Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 120669 times)

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #100 on: March 03, 2010, 04:25:03 PM »
Just waking up and wanting to get one thing out before I take the kittens out for their hunting lessons: jesters?  I'm not going there. 

Speculating on what roles might be in the game when the mod specifically states that roles will be wacky is just WIFOMy.  Is it possible?  Sure.  It might also be possible that one of them has a power role when targeted by a NK and trying to get us to back off to lynching out of fear of a jester and letting scum hit them.  It's also possible it's just bad play.  It's also possible that they really do believe what they're saying though it goes against how most of us seem to think the game should be played.  Maybe one of them has a special ghost power that only kicks in after they're dead.  Maybe they don't really want to play and this is their subtle way of getting out of the game without making the mod find a replacement.  I could go on and on here for hours.  That's why it's WIFOMy on freaking Day 1 ppl.  You vote on the play because that's ALL YOU KNOW.  If it seems scummy to you, vote.  If it just seems like bad townie play, vote somewhere else.  But vote because you're trying to FIND SCUM, not because you're trying to second guess the mod's setup in a bastard-mod role madness game. 

Just saying.  Now, hunting lessons call.  I'll post on the other things in the thread when I get back.


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #101 on: March 03, 2010, 04:37:02 PM »
And yes, Dawg, very much on your side against C-C-C-C on that matter. That's a horrible painting of what you were doing.

Yo dawg, I heard u like trying to make me look bad so I put a vote on your record so you can hang while you lie.
Scumtell 'cos there's no need for town to do this.

I would say it's an overreaction to what I said and you're actually trying to paint me in a bad light now, since my main point was actually that Dawg was pretty much being a reporter at that point, but fine. You've got to do what you've got to do, especially since I guess it does look bad since I called Dawg on it and not some of the other people who've mentioned it.

Cake's reasoning is pretty terrible and almost shoots them up to the level of O9K, Dawg and Soviet. There's no reason to be afraid of voting and/or putting someone at -1 if you're town. It's how we lynch scum. It's how we win.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #102 on: March 03, 2010, 04:57:46 PM »


I'm here, I'm here~ I'm here to haul off some...wait, no corpses yet? Guess I'll just have some fun with the surface-dwellers instead! I don't think Satori-sama will mind too much!

Jester discussion? Why is that useful, besides talking about how to be of good cheer? I don't know a whole lot, but I think the possibility of Jesters should just be ignored. Considering them seriously just gives people reasons to excuse scummy behavior, and that won't help us catch scum at all! Other people have said this, but it's worth repeating! Stop trying to rile up paranoia!

Uh, Millhouse, you're afraid of a ninja hammer? On this guy?
Y'know, if scum ninja-hammered the guy we suspect to be scum, then that would be pretty awesome. Why are you afraid of this :\

Besides the reasons that those two other girls have given, we're not even guaranteed our ninja hammerer will be scum! I've been hauling corpses off for you lot for quite some time now, and there are two in particular that stuck out: Gendo Ikari and Captain Kirk. Both were ninja hammered by townies, right? And it's possible it could have happened again right here, too! With so much time left in the day and both town AND scum possibly having ninja hammers waiting in the weeds, a careful approach is the best one to take. There's no advantage to ninja hammering a scum over letting the day play out for more discussion and then hammering them shortly before deadline.

But never fear, Mr. Rapper Guy, I'm not mad at you! In fact, I agree with you and...a DOG? AAH! HELP! HELP ME, SATORI-SAMA! HELP...oh, he...seems to be okay, I guess...a-anyway, I agree with you and the...d-dog about Combo Breaker. Mr. Breaker, I don't see a lot of role speculation in Mr. Rapper Guy's post either! Just the mention of the jester possibility! You don't make a lot of sense there! What's up with that?

Cake Man, I don't think I agree with your assessment of how a day would play out if one person got pushed really quickly. People are going to form the opinions they form regardless of train status, and it's very possible someone else will get lynched for scummy behavior if they behave like scum enough. Just look at this game! Even with the focus on the Red dude and 9999 Ni Hao 9~, the last couple of votes have been for different people entirely!

