Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 130908 times)


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2010, 10:12:10 PM »
There were four votes on Zerg Rush during the jokevote phase.  That kind of train forming that quickly made me uncomfortable; thus the switch.  That human loving soviet may have made a bad, bad choice with a joke no lynch vote, but it was still his first vote in the game. So meh, I donno. Tho, the game being out of the joke phase is good, as no scouter made can translate flavor text into meaningful contributions.

Someone picked up nearly half the lynch votes they needed in joke time; it's enough for that to build into something out of thin air. I can't say I'm thrilled with Zerg Rush's heavy use of slang,  as it makes makes for difficult reading. That still doesn't mean I want to put that kind of pressure in play before everyone's had a chance to weigh in and post in the non joke phase.

So what, if anything, are you taking out of that? If it was enough to get you to pull back and go "WHOA!" to everyone, who or what do you think in the train was scummy?

I agree with Milhouse that pulling off isn't scummy, but making a big deal about it and not saying why it's scummy at least bears asking about, especially when chaining into a token lurker poke, so C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2010, 10:58:32 PM »
Смотри, я включил его в Google Translate в порядке.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2010, 11:12:53 PM »
The Rapper of Redundancy should comment on something useful besides the communist's apparent inability to speak English. Ignorance of the current Zerg/9000 situation is not cake-earning material.

And where is test subject Boxxy/Bel-Air?

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2010, 11:49:23 PM »
Plus, I'm all fer da memspeak, but zerg, english a bit moar, pleez.  I find it hard to read yer posts.

As for everything else:

New Comments: I have none.
Dawg: Input? What input?
Lurking: Being active without saying anything useful at least gives the impression of contribution.
Problem?: ur doin it wrong

Dead to the World: PrinceBoxxy, AYB, Shiki-Fan. Where are they?

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2010, 11:51:35 PM »

To clarify, points from Dawg -> Problem? were aimed at Dawg. Lurking point is why he looks worse than the others mentioned afterwards.

As for 9001 Zergs, I'm seeing nothing more than a basic Town/Town Day One argument. Looking towards scummy behaviour seems better now than taking sides there.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2010, 11:54:56 PM » (Linking due to triple-post length.)

Above poster aimed at self. Forgot to:

##Unvote, ##Vote: Yo Dawg


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2010, 12:07:15 AM »

Agreed on Dawg's input so far, so...

##Unvote: All Your Base
##Vote: Dawg

But while it may seem town vs town to you Motivational Posterman, Over 9000 answering my questions would still help.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2010, 12:14:45 AM »
Seconding the point on Yo Dawg: why did you feel the need to take a crack at Soviet Russia's Russian, then do it again sixteen hours later, without commenting on anything else that has transpired in those 16 hours, despite notable issues from our good friends the Zerglings and the Super Saiyan with the Scouter.

##Vote: Yo Dawg

OVER 9000 looks bad but I'm not sure how to read it, at the time our good friends the Zerglings had a staggering four votes on them, which is L-5, which is nowhere near danger for a lynch. The complete absence of any analysis of the other people on Zerg Rush's wagon, as well as the complete absence of any place to now shift your vote to looks pretty bad. That being said, it seems much too awkward for a scum to do, and just seems a bit like a daft move overall for a scum to do. Really it's more "what" than anything. Considering we are out of the jokevote phase, it would be great if OVER 9000's scouter could perhaps do some wagonalysis on Zerg Rush or at least get out a decent case on someone, soon.

Not sure what Milhouse is saying about Zerg Rush's Advice Dog vote: it's well within RVS. In general, I don't see anything wrong with Zerg Rush's posts, really.

Contributions from Milhouse! Good ones! Contributions from Aperture Science Labs! Ones for which I must question what our fellow malevolent, misanthropic AI means by cake crumbs for posting something useful.

And of course, there are the lurkers, who all need to post, and the sooner the better.

And it seems that my post got cut by these fighters with an ancient fighting style known as "ninja": no real issues with the Breaker of Combos, but I do wish he could contribute more. As for the posters which Reduce Intrinsic Motivation, why do you think 9001 Zergs is necessarily Town vs. Town? The argument is irrelevant, yes, but you imply that neither of them has done anything scummy beyond the argument. Is this necessarily true, and if yes, please clarify why you think this.


