
Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 120645 times)

Princess Leia

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #450 on: March 11, 2010, 08:14:58 AM »
Bel-air makes precisely the argument I was expecting. To tell the truth (and this won't make me look any better, but it is what happened) I made my first replacement post based on what I'd been thinking while watching the game, before I'd thought through the results of my first night. When I reread though "my" N1 action, my initial reaction was a panicked "I'm going after the wrong guy", but then after a few seconds' thought I realized this wasn't so. The soviet's original role is one that I would conventionally think of as townie, and in a normal game I would have thought as much. But this isn't a normal game, and it would be perfectly useful as a scum role too, so while it shifts the odds a little, it's not enough to outweigh scummy behavior, which is what I thought I was seeing from Russia; I concluded that if he was worth going after without the role info, he was worth going after with it.
(And knowing a little bit about him might mean I learnt something from the voting where he was a candidate, though needless to say day 2 didn't really go the way I'd expected)

Point about wanting the Soviets dead so they didn't have the jacket power works both ways - yes if I were scum and him town it would make sense for me to want him dead so town didn't have it, but as town (and thinking, at least at the time, that soviet was probably scum) I didn't and don't want that power in scum hands either. Frankly I think scum has more reason to leave someone with that ability alive, at least until it becomes public, for the sheer amount of chaos it could cause.

As to what happened to my original suspicions: they're still there, but they've been eclipsed by more pressing concerns. The truthful roleclaim is enough to get me off their case for the moment, and I have the impression (though this will need to be checked by a reread) that they've been posting more frequent and substantially better content today. I haven't forgotten about them, and will look more, though I'm not sure I'll be the most objective of judges.

Touhou ninja. I don't like to argue along these lines as it's very WIFOMy, but had I ignored the claim and the soviets be lynched, that would leave me with the soviet's original role (which is, while inconclusive, on the townie end of neutral, and once claimed is easily verifiable.) On the other hand soviet would have at least one more chance to pass the jacket on to a townie who could verify it, and could claim his original role to stop me using it, so... yeah, I guess that proves nothing.
Doubleninja, meh.

##Vote: Combo Breaker. L-1. Will be gone for around five hours, and have no objections to his being hammered during that time.


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #451 on: March 11, 2010, 08:16:48 AM »

I get the last laugh after all.

It took 6 to kill me, but I trolled by the thousands!

I guess this is...


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #452 on: March 11, 2010, 08:34:38 AM »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #453 on: March 11, 2010, 08:40:36 AM »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #454 on: March 11, 2010, 04:17:19 PM »
I'm fully aware that being disruptive and chaotic is scum's job in this game, but when the image spam becomes enough to break the forums or cause rendering issues in the browser, it's over the line. I don't expect to see this occur again, but consider it a warning.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:19:01 PM by Halbarad »
- Have you ever contemplated suicide?
 - Frequently. But only for others.


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #455 on: March 11, 2010, 04:20:10 PM »
"So guy what do you think about-"


"Think about what? Sorry I couldn't hear y-"


"Ugh, ignore him. I was tyring to talk abo-"



COMBO BREAKER, Scum Combo Number 5, has been axed in the face!

Final Votecount

COMBO BREAKER (4): Cake, Russia, XBOX, COMBO BREAKER, Touhou, O R'LYEH, Russia, Rick Astley, XBOX, COMBO BREAKER
Rick Astley (1): O R'LYEH

It is now Night 3, please send in all night actions.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia: Day 4)
« Reply #456 on: March 12, 2010, 12:03:49 AM »
One night, a townie was minding his own business when he was stopped and questioned by KGB. Being a good comrade, townie answered all questions of KGB, but they were not actually KBG but American pig-dog spies disguised as comrades. They wished to remind townie that in Soviet Russia, scum still kills you.

Such is life in mafia.

In Soviet Russia, Town Ninja Trainee, has died in service to glorious motherland.