Oh, hello, Mr. Breaker! I see that you were pushing Mr. Rapper Guy as a reporter, but I still don't get why you would throw something like that role speculation line in when it didn't look like Mr. Rapper Guy was doing anything like that. And even the reporter thing...I dunno about that, Mr. Rapper Guy put some opinions into his post too, even though he didn't cast a vote until later.

Uh oh, I've spent too much time up here! I need to get back home! Satori-sama must be worried SICK about me! Bye-bye everyone, I had a lot of fun~!

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #103 on: March 03, 2010, 05:06:49 PM »

Whoa, almost forgot something! Speaking of corpses, am I going to have to haul off the Big Box sometime soon? It's posted once in the joke vote phase, almost 48 hours ago! I really don't like having to clean up that sort of mess. It should be of good cheer and get into gear!

Maybe a soul transfusion is in order?

Richter Belmont

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #104 on: March 03, 2010, 05:38:46 PM »
Yo däwg, joten venäläiset haluavat päästä Google Translate sotaa, vai mitä?  Älä tee minun muistuttaa teitä siitä Simo Häyhä olemassaolosta!

Zerg Rush: (1) - Over 9000, Advice Dog, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH!?
OVER 9000: (9007) - Touhou Hijacker, Boxxy/Bel Air, Milhouse, Hueg Like XBOX, Advice Dog, The Cake is a Lie, Zerg Rush, All Your Base, Shana, Soviet Russia
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (0) - The Cake is a Lie, 2girls1cup, Shana
Advice Dog: (0) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush
lolcat: (0)- Demotivator
Hueg Like XBOX: (0) - Rick Astley
All Your Base: (0) - C-C-Combo Breaker, Shana
COMBO BREAKER: (1) - All Your Base, Yo Dawg
Soviet Russia: (6) -  Milhouse, Yo Dawg, Rick Astley, lolcat, 2girls1cup, Bel Air, Milhouse, COMBO BREAKER
Rick Astley: (0) - 2girls1cup
The Cake is a Lie: (1) - Shana, Touhou Hijacker
Yo Dawg: (1) - All Your Base, COMBO BREAKER, Demotivator
Boxxy/Bel Air: (1) - Over 9000
No lynch: (0) - Soviet Russia

On 24 tuntia jäljellä päivää. On 17 memes, joten se kestää 9 ääntä tappaa.  (aka 24 hours left, folks, 9 to lynch)

Tron Bonne

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #105 on: March 03, 2010, 06:08:17 PM »
Just as a friendly tangent note: while Crappy Fighting Game Mechanic did paint Yo Dawg in a more unflattering light than it was needed (the emphasis on the rolemadness and reportering style feel a bit forced, and I think Combo Breaker even noted that ragging on Yo Dawg for reportering while not ragging on others who may have done the same looks not great. For all that Yo Dawg did skate on reportery at a glance, he honestly has some actual opinions to back blank statements up for now), but I'm not sure that's worth  painting him in an even more unflattering light with a vote to bonuspoint. It feels almost OMGUSy, but I'm all ears to elaboration. I'm just not sure there's much of a point on overreacting there - and if trying to make people look bad is a scumtell, then why engage in it concurrently? That doesn't look amazing.

That said, I'm not sure why we're even giving serious thought to the idea of a jester right now, inane role madness game/bastard moddery or not. Cakeless' justification there was amazingly awful and prodded up a lot of discussion that borders on pure WIFOM licking here - which I honestly don't think will bring much to the table at the point we're in, with essentially zero role info. Just not worth getting into right now, although Cakeless looks worse and worse due to it.

Boxxy Air still looks fucking bad for the reasons I stated before - I mean, he hasn't done -anything else-.

Blargh, there's just not much to say as I see here that wasn't said before. 9.1 inches and Soviet Pikachu still stand at the top right now, but arguments for Cakeless/Boxxy Air can be made. XBOX, I'd honestly just let the mod handle at this point. 48 hours? Seriously?


