, I don't think Ricardo has mp for the Third Key yet. That's way aftergame and I wouldn't see it until floor 9 or 10. Even then it's probably unhelpful because I don't think he has any way to restore his own mp.

Neph has a Ditto, regen of MP is simple enough via DittoRicardo songs. (Smack the Ditto if it transformed into something else previously to kill it, res, let it transform again. With the numerous buffs and debuffs available they are not pressed for time)

Also Empyrea is the only one with notable respectable speed, I'd think, and Arnaud exists to monkey wrench that. Alternately, Illusion should work fine on Luca, IIRC, if I recall correctly that yes he was vulnerable to Blind? And that takes it down to two ST wonders in effect.

There's a few calls against, but... I'm thinking a pass. Will look it over more later.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2010, 10:49:40 PM »
CT slaughters puny reversal floor with LoD healing items of broken.  Doesn't really require much though.  Super passes, thinking Snow does too.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2010, 02:32:19 AM »
Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
Team Nephrite vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa - Here, Ditto is turning itself into either Rosa or a Yuri. This is pretty simple, though: Artea+Kyra can't blitz the team out, and Arnaud can cast Dispel on Yukiko to mock Miori Shirt: so, Yuri1 goes an Ice fusion, gets a One More against Yukiko, then drops off some extra offense. This is pretty much game on the first fight, and Yuri2 can do something similar.
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja - Trickier, although I suspect that, with Teddie, the strategy pulled off with the Yukiko match -also- works. Arnaud will Slow Down Yuna instead, though, to guarantee Yuna doesn't go first to NulThunder. Raja is kinda magically frail too, so it works well enough. Marle will live through this odd blitz, but she can't really do much by herself.
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Fou-lu, Lambda and Gades (L1) - Lambda gets one turn before eating a Slow Down. Fou-Lu's MT HP-1 gets less scary once that kicks in, and I think the team has the damage control needed. Also, Ditto turning into Lambda for hilarity!? Granted, he probably wants to morph into Ricardo instead for the MP regen, since the team's whoring an Illusion'd Gades1 for MP healing here.
Team Nephrite vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Empyrea - I think I see Yuri1 as faster than Empyrea here, and Arnaud+Yuri = Empy-chu is 2HKOed. Jade is the real troublemaker here, though. He can drain resources pretty strongly. But assuming MP regen works its magic...
Team Nephrite vs. Profound Darkness and Xorn - Then Team Neph sorta coasts. PD really needs her third form to get -really- dangerous against the team here, and Xorn being a limit boss kinda gets a bit drained (Slow Down helps muchly against him).

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[4c: Status Critical]
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Super vs. Jude and Raquel - MT blitz gogogogogo
Team Super vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms) - More blitz.
Team Super vs. Ness and Poo - Yeah, more blitzing.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus) - Hilariously, Hellion solos this fight.
Team Super vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara) - ... eh. I'll buy it. Lack of Cristo makes this fight simpler, and Alena can't -quite- OHKO Fogel if I see his phys resist working there. Amazingly.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[4a: Another Reversal of Fortune]
Team Tranquil vs. Yukiko and Naoto
Team Tranquil vs. Cecil, Rosa and Tellah
Team Tranquil vs. Arnaud and Angelo
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Yuna and Lulu
Team Tranquil vs. Nina1 and Yulie - Pass. Never got a good feel on Team CT.

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Floor 3b]
[Ryu: Mygas 1, Bunyan 1]
*All ST is MT
Team Jo'ou vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard and FFT Chemist - hay guyz geno boost'd deis offense against fft chemist counters wow
Team Jo'ou vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Geno Whirl.
Team Jo'ou vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Geno Whirl owns all these lamers but Ramza (ENDURE doesn't count), and then the rest just mops up.
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Monk and Marle - Geno Whirl => Deis.
Team Jo'ou vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Deis+Geno sorta mangle the fight here, is what I'm thinking. Protect doesn't save the rest of the PCs from sorta uninspiring mdur, and Jane's dying first turn. MT Geno Boost is bound to cause problems too if they try the stalling route, methinks.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2010, 02:52:12 AM »
Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[4c: Status Critical]
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Super vs. Jude and Raquel
Team Super vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms)
Team Super vs. Ness and Poo
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus)
Team Super vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara) - Should be fine. Hellion with Speed, FF1 Knight, Fogel. Those three probably do this entire floor by themselves. And they've got Jerin/Tia/Nall.