It is now day 4. With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

As of 4PM PST/7PM EST(about 5 minutes ago), day 4 has 72 hours remaining.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Alice Margatroid

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #457 on: March 12, 2010, 12:21:49 AM »

This printout came at a bad time for me, as I'm in the middle of a project in the workshop. I'll leave these quick notes for all of you and then get back to work. A more comprehensive set of notes should come in a few hours.

I tracked Bel Air last night, since he was my #1 suspect again after the stupid fight I had with Demote. I was told he didn't do anything. On a snap judgment, this makes me feel better about him, though with my project presentation coming first and an incomplete set of notes regarding scum's action redirection, I'm not 100% convinced by any means. Still, I will likely look over Mr. Astley and the Box when I get back.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #458 on: March 12, 2010, 12:51:01 AM »
...No, seriously. Doing everything wrong.

I was just about to head off, but figured I'd at least post here to comment on night actions.
I'll say now that I'm a JoaT of sorts - I don't have access to all actions immediately, instead having one each night. My reasoning to assume the target went through as planned N1 is because the kill on Lolcats went through as planned - I roleblocked Lolcat N1. N2, watched Cake as already explained. N3... Well, I tried to Track Touhou to confirm their claim. Needless to say, NOT AS PLANNED. So, I know 2g1c's target! This doesn't help me in the slightest. (If enough people want me to, I can say what the result was so that 2g1c can confirm.)

I still think Rick is worse than Bel Air, for reasoning presented at the start of D3. Their claims don't change anything here, since the Mason applies to both and the 2 players mean nothing to scumminess. That said, I want to read over Xbox. Being suspicious to begin with and being one of the few players with no role information to confirm/disprove means I really need to check over him to see what I can find.
But that'll wait for a good 12 hours or so until I've next got some free time. Sorry~

Nathan Greaves

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #459 on: March 12, 2010, 03:32:42 AM »
Oh, and just a side-note? You mentioned my claim several times, and I'm going to say now that I have not full-claimed. Doing so means I lose my ability completely, and I'd rather that not happen.
Aaaaaaaaaaand despite saying this yesterday, you apparently have no problem claiming today?
Also...wait. You're saying you ended up tracking 2g1c? As in another role misdirection? Clarify this when you get back.

Shouldn't need to say this, but just in case I'll mention that I didn't bother targeting anyone last night. Bel-Air not doing anything clears him slightly, but in the end he and Rick are still the two biggest targets we have in terms of scuminess IMO. He could have just not acted last night.

Want to wait for any other night actions to chime in before anything else.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #460 on: March 12, 2010, 04:21:46 AM »

Okay, I've done enough maintainence work on my exteeeending aaaaarms, so I'll spend some time here.

Kneejerk reaction to Cake's observation is that Demote still hasn't fully claimed somehow, as that would be a serious miscalculation on his part to the point that it could get someone ejected from the Gensokyo Academy of Science. I'll let Demote share his notes before I share any more of mine than that, though.

Assuming Demote to be town, his claim (or what looks to be his claim, anyway) of being redirected all but confirms Bel Air as town to me, as Bel Air being scum would require three scum remaining (Bel Air doing nothing + whoever messed with Demote + whoever killed Russia) or a couple of other really crazy theories.

I would generally advise against sharing whoever the girls targeted last night unless you can catch someone lying with the information or if the girls give you their permission.

Opinions on Mr. Astley vs. the Box will follow shortly.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #461 on: March 12, 2010, 05:36:58 AM »

A quick exteeeended fiiiiistshake at Momizi for getting that infernal Erasure song stuck in my head. It's playing for me as I type this.

Since the main cases on both Mr. Astley and the Box had already been mostly made (for me, anyway) as of my post at the beginning of Day 3, I went back and briefly checked the log files containing the circumstances of how the Breaker vs. Russia trains competed. I came across some quite important data in my search that I had forgotten: the Box was voting for Russia before his Demote vote. While the vote itself was for pretty bad reasons and was pretty bad in and of itself for veering away from both trains, it did further skew the numbers in Russia's favor. This makes me lean toward Box being the less likely of the two to be scum.