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #106 on: March 03, 2010, 06:11:08 PM »
Official Modkill Warning

If XBOX doesn't post again, it will be traded in for store credit whenever the day ends. I'd rather not modkill before then, as that will end the day, and I don't think anyone wants that.
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Princess Leia

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #107 on: March 03, 2010, 06:15:38 PM »
I will post in a bit, I've just been overwhelmed by the HUEG LIEK XBOX trainwreck in this topic!

Princess Leia

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #108 on: March 03, 2010, 06:53:12 PM »
Dawg... usually speculating on roles, especially in rolemadness, on Day 1 is bad juju.
That rule doesn't apply to jesters. What an incredibly suspicious thing to say.
Does this look bad to anyone else or just me?

What an incredibly suspicious thing to say? The problem is with this argument is that no matter the alignment of the person, jesters are pretty useless things that both sides want dead. I think this is the biggest case of fear-mongering that I've seen in the topic with a lot of charges of this floating around.

I think that, while the idea of faking jester is hilarious, I think it is more likely that someone just sucks at playing scum. Faking jester is a really bad idea because there is a thin line between being lynched and being labelled a jester.

I overall think that Over 9000 has been stupidly unhelpful and outright scummy, but I think Yo Dawg's charge is pretty illogical. I'm not sure what to think of either, but overall I think Over 9000 is worse so I shall actually keep my original vote on him.

Soviet Russia... maybe a jester, maybe just a new player who doesn't really understand all the playstyle nuances, or maybe scum. I'll take a pass on speculating which for now, since I see two other better candidates right now.

Most of the points I would make have already been made unfortunately. The cases at the forefront seem like the most reasonable ones.

Sorry for disappearing! Just got really busy the last couple days.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #109 on: March 03, 2010, 08:18:09 PM »

OVER 9000: (9007) - Touhou Hijacker, Boxxy/Bel Air, Milhouse, Hueg Like XBOX, Advice Dog, The Cake is a Lie, Zerg Rush, All Your Base, Shana, Soviet Russia
The Cake is a Lie: (1) - Shana, Touhou Hijacker


Crossbox, it does not seem you understand the nature of the man-dog's accusation of the fighter. It also does not seem you understand the nature of jesters in general, as scum definitely want them alive in order to distract town, but that is beside the point. The fighter suggested the man-dog was speculating on roles, where the man-dog's only role speculation appeared to be that of Comrade Red being a jester (while I am thinking about, Russian, please kindly eject yourself from my dear color), which, while pointless speculation at best, is not as bad in the grand scheme of things as, say, speculation about who the cop and doc are. The man-dog accused the fighter of trying to paint him in a bad way as a result, which is a perfectly understandable accusation.

I hope to hear more from you than what you have produced there, as it is a misunderstanding on the fighter/man-dog spat and an acknowledgement that the currently suspicious people are rightfully suspicious. This does not help the rest of us learn about you, and we would so love to hear more from you given your prolonged absence. Do you have opinions on other players?


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #110 on: March 03, 2010, 08:37:40 PM »

Zerg Rush: (1) - Over 9000, Advice Dog, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH!?
OVER 9000: (9006) - Touhou Hijacker, Boxxy/Bel Air, Milhouse, Shana, Hueg Like XBOX, Advice Dog, The Cake is a Lie, Zerg Rush, All Your Base, Soviet Russia
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (0) - The Cake is a Lie, 2girls1cup, Shana
Advice Dog: (0) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush
lolcat: (0)- Demotivator
Hueg Like XBOX: (0) - Rick Astley
All Your Base: (0) - C-C-Combo Breaker, Shana
COMBO BREAKER: (1) - All Your Base, Yo Dawg
Soviet Russia: (6) -  Milhouse, Yo Dawg, Rick Astley, lolcat, 2girls1cup, Bel Air, Milhouse, COMBO BREAKER
Rick Astley: (0) - 2girls1cup
The Cake is a Lie: (2) - Shana, Touhou Hijacker, Shana
Yo Dawg: (1) - All Your Base, COMBO BREAKER, Demotivator
Boxxy/Bel Air: (1) - Over 9000
No lynch: (0) - Soviet Russia

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Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #111 on: March 03, 2010, 09:33:32 PM »

Okay, so it's only been 12 hours since the Commie was around and not yet 24 hours for o9k, so not disastrous in its own right, but the fact that neither of the vote leaders have actually really interacted with the game for some time has brought my position (and others' as well, I'd bet) to stagnation. I'm looking at the more recent cases on other people and they're just not on the same scale of wrongness that o9k in particular is emitting.