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2010, 12:36:56 AM »
you guys just don't know how high-maintenance a waifu is, or you'd never call this lurking.

case on over9000 is UNINTERESTING. may have no opinion. sign of badness, not scumness. it is that and the weird hypocrisy earlier, which PATCHOULI-SAN OH GOD PYJAMAS ARE HOT pointed out that has me going 'oh the cake is a lie. er. that's liar.' as far as I can tell there is no zerg/9000 situation worth talking about either except in relation to those surrounding it. still, propogating stupid earlygame cases? sounds scummy to me!


dawg lacking content is pretty bad I admit.

all your bases last post is very reportery and preys on a lurker, how lazy. don't make me get into YOUR base and start killing YOUR dudes okay? ACTUALLY


Suddenly, english!

Seriously I don't like his post there. Almost everything that's happened so far is pretty dismissable in the long run, but I cannot condone piling on a lurker here, bad as dawg is; he's rehashing 'look how bad over 9000 is' without really adding anything new (and like Cake before him is directing him towards early stupid), and pretty much everything after that is filler.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2010, 12:39:53 AM »
Ones for which I must question what our fellow malevolent, misanthropic AI means by cake crumbs for posting something useful.
This was flavour, before anyone ends up misinterpreting it. If my posts become too flavourful and hard to interpret there are several back-up plans in place.

The case on the Silent Dawg is strong, but 9000's 'Here's the reasons I took my vote away, I'm going to make no mention of anything else and I'm STILL not putting my vote anywhere because people aren't voting yet' gives me enough reason to maintain my vote. Protip: If you do not vote, you are setting a bad example to the children and they will not vote either. Then no-one wins, and the cake is ruined. No-one wants that.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2010, 12:48:01 AM »

"But Mr. Advice Dog, I'm too scared to let someone stick at L-5, especially when one of the votes is from their own stupid mistake. Surely all emerging trains should be immediately stopped, for fear we might harm someone?"

Not only is o9k's actual response to the argument bad and unhelpful, what's worse is that it completely ignores the main charge of saying nothing at all. Oh, and then still not actually saying anything outside of defence. Still no vote. Day one is day one and all, but actively hanging back quite so hard? Those bollocks smell far more of bad scum play than confused town play. Don't just wave it off with some 'bad town' crap with a stench like this - I'm the one with the sensitive nose here.

(The quote goes for The Cake Is A Lie as well, on which less immediately important issue I agree with the Hijack)

Yeah, sure, Dawg similar but less present. Less deliberate, more random. Bothers me less so long as it doesn't keep going. Can't see why some people see this as worse than o9k. Latest shiny thing to pass by, I guess.

The commie and Milhouse are patently in the realms of joke voting. Not voting and voting no lynch are easily in the same category of stupidity as a suicide vote within the joke phase, so go figure exactly how much I'm holding those against them. At least the Zerg Rush is consistent there.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2010, 12:57:00 AM »
Да, товарищи!

In Soviet Russia, we not speak language.  Glorious mother tongue speaks us!  Comrades, comrades, brothers and sisters, let us join together in Marxist harmony.  In normal Mafia game, town lynch scum, but in role madness, lynch scums town, Да!  

No lynch is Communist way, is way of letting all seeing KGB do state-supporting duty.  In dirty Capitalist pig-dog game, No Lynch is anti-town, Да, but when the wealth of roles is distributed equally among the people, it is our duty to stand together.  Think, товарищи, think on what happens with day 1 lynches!  Citizens descend on one person, person claims their proper role in Soviet state, citizens switch to new target at last minute, such is life in Amerikkka.  Is messy, is not likely to find Capitalist spies, gives CIA intelligence on Soviet roles.  No lynch and strong brotherhood, we will stand together, then act with information after night of vodka, Да?

Is best strategy?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Beautiful communist community can discuss.  Is strategy valid and worthy of consideration?  Да, Да.  Is not inherently anti-state, in role madness game.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2010, 01:06:57 AM »

Okay, no seriously Commie, you're going to want to form some actual opinions or you will be gone. Yes it is anti-town, and town isn't giving up its best weapon. Let's mass roleclaim while we're at it.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2010, 01:08:43 AM »
The commie and Milhouse are patently in the realms of joke voting. Not voting and voting no lynch are easily in the same category of stupidity as a suicide vote within the joke phase, so go figure exactly how much I'm holding those against them. At least the Zerg Rush is consistent there.

