
Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 118287 times)

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #650 on: March 20, 2010, 03:25:55 AM »
Check that, reran my logic, can't clear him with it. Would still like it to be demonstrated if at all possible, as it's important for a different reason anyway.

(Sometimes, when I don't say anything on my logic, it's because it's actually pretty fucking stupid. What I thought was actually a cute catch from earlier, actually isn't. Blah. Don't drink and Mafia, kids.)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #651 on: March 20, 2010, 01:04:42 PM »

Yeah, I wouldn't clear him over it, but I think it would still force some things. I don't want to talk more about it until he's reappeared and fully claimed, though (and even then I'm not sure I'd want to talk about it fully, given some other factors).

On a side note, the Gensokyo Academy of Science is meeting today, so I'm going to be unavailable for a while. I will try to pop in for a post in about 4-5 hours if there's something relevant to comment on but that's the best I can offer.


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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #652 on: March 20, 2010, 04:16:42 PM »
Small note to all: I'll be out pretty much all day today. Helping the other half's folks move furnature. So waiting on mod confirmation for anything will be a bit of a wait indeed.

EDIT: I'll try to get ahold of Mr. Belmont(Snowfire) before I go, but if I don't see him, then poke him in chat if any votecounts are needed.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 04:31:08 PM by Gatewalker »
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Li Syaoran

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #653 on: March 20, 2010, 07:52:43 PM »
Bleh. Been busy, just got time to catch up now. Thankfully, will be around all day today (though it seems everyone else including the mod won't be?). Regarding roleclaim details: I am not allowed to fullclaim, however I may provide rolename: Town-Aligned Roflcopter.

Did a quick look back and saw neither Soviet nor XBox 360 ever having a double vote, so my opinion atm's similar to !Cake's, but I'm going to wait on a response from XBox 360 before calling bullshit on that claim.

Richter Belmont

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #654 on: March 20, 2010, 11:03:46 PM »
This is madness!  No- THIS IS A VOTECOUNT!


Flying Spaghetti Monster (2) - THIS IS SPARTA!, in ur base, Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris (3) - Badgers, THIS IS SPARTA!, Flying Spaghetti Monster
Badge, Badger, Badger (0) - Robot Unicorn, I drink your milkshake

Did you know that Chuck Norris only needs one vote to be lynched in the mafia game played in Universe-3748?  Too bad that the only votes that count are ones for Mike Huckabee.

As for this universe, no changes.


Touhou Hijack:(0) - XBOX
XBOX:(1) - 2girls1cup, The Cake Is A Lie
Rick & Roll: (1) - O R'LYEH!?

It is pretty much LYLO so no deadline.  6 memes -> 4 votes -> ???  -> Profit.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 11:06:55 PM by Richter Belmont »

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #655 on: March 21, 2010, 01:42:58 PM »
Hit by combo wave of nausea and business, wasn't around.

And blaugh. I think the game's just stalled. We... *sigh* Damnit, do not like, do not want, but now that we have AYB's commentary, we're pretty much done, and the game's quiet as a tomb. Is there any dissent on current opinion, re: suspicions for today?

I've changed my mind on XBOX waiting because it doesn't narrow the game down enough to make it relevant (in combination with game = silent as the dead), even if he ends up being truth-telling scum, and if he's honest town we're shooting ourselves in the foot here. So whatever. Touhou spotting why I was interested (I think) makes me assuaged as to them a fair amount, however.

I'd like to be one of the lynch votes, but other than that. I'll leave to Touhou to explain what she saw, see if she spotted what I did.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #656 on: March 21, 2010, 04:37:45 PM »

I noticed that Mr. Astley had been sitting at 1 vote for most of the day, presumably for breaking their post restriction again. If the box can indeed stack votes and his partner is not Mr. Astley, then he and his partner could have rushed Mr. Astley for a victory by now.

Of course, this assumes a lot of things. It assumes the box can indeed stack votes, instead of having to cast his second vote on a second target, it assumes the power was not cut for LYLO (imagine scum having a doublevote power in 3-meme LYLO - not that this is likely to happen now, but it was enough of a possibility at the beginning of the game that I believe it would've been taken into account), it assumes the second vote happens immediately, it assumes the vote can actually be used to rush someone (in conjunction with a mod vote, no less) instead of the mod vote or extra vote disappearing somehow, and it assumes Mr. Astley is not the box's partner.

There's also the matter that the box did not actually try to use his role in his defense, which makes me think one of the above assumptions about his power is a faulty assumption.

I didn't want to talk about this on the off-chance that the box and his non-Astley partner (presumably CATS, since my only other options are the girls and Cake) hadn't thought of it yet, but that's a very slim chance, and given I'm pretty sure I know who CATS is I feel confident in saying he would have thought of it, even if the box didn't.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #657 on: March 21, 2010, 05:37:35 PM »
Correct observation, though my logic dovetailed differently.

