Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (equal exp)  (Read 2131 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (equal exp)
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:37:27 PM »
FE7 equal experience stat topic.

Basically, this is a look at how the FE7 PCs look if they are given equal kills from the moment they join. Specific assumptions:
-11 combat characters are deployed (8 in Lyn Mode). This is 1-3 below the general maximum unit capacity in each chapter as it is assumed the remaining slots are filled by a dancer and/or healer, and occasionally some filler.
-Enemies take 1.5 hits to kill. The above two assumptions result in the average level being about 20/15, which is what it was in the previous topic.
-Staff users spam Heal until Mend is storebought, then spam that. They heal on 80% of turns then sit around for the other 20%. On fog maps after the Torch Staff is available, they use Torch on 50% of turns and heal on 50% of turns. Staff users attack after promoting because combat exp >>> staff exp for promoted units in this game. (Better balance than FE9 IMO!)
-Reinforcements who appear after the Tactics "turn limit" are not counted, otherwise everyone except perhaps Nino gets to 20/20 in Victory or Death which has reinforcements until Turn 34.
-Final chapter is not counted, this is levels going into that. Final chapter is very short in this game anyway.
-Pent kills 5 enemies in Living Legend, while Jaffar/Nino/Zephiel (mainly Jaffar) kill 10 enemies in Battle Before Dawn.
-Lyn Normal Mode and Eliwood Normal Mode are assumed canon. Note that this means that Wallace must promote in Chapter 9, Eliwood's promotion is late, and that Farina/Karla do not exist and are not in this stat topic at all. If you wish to see Eliwood at his Hector Mode stats, then swap his level (9) with Hector's (14). As for Farina and Karla, they'd probably be Level 11 and Level 8 respectively if they existed in Eliwood Mode. (In Hector Mode, most units will be higher levelled, but especially earlier joiners since they get more extra maps, while late joiners like Nino, Vaida, and Karla are not helped at all.) Not touching them for now.
-I assume both Lyn and Hector get the first Heaven Seal although technically this is impossible. Hector isn't promoting much before you get the second anyway.

Most of the remaining info is copied from the old stat topic, but I have updated stuff on weapons. First of all,

Stats and formulas

Damage = Strength/Magic + Weapon might - 10 (assumed enemy Def/Res)
Hit = Skill*2 + Luck/2 + Weapon Hit + (5 if weapon rank is S)
Crit = Skill/2 + Weapon Crit (5 if weapon rank is S) + (15 if class is Swordmaster/Berserker)
Avoid = Speed*2 + Luck
Evade% = How often an 125 Hit enemy (e.g. Limstella) actually hits this character in-game, by using the average of two random numbers
Effective speed = Base speed - (Weapon's Weight - Con, minimum 0)
Critical Evade = Luck

HP = lose 'em and die.
DEF = Reduce physical damage taken by this
RES = Reduce magical damage taken by this
CON = Consitution. If a character equips a weapon with Weight greater than his or her Constitution, he or she takes an AS penalty (and thus also loses 2 Evade) for every point the Weight exceeds the CON. Weapon weights will be provided below.
SPD = Each point is worth +2 to Evade. More importantly, this governs double-actions both by the character and by the enemy, in-game. +4 speed = doubleturning. Characters have a max speed listed outside brackets, the speed in brackets is their speed with their default weapon.
PDUR, MDUR = How well a character takes average physicals or magical damage, 1=average, higher is better. A character with 2.0 pdur takes twice as much physical punishment to kill.

Criticals deal 3x damage. Randoms in FE7 have 0 Luck, as do Morph bosses. Non-morph bosses typically have 12-24. I generally assume 10 enemy Luck in the DL.

Weapons and Weapon Levels

FE7 characters have a weapon level (E to A, then S) which goes up as they use weapons more. Notably:
-Having an S rank gives +5 Hit and Crit
-Having an A rank gives access to Silver weapons (if the unit is physical)
-All other relevant weaponry is low enough weapon level to be available to anyone.