No offense taken. But I'll just note that accusing people of being retarded/playing badly because they jokevote wrong is impolite at best and downright demeaning at worst.

Back to the world of tangent memetica: the main problem with Zerg's initial rush -right now- is that, after the kekekekekeke, he also suddenly completely disappeared. Whatever case he needed to deflect here, he certainly didn't bother much beyond the "OHGOD SUICIDAL VOTE IN JOKEPHASE TERRIBAD" excellence we've seen earlier, so we're in the same stage as we were regarding -him- - only now he gets the added "benefit" of borderline lurking as of now, so it doesn't do him any favors anyway. To CATS: what I felt about Zerg was that he overreacted like mad over Advice Dog's jokevote.

As for 9000.001, I'm honestly now quite a bit less trigger-happy in defending him, but my radar just can't decide here: prior experience tells me this is as likely to be a strongly poor town move as it is to be a low-committance scum move, and scum is at least as likely to hide behind hardcore lurking day 1. That said, I'd like to at least see if 9000.001 ekes in actual content in this debacle before deciding anywhere else.

Dawg honestly feels like he's playing lazily as fuck (which by itself. Bad, but we have plenty of stupid to wade through right now as it stands, and the day isn't anywhere near over -still-. If he persists on the sin, of course, he's bound to end up in the lynch wagon, but all the cases here feel like they need a straight push.

P.S.: Shikinoa Fangirl, what exactly is so scummy about CATS' post that you saw? Feels like trying to push into some magical "I DON'T LIKE YOUR FACE" territory, and I'd honestly want you to elaborate here.

And ninja'd by Soviet Russia. I really have no words for that other than it's either a very green townie or it's the worst scum maneuver I've ever saw. Advice Dog took the meme out of my mouth.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2010, 01:10:13 AM »
Shiki: why can you not condone voting for a lurker at this point in the game? Also, the points on O9K have all been rehashed to death, they are bad, he is bad, they do not add up in about 14 different ways for either alignment (you might notice I'm actually quite puzzled as to whether this action is a potential scumtell or not, principally because it's just so *bad* and nonsensical) there really is nothing more to do until O9K actually posts again.

Soviet Motherland: so your rationale is that there is no point for a D1 lynch, because "roles" (which are not publicly known) can be used to take care of potential citizens instead of town-consensus? Not to mention the fact that it's a role madness game so roles have a good chance of being interfered with. Not to mention: do you only advocate this on D1? If yes, what's so special about D1 and what if we don't get any flips? If no, what game are we playing because at that point we're certainly not playing mafia anymore.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2010, 01:15:52 AM »
But I'll just note that accusing people of being retarded/playing badly because they jokevote wrong is impolite at best and downright demeaning at worst.

As an aside yes, I agree. There's a reason why I waited for a crazy game like this to pull my suicide joke in, and I still found myself disappointed at how that still managed to draw fervent ankle biting.


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2010, 01:20:55 AM »

Zerg Rush: (1) - Over 9000, Advice Dog, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH!?
OVER 9000: (9005) - Touhou Hijacker, Hueg Like XBOX, Boxxy, Advice Dog, The Cake is a Lie, Zerg Rush
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (0) - The Cake is a Lie, 2girls1cup, Shana
Advice Dog: (0) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush
lolcat: (0)- Demotivator
Hueg Like XBOX: (0) - Rick Astley
All Your Base: (1) - C-C-Combo Breaker, Shana
COMBO BREAKER: (0) - All Your Base
Soviet Russia: (4) - Yo Dawg, Rick Astley, lolcat, Milhouse
Rick Astley: (1) - 2girls1cup
The Cake is a Lie: (1) - Shana, Touhou Hijacker
Yo Dawg: (3) - Demotivator, COMBO BREAKER, All Your Base
No lynch: (1) - Soviet Russia

Some whole bunch of hours remain in day 1. With 17 active memes, it takes 9 votes to axe someone in the face.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2010, 01:48:05 AM »
Milhouse: It is reportery, look at how he asks silly questions, is sort-of-maybe-rolefishing (but if he's not doing that it's filler which is as bad), gives praise/comments on 'look those guys are DOING STUFF.'

It encourages looking at some tired candidates for lynch who happened to be straddled with d1 miasma, and is focused on silly things. I will also quote myself, I thought it was obvious but it bears repeating.