Day 3 is hard to glean information from (despite repeated picking efforts), but I have a couple of observations nonetheless. The box looks like he's trying to reason through every possibility, as he was one of the first to publicly consider the idea that both Demote and myself were town here. This even happened before Demote and myself considered it. Not sure how likely scum would be to push the idea that both of us are town when it was pretty popular to think one of us lying outside of a desire to make that very statement. Mr. Astley asks some decent questions of both sides, though a couple of his Demote questions could potentially be veiled rolefishing. Basically a bit of WIFOM and not too much else for both sides. Regardless, nothing happened on Day 3 that was of the magnitude of the above observation about Box moving off of Russia.

##Vote: Rick Astley

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #462 on: March 12, 2010, 06:07:03 AM »
Roll here, filling in for Rick until he can get back. Also, just a quick note to any of you left wondering about masons or not. (Breadcrumbing is always the way to go!)

Not much to say sing right now, as the day seems to have barely started and we've got maybe... half the living around? Gonna skip the show and go straight to the interview, here.

Demo: That's a lot of "JUST AS PLANNED" there. Why was the lolkill part of your PLANs? Also, why did you target lolcat N1 anyway?

TOUHOULOL: How does the Box veering away from both trains make him any less scummy? Not going to excuse my actions, but we know that the two trains were Town and Scum. He was on Town early, and veered away from keeping his vote on Town and didn't aim it at scum instead. Would this not point to a more null tell?

If you need me, I'll be on and off periodically for the next... hour? About that.

Anyway, would very much like to hear from the 'Box itself, and ask that people not try to excuse anybody else. Going "they probably did it for this reason" just gives them a shield to hide behind, and if they did do it for that reason, then they can say it themselves. (I doubt anybody's going to be quicklynched when we're not even at LYLO, and scum team is probably down to 2)

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #463 on: March 12, 2010, 08:20:14 AM »
First, sorry for accidentally letting C-C-C-C selfhammer. I don't think it's done us much harm, but it wasn't intended.

I initially ignored the scum actions part of Bel-Air's case against me, but having though about it I realised it doesn't even make sense. Leaving aside the question of whether scum would even want to block the leather jacket, if I were scum they would already have known what the leather jacket did, which surely makes it rather a waste of their combination rolecop/roleblocker, no?

Ninja trainee, huh. Which means the jacket is still out there, in the hands of someone the commie (presumably) found suspicious, but we don't have commie alive to confirm/deny their previous role. Urgh.

Touhou commenting. Glad as I am to be under less suspicion, I must point out it's actually rick himself who first makes that point. He didn't spell it out fully, and people didn't seem to be paying any attention (which is why I posted), but it's not fair for me to take credit for the original insight.

In regard to the hijack her[?]self, I... much as I want to trust her she's still by no means in the clear. As the last claimant of the triangle, she took the least risk in any claim; stripping away all the hilarious wrong logic, we're left with: demotivator sees touhou targetting cake. To which touhou responds by claiming... to have been tracker, and to have seen exactly what everyone knows already happened. (Not even to have seen cake targetting C-C-C-C, which would at least be committing on the existence of the busdriver). For day 1, claims to have seen me targetting the soviet - which at that point, I've just claimed. And follows this up by telling us for night 3 that a claimed mason didn't target anyone. I'm really hoping 2g1c can clear this up, but right now touhou's by no means in the clear from rolestuff - and the attack on demotivator, with poor logic, slight edge of hysteria, and then attempt to withdraw it entirely as gracefully as possible, could easily be a smokescreen - it's certainly thrown up enough dust.
While I think of it, demotivate: I'm sure you realise this, but I think you'd better not say any more until the girls themselves have spoken their part.