I reduced it to three different corollaries:

1) Lying scum. Simplest solution, changes nothing.
2) Truth-telling town. If this is the case, again, little changes. The role cannot, could never have, itself distinguish him; see my starred commentary below.
3) Truth-telling scum. This is why I had initially wished to know if he was being honest about the role/the details about it, for if he was being entirely honest (and presuming his role functioned without any of the exceptions Touhou raises, though those are accurate logical presumptions) then the only possible scum partner is Astley. (Any other scum partner, in combination with XBOX, could have hammered. This is also why I hesitated to state the logic out loud, but I can't think it would go unnoticed for an entire bloody week or so. If it has then, uh, congrats, oblivious scum win?)
(4) Lying town. This, while possible, is pointless to speculate on.

*** MY COMMENT THAT THE ROLE COULD CLEAR XBOX WAS AN INTENTIONAL LIE. I say this now because I originally was willing enough to try and provoke scum!XBOX into trying to reveal the role; however, in reflecting on it, while I am confident enough on the scumminess to be willing to commit to the lynch of him, in the event of town!XBOX it's a dick move and I can't countenance playing like that. I'm not one of those "never lie if town" players (in fact, the use of my role in full would likely have relied on me lying like hell in order to make scum panic their little asses off while trying to aid town as best I could).

One could speculate that his lack of hammering on Astley clears him of being with anyone except Astley (presuming he's even telling the truth on his role... while scum... uh), but seeing as how my current suspicion lies on Astley and XBOX I don't see it at all. So. Yeah. Heaven or Hell? LET'S ROCK! time, I suppose.

So, yeah. Touhou catches it, I'm more confident on them, in general if I die tonight I wanna see Astley down tomorrow, pretty sure scum is Astley/XBOX. And... and I can't see anything else for this. There's nothing else I have to say, and if this is wrong, well, good game. But I don't expect to be.

"Let's do this."


Oh, and one more point of reference: this should set people at ease.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #658 on: March 21, 2010, 05:40:38 PM »
EBWOP: Incomplete thought process. I'm not one of those "never lie if town" people, but I do not believe that lies should be rugjerks like that (they should be aimed solely to try and deceive scum, with minimum damage done to town) - and in the slim chance I am wrong on XBOX, I deemed it too unkind to be willing to commit to fully.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #659 on: March 21, 2010, 05:43:22 PM »
And and and I should say this now while I think about it.

Astley's post restriction is fairly obvious and having figured it out is hardly a black mark on Touhou. Think I noticed it as soon as it popped up? Day three at the latest. Wanted this out there in case something crazy was tried final day against them using that avenue. There may be arguments against Touhou! That'd be a stupid one. Since I'm not sure I can expect to see day 6 that needs to be said now.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #660 on: March 21, 2010, 05:46:20 PM »
I am likewise sold. Not much left to say at this point.

It's time to pull your plug, scum!


Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #661 on: March 21, 2010, 07:03:25 PM »
One vote remaining for the lynch, I'm sifting through final thoughts. AYB I'm considering even higher than Touhou at this point, honestly, though my explanation for why is somewhat complex and not entirely logical. Suffice to say that sitting/campaigning against a scumbuddy for so long isn't something I'd consider optimal. !cake is !cake is !cake.

Butterscotch moon hapkido walnut waltz.

...hey, not all final thoughts are coherent. Regardless, even though the butterflies are rampant in my stomach, my head tells me this is the right course of action, so I've no regrets.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #662 on: March 21, 2010, 08:28:57 PM »

##Vote: Hueg Liek XBox


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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #663 on: March 21, 2010, 08:31:54 PM »
Indeed it is. Actually heading out for lunch right now, will make a proper lynch post when I return.
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Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #664 on: March 21, 2010, 09:21:52 PM »
Well, shit. Surgery went fine, home now, but guess I'm too late.

Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #665 on: March 21, 2010, 09:30:02 PM »
Oh, and just in case by some miracle I'm not actually dead and we've not actually lost, I believe a demonstration was called for, so XBOX SIZED ##Vote: Touhou Hijack. No idea whether it'll show up in the votecounts.

Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #666 on: March 21, 2010, 09:31:56 PM »
And as if I hadn't screwed up enough this game, I forgot the all caps. ##Unvote, ##VOTE: TOUHOU HIJACK

Richter Belmont

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #667 on: March 21, 2010, 09:54:21 PM »
Well...  it's too late...  but sure, final votecount for kicks.  Surgery's a good excuse.


XBOX:(4) - 2girls1cup, The Cake Is A Lie, 2girls1cup, Touhou Hijacker, All Your Base
Rick & Roll: (1) - O R'LYEH!?

XBox's vote is HUEG!  It is very impressive.  It dwarfs measly other votes.  Though not enough.


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A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #668 on: March 21, 2010, 10:33:00 PM »

Critical hit!

It's Super Effective!

HUEG LIEK XBOX fainted...