DL-wise, I have assumed that:
-Prepromoted characters, except Renault who simply joins too late, are assumed to have an S in all relative weapons.
-Initially unpromoted characters may gain 3 levels in their new weapon after promotion. Specifically this means that Lyn and Hector have an A in their secondary weapon (bows, swords respectively). Others have a B. None have an S, so notably Serra and Priscilla don't get an S.
-Otherwise, initially unpromoted characters do have time to get an S in any weapon they have before promotion, except for Nino, who gets an A due to time constraints.
-As fighters can only have one S rank, those who have more than one are assumed to take their S in the strongest Silver weapon that does not weigh them down (or, if all Silvers weigh them down, then they instead take the lightest one).

All of these assumptions follow from the number of enemies and the assumption that 2-3 hits are needed to kill each one on average, along with the number of chapters each character has before and after promotion. Hector may miss out on his A in swords but I can't think it matters much.

Now, default weapon assumptions:
-Most fighters have the Silver version of whatever their S-rank is
-Lyn has a Silver Bow (A) instead of Silver Sword (S) because she likes the +2 AS a lot.
-The pegasus knights are using an Iron Sword because they really don't want to give up much speed against average opponents. Not only does a doubled Iron Sword do more than a single Silver Lance, but both characters are rather evade-reliant.
-Guy and Isadora, by contrast, use a Silver Sword (-2 AS) instead of an Iron Sword (as in the original assumption) because they have lower Strength and the AS hit is relatively less important for them (Guy typically doubles anyway, Isadora typically doesn't).
-Canas and Athos default to Nosferatu because draining freaking rules even if it gets them doubled often.
-Otherwise, mages take whatever spell gives them a speed hit of at most -1. Specifically this is Thunder for Sages and Valkyries, and Shine for Bishops, except for Nino and Serra who opt for the lighter Fire and Lightning respectively rather than take a heavy AS hit to their low Con.

All of these defaults matter only for averages. A character can have any weapon available to them, of course, and can switch between them on their own turn as a free action. I'll list a few common non-defaults as well.

Summary of S rank nonsense: Serra, Priscilla, Nino, and Renault lack S ranks. Lyn has an S rank, but her default is with her A. Everyone else has S in their default.

Saving myself some time, rather than list Killers (except for people with particular use for them), they are all -1 weight, -4 attack and -5 hit compared to Silver, but have +30 Crit for however much you respect this.

List of available weapons by class:

Archsage (Athos) - Anima, Dark, Light, Staves
Assassin (Jaffar, Legault, Matthew) - Swords
Berserker (Dart, Hawkeye) - Axes
Bishop, Female (Serra) - Staves, Light
Bishop, Male (Lucius, Renault) - Light, Staves
Blade Lord (Lyn) - Swords, Bows
Druid (Canas) - Darkness, Staves
Falcon Knight (Farina, Fiora, Florina) - Lances, Swords
General (Oswin, Wallace) - Lances, Axes
Great Lord (Hector) - Axes, Swords
Hero (Harken, Raven) - Swords, Axes
Knight Lord (Eliwood) - Swords, Lances
Nomad Trooper (Rath) - Bows, Swords
Paladin (Isadora Kent, Lowen, Marcus, Sain) - Lances, Swords, Axes
Sage (Erk, Nino, Pent) - Anima, Staves
Sniper (Louise, Rebecca, Wil) - Bows
Swordmaster (Guy, Karel, Karla) - Swords
Valkyrie (Priscilla) - Staves, Anima
Warrior (Bartre, Dorcas, Geitz) - Axes, Bows
Wyvern Lord (Heath, Vaida) - Lances, Swords

List of DL-legal weapons (i.e. storebought, initial, and multiply available Darkness tomes for Canas and Athos, though some may not allow these). Note that Silver weaponry is A rank.

All bows are Range 2, meaning they can avoid melee counters but can not counter melee attacks. (They can counter other attacks that can only be used long range, but these are not common in RPGs.) All magic (and a few physical weapons) are Range 1-2, meaning they can avoid melee counters (by firing from range 2) and will counter almost everything (only a select few weapons, all DL-illegal, have range exceeding 3).

You may not allow the Reavers in the DL. I don't. They're both very expensive weapons and would allow an FE character to never be at a disadvantage in terms of the weapon triangle.

I don't typically find initial weapons in FE legel, and they are not assumed in this topic, but they are listed here for those who do. A possible exception is Athos' Aureola since only one other PC (Lucius) can reasonably use it.

Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 5
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7
Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8, A rank
Lancereaver: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 9, reverses triangle
Brave Sword (Harken initial): 9 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 12, attacks twice
Wo Dao (Karel, Karla initial): 8 Mt, 75% Hit, 35% Crit, Wt 5
Rapier (Eliwood only): 7 Mt, 95% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 5, +7 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses
Durandal (Eliwood only) 17 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 16, +17 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Str
Mani Katti (Lyn only): 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 3, +8 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses
Sol Katti (Lyn only): 12 Mt, 95% Hit, 25% Crit, Wt 14, +12 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Res

Slim Lance: 4 Mt, 85% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 4
Iron Lance: 7 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killer Lance: 10 Mt, 70% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 9
Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10, A rank
Axereaver: 10 Mt, 70% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 11, reverses triangle
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2
Short Spear (Isadora initial): 9 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2
Spear (Vaida initial): 12 Mt, 70% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 10, Range 1-2

Iron Axe: 8 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Killer Axe: 11 Mt, 65% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 11
Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12, A rank
Swordreaver: 11 Mt, 65% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 13, reverses triangle
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2
Wolf Beil (Hector only): 10 Mt, 75% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 10, +10 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses
Armads (Hector only): 18 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 18, +18 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Def

Iron Bow: 6 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 5
Killer Bow: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7
Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6, A rank

Fire: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 4
Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Elfire: 10 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 10
Forblaze (Athos only): 14 Mt, 85% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 11, +14 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Luck

Lightning: 4 Mt, 95% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Shine: 6 Mt, 90% Hit, 8% Crit, Wt 8
Divine: 8 Mt, 85% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 12
Aureola (Athos initial): 15 Mt, 90% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 14, +15 Mt vs. dragons and Dark Druids, +5 Res

Flux: 7 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Luna: 0 Mt, 95% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 12, ignores target's resistance
Nosferatu: 10 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 14, draining

(Note: Luna and Nosferatu are not storebought, but there are multiple copies of each available, and only two users.)

Miscellaneous Note: If Assassins score a critical, they have a 50% chance to inflict instant death. This is not resistance-bypassing in any way, it's just that only one FE7 boss is actually immune to Death.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (equal exp)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 11:38:40 PM »
Anyway, onto the characters. Bolded weapon is the default.


22.8 damage (57.1 kill point)
45.1 HP
20.6 Spd
14.7 Def
13.9 Res
131.2 Hit
57.6 Avo
23.4% Evade

Athos (Lv 20 Archsage)
40 HP, 30 Mag, 24 Skl, 20 (15) Spd, 20 Def, 28 Res, 25 Luck, 9 Con
30 damage, 135 Hit, 17 Crit, 55 Avo, 18 Evade%
1.23 PDur, 3.47 MDur

Nosferatu: 10 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 14, draining
Forblaze: 14 Mt, 85% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 11, +14 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Luck
Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Luna: 0 Mt, 95% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 12, ignores target's resistance
*Aureola: 15 Mt, 90% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 14, +15 Mt vs. dragons and Dark Druids, +5 Res

Bartre (Lv 14 Warrior)
58.2 HP, 25.3 Str, 17.8 Skl, 15.4 Spd, 16.3 Def, 10.7 Res, 13.3 Luck, 15 Con
30 damage, 117 Hit, 13 Crit, 44 Avo, 7 Evade%
1.41 PDur, 1.11 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Canas (Lv 14 Druid)
42.5 HP, 21.2 Mag, 19 Skl, 19.7 (13.7) Spd, 13.2 Def, 21.2 Res, 13.2 Luck, 8 Con
21 damage, 119 Hit, 14 Crit, 41 Avo, 5 Evade%
0.88 PDur, 1.54 MDur

Nosferatu: 10 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 14, draining
Flux: 7 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Luna: 0 Mt, 95% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 12, ignores target's resistance

