
Author Topic: The Bucket List  (Read 1844 times)


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The Bucket List
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:05:21 PM »
We all have things, goals, accomplishments set in life. If you don't then you are doing something wrong.

I am always mentioning my bucket list to people at work, but I never really had a chance (or you know, the whole laziness thing) to write it out. So, the only time I ever get to write is at my weekend job.

Anyways, I'm going to try and list all the crazy ideas I want to have done before I kick the bucket in this thread.


I want to go Skydiving
I want to do the whole bungie cord off a bridge thing.
I want to find my path in life. (You know, find something I like doing for the rest of my life.)
I want to be part of a threesome. ((The good kind!) Although some eifle tower action would be hilarious or a trainwreck.)
I want to get in a mosh pit.
I want to crowd surf.
I want to watch the Dolphins win a Superbowl. (lawl)
I want to attend a Superbowl.
I want to have a book published.
I want to be on TV in some fashion. (Not in a commercial or spotting at a sports game.)
I want a picture with Dan Marino.
I want to catch a Touchdown in a NFL stadium in some sort of game.
I want to perform a slam dunk. (The use of a trampoline is acceptable!)
I want to visit Cuba.
I want to surf on a decently sized wave.
I want to see The Mars Volta Live.
I want to be the best man in someones wedding.
I want to plan out a bachelor party and make it so memorable, one only speaks of it behind closed doors.
I want to participate in some kind of eating competition.
I want to trip on mushrooms and watch Fear and Loathing.
I want to dress up as Great Saiya Man. (Just need to get in shape first!)
I want to ride in a hot air baloon.
I want to visit the colony named after me in England.
I want to go scuba diving.
I want to have sex at the beach. (I was soooo close!)
I only want get married once. (This one is kinda weird since marraiges never last. gotta make sure she is the one!)
Oh! To make sure I know the girl I am with is the one I want to sing "A Whole New World" to her. If she doesn't leave me like right after that, then that is a sure sign she will stay with me through anything! (I'm serious.)
I want to ride a mutli-seat bike.
I want to jump a gap on some type of bike.
I want to ride a halfpipe.
I want to get knighted.
I want to work for espn.
I want to save someones life.
I want to meet all you assholes. (Or at least some fo you.)
I want to go out into space.
I want to help build something big. (House, Car, or something...)
I want to get that laser surgery done on my eyes.
I want to be someones hero. (Just to have it said to me and be sincere would be awesome!)
I want to meet Phil Colins. (And squash this beef once and for all.)
I want at least one boy and one girl.
I want to be shot out of a canon.
I want to experience Zero gravity. (This one should probably go with the space one, but I can accomplish this one without going out in space!)
I want to beat Mega Man 9. (Seriously fuck that game!)
I want to visit all seven continents.
I want a wikipedia page about me!


I'm sure there's more, but you know I'll add them when I can think of it!


So what's on yer bucket list?

« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 12:46:57 AM by Scar »
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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 07:26:34 PM »
I want to have a short story published.
I want to have a book published.
I want to actually make money off of my writing.
I want to improve my public speaking skills, and become more vocally articulate.
I want to have a relationship with a girl who doesn't care about all the incredibly stupid shit everyone seems to care about.
I want to have a job where I can break the chains of wage slavery while maintaining some semblance of integrity. 

Short list of simple yet incredibly unrealistic goals.  Party.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 07:28:26 PM by Makkotah »

Lady Door

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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2010, 10:42:01 PM »
I went back and dug up the list I'd posted on MySpace a few years back. Early 2007, in fact! I do these check-ins with myself periodically, but 2007 was the last time I wrote it down in a list.

The ones I'm looking to get to this year are in blue.

§ Fly a plane.  (Do it again.)
§ Go skydiving.
§ Buy a motorcycle. (And I suppose get the license, too.)
§ Go to Disneyland. (though I want to go again! Went again!)
§ Throw a party.
§ Write a favorite poem in calligraphy.
§ Learn a language or two to fluency.
§ Get a professional massage.
§ Go horseback riding. (Particularly on the beach, since I haven't done that yet.)
§ Have something published.
§ See a play on Broadway (And it was fantastic!)
§ Run in a race. (There's a 10k in San Francisco in May I'm thinking about running.)
§ Visit a castle.
§ Visit a haunted house.
§ Sleep in a penthouse. (With the lowercase p, not the uppercase one.) (Did this in L.A. with a view of the Hollywood sign out the window. It was that awesome, yes.)
§ Climb El Capitan.
§ Hike Half-Dome.
§ Own an original book, pre-1800.
§ Buy something designer, just to say I have.
§ Paint.
§ Go on a roadtrip with no predetermined destination.
§ Get a passport.
§ Graduate from college.
§ Get a graduate degree.
§ Learn to play a particular piece completely on either the piano or violin.
§ Have a website.
§ Create sustainable alternate income streams.

§ Go backpacking through Europe.
§ Visit every continent.
§ Go snowboarding.
§ Have a family, somehow, someway -- not even necessarily the traditional way.
§ Meet Neil Gaiman.
§ SCUBA dive.
§ Go camping in Yosemite. In a tent. And not get eaten by a bear.
§ Buy a plane ticket somewhere and just go.
§ Work on a movie.
§ Be a part, somehow, of a major stage production.
§ Put together an elaborate costume for Halloween and go to a party.
§ Practice archery.
§ Play soccer and/or ultimate frisbee, even as a pick-up game.
§ Fence. (The kind with swords, not the kind that keeps cows/sheep in.)

Always revising these things. I make them more specific, less specific, more long-term and more short-term, and generally change my priorities. The interesting thing about posting these every couple years is that, when looking back on them, I can see that my priorities really don't change all that much in the interim. It's more that I learn about new and cool things to do, and refine what it was I was looking for when I set a goal in the first place.

Fun thought exercise for an introverted idealist, anyway.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 11:05:05 PM by Lady Door »
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<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2010, 12:32:17 AM »
Become Immortal
Get worshiped as a God

Whelp, I'm ready to die.


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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 03:27:09 PM »
Become Immortal

Whelp, I'm ready to die.

Here we are, born to be kings
We're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2010, 10:29:04 PM »
I want to skydive.
            scuba dive.
            hike and set up camp.
            travel to Russia, Paris, Egypt, Colombia, Peru.
            pee on someone's leg when they're stung on the beach.
            go on a hot air balloon ride.

metroid composite

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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2010, 01:22:34 AM »
I want to study Math.  Actually this isn't working out and I want to switch out of the field.
I want to become a videogame programmer.  Find a new job now that Shaba's closed.  Find a new job now that Underground Development's closed.
Have time for doing things on the internet, like RPG lists and DLCon5 Tourney stuff. >_>
I want to try Mafia sometime (see above for why that's unlikely).
Mess with meisnewbie's head (the GameFAQs user).
Come out of the closet to friends and family
Come out of the closet to extended family
Befriend lesbians
Get a lesbian girlfriend
Find a job that's likely to actually stick around....
Get married.
Have kids.
this (stage 5 of sekret plan is in motion).
Actually hire someone to do my taxes this year instead of filling out the E-Z form.
Go to a B8-con, provided I can talk some of the intelligent B8ers into going.
Continue streak of attending every DLCon, as they are awesome.  (I'm not sure how I'd end up striking this one out, but so far so good.)
Cross paths again with my grade 7 crush.  (This could be highly entertaining now that hindsight is 20/20).

EDIT: Wow, I'm like 50-50 on want/accomplish.  Go me!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 01:26:30 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: The Bucket List
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2010, 08:11:42 AM »
Your mother.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!