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Floor 3b]
[Ryu: Mygas 1, Bunyan 1]
*All ST is MT
Team Jo'ou vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard and FFT Chemist - Geno Boost + Deis = ohgodwhat
Team Jo'ou vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Geno Boost trivialises the fight.
Team Jo'ou vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Same here. 50% less damage is just too brutal. Add in Deis' boosted offence and people weep.
*Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. Yuna, Rand, FFT Monk and Marle - Annoying due to continuous revival works, but I've faith Geno Boost'd Deis and Ryu can take this easily.
Team Jo'ou vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Priest and Nina4 - Probably nastier than Jo'ou gives it credit. Nina4 initiative means she's putting up MDmg halving and Yulie's throwing up Protect, so dealing damage isn't QUITE as easy. On the other hand, though, no Chemist. And then, Geno Boost trivialises damage. Huh. EDIT: Raja wins resource wars, Ryu3 + Geno physicals smash through puny durabilities.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 03:02:49 AM by Bardiche »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2010, 03:01:01 AM »
Protect isn't magic damage halving: it actually depends on the target's base MDef, and both Priest and Jane have unremarkable MDef and PDef. Geno Boosted Geno+Ryu can handle that.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2010, 03:02:17 AM »
Nina4 halves magic damage with Barrier.

And yeah, I wanted to change that vote to Pass because I realised Ryu3 offence isn't bad and Raja means Deis'd win the resource war by her lonesome anyway.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2010, 03:17:05 AM »
Oh, right, Barrier. That -does- make it more reliant on physicals, yeah. It only lasts three turns, but that's enough.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2010, 03:31:00 AM »
Team Nephrite vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja - Trickier, although I suspect that, with Teddie, the strategy pulled off with the Yukiko match -also- works. Arnaud will Slow Down Yuna instead, though, to guarantee Yuna doesn't go first to NulThunder. Raja is kinda magically frail too, so it works well enough. Marle will live through this odd blitz, but she can't really do much by herself.
It's worth noting that Shadow Hearts doesn't have a thunder element, only a wind element and Teddie resists wind. It probably doesn't save the healer team, but a One More blitz won't work in this fight.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2010, 03:39:09 AM »
Oh, right. Granted, not like Yuri doesn't OHKO Teddie anyway, but yeah, it's a bit more sensible that way. But both Yuris getting a turn before Yuna is probably too much.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2010, 06:32:02 AM »
All teams pass.

Neph's team is pretty dungeon-breaking at this point. If something was gonna stop this team, it would have done it before double Seraphic Radiance and a durable Ditto (god help us).

Super blitzes.

CT's healer-heavy team with cure-all-status items works great in reverse against status-vulnerables.

Snow handles the Jane fight, and that's the only really scary one for him. Yosuke might trip him up, but I think he manages.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2010, 07:27:43 AM »
Oh, right. Granted, not like Yuri doesn't OHKO Teddie anyway, but yeah, it's a bit more sensible that way. But both Yuris getting a turn before Yuna is probably too much.

Yuri should be...fairly borderline on OHKOing Teddie. Auto-Raku definitely means he wouldn't.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2010, 01:25:39 PM »
All pass Thankfully Yuki's kinda meh at speed, not Kanji but yeah. Dancer's Shoes are this floor so Meru dresses up in dem shinies for a lot of fun times and yeah hopefully Albert holds the forte vs Nina's inititiave =-) Sharanda's also nearly as fast if anything happens to Meru. The team kinda misses Haschel but oh well. 

CT's healer-heavy team with cure-all-status items works great in reverse against status-vulnerables.

Rainbow Breath/Gates of Heaven would also work great for that but I'm unsure whether SP carries over or not.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2010, 01:28:02 PM »
SP should carry between fights.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2010, 03:20:24 PM »
Late, but to Dhyer: Kyra has no MT healing. >_>
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2010, 01:48:49 AM »
Not really on board the "Empyrea sucks at tanking magic!" hype, but changing my vote on Nephrite to pass.  Forgot about "Ditto uses MP Regen while Illusion / Shut Outed Gades1 flails" to get Ricardo back up and running.   If the Tiny Flower boost is that huge, then sure, Arnaud Slow Downs Empyrea and Yuri1 lives to see a turn.  Broken SR damage probably manages to solve things, maybe toss in some Ricardo damage to finish the job.  The other team really needs Empyrea to get by here since she renders all the buffing strategies mostly useless.  (If she did live past turn 1, it'd be bad, since her best damage move can't be doubled up - her damage does not fall THAT much when she has to trade a second lesser attack for Wave of Ice.)

CT and Jo'ou also pass.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2010, 10:31:50 AM »
I think I can agree on saying that all teams pass.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2010, 02:25:25 PM »
Oh yeah correct me if I'm wrong but unless I'm missing something doesn't Ricardo's stuff also effect himself unlike Lucia's oils?
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 32
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2010, 03:13:25 PM »
Oh yeah correct me if I'm wrong but unless I'm missing something doesn't Ricardo's stuff also effect himself unlike Lucia's oils?

Nope.  Ricardo's melodies can't hit himself.  It'd be awesome if they did otherwise - infinite MP-recovery loop.