Dart (Lv 14 Berserker)
55.5 HP, 28.4 Str, 14 Skl, 24 Spd, 13 Def, 6.7 Res, 11.7 Luck, 13 Con
33 damage, 108 Hit, 27 Crit, 60 Avo, 24 Evade%
1.13 PDur, 0.89 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Killer Axe: 11 Mt, 65% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 11
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Dorcas (Lv 16 Warrior)
58.3 HP, 27 Str, 21.8 Skl, 12.4 Spd, 14 Def, 7.8 Res, 17.4 Luck, 16 Con
32 damage, 127 Hit, 15 Crit, 42 Avo, 6 Evade%
1.25 PDur, 0.98 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Eliwood (Lv 9 Knight Lord)
43.6 HP, 19.1 Str, 18.5 Skl, 18.8 Spd, 14.1 Def, 12.4 Res, 19.1 Luck, 9 Con
22 damage, 131 Hit, 14 Crit, 57 Avo, 20 Evade%
0.94 PDur, 0.9 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Durandal: 17 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 16, +17 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Str
Rapier: 7 Mt, 95% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 5, +7 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Erk (Lv 15 Sage)
42.4 HP, 19.2 Mag, 19.2 Skl, 23.2 Spd, 11.6 Def, 20.1 Res, 12.9 Luck, 6 Con
17 damage, 129 Hit, 19 Crit, 59 Avo, 23 Evade%
0.81 PDur, 1.4 MDur

Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Elfire: 10 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 10

Fiora (Lv 14 Falcon Knight)
44.2 HP, 19 Str, 24.6 Skl, 25.4 Spd, 13.2 Def, 21.9 Res, 13.8 Luck, 6 Con
14 damage, 145 Hit, 17 Crit, 65 Avo, 32 Evade%
0.91 PDur, 1.7 MDur

Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 5
Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Florina (Lv 15 Falcon Knight)
41.8 HP, 20 Str, 23 Skl, 26.2 Spd, 10.9 Def, 17.5 Res, 23.5 Luck, 5 Con
15 damage, 147 Hit, 16 Crit, 76 Avo, 52 Evade%
0.77 PDur, 1.15 MDur

Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 5
Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Geitz (Lv 17 Warrior)
51.9 HP, 24 Str, 16.2 Skl, 18.6 Spd, 13.8 Def, 5.8 Res, 15.6 Luck, 13 Con
29 damage, 114 Hit, 13 Crit, 53 Avo, 16 Evade%
1.1 PDur, 0.81 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2
Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6

Guy (Lv 14 Swordmaster)
48.5 HP, 17 Str, 25.4 Skl, 28.8 (26.8) Spd, 11.5 Def, 8.5 Res, 18.5 Luck, 6 Con
20 damage, 145 Hit, 32 Crit, 72 Avo, 44 Evade%
0.92 PDur, 0.84 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7
Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 5

Harken (Lv 18 Hero)
46 HP, 24.1 Str, 23 Skl, 21 Spd, 18 Def, 12.5 Res, 14 Luck, 11 Con
27 damage, 138 Hit, 16 Crit, 56 Avo, 19 Evade%
1.24 PDur, 0.95 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Hawkeye (Lv 18 Berserker)
57 HP, 23.6 Str, 18.2 Skl, 14.5 Spd, 16.8 Def, 14.9 Res, 18.6 Luck, 16 Con
29 damage, 120 Hit, 29 Crit, 48 Avo, 11 Evade%
1.42 PDur, 1.34 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Killer Axe: 11 Mt, 65% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 11
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Heath (Lv 11 Wyvern Lord)
50.4 HP, 22.4 Str, 21.4 Skl, 19.3 Spd, 16.9 Def, 7.6 Res, 11.6 Luck, 10 Con
26 damage, 128 Hit, 15 Crit, 50 Avo, 13 Evade%
1.27 PDur, 0.84 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Hector (Lv 14 Great Lord)
50.8 HP, 25.9 Str, 20.3 Skl, 19.2 Spd, 24.8 Def, 13 Res, 12.6 Luck, 15 Con
31 damage, 122 Hit, 15 Crit, 51 Avo, 14 Evade%
2.41 PDur, 1.08 MDur