WRT hijack's reasoning about three scum, I don't think the busdriver is confirmed scum yet, and as I've said before I think the N2 swap was pretty much the towniest swap possible - assuming that combo was going to roleblock cake makes perfect sense, and I can't think of a better scumtarget than the dog. (Side thought: why was zerg zerged? But I haven't time to consider that and it probably doesn't lead anywhere). That said, haven't yet thought through why a town busdriver might be swapping 2g1c <-> hijack.

Rick: I had the extra role info on the soviet, which I wanted time to talk about before he got lynched. Having him go to L-1, at which point we could both claim and pick up the pieces, and town as a whole could make an informed judgement on his alignment, would've been fine. Remember, I thought him scummy even given the roleinfo, but the roleinfo is more on the town side than the scum side, so I would feel uncomfortable letting town lynch him without having heard the info. Having him just pip C to the post at the last minute would be unfortunate (and while the thought crossed my mind that it would be good for me personally, leaving me with his original townie-sounding role and no reason for anyone to suspect it hadn't been there all along, it wasn't the right thing to do). I still didn't see the C-C-C-C case at that point, and resolved not to vote his way either - but I thought I smelled something with the demotivator. (I wasn't at that point aware that 12 hours was seen as such a late stage).

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #464 on: March 12, 2010, 08:34:35 AM »
Quote from: XBox 360
WRT hijack's reasoning about three scum, I don't think the busdriver is confirmed scum yet, and as I've said before I think the N2 swap was pretty much the towniest swap possible - assuming that combo was going to roleblock cake makes perfect sense, and I can't think of a better scumtarget than the dog.
Non sequitur.

The rest of that paragraph talks about NK speculation, which is all kinds of hate. Incidentally, I'm not sure why people are finding XBox 360 less scummy for veering away from both cases, considering both his timing and reasoning he looks horrible for both cases.

More analysis in a bit, after I've finished this one goddamned assignment. Augh.

Helga Pataki

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #465 on: March 12, 2010, 12:02:13 PM »
"Okay, few things.

"One: Demotivator, please do share who we targeted last night. As a comment? Even knowing this won't clear you; scum might very well know my night targeting pattern, if they do have my roleinfo. On the other hand if you're scum and fuck this up... welp! No pressure, though, of course- I will openly say that I'm not sure how scum could be caught in a lie by a tracker, buuuuuuuuuuut uh. (This responds to Touhou unless she was thinking about me, which I vaguely acknowledge the validity of before shaking my head)


"Tres: Hmhmhmhm. Yes, XBox, that was the precise reasoning under which I wanted to invoke Touhou to claim first. The result... well. I don't know, but if Air is scum, so surely is Touhou; note that this logic does not apply in reverse. Regardless, stepping away from that for a bit.

"Shi: I am... vaguely tempted to request whoever has the jackets to claim having them, but I'm decently sure I know who has it. Doesn't clear them, either. Woulda been nice to know what Ninja Trainee was but meh, later. Tangentially, XBox is not cleared town, but we know if he is scum he is the killer. A basic logical jump, don't care to elaborate right now. This can actually be said of a few people, I think, but that's a breakdown to make later.

"101: Mmm. Presuming another role misdirection, scum not acting makes no sense: targetswapper+killer. Unsure what to make of myself being swapped with Touhou: at best a no tell.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #466 on: March 12, 2010, 12:23:00 PM »
Demotivator claims to know 2g1c's action? As in, you were told that your target changed from trying to track Touhou?

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #467 on: March 12, 2010, 01:55:16 PM »
Non sequitur.
Huh? "I can't think of a better scumtarget than the dog." is a key part of the logic behind "I don't think the busdriver is confirmed scum yet". No non sequitur.

2g1c... may be referring to something true, which would be evidence (to me, who knows what I did last night) in their favor, if I'm understanding them right, but their statement is just too fuzzy to get anywhere. Will await the detailed breakdown with interest.
Can't spend long now, will be able to maybe make a brief post in 4 hours, and maybe another one in 10 hours or so, but I won't be back and reading thoroughly until tomorrow morning GMT.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #468 on: March 12, 2010, 05:54:06 PM »
Irrelevant again, outside of being one of my favourite Demotes ever. Also, sorry for WoT.