For instance, I don't like C-C-C-C for his misrep of the Dawg and then complaining that this in turn was misrep (sorry, doesn't matter what the bulk of your case is, a lie is still a lie), but it's not even in the same league.

Apparently jester concerns are going down like a lead balloon. Not much I can do about that sentiment, but I will be barking loudly for an o9k lynch over a Commie lynch should that be where we end up. Machinations over madness. Probably over any other lynch for that matter, but I still haven't had the full look over yet. That should be in the next few hours.

Over 9000

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #112 on: March 03, 2010, 09:44:36 PM »
Just got hit with something. Reading and trying to make a post without promptly putting it in my mouth again.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #113 on: March 03, 2010, 09:54:05 PM »

This post. No more on the jester matters, lynching solely for scum myself.

Got to run off for a bit now, mostly a Still Alive post here, but want to draw (more) attention to Russians. They've posted nothing outside of the No Lynch stuff and then some explanations about starting conversation. Will take a look over in an hour or two, expect more here. (As much as I hate promising content later, kinda have to now)

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #114 on: March 03, 2010, 10:11:37 PM »
In Soviet Russia, work goes to you!

Is very accurate here.  Game start at bad time, many things going on in motherland.  Schedule will be more clear after today.  That said though, complaining about absence of only 12 hours is capitalist nonsense, how much interaction you expect on day 1 eh?  What is to say?  After sleep, having doubts about Over 9000 case, but still most prominent in mind - and as alternative is self, is troublesome.  Wish to see Over9000 post again.

Jester ideas are manure of glorious father bull.  Bastard modding surely does not extend that far, or in Soviet Russia we would lynch mod. 

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #115 on: March 03, 2010, 10:36:19 PM »
Can you explain this for me? Here, incentive, because actually using 'but maybe jester!' as any kind of excuse to do something... wow.
This was not an excuse to do something. This was me saying 'no, this jester WIFOM is stupid, we shouldn't let 9000.1 away with scummy play because he MIGHT be fool'. I'm more convinced at this moment that 9000.1 is scum, and given that he's likely going to die anyway, what's likely to happen if we're wrong on Soviet? Vegeta throws a quickhammer and at least manages to waste a day for Town before his inevitable death.
I don't understand how I've been misinterpreted as saying 'Soviet might be jester, better not lynch him!' I was saying '9000.1 probably ISN'T jester, so why the hell aren't we lynching him?'

9000.1 suddenly claiming V/LA does not help.

Over 9000

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #116 on: March 03, 2010, 10:43:48 PM »
Right. On the other hand, I agree with you on 9000 now. "There is never anything wrong with voting for someone who is not posting" is a goddamn lie out of him. On day one it's a stupid cheap trick that allows you to assume a default position on the grounds of some myth that everyone who doesn't post is scum. LaL is not effective on day one on it's lonesome. It can be effective if one observes that what someone has posted is suboptimal, but alone? Too many potential mitigating factors. Never mind that the scenario for these kind of votes generally goes like that

-Player A: "Player B isn't posting! VOTE"
-Player B: "posts anything"
-Player A: "Right, Player B has posted, so I can drop this now."

The reason it can be dropped so easily is because there was no basis in the first place.

No. Someone who hasn't engaged the game isn't doing anything for town. Lurking sometimes happens, but the person I voted for at the time had yet to make a serious post in the game. Sorry, but LaL almost always applies fi someone isn't posting period. It isn't just posting anything, but posting something of content.

and desire for madcappery at the end of the day when there is a sudden rush of vote changing to make sure an individual is lynched (as demonstrated by resisting the idea of pushing any player "too high too soon").

Desire to see votes pile up super early int he jokephase of the date doesn't mean pushing for a late train either. I didn't think it was a great move, changed my vote and explained it as well as I could.