Quote from: me
he's rehashing 'look how bad over 9000 is' without really adding anything new (and like Cake before him is directing him towards early stupid), and pretty much everything after that is filler.

AYB: Because lurking like that is dumb, not scummy, so uh yeah I'm not seeing the hunting power there. yeah I know 'but you can excuse anything like that' but it's true, scum know this. Everyone knows it! Why would people consciously choose to do this? Why are scum more likely to than town? I have no answers to these questions.

soviet: are you serious

you're serious aren't you



we cannot agree to this or it undermines like all the discussion we have on who's scummy and who's not. I don't believe it's worthy of consideration at all, no. let's not rely on roles.

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2010, 01:54:53 AM »
So what, if anything, are you taking out of that? If it was enough to get you to pull back and go "WHOA!" to everyone, who or what do you think in the train was scummy?

I agree with Milhouse that pulling off isn't scummy, but making a big deal about it and not saying why it's scummy at least bears asking about, especially when chaining into a token lurker poke, so C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Getting a fair sized train started on day one when we were still in joke vote phase strikes me as unwise, especially when we haven't had people post more than a single post in day one.  Tho yeah, hard to pin much down on it other than dislike for people racking up heavy votes on day one.

No lynch is Communist way, is way of letting all seeing KGB do state-supporting duty.  In dirty Capitalist pig-dog game, No Lynch is anti-town, Да, but when the wealth of roles is distributed equally among the people, it is our duty to stand together.  Think, товарищи, think on what happens with day 1 lynches!  Citizens descend on one person, person claims their proper role in Soviet state, citizens switch to new target at last minute, such is life in Amerikkka.  Is messy, is not likely to find Capitalist spies, gives CIA intelligence on Soviet roles.  No lynch and strong brotherhood, we will stand together, then act with information after night of vodka, Да?

It's a game where, and I quote the mod,
1. This is role madness mafia, keep that in mind before you make any metagame assumptions.
2. When questioned about the odds of bastard modding, Mr. Magic 8-Ball said that "All signs point to probably."

Every time we no lynch we don't clear a single townie. NOt only that, it's a good way for scum to lurk day one and to avoid providing any sort of content. The odds range from good to 'Nappa just got owned hardcore' that Scum has a very good way to interfere with night rolls. No lynch makes some very strong assumptions about the metagame that the mod himself told the players not to make, so I can't see this making any sense.   

Seriously I don't like his post there. Almost everything that's happened so far is pretty dismissable in the long run, but I cannot condone piling on a lurker here, bad as dawg is; he's rehashing 'look how bad over 9000 is' without really adding anything new (and like Cake before him is directing him towards early stupid), and pretty much everything after that is filler.

I don't see anything bad in his post, he's rightly pointing out mistakes (Mine included) and poking Dawg for fishy behavior. It's day one, there isn't going to be any long term impact until we get a lynch and a nightkill to build some information.

Going to branch off in a slightly different direction.

##Vote: Boxxy. Content please. It's been over a day since you've posted and that was a single post in the jokevote phase.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #69 on: March 03, 2010, 02:06:07 AM »

Someone picked up nearly half the lynch votes they needed in joke time; it's enough for that to build into something out of thin air. I can't say I'm thrilled with Zerg Rush's heavy use of slang,  as it makes makes for difficult reading. That still doesn't mean I want to put that kind of pressure in play before everyone's had a chance to weigh in and post in the non joke phase.

God, whuzzis? I can't tell whatcha sayin' here! You tellin' the bookworm that someone gatherin' a bunch 'a votes means they could get rushlynched? Hahaha! You must be drunker'n I am if you are! Hahaha!

At that point several test subjects had yet to produce even a jokevote, let alone a genuine vote. Milhouse at least posted, but there was nothing of the Rapper of Redundancies or Shana's stalker. Forcing a D1 case which could easily have been an effort to get the day started threatens to break the Aperture Science 'Speak Sense and Stay Standing' protocol and to reduce the day to 1 case.

Dun get this neether! "Reduce the day to 1 case"? What? Dun understandya at all! Buncha votes on one dude aint gonna make everyone else meaningless!

What's witcha two and bein' afraid of a little gatherin'? YOU SAYIN' THE POWER TO GATHER IS BAD?! I might just go'n'tell Yugi on you, an' she's a meaner drunk than I am!