Demotivator claims to know 2g1c's action? As in, you were told that your target changed from trying to track Touhou?
I targeted Touhou during the night. The PM came back telling me who 2g1c targeted.

Aaaaaaaaaaand despite saying this yesterday, you apparently have no problem claiming today?
Also...wait. You're saying you ended up tracking 2g1c? As in another role misdirection? Clarify this when you get back.
Yeah, I've said all night actions so far. I haven't (hadn't) said what the limitations are on the role, so I have (had) technically not full-claimed, but close enough. And yes, another role misdirection.

"One: Demotivator, please do share who we targeted last night.
Nobody. 2g1c didn't target anyone.

"Shi: I am... vaguely tempted to request whoever has the jackets to claim having them, but I'm decently sure I know who has it. Doesn't clear them, either. Woulda been nice to know what Ninja Trainee was but meh, later.
I... doubt I'm who you're thinking, honestly, so... yeah, Jacket here. Time now for the full-claim - every time somebody referred to me as a Ninja in their posts, it added to the count. If I got enough in a day, I got a night action given to me. The first day, I got 2, then 3, then 2 ninjas. Then I lost the power and Soviet died. If I'd hinted at being a ninja in any way, I lost my ability, since I'd no longer be hidden like ninja. (I have, as it goes, tried mentioning every damn ninja post that's remotely relevant in an aim to encourage others to

Demo: That's a lot of "JUST AS PLANNED" there. Why was the lolkill part of your PLANs? Also, why did you target lolcat N1 anyway?
No, it's the exact opposite. The point is that last night didn't go as planned, as my target was changed. And Lolcat was one of two who stood out to me as actively lurking D1, and it was just a coinflip between them and AYB for me. I had no clue they were going to die, but having only one roleblock announced during D2 is my reason for assuming my target wasn't changed.

On today's posts, I'm seeing Xbox's logic as being utterly horrible. It's surrounded by WIFOM: swapping Combo for Dog would make much, MUCH more sense for scum - anyone could've tracked Combo to discover who was presumably Town, and Advice Dog was not likely to have any role alongside the Insomniac one. It makes some sense as a Town switch, but with confirmed Town in play, scum could have wanted to kill one of them... I'm going in WIFOMy circles now. Past that, there's some more WIFOM on the NK of Zerg (reason to kill Zerg? He was Town. Done.) and... I think this is enough to push him ahead of Rick for me.


Alice Margatroid

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #469 on: March 12, 2010, 06:21:53 PM »

In response to Mr. Astley and the android, the point I was trying to make is that Box's vote change pushed a flipped scum even further ahead than a flipped town, albeit in a mini-Goldberg-Machine fashion. I tried to think of why Scum Box would have chosen to move to Demote instead of staying on Russia (in the hopes of keeping Russia close to the Breaker) or moving to the Breaker (in the hopes of gaining credit when the Breaker flipped), and while I have come up with a couple of conjectures, like Box being able to claim he didn't want to lynch Russia anymore while still not pushing the Breaker too far ahead, I don't think they're likely enough to push him back ahead of Mr. Astley for me. Possible, yes, but not probable.

Box: Ah, thank you for finding that note about Mr. Astley also seemingly entertaining the idea of both Demote and myself being town. I admit I missed it last night, due to the wording. This doesn't do a whole lot to change my opinions, however, aside from bring you down slightly. I must disagree about a Bus Driver (and other redirecting roles) potentially being town roles, as they are pretty anti-town inherently. They exist primarily to cause confusion, which is very much a scum tool.

Ninja'd by Demote (...apologies for using this term now), who provides another decent reason why the redirection is very unlikely to be town in origin, as well as a reasonable explanation for what happened to him. I admit I speculated about that possibility a bit since Ninja Trainee sounds JoaTy enough. Probably taboo to go there, but both my role name and Advice Dog's role name have matched their actual roles somewhat, so.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #470 on: March 12, 2010, 07:44:42 PM »
Demote's explanation makes sense. I'll give him the Ninja Trainee explanation.