At this point, I don't think defending myself from the same things over and over again is going to do much good, so going to reread the topic and see what impressions I get. Breaking up the post a bit since this is taking a while.

Advice Dog- Solidly town. He's fairly active in the game and is pushing townie things (Was first on Soviet russia for the nolynch, going after me , poking at Combo who gives me a bad vibe).

All Your Base- Voted Yo dawg for his brief post then vanishing routine,  built a case against me and let it stand. Smacked Shiki for diagreeing with voting against lurkers on day one.  I don't like the second part of his case against me, but he defended the vote against me well. 
Boxxy- Null read so far.
COMBO BREAKER- Past the joke phase- Prodded me once, parroted other people and voted dawg. Which is funny, as he's accusing Dawg of being a repeater.  He also votes and attacks soviet without doing much else. He's also being rude, which may be coloring my opinion of things. Not getting a positive view  from this.

Over 9000

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #117 on: March 03, 2010, 10:54:33 PM »
9000.1 suddenly claiming V/LA does not help.

Don't know what this shorthand means, clarify?


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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #118 on: March 03, 2010, 10:58:10 PM »
I find it strange how Milhouse is so persistent in accusing me of hopping on an easy case when he specifically stated in the post where he first raised that suspicion that he himself did not see any other cases besides over 9000 worth pursuing at that time.  There isn't much I can say when my ability to post comes at a time when the good cases have already been made, are you seriously going to tunnel on me when others could just as easily be accused of the same thing?

Not happy with the Russians behavior, and will be keeping my vote there for now, even though over 9000 somehow manages to look worse every time I read over them.

I'm not happy with the breakers dismissal of Over 9000's posts as bad play, it kind of strikes me as going into WIFOM on whether or not he's really scum, if he's playing bad and not helping town, there is no reason not to have him as a lynch target unless he is confirmed town, which is pretty much lol on day 1.  Everyone else hasn't really struck any nerves with me so far, though I'm rather curious as to what Milhouse will say in regards to the Huge Box's recent post.

Over 9000's recent post doesn't really change anything for me, seems rather overly reporter style and is just eh.

Still entirely content with sitting on the Russian, hasn't really said anything of worth other then "look at me I did that to start discussion!!" and still pretty much looks the worse to me, though over 9000 is not far behind.  If anyone needs me I'll be drinking some orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #119 on: March 03, 2010, 11:16:04 PM »
For the Smashys. Linking due to size.

Russia: Already commented. Missed the vote for 9001, but seems weak when it's based around "I was only doing that to draw out the real culprits!"

9001: Terrible. A re-read does nothing but emphasise this, pointing out the 'active lurker' thing before he disappears. New post is mostly weak, ends with reporter. Ugh. Also seems to encourage his own lynch: pushing townie things (Was first on Soviet russia for the nolynch, going after me...

Yo Dawg, i herd u like BREAKING COMBOS: Ridiculous argument is ridiculous. Both of them are making each other look worse. Agreeing with C-C-C-COMBO more, since the initial argument was that speculating on roles D1 is bad, which I agree with.

Touhou and the dog are looking most Town to me so far, but D1. Could always change, but I'm happy with either a 9001 or Russian lynch today. 9001's latest post is scummy enough to push him ahead, and since things are tied:
##Unvote, ##Vote: Over 9000
And that pushes it to L-2, going by the last votecount.

Fresh Ninja of Bel Air - Mostly saying what I'm saying. Only comment is that Milhouse's reasoning was pretty obvious to me, and the reason you stood out seems obvious too. Saying you're curious to see what Milhouse specifically has to say is moving towards OMGUS/tunnelling, but hopefully won't become that.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #120 on: March 03, 2010, 11:23:28 PM »

Suddenly, little things to comment on. Lots of them.

Poster: I can mostly pass it off on the grounds of it being a 'still alive' post, but I trust your next move will resolve your position against the Commie despite your vote still being on Dawg without comment to the latter.