Yo Dawg, I herdya like Mafia so I put an opinion in yer post so you can vote while you play! EXCEPT I DIDN'T! AHAHAHA!

Okay guys, wanna here somethin' else that's REAL funny? Cuz I gots anotha one! Anyone notice the Cake gettin' people lookin' his way..FOR FLAVOR ISSUES? HAHAHAHAHA! Thank you, ladies, ya been a great audience! Now whoze got da booze? I need a refill!

Ohoho, the gatherin'-hater is back fa' more, eh? Just a lurka' prod outta you? That's weak! You of all people should know about needing POWER!

Li Syaoran

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2010, 02:14:12 AM »
Shiki: lurking not a scumtell in general, sure. At the same time you have to wonder why Yo Dawg would come in here again and post an image replicating the same nonsense post he made earlier, because it means he actually thought to log onto the game and had enough time to post something, so why post that instead of content?

As for the O9K point: someone acting pathologically dumb D1 is much, much more likely to be town than scum, imho, because: A) even the dumbest scum would know that "needlessly attracting attention to self = bad", B) they have buddies which can tell them "don't do that, that's idiotic". Really, the issue I have with him is not that his move is not scummy but rather that it is so overtly scummy it no longer makes sense for scum to do that. But again this discussion serves no purpose until O9K posts something of use, so yeah.

I am not sure why "oh look these guys are DOING STUFF!" is somehow bad, at all? That makes no sense.

A Ninja! Or rather, OVER 9000 of them!:

You do realise that D1 is going to result in a lynch? (no we are not following Soviet Russia's plan that is idiotic and requires town to give up their best weapon, etc) This typically requires people to rack up votes on themselves. The main issue that I have though is why is L-5 somehow "excessive"? Especially with this many hours left in the day. There really was absolutely no danger of Zerg Rush getting turbolynched, so why the needless paranoia?

...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't like that last paragraph at all. Yes it's D1 but that statement is still a bit unsettling in how it feels as if you're claiming that who we lynch today does not matter at all because we don't really have flips and/or evidence on anyone, which yeah. D1 often results in a mislynch in mafia, but there's no reason why we should just resign ourselves to one always occuring and not at least try to do proper post analysis and form proper, coherent cases.

...................................................................................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you go on to vote for a lurker. Who has lurked for over a day and thus is someone the mod will likely be yelling at right now. Combined with zero useful analysis of anyone. You know, I think I'm starting to see Shiki's point here.

##Vote: Over 9000

Li Syaoran

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2010, 02:18:01 AM »
Edit: before anyone gets on my case about how "first you claim dumb playing is not inheritly scummy and then you vote for O9K", his nonsensical unvote-ZergRush-at-L-5 move is just purely dumb which imho means nothing alignmentwise with a slight lean towards town, but his followup post answers nothing, provides nothing useful at all and then votes in a direction completely nonconducive for determining alignment, i.e. it falls into the territory of active lurking, which is scummy behaviour.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2010, 02:24:43 AM »

Any advance on three (o9k, Commies, Dawg)? Best solution to this mess so far, guaranteed.

(But really, o9k is actually starting to worry me, he's playing quite so overly textbook bad scummy)

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #73 on: March 03, 2010, 02:36:54 AM »
God, whuzzis? I can't tell whatcha sayin' here! You tellin' the bookworm that someone gatherin' a bunch 'a votes means they could get rushlynched? Hahaha! You must be drunker'n I am if you are! Hahaha!

Just that someone getting that high a lynch in the jokephase isn't good.This really feels like a mountain out of a molehill at this point, and I know about something minor being turned into an internet legend.

Ohoho, the gatherin'-hater is back fa' more, eh? Just a lurka' prod outta you? That's weak! You of all people should know about needing POWER!

Lurker prod's the best bet at this point; sitting for a day doing nothing is good. There is plenty of power is going after those who don't post!

...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't like that last paragraph at all. Yes it's D1 but that statement is still a bit unsettling in how it feels as if you're claiming that who we lynch today does not matter at all because we don't really have flips and/or evidence on anyone, which yeah. D1 often results in a mislynch in mafia, but there's no reason why we should just resign ourselves to one always occuring and not at least try to do proper post analysis and form proper, coherent cases.

...................................................................................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you go on to vote for a lurker. Who has lurked for over a day and thus is someone the mod will likely be yelling at right now. Combined with zero useful analysis of anyone. You know, I think I'm starting to see Shiki's point here.