360...let's see. No content, no proper opinions beyond 'Touhou isn't clear', and a whole ton of setup speculation/role talk? He calls out Touhou for...tracking the people who had been suspicious on previous days rather than doing something different on a whim? Yes, it's possible she's misleading us, but if that's the case she's playing pretty well because I can't find much fault with what she says.

On the other hand, there's still that awkward D2 unvote which I don't know about. Nitori makes the case better than I could - scum would either want to get Soviet lynched or get cred for lynching Combo, but Xbox did neither. Besides, the actions he's made with the leather jacket seem pretty poor in terms of scum when the role seems almost designed to work along with that roleblocker/rolecop combo. Randomly swapping with Soviet N1 doesn't seem very valid. It just...doesn't make sense as scum to me, which is irritating because his behaviour is anti-Town at best.

Bel-Air. Feel like contributing? Still think the mason pair are worth following up on - Touhou's result lightens the pressure on Bel-Air, but Rick isn't doing very well himself either. Last minute LYNCH DOG DAMMIT at the end of D2, supposedly convincing Bel-Air to move from Russia...still enough to be worth suspecting even in the face of all this role madness.

##Vote: Rick Astley

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #471 on: March 12, 2010, 08:22:30 PM »
How did I not think to use this when I full-claimed? Considering Russia's death and the Jacket...

Rick isn't doing very well himself either. Last minute LYNCH DOG DAMMIT at the end of D2
My only problem with this logic is that Xbox did the exact same thing earlier in the day, using the same line of logic to attack Touhou as well. That said, I'd not be surprised if the two of them (Xbox/Rick) were our remaining scum, since the only other one who's still mildly suspicious to me is Shikiana.

...or not. AYB still exists. Forgot about that. Still, I'm not willing to automatically assume Astley is scum, as my instinct was to go "Bastard Mod? Unconfirmed Masons? SCUM GET!" But... since Villainous Mafia, I'm inclined to think the bastard modding is to make us think that. In other words, assuming there's scum on the mason team is as much setup speculation as assuming there isn't, and Xbox has been more scummy to me throughout.
AYB, I know you've had little time, but please try to give us something to work with when you get a chance. I've been mildly suspicious of you from the start for being low profile, and that's going to be working heavily against you very soon. Content or gtfo.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #472 on: March 12, 2010, 09:46:50 PM »
Demo: With the leather jacket in the game, it's impossible for the mod to actually confirm roles as being Town or not.  Even if the role had been given to a Townie, there's still a chance that by the time I found the other mason that it would belong to a mafioso.  Heck, nothing stating that we'll still both be masons tomorrow.  So, yeah, confirmations by the mod with that power in play are impossible.

As for who I'm suspecting, I've spent most of the day so far picking through posts, and I've got a good feeling about All Your Base that I'm finishing up the case on right now.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #473 on: March 12, 2010, 10:27:43 PM »
I keep forgetting that Base and Shiki exist, to be honest. AYB did even up the Combo/Soviet wagons in order to even up the scum, but I found this on D2:
I have more trust in the lynch than I do in a role which should not be highly trusted and could be misdirected/blocked by scum
Strangely accurate choice of words, given that at that point no-one had declared having their actions switched around.

Shiki bought into the 'Touhou = obvscum' idea that came out yesterday and really didn't offer much beyond role speculation. He 'enters reconsideration mode' when it's pointed out there's more to it, and...has offered nothing beyond 'wait, Demo, WHAT happened to you?'. How long could it take you to reconsider, exactly?

Honestly, I'm not exactly enchanted with either lurker, but AYB's placing on the Combo wagon puts him slightly ahead.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #474 on: March 12, 2010, 10:28:47 PM »
EBWOP: In terms of towniness, just so I don't get misinterpreted.