Commie: you're partially right. The image was made with o9k in mind, and then stretched over you as well. However the extended point - that your (and o9k's) lack of interaction with the game in general was leading to the arguments stagnating - stands.

o9k: Uh. Not liking where this is starting, but I'll at least let you get to your conclusion before condemning it outright. To answer the question, V/LA is short for Vacation / Limited Access. Oh, and no, someone not talking at all is exactly the sort of person not to vote for at all, unless the mod hates mod kills.

Ninja Poster: Oh. Okay. I think that renders everything consistent now.

Over 9000

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #121 on: March 03, 2010, 11:30:47 PM »
Didn't know what it stood for.

Not sure what to do at this point, since every post I'm making is just getting votes sent at my direction.  It is frustrating since I would have been better off lurking for most of the day, which isn't townie play.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #122 on: March 03, 2010, 11:36:30 PM »

If you're going to be away, then pull something out now when it matters most.
Your last post was bad because:
 - LaL < voting for scummy behaviour.
 - - So find scummy behaviour to vote on.
 - You say defending yourself isn't helping
 - - And you're right! So look for new content, as opposed to letting yourself be backed into a corner.
 - You start a list of comments
 - - Finish it. Finishing thoughts is always pro-Town, holding back opinions is almost always anti-Town.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #123 on: March 03, 2010, 11:38:27 PM »
I find it strange how Milhouse is so persistent in accusing me of hopping on an easy case when he specifically stated in the post where he first raised that suspicion that he himself did not see any other cases besides over 9000 worth pursuing at that time.  There isn't much I can say when my ability to post comes at a time when the good cases have already been made, are you seriously going to tunnel on me when others could just as easily be accused of the same thing?

Because, so far, nobody so far besides maybe hueg liek XBOX has managed to coast so badly with the winning combo of negligible content+near-zero presence - and timeslot differences or not, we already have enough bordering on reporter-style nothing whatsoever glossing. Your tone, which seems to be just "oh I have nothing to say that others haven't said already so I'll disappear into the ether without a trace" while the topic trainwrecked further, doesn't give you a ton of actual oomph either. As far as it went for yesterday, the worst case of trying to ride on staying afloat straight out was yours. Maybe this is just -how- you presented it, in such a non-chalant, borderline non-caring manner, that it set me off. And I do that just to keep reminding myself to keep an eye on these cases, since the game won't end on Day 1. Just a friendly reminder there. As for XBOX, the lack of presence downright went down to a modkill prod - and when the absence reaches the point it did, I find that the mod will do a better job doing the prodding than I will. Not that it helped, since the content from him is also terrible so far - albeit at least a bit more opinionated. Both look pretty bad to me right now, but I honestly think there are scummier cases today to look at, and maybe this will get better next day. It's mostly up to you, boys.

That said, is there any more progress to be had within the debacles set up for this day? I'd want to see a bit more insight on the Crappy Fighting Game Mechanic/Pimp My Ride debacle, but at this point, things feel like they're becoming drawn out and tired. Although I hope at least 9.1 Inches can make something of a convincing "last stand" if it comes down to it.

Over 9000

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Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« Reply #124 on: March 03, 2010, 11:45:43 PM »
I'm trying to work through the players and the day, and I break up the post since it's taking forever and want to get something on record before I leave.

HUEG LIKE XBOX- Joined late with a recap post. Hard to draw much from this.
In Soviet Russia- ! I think he's been pounded on enough for his points, there is enough evidence to at least support  a lynch. Doesn't look good, but I also don't want to jump on this until I'm sure.
lolcats- No idea. A lot of her talk's building cases against myself and and soviet and talk about Mafia in the meta sense.
Milhouse Is Not A Meme- Town read. He layed low until the joke phase was over, then jumped in. Prodded me, Zerg rush, others. He's interacting with several players and is trying to prod the debate along when he's around. Tone isn't perfectly cheerful, but I have no real complaints here.
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT-  I don't agree with why she
Rickroll(Rick Astley)- No read. Rick's had one post and vanished for the past day.

I'm just repeating myself a lot, but again there isn't at on of content to go on with some players. Combo reads scum, lolcat is giving me a scum vibe and I can't articulate why, and I already commented on the players who feel the strongest townie.