Where are you getting that from? Who we lynch matters a hell of a lot. I don't think piling up votes early in the day is ever good. I'm not sure what else to say, as I'm repeating myself on this point.

There's never anything wrong with voting for someone who's not posting. *Shrug* LaL's almost always the way to go if you can't think of much else.

Edit: before anyone gets on my case about how "first you claim dumb playing is not inheritly scummy and then you vote for O9K", his nonsensical unvote-ZergRush-at-L-5 move is just purely dumb which imho means nothing alignmentwise with a slight lean towards town, but his followup post answers nothing, provides nothing useful at all and then votes in a direction completely nonconducive for determining alignment, i.e. it falls into the territory of active lurking, which is scummy behaviour.

You mean Combo breaker's one post after joke vote time prodding me, or Boxxy's zero posts after it? There's only so many ways to say someone is lurking.  Milhouse reads town but has slightly rude tint to his posts, not that it especially matters. Zerg  rush did vanish again, but that could easily just be time zone differential. I can't see anything wrong with prodding someone who's been idle for an entire day, mod poke or no.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2010, 02:39:50 AM »

Man, srsly. You accuse us humble Zerglings of SRS BSNS... Some of you all are really reacting ridiculously to me voting on Advice Dog's suicide vote.

On the subject of my vote on Advice Dog:

1. This is Day One, where you don't have that much to go on and thus need to go after what you do find to get out of the joke vote phase.
2. That, regardless of joke vote intent or not, self votes are particularly scummy because they create a stupid WIFOM situation.
3. That I wasn't attacking Advice Dog that harshly or demean your play. I was playing a character. You know, Zerg Rushing + Blizzard gamer?
4. "Woe is me, martyr'd by those nasty little Zerglings" is not a particularly reassuring stance to take. You had a fun joke vote. That's fine! Its a fun game! Don't get your rainbow in a bunch because your joke is still inherently scummy and you get called out on it and I pursued a case.

Honestly, that last post strikes me as particularly scummy, to be perfectly honest. It really seems to be holding up a martyr flag, which is totally unnecessary at this point.

I do find it oddly curious how hard people came down on me for picking a scummy subject to start conversation from. Is the joke vote stage totally sacred or something? I see scummy, I go after scummy. All pretending to be scum, even jokingly, does is obfuscate the situation. "Well, of course he must be town, because scum would never do that, but that means that scum could do this and..."

So, in summation: lulz, QQ butthurt nublet. L2PLAYMAFIA. Day one cases, lulz.


Cake's position is less stable then a drone rush, in my humble opinion. Not voting to avoid other people not voting is kind of silly. Besides, people can still strongly express opinions without actually having a vote down. They can also make alternate cases and put the votes to use there! By your own logic, people could get away with not weighing in for the same reason you got away with not weighing in. It also occurs to me that, looking back, you don't... actually... have anything to say about me/the people on me/my stance. You just mention the voting thing and leave it at that.

That's more suspicious then a little red dot in the middle of my base.


In Soviet Russia... you get Zerg Rushed and die because you can't hunt scum without lynching. By the time you get to work, I've already won via MASS CARRIERS... and I'm not even Protoss. If there is no lynch, what exactly do we have to discuss on Day 2? We'll be in the exact same position as Day 1, except with one less townie. The only thing I can guess you are suggesting is we all mass roleclaim and try to puzzle it out from there. Which is... of questionable use, presuming a well designed game.

This plan is... not very good.

The lack of contribution about anything else is also not a good sign. Advice Dog following up on this generally makes me feel a bit better about him. Just a bit.

##Nyssus: Soviet Russia

If you don't provide any real content soon, there will likely be Zerglings inside your base, killing your dudes.


Lurkers desperately need to post. HUEG LIKE ULTRALISK has been MIA too, right? Lurkers buried in the middle of nowhere are useless Lurkers. Hydralisks > You.

Honestly, I find it kinda suspicious that HUEG LIKE ULTRALISK is pretty much the lurkiest lurker that has lurked thus far and no one seems to be acknowledging his presence whatsoever. Like, at all. People do remember he is in the game, right?


Honestly, there was no danger of quick lynching me. Nobody is faster then a Zerg Rush and, if they are, they are clearly cheating. Which means they are not town.
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