Silver Axe: 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12
Armads: 18 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 18, +18 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Def
Wolf Beil: 10 Mt, 75% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 10, +10 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Isadora (Lv 17 Paladin)
40 HP, 17.8 Str, 17.6 Skl, 23.6 (21.6) Spd, 11.1 Def, 10 Res, 17.2 Luck, 6 Con
21 damage, 128 Hit, 13 Crit, 60 Avo, 24 Evade%
0.75 PDur, 0.74 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 5
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Jaffar (Lv 20 Assassin)
38.5 HP, 19.7 Str, 27.8 Skl, 26.4 Spd, 17.1 Def, 13.1 Res, 11.4 Luck, 8 Con
23 damage, 146 Hit, 18 Crit, 64 Avo, 30 Evade%
0.98 PDur, 0.82 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Karel (Lv 18 Swordmaster)
38 HP, 19 Str, 27.8 Skl, 25 Spd, 14 Def, 13.5 Res, 18 Luck, 9 Con
22 damage, 150 Hit, 33 Crit, 68 Avo, 37 Evade%
0.81 PDur, 0.83 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Kent (Lv 15 Paladin)
50 HP, 20.1 Str, 23.2 Skl, 22.2 Spd, 15.2 Def, 10.2 Res, 8.6 Luck, 11 Con
24 damage, 130 Hit, 16 Crit, 53 Avo, 16 Evade%
1.14 PDur, 0.93 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Legault (Lv 14 Assassin)
41.6 HP, 14.2 Str, 20.4 Skl, 27.1 Spd, 15.2 Def, 10.2 Res, 22.6 Luck, 9 Con
17 damage, 137 Hit, 15 Crit, 77 Avo, 54 Evade%
0.95 PDur, 0.77 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Louise (Lv 17 Sniper)
35.8 HP, 17.2 Str, 19.2 Skl, 22.2 Spd, 11.6 Def, 15.9 Res, 19.9 Luck, 6 Con
20 damage, 127 Hit, 14 Crit, 64 Avo, 30 Evade%
0.68 PDur, 0.89 MDur

Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6

Lowen (Lv 14 Paladin)
52.9 HP, 17.3 Str, 15.3 Skl, 17.3 Spd, 21.3 Def, 10.3 Res, 18.5 Luck, 12 Con
21 damage, 120 Hit, 12 Crit, 53 Avo, 16 Evade%
1.8 PDur, 0.99 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Lucius (Lv 14 Bishop)
37.5 HP, 24.6 Mag, 21.9 Skl, 21.6 (20.6) Spd, 7 Def, 25.9 Res, 8 Luck, 7 Con
21 damage, 143 Hit, 23 Crit, 49 Avo, 12 Evade%
0.59 PDur, 2.27 MDur

Shine: 6 Mt, 90% Hit, 8% Crit, Wt 8
Divine: 8 Mt, 85% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 12

Lyn (Lv 15 Blade Lord)
42.1 HP, 19.1 Str, 27.8 Skl, 27.6 Spd, 11.6 Def, 14.9 Res, 23.1 Luck, 6 Con
22 damage, 142 Hit, 13 Crit, 78 Avo, 56 Evade%
0.8 PDur, 0.99 MDur

Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6
Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Sol Katti: 12 Mt, 95% Hit, 25% Crit, Wt 14, +12 Mt vs. dragons, +5 Res
Mani Katti: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 3, +8 Mt vs. heavy armour/horses

Marcus (Lv 18 Paladin)
42 HP, 20.1 Str, 23.4 Skl, 15.2 Spd, 12.5 Def, 13.9 Res, 13.1 Luck, 11 Con
24 damage, 133 Hit, 16 Crit, 44 Avo, 7 Evade%
0.84 PDur, 0.93 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Matthew (Lv 14 Assassin)
44.2 HP, 14.3 Str, 16.4 Skl, 28.8 (27.8) Spd, 12.7 Def, 8.2 Res, 17.5 Luck, 7 Con
17 damage, 126 Hit, 13 Crit, 73 Avo, 46 Evade%
0.89 PDur, 0.76 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Nino (Lv 1 Sage)
30.3 HP, 15.5 Mag, 17.2 Skl, 19.3 Spd, 9.2 Def, 17.5 Res, 16.8 Luck, 4 Con
11 damage, 132 Hit, 8 Crit, 55 Avo, 18 Evade%
0.52 PDur, 0.83 MDur

Fire: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 4
Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6