HUEG LIKE XBOX, Town Power Charger, has been hit in the face really hard with...well, it's really best not to contemplate that.

And, since all relevant Night Actions are already in, I can go ahead and post this now.

2girls1cup, Town Scarecrow('s loathsome corpse), has been deposted in the nearest large body of water.

TOUHOU HIJACK LOL, Scum Mad Journalist(previously Purveyor of Fine Leather Jackets(previously Kappa Fanthing~)) and All Your Base, Scum Roflcoptr, have won the game!

The Cake Is A Lie, Third Party Landshark, has also won the game!

And now, for a quick summary of this entire game, Combo Breaker style:

Derp         Derp
Derp         Derp
Derp         Derp
                                                                     Derp                    Derp
               Derp                            Derp
                                             Derp                 Derp
Derp         Derp                                                                                                                         Derp
          Derp                                                           Derp
   Derp                                                                              Derp


Anyway, game's over folks. Speak as ye will.
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Alice Margatroid

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Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #669 on: March 21, 2010, 10:35:48 PM »


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Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #670 on: March 21, 2010, 10:41:32 PM »

"You are now a Kappa Fanthing~. During the night, you can spin~ and change the target of someone's actions."


asfdgfd. :(

Asuka Langley

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme? (Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #671 on: March 21, 2010, 10:44:39 PM »
I'm going to sound like an utter dick here, but man did watching this game play out frustrate me.

The :rage: is pretty hard right now. Scum played badly, but town played worse. There's absolutely no way that my death should have led to town collapsing quite so horrifically in day 3. The implosion at the end of day 5 was also incredibly disheartening as budding insight gave way to apathy and impatience.

2g1c: you were like my one ray of hope at that point, and had been since you emerged from the utter chaos that day 3 had led to. Your play made me think that if my death had turned you from flying under the radar to town leader then the net result of my death was to lose a lurker. And you did so well until you just gave up at the end there. Why would you not wait for him to show up again? As soon as he does, you've got him bang to rights or know you have to lynch Duck Roll v2 first and have to think again. You even knew this and decided that you couldn't be bothered to wait, what the hell. One step short of an emphatic MVP endorsement.

And that's the really frustrating thing. I felt that by my death the game had already been handed on a silver platter to town by scum. There was so, so much breathing room and plenty to verify and track and narrow down and so much scum movement to work with, but you managed to spend the time on the pettiest and daftest of possibilities without seeing the important simple things and letting an easy scum pair just whistle their way out of the hot spot (I really don't know how CATS seemed to garner so little attention after he spent the entire game playing the same trick over and over). No, I don't think it could have likely been done without at least one mislynch (and I believe only I had the player-meta to clear XBox 360), but by day 5 it felt so very, very clear (and the leather jacket being on Hijack meant that you could have set up day 6 to be really simple, because he wouldn't have been able to use it). Surely CATS's soft claim made it really, really obvious if you hadn't worked it out already?

I'm not even very good at finding scum myself, but this whole game felt like a gimme after a while.

For what it's worth, my top pairing was actually CATS/Rick Astley, but with CATS/Hijack second and the only pair I'd only really consider, and bugged the mod with exactly what course of action town should be taking. Voting Gatewalker for biggest victim of this game, by the way, because I spent so much time venting my frustration about the nosedive the game had taken in the form of PMs to him.

Wasn't actually expecting !cake to be third party, but I suppose the utter apathy come day 4 should have told me that he knew he had won regardless of anything he did at that point.

Milhouse: minor thing in comparison, but it occurred to me later that you'd have served town much better had you soft claimed and just said something like "I have role-related information that confirms -2C is scum", so as to not waste the lynch and either draw the NK or get another investigation off instead. Marking off a mislynch and letting the roleblocker get another action was kind of painful.

RickRoll: that emotional outburst at the end of day 2 was still seriously uncool, and would have seen me leading the train against you come day 4.

And hopefully that's all of the :rage: out of the system.


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Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #672 on: March 21, 2010, 10:45:42 PM »
Yay for team win, at least.  Wish I had made it farther.  *sigh*  The one time I bend my rule about no anon-mafia and I get killed night 1.
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Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #673 on: March 21, 2010, 10:50:17 PM »
Gonna be afk most of the rest of today, so I'll do a full reveal post tomorrow.

For the moment though, I would like to point out that even "I have role-related information that confirms -2C is scum" would have gotten Milhouse modkilled. His restriction wasn't against claiming fullcop, it was against claiming ANY information based role. Period. Or even claiming to have one but not specifying. Saying that he had role-related information to confirm anything would have done it. Bastard modding? Oh, certainly. But that's one of the reasons I put that warning right in the first post. >_>
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Asuka Langley

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Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« Reply #674 on: March 21, 2010, 10:52:11 PM »
Well, whatever. It was a minor point, and I'm sure there's a line somewhere that would have got the guy lynched day 2 and not wasted the mislynch. Just strongly pushing the lynch, for one thing.