Oswin (Lv 16 General)
55.4 HP, 25.3 Str, 18.8 Skl, 15.8 Spd, 28.5 Def, 13.8 Res, 12.1 Luck, 16 Con
29 damage, 124 Hit, 14 Crit, 44 Avo, 7 Evade%
4.51 PDur, 1.23 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Pent (Lv 17 Sage)
38.5 HP, 21.3 Mag, 23.2 Skl, 21.4 Spd, 14.3 Def, 19.8 Res, 18.4 Luck, 8 Con
19 damage, 140 Hit, 21 Crit, 61 Avo, 26 Evade%
0.84 PDur, 1.24 MDur

Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Elfire: 10 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 10

Priscilla (Lv 13 Valkyrie)
32.1 HP, 19.6 Mag, 21.3 Skl, 19.6 (18.6) Spd, 9.3 Def, 23.5 Res, 25.8 Luck, 5 Con
18 damage, 135 Hit, 15 Crit, 63 Avo, 29 Evade%
0.56 PDur, 1.45 MDur

Thunder: 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Fire: 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 4

Rath (Lv 12 Nomad Trooper)
47.2 HP, 21.9 Str, 19.6 Skl, 23 Spd, 12.4 Def, 11 Res, 12.2 Luck, 8 Con
25 damage, 125 Hit, 14 Crit, 58 Avo, 22 Evade%
0.94 PDur, 0.91 MDur

Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6
Killing Edge: 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7

Raven (Lv 14 Hero)
52.8 HP, 23 Str, 24.1 Skl, 25.5 Spd, 14 Def, 7.2 Res, 11.8 Luck, 9 Con
26 damage, 138 Hit, 17 Crit, 63 Avo, 29 Evade%
1.13 PDur, 0.87 MDur

Silver Sword: 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8
Hand Axe: 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2

Rebecca (Lv 14 Sniper)
40.2 HP, 19.7 Str, 22 Skl, 26 Spd, 9.8 Def, 12.6 Res, 20 Luck, 6 Con
23 damage, 134 Hit, 16 Crit, 72 Avo, 44 Evade%
0.71 PDur, 0.84 MDur

Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6

Renault (Lv 18 Bishop)
44.2 HP, 12.8 Mag, 22.6 Skl, 20.7 Spd, 15.4 Def, 18.8 Res, 10.3 Luck, 9 Con
9 damage, 140 Hit, 19 Crit, 52 Avo, 15 Evade%
1.02 PDur, 1.33 MDur

Shine: 6 Mt, 90% Hit, 8% Crit, Wt 8
Divine: 8 Mt, 85% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 12

Sain (Lv 15 Paladin)
47.4 HP, 24.9 Str, 16.5 Skl, 20.1 Spd, 14.6 Def, 7.6 Res, 15.5 Luck, 11 Con
29 damage, 120 Hit, 13 Crit, 56 Avo, 19 Evade%
1.05 PDur, 0.79 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Serra (Lv 16 Bishop)
37 HP, 20 Mag, 17.2 Skl, 22.4 (21.4) Spd, 9.1 Def, 25.6 Res, 26.3 Luck, 5 Con
14 damage, 142 Hit, 13 Crit, 69 Avo, 39 Evade%
0.63 PDur, 2.15 MDur

Lightning: 4 Mt, 95% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6
Shine: 6 Mt, 90% Hit, 8% Crit, Wt 8

Vaida (Lv 16 Wyvern Lord)
47.2 HP, 23.1 Str, 20.8 Skl, 15.8 Spd, 22.7 Def, 7 Res, 13.1 Luck, 12 Con
27 damage, 128 Hit, 15 Crit, 45 Avo, 8 Evade%
1.81 PDur, 0.77 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Wallace (Lv 16 General)
44.5 HP, 21.7 Str, 15 Skl, 11 Spd, 22.2 Def, 10.2 Res, 14.5 Luck, 15 Con
26 damage, 117 Hit, 12 Crit, 37 Avo, 3 Evade%
1.64 PDur, 0.83 MDur

Silver Lance: 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10
Javelin: 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2

Wil (Lv 15 Sniper)
47 HP, 22.6 Str, 23 Skl, 19.8 Spd, 13.4 Def, 11 Res, 18.8 Luck, 7 Con
26 damage, 135 Hit, 16 Crit, 58 Avo, 22 Evade%
0.98 PDur, 0.91 MDur

Silver Bow: 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 07:05:56 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.